android - Launcher intent behaves like back button -

When I call intent /

  if (parentIntent == null) {parentIntent = activity.getPackageManager (). GetLaunchIntentForPackage (activity.getPackageName ()); } NavUtils.navigateUpTo (Activity, Parentmont);  

The following code works though:

  if (parentIntent == empty) {activity.startActivity (activity.getPackageManager () .getLaunchIntentForPackage (activity. GetPackageName ()) .addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP)); Activity.finish (); } And {NavUtils.navigateUpTo (activity, parent intent); }  

Nobody knows why NavUtils behaves this way?

documentation quote:

  NavUtils.navigateUpTo (activity source activity , Intent upIntent);  

Navigate to the activity specified by the attribution from the source activity, complete the source activity in the process.

Then, NavUtils.navigateUpTo press a back button, and if you are calling the first piece of code from the Home button click listener, you will be taken back to the previous activity.


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