Date List Increment Method in Java -
OK, so here's the question, I'm trying to make a method, which gives me all the dates date A
As the result should be
01-01-2013 Tuesday
02-01- 2013 Wednesday
03-01-2013 Thursday
And it should be in a map / list.
I have listed the following approach at least in the first list, but have received a Java Out of Heap Space error.
public static list & lt; ShiftDate & gt; CreateShiftDate () {string startdate = "2013-01-01"; String last date = "2013-01-28"; SimpleDefformFormat = New SimpleDateform ("YYA-MM-DD"); & Lt; ShiftDate & gt; ShiftDateList = New Arreelist & amp; ShiftDate & gt; (); ShiftDate shiftDate = new ShiftDate (); Try {Date startDate1 = formatter.parse (startdate); Date expiration date = (end date); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance (); Date new date = start date 1; While (newDate.compareTo (End date 1) & lt; 0) {c.setTime (newDate); C.add (, 1); ShiftDate.setDateString (. C.getTime () toString ()); ShiftDateList.add (shiftDate); }} Hold (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } (ShiftDate shiftDate1: shiftDateList) {System.out.println (shiftDate1); } Return change date list; } You have the loop position variable ( newDate
). It should look like this:
while newDate.compareTo (endDate1) & lt; 0) {c.setTime (newDate); C.add (, 1); NewDate = c.getTime (); ShiftDate.setDateString (. C.getTime () toString ()); ShiftDateList.add (shiftDate); }
Other problems: You have a formattor set for DD-MM-yyyy patter, but actual dates are in yyyy-MM-dd pattern
In addition to this, you will have to make a new instance of ShiftDate every time, or you will end up with the entire list every time or you will be the same (last updated) date value.
while (newDate.compareTo (endDate1) & lt; 0) {c.setTime (newDate); C.add (, 1); NewDate = c.getTime (); ShiftDate = new ShiftDate (); ShiftDate.setDateString (. C.getTime () toString ()); ShiftDateList.add (shiftDate); }
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