how to replace html in application.html.erb using ajax in rails? -

I try Ajax inside yield, I work properly, but when I apply to ajax application.html.erb (Layout), then ezax is not working and not the place of HTML.

My application.html.erb:

  & lt; Li id = "header_notification_bar" class = "dropdown" & gt; & Lt; An id = "click_notif" data-toggle = "dropdown" class = "dropdown-toggle" data-remote = "true" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa fa-bell-o" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; Span id = "notif_count" class = "badge bg-warning" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "notif_content" class = "dropdown menu extended notification" & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# notif_content') .HTML ("& lt;% = j 'rendering' layout / load_notif '% & gt;"); $ ("# click_notif") Click (function () ($ ('# Notif_count'). Html ("& lt;% = j render 'layout / notif_count'% & gt;");});}); & Lt; / Script & gt;  

If the application applies within the yield, the action should be added to the format.js in the controller and I action_name.js.erb , But what should I do in application.html.erb ???

Please help me,

You tried to do this Is:

  $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# notif_content') .HTML ("& lt;% = j $ (document) .on (" click " , "#click_notif", function () {$ ('# notif_count'). Html ("& lt;% = j 'render' layout / load_notiff '%'; layout / notif_count '%> gt;");} Although;) Your question is quite unclear, you have a special problem with AJAX. That's because you're loading in DOM A element, JS event binders are not able to attach related events 

I do not imagine that the code written by me will work out of the box, but it basically depends on the principle - you have the "container" element , And appoint events from it

Because the container is present when the DOM loads, it means that you will be able to work with new elements.

we better To help make Wab you need to provide your AJAX code


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