
Showing posts from February, 2011

postgresql - Sphinx 3 not starting on Heroku -

It raises exceptions when I search: Mysql2 :: Error: connection to MySQL server Lost 'Authentication Packet Reading', System Error: 0 - My GemFileRb - Mani 'mysql2', '0.3.12b5' Mani 'thinking-Sphinx ',' 3.0.3 '#' 2.0.11 'Mani Flying-Spinks', '1.0.0' # '0.8.4' I'm running Rail 4 and Postgresz I hear it Sphinx Conf I have understood it though docs Says that the fly-spinx gem does all the configuration for you after the initial configuration. You still have to run both of these commands: $ heroku run bundle exec flying-spinks index $ heroku run bundle AG flying-spinks start

ruby on rails - How do I symlink my product images in production on a Capistrano deploy? -

I have found a solution to my problem every time when I run my Spree Commerce app with Capistrano, my images Is still deleted, but folder names are incorrect) and I have to add them via admin. On both questions and in that question it is said that there is a symlinking solution. You need to make sure that your RARS_ROT / Public / Spree directory is being synchronized with the Captivates shared directory and whenever you deploy it, it is not being symlinked, Then your images will be lost on your deployment. I have tried some things but I do not manage to symlink my pictures. They are in the folder / public / spree / products on the server that I have tried: Namespace: Deploying tasks: launching; Finished work: stop; End work: run symlink_shared run "ln -nfs # {shared_path} / shared / spree / # {release_path} / public / spree / end end but it does not work I know It is not that I need to enter which shared path. I hope someone can help me or provide a link with a...

php - Laravel 4 field validation issues on edit -

I'm using a simple default authentication on user creation, however, there is no user type editing functionality Not a problem, I can write that script. The problem I have is on the user's updates. I failed to verify for the following: Email has already been taken. The password should be between 4 and 11 characters. The password does not match the confirmation. While editing, the email is taken because it is the same email. I am not editing the password Then my question: How can I turn verification off for editing, or better yet, how do I apply different verification rules for those methods? You can do this by changing the default values, which were provided with the package Are there. They can be found on line 50: public fixed $ rule = array ('username' = & gt; 'required | alpha_adas | unique: user', 'email' = & gt; ; 'Required | Email: Unique: User', 'Password' = & gt; 'Required: Between: 411 Co...

jsf - Primefaces treeNode edit/update issue :unable to type in inputText -

I have a tree with nodes, which I want to update. But when I click on the input box, it does not focus and I can not write anything. If I click your mouse in the box and my finger is pressed on it, then I can type. & lt; P: tree value = "# {createTestBean.root}" var = "node" id = "tree" & gt; & Lt; P: tree node id = "triode" & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {node.operationName}" /> & Lt; H: Input text = "# {node.opValue}" /> & Lt; / P: treeNode & gt; & Lt; / P: tree & gt;

java - maxheap method of heapSort with index 0 and not index 1 -

I have this code for heapSort that works fine. I also understand that algorithm then works when the start is index and 1 and not 0 . My question is that under the maxheap method, all the more than zero works for all the indexes, but not index 0. Although sorting method index 0 and array becomes sorted . When index i = 0 , maxheap will call left = 2 * i = 0 and right = 2 * i + 1 = 1 , which will be i and on the left side 0 and right on index 1 Which means that root and left are identical and only the right tree is confusing to me. Here's the code: Public class HeapSort {Private Static Ent Hepsism; / * Sort Function * / Public Static Virus Sort (Ent Ar []) {Hephafe (AR); System.out.println ("arrays" + arrays.toString (arr)); For (int i = hep size; i> i--) {swap (ar, 0, i); Heape size = heap size-1; MaxHeap (ARM, 0); }} / * Function to create a pile * / Public stable zero Hepapheer (ant ar []) {heapSize = arr.length-1; For (Int...

grails - Domain object string field auto triming -

Grails 2.2.3 from Grails 2.3.5 (groovy 2.0.8-> 2.1.9) After updating from I strange Behavior domain object: class element {string name string title fixed constraints = {title} nullable: true}} during the construction string field automatically Empty and empty string space empty def e = new element (name: '', title: 'SGG GG') == Insert zero on e.title == ' Sgg gg '/ code> This super feature in the changelog of Grails & amp; Can not get; Groove How can I disable it? From: Default behavior during data binding in Grails 2.3 Trim the string. Apart from that, there is another default behavior for converting empty strings (nothing in the string, not even spaces) during data binding. Those 2 things are in that order, so if you do not put the string in anything, but the spacing is to bind the default behavior to the enclosure because the string will be trimmed and since then it is empty, changing it to zero will be given. It is a s...

php - CakePHP sort by one column then another column -

Is it sorted from page to page with any column in kPPHP? I have this code $ this-> Paginate = array ('project' = & gt; array ('border' = & gt; $ limit, 'fields' => array ('DISTINCT (project.ID) AS ID, project.product_type_id,' Project.contact_id ',' Project.company_id ',' Project.due_date ',' Project.subject ',' Project.description ',' Project.created ',' Project.creator ',' Project.project_status_id ',' Project.modified ', 'Project.complete_date',), 'joins' => Array (array (' table '= & gt;' project_reminder_users', 'alias' = & gt; ProjectReminderUser', 'type' = & gt; left ',' Conditions' = & gt; array (' = ProjectReminderUser.project_id',),),), 'conditions' => array (' user.group_id '=> $ this- & gt; ; Session-> Read ('Auth.User.grou...

delphi - Is this the right way to expose sub-methods that I want to group logically in a class? -

I have a base object, TCustomerDocument, TCustomerDocument has two address addresses, home and business, which I logically Would like to group as TCustomerDocument.HomeAddr and TCustomerDocument.BusinessAddr So I can write code like MyCustomerDocument.HomeAddr.Line1 to read the first address line of the home address from the document. The catch is that those addresses are within the second class (TDocumentHeader) within the TC client document: TCustomerDocument TDocumentHeader (address field) Is here) Now I MyCustomerDocument.DocumentHeader.GetField ('HOMEADDR1') AsString To reach the home address line first. TDocumentHeader will have two addresses (home and business) started with creating only one TAddressInfo object: TCustomerDocument Home: TAddressInfo Business: TAddressInfo TDocumentHeader (Address Fields are here) And it works just fine. The related parts of the code are as follows: type TCustomerDocument = class; // fwd announcement TAddress...

html - Emberjs, {{#link-to}} Handlebars break when wrapped around DOM elements -

I need to create a {{linkTo}} that wraps around the entire tableline, but I do not have permission If {{linkl} is in the code given below, it works {{# every}} & lt; Tr class = "people-list" & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" class = "toggle" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "category-text" & gt; {{#linkTo 'Category' this}} {{name}} {{/ linkTo}} & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Img class = "table-img" src = "picture / x.png" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "table-img" {{action 'edit}' src = "picture / pencil-gray page" & gt; {{/ LinkTo} & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; {{/ Every}} But when I try to exclude those links, as shown below, the link does not work at all. {{# every}} {{#linkTo 'category' this}} & lt; Tr class = "people-list" & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input type = "c...

json - Changing Maps "detail/resolution" while still zooming in/out -

I am plotting geographical data in the browser with d3.js and some other javascript libraries. I've done some fun with data, but to give it a bit more context, I want to put it on a map that fills the browser (I'll probably make it opaque to not be distracted). I've spent Google and Bing API with a few hours, in which the "zoom" option is very good, but I have to specify how the map is expanded more than I can zoom in without it. . Is there any way of doing it? To wit. I want to zoom in forward and without all the side roads, I'm able to pan without keeping the city's "main drags". I am open to using various resources, but this is not a business product, so I do not want to pay anything as far as I know, extend the resolution / resolution of the panel And reducing option is to increase or decrease the zoom variable. Thank you. Edit: There is no need to really contact with the map, it is a kind of intention, but because it will be at the ...

javascript - Creating a parallax-like effect using an image that isn't the background -

I'm trying to create a scrolling effect that does not prefer JavaScript only (CSS only), but I understand I'm not it's possible, just looking for options. My page looks like this: While scrolling down I want to place the background image as a parallax-like effect, move the background and frame of the body around and around the stack. Here is a sample code for working: HTML & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div square = "border-bg" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image-bg" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div square = "border-bg" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "spacer" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; css body {background-color: #aaa; } .border-bg {width: 80%; Margin: Auto 30px; Background color: #fff; Padding: 40px; } .image-bg {background: url (''); Height: 400px; Background s...

ruby on rails - Saving records with has_many through relationship -

I have two models - the user and the keyword and a third model association which is the relationship between users and keywords. P> I have a method method in the keyword controller that is shown below - def create keyword = keyword. NY (keyword_params) if keyword. Fine_b (content: params [: content]). Zero? @ end @ keyword.associations.create (: user_id = & gt; Flash [: success] = "The keyword has been created successfully!" In the "create" method mentioned above, a user adds a keyword, so I am checking that the keyword is already present in the keyword table and if it is not, it saves. The keyword in the keyword table, and then it saves the connection between the organization and the table between the user and the keyword. However, when a keyword is already present in the keyword table (since it may have been added by another user), and says that a new user is adding this existing keyword to its list It gives me an err...

c# - How to pass values by POST in ASP.NET MVC 4 -

I have a problem passing the values ​​by POST in ASP.NET MVC 4. This is my operation in User Controller: [HTTP post] Show public string (at UID, string anonymous) {Retired Yunam. Ut Toasting (); } And in this way I have tried to see the values: @using (Html.BeginForm ("Show", "Users") ) {Html.Hidden ("uid", Model.Id); Html.Hidden ("uname", Model.UserName); & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "+" /> } html: & lt; Form action = "/ user / show" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "+" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; and: @using (Html.BeginForm ("Show", "User", FormMethod.Post, new {uid = 1, uname = "User1"}))) {& lt; Input type = "submit" value = "+" /> } html: & lt; Form action = "/ user / show" method = "post" uid = "1" uname = ...

objective c - I want to limit of the number of image drop in an animation IOS -

I'm new to Objective-C, I have created an app in which the bees have to fall and a bear catch them, everything It is working fine now I want to limit the limit of bees less than 20, how can someone help me? I am not sure if any loop or drop bee method is in the loop in the timer, any input in it will be very helpful. bAerere = [[NSMUTABELARROR] INIT]; Timer 1 = [NSTM Scheduled Timer With Time Interval: 2 Goal: Self Selector: @Selector (DropB) User Information: Zero Repeats: Yes]; - (zero) dropbill {CGRect ScreenTrack = [[UIScreen main screen] border]; CGFloat screenwidth = screenRect.size.width; // CGFloat screenHeight = screenRect.size.height; UIImageView * beeImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Bee-honey page"]]; Int resultX = (int) roundf (screenwidth); Int randomX = 0 + rand ()% (result x -0); [BARRAAdAdd: B image]; B image.frame = CGRactam (50, -10, 50, 50); = CP Pointsmake (Random X, 50); [Self.view addSubview...

ruby on rails - Change spree application layout file to load -

Is it possible to use my own application layout file instead of Spry instead of my main tracks app? My main app has already been setup with the device and after that the use of the added competing lover Frontend frontend / app / view / spree / layout / spree_page.html. ARB is in its own gem as its layout and I read how to override that file in app / override or define itself, But I do not want to duplicate content already in my app / views / layout / application.html.erb . I am looking to use my own file instead or You have 2 options: In your Rail app, a app / view / spree / layout / spree_page.HTML. Create ARB and the train will choose your file Set your own layout with a launcher in config [: layout] (ex: Spree: config [: layout] = 'app' )

haskell - Should lens generation be treated like instances -

I have a definition of data type in another library, I want to stop in that datatype with the lens generated by the control. Lens Library Do I need my type of new type in my code or is the previously defined data type lens considered safe? You do not need a new type. There are actually several packages on the package which are already available For example, or even lens ) define the lens. The problem of defining examples is that there is no way to hide them. If you define a lens, you can hide them when importing like any other function: import module Hiding the lens (some people made lenses, ...) It is not possible with examples (see for reasons). Unlike the examples, the lens also does not have to be globally unique.

scala - Create custom Arbitrary generator for testing java code from ScalaTest ScalaCheck -

What is a ScalaTest (which is the Mixx Checkers for ScalCheck property) Java code testing, a custom immoral generator Is it possible to make? For example, for all the steps required for the following all trials: val fund = new fund () val fundAccount = new account (account.RETIREMENT) val Consumer = New Consumer ("John ") .createAccount (fund account) fund.addConsumer (consumer) fundAccount.deposit (amount) Before presenting the results, there is a PRP code. You can do this You should start this. import org.scalacheck_ import arbitrary._ import-prop._ case class consumer (name: string) object is expanding consumer check properties ("consumer") (lazy wal consumer: General [Consumer] = For the name {looted; - arbitrarily [string]} the product consumer (name) contained lazy wal arbConsumer: arbitrary [consumer] = genConsumer property ("some support") = for all {c: Consumer = & gt; // Check Goods True}}

c - Printing certain arrays -

Trying to print and count a certain array from my table. I want to print 'O' and it Count how many times this pops up, I got the counting part, but I stretched to print 'o' in a table format. Every time I try to print 'o' which gives me happy faces Are there. four posts [] = {'A', 'P', 'A', 'P', 'A', 'O', 'P', 'P', 'O '}; Count {if (poste [i] == 'O') for I (i = 0; i execute me (i = 0; i ; 9; i ++) Gives these happy faces Number of post APAPOppo operators: 2 poste ☺ ☺ You are printing poste [i] == 'O' . You want to do the following: For ( I = 0; i & lt; 9; i ++) if (poste [i] == 'O') printf ("% c", post [i]);

How to programmatically get resource Id for -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ यह एक लाइब्रेरी प्रोजेक्ट में है ... int कंटेनरदृश्य Id = getResources ()। GetIdentifier ("सामग्री", "", getPackageName ()); GetFragmentManager ()। BeginTransaction ()। प्रतिस्थापन (कंटेनर वीआईआईआईडी, नई सेटिंग्सफ़्रेग्मेंट ())। प्रतिबद्ध (); लेकिन मैं इस अपवाद को प्रतिस्थापित करता हूं: द्वारा किया गया: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: गैर-शून्य कंटेनरदृश्य का उपयोग करना चाहिए मैं एंड्रॉइड के लिए संसाधन आईडी कैसे प्राप्त करूं संपादित करें: मैंने इसे नामित दृश्य का उपयोग करके हल किया है, एक्सएमएल लेआउट में आईडी सेट करना गतिविधि का और मूल दृश्य को बदलने के लिए निम्न कोड का उपयोग कर रहा है ... int कंटेनरदृश्य Id = getResources ()। GetIdentifier ("rootView", "id", getPackageName ()); GetFragmentManager ()। BeginTransaction ()। प्रतिस्थापन (कंटेनर वीआईआईआईडी, नई सेटिंग्सफ़्रेग्मेंट ())। प्रतिबद्ध (); पूर्णांक कंटेनरदृश्य Id = findV...

java - Add Google Translate API in eclipse -

I want to create a simple program using the Google Translate API. I have an account and key, but I have trouble with import. import; Import; Import; They can not be resolved I am trying to follow these instructions: but file After removing and just trying to add jar files, I can not find the following: Jackson-Core-ASL-1.9.4.jar Protobuf-java.0.0.jpg XPPRD -1.1.4 cesar I have tried to add the whole Google-API - Services-transcript- v2-rev27-1.17.0-rc-sources.jar file with Maven And manually without Maven It appears under the referenced libraries and build configurations, but still does not achieve anything. I do not know if I'm missing something important, I do not want to do this in a simple application, with Android or Google App Engine. Please help! Thank you very much before! You have to download it: It has the necessary library...

c++ - How to use `this` to access member variables in an array of classes -

Looking at a C + + class with mixed member data values ​​and a constant int counter, let me clear a () function which can run all the elements of the array of these class objects in clearing their data members. For example, for example, a class that looks like this and keeps the version information of the chip (yes, I know I probably need more satellites and gesters): class __STA_version_t {public: __STA_version_t () {count ++; }; ~ __STA_version_t () {}; Zero set workstring (four * x) {strncpy (verstring, x, size (versteress)); Verstring [sizeof (verstring) -1] = 0 zero-zeromoststring () {mamet (verstring, 0x0, size (worksstring)); } Char * getVerString () {Return WorstString; } Bool Haversian () {Return verstring [0]; } Zero clear () {for (int i = 0; i Start somewhere else count as follows: __ STA_version_t :: count = 0; Now, create an array of objects there: __ STA_version_t version [10]; First, just checking, counting should be equal to 10 after this urgency,...

c# - How to define XAML sample data for [] properties -

I am trying to use XALL sample data where my 'item' class property property is defined by dynamic properties This ( PremiseObject ) uses a form for [] does this: ... /// & lt ; Summary & gt; /// Property Accelerator imitates a dynamic object /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Param name = "name" & gt; & Lt; / Param & gt; /// & lt; Returns & gt; & Lt; / Returns & gt; Get this public [string name] {premiseProperty prop; If (_properties.triget value (name, outprop)) return prop value; // in XAM & lt; Button content = "trigger" command = "{binding [trigger comand]}" & gt; // where 'trigger' is the name of HT property which is transient (if name is. Context ("command")) {string cmd = name.Substring (0, name.Length - "command" .lambic); If (_properties.triget value (cmd, outpring)) {return new premier commm (this, CMD); }} Return tap; } Set {setmember (name, va...

php - pass a class to set_error_handler -

Is there a way to set an error handler that takes a callback function as a static function? Like: set_error_handler (Errors :: Error Handler ()); I'm not using PHP O, so I do not want to create a function after my procedural code. I would rather prefer that the error be sent to the class function. For a steady way: set_error_handler (array ('callback ',' Static method ')); For non-static methods: $ obj = new callback (); Set_error_handler (array ($ obj, 'method'));

Android Change widget button -

I have created my first widget, but when I change button image then I have a problem below for this widget File is a part of the code: Public zero on rereive (reference reference, intention intent) {if (mp == null) {mp = MediaPlayer.create (context .getApplicationContext ( ), R.raw.Ssegno); } Last string action = intestine Gate action (); If (ACTION_WIDGET_RECEIVER.equals (verb)) {if (mp.isPlaying ()) {mp.stop (); Mp.release (); Mp = MediaPlayer.create (context.getApplicationContext (), R.raw.Ssegno); } And {Remote Veez = New Remote Power (context.getPackageName (), R.layout.widget); Control.setImageViewResource (, R.drawable.pausa); Component-cn = new component name (context, widget class); AppWidgetManager.getInstance (reference) .updateAppWidget (cn, control); Mp.start (); } Super.onReceive (reference, intent); } Super.onReceive (reference, intent); } I have read it in: 02-17 23: 46: 57.042: W / APPGhatHostview (946): update application not found By using any...

groovy - Can gradle do substitutions as it copies resources? -

For a group of developers, all the differences are stored in a common property file: Token1 = some values ​​token2 = 9000 etc. The 'token' is used in a series of XML files located in the General / Main / Resource Directory directory. When Grad files these files in the build directory (and I'm not sure which work is), then is there a chance to execute custom code? Specifically, I want to place the token value in the copy from the attainable property file. In this way, the original copy remains untouched, but there is a desired value for the developer given in the version given in runtime. Finally, I know that it can brute force with two or three steps, which then changes the file after it has been copied. I really want to know that to do this in one step Is a great way of After compilation, Gradle Call Process Processing When copying resources, filtering (or possibly a doLast by adding custom code) can be configured to: process processing { Filter org.ap...

Strange behavior in C++ while loop and ifstream -

So I have an issue where my functions will not work properly when I read an input from a file in a loop x I: ifstream in (inputFileName.c_str ()); // Input file is a string string word; While (in & gt; & gt; terms) {cout & lt; & Lt; The word & lt; & Lt; Endl; // This behavior because this file should print all words in test.insert (word, 0); // This function will not include words! } But if I do in & gt; & Gt; word; Test.insert (word, 0); In & gt; & Gt; word; Test.insert (word, 0); In & gt; & Gt; word; Test.insert (word, 0); .... all this works fine !! This is really strange to me, any thoughts that may be due to it? I think the problem is probably in your hash table class, from which test is an example. Otherwise, lack of a great reason to do this, I should at least std :: unordered_set instead: std :: Ifstream in (inputFilename); // `.c_str () 'is no longer required to read in C + + 11/12 std :: unordered_se...

c# - GetCommandLineArgs is not returning what I expected -

I have recently started studying C # through the book and I came to this example where I Command Prompt: Namespace Simple CSRPPP {class program {static zero main} {string [] theArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs (); Foreach (ARGS string ARG) console. Videoline ("Arg: {0}", RGR); }} My command prompt looks like D: \ ... \ SimpleCSharpApp \ bin \ Debug> Simple CSARPRP.exe AGR1RG2 and Output looks like this: Arg: SimpleCSharpApp.exe Arg: arg1 Arg: arg2 What do I think it will look like: Arg: arg1 Arg: arg2 My question is why does string recognize my execution order as a member of logic? I hope what should I change to get the output? I can change the prefix loop for the loop, starting from the second element like this: Namespace SimpleCSharpApp {class program {static zero main () { String [] theArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs (); For (int i = 1; i & lt; theArgs.Length; i ++) {Console.WriteLine ("Arg: {0}", theArgs [...

In Meteor, how to do server side user login check? -

itemprop = "text"> I am working on a restore API on the meteor with a mobile customer mail request login request with username and password will send. Can I check user information from the server anyway? Meteorite Collection Information of All Users If you are using the meteor "Account-Base" package . You should look at the source of password for the meteorological accounts: Also check this SO post:

backbone.js - Get value in form of !text plugin - Backbone -

मैं के टेम्पलेट को अलग करने के लिए need.js का टेक्स्ट प्लगइन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। रीढ़ की हड्डी परियोजना में html फ़ाइल है। यहां html फ़ाइल है: & lt; form & gt; & Lt; तालिका शैली = "पैडिंग-बाएं: 10 पीएक्स;" & gt; & Lt; tr valign = "top" & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; सेवा नंबर दर्ज करें: & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" id = "servicenumber" शैली = "ऊंचाई: 24px;" / & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" आईडी = "खोज सेवा" मान = "खोज" वर्ग = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; & Lt; / टी...

Cygwin gcc issue - cannot find Python.h -

So I downloaded Saigwin to make Matplotlib on Windows I get the message that Python.h can not be found (). In /usr/include/python2.7, I can clearly see Python.h in existence. When I do: GCC-Print-search-Dyar Let me set some path to Haskell folder See the installation folder full output. Ensure Python-package package is installed in Sigwin: Run Sigwin Installer (Setup- x86 (_64) .exe Click on the page until you go to the page to install the package "Python-Dev" Install package from "Python" section

qbxml - QB not returning TxnLineID on ReceivePaymentToDepositQuery -

I am trying to automate the deposit for a customer whose 1,000 unpaid payments are credited to the deposit TxnID and TxnLineID are required to pay, however, when I command payment for payment, then it is empty for TxnLineID. All other fields look fine, so I should do something right. Nothing strange about my query: IReiveivePaymentToDepositQuery query = reqSet.AppendReceivePaymentToDepositQueryRq (); Then when I separate the results: if (ptdRet.TxnLineID! = Null) pmt.TxnLineID = ptdret.TxnLineID. GetValue (); TxnLineID is always empty then, all other fields look okay What am I doing wrong? I have studied the programmer's guide (section about payment and deposits) and the OSR but do not understand it. I have also tried to set IncludeRetElementList explicitly. I would really love to hear from someone working on it. . I am using QBFC 12 and Premier 2014 (but I have also tested with enterprise v12 and many different company files) You do not need to include TxnLi...

sql - document migration name extraction -

I have a scenario and I want to see that someone has a suggestion on how I should deal with it. Basically I have a directory that is full of files, in the name of the document [code] - [number] - [text] code - a generic 3 letter Code is included. Number - A number usually in size of 4 - 5 size. Text - The name of the original document (before it is dumped) A colon (-) to code, NUMBER and TEXT. The number always starts with 5 characters. I would like to scan that directory anyway and remove the number from the file name, then I would like to compare that number to the field in a database (SQL query is quite straight forward, also the form of raw text ) If the number matches the number in the database, then I want to separate those files. If I want to clarify anything then please ask me I was not sure this site is suitable for my query. Open the root folder, click in the File Explorer Path (to open that place in the open space, so that the whole To highlight the path), t...

html - In mozilla my button not look good as it shown in chrome -

I want to show my button in Mozilla like Chrome, please help me, what should I do for it? This is my code. CSS: .green {background: linear-gradient (bottom, # 9CD645 0%, # 8AC530 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0); Border: 1px solid # 82b436; }. Large size {font size: 18px; } .btn {boundary: 1px solid # 82b436; Range radius: 25px; Box-Shadow: 0 1 Px RGBA (99, 15, 8, 0.35); Color: # 508400; Display: Inline-block; font-weight: bold; Padding: 3px 12px; Text-decoration: None; Text-transform: uppercase; } .Green {background-color: # 8CC63F; } .btn span {background: url ("images / icon_arrows.png") No-repeat scrolls 0 RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0); Display area; float right; Height: 18px; Margin: 5 px; Width: 18px; } HTML: & lt; A href = "smoodees" class = "btn big green" & gt; Our Smoodees & lt; Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; View & lt; / A & gt; Check this Bela: http : / / ...

javascript - can method submit the form to next step? -

I'm looking for the method. I am getting information from my clients in five stages, asking for the first step, I am getting information from my customer and saving them to DB using the method, When the data has been saved successfully, I submit the form in the next step but I am not able to do this? Any suggestions? code: if (error == incorrect) { (" Definitely you set the location You can go to the next step by href (this is not a good solution): ("& lt ;? ph P echo home_url () ;? & gt; / wp-content / plugins / mail-masta /inc/campaign_save.php ", {camp: camp_name, sname: se nder_name, semail: sender_email, step: camp_step}, function } {Location.href = '/nextstep.html';}); However, if you have 5 pages, then just use Do not - & lt; Use form method = "POST" & gt; is more appropriate for submitting data and redirecting the server to the next st...

c++ - implement erase function to my class -

I am trying to implement the delete function in my square list function, but when I write, Returns the error Error 1 error C2664: 'square_list :: erase': 'std :: _ list_iterator & lt; _Mylist> '' Integer '' Main code #define nullptr tap template & lt; Typename T_ & gt; Class square_list {zero erase (it quadratic) {data.erase (this); }}; To remove std :: list iterator, perform the trash function as follows: Zero Err (typed std :: list & lt; value_type & gt; :: iterator) {data.erase (this); } Live example: mvc 4 - SQL server: how to show value in next table -

मैं नौकरी पोस्ट एप्लिकेशन बना रहा हूं और सेकंड आईडी कौशल चयनित है समस्या यह है कि अगर किसी व्यक्ति के पास कई कौशल हैं फिर मैं तीसरी तालिका में प्रथम और द्वितीय तालिका मान कैसे दिखा सकता हूं जैसे नौकरी नौकरी नौकरी के लिए वर्णन minExp maxExp अंतिम तिथि साक्षात्कार दिनांक परियोजना Hiringmanager साक्षात्कारकर्ता कौशल यह कोशिश करें: SELECT ए *, (SELECT ',' + कौशल से [टेबल 2] बी WHERE आईडी = ए। जोबैड आदेश द्वारा एक्सएमएल पाथ के लिए कौशल ('' )) ए के कौशल [टेबल 1] ए यह आपको कोमा से अलग सूची के रूप में सभी कौशल देगा

c# - Textbox with password mode lose value -

मैं एक एएसपी पाठ बॉक्स और एक टेलीरेक राइट टेक्स्ट बॉक्स का उपयोग कर रहा हूं वेबफ़ॉर्म मुझे पता है कि दोनों नियंत्रण प्रत्येक पोस्टबैक के बाद इसका मूल्य साफ़ करते हैं और सुरक्षा कारणों से डिजाइन के अनुसार है। मेरे परिदृश्य में दोनों नियंत्रक ajaxified हैं फिर भी एएसपी पाठ बॉक्स और राइटटेक्स्टबॉक्स इसे अजाक्स अनुरोध (आंशिक पोस्टबैक) पर मान खो देता है । तो मेरी शक है, क्या यह उम्मीद है? क्या टेक्स्टबॉक्स दोनों पूर्ण पोस्टबैक और साथ ही एजेक्स अनुरोध पर मूल्य खो देंगे? दोनों एएसपी.नेट टेक्स्टबॉक्स और टेलरिक टेक्स्टबॉक्स को & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "पासवर्ड" / & gt; के रूप में प्रदान किया जाएगा। & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "पासवर्ड" / & gt; अन्य नियंत्रणों से थोड़ा अलग माना जाता है क्योंकि इसमें संवेदनशील जानकारी होती है प्रत्येक पोस्टबैक पर उन्हें बलपूर्वक मंजूरी दी जाती है। लेकिन अगर कुछ आवश्यकता है तो आप जानकारी को स्टोर कर सकते हैं और इसे वापस सेट कर सकते हैं। string पासवर्ड = txtpassword.Text; TxtPassword.Attributes.Add (...

Hibernate - How to retrieve data from table with two primary keys -

The name of my table is store_record in it's "code" and "status" are two primary keys to be hibernate that I To build the class of perseverance. It consists of two sections, first class code and status setter and gator method and other first-class objects and remaining table fields, setter and garter modes. Now my problem is that I want to get data from that table, how can I write a query in Hibernation for this problem using only one primary key (such as code) My table is like this Branches of branches; + ---------------------- + ------------- + ------ + ----- + --------- + ------- + | Field | Type | Faucet Key | Default | Extra | + ---------------------- + ------------- + ------ + ----- + --------- + ------- + | Cod_ifsc_bank_branch | Varchar (24) | No | PRI | Faucet | | Txt_bank_branch_name | Varchar (24) | Yes. | Faucet | | Cod_rec_status | Four (1) | No | PRI | A. | | Txt_last_maker_id | Varchar (16) | Yes. | Faucet | | Dat_last_maker | Date | Yes. ...

PHP Price range filters from lowest to highest updated from input -

I was working with all my filters except the price limit inputs I and ` Value '. "$ Min_price."' 'And' "highest $ highest." '' But that did not help. Here are the conditions: $ lowest_price = '0'; $ Supreme_pic = '999999999'; If (empty ($ _ POST ['lowest_price']) === false) {$ minimum_price = $ _POST ['lowest_price']; } If (empty ($ _ POST ['supreme_pris']) === false) {$ supreme_pris = $ _POST ['supreme_pres']; } $ Price_range = "and` value` & gt; = ''. $ Min_pres. '' And `value` Why are not the items that give input at minimum and highest prices? Any help is greatly appreciated! Your price range string makes it an integer like before $ Lowest_price = 0; $ Supreme_pic = 99 99 99 99; Think more about what type of varchar / text you have to change if your price field contains the database table in classified Note: mysql _ * is now numbe...

c# - How do I design a class that would normally be static when I'm using dependency injection? -

I have a class that acts as the default for app settings, which otherwise is not explicitly specified. Have been users I am currently using an all-time old class, in which properly named example methods- this type of thing: class SiteConfigurationConventions: ISiteConfigurationConventions { Public String GetConfigurationFileName) {return "SiteConfiguration.xml"; }} It looks like a static class would be more appropriately appropriate (such as System.Math ) because it is not a string Anytime changes in runtime and no fields are necessary, but I am not sure what static classes are compatible with D. For example, it is not possible to register a stable class with the container, Other objects to be resolved by the container Returns to ask Ts. As it is now, / P> container Registration Type & lt; ISite configuration, site configuration & gt; (); The requestor constructor therefore requires: public site generator (ISIT integration site configuratio...

InvalidRegistration error while send push notifications to android with rails backend -

I am trying to send push notifications to the Android device using the Rail Backend. I'm using pushmeup gem to do it. But when I send a notification to the device, I get an invalid registration report in response. There is no problem facing any single help ....... Resolved I I am using an invalid tool token.

c# - DataGrid WPF StackOverFlow Exception -

I'm new to WPF and having problem with a DataGrid setting is. My problem is that I have received the stack overflow exception and the first name debugger brakes on the set statement of the property I have followed the resources and in solving my problem Unable to: Any help is greatly appreciated. My code is: Namespace Binding Test {Public Partial Square Main Window: Window {Public Men Window} {Initial} ObservableCollection & LT; Person & gt; Person = new insignificant collection & lt; Person & gt; () {New person () {first name = "zone", last name = "Smith"}, new person () {first name = "foo", last name = "bar"}}; DataGrid1.ItemsSource = Individuals; } Class person: INotifyPropertyChanged {public string first name {get {return FirstName; } Set {FirstName = value; NotifyPropertyChanged ("First"); }} Public String LastName {get {return LastName; } Set {LastName = value; NotifyPropertyChanged ("...

ruby - Elastic Search - How to import data? -

जब मैं चलाता हूँ रैक पर्यावरण टायर: आयात क्लास = 'अनुच्छेद।' INDEX = 'मोंगो-लेख' फॉइस = सच लोचदार खोज में डेटा आयात करने के लिए ** पर्यावरण को इकट्ठा करें (पहले_टाइम) ** वातावरण निष्पादित करें ** आह्वान करें टायर: आयात (पहले_टाइम) ** टायर निष्पादित करें: आयात [आयात] इंडेक्स को हटाना 'मोंगो-लेख' रैक निरस्त कर दी गई! # & Lt; टायर के लिए अपरिभाषित विधि `टायर ':: परिणाम :: संग्रह: 0xabec954 & gt; /home/helios/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p484@munksearch/gems/tire-0.5.1/lib/tire/tasks.rb:55:in_ (2 स्तर) में & lt; शीर्ष ( ) & gt आवश्यक; ' कार्य: शीर्ष = & gt; टायर: आयात क्या किसी को भी इसका समाधान करने का तरीका पता है? .all से निकालें.आप । rake पर्यावरण टायर: आयात क्लास = 'अनुच्छेद' INDEX = 'mongo-articles 'फोर्स = सच' इसके अलावा, मैं इंडेक्स तर्क को हटाने का सुझाव देता हूं और देखें कि क्या यह बिल्कुल मदद करता है।

networking - what is the meaning of this error Couldn't find string in telnet output () -

I'm ggetting this error message "error could not get string in telnet output" (using TCL What is the meaning of this error while running the test scheme and why am I getting this type of error? Well, what does this mean? You are expecting a certain string that should be returned from what you are checking (such as 'login:' ), and that string is not visible Is giving (maybe you 'login:' instead, for example). You should know that actually is coming and adjust your expectations accordingly.

Pdf viewer library with page curl in android -

I want to know that there is a library for reading PDFs in your application, in which Show only one page at a time Swipe pages for curl effect or next page Zoom in and zoom to current page You can try the PDF reader SDK which supports a number of functions, besides you, your PDF Reader Can use

go - GoLang - termbox: panic: open /dev/tty: no such device or address -

itemprop = "text"> I am coding with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine with GO 1.2 - using Litidy (very pleased) I downloaded and installed the demo keyboard. GO - Made Easy But when I run from Liteide, I get this panic - it all happens with the wording demonstration: panic: open / dev / tty: so No device or address Any clue will be useful .... Interactive terminal applications are required, OK, Terminal to be available. Terminal real & mdash; & Mdash; Or virtual (such as Linux virtual terminal such as when you appear on a specific x86 box, when you press Ctrl-Alt-F1) or emulated (such as a ton of xterm, rxvt, gnome terminal and others) Unlike Windows, in which a console window is created to run the "console" type of program and an application is attached to it, there is no "type" of applications on the POSIX system, and if any action For your I / O Wants a real terminal, it is a special check for it, and if it fails, the applicatio...

html - Change / Nudge text position when hovered using CSS -

I am creating a menu that looks like this, notice that when a link is accepted, the text leads to it. Correct and change color also deleted state Enter image details here "> Even so far I have: .text-glow {font-size: 4em; Color: #FFFFFF; Font-family: Arial IMPORTANT! -WebKit-stroke-width: 6.3px; -webkit-stroke-color: #FFFFFF; Webkit-fill-color: #FFFFFF; Text-shadow: 1 px 0 px 20px white; -Wbkit-Infection: width 0.9S; / * Safari & amp; Chrome * / Infection: width 0.9 S; -Mozy-transition: width 0.9S; / * Firefox 4 * / -O-Infection: width 0.9 S; / * Opera * / .text-glow: hover, .text-glow: focus .text-glow: active {color: transparent; Lesson: 0 5px # 000; } Any ideas? This is a flash file, so to use something like CSS, Text Indent property or padding-left , which is ok with you .. I have created a demo below scratch. html, body {height: 100%; Background: # FF9000; } Ul {margin: 20px; Font-family: aerial; Font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; } ...

javascript - What's the benefit of Object.freeze() not freezing objects within the passed object? -

I was learning more about Javascript's object constructor methods on MDN and I saw That last sentence sentence: Note that there are objects that can still be modified until they are even frozen. Such behavior seems like it should choose what is the benefit of manually frozing objects of a frozen object? If I am freeing the object, then why would I want the objects to remain unstable in it? The answer is in the same point Note that the objects are Still can be modified, until they are not even frozen. Update: There is no official information about the design decision of the freeze () method I think that, for the reasons of basically performance reasons , they have taken this decision, if we want to freeze internal objects, then we should use the method Must be applied repeatedly . So this is a big overhead, so the design decision was made to avoid this. If this was not a demonstration, the method would behave differently.

javascript - Node Require with two Parenthesis -

Try to read code codes recently and find this line of code: var debug = requirement ('debug') ('co-root'); What does this mean? Why use ('debug') and then ('Co-root')? You can find the code and I say that I get this line of code in the KoA-Root Medium Ware definition Module looks basically something like this: function to run () {// do stuff} module.exports = toRun; Then your script code does the following: var ran = require ('torun') (); This is a convenient way to expose some of the frequently used items, but it is also useful if you have some methods on directly exported functions Want to expose. For example: toun () {// do stuff} toRun.morestuff = function () {// and then}; Module.exports = toRun; Then you can catch the whole thing to gain access to additional tasks: var toRun = require ('torun'); Var ran = toRun (); Var accessories = toRun.moreStuff ();

c# - Tracking of send mail is read or not -

I have searched many articles and have received some code from me but this is not working for me My index.aspx.cs page code Secure zero page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {if (checkIfRequested (this.Context.Request)) // // Receiver first The image is requested from, so do not send any modified results. Response.StatusCode = 304; Response.SuppressContent = True; } And {int emailId = 0; If ("String.IsNullOrEmpty" (Request.QueryString ["emailId"]) & amp; amp; Int.TryParse (Request.QueryString ["emailId"], Email ID out)) {Session ["Image"] = Request Email ID "]; Lblid.Text = Convert ToString (Session [" Image "]); // Email with email id has been opened, so log in that database} and {if (request .JQuery string [" Email id "] = zero) {lblid.Text = Convert.ToString (Request.QueryString [" emailId "]);} string str =" & lt; Script & gt; Warning ('empty') & lt; / Script> "...

Use java classes in liferay theme? -

Is there a way to use Java classes in the GRE theme? I want to use a class of Java to change dates. So how can I include Java classes in 6 classes of my classroom and use it at portal_normal.vm velocity? Thank you. You have already within the dateUtil reference velocity reference for some date utilities for the list of dateUtil_IW category. Injecting the new access class in velocity is quite complicated to explain, it is better to create an ext plugin, to create a portlet plugin and embed it within the theme.

database - Data Modeling and uuid on Cassandra -

I am trying to create a movie database for academic purposes that use the concept in backend. Inquiries on the database will be mainly done by the Movie Title . That's why I currently have data that fits in the following models. movie title | IMDb Rating | Year of Release | Artists Reading the CQ Documentation I found the music playlist example where the following structure was used create table playlist (id uuid, song_number, song_id uidid, title text, album Text, artist text, primary key (id, song_order); Why do I have to use Query Separate ID column? Title column can not be used as a primary key? What are the advantages and disadvantages of not using a different UIID field? The commands I am preparing for my model create table movies (title text, IMDb_Rating double, end of year, actor text, primary key (title, IMDb_Rating )); I believe here my model title is primary key and partition key and imdb_rating CLUSTERING KEY (To arrange production in ascend...

jquery - Ajax gets nested data, the result 500 (Internal Server Error) -

मेरे पास साधारण अजाक्स कॉल है $। Get ("api / dashboard / tile / 1x1 / "+ टैग, {id: id}, फ़ंक्शन (टाइल) {options.result (modelmapper.fromDb (टाइल, 'डैशबोर्ड'));}, 'json') जो एएसपी.नेट एमवीसी नियंत्रक से पढ़ता है। ऑब्जेक्ट टाइल व्यक्ति में नेस्टेड वर्ग व्यक्ति {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी (प्राप्त); सेट; } सार्वजनिक टाइल टाइल {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} क्लास टाइल {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी (get; सेट; }} समस्या: जब आईडी सब कुछ से अलग है, ठीक काम करता है, बिट यदि आईडी समान है संसाधन लोड करने में विफल: सर्वर ने जवाब दिया 500 की एक आंतरिक स्थिति (आंतरिक सर्वर त्रुटि) केवल एक समाधान मैं देख सकता हूँ (और जाहिर तौर पर यह काम करता है) आईडी का नाम बदलने के लिए PersonId जैसे सार्थक, लेकिन तब मैं बहुत खो रहा हूँ लचीलापन और ऐप के महत्वपूर्ण हिस्से को पुनः लिखने की आवश्यकता है कृपया मदद करें। अपडेट नियंत्रक [System.Web.Http.ActionName ("टाइल")] [System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs ("GET")] // एपीआई / डैशबोर्ड / टाइल / 1x1 / व्यक्ति सार्वजनिक व्यक्ति टाइल...

Not able to load local .xml file through Jquery ajax call -

I am creating a sample web application on my local machine. I have a .xml I want to call who is on my local machine. It is not working at all in any browser. When I try to look in the Chrome tab in the Network tab, it displays that the XMLHttpRequest file can not be loaded: ///d: /somefolder/finishers.xml? _ = 1392713504397. No 'access-control-permission- Origin headers are available on requested resource originally' blank 'access is not allowed. Maybe it is possible to have a duplicate question, but I am new to junkie. Below is my code. $ Ajax ({url: "finishers.xml", cache: incorrect, datatype: "xml", success: function (xml) {}}); Please help me in solving this how thanks in advance. That's because you run the code in the local machine server). Place your code under the web server (like Apache) and try again.

PHP how to use a variable in an array -

My WordPress theme has an option page, it has to select several categories from a custom classification. $ terms_obj = get_option ('shop_features') This gives an array with the $ key is the category-name and $ value is either 1 or Depending on empty if category add_action ('pre_get_posts', 'custom_pre_get_posts_query'); I need to get a list of categories checked to use in an array in another function. Function custom_pre_get_posts_query ($ q) {if (! $ Q- & gt; is_main_query ()) returns; If (! $ Q- & gt; is_post_type_archive ()) returns; If (! Is_admin () and is_shop ()) {$ q- & gt; Set ('tax_corea', array (array '' categorization ''> 'product_kat', 'field' => slug '' rule '= & gt; array (' knife '), // shop page' Do not display products in the knife category on operator '= & gt; No;)}} Remove_action (' pre_get_posts', 'custom_pre_get_posts_que...

Date List Increment Method in Java -

OK, so here's the question, I'm trying to make a method, which gives me all the dates date A As the result should be 01-01-2013 Tuesday 02-01- 2013 Wednesday 03-01-2013 Thursday And it should be in a map / list. I have listed the following approach at least in the first list, but have received a Java Out of Heap Space error. public static list & lt; ShiftDate & gt; CreateShiftDate () {string startdate = "2013-01-01"; String last date = "2013-01-28"; SimpleDefformFormat = New SimpleDateform ("YYA-MM-DD"); & Lt; ShiftDate & gt; ShiftDateList = New Arreelist & amp; ShiftDate & gt; (); ShiftDate shiftDate = new ShiftDate (); Try {Date startDate1 = formatter.parse (startdate); Date expiration date = (end date); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance (); Date new date = start date 1; While (newDate.compareTo (End date 1) & lt; 0) {c.setTime (newDate); C.add (, 1); ShiftDate.setDateStri...

ibm midrange - How to run more than one UPDATE statements in AS400 -

I need to update 100 records in one table and in a table of AS400, but when I set the delimiter I am using; (semicolon) is throwing this error. It looks like ; In AS400 as we used to do in DB2. If you have an IBM Eye Navigator installed, its run SQL statement window might be what you want, And it can be registered as the default handler for SQL files Create a blank new .sql file on your desktop and open it and paste your statement or save the SQL file in the SQL file and open it. Hopefully this will open the SQL statement window for you to navigate. Set your connection properties for system naming, and connect to your server. Cass now let your statement run individually or all together.

how to replace html in application.html.erb using ajax in rails? -

I try Ajax inside yield, I work properly, but when I apply to ajax application.html.erb (Layout), then ezax is not working and not the place of HTML. My application.html.erb: & lt; Li id = "header_notification_bar" class = "dropdown" & gt; & Lt; An id = "click_notif" data-toggle = "dropdown" class = "dropdown-toggle" data-remote = "true" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa fa-bell-o" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; Span id = "notif_count" class = "badge bg-warning" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "notif_content" class = "dropdown menu extended notification" & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# notif_content') .HTML ("& lt;% = j 'rendering' layout / load_notif '% ...