c# - how to set the values of sill,nugget,range in ordinary kriging? -

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im work on data data, and I want to add data to any location that I specify . My programming language is ASP.NET4C # I do not know how to set tissue, range, nuggets for experimental variogram or theoretical variogram? I make the following code to calculate these variables in the experimental variogram:

  Public Zero Calculate_EmpericalVari_nugget_sill_range () {Double H = 0, VaiogramValue; Int n = known point Coat; For the // emperical variogram calculation {(int i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) for {H = AucledianDistance (KnownPoints [i] for {J. & J; L; J; ] .x, KnownPoints [i] .Y, knownpoint [ja] .x, knownpoint [ja] .Y); VaiogramValue = 0.5 * Math.p. ((knownpoints [i] .z - knownpoint [j] .z), 2); Emper_Variogram [i] [j] = age value; If (H == 0) Poles = Vyagam value; If (Fall and Lieutenant; VaiogramValue) {sill = VaiogramValue; Category = H; }}}}  

I work according to the distance that has the maximum value and range of distance, when I get the door frame and the null distance is equal to zero value? this is right? And when they calculate the theoretical semivariogram, they are stable


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