c# - Entity framework with Web Api returning object -
Hello I am new to the structure of the organization. I am following the objects
Public Partial Sector lr {public lr () {this.lr_history = new HashSet & lt; Lr_history & gt; (); this. Public = new hashet & lt; Person & gt; (); } Public int _id {get; Set; } The name of the public string {get; Set; } Public String Notes {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Lr_history & gt; Lr_history {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Person & gt; People {receive; Set; }
I have a code in my Web API controller
public class lrController: ApiController {Private CTM db = New CTM (); // GET API / ADL Public In InMenable & lt; LR & gt; Getlr () {One to DBCtext Return on activation db.lr.AsEnumerable (); }
This is returning to the above method but I want to return my own object
lr.id lr.name lr_history.description Lrh_history.rate
Can anyone show me how to get this?
Create a new model:
class HistoryModel {public int id {get receive; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public string history description {get; Set; } Public string historyRate {get; Set; }}
and return to:
Public IEnumerable & lt; HistoryModel & gt; Getlr () {One of the DBCTX. Activation returns db.lr.AsEnumerable (). Select (x = & gt; new history model {id = x.id, name = x.name, history description = x.history.description, HistoryRate = X.history.rate}); }
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