php - how to improve performance of JSON -
I have a JSON object that I have created using PHP in the following format
"123", "day_property": "48", "day_property_coast": "281", "281", "code2property": "281" "," "Day_solar_export": "33", "day_solar_export": "0", "", "" "1964", "curr_chan2": "4958", "curr_chan3": "4958", "curr_solar_export": "0", "day_solar_generated" "", "1 9 64": "1964", "28 9", "day_chn 1": "13", "day_chach 2": "33", "day_account 3": "1"}, {"timestamp": "12 \ / 16/2013 0:00 "," curr_property "" 7211 "," cur_property_ " "", "Day_property": "48", "day_property_cost": "281", "curr_solar_generating": "4958", "curr_solar_export": "0", "day_solar_generated": "33", "day_slar_export" : "0", "kar_chan1": "1964", "kr_khan 2": "4 9 58", "kr_acc 3": "28 9", "din_chan 1": "13", "din_chin 2" : "33", "Da Y_chan3": "1"}]
format will be changed to
[["Timestamp": ["12 \ / 16 \ / 2013 0: 00 "," 12 \ / 16 \ / 2013 0:00 ", ..........]," curu_property ": [" 7211 "," 32432 ",. ....... ...], "day_channel 3": ["1", "2", "3" ............]}
Improve performance? I'm new to JSON so please suggest me that I can improve the speed of an application because the amount of JSON data is growing at around 40 MB.
Are you trying to figure out how to speed up an application? Use XDebug then XDebug will tell you which parts of your code are slow Do not try to guess random, which is slowing down.