
Showing posts from May, 2010

java - - setting text wrapping, indentation size -

I am using the following code to indent a xml document which is provided to me as a string. I am using the jdk implementation of , if this is the case. public string format (string xml) {Try {Final InputSource src = New Input Source (New Stringer (XML)); Final node document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance (). NewDocumentBuilder (). Parse (src) .getDocumentElement (); Keep the last boolean declaration = boolean.valof (xml.startsWith ("& lt ;? xml")); // it may be required: System.setProperty (DOMImplementationRegistry.PROPERTY, ""); Last DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance (); Last DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) Registry .getDOMImplementation ("LS"); Last LSSerializer Author = impl.createLSSerializer (); Writer.getDomConfig () SetParameter ("format-beautiful print", boolean. TRUE); // Set it...

python - Unexpected response from multi-part POST with -

I am trying to post multi-part encoded form with request in Dragon 3.3 This is Http: .. {"json": null, "files": {"c_file": "data: image / x-png; base64, (too much binary Data)}, "f {"Value": "xxxxxxxx", "name": "password"}, "header": {"hirokok-request-id": "c101bf2e-d69a-4aab-ac15-b9005a7bcebe", "accept" : "* / *", "Accept-encoding": "identification, gzip, deflate, compress", "content-type": "multipart / form-data; Range "= c5b1e65ff0ac46029c88b9661f981534", "connection": "off", "host": "", "x-request-id": "c101bf2e-d69a-4aab-ac15-b9005a7bcebe", "content-length": "12262", "user-agent": "Python-request / 1.2.3 CPython / 3.3.2 windows / 7"}, "original": "", "d...

mysql - select near duplicates with trailing slashes -

The largest database of URLs to me, and duplicate behind the slash to me I that I ended up with the last slash People should get duplicate values, but url with text after the rear slash, like create table link_info (ID INT, URL VARCHAR (32)); Insert in Link_info VALUES (1, ''), (2, ''), (3, ' .com / asdfasdf '), (4,' '); And I am trying to select a duplicate without a follow-up slash, but it is a duplicate as selects. select different Troy (the links "/" URL) url link_info I was hoping to use the regexp, but It does not work. select trains separately Troim (URL Rigaks ( '[/] $ ")) URL link_info will return your query each URL layoffs I think you like something: select tickets (Troyling '/' URL From) trimmed_url from Trimmed_arnal hosting by link_info group...

c# - Why the versions of the assemblies are the same? -

We have an application that looks at the shared folder for the new version of the application. We have come up with the following code to check whether the versions of the assemblies are different (running on the client, and one of the server's shared folders) // Entry Assembly versaoAtual =. Assembly.GetEntryAssembly () getName () version. / Server string arquivoServidor = Path.Combine (maquinaCliente.DiretorioDeploy, @ "SameDigital.Client.exe" on the path to new assembly in a shared folder); // If the file does not exist, the version is the same, so it will not be updated (! File.exis (arquiosvervideo)) {versaoNova = versaoAtual; } Else {// creates a temporary AppDomain to load the server assembly AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain ("TempAppDomainSameDigitalClient"); // Server assembly receives the version of versaoNova = ad.Load (file. Read AllBytes (arquivoServidor)). GetName () Edition; // Load the temporary AppDomain AppDomain. Advertising (Adv...

javascript - 404 error when I pass session ID in Post request from angular js -

My services are hosted on a remote server and I am using the services in the Local Angel JS app. This works fine in the REST request, in which the session ID is not required in the header. When I add session ID to the header, it does not work. Gives me a 404 error. app.factory ('dashboard', function ($ resource, $ http) { returns {GetDashboardData: function (sessionid, id) {warning (session + ' \ N '+ id); var config = {header: {' content-type ':' application / x-www-form-urlencoded ',' session id ': session}}; return $ (' Url goes here Is' id, config);}}}); This is due to a cross domain in the rest of your API call, in the reverse API call Make changes and it will work fine. You are receiving 404 because the session ID is not accepting on the server ID.

linux - Why I'm getting "sh" calling "echo $0" inside bash inside php exec? -

मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है: सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन शेल ($ कोड) {$ code = Preg_replace ('/ "/', '\\' ', $ कोड); Exec ('bash -c' '$ code।' '', $ परिणाम); वापसी का परिणाम; } और जब मैं shell ("echo $ 0") कॉल करता हूं; मैं bash के बजाय sh हो रहा हूं, क्यों? मूल शेल डबलक्वॉट्स के भीतर चर का विस्तार कर रहा है। चर विस्तार को रोकने के लिए, एकल उद्धरणों का उपयोग करें: exec ("bash -c '" $ code। "" ", $ Result);

sql - The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint -

I have a problem when trying to add a foreign key to my tblDomare table; What am I doing wrong here? Make the table TblDomare (PersNR VARCHAR (15), FNamn VARCHAR (15), Nainan VARCHAR (20) No, zero, Erfarenhet VARCHAR (5), Primary key (PersonNN) ; INSERT (PersonN, F NAMN, E-NAMN, Ehrfrenhett) Mann in TBL Domora (6811034679, 'Beng', 'Carlberg', 10); INSERT (PersonN, F NAMN, ENAMN, Erfenhett) Value (76060 9 347, 'Josephine', 'Backman', 4) in TBL Doomarer; In TBL domare internet (PersonN, F NAMN, E-N.M., Erfetenet) Value (8508284163, 'Johanna', 'Backman', 1); Make Tablet TBLBena (Ban Nr Vachahar (15) Null, Primary K (Banar)); Include TBLABAN (BNNR) values ​​(1); Include TBLABAN (BNNR) values ​​(2); INSERT in TBLABAN (BNNR) values ​​(3); Optional Table TblDomare Add Foreign Key (PersNR) Reference TblBana (BanNR); error message: The temporary table is contradictory with the alleged foreign key constraint "FK_ tblDomare _PersN...

mysql - Pivot Table Noob Needing Assistance -

MYSQL काउंटी आउटलेट समय बीन 1 2/17/2014 16:03 बोन 1 2/17/2014 15:36 बीन 1 2/17/2014 15:18 बीओएन 1 2 / 17/2014 14:14 BOONE 1 2/17/2014 14:13 ब्रोवन 1 2/17/2014 16:03 ब्रॉवन 1 2/17/2014 15:36 ब्रोवन 1 2/17/2014 15:18 ब्रॉवन 2 2/17/2014 14:14 ब्रॉवन 2 2/17/2014 14:13 बटलर 2 2/17/2014 16:03 बटलर 2 2/17/2014 15:36 बटलर 2 2/17/2014 15:18 बटलर 3 2/17/2014 14:14 बटलर 3 2/17/2014 14:13 कैंपबेल 0 2/17/2014 16:03 कैंपबेल 0 2/17/2014 15:36 कैंपबेल 2/17/2014 15:18 कैंपबेल 0 2/17/2014 14:14 कैंपबेल 0 2/17/2014 14:13 CLERMONT 1 2/17/2014 16:03 क्लारमॉंट 1 2/17/2014 15:36 CLERMONT 1 2/17/2014 15:18 CLERMONT 0 2/17/2014 14:14 CLERMONT 2/17/2014 14:13 कैसे क्या मैं अपना डेटा अधिक देखने के लिए प्राप्त कर सकता हूं COUNTY TIME_1 TIME_2 TIME_3 TIME_4 TIME_5 BOONE 1 1 1 1 1 ब्रॉवन 0 1 1 1 0 बटलर 2 2 2 3 3 प्रत्येक काउंटी के लिए हमेशा पांच अलग दोहराए जाने वाले समय होंगे। मैं बस एक नुकसान में हूँ। आपने कोशिश की SELECT COUNTY, GROUP_CONCAT (आउटलेट ऑर्डर के अनुसार `TIME` DESC SEPARATOR ...

javascript - How to prevent or debug "missing dependency links" in a RequireJS project? -

Requirements JS Dependency is expressed as partial command ... which is great ! Each module can specify exactly the dependencies that need it and no longer. Specifically, there is no need to specify linear commands between all modules. The problem with it has been mentioned that there is a possibility to specify the circular dependency by mistake. I am now running in what you can call the opposite problem say say i have three modules, a , b and C : define ('a', [], function () {...}); Define ('b', ['a'], function () {...}); Define ('c', [], function () {...}); The actual loading order between such modules is non-deterministic. In this case there are three possible loading orders: A → b → c , & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; a → c → b , and c → a b . The dependency structure ensures that A always loads before B . Now think, at any point, the module C becomes A depending on, but I forget to specify it in the...

jQuery slide right to left not working -

I have a panel whose status to toggle on a button click. I can not even leave a simple animate work, never leave a toggle #sideCol {position: absolute; Correct: -70%; Width: 70%; } I think that transferring correct to 0% and then returning -70% to click event Click (function () {$ ('# sideCol'). Amimate ({"true": "0%"}, 300);}); Use a class to toggle the element: JS Friedal:

Git - What is the difference between push.default "matching" and "simple" -

I've been using GIT for a while, but I have never had to install a new remote repo and I have had the curiosity to do this; I am reading the tutorial and I am confused about how to get "git push" to work. If I just use git push then I ask to point to a default branch (?)? What is the difference between these two options which provides me? git config --global push.default match git config --global push.default simple Milan I have all the branches in my local repo , Push them, and if they do not match then ask me to fix it, which are the new local branches manually? Is this the best practice or the easiest? git push can all branches or a single dependent on this configuration Press: Push all branches git config --global push.default match All branches will be pushed into the remote branch and will merge them. If you do not want to push all the branches, then you can push only the current branch. Push only the current branch git config ...

java - How can I remove my Test Classes from my ShrinkWrap Archive -

How can I filter out sections of my final collection? Public static JavaArchive unitTestJar (return) ShrinkWrap.create (JavaArchive.class) .addAsManifestResource (EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "Beans.Xml") .addPackages (wrong, getCorePackages ()); } Public stable string [] getCorePackages (string ... args) {list & lt; String & gt; Wire = Arrays.asList ("com.lm.util", "com.lm.infrastructure"); Strings.adl (eroslists (args)); Return (string []) strings. Arrow (); } I think there is one, but I can not find any examples how to use it. After all I thought I would just remove anything that is * Test * . Which is easier than trying to add a category at a time. Try it out: sequowcup.rackcat (webarchive.class) .addPackages (true, filter. Remove (". * Test. *"), GetCorePackages ());

r - Why ggplot2, reshape2? -

This is just a few things that started to start me. What does the Naming Convention stand for ggplot2 in the package? Originally described as reshape2 , the original package was originally reshape that has been improved and the latest recycling is reshape2 , But why 2 in ggplot2 ? Check this tweet by the author of Ggplot2 for the same reason:

mysql - wp_usermeta query hanging for a few seconds before loading -

I have a question that I wrote a few years ago for a membership website. I'm not very well-versed in using $ wpdb (or mysql code in general) to write a custom query, and the site has grown quite a bit. Now there are about 150k rows in the wp_usermeta table, and the page where the query is loading, is hanging for the first two seconds. I hope this time will get worse and the site will benefit more users. Any help to help you to speed up this query will be greatly appreciated. $ Paged = (get_query_var ('paged'))? Get_query_var ('paged'): 1; $ Range = 15; $ Offset = ($ paged - 1) * $ border; $ Key = 'first_name'; $ Sql ​​= "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$ wpdb- & gt; User}. * To {$ wpdb-> User} INNER JOIN {$ wpdb-> USBITA} wp_usermeta ON ({$ wpdb- & gt; User} .id = wp_usermeta .user_id) where 1 = 1 and wp_usermeta.meta_key = '$ k' and wp_usermeta.meta_value Get_results ($ sql); $ Found_rows = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_var ("S...

html table - TD element is a inline element or block level element? -

Is the TD element in the table, a block level element or inline level? In the TR tag, we can have multi TD elements. Now I have a question: is the TD element an inline element? or not? From a style perspective, td is (by default) a Elements are more like these, but they are different from both. They are the matter of themselves.

class - PHP: is it safe to deserialize a file directly into an object? -

In my PHP code, I create a 'session' object that stores the user type, audio and so on. (Although no password is the form). Then I serialize this object to $ _SESSION var: $ _ session ['sess_data'] = carii ($ session); When I need to authenticate the user, I do this: $ session = unserialize ($ _ session ['sess_data'] ); Although it looks very insecure to me. How Can I Improve It? Are some get_class () sufficient as a method? Thanks

node.js - How do I get the native mongodb client from a jugglingdb adapter during compoundjs initialization? -

I am working with compoundjs and using jugglingdb's mongodb adapter. I am retrieving and reusing by doing the following tasks in the controller: var db = compound.orm._schemas [0] .client; This works great, because I'm able to use the function, such as .collection (name) and .find () However at the top of it, when I create the compound for the initiator, the .client is empty, but it seems that _schemas [0] is not an example For: module.exports = function (compound) {var db = compound.orm._schemas [0] .client; // _schemas [0] is not as empty. Db.collection ('archive'); // throws: type error: method can call 'archive' not undefined}; How can I retrieve native mogul clients from juggling db adapter, to rebuild the connection? This JugglingDB event can be completed by using the emitter using the connect event is. module.exports = function (compound) {compound.orm._schemas [0] .once ('connect', function () {var db = compound....

javascript - Getting all inner text of divs with same class -

Is there any way that I can do all the internal classes html = "company name"? Please guide me in the right direction. Edit Can I use it in Chrome console to get information from web pages? Please do not use jquery for this. It's very easy with plain ol javascript. var x = document.querySelectorAll ("[class = 'company name']"); For (var i = 0; i & lt; x.length; i ++) {// grab x [i]. WinnerHTML (or textContent or innerText)}

d3.js - D3js force layout with rectangle text groups overlapping -

Hi I am trying to use the force layout of d3js ... I am creating a live element with the rect and text inside them. And apply force but they overlap, I think it does not solve the reset size, what am I doing? var force = D3 Layout. Force () .node (nodes). Link ([]). Size ([w, h]); Force ("Tick", function (e) {vis.selectAll ("g") .attr ("transform", function (d) {return "translation (" + dx + "," + dy + ")";} );}); Nodes. Push ({w: 100, h: 50, value: 'grandfather'}); Nodes Peach ({w: 100, h: 50, val: 'zona'}); // Restart layout from the start (); ("G") .attr ("transform", function (d) {return "translate" (+ + dx + "," + + + ")";}). Call (force drug); Node .append ("rect") .attr ("width", function (d) {return dw;}) .attr ("height", function (d) {return dh;}) .style ("fill", " ("Stroke", "white") s...

.dat ASCII file I/O in C++ -

I have a .dat file with the following images such as ASCII characters: This is basically a series of 16-bit numbers. I can read it as unsigned less in my data structure, but I do not know how to save my unsigned less as input. This is my current code, although the value is correct, the format is not. See the following image: any Any ideas I have about how should I save it as input format? This is my saving task. " Zero SavePxlShort (vector & lieutenant; point 3d> & amp;; p; char * fileName) {offream OS (filename, iOS :: Out) ; Size_t l = pts.size (& lt; & lt; "......" & lt; & lt; endl; for unsigned short pxl; (long time i = 0; i endl ;} And {cout ; pixel intensity overflow user "& lt; endl; return;}} osclose (); return;} zero service Xcel Short (Vector & Lt; Point 3D & gt; & amp; pts; char * fileName) {ofstream os (fileName, ios :: out, ios :: binary & lt; & lt; l & lt; & lt; "...

c# - How to bind checkbox values to a list of ints? -

I'm following this example but when I submit I say, then it says 'wrong' can not be changed as 'wrong' Because it believes in the wrong or true that it is being passed, Not a real value What am I doing wrong? My model is Public IEnumerable & lt; AllocateRequirementViewModel & gt; Requirements {Get; Set; } Public listing & lt; Int & gt; Get the requirements {receive; Set; } Then my razor is & lt; Div id = "RequirementsContainer" & gt; @Vrench (Requirements in Model Requirements) {& lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "@ requirement.ID" type = "checkbox" name = "requirement iids" value = "@" /> @ requirement. Description & lt; / Div & gt; } & Lt; / Div & gt; Your model will need to include checked values ​​and all possible values . Public class testvindell {public guide id (get; set;} public idictionary ...

mysql - redis usage for semantic web application RDF quads alongside SparQL -

I am supporting a semantic web application that runs on a tomcat and is using MySQL for datastore. Due to the dynamic nature of the questions, large pages are slowed down faster than pages with less dynamic content. The database is inquired into scan type, select hundreds of crores times of the day, and it is my thinking that the queries generated by SparQL are not the most efficient, but changing them seems to come out of our hands because the question is somewhat of the black developers. What box do I want to know, whether in this situation, simon relational data can be used to set RDF (trud, triple, etc.) Is? I am not very knowledgeable on this, so the clarification / link will be appreciated. Thanks! In my experience, MySQL is not an acceptable backend for a triplestore. You should consider using any of the many dedicated triple stores, none of them will beat MySQL because they do not have triple impedance to store Triple / Quad in the relational store; They are using the ...

SQL Server update trigger executing twice -

मेरे पास निम्न ट्रिगर हैं - USE [DatabaseA] जाओ / **** ** ऑब्जेक्ट: ट्रिगर [डीबीओ]। [T_TableA_U] स्क्रिप्ट दिनांक: 02/17/2014 18:08:44 ****** / SET एएनएसआई_एनएलएलएस जाओ जाओ ट्यूटोरियल जाओ [डीबीओ] पर [सेट करें] पर [T_TableA_U]। [डीबीओ]। [टेबल ए] अद्यतन के बाद DECLARE @HistoryType char (1) पर सेट करें - "I" = डालें, "यू" = अपडेट, "डी" = DECLARE @RevisionID INT SET @HistoryType = 'U' SET @RevisionID = 0 [B] [तालिका] (स्तंभ 1_रेवटीएम, स्तंभ 2_आरवटाइप, स्तंभ 3_id, स्तंभ 4_रेविड, स्तंभ 5_प्रकार, ....) का चयन करें (), @ हिस्ट्रीटाइप, a.column1_id, @RevisionID, एक .column2, .... से तालिका ए में एक भीतरी सम्मिलित किया गया i.column1_id = i.column1_id पर अगर मैं मैन्युअल रूप से स्रोत में एक पंक्ति अपडेट करता हूं तो DESTINATION में 1 नई पंक्ति बनाता है । यह अच्छा है। जब मैं तीसरे पक्ष के अनुप्रयोग का उपयोग करता हूं तब भी मैं इस ट्रिगर का निर्माण कर रहा हूं, यह DESTINATION में डुप्लिकेट पंक्तियाँ पैदा कर रहा है। सभी डेटा बिल्कुल वही है जो GETDATE ()...

java - Arraylist iterator: concurrentmodification -

The guardian is a java.util.ArrayList. I am going through it again Public Zero-Hit Occakments (Snake Controller Snake Controller) {ListEditator & lt; HTTP & gt; I = occupiers List indicator (); While (i.hasNext ()) {Hitable hitable = (); If (hitable.hit (snakeController)) {// returns are correct if it should be removed i.remove (); }}} I can understand why this would be a ConcurrenModificationException ... I am using libgdx, so there could be a threading problem This is my first libgdx project , So I'm not sure. Android code to run stacktrace: java.util.AbstractList $ SimpleListIterator.remove ( on com.ninovanhooff.snake.model.BoardSpace.hitOccupants .ConcurrentModificationException ( 65) com.ninovanhooff.snake.controller.SnakeController.act ( com on com.ninovanhooff.snake.controller.BoardController.act ( ninovanhooff.snake.GameActor $ 2 .act ( com.b...

JavaScript blocks other scripts on the page -

I have some javascript files that I have embedded in a degena app page. They can freely without any problems Work, but a script block prevents it from running properly where I include it. The errors I get are: jquery.min.js: 1 Unkit type error: tap main. JS can not read asset offsetwid: 39 body.scrollTop is deprecated in strict mode. If in strict mode and 'body.scrollTop' is in quirks mode only, please use 'documentElement.scrollTop'. Jquery.min.js: 4 body.scrollLeft is deprecated in strict mode. If there is a strict mode then please use 'documentElement.scrollLeft' All my scripts are imported here:

c# - Using data connections in Visual Studio to explore SQL Server Express database -

I am using unit framework to create my own model, but when I use the database from the data I try the connection in Server Explorer, it does not work, I know that the models are being created in the SQL Server Express instance running on my local machine, as I Computer -> Program files - & gt; Microsoft SQL Server - & gt; MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS - & gt; MSSQL - & gt; Data - & gt; And the database exists there. not being my local example Should this window reveal the SQL Server Express? \\\ SQLEXPRESS or under the server code type. \ SQLEXPRESS (assuming you installed the installation with the default value) Then you should be able to access the database from the dropdown list.

ios - How to modify a view in my storyboard to support scrolling in Xcode? -

I'm in the middle of creating an iPhone app. I have a storyboard with many scenes. Content that fills the entire iPhone 5 screen, which is not spare. I want to make this screen scroll for some of the older iPhone 3.5 "screens I know of an easy way to do.? I just tried to change UIViewView to UIScrollView but it did not seem to do anything. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Try it out.> Add this code to viewDidLoad in the Meter file UIScrollView * scrollview = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.bounds]; [scrollview addSubview: contentView]; scrollview .contentSi Ze = contentView.frame.size [self.view addSubview: scrollview]; Or Just drag a UIScrollView into your xib file and put it . In that scrollview, then in the code viewDidAppear simply set the contentSize of the scrollview scrollView.contentSize = contentView.frame.size; If you need a full screen filled scrollview, set the frame of the scrollview before setting the content....

Forming Bigrams of words in list of sentences with Python -

मेरे पास वाक्यों की एक सूची है: text = ['cant railway station' 'गढ़ होटल', 'पुलिस स्टैन'] मुझे बड़ा राम जोड़े बनाने और उन्हें एक चर में संग्रहित करने की आवश्यकता है। समस्या यह है कि जब मैं ऐसा करता हूं, तो मुझे शब्दों के बजाय वाक्य की एक जोड़ी मिलती है। यहां मैंने जो किया है: text2 = [[टेक्स्ट में लाइन के लिए word.split () में शब्द के लिए] bigrams = nltk.bigrams (text2) प्रिंट (bigrams) रेलवे स्टेशन और गढ़ होटल एक बड़ाराम के रूप में नहीं बना सकते हैं। मैं क्या चाहता हूं [([cant], [रेलवे]), ([रेलवे], [स्टेशन]), ([गढ़, होटल]) और इतने पर ... पहले वाक्य का अंतिम शब्द दूसरे वाक्य के पहले शब्द के साथ विलय नहीं करना चाहिए। इसे काम करने के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? का उपयोग करना और: & gt; & gt; & gt; पाठ = ["यह एक वाक्य है", "तो यह एक है"]] gt; & gt; & gt; Bigrams = [zip (l.split ("") में पाठ के लिए l में [b के लिए] [: - 1], l.split ("") [1:])]> gt; & gt; & gt; प्रिंट (ब...

javascript - 508 ADA Compliant - Way to skip content -

You know your ADA user has a list of updated items from the feed being loaded from an external resource, their screen reader Do not pay attention when read by? Is there no way that I can not get away from leaving that material, or even with a screen reader which still looks like 508? I know that the "Skip Navigation" moves, but would like to know another method for ADHC conditions and should anyone be educated to learn the trick? Thanks! Chris - I recommend changing the language you are using. Speaking of a disabled person as an ADA user, it is similar to referring to an African American as a semi-demotional name. Loading from an external resource that you know your ADA users will never listen to read through your screen reader. Can you give some proof of it but rather big impression? Keeping in mind the fact that we are talking about people with disabilities, the quoted row reads "On my page, I have a feature that will not care for visitors up to 20%." ... - FindItemWithText listview clickevent or itemchecked event -

I tried both events .. But the result is always the same. I have two list views (lvMessage and lvContact) lvMessage (1 LesViv - Item SIM card) index 0 | Null index 1 | Cell number - (I can say {"1234", "2468"}) Index 2 | Date and time Index 3 | Message lvContact (second list view) index 0 | Id index 1 | Name - (I can say {"Chris", "Mark", "Cedric"}) Index 2 | Number - (I can say that I have {"1234", "2468"}) This is my code: Moderate ChkContact form new ListViewItem dim as TheText ListViewItem = Me.lvMessage.Items (0) ChkContact = lvContact2.FindItemWithText (TheText.SubItems (1). Text.ToString) If ChkContact isNot nothing txtContact.Text = ChkContact.SubItems (1 ). Text lvMessage.FocusedItem.SubItems (0). Text = ChkContact.SubItems (1). Text next txtContact.Text = "no mail found" lvMessage.FocusedItem.SubItems (0). Text = "Not in the list" End if As a result, I alway...

c++ - Operator overloading: No match for 'operator[]' -

The object in this square is 'mPoint' which stores a dynamic 2D array. I am trying to make it so that these two matrixs can be compared whether they are equivalent or no. So I'm overloading operator '=='. I am getting an error "There is no match for operator []" (Operand type 'square_matrix and' int ') "If (MP [I]] [J]! = Para [ I] [j]) ".cpp file. How can I fix it? I am very new in the operating code // header file #include namespace Using std; square square matrix {public: int ** mpoint; integer size; zero set_ize (int newis); bulg operator == (square yu Tricks para); . // CPP file #include & lt; iostream & gt; namespace std; #include "Square_Matrix.h" void For square_Matrix :: Set_Size (int new_size) {for (int i = 0; i You have your problem in this line if (mPoint [i] [Ja]! = Paras [ii] [ja]) You are trying to apply operator [] [] directly to the example of Square_Matrix . Why is it that ...

html5 - how to duplicate jquery modal dialog -

मेरा अनुप्रयोग jQuery के मोडल संवाद का उपयोग करता है। फिलहाल मैं केवल डायरेक्टर को मूल पृष्ठ के संदर्भ में स्थानांतरित कर सकता हूं। अब चुनौतीपूर्ण हिस्सा एक प्रमुख पुनः फेक्टरिंग के बिना है: मैं इस संवाद को एक नई विंडो में कैसे बदलूं जिससे कि मैं उसे किसी अन्य स्क्रीन पर ले जाऊं? संपादित करें: एक url लेता है, जो पूरे पृष्ठ को प्रस्तुत करता है। मुझे केवल div के अनुभाग / सामग्री को रेंडर करने की आवश्यकता है (जो वर्तमान में modal dialog / code> में है)। आप यह कोड आज़मा सकते हैं: $ ('# link')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {window। खुले ('http: //', 'मैविंडो', 'वाइडथेल 4,400, हैइट = 200')}); संपादित करें: यह कोड काम कर रहा है। इस कोड के माध्यम से आप किसी अनुभाग में अनुभाग / सामग्री को एक संवाद में प्रस्तुत कर सकते हैं । & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & lt;! - HTML5 कार्यप्रणाली - & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; Jquery डायलॉग डेमो & ...

sql - C# How to Retrieve DateSet Value in SqlDataAdapter? -

In the development, I intend to retrieve the indicator key from the SQL Server database and applies to the local SDF database. . However, I failed to retrieve the pointer key from the SQL Server database. So, how do I get the value stored in DataSet? example: tagname = "productive", indexName = "IX_product" or does my SqlDataAdapter do not return any value? P / S: I think there are a lot of tutorials working in Forum and Stakeoverflow, unfortunately, I could not work it out. Private zeros btnGetSchema_Click (Object Seether, RoutedEventArgs e) {SyncDbSchema (); } Private Zero syncDbSchema () {// setIndexSchema (); Dataset dsIndex = getIndexSchema (); MessageBox.Show ("table row count:" + dsIndex.Tables ["tbIndex"]. Rows.count); (Int i = 0; i The query is doing the perfect job in T-SQL and intends to get the results. table name index column name index unique tbReport IX_tbReport_SID SalesID 2 0 tbReport IX_tbReport_RID Report ID ...

html5 - How to link my web page to social networking sites -

I have designed my webpage using HTML5 in Dreamweaver and in it I link my web page to social networking sites I want to (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin). Please tell me how to connect with this and what plugins used to link to the social networking site.

telephonymanager - android audio manager in receiver class -

Switching back to the user's mode I mean when the phone is silent and I have selected some selected numbers Used to ring, but this phone mode does not return to normal mode when it is inactive. Here's my piece of code ......... if (IncomingNumber.equals (WhitelistedNumbers)) {am.setRingerMode (AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL); System.out.println ("Number matching ......!"); System.out.println ("Whitelisted Number (Numbers):" + Whitelisted Numbers); } And {System.out.println ("No matches found .....!"); } and switch back to normal mode using ........ Case Telephony Manager. CALL_STATE_IDLE: am.setRingerMode (AudioManager. RINGER_MODE_NORMAL); System.out.println ("Set the default bell mode ....!"); break; Any suggestions for solving the problem, if thank you in advance ........ You have to save the last bell mode in a variable, and then it must be restored from that variable. int previousMode; If (IncomingNumber.equals ...

location.href in jquery ajax success is not triggered -

I am using jquery $ .jax to send json data as a post request to my internal server. I am able to get feedback, but on the success ceremony, while console.log works, but not instantaneous line space Href = '/ users'; Even if I have location.href in success alone, it has not been triggered. Below is my code sample & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; Function submitData () {var payload = {'fullname': $ ('# fullname'). Val (), 'Username': $ ('#username'). Val (), 'email': $ ('# email') .val (), 'password': $ ('#password'). Val (),}; Var onSuccess = function (data, textstat, jqXHR) {console.log (jqXHR.status); Location.href = "/ thankyou.html"; }; $ .AJX ({Type: 'Post', Async: False, URL: '/ User', Content Type: 'Application / Jason', Data Type: 'Jason', Data: JSON Stringuev (Payload), Success: Onsut ,}); } & Lt; / Script & gt; I have ...

javascript - How to save a highlighted html text for later use? -

I am trying to save the highlight text in a web page so that when the user logs in, then that same highlight 1) Get offset and node description from the selected text using the window .getSelection () method. 2) Save them in a database. 3) Use saved details and highlight the text while logged in to the user again. After researching other sites and stack exchanges, I found that I can dynamically highlight a text by creating a range object for which the node is needed and the following code as the parameter of the offset number Not in. Miscellaneous category = document. CreateRange (); Range.setStart (startNode, start_offset); // node and offset parameters are provided in range .setEnd (endnode, and_offset); Now, when the user selects the text, then I can extract the starting and closing offset of the selected text using the window.getSelection () method. But I could not remove the node details. I did not know how to remove node descriptions and save it in a fi...

php - how to improve performance of JSON -

I have a JSON object that I have created using PHP in the following format "123", "day_property": "48", "day_property_coast": "281", "281", "code2property": "281" "," "Day_solar_export": "33", "day_solar_export": "0", "", "" "1964", "curr_chan2": "4958", "curr_chan3": "4958", "curr_solar_export": "0", "day_solar_generated" "", "1 9 64": "1964", "28 9", "day_chn 1": "13", "day_chach 2": "33", "day_account 3": "1"}, {"timestamp": "12 \ / 16/2013 0:00 "," curr_property "" 7211 "," cur_property_ " "", "Day_property": "48", "day_property_cost": "281", "curr_sola...

c# - How to parse my string to XML with &nbsp elements? -

मेरे पास s स्ट्रिंग है और यह दिखता है: & lt ; रूट & gt; & lt; p & gt; हैलो वर्ल्ड & lt; / p & gt; & amp; nbsp; मेरा नाम है! & Lt; / root & gt; मेरे पास अगला कोड है: प्रयास करें {m_Content = XDocument.Load (नया स्ट्रिंगरेडर (ओं)); } पकड़ (एक्सएमएलएक्सेप्शन पूर्व) {पूर्व। डेटा ["आतंक"] = s; फेंकना; } जैसा कि आप देख रहे हैं, मैं & amp; nbsp; जैसे सभी तत्वों के साथ स्ट्रिंग लोड करना चाहता हूं और इसे देखने के लिए। लेकिन मुझे एक्सएमएलई एक्सपैशन मिला है: अघोषित प्रतिस्थापन के संदर्भ में "nbsp" कोई भी विचार यह कैसे करना है? जोड़े गए ने एक अच्छा विचार दिया: & lt;! [CDATA [ टैग में मेरी स्ट्रिंग डाल दिया, लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से यह मेरी समस्या को हल नहीं करता है मेरे पास बहुत सारे टैग और कुछ बड़े ग्रंथ हैं जिनमें मैं & amp; nbsp; तत्वों से मिल सकता हूं यदि System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode का उपयोग करें, तो मैं इन सभी तत्वों को खो देता हूं और फ़ील्ड प्राप्त करता हूं। अपने जोड़े गए अनुभाग का ...

ios7 - NSString converting to NSCFString -

मैंने NSString वर्ग की एक श्रेणी बनाई है, और मैं कुछ कस्टम NSString ऑपरेशन। मेरा NSString ऑब्जेक्ट NSCFString में परिवर्तित हो रहा है और कस्टम NSString विधि को कॉल करने पर इसकी क्रैशिंग है। * बिना अपवाद अपवाद के कारण एपीआई को समाप्त करना 'NSInvalidArgumentException', कारण: '- [__ एनएससीएफ स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रिंगबैडलिंगलिंग और जोड़ना पहला स्लैश]: अपरिचित चयनकर्ता को उदाहरण के लिए भेजा गया 0xa6015e0'

Change function in Jquery on change of dropdown -

I tried it but if it does not work, I want to read the drop down values ​​on the change of dropdown $ ('.down ડ્રોપડાઉન'). Change (function () {var valueOfsectotList = $ (this) .attr ('data-value'); $ ('# sector value') .val (valueOfsectotList); loadfilter (manoffsextlist);}); Enter the code here If you want to get the attribute of your selected option data-value , then you can change: var valueOfsectotList = $ (this) .attr (' Data-value '); From to: var valueOfsectotList = $ (this) .find ('Options: Selected'). Attr ('data-value');

c# - Create excel file from domain model object - where should this code go? -

I have a dashboard with several tables that I should be able to export to the best. Each table is based on a domain model object collection from my domain model. I've written a few code that will collect and create excel file from the data contained in it. Where does this code go? As the first pass, I was trapped in my controlling method. Once I create an Excel file, I will come back to that controller. Simple, but clearly this is not good but I can not even imagine that it is also in my domain. Where should this code go? I can not classify it as a controller logic, domain argument, or something else. I am basically serialing a domain object in Excel file into data and returning to the client. What I would like to do eventually, this code captures the data as URL from JS and it serializes it again in an excel file, I do not know where this code should go.

visual c++ - Is there any way executing an application on windows screensaver? -

I wonder if an application (Windows application) can execute on the screensaver. My customer's PC run is automatically a screensaver for security after reboot and unlocks the screensaver when the user logs in correctly. We are planning to add another condition if the situation is not enough, then I have to run an application on the screensaver that keeps the lock. The application fills out some authorization forms. Is it possible to run an app without unlocking the screen saver? Generally, do not try to understand security, if you do not feel secure, it looks like a misunderstanding security case when you enter a password, the screensaver does not" unlock " Has already been rejected on the password for the password, how the password dialog appears and how it sounds. is? That password dialog is a regular Windows security, it has been triggered because security settings lock active sessions when the screensaver is active. I do not even know what you want...

How do I set a text in clipboard using C# in order to past it into excel with different background/font color for each cell? -

I follow the pattern below and I can easily copy the text to the clipboard so that it can be used later in Excel But now I like the different background / font colors for each cell. When the data is copied to the clipboard, then format it as a separate tab for the tab, and enter separately for the rows. It automatically inserts values ​​into rows and columns while pasting in Excel. Example of my code: string clipboard text = "cell 11" + "\ t" + "cell 12" + "\ r \ n" + "cell 21 "+" \ t "+" "cell 22"; Clipboard.SetText (clipboardText); How to set the background / font color for each cell? I'm afraid that the clipboard for the job is a very easy tool if I were you, then I used it I am here.

cordova - i am using Ext.util.JSON.encode in view and i get error while compile time in cmd -

मेरे दृश्य फ़ाइल में: var jsonSRdata = ** Ext.util.JSON एनकोड ** (jsondata); मुझे नीचे के रूप में संकलन समय में त्रुटि मिलती है। [ERR] सी -2008: आवश्यकता के पास कोई मिलानित फाइल नहीं है (Ext.util.JSON) - D : \ Wamp \ www \ xyz \ app.js: 17: 87 [ERR] [ERR] बिल्ड अयथार्थ [ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: डी: \ wamp \ www \ xyz \ app के लिए कोई भी फ़ाइल खोजने में असफल .js :: ClassRequire :: Ext.util.JSON [ERR] [ERR] कुल समय: 14 सेकंड [ERR] इस पंक्ति को निष्पादित करते समय निम्नलिखित त्रुटि आई: डी: \ wamp \ www \ xyz \ .sencha \ app \ build -impl.xml: 367: इस पंक्ति को निष्पादित करते समय निम्न त्रुटि आई: डी: \ wamp \ www \ xyz \ .sencha \ app \ js-impl.xml: 11: com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: कोई भी खोजने में विफल डी: \ wamp \ www \ xyz \ app.js :: क्लास require :: Ext.util.JSON मुझे मिल गया Ans: उपयोग करें Ext.JSON.encode (jsondata); यह Ext.util.JSON.encode (jsondata) के insted;

jquery - Unexpected end of input (javascript and JSON) -

I'm trying to simulate session with javascript. Mostly, the user credentials are saved in local storage and later compared with the array I am getting an unexpected end of input on the on oStoredCredentials = JSON.parse (localStorage.savedCredentials); line and I do not get the answer. This whole block of code is: $ (document) .on ("click", ".submitBtnLog", function () { Var sUsername = $ ("# loginName"). Val (); var sPassword = $ ("# LoginPassword") for .val (); for (var i = 0; i & lt; aemployees.length; i ++) {If u name == amp employee [i] .username and password password == one employee [i]. Password) {login = true; var sUsername = aemployees [i] .Username I have created some simple code for how to do localStorage My HTML code: input id = "login name" /> Javascript input id = 'btnGetLocalStorage' type = 'button' value = 'get local storage' / & gt; / B> is the code...

PHP mailer , attachment not found/detected - so, email not sent -

I've added the code to my own form but I have this error: "Someone Attachment not found ". I am not a developer, so when I talk about the code, I'm a bit confused, sorry for this: ( This is my code: & lt; / label & gt; Input type = "file" class = "Validate [ Required, custom [cv]] "name =" cv "class =" cv "value =" vote cv au format pdf or word undermining "/> and code reception: $ permission X $$$ (".", "Doc", "pdf"); $ temp = explosion (".", $ _FILES ["cv"] ["name"] ("$ $ _FILES [" cv "] [" Type "Type" "Type"] == "Application / MS Word") & amp; amp; in_array ($ Extension, $ Permission Received)) {if ($ _FILES ["cv"] ["Error" ]> 0) {echo "& lt; Script & gt; Alert ('error:'. $ _FILES ["cv"] ["error"]. "') ...

how to use EnumSystemLocales function and EnumLocalesProc callback function in visual c++ -

इंट गणना (int a, int b) {a + b return; } Int main () {वापसी 0; } जैसा कि आप जानते हैं EnumSystemLocales और EnumLocalesProc कॉलबैक किसी भी समारोह के लिए दो एपीआई हैं। मैं इन एपीआई का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं लेकिन एमएसडीएन या कहीं भी कोई भी उदाहरण नहीं है। यहाँ मैं इन एपीआई का उपयोग करके गणना समारोह को कॉलबैक करना चाहता हूं। यहाँ " ": #include & lt; windows.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; tchar.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; बुल कॉलबैक मायलोकैलेअनमप्रोक (एलपीटीआरएसएसएसएलओकेलेस्ट्रिंग) {_tprintf (_T ("% s \ r \ n"), szLocaleString); वापसी TRUE; } Int _tmain () {EnumSystemLocales (और MyLocaleEnumProc, LCID_INSTALLED); वापसी 0; } यदि आप केवल स्थानीय लोगों की एक सूची बनाना चाहते हैं, तो आप निम्न कार्य कर सकते हैं: #include & lt; windows.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; tchar.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; vector & gt; #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; Typedef std :: vect...

javascript - how to do event handling on BOTH overlapped HTMLs elements -

How do I allow "Click Through Items" to click? Aka. Incident fire is on both overlapped elements of different layers. Sandbox link: So if I click on the center, I have been removed from Ebha and AAA . Is there a universal solution for the complexity of boundless layers?

gruntjs - Grunt / Assemble - output html minification -

I am using a static site to create and collect my HTML pages and I reduce my HTML Want to do So I think there would be a small substitute on collecting a plug-in that runs handler templates with a data set. There is no mention of it on assembled docs; But it mentions that Handlers-Helper-Minwise docks; - But it has no effect. I can not find anything else on the Internet, of course this is a more general request ... grunt.initConfig ({gather: {option: { Property: '../source', data: ['package.jason', 'data / *. {Json, yml}'], partial: 'template / module / * .hbs', ext: .html', subsidiary : 'Templates / helpers / * .js', layout: 'templates / layouts / masterHBS', removeHBSSwitSpace: true, minnow: {removeAttributeQuotes: true, collapseWhitespace: true}}, dev: {options: {output: false} Files: [[ T: Really, cwd: 'templates / Page', src: [ '* .hbs'], Dest: '../source'}]}}}); You must explicitly regis...

java - Classifying data with naive bayes using LingPipe -

I want to classify some data into different categories based on my content. I used this naive Baiyas classifier and I get an output as the best category for which it is related. But now I want to classify other news stories other than those people in the training set in "Other" class. I can not manually add training data to each / other data except for a certain class because it has many other categories. So is there any way to classify other data ?. Private static file TRAINING_DIR = New file ("4news-train"); Private static file TESTING_DIR = new file ("4news-test"); Private static string [] CATEGORIES = {"c1", "c2", "c3", "other"}; Private static difference NGRAM_SIZE = 6; Public static zero major (string [] args) classless diffusion, IOException {DynamicLMClassifier & lt; NGramProcessLM & gt; Classifierfile = dynamiclmcciifier.creategraph process (categories, ngmm_scieg); For (Int i = 0; I & lt;...

javascript - Hide top image with content when scrolling -

I'm wondering how to get the effect found in this WordPress theme: I find out how to hide the top image div with content while scrolling out. I'm not sure whether this is javascript or CSS magic, I appreciate any input from you people. Cheers, Hristo background-attachment has been fixed in the division with the top image; so that the image of the background stays in the same place while scrolling. Take a look at

c# - Adding textBox in runtime and save changes -

I am developing a Windows project project for which the user can add new fields (text box and label) by clicking a button. What I want to achieve, after the user added a new field, a textbox is automatically created and saved in the settings of my form. So when I will run my project again The newly added text box (from runtime) is available. Are there any possible ways to do this? I'm new to C # thanks in advance! you try this DataTable System.Data system Using data; Settings "); // We use datatableable dt.Column.Add ("ID"); Dt.Columns.Add ("Control"); Dt.Columns.Add ("controlname"); Dt.Columns.Add ("Top"); Dt.Columns.Add ("left"); Dt.Columns.Add ("width"); Dt.Columns.Add ("height"); / * * You can add more settings here * / int id = 0; Foreach (Control ctrl.Controls in this) //this.Controls is the basic control where the text box is located {string c = ctrl.GetType (). Name; Switch (C) {Cas...

ios - Xib ipad window size small -

I change the iPhone Xb for iPad xib. I refer to this link. But after deploying on ipadm, the scene size is very small. It displays the center of the screen, it will not display 768x1024 screensavers. code: NSString * aboutFilePath = [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: @ "index" type: @ "html"]; NSLog (@ "% @", aboutFilePath); NSString * htmlString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: aboutFilePath encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: zero]; NSString * aapath = [[NSBundle main bundle] bundle]; Ns URL * single URL = [NSUr file URL with path: epath]; [WebView Load HTML String: htmlString baseURL: anURL]; itemprop = "text"> You need to make the app universal, go to your project settings in the encode, under the General tab, and replace the device: from the iPhone to Universal - Template fields, bound fields? is any performance issue? -

In, when we use grid view controls, instead of using the item template, What is the difference in performance issues? Boundfield of specified fields Displays the value of the source field, text and TemplateField allow the mix of HTML markup, web control and data binding syntax Is obtained. Therefore, finally, both things present HTML output (toward the browser) and will not be the issue of creating text or any control display on the client side. You can not render any specific control in any bound field, it displays the dataite data as plain text, while you can bind the data in the case of template fields many different - Different HTML controls In the end, I do not think the bound field or template fields take you to the display issue.

storing user input into an array and referring to the array c# -

This code works properly but there is no memory to store user input. I also need to classify the grades in the array format in their respective columns, in which "S / N, category and calculation" occurs and how I do not know about it Any help Would be appreciated. Nomination test class {class YourExamScore {Private static string GetGrade (int examscore) {if (examscore> = 90 & amp; test scorecore & lt; = 100) Return "excessive Excellent"; Return "good" if (examscore & gt; = 70 & amp; Exam Scorecore & lt; = 89); If (examscore & gt; = 50 & amp; Exam Scorecore & lt; = 69) Return "Satisfactory"; If (examscore & gt; = 0 & amp; Exam Scorecore & lt; = 49) return "unsatisfactory"; Return "invalid"; } Fixed zero main (string [] args) {// Print a greeting message. After all, why not? Console WrightLine ("Welcome to the calculator exam!"); Console.light line ("input your ...

Maximum number of bytes that can be written to character driver in Linux -

Character drivers can be written in Linux, what is the maximum number of bytes? Experimental, I got a number of 32,500 bytes. If I try to write more then my device driver dies. I am following this tutorial on Characters ()

ios - MKMapKit tiles level of detail -

I have a problem with MKMapKit and would greatly appreciate, if someone can help me when I use the MK MapCamera And to create a 3D view, using the tile from different layers on one screen, MKMake Kit It looks terrible here's a screenshot: Please, help me) =

c# - Entity framework with Web Api returning object -

Hello I am new to the structure of the organization. I am following the objects Public Partial Sector lr {public lr () {this.lr_history = new HashSet & lt; Lr_history & gt; (); this. Public = new hashet & lt; Person & gt; (); } Public int _id {get; Set; } The name of the public string {get; Set; } Public String Notes {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Lr_history & gt; Lr_history {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Person & gt; People {receive; Set; } I have a code in my Web API controller public class lrController: ApiController {Private CTM db = New CTM (); // GET API / ADL Public In InMenable & lt; LR & gt; Getlr () {One to DBCtext Return on activation (); } This is returning to the above method but I want to return my own object lr_history.description Lrh_history.rate Can anyone show me how to get this? Create a new model: class HistoryModel {public int id {get recei...

java - When creating generic class objects I am getting null. Why? -

I am getting zero values ​​when creating normal class objects Help me ObjectifyGenericDao public class & lt; T & gt; {Safe class & lt; T & gt; Clazz; Public T getByProperty (String Prop Name, Object Propulsion) {// The Null System is Returning. Out.println (this.clazz); }} I am accessing such an object ObjectifyGenericDao & lt; Users & gt; Dao = Insert new object & lt; Users & gt; (User.class); User user = dao.getByProperty ("user_id", userId); How does it compile? You are not returning anything by this method, which announces a return type. Would you please post more than Claude? There is no manufacturer.

regex - redirect url to another url using htaccess -

मेरे पास एक url है, और मुझे यह चाहिए Url as xyz केवल उदाहरण के लिए है, यह कुछ भी हो सकता है क्रिप्या मेरि सहायता करे। आपकी सहायता का आभार होगा। पहले ही, आपका बहुत धन्यवाद। अनुगामी स्लैश हटाने के लिए आप इस नियम को अपना पहला नियम के रूप में उपयोग कर सकते हैं: RewriteEngine RewriteCond पर% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d रिक्राइटकॉन्ड% {THE_REQUEST} \ s (। +?) / + [? \ S] RewriteRule ^ (। +?) / $ / $ 1 [आर = 301, एल] mvc - Can my project's Web.config manually inherit from another Web.config -

my settings I am creating a base MVC project for several other MVC projects where all error handling And basic user recognition is located so I do not have to duplicate the boilerplate code in all other projects with the help of my favorite dependency injection container (go, go) I could put my code in the base project error codeontroller This is Being used by projects that it is the same custom user validation feature I've made. I am using ASP.NET MVC4 targeting. NET4.0 with the following layout: MvcBase + - Controllers + - Error Controller CSS // General Error Controller + - Filter + - Authentication UserAutBribbut CS + - Application.cs // All MVC applications Base class + for - Web Configure // Base Configuration (*) MVC Project 1 + - View + - Error + - Index.cshtml + - Web.config MvcProject2 + - View + - Error + - Index.cshtml + - Web.config question I know that Web.config s is inherited from the original directories, but is there a way to clearly specify the...

Function in function in R -

I have a question I want to write (for example) function (in R): Fun = function (x) {g = x [1]; Z = x [2]; D = X [3] fun = 2G + 1 + 3z * F (d)} Where is the function of F (D) D. After this I will use the optim function to optimize the parameters (G, Z, D). How do I write this function? Assume that 2 * g + 1 + 3 * z * f (d) / Code> is funny and it is defined as F , you can only define the initial criteria for optim Fun & lieutenant; - Function (x) {g & lt; -x [1]; Jade's & lt; -x [2]; D & LT; -x [3]; 2 * g + 1 + 3 * z * F (d)} optim (c (1, 1, 1), funny) Reference:

javascript - Angular js - call a route without view -

To delete the session after deleting I try to call / auth / logout url I am: app.config (['$ routeProvider', function ($ route provider) {$ routeProvider. When ('/ auth / logout', {controller: 'AuthLogout' // templateUrl : did not need to })}). Controller ('AuthLogout', ['$ window', '$ location', function ($ window, $ location) {$ window.localStorage.removeItem ('user_username'); $ window.localStorage.removeItem ('User_id'); $ Window.localStorage.removeItem ('user_session_token'); $ location.path ('/');}]); I do not really need a view for AuthLogout controller, but if I do not specify templateUrl in the passphrase then I can not get it to do this work, while I am a TemplateUrl . How do I call a URL / controller to load without a scene? You can: . When ('/ auth / logout', {controller: function () {// BTW may get some code in your code because the template works and you can use...

javascript - Webstorm Angularjs plugin doesn't work, can't detect 'angular' keyword -

I am new to AngularJs and web development. I have used the webstream to develop it and have installed the Angelas plugin beforehand. It works in html file, but it does not work in .js file. I have a very simple statement: var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', []); In webstorm, this keyword can detect 'angular'. Nobody knows what I am missing? Thank you Do you mean that 'angular' has been embedded in HTML in JavaScript, but JS Not in the files? Have you installed ANY JS Javascript library in any way? It seems that the library is either missing or only configured in HTML file scope (usually later when the 'download library' is intended in the HTML file). To solve an angular content, you must copy angular.js to your project directory and configure it in the settings / javascript / library as a javascript library

php - Failed to Run any "Model/Controller in Browser using YII and gii ? -

I'm a newbie in php using yphi and gii when iam trying to open any model and controller file in the browser I'm doing the error and code console: Code: ' active ')); if ($ record) {$ response [' condition '] = true; $ response [' message '] = "Successfully Logged in. "; $ Response ['user'] = $ record;} and {$ response ['condition'] = wrong; $ response ['message'] =" username or password not found. "; } Echo CJSON :: encoded ($ response);}}} This is an error appearing in the browser Can anyone tell me what this error is? Try this url localhost / projectName / mod UleName / ControlName / Viewing your question I think you are using this URL localhost / projectName / services / users

arrays - Combining two object in javascript and convert to String -

I hope that I am clarifying something here, but I try to set two variables for the last half day I have a certain format in javascript that I can do as a string, though I need it in a different format. If I select the option from the check box {"GILLS": "7"}, works fine but if two options are selected then query1 should look like [{"GILLS": "1"}, {"GILLS": "7"} . I can not use extreme = + because it removes an unexpected token error. var Query1 = ''; Var query3 = ''; If ($ ('input [name = checkbox2a]: check'). Length> 0) {var Query3 = {"Gills": "7"}; } If ($ ('input [name = checkbox2b]: checked'). Length> gt; {var query3 = {"gilus": "1"}; } Try var query1 = [ ]; and use your function Query1.push ({"gilus": "1"}) The change will be like the following var Query1 = []; Var query3 = []; If ($ ('i...