scala - Create custom Arbitrary generator for testing java code from ScalaTest ScalaCheck -
What is a ScalaTest (which is the Mixx Checkers for ScalCheck property) Java code testing, a custom immoral generator Is it possible to make? For example, for all the steps required for the following all trials:
val fund = new fund () val fundAccount = new account (account.RETIREMENT) val Consumer = New Consumer ("John ") .createAccount (fund account) fund.addConsumer (consumer) fundAccount.deposit (amount)
Before presenting the results, there is a PRP code.
You can do this You should start this.
import org.scalacheck_ import arbitrary._ import-prop._ case class consumer (name: string) object is expanding consumer check properties ("consumer") (lazy wal consumer: General [Consumer] = For the name {looted; - arbitrarily [string]} the product consumer (name) contained lazy wal arbConsumer: arbitrary [consumer] = genConsumer property ("some support") = for all {c: Consumer = & gt; // Check Goods True}}
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