mysql - select near duplicates with trailing slashes -
The largest database of URLs to me, and duplicate behind the slash to me I that I ended up with the last slash People should get duplicate values, but url with text after the rear slash, like
create table link_info (ID INT, URL VARCHAR (32)); Insert in Link_info VALUES (1, ''), (2, ''), (3, ' .com / asdfasdf '), (4,' ');
And I am trying to select a duplicate without a follow-up slash, but it is a duplicate as
select different Troy (the links "/" URL) url link_info
I was hoping to use the regexp, but It does not work.
select trains separately Troim (URL Rigaks ( '[/] $ ")) URL link_info
will return your query each URL layoffs I think you like something:
select tickets (Troyling '/' URL From) trimmed_url from Trimmed_arnal hosting by link_info group (DISTINCT url) & gt; 1
Please see Bela
If there is no exact duplicate, and you have the line without If you want to have a back slash, you can use this deleted query:
Delete l1. * Link Link_info 1 l1 INNER Join Link_info L2 on l1.url = CONCAT (l2.url, '/')
Please following the Bella See Note that this query indexes Slash, but it will not remove the following slash from /
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