
Showing posts from March, 2011

java - Invoking a super class method from a super class constructor -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास एक बहुत ही सरल सवाल है निम्नलिखित कोड स्निपेट के बारे में। सार्वजनिक वर्ग सुपरक्लास {सार्वजनिक सुपर क्लास () {this.test (); // सब-क्लास में हमेशा ओवरराइड विधि को आमंत्रित करता है } सार्वजनिक शून्य परीक्षण () {System.out.println ("परीक्षण () सुपर क्लास में।"); }} सार्वजनिक फाइनल क्लास सब क्लास सुपरक्लास {सार्वजनिक उप-कक्षा () {सुपर ()) में फैली हुई है; } @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य परीक्षण () {System.out.println ("परीक्षण (उप-कक्षा में)।"); }} सार्वजनिक अंतिम कक्षा परीक्षण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग ... आर्ग्स) {सबक्लास उप-वर्ग = नया उप-वर्ग ()); }} इस उदाहरण में, मुख्य () पद्धति में एकमात्र पंक्ति परोक्ष रूप से सुपर क्लास कन्स्ट्रक्टर को एक कॉल भेजती है जिसमें यह परीक्षण () विधि this.test () । विधि द्वारा this.test () द्वारा super हालांकि, क्लास कन्स्ट्रक्टर हालांकि, उप कोड में ओवरराइड विधि विधि कॉल this.test () सुपर क्लास कन्स्ट्रक्टर में सुपर क्लास में अपनी स्वयं की प...

c - Unknow type FNTYPE on function pointers -

# शामिल हैं & lt; stdio.h & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, stdlib.h & gt; टाइपफीफ़ शून्य (* fn) (शून्य) FNTYPE; FNTYPE fn_arr [5]; शून्य मजेदार 1 (शून्य) {printf ("\ n मैं मज़े 1 हूँ \ n"); } शून्य मजेदार 2 (शून्य) {printf ("\ n मैं 2 से बढ़ रहा हूँ \ n"); } Fn_arr [0] = & amp; मजेदार 1; Fn_arr [1] = और मज़े 2; इंट तयफंक्शन (चार * inp) {if (inp == NULL) {वापसी 0; } और अगर (* inp == "a") {वापसी 1; } और अगर (* inp == "b") {वापसी 0; } और अगर (* inp == "c") {वापसी 1; } और {वापसी 0; }} Void callMyFunc (char * inp) {printf ("\ n% s \ n", __ func__); Int idx = decisionfunc (inp); fn_arr [IDX] (); } शून्य do_lengthy_op (char * inp, शून्य (* कॉल) (char * inp)) {printf ("\ n do_lengthy_operation! \ N"); फोन (inp); } Int main () {do_lengthy_op ("b", कॉलम्यफंक); वापसी 0; } मुझे कॉलबैक पर साधारण सी कार्यक्रमों के लिए उपरोक्त त्रुटि मिल रही है I त्रुटि क्यों नहीं पायी जा सकती। निम्न मुद्दों...

Javascript/jQuery: Replace items in string matching {x} with "jQuery('#resultsx').val()" -

I have a string that contains a formula, such as {1} + { 2} - {3} * {4} I have different input fields such as It will be as such 15 + 25-35 * 45 which will then calculate -1535 Hopefully I have clarified what I want to do clearly but let me know that I am not. I have tried to use regexps, but my head does not get completely around it and I'm not sure that this direction should go to me. 2 can take a function as a parameter that will help here: var equ = '{1} + {2} - {3} * {4}'; Equ = equ.replace (/ {(\ d +)} / g, function (match, $ 1) {return $ ('# result' + $ 1) .val ();});

animation - Animating canvas with a javascript constructor -

Hello Stack Overflow Community! First of all, I should say that I do not have much experience with the constructor. What am I trying to do, a parachuteist has to animate to fly from the top of the screen to the bottom. I thought I could use a constructor to install a parachuteist: var parachute = function () {this.height = 35; This.width = 30; This.speed = 50; This.xPos = Math Plain (Math. Random) * (window.width - this.width)); This.animate = function () {this.img = new image (); this. Yos = 0; This.img.onload = function () {ctxPara.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy'; CtxPara.translate (0, this.yPos); CtxPara.drawImage (this.img, this.xPos, 0); }; This.img.src = 'para.png'; This.ypos ++; }; }; This constructor is used in a function called 'fly': var fly = function (var newParachute = new parachute (); Set Interval (New Topic, Animat, Nuperatupp.); }; and this 'fly' function is triggered when the window is loaded: window.onload = funct... - Fill DataGrid according to logged in user -

itemprop = "text"> Itemprop = "text"> Hello my scenario is that if the employees believe that 1 had created 3 clients and Employee 2 had created 4 clients, What should the 1 employee should have to see only that detail of the customer he had built. Please guide me how to proceed, how to create a table structure and get filter criteria, a little confused about this. Thank you First of all, you need a login, so that the staff will Can log in to the site. Otherwise, you do not know which employee created the customer. Again, you need business logic, in which the employee can only recover his / her client. In the database, employee table employee ID | Username Password ----------- + --------------------- 1 Jondo | Hash 2 Married Palm role table RoleId | Name ------- + -------------- 1 | Administrator 2 | Employee employee intrant table employee ID | RoleId ----------- + -------- 1 | 2 2 | 2 client table ClientId | Employee ID....

svn hangs trying to access repo from osx mavericks 1.7.10 -

I have a svn 1.7.9 server, but for some reasons my new iMac is running the svn 1.7.10 repo To get in: svn list svn: //69.225.XX: 8080 I can simply telnet port and fix it May be repo from old Mac and Windows ... there is no problem. Any idea how to debug? Update 1: This is a complete secret, I found that the paradox was on 1.6 drive, even pointing to the point that it is hanging! Update2: The secret continues. I compiled the SVN 1.8.5 and guessed that ... it is hanging! How can it hang, but does Telnet fix it? Update 3: dig and dig. The server is running svnserve / svn 1.8 (from TortoiseSVN) It ​​seems that the windows boxes are running Turtle 1.8 work fine. Both Macs are not connected, one is hanging and you can not control - C, the second is hanged, you control-and you have "the address already in use" which means no meaning. These two are running SVN 1.7.X, but as I said I compiled 1.8.x and also hanged ! Update 4: One co-worker running OSX 9.1 and just...

configuration - Disable the Comments, Recent Post, Archives, section in Wordpress -

There is a section in Wordpress under the entry of a post this section looks like this Well, I want to remove that post from every post, and such a WordPress configuration can not be found. Here is the code: under / wp-content / themes / your_theme / Sidebar.php You will find a div with the following code: Delete the line comment or () like this: & lt; Div id = "secondary" class = "widget-area" role = "complement" & gt; & Lt ;? Php // dynamic_sidebar ('sidebar-1'); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Also, there are plugins that disable comments for all posts or pages. Like this:

extract information from excel into python 2d array -

I have a date, time and temporarily Excel Sheet that looks like this: Using the python, I will remove this information in python arrays Want to The array will be found in position 0, and then store the templates in the following situations and look like this: temparray [0] = [20130102,34.75, 34.66, 34.6,34.6, ...., 34.86] temparray [1] = [20130103,34.65,34.65,34.73,34.81, ...., 34.64] Here are my efforts But it is useless: from xlrd import * print to open_workbook ('temp.xlsx') wb = open_workbook ('temp.xlsx') in wb.sheets (): range in range (s) .nrows): for values ​​[=] for range (s.ncols): values.append (s.cell (line, color) .value) print (value [0]) print ("% .2 F "% value [1]) print '' '' I used xlrd, but I'm open to using anything. Thanks for your help. The problem I understand with your question is that you want to be the list of output lists For, and you are not getting any such thing. And that is becaus...

google chrome - Bootstrap Glyphicons temporarily rendered as rectangles -

When I keep my application open, after some time all glyphicon examples will look like this: Moving the cursor over the button will immediately bring the correct picture back: Is there any specific reason Is this? Whatever I can tell, we are not really doing anything special. I have already seen this on two workstations. I have the exact same problem. I solved it using CDN instead of local files. I am not saying this solution - just saying that you can be able to separate this problem from that way.

objective c - Can't tap SKSpriteNode - no touch detected ios -

I'm fairly new to working with iOS, Objective-C and Xcode. I have just created a simple news type app, but now I would like to create a game that I had published on any other platform. Actually, I have an object that will appear randomly and then it will be fade out and its purpose is to tap it on the object to move it away. Although I can not tap the object, even if I have mySKSpriteNode.userInteractionEnabled = YES; In my touchesBegan method this is: - (zero) touches: (NSSET *) touches the avenues Is: (UIEvent *) event {/ * when a touch begins * / NSLog (@ "something touched"); UIT * touch = [touches any object]; NSLog (@ "% @", touch); CGPoint Location = [Touch Position InDude: Self]; SKNode * node = [self nodepointpoint: location]; If (node ​​== mySKSpriteNode) [node run action: [skeleton fadeout with aperture: 0]]; } In my logs, I get it when I tap the screen (where I am not an object): 2014-02- 17 23:18: 30.870 Bubble Challenge [4854...

objective c - All sprites added to CCNode are clumped in one point -

मैंने मेरे सीसीएनोड, हार्ट 1 के लिए हर्ड्स 1। सीसीपीटीटी टाइप = CCPositionTypeNormalized इस्तेमाल किया नोड के अंदर सभी sprites के लिए, मैंने CCPositionType Normalized का उपयोग भी नहीं किया है, वे एक ही बिंदु पर एक-दूसरे के शीर्ष पर स्टैक करते हैं। क्या मुझे ViewSize से मिलान करने के लिए नोड के ContentSize को बदलने की आवश्यकता है? स्क्रीनविड्थ = [[UIScreen मुख्य स्क्रीन] सीमा]। आकार। चौड़ाई; स्क्रीनहाइट = [[UIScreen मुख्य स्क्रीन] सीमाएं] .ize.height; दिल 1 कंटेंट साइज़ = सीजीएसइज़मेक (स्क्रीनविड्थ, स्क्रीनहाइट); यह सभी sprites को एक बिंदु में दबाने से रोकता है।

connectivity - Verfiying Network Connection in Android -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: मैं जानना चाहता हूँ कि कैसे डेटा भेजने से पहले एंड्रॉइड में नेटवर्क कनेक्शन की पुष्टि करें ? क्या कोई मेरी मदद कर सकता है ? मैं इस कोड की कोशिश करता हूँ, लेकिन कोई भी परिणाम नहीं सार्वजनिक बूलियन हैकनेक्टिंगटोइंटरनेट () (कनेक्टिविटी प्रबंधक कनेक्टिविटी = (कनेक्टिविटी प्रबंधक) ctx.getSystemService (context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); अगर (कनेक्टिविटी! = नल) {NetworkInfo [] info = connectivity.getAllNetworkInfo (); अगर (जानकारी! = नल) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; info.length; i ++) {if (info [i] .getState () == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) {वापस सत्य; } } } } विवरण झूठा है; } अपने मेनिफेस्ट की जांच करें: & lt ; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" / & gt;

javascript - Custom console.log function that tells you the line that it was invoked -

यहाँ एक सरल console.log फ़ंक्शन है जो कंसोल की सामग्री को आउटपुट करता है: फ़ंक्शन यू (X) {console.log (x); } // पंक्ति 41 लेकिन यह डिबगिंग प्रयोजनों के लिए पूरी तरह से कुशल नहीं है, क्योंकि ब्राउज़र हमेशा उस पंक्ति को आउटपुट करेगा जो console.log () पर लागू किया गया था, जो इस में पंक्ति 41 है मामला। त्रुटि या जो भी हो, 741 लाइन पर हो सकता है, लेकिन इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता। मुझे पता है कि मैं बस कम कस्टम फ़ंक्शन को बनाने के बजाय कंसोल। लॉग का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन अगर मेरे पास नहीं है, तो ... कैसे आप (एक्स) वास्तविक प्रदर्शित कर सकते हैं लाइन जिस पर इसे लागू किया गया था? चीयर्स! फ़ंक्शन में लाइन नंबर भेजने के लिए बहुत सरल है। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि बड़े समाधान के बिना ट्रेस करना इतना आसान है फ़ंक्शन u (x, l) {console.log (x + 'on line' + l); } यू ('टेस्ट', नई त्रुटि ()। लाइननंबर) संपादित करें: हालांकि, मैंने एफएफ और ओपेरा में यह केवल काम किया है। यहां एक क्रॉस-ब्राउज़र समाधान है

assembly - xor command causing "Memory Address out of bounds" Error in Mips -

I have to print an excerpt from two numbers, however, when I try to get it, Memory address ". What's going wrong? Here is the code: . Data first: .asciiz is "0x 0 zero": .0 words: a. Word1 .text menu: li $ v0, 4 la $ a0, first syscall # print, first li $ v0, 4a $ a1, zero La $ a2, zero Xer $ a0, $ a1, $ a2 syscall #print 0xor 0 li $ v0, 10 Syscall #exit When it prints at the command prompt, Get: 0 xor 0 is from memory address bounds Why did I get this error? I have understood it, I la $ v0, 4 , instead I should use it to print the integer: la $ v0, 1

angularjs - Add HTTP Header in JavaScript to requests for images -

I have a JS / HTML project that is based on the angles where I secure the API with the authorization token set in the http header Keep me I now want to protect access to images from the server. I know how to do this on the server side, but how can I add HTTP headers to image requests in angular or javascript? For API request we have already added it to the services ($ ressource) and it works. in Kangaroo 1.2.X There are more ways to do this. In Cooner 1.2, I advise to "clear" an "exiting requests" and add headers. // An interceptor is just one service App.factory ('myInterceptor', function ($ q) {return} {requests outside requests Request: Function (Configuration) {var myDomain = ""; // (Optional) If the request is heading towards your targeted domain, // add your header, otherwise it alone Skip (if config.url.indexOf (myDomain)! == -1) {// Authorization Header (or add custom headers)) here config.headers.Authori...

copy - chef copying a directory -

I am trying to copy from one folder to another folder in another folder: directory "C: \\ test go \\" recursive true action: create cookbook_file end "C: \\ automation" source "C: \\ automation" path "C: \\ test \\" action: create_if_missing end This target creates the folder C: \ test \ go but does not copy anything, the documentation says that it does not copy directories. Should be handled so that there is no idea why? I have also tried a wildcard source "C: \ Automation \ *" and further deducted ... Here's the solution: Block "Block the windows resources" Ruby_block FileUtils.mkdir_p mod_path FileUtils.cp_r (Dir ["# {RESOURCE_DIR} / * .exe"], Chef :: Configuration [: file_cache_path]) End End

android - public static final String returns null when accessed -

संदर्भित जब मैं एक सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग रिटर्निंग रिक्त का एक उदाहरण द्वारा हैरान हूं। मैंने सैकड़ों बार इस सटीक निर्माण का उपयोग किया है लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं इस समय अलग-अलग कर रहा हूं। कोड निम्न प्रकार है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग NSNItemDisplayApplication विस्तारित लिक्विड एक्टिविटी लागू करता है LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks & lt; कर्सर & gt; {सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग NSN_ID_KEY = "NSN_ID_KEY"; ...} कोड द्वारा संदर्भित करता है जो यह करता है: card.setOnClickListener (नया कार्ड। OnCardClickListener () {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य परक्लिक (कार्ड) कार्ड, दृश्य देखें) {आशय nsnListIntent = नया आशय (mContext, NSNItemDisplayActivity.class); बंडल बंडल = nsnListIntent.getExtras (); bundle.putString (एनएसएनआईटीमडिस्प्लेएक्टिवटी। एनएनएन_आईडी_के, // नल पॉइंटर अपवाद कार्ड। आईएआईडी ()); एमटीसी प्रारंभिक गतिविधि (एनएसएनएलआईआईएसआई);}}); मुझे एक रिक्त सूचक अपवाद मिलता है, फिर मेरे सिर को बैठकर और खरोंच करें। धन्यवाद, अग्रिम में, मैं इस तरह के एक साधारण सवा...

c# - Select Max, but only on numeric values with LINQ to Entities -

I am trying to select the maximum sys_id from a table where sys_id column is a varchar type. Some lines are text, but I am only concerned with numerical values. I have tried the following bit code, but they do not work - the LINQ does not seem to support the operation of the units. / P> public string GetSysID () {(var reference = new DbEntities ()) {int i; // var intQuery = context.myTable.Where (t = & gt; int.TryParse (t.sys_id, outside i)). Maximum (); Int intQuery = Convert.ToInt32 (context.myTable.Where (P => IsNumber (p.sys_id). Max (P => p.sys_id)); // return reference.drawings.max (p = & gt; p.sys_id); Return intQuery.ToString (); }} Public Static Bull ID (string value) {int n; Return int.TryParse (value, out N); } Is there any way to use LINQs to do entities? use SqlFunctions.IsNumeric and Cast iQueryableSource. Details about where (see X => SqlFunctions.IsNumeric (x.Number + ".0e0") == 1) // Down 0e0 Select (x = & gt; ...

Does google cloud support neo4j? -

I am starting a database and I want to employ neo4j on Google Cloud platform. I can find something about employing MongoDB on Google, but nothing about neo4j. So I wonder if Google Cloud Support is neo4j? Thanks! Neo 4J is an open source project that can run your own Linux machine. You can create just one Google Compute Engine instance and follow the tutorial on the web to setup your Neo4j. By the way: Just follow Linux part, and I suggest you to use your Debian image to make Neo4j, because on Debian The command line tool is most like Ubuntu.

mysql - CS-Cart 4 Site Performance Troubles. Can db caching be the culprit? -

We have launched our site prematurely and hit with some dirty performance issues. I'm a MS SQL Server Professional from Business, but this MySQL database has been worked to tune up. As I think the MyISAM database does not have row level locking and if you are editing data, then lock the entire table. Anyone can confirm or reject my beliefs .... We have spent a lot of money on Google AdWords and are capable of generating some "useless" traffic on the site ... but at the same time In, our home staff are loading the site with new products all day. In the evening when no one is inputting, I have seen the site load around 2-3 seconds .. But when the people are input, the load time falls to 8-9 ... Sometimes load more than 10 seconds. In addition to this, we have recently changed our CS-Cart caching from "File" to "ISSLL". This table is possibly missile ... Can this effect be demonstrated, as well as being from nature, write this table often. A...

python - Pandas Dataframe to_csv format output -

I can not find a way to control the output of each column dataframe. From the following code: df.to_csv ('dfnc.txt' September = '', float_format = '% 8F', column = ['cycle', 'passs',' ip ',' country ',' Latitude '], index = false) I am getting this: 1.00000000 1.00000000 543.00000000 23.15881870 -64.7,04,85 , 9 50 1.00000000 1.00000000 544.00000000 23.10356160 -64.64569150 1.00000000 545.00000000 23.04852510 -64.58650550 1.00000000 1.00000000 546.00000000 22.99370760 -64.52730150 1.00000000 1.00000000 547.00000000 22.93910770 -64.46807990 and I think it should: 1 1 543 23.15881870 -64,70485950 1 1 544 23,10356160 -64,64569150 1 1 545 23,04852510 -64,58650550 1 1 546 22,99370760 -64,52730150 1 1 547 22,93910770-64,46807990 Help Thanks so much for After I think that you just have 3 columns 1 for You can change from int64 before writing the CSV file (if you check the .types , I'm sure they...

What's the best way to make a request from an android service to an activity or service and wait for a response? -

I have seen all the IPC mechanisms in Android and no one looks like what I see, maybe a better Way ... I have a service that is starting, and it needs to get information in a completely different application from another service or activity. What is startActivityForResult I? I see, but it is not available from a service, there is only one activity. I would really like to get information from other app activity, but let me serve it 2 apps I am happy to get from But in the part in which I am really interested, it is making synchronous call from service and wait for a response. I can send the broadcast app from service to 2 app service, but then no tie comes back when the 2 AP service sends me back a broadcast intention with replies. Is there a way to do such a service? Is there any way to do this by doing something? Calls made from one bound service to binders are synchronous Documentation discusses, you will need in various applications of services. Personally, ...

c++ - Receive middle mouse click event -

I want to know how I can get a middle mouse clicked event in C ++. Is there any way to do this? If so, how can I apply it? I have read online that I can use WM_MBUTTONDOWN, although I am really unfamiliar with using it and I am told that it is not really a part of C. WM_MBUTTONDOWN is defined as part of the Windows API. It's just an integer value that is recognized by the operating system. You can use C ++ to compile Windows applications, though the language does not matter in this case. There is a message loop in a normal Windows application when a message is received from your application, you can decide what to do with it before returning it to handle the next application . I recommend reading.

Login Page in Php Undefined index for Android App -

So here's my problem. I have a website and an Android app. My users need to register in the website, There is no need to create a register page in the Android part instead of the login page. But I get an error in login.php whenever I try to run this on the browser whether I am getting the correct response, I get an error Undefined index: Username and Undefined Index: Password I do not know That's wrong. Below is the code for my login.php & lt ;? Php included ("config.php"); $ Decoded = json_decode (file_get_contents ("php: // input")); $ Username = $ decode - & gt; {"User name"}; $ Password = $ decode - & gt; {"password"}; $ Query = "Choose from u_id pluma_user where password = '$ password' and user name = '$ user name'"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query); $ Obj = array (); $ Check = wrong; While ($ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ check = true; $ Obj ["result"] = "OK"...

Use a Python regex to check a key:value;key:value; string is well-formed -

Handles the wire made from my Python program ID: value; Like pairs: s = "1: name; 2: second name; 3: one last name;" ID should always be numeric and final; It is optional I want to implement a regex which both checks that the string is well formed and splits for me. I wrote it: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import re & gt; & Gt; & Gt; R = re.compile (r '([0-9] +): ([^:;] +) (?: | $) *') That sounds like Partition properly: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ['1': 'name', '3': 'one last name', '2': 'alias'} What problem do I have to hold faulty stars Want to use Reggae? Is there a way to change it so that the following operations fail? & gt; & Gt; & Gt; R.match ("1: name; dummy: alias; 3: one last name;"> gt; & Gt; & Gt; R.match ("1: name; A2: alias; 3: one last name;") Thanks! Frank You can display a match using a different regex which c...

php - How to extend WC_Customer -

तो Im get_downloadable_products () द्वारा उत्पादित आउटपुट को संशोधित करना चाहते हैं जो WC_Customer वर्ग में पाई जा सकती है। मेरा मूल हालांकि WC_Customer का विस्तार करना था, इसलिए मैंने निम्न फ़ोल्डर को बनाया है / wp-content/themes/my-theme/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-customer.php इसमें टाइप किया है: वर्ग WC_Customer_Custom WC_Customer विस्तारित { संशोधित आउटपुट, लेकिन मेरी वेबसाइट पर कोई भी परिवर्तन नहीं देख सकता। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? आप वर्गों का विस्तार नहीं करते हैं Woocommerce उन्हें अनदेखा कर देगा। आपको वर्डप्रेस में सामान करने के लिए add_filter () या add_action () का उपयोग करना होगा। जैसा कि आप इसे नाम से फ़िल्टर कर सकते हैं: woocommerce_customer_get_downloadable_products add_filter ('woocommerce_customer_get_downloadable_products', 'modify_downloads '); फ़ंक्शन संशोधित डाउनलोड ($ डाउनलोड) {// $ डाउनलोड सर के साथ सामान $ डाउनलोड करें; } web api - WebApi 2.1 File > New Project > MRB or default MS bits -

Hope this topic is not closed but ..... I create a new brand Wish WebAP 2.1 project and also an MVC 5 site (I will convert it to an angle site on any other day). My application requires roles and authentication and the ability to send details for the encrypted example to client ID and other things I do not want to see the end user in plain text. I have all the heavy to take to take place at the API level because I do not want to apply the subscription client level will obviously need the site to log a user, but I API website There was hope to call This is less than the path of least resistance :) I subscribe today I see Rebot and it looks promising and looks for pieces created with Microsoft's recent updates is. I do not think what I want to do, it is very difficult, I just do not want to waste a lot of time going down once again, again I need to start again. My question is whether I want to select one of these two (If there are open IMs for other suggestions) ...

How to append two data in url that has to be passed in jquery -

I am trying to add two IDs in the url but this code is saying 0 var url = 'post_comment.php? Userid = '+ $ ('. Post_comment '). Data ('User Id') & amp; 'Postid =' + postid; When I try var url = 'post_comment.php? Userid = '+ $ ('. Post_comment '). Data ('userid'); This works try it out .... var url = 'post_comment.php? Userid = '+ $ ('. Post_comment '). Data ('userID') and postid = '+ postid; The variable uses the "+" operator to join two strings or strings with Javascript.

entity framework - Spliting Multiple DbContexts -

I have read and saw some projects that talk about spliting or multiple DBCTNext and I'm not sure that the most What is a good practice, should I make every DBCTCact for every unit or should I have all the institutions in a DBCT? What is it for me now? Public Sector individual currency: DBCTNtex {public demographics (): base ("name = employee context") {} public DbSet & lt; Person & gt; People {receive; Set; }} Public Class OrderContacts: DBCCentx {Public Order-Consort (): Base ("name = employee contact") {} Public DBSet & lt; Order & gt; People {receive; Set; Actually you do not need to create a DBConttex for each unit. But you can have multiple DBC presentations for a single database For an example, we say that you want to separate your business aspect and security aspect into two different modules. Then surely you can have two different references such as securitycontacts, which are all related to security and business related organiza...

doctrine2 - Symfony2 Form with Doctrine Relationship Persistence Issue -

So I have 3 entities with their properties, a user with many users, one with each one There are institutions: / ** * @ORM \ table (name = "skills") * @ORM \ unit () * / class skill { / ** * @ORM \ column (name = "id", type = "integer") * @ORM \ Id * @ORM / Generatedview (strategy = "auto") * / personal $ id; / ** * @ORM \ column (name = "name", type = "string", length = 30, unique = true) * / private $ name; / ** * @ORM \ column (name = "active", type = "boolean") * @ wise boole * / private $ active = false; / ** * @ORM \ OneToMany (targetEntity = "UserSkill", mapped = "skill") * / personal $ userSkills; } / ** * @ORM \ Table (name = "user_skill") * @ORM \ unit () * / class UserSkill {/ ** * @ORM \ Id * @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "User", inversedBy = "Skill") * @ wise user * / private $ user; / ** * @ORM \ Id * @ORM \ ManyToOne (TargetItity = ...

android - Update gridview in viewpager -

I am searching for a while to refresh a gridview within a viewer and I do not have any answer yet have been found. The more specificity is my problem that I have a view pager with three gridviews. Each gridview is populated by an arraylist and if the array list is changed then the gridview remains on it. How do I update it? I have tried to call the notifydatasetchange on the adapter and it does not help. This is my code for pager adapters to see public class favorite WeaverPaper runs up to FragmentStatePagerAdapter {public favorite VIPager (Fragment Manager FM) {Super (FM); } @ Override Public Fragment Mill Itam (Int'l) {Usagerbasehadler UDH = New UserGroup (getActivity ()); Switch (i) {Case 0: Arrayist & lt; Exercise & gt; Strength List = UDH.Greative Exxchers ("Strastacres"); UDH.close (); Return FavoriteExcorez New instant (power list); Case 1: Arrestist and Exercise; Exercise & gt; Stretch list = UDHGetretext ("Streaking Excerpts"); UDH....

c++ - aio_write() always fails with error EINVAL -

I am trying to use the aio_write (1) function I code below is my program. However, aio_write () Always returns to EINVAL I have read the error cause of anvil: One or more aio_offset, aio_reqprio, aio_nbytes are invalid. However, I think that the value set by me is not wrong. / P> Can anyone help? [UPDATE] This code is consistent and scalable! But the result is wrong! I think this is because buffer_out is overwritten before it is written in the file. Is there a better and more organized way to do this? AiIer (1) may be questioned, but it is like a busy waiting and hurts the performance. Is there a better way to avoid buffer overwriting and maintain speed? #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Cstring & gt; # Include & lt; Aio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sstream & gt; # Include & lt; Errno.h & gt; using namespace std; # Defined truth # 1 wrong identi...

ios - NSPredicate to arrange NSMutableArray Objects? -

I have a list of multiple categories (about 45). I want to show some categories like before (helicopter, lake monster, dinosaur attack), which will be the second coming after this rematch. I have used the following code. It works fine but its length so I want to filter this code. NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "SELF IN% @", @ [@ "helicopter", @ "Lake Monster", @ "Dinosaur invasion"]]; NSPredicate * predicate1 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "[CD]% @ in package name, @" helicopter "]; NSPredicate * predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "[CD]% @ in package name", @ "lake monster"]; NSPredicate * predicate3 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "[CD]% @ in package name", @ "Dinosaur attack"]; NSMutableArray * filteredArray = [[NSMUTABELARROL] INST]; NSArray * arr1 = [Using Filtered Areas: predicate1]; NSArray * arr2 = [Using Filtered Horiz...

apache pig - Maintaining Order of data in Pig Script -

मान लें कि मेरे पास निम्न पीआईजी स्क्रिप्ट है record = LOAD 'input' का प्रयोग PigStorage ('\ T') के रूप में (आईडी, नाम, आयु); आदेश दिया गया रेकार्ड = आयु आयु एएससी द्वारा रिकॉर्ड; FinalRecord = FOREACH का आदेश दिया गया रिकार्ड आईडी, नाम; संग्रहित रिकॉर्ड्स = LIMIT अंतिम रेकार्ड 1000; स्टोर में संग्रहित रिकॉर्ड्स में 'आउटपुट'; मुझे पता है कि आदेश दिया गया आदेश उम्र के आधार पर सॉर्ट किया जाएगा, लेकिन जब मैंने आदेश दिया रेकार्ड से आयु निकाल दी है, तब भी डेटा क्रमबद्ध क्रम में है मैं सिर्फ 1000 डेटा बिंदुओं को सिर्फ आईडी और उम्र के आधार पर सॉर्ट करना चाहता हूं। नहीं, यह मेरी समझ के अनुसार सॉर्ट किया जा सकता है लेकिन इसकी गारंटी नहीं है। जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि आप इस डेटा को आगे बढ़ाने की प्रक्रिया करते हैं, तो आप ऑर्डर खो देंगे। इसलिए यह गारंटी नहीं है कि आपका डेटा क्रमबद्ध रहेगा लेकिन इसके शेष आदेशों की संभावना अभी भी मौजूद है।

javascript - how to open link or button by pressing F2 in html? -

यह मेरा कोड है & lt; a href = "https: // www "& gt; & lt; / a & gt; मैं इसे खोलने के लिए चाहता हूँ जब मैं F2 या किसी फ़ंक्शन कुंजी को दबाता हूँ ... आप onkeydown विधि का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। document.onkeydown = function () {if (window.event & amp; window.event.keyCode == 113) { Window.location.href = ""}} यहाँ आप 113.F2 के बजाय कुछ भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं 113 है ascii.F1 112, F3 है 114 और इतने पर है।

c++ - Random crashes on COCOS2dx game android -

Android NDK error When the application is running, this error is found in the logcat. Create a fingerprint: I1017 / i1017 / i1017: 4.1.1 / JR-03H / 20130601.100 9 4: NG / Release-Keys' Paid: 1981, TID: 1990, Name: Finalizer DAmon & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Com.verve.rummy & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad stack frame # 00 pc 00013,778 /system/lib/ Stack frame # 01 pc 00015b55 /system/lib/ (dlfree + 1628) Stack frame # 02 pc 00016d03 /system/lib/ (Free + 10) Stack frame # 03 pc 0001de30 /system/lib/ (dvmPlatformInvoke + 112) Stack frame # 04 pc 0004d083 / system / lib / libdvm .so (dvmCallJNIMethod (unsigned int constant *, JValue *, method constant *, thread *) + 394) Stack frame # 05 pc 0027.260 /system/lib/ Stack frame # 06 pc 0002bb68 / system / lib / libdvm. So (dvmInterpret (thread *, method constant *, JValue *) + 180) Stack frame # 07 pcs 0005f7f1 / system / l Ib / libdvm...

nitrousio - How to change default terminal to iTerm2 in Nitrous Desktop -

Despite the system default terminal in OS X, standard terminals are opened when clicking on SSH for VM. Is it possible to change iTerm2? If so, can it open a new tab in the previous window instead of opening a new window? does not currently have the option to open iTerm2 instead of the standard terminal, ITerm2 will need to be opened through To connect quickly with your nitrous box you may be interested in setting up a keyboard shortcut with iTerm2. Take a look at the guide to create a profile inside iTerm2 for your nitrogen box.

random - How to use random_shuffle to shuffle a 2D array C++ -

I have 2D vectors of objects and I want to drag them. What is the syntax for this? class node {public: string hex_type = "E"; // to open the int xcoordinate; Int Ycoordinate; Of vector & lt; Reference_wrapper & lt; Node & gt; & Gt; Neighbors; }; Nodes = vector & lt; Vector & lt; Node & gt; & Gt; (Size, vector & lt; node & gt; (size)); // Other place random_shuffle (& nodes [0] [0], and nodes [size-1] [size-1]; This generates an error that is an entry If you have concerns about the 2D array, then you can call it 1d array in BNXM like this: b [i * m + j] = a [i] [j]; Then you will see array B and user reverse transformation one [i / m] [i% m] = b [i];

javascript - How to bind web service response (XML) to a grid using ExtJs method -

I created a sample web service that gives XML as shown below. [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod (ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Xml, UseHttpGet = true, XmlSerializeString = false)] Public XmlDocument GetPeople () {return Factory.GetPeopleController (). GetPeople (); // one xml} and I am calling webservice method as below Getting XML from service: 1 John Doe 05-03-1980 2 Michael Crowd 12-05-1975 And I call this service method I am doing a webpage using extjs . I'm not able to get results. So please suggest me how to bind XML results for the grid. Thanks in advance.

android - OnItemSelectedListener not working for spinner -

itemprop = "text"> I have a spinner that I set up using a custom ArrayAdapter: Private static Class Custom Adapter & lt; T & gt; Extension of array adapter & lt; String & gt; {Public Custed Adapter (Reference Reference, Int TextVersourceSource Id, String [] Objects) {Super (context, text WEVRSourceID, Objects); } View public ViewViewView (View int Status, see ViewGroup Parents) {View View = super.getView (Status, ConvertView, Parents); TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById (; TextView.setText (""); Return view; } It has been started as (spinner spinner; statement is above the class variable): this.spinner = (spinner ) FindViewById (; CustomAdapter & LT; String & gt; Adapters = new custom adapter & lt; String & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, new string [] {"set home page"}); Spinner.setAdapter (adapter); Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (t...

java - How to test sensor application in android AVD? -

I am developing an Android proximity application using Eclipse and Android AVD but I was able to test proximity application in AVD I'm not. Is there any other way to test proximity applications and other sensor applications? Note: My computer is blocked USB so I can not even connect the physical device AVD can not check for many Android features, especially sensors. If the USB device is unavailable for debug physical device, you can do the following: Change to a computer with non-blocking USB, and debug it with the actual device. Create an .apk and install in a real device & amp; Diagnosis with on-screen debug messages Enable "ADB on network", then you can debug apps with Bluetooth / Wi-Fi network

sql - How to get the sum with NVL in oracle? -

Please help, I do not know how to get the sum of two data with the NVL function and display it as two results desired output: data, date, total number of G column, total number of U column Here are some queries Is: SELECT 'data' || ',' To_char (d.dtime_day, 'MM / dd / Yyyy') - I want to get the amount of this part || ',' || NVL (GPO, 0) || '> NVL (, 0) - I want to get the sum of this part ,' || NVL (U.P.O.SS., 0) || ',' NVL (U.Office, 0) to SwamyWHDC_Data D

javascript - Remove transparency from text when clicking a particular div element. -

# popup_box 2 {_position: absolute; / * Internet Explorer 6 * / height for height: 350px; Width: 600px; Background: #FFFFFF; Left: 33%; / * 300px; * / Right: 30%; Text-align: left; Top: 150px; Z-index: 100; / * Layering (at the top of the other), if you have multiple layers: I only max, you can change it automatically * / margin-left: 0; / * Additional features can be omitted * / padding: 15px; Font-size: 15px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 15px # ff0000; -WebKit box-shadow: 0 15px # ff0000; Box-Shadow: 0 15 Px Lighthouse; Background color: RGBA (255, 255, 255, 0.9); / * Alpha 0.9 * / white with filter: alpha (opacity = 50); Opacity: 0.5; } After clicking on a particular div , the transparency effect should be removed and the text will be clearly visible. One way to do this and add a class ... # popup_box2 {_position: absolute; / * Internet Explorer 6 * / height for height: 350px; Width: 600px; Background: #FFFFFF; Left: 33%; / * 300px; * / Right: 30%; Text-align: left; Top: 150p...

php - CodeIgniter limit posts per page -

I am creating a blog, my homepage shows those posts coming from the database. I want to limit posts to one page and want to create a link below to get the next post. Please tell someone how to do this with some examples. Thank you. Controller code & lt; Php class MySite CI_Controller {function index () {$ this- & gt; Load-> Model ('posts_model'); $ Data ['result'] = $ this- & gt; Posts_model- & gt; GetAll (); $ This- & gt; Load-> Assistant ('html'); $ This- & gt; Load-> ("Title") view; $ This- & gt; Load-> ($ Data "home") view; $ This- & gt; Load-> ("Footer") scene; }? & Gt; Model code & lt ;? Expand Php class post_model CI_Model {public function getAll () {$ this- & gt; Load-> Database (); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Receive ('post'); Return $ query- & gt; result (); }} ? View code & lt ;? Php foreach ($ result as lin...

java - Searching through arraylists for the largest number -

So I'm currently creating a code that searches through the simple list and prints the largest one This code prompts the user for the bank account name and how much money the account is. At present I do not know how to find the largest number through simple list, I have not attended to the problem. I do not even know how to compare the maximum balance. Any help is appreciated, thanks. import *; Import java.util. *; Import java.text *; Public square Project43Tester {public static zero main (string array []) {NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance (); Formatter.setMinimumFractionDigits (2); Formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits (2); String name; ArrayList & lt; String & gt; AryLst = new ArrayList & lt; String & gt; (); Doing {scanner KBRDER = new scanner (; System.out.print ("Please enter the name whose name is E. (To terminate \" Exit \ ")"); Name = kbReader.nextLine (); If (! Name.equalsIgnoreCase ("EXI...

c# - Sporadic TCP connection failures (WSAEHOSTUNREACH) -

On the local Gigabit network, I have an application using the same TCP server and several clients. Every customer pings the server in every 30 seconds, opening a TCP connection, sending it a message and closing it. The server is set up using SocketAsyncEventArgs The relevant section of the client code: using (TcpClient client = new) TcpClient ()) {IAsyncResult AR = client.BeginConnect (address, port, blank, blank); If (! Ar.AyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout)) {new application extension ("Waiting for time to know" + address); } Client.EndConnect (AR); // Exception 5% -10% time is thrown. // Send message and get feedback ...} Something works fine except on some machines, with an exception endconnect only 5% -10% time was thrown. The exception is one (10065): System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): System.Net.Sockets on System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect A socket operation was attempted on an unreadable host at 192.168.XXX.XXX:XXXX. TcpClient....

Interrupts execution context -

I am trying to understand this basic scenario: suppose my CPU got an exception or an interval is. What I know, is that the CPU starts to start an interrupt service routine (IDT table is found on the idtr register to locate the ID, and the IRR gets the proper entry to get the address), but What's the code going on? Which means that I have a thread which is currently running and is produced in some kind of middle form, in which there is an initial starting process, in the initial process, "holds" thread In another magical thread? Thank you! Interesting question, which raises some different issues The first is that the interrupt does not actually run inside any thread from the CPU's perspective. In fact, the CPU itself is aware of the thread; The second is that ISR (Interrupt Service) (ISR) (interrupt service routines) are usually run at a higher level of privilege; You do not really say that you are talking about the family of which processor, so it is...

c# - VSTO not working for Outlook 2013 -

I have a VSTO for Outlook 2007. It also works on Outlook 2010. Now I have upgraded my office from 2010 to 2013. My VSTO works here too. But the problem is that I have written the code to add ContextMenuItem to the right click menu. To implement this I have implemented the application.AttachmentContextMenuDisplay method. Here is my code snippet: Private sub application_attentContaxMy Display (ByVal CommandBar as, by attachments as Microsoft Office.Instop.UftCl.Attachment Selection) Handles the app. Attachment Context MenuDisplayem Dm DVCmdBarPopup Office.CommandBarPopup DVCmdBarPopup = CommandBar.Controls.Add _ (Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup ,,, 3, True) DVCmdBarPopup .Caption = "Menu" with .BeginGroup = True .Visible = True .Tag = "Hello world." Like .tooltiptext = "hello world." End code This code works fine for Outlook 2007 as 2010 but when I try to create my VSTO when I have Office 2013 installed an...

html - How does :before work in css? -

कोड में: & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & LT; शैली & gt; । Parent {स्थिति: निरपेक्ष; शीर्ष: 500px; चौड़ाई: 400px; सीमा: 1 पीएक्स ठोस हरा; }। Parent: before {z-index: -1; सामग्री:''; स्थिति: पूर्ण; अस्पष्टता: 0.5; चौड़ाई: 400px; ऊँचाई: 200px; पृष्ठभूमि छवि: यूआरएल ( 'wallpaper324845.jpg'); सीमा: 1px ठोस लाल; }। चाइल्ड {रंग: काला; सीमा: 1px ठोस काला; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div class = "parent" & gt; & Lt; div class = "child" & gt; हैलो मैं बच्चा हूँ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मैं इस धागे में बताए अनुसार एक पारदर्शी पृष्ठभूमि बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं।। चौथे उत्तर से कोड को देखकर। यह कैसे काम करता है, मैं .parent और .parent: before के उपयोग से भ्रमित हूं। मुझे लगता होगा कि इससे प्रत्येक मूल तत्व से पहले एक । Parent: bef...

How to form PHP curl request for the following command line? -

क्या कोई मुझे इस कमांडलाइन अनुरोध को PHP में बना सकता है? $ curl -u [USER: PASSWORD] मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की है और केवल 'झूठे' को वापस लौटाया है। .. // विवरण के लिए भुगतान करने के लिए उपयोगकर्ता को पूछें ... $ curl_url = " 32.xml "; // खुला कनेक्शन $ ch = curl_init (); // यूआरएल सेट करें, पोस्ट वार्स की संख्या, डाक डेटा curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ url); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, गलत); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, सरणी ('प्राधिकरण: -यू [उपयोगकर्ता: पासवर्ड)')); // पोस्ट निष्पादित करें $ result = curl_exec ($ ch); curl_close ($ ch); आपको CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER लाइन को बदलने की आवश्यकता है: curl_setopt ($ डेटा, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, सरणी ('प्राधिकरण: बेसिक'। Base64_encode ('उपयोगकर्ता नाम: पासवर्ड')));

android - Launcher intent behaves like back button -

When I call intent / if (parentIntent == null) {parentIntent = activity.getPackageManager (). GetLaunchIntentForPackage (activity.getPackageName ()); } NavUtils.navigateUpTo (Activity, Parentmont); The following code works though: if (parentIntent == empty) {activity.startActivity (activity.getPackageManager () .getLaunchIntentForPackage (activity. GetPackageName ()) .addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP)); Activity.finish (); } And {NavUtils.navigateUpTo (activity, parent intent); } Nobody knows why NavUtils behaves this way? documentation quote: NavUtils.navigateUpTo (activity source activity , Intent upIntent); Navigate to the activity specified by the attribution from the source activity, complete the source activity in the process. Then, NavUtils.navigateUpTo press a back button, and if you are calling the first piece of code from the Home button click listener, you will be taken back to the previous activity.

javascript - How can I call func in iframe from parent? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 16 उत्तर मैं फंक कॉल करना चाहता हूँ आईफ्रेम में, माता-पिता से अगर फ़ैंक माता-पिता में है, तो मैं इसे इस तरह बुला सकता हूं: parent.func (); लेकिन मैं फ़्रीक को कॉल करना चाहता हूं जो आईफ्रेम में है और मैं उसे माता-पिता से बताना चाहता हूं? जे एस कहते हैं कि मैं फंक नहीं मिल सका? मैं इसे कैसे कॉल कर सकता हूं? धन्यवाद या तो कोशिश करें window.frames [ 'childFrame'] समारोह पूर्व (); या document.getElementById ('childframe')। ContentWindow.func ();

javascript - get all checked checboxes and add their names and values in array -

The main drop-down list and checkboxes in my large form are created dynamically so that I can create their ID Do not know before. I use the Down Down on Change Event to create them on the fly. How can I loop the form and check the check box, this is their ID and their value? I need to do this for check boxes that check all the checkboxes share the same name, these are: categoriesfilters [] Currently I have click events on the check box that invite the javascript function. Here is the code: function update_number_of_ adds_found (field_dropdown, selected_value) {selected_value = ""; Var addtypeid = $ ("# addtypeid"). Val (); // checkbox is trying to store the values ​​of $ (this) .find ("input [type = checkbox]: checked"). Each (function () {var id = $ (this) .attr ('id'); Var value = $ (this) .val (); // or maybe attribute ('value'); // data is stored That is, whatever you want with it. Alert (value);}); Var selected_value = {addt...

arrays - php foreach loop in_array doesn't display positive result -

सरणी ([0] = & gt; सरणी ([0] = & gt; सरणी ([विषय] = & gt ; कंप्यूटर [मूल्य] = & gt; 33.00 [मात्रा] = & gt; 1))) मेरे पास इस तरह एक सरणी है, लेकिन जब मैं इनवर्ड का उपयोग विषय मूल्य की जांच करने के लिए करता हूं , यह नकारात्मक परिणाम प्रदर्शित करेगा। foreach ($ cart_info $ item) {foreach ($ आइटम $ item2) {if_array ("computer", $ item2 ['subject'] )) {गूंजो "हाँ"; } Else {गूंजती "नहीं"; }}} हरेस्टैक एक सरणी होना चाहिए कृपया in_array bool in_array (मिश्रित $ सुई, सरणी $ हंसस्टैक [, bool $ सख्त = गलत]) के लिए दस्तावेज की जांच करें हरे स्टैक सरणी सख्त यदि तीसरे पैरामीटर सख्त को सही पर सेट किया गया है तो in_array () फ़ंक्शन हेज़स्टैक में सुई के प्रकारों को भी जांच करेगा। रेफ़री:

friend member function in C++ - forward declaration not working -

I get a situation that is described. However in my case, class B needs to know class A as it is using it, so the solution given in that thread is not working for me. I also have a forwarding function for the function. Tried to give it, but it was not working properly. It seems that each class requires the full definition of another ... Is there any easy way to solve it? I prefer a solution that does not include new classes, which wrap one of the older classes. Code example: // A.h class B; // zero help not b: FB (); // Class A {Public: Friend Zero B: FB (); Zero FA () {}; Protected: zero fA_ protected () {}; }; //B.h # included "AH" class B {Private: AA; Public: Zero FB () {a.fA_protected ();} // Secure function for this function zero FB2 () (a.fA);}} (The way This is my first question, I hope that I clearly explain myself) if You can change B to take an indicator on A, then following help can be found: (I use raw pointer because you can not use smart poi...

android - toggle image in imageview on double tap -

I want to toggle the image in the image view, I have tried several methods and failed ... this is the code .. There are 2 problems .. 1) The click is defective on the list. 2) Condition if (image.isClickable ()) is always false this code is .. @Orderide at DoubleTap (TODO) auto-generated method stub toast. Make text (this, "double tap", toast. LNNHTARAR). Show (); Flip (); } Public Zero Flip {image.setOnClickListener} {@Override Public Zero Click on (see V) {// TODO stub automatically generated method (image.isClickable ()) image.setImageResource (R.drawable) Haimath); More image. Set Image Resource (ArduWable.LoveMath);}}); } Now I get the following error on the click listener. Method set onclicklist (see OnClickListener) type is not in view (New OnClickListener () {}) Is applicable to , but when I hide it, the application runs but the condition (image.isClickable ()) will always be false .. Try well First of all to determine which image is > Bo...

javascript - SharePoint 2013 list search box and Client Site Rendering (JSLink) -

I'm trying to apply an FAQ to the Epicearan sharepoint list. While using JSL, I have been successful in administering the search Unfortunately the search is not working properly. I have used the following code in my JSLink JS: (function () { Start the / * * variable, which store overrides objects. * / Var OverrideTTP = {}; OverrideTTX.Templates = {Header: Function (ctx) {var headerHtml = RenderTableHeader (ctx); headerHtml + = "& lt; / Table & gt; "; headerHtml + =" & lt; div id = 'acord Create a list entry for each announcement in the list of '' '' '' '; return' headerHtml;}, foot: function (CTX) {return " gt;"}, item: function (ctx) {// list. Var ret = "& lt; h3 class = 'OutlookFAQ'> gt; + ctx.CurrentItem.Title +" OverrideCtx.ListTemplateType = 100; overrideCtx.OnPostRender = [] ;. OverrideCtx.OnPostRender.push (function () {$ ('# Accordion h3') CLIC K (function (e...

drop down menu - Select item in dropdown needs to show / hide another dropdown -

I have a dropdown and when I select 'system' then another dropdown is required to be visible HTML: / P> & lt; Table width = "300" range = "0" cell area = "0" cellpadding = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Select: & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td align = "right" & gt; & Lt; Select name = "MyDropDown" class = "formfield" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; No selection & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Diner" & gt; Diner & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "lunch" & gt; Lunch & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "system" & gt; Arrangement & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td height = "10" & gt; & Lt; / Td...

javascript - CKEditor 4 Toolbar Definitions -

I have CK editor 4, and want to configure a set of toolbars inline with this document for CK Editor 3 . Actually I want to set some Toolbar definitions (such as config.toolbar_Email with one toolbar configuration, and config.toolbar_Cmscontent with the second set). Then when I declare CKEditor on an element, I can specify which toolbar I want to use .. Example: CKEDITOR.replace ('Editor1', {toolbar: 'email'}); or CKEDITOR.replace ('editor1', {toolbar: 'cmscontent'}); I can not get this job done in CK Editor 4, and except for the CK Editor 3 documentation, nothing can be found besides this. Can anyone tell me what it is demoted in V4? Is there another way that I can set my own toolbar definitions? Jason The feature is still cached editor 4.x is available in: CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_MyCustomToolbar = [['bold']]; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_MyYetAnotherCustomToolbar = [['italic']]; CKEDITOR.replace ('editor1...