
Showing posts from February, 2013

Invalid syntax when running Python script from Command Prompt -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर संपादन: पायथन संस्करण 3.3। मुझे एक पायथन स्क्रिप्ट मिली है जिसे मैं चलाना चाहूंगा। मैंने अपना पायथन / स्क्रिप्ट फ़ोल्डर को पाथ को जोड़ दिया है, और इसलिए मैं सीएमडी और प्रकार खोलता हूं: अजगर मुझे लगता है कि यहाँ है कुछ कोड डालने के लिए सबसे अच्छा बिंदु: जबकि सही: पद = उपयोगकर्ता.गेट_सबमिट (सीमा = 500) प्रिंट '[*] डाक' # पदों में बात के लिए यह पंक्ति 18 है: यदि देखिए में जारी रखें ये पंक्तियाँ 15 से 18 हैं, और स्क्रिप्ट चलाने की कोशिश करते समय मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: फ़ाइल " ", पंक्ति 18 प्रिंट '[*] डाक' सिंटेक्स त्रुटि: अमान्य सिंटैक्स मुझे नहीं लगता कि वाक्यविन्यास के साथ क्या मुद्दा यहां है, क्या कोई कृपया मुझे इसे प्रकाशित कर सकता है ? आप अजगर 3 का उपयोग करते हुए दिखाई देते हैं। अगर ऐसा है, प्रिंट कोष्ठक की आवश्यकता है: प्रिंट ('[*] डाक')

linux - How to debug Shell command after customization -

I spent some time optimizing my configuration this way. Actually I can simulate all my dotfiles (.zshrc, .vimrc, ...) with the GIT repository, then I changed many things. I'm on Mac OS X and my configuration works very well. However, when I use the same dotfile on Linux (Ubuntu), I find some difference. Most of them are minor differences but it is very annoying. I use ZSH and PRIZO when I get the message CD 20:17 ~ ❯ CD project script: invalid option - 'g' usage: script [option] [file] option: -a, - add input- c, --command & Lt; Command & gt; Run commands instead of interactive shell-R, - Hair Process -F return withdrawal code - Run flush after every flash drive - Even using force output file, when it is a link -q, shutdown -t, - -timing [= & lt; File & gt;] stderr (or FILE) output time data-V, - version output version information and exit -h, --help Display this help and exit I am posting here that someone knows how to debug this kin...

ios - NSString fails as a parameter, but literal string works? -

I'm pulling an array of songs from my AWS server My next step is to send those flowing URLs to As a request to recover, one of those song names is to be used. // [1] Start S3 Client self.s3 = [[[AmazonS3Client alloc] initWithAccessKey: @ "Blah" with Sqwet: @ "Blah"]; Self.s3.endpoint = [AmazonEndpoints s3Endpoint: US_WEST_2]; // [2] Get an array of song names NSArray * song_array = [self.s3 listObjectsInbacket: @ "blahblah"]; NSLogs (@ "objects% @", songs_array) are; // [3] Get the name of the single song from the array NSString * song1 = [[NSString alloc] init]; Song1 = (NSString *) [song_array objectAdWords: 1]; NSLog (@ "% @", song 1); NSString * song2 = @ "Wrap the MP3."; NSLog (@ "% @", song2); // [4] Get the song URL S3GetPreSignedURLRequest * gpsur = [[S3GetPreSignedURLRequest alloc] init]; Gpsur.key = song2; Gpsur.bucket = @ "SoundShark"; GPSer.XPier = [Date of NSDT; currentInternationa...

objective c - iOS: Prevent Restkit from URL encoding commas -

"itemprop =" text "> after I'm using RestKit to access a web service that I do not control. In an operation, the "ageGroup" argument form must be below in the description / ex> AG = Babies, + Toddlers, + Preschoolers, + child age 6-11 It is okay to call the web service from the browser using the above functions. I also note that your browser is automatically encrypted with spaces, but not a comma or a plus sign URL as RestKit Encrypt this part of:. AG = Babies% 2C% 2BToddlers% 2C% 2BPreschoolers% 2C% 2BKids% 20ages% 206-11 urls (even one Trying to use this in the browser does not work). I have reduced the problem to the command; For whatever reason, the web service is not decoding the comma escape chain correctly again, I have no control over the web service, so I can not do anything about it How do I Can these Commas stop RestKit from encoding? Is there some other alternative solution for this that I am not thinking of? After t...

java - How to use SendKeys(webdriver) command in Rich Text editor that is located in iframe -

I am facing the following problem. I can not type text in iframe which has a text editor in it: here is Html: & lt; Iframe class = "cke_wysiwyg_frame cke_reset" frameborder = "0" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%;" Aria-Description = "cke_39" heading = "WordTrash term for description, description 1" src = "" tabindex = "0" permissiveness = "true" & gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "bg" dir = "ltr" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Body class = "cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr" contenteditable = "true" spelling check = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Even so far I have done this, but the examination was successfully passed and no text was written in the te...

Leaflet - Anchor tags in pop-up? -

I am trying to tie a book over an anchor tag link within the pop-up, but it seems With this sheet you can not do that I would like to pair a click or function into an ID or class which opens a jquery dialog / model with more information. Is there any alternative solution? Thank you! Read the documentation for this: Since the user only creates popups when clicking on a feature Do not bind them on the material with the bat, because they are not present yet. If you use .on with a selector, whenever you do this, Can tie in

ios - How to send a request to make API calls until a boolean is true -

I'm really new to the development of iOS and backend, so please, please, with the lack of technical knowledge. I apologize for the potentially misleading title, but this is my problem: I am trying to create an iOS app that allows the user to receive push notifications when the user is selected Course conditions are open. The method of checking whether a selected course is open or not is a GET request from my school's API, and Jason is slightly parceling response to the position of the course. So how can I do this to get consistent requests to check the status of the selected course, and when the user sends a push notification for the Open? It would be good if someone approaches me to some specific instructions, thanks. / P> A push notification should come from a server from anywhere. I think what you want is a survey with local notification if you want the app to work. The downside is that the app needs to be run for the election. I recommend to know more abo...

parsing - awk if first field occurs multiple times comma separate second field -

I do not know if awk is the right tool here, so if I should use something else as long as it is available Do not be, under Unix-like systems, it's okay! My data: First Fu first time second forum for third off desired output: first foo, bar second forum, rab awk '$ 0}} END {print (i in x) X [i]} 'yourfile' explanation : Elements of the array X [] are indexed with the first fields of your data is. If the first field is already stored in X [], then add a comma and another field to x [] or else store another area in X []. Finally, print the contents of array X [].

haskell - Application ($) operator acting unexpectedly -

I am writing a function that generates the collage series based on an initial number, but I have an unexpected problem Here is the code: - Basic, collatzA :: integer - & gt; [Integer] colatz 1 = [1] colatz anne | Even n = n: colatz A (n`div` 2). Strange N = n: Colatz A (N * 3 + 1) - which I'm trying to do, will not compile it, will accumulate dirty errors collatzB :: Integer - & gt; [Integer] collatzB 1 = [1] collatzB n | Even n = n: collatzB $ n` div` 2. Strange n = n: collatzB $ n * 3 + 1 - Attempts to solve, works, but adds brackets again; I have collatzC :: Integer - & gt; Tried to get rid of [Integer] collatzC 1 = [1] collatzC n | Even n = n: (collatzC $ n` div` 2). Weird n = n: (collatzC $ n * 3 + 1) Why is it that collatzA and collatzC work , But is not collatzB This problem is operators preference or stability . For example (from which I have been highly recommended) (+) with Stability 6 and (*) Left- as left - stability with compan...

python - Django Rest Framework end points -

I have a simple obj, it has three fields, one for a user created by the title of FK, Title, and Slug Gaya). The Slug field and user's Fif are unique together. I would like to create an API end point in which the urls base_url / api-model-name (retrieve all objs), base_url / api-model-name / username (this is used to create / list end point) Used for updating / retrieving Base_url / user name / obj-slug-obj for a user that has an FK that obj gives. Any thoughts? Using DRF, you can follow such a pattern. class.fu (models.model): user = models.ForeignKey (user) title = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH) = 100) Slug = models.SlugField (MAX_LENGTH = 50) class meta: unique_together = ('user', 'slug') rest_framework import serializers import from .models from Foo Square FooSerializer (serializers.ModelSerializer): class meta model = foo rest_framework.permissions Import from IsAuthenticated Import .serializers ...

PayPal Preapproval card checking? -

पेपैल क्लासिक एपीआई के लिए अनुकूटी भुगतान क्रेडिट कार्ड जो पूर्व स्वीकृत हो? मेरे ग्राहकों ने अपने कार्ड को पहले से खारिज कर दिया था और फिर जब मैं उन्हें चार्ज करने के लिए प्रीप्प्रोवल आईडी का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे कभी-कभी त्रुटि मिलती है: यह लेन-देन संसाधित नहीं किया जा सकता। कृपया एक मान्य क्रेडिट कार्ड नंबर दर्ज करें और टाइप करें क्या यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए भी कोई रास्ता है कि दर्ज की गई क्रेडिट कार्ड मान्य है जब वे इस त्रुटि से बचने के लिए पूर्व-मंजूरी बनाते हैं? मेरा मानना ​​है कि आप # 580036 त्रुटि देख रहे हैं - जो सामान्य गिरावट त्रुटि संदेश है इसका अर्थ है कि पेपैल ने निधि एकत्र करने के लिए जारीकर्ता बैंक से संपर्क करने का प्रयास किया है, लेकिन भुगतान अस्वीकृत हो गया है कुछ कारणों की सूची के लिए: आमतौर पर क्योंकि वहां पर्याप्त धन उपलब्ध नहीं है यह बैंक के भीतर सुरक्षा एल्गोरिदम के नीचे हो सकता है। कुछ कार्ड जारीकर्ता कार्ड के उपयोग के आधार पर कुछ व्यापारी श्रेणी कोड (जैसे वयस्क सामग्री) को अस्वीकार कर देगा (जैसे बिजनेस क्रेडिट कार्ड) जब आप प्र...

OSX 10.9 - Eclipse, C++, OpenGL, functions not found -

After countless hours of attempts to set up OpenGL on Eclipse, I have been able to include all the missing libraries, though it still output it. Error many times: Expected starters before '__AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_0_DEP__MAC_10_9' line 255, outer space: / system / library / framework / openGL.framework / headers / glue h And it also does not recognize any unsightly work: 'glutInit' was not declared in this scope / test main.cpp line 9c / c + problem This code is really simple, just to try to start diarrhea. #include & lt; OpenGL / gl.h & gt; # Include & lt; OpenGL / glu.h & gt; # Include & lt; Glut / glut.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {glutInit (and argc, argv); Return 0; }

javascript - How to check if a browser supports <input type="time" /> -

What browsers, & lt; Input type = "", HTML, javascript, one .type element of code> input element. Try {var input = document.createElement ("Input"); Input.type = "time"; If (input.type === "time") {console.log ("supported"); } Else {console.log ("not supported"); }} Hold (e) {console.log ("not supported"); } If there is a browser problem that I do not know about, then . Winner should also do this by using HTML . var div = document.createElement ("div"); Div.innerHTML = "& lt; input type = 'time' & gt;"; If (div.firstChild.type === "time") console.log ("supported"); Else console.log ("not supported");

c# - Adding icon to an image -

मेरे पास & lt; छवि & gt; एक अंदर & lt; सीमा & gt; एक & lt; ग्रिड & gt; के अंदर। मेरे पास उस छवि (स्रोत) में लोड किया गया आधारमपैकेज। स्क्रॉल-व्हील का उपयोग करके मैट्रिक्स का उपयोग करके छवि को घुमा सकते हैं। अब मैं छवि पर एक मनमाना x, y पर एक आइकन (कहते हैं, पुश_पिन। बेसमापीपीएनजी और पुश_पिनएनजी के विलय के द्वारा नई छवि बाद में ऑफ़सेट के साथ कुछ एक्स & amp; Y के आधार map.png से संबंधित है। डेव कैनवास के रूप में एक सेट में baseMap.png छवि को प्रदर्शित करते हुए आप आइकन की स्थिति में कैनवास का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। बैकग्राउंड इस तरह से: & lt; ग्रिड & gt; & LT; बॉर्डर & gt; & LT; कैनवास & gt; & LT; Canvas.Background & gt; & Lt; इमेजब्रश इमेज सोर्स = "/ YourAppName; घटक / छवियाँ / बेसमैप पेज" / & gt; & LT; /Canvas.Background> & Lt; छवि स्रोत = "/ YourAppName; घटक / छवियाँ / push_pin.png" कैनवास.लिफ्ट = "100" कैनवास। टैप = "100" / & gt; & Lt;!...

vagrant - Specify default provider in Vagrantfile -

I want to specify directly in the vagrantfile which the provider has to use for each VM by default. For example, this is given to the vagrantfile: # wgetratefile [...] config.vm.define 'Dev_vm' do | Machine | Machine.vm.provider: libvirt do | Os | [...] End # machine.default_provider =: libvirt end config.vm.define 'production_vm' do | Machine | Machine.vm.provider: OpenStock Do | OS | [...] End # machine.default_provider =: openstack end To boot the VMS, I will need to issue two commands at present: Elite up --provider = libvirt dev_vm vagrant up --provider = openstack production_vm I have a single elite with both Up , especially because I'm running a lot of machines, it would be great to have some configuration like machine.default_provider =: OpenStock . What is the way to do this? I do not think there is any easy way to do this. Wagints will currently use the same provider throughout the run, so potentially it may be a big code change ...

windows - Can't load OpenGL procs, but only from Haskell -

I have a problem after changing Haskell to some C ++ code on Windows. The code works fine in C ++, but fails to load an OpenGL function in Haskell, i.e. user error (unknown openGL extension entry glagvertxerre, checking of openGL 3.1) While the function works fine in C ++ (where I am using glLoadGen). I have loaded both in depend.exe and there is no difference in the use of OpenGL 32.dll. I am using OpenGLRaw-1.3. 0.0 . This was trying to call the GL function before calling Graphics .UI .GLFW.makeContextCurrent . An existing reference is required before a GL function is available.

android - Intellij IDEA: The Google Play services resources were not found -

Please help! I am working in IntelliJ idea, and there is no good that there are some techniques that I found to prevent this Google services errors; GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services resources could not be found . To make sure that your resources are included, check your project configuration. I have been using new adobe and there are problems in killing me (( This app is available to me before the app brings me out Is ... 02-18 03: 05: 13.896 9339-9339 / E / ActivityThread: activity ServiceConnection AZC Leak @ 427d8c80 that basically here was .ServiceConnectionLeaked: activity has ServiceConnection azc @ 427d8c80 leaks which basically Android. Apikloded on Apike $ dispatcher service & amp; init & gt; (LoadedApk .java: 981) and was bound to ( android.conten...

javascript - php for loop not sent to jquery -

I am having this problem when I have a link to the loop and I want to link each link through jquery Alert but only the first link is working. What can be the problem? & lt; Link rel = 'stylesheet' href = 'css / nook.css' type = 'text / css' media = 'screen, projection' /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "js / jquery-1.10.2.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; This is my script & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# click") Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); alert ("hi");}}}}) & lt; / Script & gt; And this is my loop & lt; For php ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; 2; $ i ++) {echo " The element's ID must be unique, using the same elements to group the group & lt ;? For Php ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; 2; $ i ++) {echo " a & lt; / a & gt; Lt; br & gt; "; }? & Gt; then & lt; ...

Error inserting comma separated values in Table: SQL Server 2008 -

मेरे पास 'टिकट' और 'ticket_category ' नामक दो टेबल हैं । 'टिकट' तालिका में 'Ticket_Uid' कॉलम है और उसका प्रकार 'UniqueIdentifier' है 'टिकट' तालिका में प्रत्येक 'ticket_uid' में 'ticket_category' तालिका में एक-से-कई मैपिंग हैं जैसे 'टिकट' तालिका: Ticket_Uid 100 Ticket_Category: Ticket_Uid Ticket_Category_Uid 100 एबीसी 100 डीईएफ़ 100 एक्सवाईजेड मैं 'comment_mining' नामक निम्न तालिका बनाना चाहता हूं: Ticket_Uid श्रेणी_लिस्ट 100 एबीसी, डीईएफ, एक्सवाईजेड तालिका पहले से ही निम्न का उपयोग कर बनाई गई है: तालिका बनाएं Dbo.comment_mining (टीटीआई_आईआईडी [अनूइंट डिसाइडरिफायर] नल, टाइम_क्रेटेड डेटटाइम, टाइम_क्लोटेड डेटटाइम, कुल_टाइमटेक इंट, कैटेगरी-सूची एनवर्चार (500), कमेंट लिस्ट varchar (8000)); मैंने पहले से ही इस तालिका को बना दिया है और 'Ticket_Uid' कॉलम को पॉपुल किया है। 'category_list' कॉलम में सम्मिलित करने के लिए, मैं निम्नलिखित प्रश्न का उपयोग कर रह...

A Canvas Constructor Function -

What does a canvas constructor function look like? I had thought of something like this but some is clearly wrong. function canvas (canvas) {this.canvas = document.createElement ('canvas'); This.width = 400; This.height = 400; = "1px solid"; Document.body.appendChild (canvas); This.context = canvas.getContext ('2d'); } Var canvas1 = new canvas ('canvas 1'); You are only referring to this It's self, not the canvas you created. This should work: function canvas (canvasad) {this.canvas = document.createElement ('canvas'); This.canvas.width = 400; This.canvas.height = 400; This.context = this.canvas.getContext ('2d'); = "1px solid"; = canvasID; // Use the name document.body.appendChild (this.canvas); } Var canvas1 = new canvas ('canvas 1'); Canvas1.context.fillRect (0, 0, 400, 400); When you are inside the function scope, refers to this ob...

performance - How to sort typed arrays in javascript? -

For example, I have typed an array like this: var a = New Int32Array ([3,8,6,1,6,9]); When I try to call a.sort () , then it does not work. What's the best way to type arrays? Regarding performance, can we sharpen the arrays typed in comparison to regular arrays? JavaScript array methods are defined as such that they are array-like objects, only you can use the array of the original code: (a , Function (a, b) {return a - b;}); A custom callback is required because JS bases the values ​​by default by default. See also.

css - font-awesome icons not displaying -

I have installed the gem "font-awesome-sass", and my static page is not loading the mouse actual line & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa fa-twitter fa-1g" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; Text is displayed instead Father-twitter & lt; / Li & gt; This is an example of how I am calling it. Any suggestions? you still need it in property pipeline this is your application.css .scss

.net - Netsh failing to set DHCP in C# -

I am trying to configure DHCP to a network adapter, but I can not find any results. Here is my code: Private zeros btnResetDHCP_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {NIC nick = (NIC) comboNetworkList.SelectedItem; String cmd = String.Format ("netsh interface ip set address name = \" {0} \ "source = dhcp", nic.Name); Console.WriteLine (cmd); Process P = new process (); ProcessStartInfo psi = New ProcessStartInfo ("Nets", CMD); Psi.verb = "runas"; Psi.WindowStyle = Process WindowStyle.Hidden; P.StartInfo = psi; P.Start (); } I actually copied and pasted the resultant command printed on the console in the Command Prompt window and successfully converted the adapter into DHCP. However, the above code fails to do anything in the chosen network adapter. Works at the command prompt, but why does not the process through the class?

javascript/jquery input validation -

I have a form where a user can add more input boxes to the click button. Users can have as many input boxes as they want. I am not planning to add a button to remove the field. The default number of the input box is 2. To add 3 more, now the total is 5. For verification, I would like to check that the input box is empty or if all these spaces are in the input: "" how many places are there until there is nothing in its place. I can check for the empty input by checking the length, But how can I check for later? Is there a regular expression for a continuous number of spaces? Thanks! PS: I am using jQuery with jQuery Mobile You can check if an input field is empty by checking your .value.length , as you already know, to check that it has only spaces, then try: (this Assuming that the input is stored in a variable named input ) if (! Input.value.trim (). Length) // oh noes! It is full of empty or white space! .

data.table - Recoding of huge matrix in R -

I have a huge matrix with values ​​of 1, 2 or 3 (and some NA) values. If the matrix is ​​N xm then i have to pay attention to the N x 3m with each value of the original matrix according to the 3 entries of the new matrix. If the value is x in the matrix of the matrix then the numerator entry is 1 and the other two will be zero (if na all the other zeros). 1, 3, NA, 1 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Ie 1 = 1 0 0 3 = 0 0 1 NA = 0 0 0 1 = 1 0 0 I have to do this efficiently in R because matrix is ​​very big. What is the most effective way to do this? The matrix is ​​in a data.table with pre-assigned empty matrix. mat You can use this method from the matrix matrix package. Library (matrix) NewMate & lt; - Matrix (0, nucleus = nacelle (mat) * 3, nero = no (mat), spurs = tru) newmate [ind [complete cases (ind),]] The use of sparse matrix involves much less memory usage.

regex - PHP - Is this a safe way to allow user-supplied regular expressions -

I would like to permit the submission of a small user-defined regular expression for testing, however, more evil than run-over server usage eval () usage. For my knowledge, I have handled those problems which I could think of following code, do not I have thought of any attack vectors? (I know one but not innocuous question) function testRegex ($ regex) {// Null Character allows a premature regenerative end and "/../e" injection if ( SRPO ($ regex, 0)! == incorrect ||! Trim ($ regex)) {return false; } $ Backtrack_limit = ini_set ('pcre.backtrack_limit', 200); $ Recursion_limit = ini_set ('pcre.recursion_limit', 20); $ Valid = @ peg_match ("~ $ regex ~ u", tap)! == Incorrect; Ini_set ('pcre.backtrack_limit', $ backtrack_limit); Ini_set ('pcre.recursion_limit', $ recursion_limit); Return valid $; } $ Regexes = array ("Invalid Regular Expression"), '', '\ w +', '\ / \ w + /', 'foo [bar] *...

html - F# FSharp.Literate formatted code snippet does not display correctly (.css & .js?) -

I am trying to use FSharp.Literate to create HSL pages. I am working in XMERIN using Mona 4.5. I use the original *. Fsx wants to convert the script to html. I am using simple to test the script which I would like to convert to HTML, looks like this. (** # Some more documents using the first-level title 'Markdown'. *) (*** Includes: Final Sample * **) (** ## Second-level title with some more documents) * (*** Define: Final-Sample ***) Halo World () = Printfun "Hello World!" I created the code to download FSharp.Formatting in NuGet Manager. It has also been installed on the basis of example Microsoft.AspNet.Razor 2 and RazorEngine in the document, I started the above example The following script was written to: In HTML I basically use the HTML template on the original FSharp.formatting on the Gitub. #I "bin / debug /" #r "FSharp.Literate.dll" #r "FSharp.Markdown Dll" #r "FSharp.CodeFormat.dll" Open System. ...

Permutation of first few integers in Python -

I want to go through all the permutations of Python (1,2,3,4,5) For some sort of calculation, such as in the permutation lists for li: # Calculation list = [[1,2,3,4,5], [1,2,3,5] , 4], ...] Print Lei [0] - L [1] + Lee [2] -li [3] + Lee [4] Through all these passages What would be a convenient way to iterate (As Ashwin Choudhary said in the comment: / P> permutes = permutations of parameters to import ([1, 2,3,4,5]) permits in li: # do stuff

java - Linear interpolation - audio pitch shift -

I am trying to transfer pitch to a sample. I am using linear interpolation method. If the deposit amount is a complete integer value, then the pitch is clearly transferred. If the amount being transferred to the pitch is logical, then the sound is very distorted. Implementation starts working. This is my code, I tried to comment well. Public Zero Generated AutoTrack () {Note currNote; Float [] output = new float [pattern. GetPlayTimeInSmps ()]; // #samples takes total time of pattern. Float [] currSample = sample.getData (); // PCM data of sample int currPeriod = 0; // sample int outputPtr = 0; // Use the next note length to use the output buffer array float pitch in the next digit; // float linInt = 0; // Linear Interpolator Float Phase PTR = 0; // floating point index sample intrate ptr = 0; // Integer Index Sample JavAud.checkRange (currSample); While ((currNote = pattern.nextNote ())! = Null / / each recurrence plays a note (currPeriod = currNote.getPeriodInSmps (); // t...

digital logic - Strange component in quartus RTL viewer using verilog -

I am learning verilog, and when I do not know how the circuit will work only in the virog code, I see the digital logic Visit RTL viewer for But this code shows a strange element and I do not know what this component is. What is flip flop, max or logic port? Below is the code and an image, in the image, the component is the red triangle. Code: module testesoma (clock, reset, in, out, aux); Input wire reset, clock, in; Output reg [3: 0] Outside, aux; Always @ (pause clock or paused reset) starts (reset) = 0; End and out = aux; Aux = aux + 1; End element What a great schematic: 1 to go into the trouble of generating it. You have several issues with your code, and this is a great example of blocking assignments, feedback, and not just synthesis templates, and similar threats. Quartus has definitely got spoiled, but considering the input it is not surprising. Problems: Do not use blocking assignments here - & lt; Use to sort your start and end s in the form...

mysql - create table from comma separated text -

There are some solutions to do this but my case is slightly different. For example, Data sample Table: data Sud (big talk), start (big), end (Large), route (text) 123, 111, 112, '1111, 1112, 1113, 1114 '123, 114, 115,' 2221, 2222, 2223 '133, 121, 122, 331, 332, 333' / Code> Expected Result : Need to create a table: newdata Sud (large), start ( Bigger, End (123, 1112, 1113 123, 111, 112, 1113, 1114, 123, 114, 115, 2221, 2222 123, Road 1 CG1 (Int), Road_sG2 (Int.) 123, 111, 112, 1111 So let me know {1} {{0} Before The second, second, will be required, {second, third}, {third, fourth} ... route (text) objects can be probed up to 100 objects, but the objects Total number is random Any help would be greatly appreciated I am using MySql Thank you. If such a junction has a limited number, you can do this rather complicated query: select d.suid, s.start , S.en D, substring (substring_index (path, ',', nn), ',', -1) ...

javascript - How to avoid reloading of controller while changing the parameter value of a route ? -

Say, I have a path: # / path / to / route /: dynamicParamter now Whenever I click on the link in which the part is changing, the angle loads to the whole controller is there any way I can avoid it and just reload all the URL changes based on the URL to my controller Without changing? If you use Dynamic Parameter as a query string parameter Ready, you can use the $ route provider reloadOnSearch to false. See. In this case your dynamic parameter should change only the quickstring parameter and the controller does not load. To know when querying the string changes, the $ route # $ routeUpdate event on.

excel - Converting xls to xlsx in java -

I am converting Xls files into XLSX using software using the following link I mentioned above By running a software using java, I run the software. try {string cmds] = {batapath}; Runtime runtime = timetime (); Process process = runtime Xac (semi); Process.getOutputStream () pass () .; InputStream inputstream = process.getInputStream (); InputStreamReader inputstream reader = new inputstream reader (inputstream); Buffer Reader buffer reader = new buffedder (inputstream reader); String string = ""; While ((strLine = bufferedrReader.readLine ()) = null) {// System.out.println (strLine); }} Hold (IOException ioException) {ioException.printStackTrace (); } Every time a converter runs, a dialog box changes upwards that tells to change the files ... The problem is that I can run the software 100 times, but It does interfere with any other work though my program runs in the background. Is there another way to do this? See article [upgrade to POI 3.5, SS...

Websphere commerce 7 -

WebSpace Commerce 7 is working with the Organization Administration Console. I need some pages of the Argument Console Shield Read some roles only. Guidelines are required in this regard. itemprop = "text"> Try to modify site admin console and add access based on roles. See CommerceAcceleratorB2C.xml in the location WC / xml / tools / adminconsole wc / xml / tools / common .

c# - Math.Round for even and odd numer in Silverlight -

मैंने Math.Round जैसा Math.Round (value, precision) । परिशुद्धता 3 है। जब मैं मान = 0.0015 के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है, तो परिणाम 0.002 होगा जब मैं मान = 0.0025 के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, परिणाम अभी भी 0.002 ऐसा लगता है कि आखिरी अंक कितना भी नंबर है, यह गोल हो जाएगा, लेकिन जब अंतिम अंक एक अजीब संख्या है, तब यह बढ़ जाएगा। इस समस्या को हल कैसे करें? अतिरिक्त: Silverlight में, कोई भी MidpointRounding एक अलग गोलाई प्रकार का चयन करके देखें उस लिंक से: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; सार्वजनिक वर्ग उदाहरण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य () {डबल [] मूल्य = {2.125, 2.135, 2.145, 3.125, 3.135, 3.145}; विदेशी मुद्रा (मूल्यों में दोहरे मूल्य) कंसोल। WrightLine ("{0} - & gt; {1}", मूल्य, गणित। राउंड (मान, 2, मिडपॉइंट रोइंग। ऐवेफ्रम ज़ेरो)); }} // उदाहरण निम्नलिखित आउटपुट प्रदर्शित करता है: // 2.125 - & gt; 2.13 / 2.135 - & gt; 2.13 / 2.145 - & gt; 2.15 // 3.125 - & gt; 3.13 / 3.135 - & gt; 3.14 / 3.145 - & gt; 3.15 अधिक जानकारी: जैसा कि एक टि...

c# - Show image in Full screen -

I am working on the Windows Phone 8 app and there is an image view in XAML : & lt; Image Name = "Image" Grid. Line = "0" visibility = "collapsed" width = "auto" height = "auto" = "image_tap" horizontal alignment = "center" vertical alignment = "center" margin = "1,1,1,1" This event is called tap = "Image_tap" now, when I tap on the image, then I can use the same picture without any time Want to show in the screen up and down, how to get it? Below is the ApplicationBar and the top bar is SystemTray . If you create a new page without the ApplicationBar and you are false from SystemTray.IsVisible , then you have a full screen page now, on the root grid , just place one image and you can use that page as a full screen viewer. & lt; Phone: Phone Application Page: Class = "SimpleApp.FullScreenPage" xmlns = "

c++ - DeviceIoControl giving ERROR_BAD_LENGTH error when called in DLL -

I want to find the type of drive for the device that I am using the DeviceIoControl function. However, when I use the same function in the DLL, it returns the ERROR_BAD_LENGTH error as the following is my code. BOOL Globals :: IsUsbDevice (wchar_t characters) {wchar_t volumeAccessPath [] = L "\\\. \ x:"; VolumeAccessPath [4] = Letters; Handle DeviceHandle = Create File W (Volume Access, 0, // Disk FILE_SHARE_READ | // SHARE MODEL FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, // Default security attributes OPEN_EXISTING, // Disposition 0, // file attribute zero) is not reached; // Do not copy file properties if (device constellation == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // can not close the drive {CloseHandle (deviceHandle); return false); } // Setup query STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY query; Meset (& amp; query; 0, sizeof (query)); Query Property id = storage deviceproperty; Query.QueryType = PropertyStandardQuery; // problem query DWORD bytes; // STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR devad; STORAGE_BUS_TYPE bus type ...

collation - How to sanitize a collated column with text and numeric data to make it uniform for easy analysis in excel 2007 -

I have 3 column head and I wanted to add it to another sheet with 3 identical heads. 10% of the average of each of the 6 columns is empty, I have to map the data with the other data based on these 3 columns and I should synthesize them. So there are spaces and then there are some cells which have text like 208110185726 A570-14. help please. I have not heard back from the above comment, but I'm using this one anyway (and assumptions Given that you might be wrong): Given that you have included the tag, I believe that you want to create a table that uses the left column as an index of the unique Value for a VLOOKUP If this is the case, then I say that the incoming VLOOKUP will drop on any row with a blank left-thrust cell. If you can live with it, the way I would have known about it is very simple: Copy the columns from one group (Except the header row) and paste again at the end of the second group, because you have mentioned VLOOKUP , I'm assuming that the ...

teamcity - How to Check the Team City version -

How do I view Team City version details? And what version support for the project (building the project and the configuration of one server from another server)? Thank you, TeamCity version appears on every page (In the bottom part) This way: TeamCity Professional 8.X.X (creation of XXXXXX)

javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation in Chrome or SCRIPT65535: Invalid calling object in IE when submit form -

I am getting an error type error: illegal voice in chrome or SCRIPT 65535: submit invalid call object form in IE repeats the following markup error: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Enter some text in the fields below, then press the "Submit form" button to submit the form. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Form id = "myForm" verb = "form_action.asp" & gt; First name: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "fname" & gt; & Lt; Br> Last name: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "lname" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "button" onclick = "myfunction ()" value = "submit form" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () {var submit2 = myForm.submit; Submit2 (); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; ...

api - Instagrm Rate limit issue -

I am developing a mobile application that requests the Instagram server to search for a photo with a hashtag. Client ID is passed with the request. Since the request for the limit provided by Instagram is 5000 / hour then my question is: - In connection with the client ID or IP, the client ID rate ranges from the Instant API Do you know when requesting? Please give me suggestions on the same. I have read the doctor, but it has not been mentioned. From: to: Limit boundaries If you receive too many requests If you are sending very quickly, we will send back 503 error codes (server unavailable). You are limited to 5000 requests per hour per access_token or customer_id aggregate . In practice, this means that you should certify users (when possible) so that limits are beyond the reach of a given user. See also: i tried to count my choices until I hit the "cross-border crossing" error, it About 100-150 pictures comes, and I was waiting for 5 minutes and t...

c++ - Multiple call to async_accept -

It's OK to call it again before the call handler. Thank you. / P> From the documentation of async_accept: Whether asynchronous operation is completed immediately or not The handler will not be implemented from within this function. Handler's invitation will be similar to how to use boost :: asio :: io_service :: post (). IO_service has a line of callback that will be processed independently What happens in Async_accept, yes, you can call it several times, and every time it's your The call will queue the handler, and io_service will remove them from the queue and execute their handler.

java - using multiple class for triangle program -

आयात करें java.util.Scanner; पब्लिक क्लास त्रिभुज {// त्रिकोण सार्वजनिक शून्य इनपुट ट्राइंजेलसइड्स () {system.out.println ("अपनी त्रिकोण पक्ष की लंबाई दर्ज करें") के घुमावों को इनपुट करते हुए; स्कैनर कीबोर्ड = नया स्कैनर (; Int side1; इंट साइड 2; Int side3; System.out.println ("त्रिकोण बनाने के लिए तीन पूर्णांक दर्ज करें:"); Side1 = keyboard.nextInt (); Side2 = keyboard.nextInt (); Side3 = keyboard.nextInt (); } / / निर्धारित करता है कि यदि तीन नंबर एक त्रिकोण सार्वजनिक शून्य अगर त्रिभुज (int side1, int side2, int side3) {if (side1 + side2 & gt; side3 & amp; amp; side1 + side3 & gt; side2 & amp; amp; side2 + side3 & gt; साइड 1 ) {System.out.println ("यह एक त्रिकोण"); } Else {System.out.println ("नहीं एक त्रिकोण"); }} // संख्याओं से निम्नतम से उच्चतम सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक शून्य डिस्प्ले sortedNumbers (int side1, int side2, int side3) {if ((side1 & lt; side2) & amp; amp; amp; (side2 & lt; side3) & amp;...

backup - Dump and restore data of a specific key in redis -

I want to back up a special key in my radis which has multiple keys in my radis, and I have my keys I do not want to take a full backup of the data I am going through, I found there is a command dump through which I can do the dump of a specific key as follows: redis> Dump "MyKey" But in the headset only the output is given in the console only, is it possible to store data for a particular key in a file and later it will Is it possible to import into key? If you are trying to dump / reinstall a key from the command line (which What is necessary to do this when mixing this question), please see some non-obvious quirks near Radis for a more detailed explanation. The short answer is as follows: /> | HeadC-1 & gt; Myfile bwood @ mybox: ~ $ cat myfile | Restore redis-cli -x mynewkey 0

spring - what should I use for scheduling -

I am using JSF-2, Spring 4, Hibernate 4 in my application. I have a Spring Type Service Layer, Dao Layer, model and secondly I want to schedule some services that should be automatically executed or called at specified time, generally these services or business logic data from Excel file -Mapping displays in some type of database. I want to do these tasks without user intervention and the scheduler should take care of all these data mappings. Note: I am saying these services in my opinion and these services should also be used in the scheduler for data-mapping. I newbie at very high level, if I have never used any kind of scheduler or anything, my question: 1) What should I do to schedule this task? 2) Am I confused about Spring Batch and Spring Scheduler? Do they both do scheduling, if not, what is the actual use of a spying-batch? 3) The spring-scheduler can itself spring enough for these scheduling, any help would be extremely important. 1) What should I do to s...

java - String Tokenizer separation -

I want to know how we can separate the words of a sentence where the delimiter "space" or " is? 'Or'. ' Input Input: This is a STRING program. Is it easy? Yes, IS . Output: This is an ARM program. It's easy to have a Look at the constructor In class there is a provision for accepting a custom delimiter in Java. Try it: stringtochnizer tokenizer = new string-locator ("This is a STRING program. Is it easy? Yes, IT", ".?"); While (tokenizer.hasMoreElements ()) {System.out.println (tokenizer.nextElement ()); }

sql server - Get all parent rows that do not have a row for current date in child table? -

[Mission] [Mission Id] FOR [DBO]. [Mission] Join the left OUTER [DBO]. [DBO] on [report] [Mission]. [Mission id] = [dbo]. [Report]. [Mission Id] WHERE [DBO] [Report]. There is a tap order by the date of the report [DBO]. [ Mission]. [MISSION ID] How can I change the above question, as it gives me the MissionId from the table [dBO] '. [Mission] There is no line in that table [dbo]. [Report] where [dbo]. [Report]. Report date is today? Mission ID is the primary key in the table mission and report a foreign key in the table. That's why I want to receive all the missions who do not have a line in the table for the current date in the report . I have introduced some aliases to make the query easier to read, and added the necessary condition I have also changed the WHERE section , not sure if it is required: SELECT m [mission id] from FROM [dbo] [Mission] M LEFT OUTER JOIN [DBO]. [Report] R. M [MissionId] = R [Mission Id] and R. Date of report = DATEADD (day...

javascript - Angular JS ng-options dont take value -

I'm trying to do something for some time in the current project, but somehow it does not work anymore. I have an array in the objects: $ scope.teacherList = [{"id": 1, "first name": "dave", "last name" : "SquarePaint"}, "", "first name": "patrick", "last name": "star"}] Now I make a select box with ng-option I: & lt; Select name = "teacher" ng-model = "" ng-option = " as teacher. First name +" + teacher Teacher Teacher Name Teacher List "Required" >> But when I look at the values, only 0 and 1, even if Id 1 and 2. Angle does not take any kind of teacher ... ... properly part. Am I missing something? According to me, the sample displays the correct value:

json - Passing complex objects to file in android -

It is a thought that I want to give an example of buttons / editing text / text view / class / etc. And save it to a file in Android then try removing it to relive the next time. Is it possible to do this? I've tried Be able to be serialized, but realized that those items are transient Can not be done without declaring as that which is not affected Parcelable, same problem JSONObject, the object could not be brought in a button / layout / etc . GSOn, found an infinite recursive loop Please, have any help available? You can use UI elements such as buttons or layout Should never be sorted. Instead save the data behind the UI, such as text, maybe some flags etc. I recommend using it for

Windows batch script to output log -

I am writing a simple batch script to execute 2 programs. I would like to create a log file every time, whether this batch script is executed, whether it is a success or failure. @echo on start "" / b / interested 7za.exe A C: \ nexus.7z c: \ nexus -pteSTING -mx7 & gt; & Gt; C: \ 7zip.txt START "" / b / wait xcopy.exe C: \ nexus.7z \\ ketsrv14 \ Software> & gt; C: \ copy.txt The above scripts will create logs for each program. Is there a way to combine logs and create only 1 log for both programs? This should work I think the 7-zip will wait itself. I use 7z.exe and I do not have any 7z.exe . A C at 7z.exe at @echo: \ nexus.7z c: \ nexus -pteSTING -mx7> & Gt; C: \ 7zip.txt xcopy.exe C: \ nexus.7z \\ ketsrv14 \ Software> & gt; C: \ 7zip.txt

terminology - Description that tells what script does -

I have a description at the top of the script that tells the reader what the script does, what will I say to that statement? An idea? What is the function description of the function of the function above the definition? Will I say a fantasy for that ceremony? Thank you. It depends on how formal descriptions are as well as programming language. "," Documentation "," comment ", or (if there is a" document comment "using some" javasaid or doxygen "). Some programming languages ​​have specific conditions for this. For example, in python, there is a specific mechanism for documenting a module or function that will be described as "dosstring".

objective c - How can I know the drop has been accepted -

In my coke app 1.0, my view is consistent with NSDraggingSource, so I (NSArray *) namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination: (NSURL *) DropDistance To make this decision that drop has been accepted and I can also get dropDestination'URL. Now my coco app 2.0, I noticed that this method has been identified as a deprecated. I do not know where the drop has been accepted and without the disliking method to get the drop downstanding URL. Can anyone help me to that new method? =========================================== ======================================

function - PHP: syntax error, unexpected '[' when using array_map -

I am creating a php script for a project and running on my development server which is running PHP 5.4. I have to transfer it to my production server which is running PHP 5.4.19 Get me when using the array_map function on my development server The result of which I have no problem. I get a parse error on my production server: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in / path / to / script / on line 21 9 My code was used: $ arr = array_map (function ($ results_titles, $ results_image, $ results_summary, $ results_dates, $ Results_links) { Return ['title' = & gt; $ results_titles, 'image' = & gt; $ results_image, 'summary' = & gt; $ result_company, 'date' = & gt; $ results_dates, 'link' = & gt; $ Results_links];}, $ results_text, $ results_image, $ results_summary, $ results_dates, $ results_links); The new array syntax comes with PHP 5.4. Then make sure that your PHP version> = PHP 5.4 ...

java - Issues in running Jmeter amfproxy -

backend interactions amfPHP to try a load test on Flash Game Server to use I have added the Jmeter-amf plugin to Ken (Steatetomo) and have followed all the steps outlined in the user guide () But whenever I start the proxy I get this error in the log using the recordings 2014/02/18 12:14:11 error - jme ter.JMeter: neither came exception: on JavaklangkNullPointerException Orgkapache on .jmeter.protocol.amf.proxy.AmfProxyControl.deliverSampler ( : 433) ( 2014/02/18 00:14: 13 error - jmeter.JMeter: neither came exception: org.apache.jmeter.protocol.amf.proxy.AmfProxyControl.deliverSampler ( : 433) at java.lang.NullPointerException org.apache.jmeter.protocol.amf. (AmfProxy.java315) line error to find an event that can not capture the value, because every time I load to capture a page Does. Do I miss some steps or do not get into amf sampler ty... - How to get hidden field values and assign in to the data table -

I am implementing this JQuery UI multiselect I managed to use it in my ASP .Net page, but when I am submitting a button, the selected text only shows the last element. So I want to get all selected values ​​in the hidden area. But how to assign hidden field values ​​to the data table? Here I am giving my datalet. Already I am trying to do the selected items to store in the data table. DataTable dtAssigners = New DataTable (); DtAssigners.Columns.Add ("GIMID", typef (int)); DtAssigners.Columns.Add ("UserId", typef (int)); DtAssigners.Columns.Add ("MODE", Typef (four)); DtAssigners.Columns.Add ("created", type (int)); Datatile dt = faucet; Foreach (ddlAssignedTo.Items in the system.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem list) {if (list.Selected) {DataRow drUsers = dtAssigners.NewRow (); Duyugers ["GIMID"] = GIMID; DrUsers ["MODE"] = 'I'; DrUsers ["UserId"] = Convert toInt32 (list.Value); DRUsers ["Created...

django rest framework - Adding filtering changes ordering -

I have a ModelViewSet, which I want to add filtering. My normal model looks like class articles (models.Model): Date = = Model.Defined () language = Model.Charfild (max_long = 10) class meta: order = ['-' Date '] and ModelViewSet (read only): Category ArticleViewSet (viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = Article.objects.all () Serializer_class = Article Serializer The article on the API has now ordered the date to be deed as I now hope to allow the filter on the language. I have set the filter backend in in DjangoFilterBackend My Update ModelViewSet now looks like: Category ArticleViewSet (viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = Article.objects .all () serializer_class = ArticleSerializer filter_fields = ['language'] This command changes the language ASC to order_by ('- date') adding The query does not change anything. Adding ordering = ('-date',) does not change anything. => How do I specify filteri...

c++ - dose dladdr able to get the info from static member? -

During the research of some libraries, I found this type of code Dl_info info = { NULL, Faucet, Nouel, Null}; If (! Dladar (Zero *) Diasp, and info) {return libPath.c_str (); } Where dirSep is stable const char * in the class where the code is present (to come in the member function), So my question is: Is there any document that the dladdr function is able to get an information form stable const member area? no, and dladar can not promise or guarantee It can only see the symbol table in the module. If there is a symbol in the symbol table, then it can give it to you if not, not so. The symbol depends on which symbols the table is compiled on how the module is compiled, how it is connected, and how and what has been snatched. Generally, if the code can link it, then dladdr should find it.

C# Lambda expression update value to nullable field -

कृपया नीचे दिए गए कोड पर एक नज़र डालें: SomeList.Where (x = & gt; ! X.Name.Equals ("नहीं"))। सभी (x = & gt; x.flag = true); कुछ लिस्ट एक आइकलिंग SomeList में प्रत्येक ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए है , यदि नाम नहीं है नहीं , ध्वज वस्तु का अद्यतन होना चाहिए true । अब यह समस्या फ्लैग है bool? मैं कैसे इस तरह के लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति में flag को मान निर्दिष्ट कर सकता हूं? आप जो अनिवार्य रूप से करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं वह foreach का उपयोग करने से बचना है जो व्यर्थ है व्यापार। सिकंदर का जवाब forEach विस्तार विधि का उपयोग करता है, लेकिन फिर आपको toList विधि का उपयोग करके एक सूची को अमल में लाया जाना चाहिए। सबसे सुरुचिपूर्ण दृष्टिकोण केवल Foreach लूप। foreach (कुछ आइटम में someList.Where (x = & gt;! X.Name.Equals ("नहीं"))) item.flag = true; यदि आप वास्तव में एक संग्रह के सभी सदस्यों पर कार्रवाई करने की एक कार्यात्मक प्रोग्रामिंग शैली चाहते हैं, तो अपनी एक्सटेंशन विधि या उपयोग लिखें। var n = 0; संख्यात्मक (0, 10)। (X = ...

unique - Doxygen FULL_PATH_NAMES does not generate full paths in file names -

मेरे पास दो लाइब्रेरीज़ libA और libb है I libA में एक file Action.h libB फाइल शामिल है file.h मैं दोनों पुस्तकालयों के लिए एक ही आउटपुट निर्देशिका में doxygen प्रलेखन उत्पन्न करना चाहता हूँ। यह निर्देशिका विंडोज में उपयोग की जानी है, जिसके लिए action.html और Action.html दुर्भाग्य से एक ही फ़ाइल माना जाता है इस टकराव को रोकने के लिए, मैं उत्पन्न फ़ाइलों को उनके पथ नामों को उनके साथ पूर्व में प्रस्तुत करना चाहता हूं। इसलिए, मैं FULL_PATH_NAMES को हाँ में सेट करता हूं। मुझे कुछ ऐसा देखने की उम्मीद है जैसे libA_Action .html और libB_action.html जब मैं प्रलेखन उत्पन्न करता हूं, लेकिन मैं नहीं करता! मैं अभी भी Action.html और action.html देखें। ऐसा लगता है कि FULL_PATH_NAMES पैरामीटर बिल्कुल नहीं करता है क्या मुझे FULL_PATH_NAMES पैरामीटर सही तरीके से काम करने के लिए Doxyfile में कुछ अन्य पैरामीटर सेट करने की आवश्यकता है? आप शायद दो बार डोक्सिजन चला रहे हैं - प्रत्येक पुस्तकालय के लिए एक बार। अगर ऐसा मामला है, तो डॉक्सिजन इस तथ्य से अवगत नहीं है कि यह किसी अन्य रन से आउटपुट के...

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मेरे पास तालिकाओं पता , संपत्ति और listing : तालिका प्रविष्टि बनाएं (प्रॉपर्टीआईडी ​​इंट - प्रॉपर्टी टेबल के अनुसार संपत्ति आईडी, एजिन्टिड इंट, लिस्टेडडाट दिनांकटाइम नल प्रॉपर्टी, पूछनाग्राही दशमलव (10,2) नल नहीं, सॉलिडेट प्रॉपर्टी (प्रॉपर्टीआईडी), विदेशी कुंजी (एजिन्टिड) संदर्भ एजेंट (एजेंट), अपडेट पर कोई कार्रवाई नहीं करें, कोई कार्रवाई नहीं करें, टेबल का निर्माण करें (एड्रेसआईडी इंटी प्राथमिक कुंजी, स्ट्रीट एड्डर वक्रार (100), सिटी वक्रार (50), स्टेटकोड चार (3), पोस्टल कोड फिल्ड (12), कंट्री ववर्ार (30)) टेबल प्रॉपर्टी बनाएं प्रत्येक प्रॉपर्टी, एड्रेसआईड एट संदर्भ्स पता (एड्रेसआईडी) पर कोई कार्रवाई नहीं करें, कोई भी कार्रवाई अपडेट नहीं करें, नंबरऑफमूम्स Int नहीं नल की जांच करें (संख्याऑफूमम्स & gt; 0) - कमरों की संख्या) मैं एक ऐसा दृश्य बनाना चाहूंगा जिसमें प्रत्येक शहर में बिक्री की संपत्तियों की संख्या और उनकी औसत कीमत होगी। प्रॉपर्टी बेचने के लिए है जब AskingPrice नहीं है और SaleDate = null । समस्या यह है कि मुझे प्रति शहर की गिनती नहीं मिलती क्योंकि मुझे त्र...