
Showing posts from July, 2010

import excel range of more than 65000 lines to access -

"itemprop =" text "> When I import an Excel file (with a set limit to use the label labeled" Import Label "on line 10 Try to do detail "and the data begins at row 11), if the error is more than 65,000 lines then I am getting an error. Is there some additional setting that I do not know? The relevant code is that I use: DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "New Table", C: \ document \ spreadsheet.xlsx, True, "Detail A10: Q100000 "I get the error message" run-time error 3011: Microsoft Access database engine object 'Details $ A10: Q100000' was not able to make sure that the object exists and said " If you spell your name and correctly the path then 'Description $ A10: Q100000' is not a local item, your own The Etvrk connection can check or server administrator " This command completely works for small Boundaries but totally not what races to the boundaries of more th...

List of a List in C -

I'm trying to allocate the list of pointers to the pointers of the strontectors in which the list of strokes in each of the following definitions With: structure node {char * text; Structure node * next; }; I have also been typed: typedef struct node node; I am creating a list of nodes by declaring each list as follows: node ** list; List = (strip node **) malloc (size (structure node *) * arraySize); On each node of list , I will have another list that I am composing as follows: list [i] = MOLOK (size (structure node *) * sub aerraise); I have many questions: Is this the right implementation for such a problem? I data member of the text of the first node of each list in the big list If my question is unclear please tell me this topic But my confusion is difficult to write in my words properly. Assuming your memory is allocated and filled correctly, you Through the text node * array: within the list [i] each node * data mem...

c++ - Do integer divisions to integers need a cast to float or double to be more precise? -

If I split the integer a and b for the output Want to do one third integer c , do I need to put the split in float or repeat it before dividing to ensure the most accurate? int a, b; Int c1 = a / b; // without CR2 (float) A / B; Is c1 more, less or less accurate as c2 ? P> No, you have to restrict yourself from casting. With big values, e.g. 1000000000L / 1000000001 L is clearly 0, but when float is inserted, it returns 1.0, because (float) a == (float) a + 1 main () {int a = 1000000000; Printf ("% d \ n% d", a / (a ​​+ 1), (int) ((float) a / (a ​​+ 1))); } Output: 0 1

regex - apache htacess remove trailing slash for multiple domains and protocols -

I have the same file that handles certain domains and some protocols (both http and https). I try to find a way to redirect all trafficking to a page with a slash and multiple domains without following this slash. Is it that I can do it in a statement for all my domains and protocols? I use more than 50 domains and it is a pain to declare all http and https for those domains. Iv tried: RewriteRule ^ (. *) / $ / $ 1 but with sub directories It does not seem to work, so I can not understand that it creates an interval loop Use this rule instead of removing indexed slashes from any path: rewrite it!% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {THE_REQUEST} \ s (. +?) / + [? \ S] RewriteRule ^ (. +?) / $ / $ 1 [R = 301, L]

python - Why can't I use the format function with docstrings? -

I have a function that starts like this: def apply_weighting ( Self, load): "" "Available functions: {}" "" Format (load) What do I want to do is to print the dictionary of available waiting functions to DocsString. But, while inspecting the function, it indicates that there is no document string available: in [69]: d.apply_weighting? Type: Instantmeath string form: & lt; Bound method DissectSpace.apply_weighting & lt; Dissect.DissectSpace example 0x106b74dd0 at & gt; & Gt; File: [...] / Definition: d.apply_weighting (self, load) Dosstring: & lt; A dotstring & gt; How come? Is not it possible to format a dosstring? Python interpreter string literals only Adding a .format () method call is not supported, not for function definition syntax, it is a compiler that parses the dotstring, not an interpreter, and any code like load The variant is not available at that time; There is no code execution at...

ms access 2007 - SQL Average Count of records over n months -

I am trying to do something that sounds simple but I do not understand that it is in SQL How to write. I have a table of records with a date field, I would like to get an average average record per month using the date field, it is not AVG which is grouped by month, but an overall average . So if there are quotes in my table, and in that table there are 7 different months of data, then I have to get: records / N months total months Now I need to get it in SQL. You can set the DateDiff function to min and maximum of your date field : datediff (interval, date1, date2, [first day] Example: SELECT count (*) / dateDiff ('m', minimum (date), max (date), first [first author] ) ... How does this work? / P> count will give you the number of total rows (# of excerpts in your quotation table) and DateDiff will be the first and last date

rotate image if needed with javascript -

I have a preview location to show a preview of the image before uploading, the problem occurs when you use your phone Choose an image from this if it is needed to rotate the image, how do I rotate it? My JavaScript to show the preview: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function readURL (input) {if (input.files and input.files [0]) {var reader = new FileReader (); Reader.onload = function (e) {$ ('# blah') .attr ('src',}; Reader.readAsDataURL (input.files [0]); }} & Lt; / Script & gt; and html & lt; Img src = "picture / Your_Picture_Here.png" alt = "" title = "" class = "prod_image" id = "blah" /> I recommend you take a look at the Zithub project. Everything is there to help you with your orientation problem document.getElementById ('file-input'). Onchange = function (e) You can see an online demo that you can see. {Var loadImage...

jQuery-CSV + Flot read data from csv file relative path -

I try to implement jQuery-CSV with flot. An example of opening a file is to plot it with a hard disk and plot it as a graph. It works fine. & lt; Div id = flot2 style = "width: 600px; height: 300px; margin: 0 auto" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input id = file input type = file name = files [] multiple /> But in my case I do not want to open a file from the hard disk - .css file is already openlude in my html structure. / data /test.csv fe Does anyone know how to change the input in the path of .csv file? There is a demo for this ... The file has to be loaded through an open file dialog. The sandbox prevents security scripts from directly accessing the user's filesystem. Disclaimer: I am the author of jquery-csv.

.htaccess - Redirecting domain with htaccess -

I'm going to from my site .com version The only issue is that there are some admin features that I want to keep on the .com site. I have set up my .htaccess to redirect everything but the requested files and directories are present, which works fine except for the root of the site, I can not redirect it. Here my HTAC ... RETURNEIGN ON REVERTABESE / REVIRATE RULES ^ index \ .php $ [R = 301, L] rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! - F. Revoked% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Rev. Rule (. *) Http://$1 [R = 301, L] You can use this code: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ (index \ .php)? $ Http: // [R = 301, L] RERETE condom% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite Convert% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewritere (. *) Http://$1 [R = 301, L] This regex ^ (index \ .php) ? $ will mail index.php or empty string (landing page).

javascript - d3 fade icons of non connected nodes -

I have created a guided graph of my twitter timerline, and on each node the user has a profile icon with the screen name, And when the mouse rotates on a node it fades non-connected nodes But the image of the icon of non-connected nodes is not fading, I have received text and lines to fade, but The icons remain the same. How can I also fade the image of the node? Here is the graph var nodes = {}; Links.forEach (work (link) {link.source = nodes [link.source] || (nodes [link.source] = {name: link.source}); = nodes [] || (Nodes [] = {name:}); link.source.icon = link.icon;}); Width = 1400, height = 1200; Fill = d3.scale.category20 (); Var strength = d3.layout.force (). Nodes (d3.values ​​(nodes)). Link (link). Size ([width, height]) .Link resistance (120) Charge (-300) .on ("tick", tick). Start (); Var svg = ("# home-page"). Attached ("svg: svg") .attr ("width", width) .attr ("he...

android - How to use FragmentLayout without extending Fragment class -

I am creating a piece using a class from another package // ONCREATE PickKanjiActivity pickKanji = new PickKanjiActivity (); // SOME_METHOD fTrans = getFragmentManager () BeginTransaction (); FTrans.add (RD Framework, Pick Kanji); FTrans.commit (); But this code is giving the following error: Adding this method (int, slice) type is not applicable for logic in FragmentTransaction (int , / P> P> But Picnic is already expanding another class Public class pekary activity KanjiActivity is expanded Is the piece to make the piece without expanding the piece? You do not do this Their pecnic activity is an activity, not a piece. You will have to rewrite your code as a piece. It is not so, you can call it as only one Can not use

sql server - NSIS not resolving magic variables in the proper way? -

I try to install MS SQL 2008 R2 with NSIS so that I use this code snippet: SetOutPath "$ temp \ unit \ DimIns \ binary \ SQLSVR" file / r ".. \ .. \ shared-binary \ \ MsSQLServer2008R2 \ SQLSVR-86 \" SetOutPath " $ temp \ unit \ DimIns \ "ExecDos :: executive" $ OutDir \ binary \ SQLSVR \ setup.exe / quiet / IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /ConfigurationFile=$OUTDIR\binary\SQLSVR\dimsqlsetup.ini / action = install "" "" $ OutDir \ MsSQLServer2008R2.log " but it failed Programming will. And it outputs to this error message: The following error occurred: The action type 'ExecuteWorkflowAction' is not valid for the workflow identification element, only valid action types are ExecuteWorkflowAction. Error result: -2068709375 Results feature code: 1202 result error code: 1 Review summary.txt log for more information. The following error occurred: The methodology 'ExecuteWorkflowAction' is n...

authentication - Multiple SITE URLs for a Facebook App - possible? -

We have a software platform with social logs, and one of them is Facebook. However, we can sometimes take the white label our domain name to the client. Like becomes The Facebook app settings allow, what seems to be a limited (for example) the number of site URLs - though it has many API domains We are trying to use our platform social login on all our customers without creating an API for each new domain. For now, I add the "hack" client domain name to the "mobile url" system ... because we do not use this field, we accept the client domain name in the "app domains" Because we've added it in the mobile URL field. / P> This is probably a wrong approach. Actually, but it works, though it will not work for our next customer, because there is no URL available in it. :) Do we have any suggestions for any suggestions on how our app should work and be configured if we are using our application in diff...

mysql - Creating WooCommerce Analytical report with SQL -

I have recently moved to WooCommerce platform and need to create mysql in SQL to run my own analytical report is. For example, I need a report that shows the total number per sale per country in the last 30 days. I searched the table like 'wp_posts', 'wp_postmeta', and found that most of the fields and orders are record-based, not column-based, which makes SQL a little more challenging. Lastly, SQL is created by me, and it is expected that it can be used by other WooCommerce users, which is analytical outside box. Will be useful for solutions or not wanting to use custom reporting. select sku, count (1) wp_woocommerce_order_items from oi, - woocommerce use posts to keep metadata at wp_postmeta at command, - - Order table p wp_posts, we use this table filter To get the PM1 wp_postmeta threshold order - we use this table again to get shipping country information wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta OIM, - to obtain the product ID from this table order, product_id ...

javascript - show element when class is in viewport -

I am trying to make a developer when only elements of a specific class are visible in the viewport. I almost got it by $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('. Myclass'). Bind ('inview', function ( Event, visible) {if (visible == true} {// element visibleport $ (this) is visible in .removeClass ('myclass'); Alert ('h2!')) And But as you can see from this edit, each event is triggered every time the class enters or exits the viewport, thus an output element has the desired effect Even if the element is visible with the other relevant class. I was also messing with this plugin but I could not understand what I want to do it. Just keep an eye on the visual elements in the array: var visibleEls = []; $ ('. Myclass'). Bind ('invoice', function (event, view) {if (visible == true) {// entry is now visible in the viewport, if (~ ~ visible styles. Indexex (this)) visibleEls .push (this); } And {// element are out of viewport v...

java - Using libgdx, how do I reset a PerspectiveCamera without resetting the view so I can correctly rotate the correct axis? -

I am using libgdx. I'm going through the basics so that I just display a box using the following perspective cameras to display a set of latitude and one box: environment = new environment (); Cam = new perspective camera (67, gdx graphics .getWidth (), gdx. Graphics.getHeight ()); Cam.position.set (10f, 10f, 10f); Cam.lookAt (0, 0, 0); Cam.near = 0.1f; Cam.far = 300f; Cam.update (); Zirokam = New Perspective Camera (67, Gdx graphics .getWidth), Gdx Graphics. GateHight ()); Zerokam. Refinement.Set (10f, 10f, 10f); Zerocam.loket (0, 0, 0); Zerocam.near = 0.1f; Zerokam.far = 300f; Zerocam.update (); I can rotate the box without moving the box using : This is in my renderer class: ModelBatch.begin (zerocam); ModelBatch.render (drawAxis (0), environment); ModelBatch.render (drawAxis (1), environment); ModelBatch.render (drawAxis (2), environment); ModelBatch.end (); ModelBatch.begin (cam); ModelBatch.render (DrawBox (), environment); ModelBatch.end (); Cam.update (); T...

operating system - VM cloud based OS possible? -

"एक प्रक्रिया वर्चुअल मशीन (भी, भाषा वर्चुअल मशीन) एक प्रोग्राम चलाने के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह एक एकल प्रक्रिया का समर्थन करता है.इस तरह की वर्चुअल मशीन आमतौर पर एक या अधिक प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं के लिए अनुकूल होती है और प्रोग्राम पोर्टेबिलिटी और लचीलेपन (अन्य बातों के अलावा) प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से बनाई जाती है। एक आभासी मशीन का एक अनिवार्य लक्षण यही है कि अंदर चल रहे सॉफ़्टवेयर वर्चुअल मशीन द्वारा प्रदान की गई संसाधनों और अवशेषों तक सीमित - यह अपने वर्चुअल वातावरण से बाहर नहीं हो सकता है। " से उद्धरण मैं विशेष रूप से उनके महत्व के साथ वर्चुअल मशीन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं में, और मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि क्या एक वीएम आधारित ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम विकसित करना संभव होगा जो कि कनेक्ट किए गए सर्वरों की प्रोसेसिंग पावर का उपयोग करने के लिए गतिशील रूप से स्केल किया जा सकता है? तेजी से प्रसंस्करण के लिए अपना स्थानीय हार्डवेयर का उपयोग करें, लेकिन क्लाउड सेवा के लिए तत्काल प्रतिक्रिया वापस करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है जो प्रक्रियाओं को भेजकर इसके प्रदर्शन को भी बढ़ाएं। ...

java - How to add dynamicaly TableRow inside a TableLayout in Android using .xml? -

I have trouble connecting rows with textView inside table layout. I have a table_row .xml, where I define my tableware and the XML of its text view. table_row xml: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; TableRow xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_weight = "2" android: text = "@ string / food_label" Android: textAppearance = "Android: Android: ATR / Text Appointments Small" /> Android: Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_weight = "1" Android: text = "@ string / kcal_labal" Android: text apparatus = "Android:? Android: ATR / Text Appointments Small" /> & Lt; / TableRow & gt; Here's what I do: Within the cl...

How to contact linux ClearCase clients from Windows servers -

I'm trying to get some Linux ClearX clients to work with my existing Windows infrastructure. All vobs and servers are stored on Windows machines. By using an existing vob, I was able to create a tag in the linux area to refer to vob, and then linux client This client was able to connect to Vob and when I updated the configuration space, I used to drag files. However, as long as this file can be viewed, it does not have permission to edit it. User Name Match linux: user1 windows: DOMAIN \ user1 Clearcase Administrator Panel "to map UNIX user and group names with the selected domain " is selected. However, authentication is not working from the Unix client, if I run credmap windowsServer And no one gets any for the group id if I run from the Windows server credmap linuxClient this time out and get me credmap: Error: Unable to contact albd_server on host The further investigation of the albd_list on Unix reveals that the embedded server Walkin...

ruby - Trouble sending Rails script output to Foreman console -

समस्या: मैं लोकप्रिय फ़ोरमैन मणि का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ रेल स्क्रिप्ट / डिमंस की संख्या फ़ोरमैन कन्सोल में प्रदर्शित करने के लिए मेरी एक स्क्रिप्ट के आउटपुट को प्राप्त करने में मुझे एक समस्या आ रही है मैं स्क्रिप्ट में सभी लॉगिंग को प्रबंधित करने के लिए एक रूबी लकड़हारा उदाहरण का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और मैं आउटपुट को STDOUT के समान आरंभ कर रहा हूं: logger = (STDOUT) फोरमैन में कोई भी आउटपुट दिखाई नहीं दे रहा है ऐसा क्यों है? अन्य tidbits: मेरे पास मेरी लिपि के शीर्ष पर की आवश्यकता है डालता है [संदेश] आउटपुट को फ़ोरमैन कंसोल में चलाने से पहले की आवश्यकता होती है , लेकिन बाद में चलाने पर कोई आउटपुट नहीं होता है। p कमांड किसी भी उदाहरण में काम करता है। की आवश्यकता फ़ाइल। एक्सपैंड_पाथ (फ़ाइल। जोन (फ़ाइल। डायनाम नाम (__ फ़ाइल), '..', 'config', अगर मैं लॉगर को STDERR के बजाय आरंभ करता है, तो यह काम करता है। गिटौब पर फोरमैन विकी में जवाब मिला: यदि आप अपने प्रोग्राम से कोई आउटपुट नहीं देख रहे हैं, तो संभवतः एक संभावना है कि यह ...

ios - Permanently Hide UISearchDisplayController -

I am trying to hide the search display controller attached to a UITableView in an IIS 7 table view controller. I do not want to temporarily scroll it up; I want to disable it completely In my table view controller code (which is set to FWIW grouped style), I found: self.searchDisplayController .searchbar.hidden = yes ; This hides the search bar, but unfortunately the result of the empty box sitting on top of my table is: This will scroll through the screen like a blank screen, like the search bar self.searchDisplayController.searchBar .hidden = NO; Expected to return the search bar. I have tried to use suggestions from both questions, look at the table above 44 pixels, apart from working besides this, there is a side effect to hide the pull-to-refresh pointer on top of my table. I have also tried to set the frame of my search, not the height like the bar: self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0 , Self.tableView.frame.size.width, 0); ...

libgdx - Images pixelated in higher resolutions -

I am developing a game that is using the libGDX framework but I have some problems that give it different proposals Trying to change in I give an example of those problems I have. I use Scene2D to show a simple menu that contains texture buttons with some texture atlas in the menu (the button texture is 9 patch). In the desktop, the buttons look fine with resolution of 800x480 (even bitmapfonts) but in Android, where I use SetViewport to keep the width (800px), but I measure the height of the aspect ratio, I Pixelated images. I think this is because my mobile high resolution should be scaled to fit the whole step so images can be pixelized. Area. So, my question is, what is the best way to solve it? How can I support different proposals without seeing pixel art? What is the Android device tested on? You said that you used 9-patch images until you set them in one shape and then modify your scale (difference between screen resolution and viewport size), this picture-made The...

r - Creating a Data frame that is populated by a custom function that returns an vector -

I have the following code and what I want to do is to have a dataframe populated, each row should be returned with custom function Rx (It gives vector with number 3). I have come in two ways to achieve this, but both of them feel somewhat like the work around and I was thinking that there was a better way of suggesting anyone. Looping through each walk in Method 1 stores the results in the temporary variable and then places it in the correct position in the data frame In the second method the data is RBIDED , But I have been left with an empty line which should be snatched later. n = 500 ff & lt; -c (0.20.3,0.5,0.25) Rx and lieutenant; -function (ff) {# Set Sales Red & Lt; -Runef (3) S & lt; Data frame to maintain (1: 3 in X) for -rep (0,3); Potential prospects from #FF investigation & lt; -cumsum FF / par (FF)) #select first fracture set s [x] & lt; -min (which (probs> = rands [x])) #get Get rid of the set and recycle [x] FF [s] [LC] -0} rx & lt...

using sed to remove special chars and add spaces instead -

I have a block of text that I want to change: ^ @ ^ ^ @ Jfits ^ @ ^ a ^ @ pin ^ @ ^ a ^ @ sadface ^ @ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ @ ^ @ TTI ^ a ^ a ^ @ vuln ^ @ ^ a ^ @ yes ^ @ I use all the ^ @ ^ A ^ with some spaces (and variations of those characters) I tried: cat-A file | post-text "itemprop =" text "> if You can include allowed characters, then you sed -e's / [^ a-zA-Z0- 9] / / g ' that No will replace everything in the set of alphanumeric characters with a place. If you want to replace all 'non-printable' characters with spaces now You can use a character group [1] with sed -e's / [^ [print:]] / / g. sed Although some older versions may not support this syntax, but it is standardized in the Unix specification so that you do not feel guilty for using it. [2] [1] [2]

make a custom event for addEventListener in Javascript -

What I would like to do is register a custom event in Javascript (I'm working with HTML + CSS + Javascript + jQuery But this "custom event" is not a predefined event. What I'm looking for: document.addEventListener ($ (# div1). CSS ("width") == "35px" (or, another example status :) $ (# Div1) .css ("left") == "20px" (or, condition of another example :) $ (# div1) .css ("color") == "#ff 20000", function (); ); Is this possible? How is the right syntax? Inside and if? I mean: document.addEventListener (if ($ (# div1) .css ("width") == "35px"), function ();); I do not know how this "customized Damon" work! There is no such event in the browser, which reaches a particular diva 35px The type of code you are trying to write a width or a specific color of is not directly possible. There are incidents for some other types of things that may be due to the width of t...

maven - JavaFx button not working on Mac -

Then I've created an application using javaFX in Eclipse. I've packed an executive jar using Maven, which has Zenzhou Javfix-Maven-Plugin version 2.0. I clean the mvn jfx: package in the command line by using jar. This creates a javafx / app subfolder in my goal, which includes a Lib folder and executable jar. When I run this executable jar on my Ubuntu or Windows machine, everything works fine. On Mac, I'm having trouble. I have a welcome page that appears first. Its application is a small description and there is a button to push users to continue the application. For some reasons, the button on the Mac does nothing, it works fine on Windows and Ubuntu, so why is the idea why this is happening? Does Mac have to include anything extra? There was a problem on cumin (JavaFX Bagtracker) Blocking Mouse Events on Buttons It Really Is Your Mac The version was not (given the name 10.8.2 on this issue) but the problem has been fixed for JavaXx 8 release (codenamed Lowor...

Perl text::csv to check then add field -

I am reading a CSV file and checking text within a certain area. If text is present then I would like to keep the line and add one field. In the following programs, the loop is fine, so that the lines can be saved with the text in the kernel [17]: while (my $ line = $ csv - & gt; getline ($ infh)) {if ($ row-> [16] "") {my $ string = $ csv-> String; Print {$ outfh} $ string; }} Loop also works fine in the following fields in another testing program, to add field: while (my $ line = $ Csv-> gt; match ($ inf)) {share @ $ line, 1, 0, "1 GM"; $ Csv-> Print ($ outfh, $ line); } I want to combine them to work in the same program, but I am doing Syntax Nightsemers. Can anyone show some signals to a Pearl novice? There is a complete "test program" here: #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; Text: Use CSV; Use CWD; File :: Use the basinum; My $ dirname = basename (getcwd); My $ input_file = $ dirname ".text...

Hbase Java API: Retrieving all rows that match a Partial Row Key -

In the Python module, I can retrieve all those rows that are the row keys introduced with a string key (I.e., partial row key). Assume I have a line key in the format of (id | TYPE | DATE), I will be able to find all the rows with an ID of 1 and a type of A: import happybase connection = happybase.Connection ('') table = connection.table key ('table_name'), data in table.scan (row_prefix = "1 | A | "): The print key, the data is that I'm using it as a fully client-side Java program, which is Ryas are, but I can only find it'm using the full line key line: Import org.apache.hadoop.conf.configuration; Import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; Import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; Import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; Import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; Import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; // class foo {public static zero main (string [] args) {configuration conf = new configuration (); Conf.addResource ...

antlr4 - ANTLR - number surrounded by single quotes -

I want to recognize the ANTLR for '10' (including single quotes) but it only gives me an error: "" "" "" at 10 " I have Test.g4 is for: grammar test; Rule: Number; Number: Quote NUM quotes; NUM: [0-9] +; Excerpt: '\' '; WS: ['\ t \ r \ n] + - & gt; Skip; Then the driver looks like a file: public class teststaff {public static zero main (string [] args) {charstream input = new ANTLRInputStream ( "10"); TestLexer lexer = New TestLuxer; GeneralTokenStream Token = New CommonTokenStream (Lexer); Test Parser Parser = New Test Parser (token); parser.rules ();}} I have tried to think about every difference and I am getting this: missing from '10' If this is the case, then using version 4.1. Your rule: WS: ['\ t \ r \ n] + - & gt; Skip; Match , And skips, input "'" (space + quote). Remove the quote from that class: WS: [\ t \ R \ n] + - & gt; Skip; ...

Speech recognition in python 3.x -

I searched around 3 days for a library or something for speech recognition through Python 3. I got old all the libraries, is there any way to do this? , I'm working on Windows 8 If you still need it or someone else The question will come, I recently found: This uses the Google Speech Recognition API It was tested on my MacBook OS X 10.8.5 / Python 3.4 - Works fine while processing input from the microphone, supports different languages. Keep this in mind for some tasks. To set up additional modules, here is a quote from its requirement: The first software requirement is Python 3.3 or better. It is necessary to use the library. In addition, 32-bit Python should be used if you are using PyAudio binaries. It is also technically feasible though it is inconvenient to compile PyAudio for 64-bit Python. If you want to use the microphone class (required for recording from a microphone input), PyAudio is also required if the installation is not established, the library...

python - How to run the flash policy socket server? -

I'm trying to create a simple chat app in the DNS, but when I try to run the following Python file, Failed to launch flash policy server (flash policy server) on port 9000 and port 843: [Error 13] Permission denied: ('', 843 ) I'm getting the error above, because I need to use root permissions but when i su Do not use , my local virtualized work is not working, it takes root packages, but packages were not included in the root. I need to run my code with virtualenv , I do not need to run the route How to solve this problem, here my code, #! / Usr / bin / env python pORT = 9000 Import OS os.environ ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'Import settings' Django.core.handlers.wsgi application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler () Socket import socket EOVERVER if __name__ == '__main__': listen to port '% s' and port 843 (flash policy server) listen to'% port SocketIOServer (('', PORT), application, ...

Add additional and existing script to a Google form -

I am currently creating a Google Form that helps us to measure the eligibility of our staff members. When you create Google Forms, you are given several options when creating your question type, 9 to be accurate (text, paragraph text, multi-option, checkbox, list, scale, grid, date and time to choose from, I have a certain newbie when it comes to scripting with a simple understanding of different coding languages, which make me scripts, please stand by me. So my question is, I have existing multiple-choice How to add paragraph text to the script, and is it possible? Here is an example of a quick test that we want to apply to the existing Google Formscript: Q: Do you have experience in dealing with cash? Multi-choice question: Yes or no? (Please tell your answer) & lt; --- This is where I would like to add a script to include paragraph text under more than one question. Please agree. I know that after selecting, I can organize the whole test by adding landing pages as an opt...

checkout - Perforce - Automatic Check Out -

I want to know whether the effect has a built-in functionality which allows us to check the code automatically. I have several servers and I have an option where, when I modify a script in one server and see it incomplete, it automatically checks the script on other servers. Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you! There are three possible approaches, membership and voting and triggers . Membership In this approach, when you have a change, and respond accordingly. However, only one notification can be obtained from Perforce, it is an email sent to the email address of a user account. You can configure the server to respond to the email by running a p4 sync command for the Microsoft Outlook rules and alerts (for example) it can be configured to do so easily This answer and this document shows you how to configure these email alerts. Voting In this approach, you have a small program (batch script, executable, whatever ...) that runs continuously on your...

C++ Returning two values in Array -

I'm almost with my code; However, one part is not working well enough, just read from a file that contains only numbers (e.g., car sold). Using an array, trying to get the number of maximum, maximum, and maximum index of those numbers. My question is how can I return two values ​​from my MaxSold function? It only adds the maximum to the index, which is not correct. If the result indicates the employee's number then the maximum will be my code so far: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; Includes / * # & lt; Vector & gt; #include & lt; Iomanip & gt; * / Null read (int arryList [], int size); Zero print (int arryList [], integer shape); Int total (int size list), int size); Int MaxLold (Int Arary List), Int size, int and number); using namespace std; Ifstream Infix ("C: \\ cars.dat"); Int main () {int cars [7]; Int i; Read (Car, 7); Print (car, 7); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Total number of cars sold:...

joomla - Font-awesome codes overrided by toggle editor -

I am editing an article using the toggle editor and adding FontAwesome to it. I have found that when I add code using programmer view, it works fine, however, when I change from programmer view to designer view, editor automatically edits the code like this: Before: This is quite inconvenient for me because I often use the Designer View article repeatedly Is there a solution for this? Check the acceptable tags for the editor In your case using Jake Editor - you can see At first glance it appears that the blacklist for whitelist and some HTML You can whitelist your selectors and they will not be able to snatch anymore.

html - Css sidebar height 100% in foundation -

I am using grid system with a sidebar and content area. I want to extend the height of the sidebar navigation based on the content of the main part ( small-10 ): & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "small-column" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "side-nav" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; ... & lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "small-10 column" & gt; @RenderBody () & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I have tried: #party-nav (height: 100%; background: # f0f0f0;} If you want two columns to have the same height, then this is still a case. I still & lt ; Table & gt; 's

Geb: Moving on from a failed test rather than stopping the run -

I'm learning how to write and run pocket tests in Intelligence How can I configure the Gib so that if it fails for the first time Can not stop and leave the balance? "> When all feature methods are used, in the event of their announcement, in case of a device, and one feature method fails, all the following feature methods are being omitted.

Cocos2d 3.0 Set Portrait orientation -

AppDelegate.m has already been added to the code but it still does not work in the picture. - (NSUntengar) Supported Interface Orientation {Return UINTFORDAnternationMask Portrait; } - (BOOL) RequiredAutotettoInterfaceAuthentication (UINPs Orientation) Interface Orientation {Return UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait (Interface Orientation); } Here is the Xcode abstract page: The solution has been found, we can set the orientation in setupCocos2dWithOptions. Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) Launch Option {{Self SetupCocos 2 with Option: @ {CCSetupShowDebugStats: @ (YES), CCSetupScreenOrientation: CCScreenOrientationPortrait,}]; Yes come back }

php - issue with uploading mp4 video file even after changing the mime type to 'mp4' => video/mp4 and giving file type as mp4 -

मैं codeigniter फ़ाइल अपलोड वर्ग का उपयोग कर निम्नानुसार एक mp4 वीडियो फ़ाइल अपलोड करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं, फ़ंक्शन do_upload_video () {$ config ['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; $ Config ['allowed_types'] = 'एमपी 4'; $ Config ['mimes'] = 'एमपी 4'; $ Config ['max_size'] = '1000000'; $ This- & gt; लोड- & gt; पुस्तकालय ('अपलोड', $ config); अगर (! $ This- & gt; अपलोड- & gt; do_upload ()) {$ error = array ('error' = & gt; $ this- & gt; अपलोड- & gt; display_errors ()); $ डेटा ['main_content'] = 'व्यवस्थापक / तत्व / एड_विडियो'; $ इस- & gt; लोड- & gt; दृश्य ('/ टेम्प्लेट', $ डेटा शामिल है); } और {$ chapter_id = $ this- & gt; सत्र- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता डेटा ('अध्याय_आईडी'); अनुप्रेषित ( "/ व्यवस्थापक / तत्वों /".$ chapter_id); MIME.php 'mp4' => 'वीडियो / एमपी 4' में दिए गए माइम प्रकार, मैंने फाइल साइज को ph...

java - allegro graph - federate repositories located on different server -

I am trying to create an abstract repository for a federal search on the Alegre graph. I am able to connect to the repository stored on different servers. However, when I try to combine them using the Federal Union, it throws an error that it can not get repo on the other server whether it is stored on separate servers Is there a way to collect two repositories in an abstract repository where federal search can be done? AGServer server = new AGServer (SERVER_URL1, USERNAME1, PASSWORD1); AGRepository repo1 = server.getRootCatalog (). OpenRepository (REPO1); AGServer server2 = new AGServer (SERVER_URL2, USERNAME2, PASSWORD2); AGRepository repo2 = server2.getRootCatalog (). OpenRepository (REPO2); Println (.repo1.getConnection () size ()); Println (. Repo2.getConnection () size ()); AGAbstractRepository Combined Repo = server.federate (repo1, repo2); JointRepo.initialize (); JointRepo.getConnection (); // This thread "main" org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org....

c# - DrawGeometry slow -

I have a set of coordinates, which are drawn on my override method, draw drawing draws one of the polygons. Trying to do 121000 points which is a lot. This slows down my map control In addition to this, when it is interval, the numbers are already in memory, I am just passing points for Anagramaartite Here is an example that starts again Happens map processing pa = new map interpolation (); If (this.mapCommunication.MapLayers == tap) {return; } Foreach (keyvaluepair & gt; Guid, MapLayerHelper & gt; CoordinatePoint Layer This InMapsCommunicationsMaplayer) {If (! Syncpoint layer value.sevvisable) {continue; } If (coordinates point layer.value! = Layernem. Visitable) {continue; } Foreach (Coordinate Helper Coordinate PointsLayer.Value.Coordinates in coordinates points) {foreach (stream gemetry items in coordinate points .GMarty Points) {drawingContext.DrawGeometry (blank, pendrying, item); }}} My question is, what direction should I take from here, should I optimize,...

python - Convert string with engineer prefix to float -

I have a string like '102.3k' I replace this string with an engineer Prefix marking in a float number Allowed prefixes posPrefixes = ['k', 'm', 'j', 't', 'p' Negroprefixes = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' / P> p> μ means 10 ^ -6 I think I should use regex to do this, but I have a lot of experience with regex. Edit: Ideally the solution should also be enabled to convert any wire '102.3' (without the prefix) should also be converted to float Try this, no regex required: pos_postfixes = ['k', 'm', 'j ['M', 'μ', 'n', 'p', 'f', 'a', '', 'p', 'p', 'e', ​​'z', 'y'] neg_postfixes = Num_postfix = n [-1] if pos_postfixes in num_postfix: num = float n [: - 1]) number * = 10 *...

iOS Transform Translate Animation not performing correctly -

So I'm trying to do a simple (simple) animation animation on a UIImageView by transferring it over 100 points . This is my code: [UIView animateWithDuration: 1 delay: 1 option: zero animation: ^ (zero) {CGAffineTransform tf = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation (0, -100); [Image Settress: TF]; } Closing: ^ (BOOL Finish) {}]; This works ... but it for some reason chooses a new root to get started for my UIImageView. For example, if the original center of the image is coordinates (300, 400), then by my code it should translate 100 points (300, 300). But for some reason, this code starts the image slightly, from where it should be (300, 450), and then it will grow to 100 (300, 350). How can I do an animation from where the image is basically? If you want to use the change for this process, then you should bring the original version and translate it Should try to do 100 px by. [Image Set Transform: CGAffineTransformTranslate (image.transform, 0, -100)];

c# - how to set the values of sill,nugget,range in ordinary kriging? -

After text itemprop = "text"> im work on data data, and I want to add data to any location that I specify . My programming language is ASP.NET4C # I do not know how to set tissue, range, nuggets for experimental variogram or theoretical variogram? I make the following code to calculate these variables in the experimental variogram: Public Zero Calculate_EmpericalVari_nugget_sill_range () {Double H = 0, VaiogramValue; Int n = known point Coat; For the // emperical variogram calculation {(int i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) for {H = AucledianDistance (KnownPoints [i] for {J. & J; L; J; ] .x, KnownPoints [i] .Y, knownpoint [ja] .x, knownpoint [ja] .Y); VaiogramValue = 0.5 * Math.p. ((knownpoints [i] .z - knownpoint [j] .z), 2); Emper_Variogram [i] [j] = age value; If (H == 0) Poles = Vyagam value; If (Fall and Lieutenant; VaiogramValue) {sill = VaiogramValue; Category = H; }}}} I work according to the distance that has the maximum value and range of distance, when I...

How do i create password protected pdf file in vb6.0? -

I am working with VB6.0 and I need to create a password protected PDF file in vb6.0. I have successfully created a PDF file but how can I protect it? Edit: I'm exporting the code from the word file using my PDF file. objWordDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat Output filename: = _ sDests & amp; SDestsPDFFile, ExportFormat: = wdExportFormatPDF, _OpenAfterExport: = False, OptimizeFor: = wdExportOptimizeForPrint, Category: = _, wdExportAllDocument, From: = 1, To: = 1, Item: = wdExportDocumentContent, _DocProps Include: = Truth, KeepIRM: = Truth , CreateBookmarks: = _ wdExportCreateNoBookmarks, DocStructureTags: = True, BitmapMissingFonts: = _ True, UseISO19005_1: = False ExportXFix format password has no mechanism for protecting PDFs. You need to use some other tools. Edit To address your follow-up question, there are several tools that can add password protection. Current documents My company, Atlasoft, it It will do the same (though it is a very big hammer for a ve...

AppController alternative for Cocos2d 3.0 -

Here is my cocos 2D 2.0 call. What is the alternative for this in Cocos2d 3.0 AppController * app = (AppController *) [[UIApplication shared application] representative]; [[App Navitrolter] Present Model Vuii Controller: Animated Visual Controller Animated: Yes]; In Cocos2d 3.0, use CCAppDelegate instead of AppController: CCAppDelegate * app = (CCAppDelegate *) [[UIApplication shared application] representative]; [[App Navitrolter] Present Model Vuii Controller: Animated Visual Controller Animated: Yes];

c# - Backgroundworker to return a string[] array -

I am writing a program that uses a backgroundWorker1_doWork () , causing a constant String builds [] array and return it via DoWorkEventArgs e , how do you do it? Thank you If I understand your question correctly, you can e.result Set the event handler with string [] array in backgroundWorker1_doWork () and then use it in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler. The following is the code that I have written in the form of victory. background work = null; Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Work = new background (by;); Work.DoWork + = New DoWorkEventHandler (work_DoWork); Work.RunWorkerCompleted + = New Runawoulder Cooled event handler (work_RunWorkerCompleted); Work.RunWorkerAsync (); } Zero Work_Worker (Object Sender, Run Worker Compatibility Aventus E) {string [] arr = (Results as E. String []); Foreign Currency (different items in ARM) {message box. Show (item); }} Null work dockwork (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {string [] arr = new s...

Transfer SVN repository from Google Code to RiouxSVN -

I have a treasure on Google code, and now I want to transfer these Code Treasures from RiouxSVN to Google Code. The problem is that I do not know how to complete it. I tried to use "svnadmin" and "svnrdump" but could not do it. I got this error for "svnrdump" svnrdump: WARNING: W200007: Target server nuclear modification does not support property editing; Consider upgrading it to 1.7 Svnrdump: E175002: DAV request failed; It is possible that the pre-exposure-change hook of the repository may either fail or non-existent svnrdump: E175002: Unrecognized svn: revision property I make hooks / pre-prefix-change Tried. The bat file with the content exit 0 But the problem remained. Is there any way to accomplish this? CG's SVN is very old, if you use Google Code with Svnrdump In the admin-panel does not have the ability to create a dump, you can still use svnsync to make the GC repo's local mirror, which you will load in the D...

Displaying Responsive Images using Bootstrap -

I am using bootstrap which has a gallery view and on a large screen it has 3 columns and 2 rows on the tablet Shows a single column on the phone. The image used for the big screen is relatively accurate, but when we move it towards the phone, the image is smaller in width than the size of the window. / P> What is the best way to handle this problem? The aspect ratio looks correct Do you have the height of the image interrupted? Try to force the width of the image to fill the parent class = col-xs-12 You can check this reference. One simular issue may be that one of their answers will help you.

Autorun.inf file not lunching the exe on Windows 7 environment -

मैं autorun.inf फ़ाइल के लिए कोड लिख रहा हूँ जैसे कि [autorun] open = Viewer \ viewer.exe icon = viewer \ viewer.exe, 1 .exe व्यूअर फ़ोल्डर के अंदर है, लेकिन मैं इसे स्वचालित रूप से चलाने (या ऑटोप्ले के रूप में) लंच करना चाहता हूं जब भी उपयोगकर्ता CD डालें / सीडी / डीवीडी ड्राइव में डीवीडी। लेकिन वास्तव में यह काम नहीं कर रहा है मुझे पता नहीं क्यों? ओएस: विंडोज 7 (32 बिट) मैं केवल एक पंक्ति का उपयोग करके इस उत्तर को हल करें [autorun] open = viewer \ viewer.exe कार्रवाई = ShellRun-cd / यह लाइन महत्वपूर्ण है

How to add an image to my facebook app -

I've created an app in the Developers section (). I need an App Key so that I can add a third party commenting service to my blog. The question is, how do I change the application logo? Change the default "Atom" logo so that when popup opens to ask for permission to use its Facebook details, then I have my website logo instead of that Atom. Thanks Go to the 'App Details' tab in the Developer section. To update the artwork there is a section below to see the screenshot below. This can be found on the page

javascript - Getting the value basing on id -

I use a jquery code for this & lt; P & gt; With the code $ , I wanted to get the value within the tag itself, I had to do it only to use internal HTML. Here is my sample code: & lt; P id = "name display" & gt; Sample name & lt; / P & gt; This is my internal HTML code that worked: document.getElementById ('nameDisplay'). Inner HTML I want to know how to use it jquery Thanks in advance. or $ ('# nameDisplay') . Text () on the difference between .text () and .html ( )

javascript - form submission to upload images - how to capture script errors -

I have an HTML form that has the following at a basic level: i upload images by calling it script image_upload.php Is designed for. & lt; Form id = "browse-images" enctype = "multipart / form-data" action = "image / image_upload.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "upload" name = "upload" class = "submit button btn btn-success upload-btn" style = "display: none; width: 6f float: right" type = "submit" value = " Upload "/> & Lt; / Form & gt; I have error handling in the image_upload php script which checks whether the file type is acceptable, and throws an exception and returns the error as a JSON string. I am at a loss how to capture the script when the script is called in this way?

floating point - Round a float does not work -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मुझे आश्चर्य है कि क्यों फ्लोटिंग नहीं हैं जब मैं ऐसा करता हूं: $ shipping_cost = float (57.599999999999994) राउंड ($ शिपिंग_cost, 2) इसका परिणाम है: 57.600000000000001 क्या आपके पास कोई विचार है कि ऐसा क्यों है? क्या इसका सर्वर के साथ कुछ करना है? धन्यवाद यद्यपि आपने यह निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया कि आप किस भाषा या क्रियान्वयन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं , यह लगभग निश्चित रूप से आईईईई -754 64-बिट बाइनरी फ़्लोटिंग-पॉइंट प्रारूप का उपयोग कर रहा है। इस प्रारूप में, परिमित संख्याओं को पूर्णांक f से -2 से 53 के लिए +2 53 (अनन्य) और दो को कुछ शक्ति ई श्रेणी में -1074 से 971 (सम्मिलित) तक बढ़ाया गया है। प्रत्येक परिमित फ़्लोटिंग-पॉइंट मान में f 2 ई होता है (इन हिस्सों को थोड़ी-थोड़ी बदल दिया जाता है जब भंडारण के लिए इनकोड किया जाता है, लेकिन यह विवरण गणितीय रूप से समतुल्य है।) किसी संख्या का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए, इसे इस रूप में रखना आवश्यक है उदाहरण के लिए, .75 3 है। 2 -2 । इस रूप में मूल्य 57.6 को बिल्कुल नहीं ल...

ruby on rails - Apply branches on multiple repositories -

I have a rail app and I have cloned it with Rail App B. Both versions have a different Gate Is the store. Now I am developing new features in different feature branches which then apply to app A or AppB. But I also have facilities or bug branches which should be implemented on both apps. Suppose I have created a facility branch on App A and I want to apply this facility branch in App B, how do I get it? Both GIT repo are on my local machine and are also on Github. You can add a new remote to B. Add git remote A & lt; Ur and A & gt; You can now run the following on the B local and drag it into the change with A : Git fetch A feature git checkout -b feature A / Feature You have to remember that you want to make any changes that you want to share on a different branch. Now suppose you have found some undesirable changes in this branch that you do not want to merge. You can always choose personal command at the top of your current branch (master?) git c...

ios - get crashed when deference subclassed NSObject -

@interface पादस्कर: NSObject @property (nonatomic, असाइन) अहस्ताक्षरित int dw3C; @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, असाइन) BOOL हैसेट; @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, असाइन करें) पीएसीसीएक्टैक्स मॉडेल मॉडल; @end दूसरे वीसी में @property (nonatomic, मजबूत) NSMutableDictionary * shakeDict; फिर मैं हिला करने के लिए कुछ ऑब्जेक्ट्स डालता हूं - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {एनएसएनumber * num = [एनएसएन नंबर संख्या के साथएनआईएनएसआईएनआईटी: message.sDeviceInfo.dw3CId]; पाडियाकर * खोज = [[पैडिसकर एलोक] इनिट]; Discover.dw3C = message.sDeviceInfo.dw3CId; Discover.model = message.sDeviceInfo.dwDeviceType; Discover.isSet = message.sDeviceInfo.fgPasswdFlag; [_shakeDict सेट ऑब्जेक्ट: के लिए खोज की: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", संख्या]]; [_shakeTV पुनः लोडडेटा]; } - (UITableViewCell *) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिका दृश्य सेलफोराअटइंडपैथ: (NSIndexPath *) सूचकांकपथ {स्थिर NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "सेल"; UITableViewCell * सेल = [तालिकादृश्य] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: Ce...

ios - Add UISearchBar to UITableView programmatically not working -

पृष्ठभूमि: मेरे पास UIViewController है, जब लोड होता है एक UITableView जेनरेट किया गया प्रोग्रामेटिक रूप से इसका डेटा SQLite3 डेटाबेस से मिलता है यह ठीक काम करता है समस्या: मुझे एक UISearchBar (और संबद्ध तर्क) जोड़ना होगा, लेकिन जब मैं कोशिश करता हूं, UISearcBar प्रस्तुत नहीं किया जाता है। अभी तक कोड: .h फ़ाइल: #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; #import "sqlite3.h" #import "Exhibitor.h" @interface ExhibitorViewController: UIViewController & LT; UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate, UISearchBarDelegate, UISearchDisplayDelegate & gt; {Sqlite3 * कांग्रेस डीडी; NSMutableArray * खोजडेटा; UISearchBar * searchBar; UISearchDisplayController * searchDisplayController; } @ प्रॉपर्टी (मजबूत, नॉनैटोमिक) आईबीओटलेट यूआईटीबल्यूव्यू * टेबलव्यू; - (NSString *) filePath; - (शून्य) openDB; @end .m फ़ाइल जहां UISearchBar को जोड़ा गया है: - (शून्य) loadTableView {CGRect usableSpace = [[UIScreen मुख्य स्क्रीन] applicationFrame]; CGF...