objective c - I want to limit of the number of image drop in an animation IOS -
I'm new to Objective-C, I have created an app in which the bees have to fall and a bear catch them, everything It is working fine now I want to limit the limit of bees less than 20, how can someone help me?
I am not sure if any loop or drop bee method is in the loop in the timer, any input in it will be very helpful.
bAerere = [[NSMUTABELARROR] INIT]; Timer 1 = [NSTM Scheduled Timer With Time Interval: 2 Goal: Self Selector: @Selector (DropB) User Information: Zero Repeats: Yes]; - (zero) dropbill {CGRect ScreenTrack = [[UIScreen main screen] border]; CGFloat screenwidth = screenRect.size.width; // CGFloat screenHeight = screenRect.size.height; UIImageView * beeImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Bee-honey page"]]; Int resultX = (int) roundf (screenwidth); Int randomX = 0 + rand ()% (result x -0); [BARRAAdAdd: B image]; B image.frame = CGRactam (50, -10, 50, 50); BeeImage.center = CP Pointsmake (Random X, 50); [Self.view addSubview: beeImage]; [UIView Start Permissions: @ "Beverage" Reference: NULL]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 2]; BeeImage.center = CG PointMake (Random X, 600); [UIView commitAnimations]; }
How are you adding bees to your application? It would be helpful to see some code. If you have a method that is like - (zero) ADBB
, then you can create a variable to calculate the number of bees.
In your header file:
@interface Some controllers: UIViewController {int _maxNumberOfBees; }
Then in its implementation:
- (zero) The method_use_useUsatork.or.b.barere {birerre = [[NSMUTABARARROL] INIT]; Timer 1 = [NSTM Scheduled Timer With Time Interval: 2 Goal: Self Selector: @Selector (DropB) User Information: Zero Repeats: Yes]; _maxNumberOfBees = 20; // etc ...} (zero) dropbb {{(BERRA count)> gt; = _maxNumberOfBees) {// If the number of bees is equal to or equal to _maxNumberOfBees ... NSLog (@ "too many bee!"); } And {// add your bee to the scene CGRCT screenrate = [[USScreen main screen] border]; CGFloat screenwidth = screenRect.size.width; // etc etc etc ...}}
Hope that helps.
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