java - How do I access a certain element of an object if you are in another class? -

I have a class that includes a 2D four [] [] array that connects four boards. Each of the four elements has an 'x' or 'o'

Now I am trying to get the contents of this board, I am in, for example,

  public class connect 4 {private class] [] board; } Public Nucleus {Private Connect 4 Board; Board = new connect 4 (size x, size); Board ..... and lieutenant; - How do I use Connect 4 objects of the Caribbean if I am in the Newcastle? }  


you board Because you have made it personal if you want to make it publicly accessible, then you have two options.

Option 1 - Accelerator methods

Keep the board field private and your Connect4 makes it accessible through an accessor (aka setter) method within the class. Public Zero Setboard SlotTenaxen Expansion {If (board [row] [cola] == 'A') throw new slotconconception ("one player has already kept one piece.") ; Board [row] [color] = player; }

Note that if I do not know about the exceptions yet, you can learn about them. You can find more information about the accelerator / setter / mutator methods.

Option 2 - Public Field

If you do not care who touches your board, you can simply create the board yourself A complex game board should probably never be public, because it can be for players who make a move in the same slot. Some netrologists argue that using a public modifier in front of an area is not a good idea. Should you decide to ignore their warning:

  Public four [] [] Board;  

Any method will work, but the first method allows you to have the responsibility of the board class to maintain your consistent status, which is more acceptable The method is. / P>


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