
Showing posts from June, 2013

php - How to load JavaScript in WordPress -

I need to know if this is the correct way to load javascript using functions.php function wd_load_script () {wp_deregister_script ('jquery'); Wp_register_script ('jquery', '', False, '1.10.2', true); Wp_register_script ('cufon-yui', get_template_directory_uri (). '/js/cufin-yui.js', 'jquery'); Wp_register_script ('cufon-aller', get_template_directory_uri (). '/js/cufon-aller.js', 'jquery'); Wp_register_script ('script', get_template_directory_uri (). '/js/script.js', 'jquery'); Wp_register_script ('coin-slider.min', get_template_directory_uri (). '/js/coin-slider.min.js', 'jquery'); Wp_enqueue_script ('jquery'); Wp_enqueue_script ('cufon-yui'); Wp_enqueue_script ('cufon-aller'); Wp_enqueue_script ('script'); Wp_enqueue_script ('coin-slider.min'); } Ad...

AngularJS ng-src in ie8: image not loaded and "unsafe" added to path -

I just wanted to add an image to my app as I have advised, I ng-SCAR instructions used to: & lt; Img ng-src = "{{app.imgBig}}" alt = "lorem ipsum" height = "100" width = "200" heading = "Laurem ipsum" /> This works fine on most browsers but it is not on IE8 Image is not loaded instead of adding full url, image is loaded, it gives relative path and " Strong> Unsecured: "adds. Actually, it is trying to load: unsafe: img / test.jpg instead: So you know, it may be related to the fact that to fully support IE 7, I must fully SCE had to disable: $ sceProvider.enabled (false); To make a quick fix, to establish the base path and add it to the beginning of the image path, but this is not the best because the app should not be dependent from this base path. Any thoughts? found a solution in its own right: location Thanks to the current base URL for the object: var base_url = loc...

serialization - PyMC change backend after sampling -

I am using PyMC in the analysis of some high energy physics data. It has worked for perfection, the analysis is complete, and we are working on the paper. I have a small problem, though. I ran the sample with the RAM database backend in the IAIthon kernel process, for a few months this mark is sitting around in memory. The problem is that the workstation support staff want to upgrade a kernel and want to reboot the workstation. This will lose the mark. I want to keep these marks (as opposed to just creating new ones) because they are those which I have made all the plots. I would like to include a part of the mark (only the parameters of interest) as the supplementary material with publication. Is it possible to take an existing series in pymc.MCMC Object created with backend, change in a different backend, and mark the series? Trace values ​​are stored in the form of nappace arrays, so you have the value of each parameter in the file You can use numpy.savetxt to se...

ios - stringFromDate and dateFromString sometimes return null -

I just have to format the format that comes in this format "2013: 07: 24 11:05:04" In this format, the "24-lug-2013", this is the code I do to: NSDateFormatter * dtf = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [Dtf setet format: @ "yyyy: MM: dd hh: mm: ss"]; NSDate * d = [dtf dateFromString: self.creationDate]; NSDateFormatter * dateFormatStr = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [DateFormatStr setDateFormat: @ "d-MMM-yyyy"]; NSString * strDate = [dateFormatStr stringFromDate: d]; NSLog (@ "% @", strDate); This code works right, the problem is that after making some calls in this method, sometimes I get an empty string, but the format of the input is still the same. For example, with this string as an input "2013: 07: 24 11:05:04" I get this: 24-look -13, which in fact I want, but this case After 7 calls, input with "2013: 07: 24 13:47:31" I get null NSDT and as a result the result is empty in the string. Where's ...

python - OpenCV find object's position with solvePnPRansac with not-corresponding points -

By tracking a known 2D LED pattern on the object, find the position of the object in relation to the position of the camera in the real world coordinates I am trying to I calibrated the camera I was able to successfully identify the LED in the pattern and find their exact coordinates in the image frame. These numbers do not correspond exactly 1 to 1 for the coordinates known in patterns, they are in random order. Correspondence like important tasks or, which would be to use my first choice. How can I get the correspondence between these points or perhaps some other function should be used such as solving PNPRansac such as the way you guessed the relative currency between your object and your camera Do not ask about, as you do not know To get a unique 1-to-1 correspondence set, the LED pattern you use can not be clear about the rotation. For example, you can use a regular NXN grid, an extra LED with a top-left cell, or an LED on a circle with an additional LED inside a sing...

c# - DropDownList with SelectedIndex=0 -

I write a simple program that connects to the database and reads data from two tables and has two dropdown lists DDL). DDL has structures like parent and child, this is my code: protected zero page_load (Object Sender, EventEurge E) {FillControls (); If (! Ipostback) {ddl_SelectedIndexChanged (dropdown list) placeholder 1. FontControl ("DDLTurrentory"), blank); } Else {if (((DropDownList) PlaceHolder1.FindControl ( "ddlTurCountry")) SelectedIndex == 0.) Ddl_SelectedIndexChanged ((DropDownList) PlaceHolder1.FindControl ( "ddlTurCountry"), NULL); // This string does not call ddl_SelectedIndexChanged () without drop when it is selectedIndex = 0}} Private Zero FillControls () {Panel Panel = New Panel (); Labeled lbl = new label (); Lbl.Text = "Country:"; Panel.Controls.Add (LbL); Dropdown list ddl = new DropDownList (); Ddl.ID = "ddlTurCountry"; Ddl.DataTextField = "Country Names"; Ddl.DataValueField = "Country Names...

python - logarithmic spaced values below 1 -

I 0.001 - 1000 (x axis) would like to plot values, logarithmic scale on the border; When I try: np x = np.logspace (0.001, import as 1000, 11) I have under 1 Can not get value; Is there a way I'm down to 1 and create logarithmic differential values ​​(up to 0.001) The upper and lower boundaries should be passed in the form of exponents, see. Let's say that you are working in base 10, in the form of a limit of log10 (0.001) == -3 and log10 (1000) == 3 Use: np.logspace (-3, 3, 11) import numerically Results: [1.00000000e- 03 3.98107171e-03 1.58489319e-02 6.30957344e-02 2.51188643e-01 1.00000000e + 00 3.98107171e + 00 1.5848 9 319e + 01 6.30957344e + 01 2.51188643e + 02 1.00000000 E + 03]

jquery - Owl Carousel VIDEO Autoplay dosent work -

Use the IWL carousel and I want to slide the video (background video for video) but apparently the Owl Carousel stops the video. & lt; Video width = "320" height = "240" autoffer control autoplay & gt; You can call jQuery function play () Action after callback: owl.owlCarousel ({Navigation: true, see next and previous button slidespace: 300, endorsement speed: 400, single item: correct, post-action: function ( Present) {continue .find ('video'). Get (0) .play ();}}};

c# - Delete Chart Based On Location? -

Is it possible to delete the excel chart based on the location of the chart in the workbook? For example, I am currently using the code below to remove the chart from their name. But what I whistle is sometimes a different name in the chart. The only consistent thing is that they are in one place. Or anyone can move my code to the location where it will be removed depending on the location: foreach (["Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Shape oXL.Sheets" Sheet 1 "]. If (shp.Type == MsoShapeType.msoChart) {if (shp.Name ==" Chart 233 "} shp.Name ==" Chart 111 ") {shp.Delete (); }} Something like this - will delete a chart if its located in the top left corner Is within range B4: D8 // ... by using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core; Using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; Using IOS = System.Runtime.InteropServices; // ... Private Zero btnDeleteChart_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Excel.Application xl = GetExcel (); If return (XL == blan...

networking - Can I programmatically force Windows RT to use 3g or HSPA? -

I am doing some research on cellular connections like HSPA. I am looking for Windows 8.1 API which will allow me to request the radio to use HSPA instead of LTE. I have written an app for a Windows 8 phone and a Windows 8.1 tablet. My area uses LTE, but I was able to disable the phone's LTE so that it could return to HSPA +. Unfortunately, I can not find anything similar to this tablet (Nokia Lumia 2520). So, I have not got anything and I suspect that I want to be the beginning, but I thought I would check with others before this announcement of defeat.

php - What is difference between these two cron jobs? -

I am very new to php, if someone can help me by telling me that the differences between these two cron commands What is the middle, so be very grateful to me: and php -q /home/delightl/public_html/myfolder/run.php I'm completely confused .. my GoDaddy On the server, the second order worked, but in another reseller center the two worked between the differences between these commands Or is it? The only difference is that a PHP specifies the full path to the binary, and the other does not . PHP can be installed in different locations. That's why it works on one server, and not the other.

jquery - vex confirm dialog, how can i manage the a href-event handling -

I am trying to use a modal script for a confirmation dialog if it is chosen to be canceled, href The incident should be canceled. One of my href: and my javascript: $ ('a.confirm'). Click (function () {var page = $ (this) .attr ('relay'); vex.dialog.buttons.YES.text = 'cancel'; vex.dialog.buttons.NO.text = 'go forward '; Vex.dialog.confirm ({Message:' Do you know? ', Callback: function (value) {Cancel (value === incorrect) {// Load an href site} Other {// Cancel ; Return Return;}}})}}); Unfortunately after clicking on the confirmation link, a href site will be unfortunately loaded thanks in advance. The best way Thomas

prolog - Find the path of a node X from the root of the tree -

I want to ask you about a program, which I want to code in prologue. I want to create a function path (x, tree, path) which finds the path of node X from the root of the tree. Actually, I thought there would be three sentences. Path (X, Zero, []) , returned empty list because there is no tree Path (X, zero Path (X, tree (root, left, right), path) , return a list that contains the element of tree root / Code>, Internet Explorer I believe that 3 sentences, I know 2 of them but I do not know what the third is. Can somebody help me out? Thank you. your block 3) should be added in front of the current node of the returned returned path, Path (x, left, path); Note that the path (x, right, path) the disconnection ( ; ) / 2 will try the first and left, on back tracking, the right branch.

python - Cannot read a greek localized date in django -

I want to read the localized Greek date for my own project. The correct format for the Greek date is dd / mm / yy (ef 22/2/2012). Now, I have set my project language ( in 'L' (for Greek) and I have made a dateinput with localization = True. I get an error (invalid format) response if I try to enter a DD / MM / IE format. On the other hand if I try to enter a mm / dd / i.e. it works fine. In addition, if I change the language of my project from 'L' to 'N-GB' (for UK English), then DD / MM / I format has been successfully accepted . Before being insane, I saw the file more specifically on the DNS source code: in which the formats of Greece should include , But it should be extracted that DATE_INPUT_FORMATS commented on the other hand, two valid for DATE_INPUT_FORMATS in the same file for UK English () What are the entries related to this problem? I know that I can set the widget format (as described in this question) though I would...

drupal 7 - setting flash messages on wordpress -

I am migrating from WordPress to Droupe and I am new to coding WordPress. I need a function that works similar to drupal_set_message () to display messages on a failed custom login (a site / wp-admin), but I can not find any.

mysql - SQL query to retrive data -

इन संबंधों के लिए: ग्राहक (सीआईडी, नाम, शहर, राज्य), आदेश (ओआईडी, सीआईडी, दिनांक), और उत्पाद (पीआईडी, उत्पादनाम, मूल्य) लाइनआईटीम (ढक्कन, ओआईडी, पीआईडी, संख्या, कुलप्रिस), जहां सीआईडी ​​ग्राहक आईडी है ग्राहक के लिए कुंजी, ओआईडी एक ऑर्डर आईडी है और ऑर्डर के लिए एक कुंजी है, और एलआईडी एक लाइन आयट आईडी है और लाइनआईटीम की कुंजी है इसके अतिरिक्त ऑर्डर की विशेषता सीआईडी ​​ग्राहक की सीआईडी ​​का संदर्भ देने वाली एक विदेशी कुंजी है, अर्थात, प्रत्येक सीआईडी ​​सी के आदेश के लिए ग्राहक का एक ट्यूपल है जिसकी सीआईडी ​​विशेषता सी है LineItem का ओआईडी ऑर्डर के ओआईडी के संदर्भ में एक विदेशी कुंजी है। एक ही क्रम के लिए कई लाइन आइटम हैं, एक लाइन आइटम एक उत्पाद को संदर्भित करता है और इसमें उत्पाद के लिए आदेश दिया गया मात्रा शामिल है। क्या क्वेरी है: 'माइक्रिटी के सभी ग्राहकों द्वारा खरीदे गए उत्पादों की सूची ' @ एडिट मैं यही कोशिश करता हूं: उत्पाद से उत्पाद नाम चुनें जहां पीआईडी ​​में (लाइन से पीआईडी ​​चुनें) जहां ओआईडी में (ओआईडी से ऑर्डर करें जहां सीआईडी ​​में (ग्राहक से सीआईडी ...

C#: Avoid desktop screen refresh when painting on the desktop directly -

I am writing an app such that users can attract annotations (circle, line, rectangle, etc.) directly to the desktop is. / P> I am using GetDC from User32.dll and successfully converting a rectangle on the desktop: Namespace comments {public partial class baseform: form { DllImport ("User32.dll")] Fixed Extension Interrupt Gate-DC (Interrupt HWD); [DllImport ("User32.dll")] Fixed extern zero releaseDC (IntPtr DC); Public Baseform () {Initialization (); BackColor = Color.Lime; Transparency = Color time; } Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {IntPtr Desktop = GetDC (IntPtr.Zero); Use (graphics g = graphics.form hdc (desktop) {g.FillRectangle (brush .Red, 0, 0, 100, 100); }}}} When I click on the button, a rectangle will be drawn to the desktop but when I move the mouse over the rectangular, the desktop will be rebuilt and My rectangle will disappear. Is there any way that I will always be there in the rectangle (unless I do not clea...

symfony - Symfony2 separate user types -

In a project, I need to have two different users: 1) An organization Which can create 2) A simple user who can use content created by organizations I have separated my workflow in my bundles, let's see the public bundle and Called the Orga bundle and both can be accessed using symphony host's routing Sectors Both users need to log in to create or create content. After logging in, users or organizations can access their workflow pages. So here are my questions: How can you create these two user entities with their login / registration form? Is it possible to do this with FOSUserBundle? Thank you! CIRIL I have really found two solutions to my problem: / P> 1) Manually define two providers as described on this blog: 2) Using PUGXMultiUserBundle to generate multiple user types The second solution works fine.

mysql - strange foreign key constraint violation in child table when selecting if from parent table -

Note: ID of the book is its title Ignore category_book as user_id Select 1, as the 'name' category_name, BID Book book as a book, where BID Regex ('word') and not BID I am getting: MySQL error 1452: Adding or updating a hair line Can be done: A foreign key constraint failed ( book . category_book , CONSTRAINT fk_category_book_book1 foreign key ( book_id ) It looks like you try to insert a record in category_book And to that which does not exist in Buk_aidi table books may be ordered Sreni_buk columns are not the same, you are providing the selection. Try the same query but the insert section shows the columns in it.

java - How do I access a certain element of an object if you are in another class? -

I have a class that includes a 2D four [] [] array that connects four boards. Each of the four elements has an 'x' or 'o' Now I am trying to get the contents of this board, I am in, for example, public class connect 4 {private class] [] board; } Public Nucleus {Private Connect 4 Board; Board = new connect 4 (size x, size); Board ..... and lieutenant; - How do I use Connect 4 objects of the Caribbean if I am in the Newcastle? } thanks you board Because you have made it personal if you want to make it publicly accessible, then you have two options. Option 1 - Accelerator methods Keep the board field private and your Connect4 makes it accessible through an accessor (aka setter) method within the class. Public Zero Setboard SlotTenaxen Expansion {If (board [row] [cola] == 'A') throw new slotconconception ("one player has already kept one piece.") ; Board [row] [color] = player; } Note that if I do not know about the e...

python - Maximum pieces of data appending to a file -

I have a piece of code that adds a user name and scores in a file but I was thinking How can I create it that only 10 names and scores can be on file at any time. My code is as follows: def storecores (): hs = open ("hst.txt", "a") hs.write (name + ") hs.write (str (score) + "\ N") hs.close () Is there any way to do that if 10 names are already in the list then can not be added anymore? For some sort of sorting method (selection, bubble, etc.) is required, can you please also add it to? First of all, whatever you do, it needs to read from the file up to 10 lines If you want to keep the first 10 digits, then stop the new recording, it is easy. I will use the module for efficiency (so if you do storecores Calling 1000 times in one line, it will be remembered that it is already searching and failed to find the 10th line). It will return an empty string if it has less than 10 lines or 10th row If 10 or more then: def storecores (): I...

c++ - What are the names of type(myVar) and (type)myVar? Are they both bad practice? -

Almost one but I want to know: What are these types What is the name and they are 'bad'? Type (myVar) is a constructor like the creator, but for the original type it is similar to the C-style which is considered bad in C ++? (type) myVar This is definitely a C-style artist and should it behave like this? I have seen some examples, where people replace int (a) with (int) a , it cites That the C-style version is bad / wrong, the link has been linked so far, the question says that they are both the same! What is the name of these types (type) (XPR) Type (XPR) is known as function-style cast. is known as a C-style artist. And are they 'bad'? First off, both mentally perfectly equivalent. They are "bad" because they are not safe - they can be equivalent to a static_cast , but evenly a reinterpret_cast , and both types and type expr it is impossible to say 1 In some cases they also ignore the access specifier (...

python - Recursively listing a directory, but excluding any folders with a certain character -

I have two functions: I set up my own Dewey Digital Library in the format of decimal classification, so I've got 3-deep hierarchy of 10 + 100 + 1000 folders, as well as the directors are sometimes known deeply. This library structure includes my "books" which I have to list in a list (perhaps a searchable text document). The problem is that it would be better, although not absolutely necessary, if I can see the original directory name in a separate column next to each "book". There are "books" folders in my library that stand alone as items. When I prepared this system and made it, then I planned further so that every item in my library will have a tag in [] s in which the author's name is, for example, and Therefore, it is an idea that I will try to make a recursive list of all this, but when every repetition ends, [ in the name, directory or file] How can I go about this? I know that Python knew little about Python (which was ...

javascript - Update a Element's Value On An Interval -

To display me in a Div "display", just need a temperature counter, the default is the temporary 7.2, and whenever I am another temporary When I make a deposit, it gradually decreases (0,2 per 5 minutes), which is for a favorite change Can you help me? I am making a start, please support me. What's wrong with this code? Javascript: var temp = 7.2; Var Loop = Set interval (cooler, 300000); Function Cooler () {document.getElementById ("Display"). InnerHTML = temp-0,2; SetInterval (loop); } Function abortTimer () {clear interval (loop); } HTML: & lt; Body & gt; Current temporary & lt; Div id = "display" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Form & gt; Set Temp: & lt; Input type = "text" id = "setTemp" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" onClick = cooler (); & Gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Some ...

html - How to have an unordered list float to right? -

On the pages 'products' page of my site, I'm getting some special features. I would like to make sure that this is your site's breadcrumb navigation Float to the right of the, so that it can inline with breadcrumbs navigation. But it's going to the next line. Here it is visible: & lt; Div id = "breadcrumbsforstore" & gt; & Lt; H5 & gt; & Lt; A href = "/" title = "home store" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; {Product.categories for range in range: 1%} / {{category | Link_to}} {% endfor%} / & lt; A href = "{{page.full_url}}" title = "{{}}" {{page name}} & Lt; Ul id = "shops" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; SIZE GUIDE / FILTER: & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; And here's the CSS: #breadcrumbsForStore {width: 960px; Font-family: futures; Text alignment: left; Margin: 20 px 0 px 25 px 0; Padding: 0 px 0...

c++ - function is not a member of global namespace -

So I'm trying to chess the program in C ++ and I decided to make my conductor my class (this was a main function before the function), so I did not copy it to every other place without copying me However, when I finished setting everything up I found this error: 'parseMove': is not a member of the "global namespace" standard names I am using the pace and all public functions and variables, and please let me know how to bring it until it is not relevant. My IDE is MS Visual C ++ 2012. Here is the code: In the main: zero playGame () {... MoveParser parser; // Turn on the declared driver ... // example parser. Parsemov (current, currentx, current y) example; ...} MoveParser.h: #pragma once #include & lt; Sstream & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Class move parser {public: move parser (zero); ~ MoveParser (zero); Zero parsmov (string, int and, int and;); }; MoveParser.cpp: ...

Restarted my pc and suddenly MySQL deactivated in xampp(lampp) on Linux 12.04 -

It was working fine for a long time, I do not remember that when I installed this Ubuntu on my PC So it was more and I had a jump on linux setup (it is called lamp) and all were working fine, as long as I can not run mySQL since the last time I restart When I try to go to the local host / phpmyadmin im getting error # 2002 - Any such file or directory 'S server is not responding (or the local socket of the local server is not configured correctly). When I check the localhost / XMPP under the situation, it says that MySQL database is excluded sudo / opt / lampp / lampp restart linux 1.8.3-2 ... XAMPP for XAMPP Restart: Preventing Apache ... okay. XAMPP: Preventing MySQL ... Not Running XAMPP: Preventing PROPPD ... OK XAMPP: Apache is starting ... OK XAMPP: MySQL is starting ... OK XAMPP: ProPhPPD is starting Is ... OK but still when MySQL is not working I get a single response when I just start / stop mysql I It gets sudo / opt / lampp / lampp startmysql XA...

php - Banner Rotation (SMF Forum) -

Hi, my forum is trying to create a simple banner rotation system, which uses SMF software. P> I have read your post here: I am very impressed with your knowledge. I am trying for some time to get my sponsor banner while roaming at the top of my platform. Can you please tell me how to set it? In order to implement the changes described in the above link, I need some guidelines. Do I change the index.php file of my forum? I have a custom theme, what does it mean that I only make changes to that index.php file? Where can I insert the code into the index.php file, and how can I link each banner to a different website? I know that I have a lot of questions ... any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks, Sam

How do I add nodes at index in Java? -

सार्वजनिक शून्य addAtIndex (इंट पेलोड, इंट इंडेक्स) AmishException फेंकता {if (index == 0) {this। addFront (पेलोड); } और अगर (सूचकांक == this.length () - 1) {this.addEnd (पेलोड); } और अगर (इंडेक्स और लेफ्टिनेंट; यह.नंबरऑफएलेमेंट्स || इंडेक्स & gt; this.length () - 1) {नया एम्श एक्सपैशन ("लिंक्डलिस्ट त्रुटि: इंडेक्स:" + इंडेक्स + "बाउंड से बाहर है !!!"); } और {}} मेरे पास कुल में चार कक्षाएं हैं, वे बिना किसी समस्या के सामने और अंत में नोड्स जोड़ सकते हैं, लेकिन मुझे यह पता नहीं लग सकता है कि उन्हें कैसे जोड़ें एक अनुक्रमणिका। मेरे पास एक विधि है जो लंबाई निर्धारित करती है, लेकिन दो घंटे बाद मैं इसे समझ नहीं सकता। यह वह तरीका है जो सूचकांक में जोड़ देगा, लेकिन अब यह सब कुछ एक अपवाद फेंकता है और आगे और पीछे जोड़ता है।

haskell - Why I get indentation errors with nested let/guard block -

I am in the middle of writing a transpose function as a practice for the real world transpose :: [i] four] - & gt; [Four] x = let's repeat lines = x transposed = tip split tab :: [string] -> [String] tax x | Zero xs = [] | All taps xs = [] | Otherwise = Protect = "" =>> Safe Head X = Head Secure Tiles "" = "" Secure Tile x = In Tail X (Map Safe Head X) :( Tip (Map Protected Tiles Xs )) Without transpose the parsing error is & gt; & gt; . . After applying, I tried to write this code again: :: [string] -> [string] tax x | zero xs = [] | all tap xs = [] | Otherwise = (map safe Ed X): (tip secure tail xs) where the safe head "" = '' safe head x = head x secure tail "but still that indentation error can not be cured. How can I write nested let / while / guard properly? The error is on the previous row - '' is not a valid character: / P> securehead "" = '...

xilinx - modular exponentiation in vhdl -

I need to implement a modular exponation in vhdl for a Spartan 6, with Google for the following paper The description of fast implementation was found in a virtex 4 I think it can be used on a Spartan 6, but I can not find the source code anywhere I found this datasheet form Helian tech too. , But it is much slower than the above. Paper on the basis of , it does not appear that used any Virtex-4 specific attributes , So that the implementation can fit into a Spartan 6, depending on the resources needed for SLICE, BRAM, and DSP 48. The resource overview is shown in the "Table 3. Display of our Modular Expenditure" paper, says SLICE: 3937, Bram: 7, DSP 48: 17, in Virtex-4 resources. Both Brahm in Virtex 4 and Spartan 6 have 18 kbs, and DSP 48 is both both "18x18 multiplier, one connector and one accumulator", so these resources are similar and it is advisable to compare expectations. The SLICE structure is different in Virtex 4 and Spartan 6, so the logi...

Fibonacci Numbers using ARM assembly code -

So I was trying to write a code, I meet the following two goals: Should start using 1 should use a loop should use first / foremost A conditional branch for testing For the first time, I have used this code before printing all the numbers from 1 to 1000 and now I want to complete it I want to tweak it but I do not know how to change the size of 1000 to 10946 error: Price 10946 can not be represented in operand 2 format if I get some help with this IM If so, then I'm sure I can rest this code I have so far: .equ SWI_PrStr, 0x69 .equ SWI_PrInt, 0x6b .ex stdout, 1 .equ SWI_Exit, 0x11. Global _start .text _start: MOV R4, # 1 @ Start Here LOOP: CMP R4, # 10946 Going after the check number of 10946 BGE: MOV R0, #Stdout MOV R1, R4 SWI SWI_PrInt @ Print all numbers LDR R1, = NL SWI SWI_PrStr ADD R4, R4, # 2 After B LOOP: SWI SWI_Exit. Data NL: .asciz "\ N" So now I believe that I understand the first part I found this: .equ SWI_PrStr, 0x69 .equ SWI_PrInt,...

count - SQL WITH CLAUSE for DATERANGE Select -

I'm not sure it's true, anyone can guide me on it. I am trying to retrieve the number of my guests per day for a period of one month, but there are few empty countings where no one is signing in. So the result will be like DATE | COUNT 2013-12-01 2 2013-12-05 4 But what do I need DATE | COUNT 2013-12-01 2 2013-12-02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So let me know on this website Have been found to use random date again, so logically I thought that select the last date and join with your member. DECLARE @start date DATE DECLARE @end date DATE SET @startDate = '2013-12- 01' SET @endendet = '2014-01-01'; Select date as date (date) (select date date @ date MDAD) Select all date DATEADD (d, 1, date and date from date [date] @ Date) Date, COUNT (Guest Identity) [Membership] [DBO]. [Guest] Dates.Data = Sign in at Guest Sign InDetam and Guest Sign InDetetime & gt; = @startdate and Guest Sign InDateTime & lt; @enddate DATEPART (hh, Guest...

Django - having different MEDIA_ROOT for different users -

I am using Django 1.5 and I want users to upload photos. I want the photo to be stored at a different location, depending on what the User ID is. For example, if a user uploads a file and the user ID is 1 (the ID / unique primary key that is given to each user when the user object is made from the Digengo Generic User Model), then I want to save the image. I think the directory myPorjectFolder / myApp / static / site_media / images / 1 (user ID) / uploaded photo In this way I think that I do it In Settings, add this line: MEDIA_ROOT = '/ home / userName / myProject / myApp / site_media / static / images /' In, model this way: Import from django.db import model from django.contrib.auth.models User class UserImages (models.Model): user = models .onomoboyfield (user) photo = model. Imagefield (upload_to = current user id / upload photo) # I know this will not work .. How will I work for it? Am I right? Or is this completely different from what I am thi...

arraylist - Java save function won't overwrite -

I created an object that I then added to an arraylist. I then saved this array in a .dat file using the orroutputstream. I know that the object is created correctly because the program loads directly from the next screen object and the object can be read properly from the file later. The issue I am running is that it seems that the object is saving, but it is not ready to edit. Rather than editing the object in the array list, it is creating a new object and saving it every time. The code below shows the save function which eliminates the last screen every time. I am trying to make it so that it can see if the student is already in the array and if so, then edit the object if the student is not present, then I selected it (used for all GUI functions) Object) and add it to the "students" array and write the array in the file, overwriting all the previous data. @SuppressWarnings ("uncheck") public static zero review () class no foot extension, IOException {int...

python - OpenCV multicolor thresholding -

I am trying to multicolor thresholding on an opencv cv2 image. The problem I am trying to solve is the following: Every "valid" list is in R, G, B If one pixel r, j For all valid values, for example [221, make pixel (0,0,0) again, otherwise, make it (255) , 255, 255) 180, 50] is considered valid in R channel [23, 18, 2] is considered to be valid in live channel [84, 22, 48 ] B is considered to be valid in the channel Then if the following value (RGB commands in a pixel (221, 23, 48) (221, 23, 48) (221, 23, 84) (221, 18, 84) (221, 18, 22) (221, 18, 48) / Li> (50, 2, 48) It will change in (0,0,0), otherwise (255255255) Currently, I'm doing it with looped nested for loop: in range for x (width): for y in range (height): imcv [y, x] = threshold [Y, x]) Where thresholds function displays the arguments described above. Note that although I did this place, in-place transformation is not required. The method I currently use, b...

python - I am getting an unexpected character after line continuation character error -

I am getting an unexpected character after line continuity character error in this line Print ("$ D $$$", \ "$ D $ $ $ $ \", format "(total $"), format (total, "10.2"), \ n \ t, "discount $", format (Disk, "10.2"), \ n \ t, cause, "10.2"), sep = "") Can anyone tell me what it means and how it Decide? Thanks def finddiscount (quantity): if quantity & gt; = 1 more volume & lt; = 9: discount = 0 elif volume> gt; = 10 more quantity & lt; = 1: discount = .2 Elif volume & gt; = 20 more quantity & lt; = 49: discount = .30 elif volume> = 50 more volume You forgot to use quotation marks around many odds on this line: print (" \ t "," total $ Order "," Order (total, "(" 10.2 ")," ($ 10.2 ")," ($ 10.2 ")," ($ 10.2 ")," \ "," "^ ^ ^ and the other way to format is to use str.forma... mvc 4 - JS and CSS Bundles not working in elastic beanstalk -

I have my MVC 4.0 The net application is working properly locally, but after that I keep it on Amazon's elastic beanstock, the JS and CSS bundle are not working, the reaction comes back empty. Anyone have this problem? EDIT: According to this: The server never responds, to believe me whether bundles have not been supported by elastic beanstock? Edit: Besides, can it be that I took the code from 4.5 to 4.0? Supports both ADS 4.0 and 4.5. Can you get a log from the Beanstalk dashboard?

sony smartwatch sw2 launcher app -

I'm working on a control extension for Sony SmartWatch 2, which is a SW2 device for a user. My app works like a Place Monitor app that the user can monitor the GPS location. And SV2 always sleeps after 10 seconds, the user must "find" and "restart" the same app to keep the monitor space. It's boring. I know that it is impossible to set my app in watchfaces. I try to use control. Indicators. SCREEN_STATE_ON, but the battery only supports 2 ~ 3 hours. I have a question .. Is it possible to set up my app launcher app when the user wins SW2? The user can still use the "Home" button or the "Previous" button to go to the Home screen. I am In addition, when the watch sleeps, the current The extension should be stopped and then when you wake up SW2 using the power button, it should start again. The user does not have to find and restart again. If your app is coming out of the sound as if you should not hand over something c...

select a value where it doesnt exist in another table in SQL Server? -

I have two tables - how can I get more information such as names and gender? @ A ID name gender ..... 1 A2B3C5D6E @ B ID POSID 3 1 5 2 I Use this SQL for query. Selection ID from a challenge ID select ID; I found the result. ID 1 2 6 post-text" itemprop = "text"> does not exist : select * where not exists (selection 1b to WHERE = ; Use or left external participant . Or not in .

c++ - Size of string literal consisting of escaped characters -

प्रश्न में कोड: #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; cstring & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {cout & lt; & lt; आकार ("\ n \ r \ t") & lt; & lt; endl; // प्रिंट 4 cout & lt; & lt; स्ट्रेलन ("\ n \ r \ t") & lt; & lt; endl; // प्रिंट 3 वापसी 0; } मैं उलझन में हूँ क्योंकि मैंने हमेशा सोचा कि यह मानक है कि sizeof char हमेशा 1 बाइट है, लेकिन उपरोक्त कोड में, यह मुद्रण है 4. क्या इस के लिए कोई स्पष्टीकरण है या क्या बचने वाले पात्रों के लिए इस नियम में एक अपवाद है? कृपया मुझे उजागर करें यह "\ n \ r \ t " एक तथाकथित स्ट्रिंग शब्दशः है इसे शून्य में समापन के साथ एक निरंतर चरित्र सरणी के रूप में स्मृति में संग्रहीत किया जाता है। प्रत्येक बच पात्र एक चरित्र है। तो इस स्ट्रिंग के शाब्दिक तीन स्पष्ट रूप से निर्दिष्ट वर्ण और टर्मिनैटिम शून्य हैं। कुल मिलाकर अक्षर में चार अक्षर हैं। फ़ंक्शन strlen के लिए के रूप में तो यह शून्य को समाप्त करने के लिए ध्यान में नहीं आ...

jquery - Creating new columns when the paragraph reaches the bottom of the Div -

So, I have a div with a certain height and a width which takes full width of the screen my goal Divel scroll Make a sideways when too much material is added. In the paragraph, there is a fixed width of too many skinizers in the device itself. What I would like to do, create a new "column" by creating any paragraph or material when it reaches under Div. Is there any way to do this with jQuery or some type of thing to do? .divClass {width: 100%; Height: 50%; Border: 3px solid black; Status: Completed; Top: 25%; Left: 0 pixels; Correct: 0 pixels; Clean both; Background-shaped: 50%; Overflow-y: hidden; Overflow-x: scroll; Padding-left: 80px; } .divClass p {width: 360px; } $ (document) .ready (function () {function makeColumns (Elementselector, Numofkolumns) {var Krkkunt = $ (Elementselector) .html (). REPLACE (/ / c ') Klenth; var Krakuntkmuns = Mathksil ((Krkkunt / Numofkolumns) Ktfaikseda (1)); $ (Elementselector) .css ({ '-moz-column-count': carac...

android layout hide/show views -

I have a linear vertical layout below. I need my application to switch buttons and textview, hide the I button and Change the text to show etc. If I use the visibility set for the button (see INVISIBLE) then it disappears from the screen but it is still holding the place. How can I switch without deleting those elements altogether? & lt; Clock Android: id = "@ + id / chronometer1" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_gravity = "bottom | center_horizontal" Android: textSize = "30sp" Android: text = "chronometer" / & Gt; & Lt; Button Android: "Android: attr / buttonStyleSmall" id = "@ + id / stopButton" style = Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: text = "@ string / stop_button" /> & Lt; Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: l...

perl - Please explain me what is hapenning in line 3 of this code -

Please tell me what is happening in the 3 line of this code. For my $ I (0 .. $ dim) {my $ j (0 .. $ dim) {$ adj-> [$ i] [$ j] = $ adj- & Gt; [$ I] for [$ j]? [$ J]: []; Code loop $ adj . Possibly, $ dim is a dimension, and iterate over the list of numbers from $ i and $ j to 0 For $ dim , for example 0,1,2,3,4,5 . For each combination of numbers, the value of that array element is checked for the accuracy, and it is assigned a new value. If the value is false, then this index is assigned to an array referee with $ j , otherwise the empty table [] . The conditional operator is used here with the original syntax condition? FOO: BAR If the condition is then FOO AND BAR Probably, array reference should be array reference in $ adj , which is why it is only true Can check defined $ adj-> As a shortcut for [$ i] [$ j]

python - Difficulties installing SOAPpy module -

I'm very new to the python and find out how to install the module. I am trying to install the SOAPpy module only with the required modules fpconst, wstools, and setuptools (success is not specified as per the requirement, but still must be required). When I try to install and install the SOAPpy module. / P> traceback & lt; Latest call last>: File "... \", line 43, in the module Not sure what to do to fix this. Any help is greatly appreciated! Viewing, it attempts to import SOAPpy.version . This does not work if you are calling it from somewhere else. Try running it directly in the SOAPpy directory because Python adds your current working directory to sys.path . For example: cd: \ user \ eclaird \ Download \ SOAPpy \ # folder with python.exe

javascript - Adding one more click event to tag jquery for Google Chrome Extension -

I have to write a click event for 'a' tag, which is already another click event. Therefore, the latest event should be run before the event that was first added. Google Chrome extension for Code: - $ (document) Kon ( "", "A", function (event) Click on {Warning ('OK ..');}); Update: - The current points: - When an event, click on the "Toggle", requires first turn on my event - I Chrome extensions have been built which I need to override the websites, click on the "event of a tag '(must first run only the webpage event to run my event).

database - Querying large not indexed tables -

We are developing a CRUD such as the web interface for web applications. For this, we need to show data from different tables, some huge and very "alive", with many rows (millions). There are some small, configurable tables Now we want to allow our users to filter, refine, sort, endorsement etc. on the grid. As a result of user selection - We are creating selected questions. For obvious reasons, filtering on indexed fields will produce a long running query On the other hand, indexing each column of a table, looks a bit "weird" and we have more than 50 rows There are tables with We are looking at Apache Lusen, but as far as I understand - this text helps to solve the indexing well. But what about numbers, dates, categories? Is there a solution, available discussions for that issue? In addition to this, I should say that this problem is only UX specific for all the requirements of our applications, we do good . You are right, in general, you do not w...

drupal 7 - Theming D7 Nice Menus Subchildren by Taxonomy Term -

I modify the default output of the list elements of the Nice menu and change each & lt; I'm considering li & gt; Group is a list of nodes from the classification period. This is the default output of the sub-menu: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Test 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Test 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Guardian & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; All 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Sub 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Sub 3 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Sub 4 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; All 5 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Sub 6 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Test 3 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; My goal is a subset group based on a subcategorization term like: How can I customize it at template.php? The...

php - Laravel system info -

Does it automatically display the system information of the larval (such as the larval version, the installed dependency, dependency version, and so on) Is the web page possible? Thanks Information about composer content managed by composer shows -i (show installed dependencies) from command line I am sure you should be able to include the composer code directly, ask the same question and avoid the command line, but how do I fix it so far. The other method is to load, pars and display the contents of composer.lock or vendor / composer / install.json May be. Be prepared to experience changing file formats, because it's not an official API, but a shortcut.

c# - shopping cart system and calculating total price -

I want to integrate online booking and payment system online into my website. I have gone through the differnt paper of the shopping cart in google, but I could not have been clear from any of that. So far, I have created a table in the database which includes session_ID and DAT product_id. When a user clicks to add to the cart, it will be stored in that table. I have even built up shopping carts but now my problem is how to calculate the total value and how to keep that total column in the database. As I have researched now, I need to create a table in which the user's total cost or database includes all the information along with the session, but I do not know when to enter that table and which user has booked it Have done it. I have a great dilemma. Please help me for this. Just a hint you have to use two tables for it. Master table - To store common info (Billo, date, gradeotle, billdisk, etc.) Details Table - To keep information about items for each purchase (item ...

Replacement for `pwd` in Windows PowerShell -

मेरे पास एक यूनिक्स स्क्रिप्ट है जो कमांड का उपयोग करता है Current_Dir = `pwd` P> बस "पीडब्ल्यूडी", या "गेट-लोकेशन" ("पीडब्ल्यूडी" का प्रयोग "गेट-लोकेशन" के लिए सिर्फ एक उपनाम है) का उपयोग करें। भी: आपको PS में उद्धरण चिह्नों की आवश्यकता नहीं है, जैसे आप एक यूनिक्स खोल में करते हैं।

java - How to repeat a String n number of times? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 28 जवाब मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की और इसे कुछ भी आउटपुट करने में विफल रहता है मैं आदर्श रूप से स्ट्रिंग टेक्स्ट को एन गुणांक दोहराएगा जो इंट गुणक द्वारा मैं गलत क्या कर रहा हूं? स्ट्रिंग टेक्स्ट और इंट गुणक को किसी अन्य विधि से तर्क के रूप में पारित किया जाता है। सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग दोहराने पाठ (स्ट्रिंग टेक्स्ट, इंट गुणक) {स्ट्रिंग मान = ""; स्ट्रिंगबइल्डर दोहराना = नया स्ट्रिंगबइल्डर (टेक्स्ट। लांघ () * गुणक); दोहराएँ (दोहराएँ, पाठ, गुणक); value.equals (दोहराने); System.out.println ("टेक्स्ट दोहराया:"); Println ( "-----------"); Println (दोहराने); Println ( "--------------"); प्रतिलाभ की मात्रा; } निम्न विधि आज़माएं: सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक स्ट्रिंग दोहरा (स्ट्रिंग टू रीपीट, इंट टाइम) {यदि (torepeat == रिक्त) {toRepeat = "null"; } यदि (बार & lt; = 0) {वापसी ""; } स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर एस.बी. = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (); के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; times; i ++) {sb.a...

Define the xpath of the below html for selenium automation -

I have HTML which basically looks like the following ... .... .. & lt; Span class = "cat-name" & gt; Tanzanite Pendant & lt; / Span & gt; .......... There is six more duration with the same class name. I only want to find out the above period. I have tried many solutions but failed to detect the element. Thank you, joke above expression xpath = // span [@ class = 'cat-name'] [n] xpath = // span [@ class = 'cat-name'] [6] There is a higher priority than []. The aforementioned expression selects @ class = 'cat-name' with each class, which is the child of its sixth child - and apparently the parents of the input elements of the document that are not shown They do not have so many input kids. Use (note bracket): Xpath = (// span [@ class = 'cat-name']) [6] This selects the 6th element input in the document which satisfies the conditions under circumstances. Then you can use all six places below: ...

settimeout - Jquery image fade with sequential sources -

I have created a fat script to replace the image with Fadin, I want to change it every 5 seconds while taking a new one. One of the pools of images I have 4 JPEG sequential names in this case: dish1 dish2 dish3 dish4 but the result is in pagload and there is no change in image: $ (document). Ready (work () {function chngImg (curImg = 1, imgNum = 4) {var src = "immagini / dishes_pizze / dish" + curimg + ".jpg"; $ ('# image'). FadeOut ("slow") $ ('# Snap'). Entry ('src', src); $ ('# image'). Feedin ("slow"); curimg ++; if (curg; iGnIM) {curImg = 1;} // End if setTimeout ('chngImg (curImg, imgNum);', 5000);} // and chngimg}); // endready Any help would be helpful, I'm new to jQuery. The problem occurs when you pass the function name in the setTimeout function The function should be public, but in your code, the function is declared inside chngImg $ (document) .ready . This is a local ...

Like ASCII,how characters are assinged binary values in UNICODE? -

एएससीआईआई एक 8 बिट सिस्टम का उपयोग करता है। प्रत्येक चरित्र को एक अद्वितीय एएससीआईआई मान दिया जाता है। लेकिन यूनिकोड 32 या 64 बिट प्रतिनिधित्व का उपयोग करता है। से Blockquote> एएससीआईआई को यूनिकोड में बदलने के लिए, सभी एक बाइट एएससीआईआई कोड लें, और शून्य-उन्हें 16 बिट तक बढ़ाएं। यह ASCII वर्णों का यूनिकोड संस्करण होना चाहिए। यूनिकोड में सी / सी ++ की जांच

ISO Datetime in PHP -

I have an ISO data-time format parsed from web calendar ICS files, I have created calendar events in Google and yahoo. At Google, I made it from 11:00 to 11:30 IST time. In Yahoo, I made it for 11:30 to 11:45 IST. I have got the ICS file for both incidents. My problem is with the event start time and end time in ICS files. Google Start Time - 20140218 T060000Z (GMT provides time) Yahoo Start Time - 20140218T113000Z (provides local time) How can I check that timezone GMT in ISO date time Has not changed in GMT? Please help me in getting this Thanks in advance. You can use the ical file to have a timezone declaration. This location returns DTSTART , for example: DTSTART; TZID = America / New York: 199801190020000 But િકલ is not a very accurate "science", it seems that everyone uses it differently See announcements on: X-WR- timezone: Europe / Berlin which appear only once in the ICL file. / P> After creating a datetime object, you can use the D...

java - Log4j Log at all Classes Level -

I'm debugging my Java web application using Log4J, I must log in at the class level. does not want to have a line for each class in the file because I have hundreds of classes in my application: = DEBUG log4j.logger = DEBUG = DEBUG Is there a line setup for everyone to get the login class Number? All loggers are sorted by the order of the order, so you have a basic logger ("log4j.logger "or root logger) and if you require some override configuration for some hair logger. View More.

sql - MySQL Incorrect datetime value: '09:40 AM' for column -

I try to enter values ​​in the table and I get this error " Wrong date time value: '09: 40am 'for column' ' make table class (CRN four (5) tap primary key, not duplicate char (3) Course_NUl Char (3) No meeting, meeting_de varchar (6) tap, start_time datetime null, end_time varchar (8) tap, campus_code varchar (3) tap, location varchar (6) tap, faculty_id four (4) tap, nomination Zero, capacity TINYINT faucet,); Enter the class in values ​​('20761', 'PSY', '101', 'MW', '09: 40 AM ') (CRN, DIPTOCOD, COURSE_NEM, MEETING_DE, START_time, AND_time, campus_code, location, faculty_ID, Nomination , Ability), '11: 10 o'clock ',' WC ',' E-527 ',' F002 ', 40, 40); thanks Use Time Datat And you used the comma at the end of the column when creating the table Make the address of the table class (crn char (5) not the primary key, Dept_code char (3) no tap, course_NOR (3) no tap, m...

javascript - Error with parsing string type to JSON objects -

I am trying to parse my string in JSON object, but it does not work. When I debug the code, I get a syntax error. Here is the string I want to parse: var listString = "{title: 'MySchema'," + "root : {Id: '"+ + headID +"', "+" Title: '"+ Top Top [0]. Design + "'," + "Subtitle:'" + Headname + "',"; List + "'," + "Subtitle: '" + + Title + "'," + + "+ + +" + + " {Id: "+ +" + + "," + "Title: Type: '' + Child [CNT]. Tappaw + "'"; Liststring = getChildNodes (task entries, head, liststring); Liststring = liststring + "},";} liststring = liststring + "]}}";} listString = childliststring; $ $. ParseJSON (listString); In exchange, I do not get any JSON object any thoughts? journal JSON string '{"key": "value"}' format

openERP wizard issue with html iframe -

I am developing a DJongo website and and lt; Iframe & gt; I'm embedding using the tag. Example: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; My website & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; My website content & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "" width = "1024" height = "600"> & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Create wizard (e.g., sales order lines) Do not open the display error on the browser console window such as some Unkoot SecurityErray: accessing one frame with the original By doing the original "" blocked "zero". The frame to use is a protocol of "http", which is a protocol of "file" in which it is being accessed must match the protocol. Try V6 and V7, but in both cases thi...

archlinux - Can't edit crontab -

I am trying to edit my crontab but I can not even open it! My user foo, I just type: crontab -e Then I found: export EDITOR = nano I tried again and I got the same output. I also tried to set my editor with export editor = vim no crontab with Vim - using empty one vim: there is no such file or directory cronat: "vim "Exit from position 1" but I only take care to exit once again. text"> This message is normal because you still do not have any cronbs for that user: There is no crystal for foo - using blank one P> This is happening because you The editor is not properly defined. To do this, you have to specify the full path of binary: exporting EDITOR = / usr / bin / nano or exported EDITOR = / usr / bin / vi

javascript - custom event is not triggered on dojo widget -

मेरे पास डोजो कस्टम विजेट है। मुझे कस्टम विजेट से एक घटना का उत्सर्जन करना होगा, यह कोड जहां मैंने ईवेंट श्रोता को जोड़ा है & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Var dojoConfig = {async: true, parseOnLoad: true, isDebug: true, संकुल: [{नाम: "कस्टम", स्थान: "/ टेस्ट / जेएस"}}}; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट src = "// स्थानीयहोस्ट: 8080 / डोजो 1.9.0 / डोजो / डोजो.जेएस" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; की आवश्यकता होती है ([ "कस्टम / MyWidget", "डोजो / पर", "डोजो / domconstruct", "डोजो / _base / खिड़की", "डोजो / domReady!"], समारोह (MyWidget, पर, domconstruct, खिड़की) { Var mywidget = नया MyWidget (); mywidget.startup...