Cocos2d 3.0 Set Portrait orientation -

AppDelegate.m has already been added to the code but it still does not work in the picture.

  - (NSUntengar) Supported Interface Orientation {Return UINTFORDAnternationMask Portrait; } - (BOOL) RequiredAutotettoInterfaceAuthentication (UINPs Orientation) Interface Orientation {Return UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait (Interface Orientation); }  

Here is the Xcode abstract page: Enter image details here < / P>

The solution has been found, we can set the orientation in setupCocos2dWithOptions. Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) Launch Option {{Self SetupCocos 2 with Option: @ {CCSetupShowDebugStats: @ (YES), CCSetupScreenOrientation: CCScreenOrientationPortrait,}]; Yes come back }


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