
Showing posts from September, 2012

php - Stream audio files from my home computer to my website -

Hello! I have some questions about a website that I am creating for which audio files are required after referencing my SQL database after echoing my HTML using my HTML. To get started, my page has an audio control tag with a PHP echo inside it, such as: The variable $ file is the same as the audio file the user wants to play after filling out a selected form on a separate page, which has been pulled from my database: table values ​​(null, "track01.mp3"); (NULL, "track02.mp3"); (NULL, "track03.mp3"); (NULL, "track04.mp3"); Therefore, if the user chooses the first track from the selected form, then HTML looks like this: Everything works by this point My audio is completely recovering and the php / mysql code works great Used to be; The problem I am facing is that I'm going to have more than 5 gigabytes of audio in my database, which I can not put on my web server due to the disk space limit, I thought, "I wan...

machine learning - Classifying human activities from accelerometer-data with neural network -

I have been tasked to complete the existing classifier benchmark for my company. There is a difference between transport, like I'm currently on a train, driving or cycling, so this is the main focus. I am reading a lot about LSTM, and its recent success in handwriting and speech-recognition, where the time between important events can be very long. So, my first thought about the problem with train / bus is that it is probably not that for example, a clear and concise cycle as a walking / walking event is probably important. Has anyone tried anything like decent results? Or are there other techniques that could potentially better solve this problem? I have worked on mode of transport Using Smartphone Accelerometer I have found that the main result is That will make almost any classifier; The main problem is the set of features (this is not different from many other machine learning problems.) My feature sets with both time-domain and frequency-domain values ​​taken fr...

sql server - SQL - Why values not selected? -


formatting - Create Table with Variables in PowerShell -

I still am learning my way around PowerShell scripting and I am working on my script so that my free place percentage Send an e-mail notification to the file server and when a drive is 10% empty or less (this happens once in a month, and I should know before receiving e-mail from the customer that there is no other place) . So far the script works great and is set to run every morning through Windows Tasks. But the current formatting for my output is done manually. I was wondering if there was a way to collect the information from the calculation made with the collected and received-WMIObject function, I have tried the format table and tried to mess with the hash tables, but no one Not benefited Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you. Set # parameter $ file = "c: \ location \ lowerdisk.txt" explicit-content $ file $ emailTO = "" $ emailFrom = "any @ SomeDomain .com "$ smtpServer =" smtpServer "$ diskspace =" 3 "...

web services - How can I customize the way Rails 4 render() finds files? -

I am serving an enhanced web service by rail. I would like to be very capable to render as normal: render index ' and it is correctly Serve the requested version with the following: index.v1.json.jbuilder index.v2.json.jbuilder index.v3.json.jbuilder Assuming that I already know in the context of the version controller action executed, execution, how can I provide it to take advantage of it? I You should definitely see the file name you have Will be near: index.v1.json.jbuilder will Index.json.v1.jbuilder

regression - Point Color in R -

I have some data, one of which is vector gender where gender is equivalent to female and 1 for male is. Suppose "reggae" is my linear model. When I do plot (studres (reg) ~ reg $ feet) I want the plot which I want, but I want to paint this male errors blue color. That's an easy way to do this, but I'm still a rookie on R, so I appreciate any help. Thank you. / Code> Assume the data is of the form: & gt; Dat yx gender 1 0 2 Female 2 10 5 Female 3 15 10 Male 4 20 15 Female 5 24 20 Male 6 11 25 Male 7 30 30 Female 8 34 35 male

Replicate R and matlab results in finding the optimal threshold from ROC curve -

I am using optimum code in package R To find the optimum range of cutoff point from optimum ROC curve, maximize the index of criteria audience: J = sensitivity + specificity - 1 I I am trying to do the matlab in the same function perfcurve I run perfcurve with the default criteria for the two axes, in the x coordinate Fpiar and Teepiar in y- coordinates. Returns a matrix with perfcurve threshold and chooses one of them according to the criteria. The problem is that the optimal range providing matlab is not equal to R, however, according to optimal R, the threshold is included in the matrix which returns matlab. How can I repeat the results, which is in return matlab with R? I suspect that the norms have not been properly set up in the matlab for the index of Euden. If you see (especially the OPTROCPT line) You will see that the thread which Matlab uses to find the best threshold is quite different, and it also includes cost metrics in the optimization crit...

How to have multiple instances of MATLAB save the same file simultaneously -

I am currently writing a code to run a series of time consuming experiments using nodes on a Unix cluster. Each of these experiments takes 3 days to a 12-core machine. When every experiment is done, I hope that it has to save some data in a normal file. I have a minor issue that I submit all my experiments at the same time to the cluster and therefore they can save the same file at the same time. I am wondering what will happen when many examples of MATLAB try to save the same file at the same time (error / crash / none). Whatever the outcome, I can work around it using a Try / Grip Loop: n_tries = 0; While n_tries & lt; Try saving 10 ('common_file', data) n_tries = 10; Hold wait_time = 60 * rand; How to stop (wait_time); N_tries = n_tries + 1; End and End No. All Matlab functions are clearly not safe to use in multi-threading / processing environments if you write together in a matte file from multiple matab sessions simultaneously There are possibilit...

c# - Check if variable values are close to each other -

Assume that we find two variables: int test = 50; Int test1 = 45; Now I have to check that if within test1 the value is within 5 / +5 in the test . How can I do this? Looks like you just want to check that the difference between two numbers is within a certain limit . // Get the difference difference test = test1; // If the range (-5>

rft - Using Rational Function Tester to test Microsoft Office Applications -

New to IBM Rational Functional Tester Does anybody know that this tool supports the testing of Microsoft Office applications? Do I need to install any special software, plugins, tools etc. to work? Welcome Stackoverflow .. RFT created with Net / WPF / Win among others Supported applications and mostly MS Office may be using one of them, so it should work. The only problem I guess, if the office uses some customized controls in those cases, then RFT can identify the control as normal control. But I will try to see how it records on controls (just click on some controls and control the object map to find the value of the domain property under the Admin tab of the object map.

constructor - Getting an error message in C++ -

I'm new to C ++ (I'm a C programmer), so I apologize if this is a silent question seems to be. / P> When I run this program, I get the following error message: Error C2661: 'Student: Student': No overloaded function takes 2 arguments I commented where the error occurs (2 examples). Thank you // "student.h" Student included: Student (string intimate, double init GPA) // here error and main.cpp {name = initName; GPA = initGPA; } String student: getName () {return name; } Double student :: getGPA () {return GPA; } Zero Student :: PrintInfo () {cout & lt; & Lt; Name & lt; & Lt; "There is a student with GPA:" & lt; & Lt; GPA & lt; & Lt; Endl; } //student.h #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class students {Private: string name; Double GPA; Public: string getName (); Double getGPA (); Zero set GPA (double GPA); Zero printInfo (); }; //main.cpp # includ...

route me - Show iOS map types w/ mapbox iOS SDK (routeme) -

If it is possible to show the iOS map type with MapBox iOS SDK. I.E If I use and MKMapView, I can choose from standard, satellite and hybrid IOS map types. I would also like to add an Open Street Map as an option. Of course I can not do the user MKMapView to do this. I can use RMMviewView to show an OSM map, but can it show an iOS map? The biggest reason for this is that I want to be with an interface. To wit. If I add a group of markers to my MKMapView and the user switches to the RMMapView, then I need to create the RM marker and add them to the RMMapView. It creates a nightwear when the user creates markers on different maps and then switches back and forth. You can not show an "IOS map", which is actually a MKMapView , inside the root-me / mapbox. They are not designed to be used simultaneously together as companions.

sharepoint - Calculated column won't display when workflow is run -

I have created a calculated column that draws text from another site column, so I can only show text. To achieve this goal I have created a SharePoint 2010 workflow that sets column A value with column A. I have a calculated column which will read from the column B and strip the unnecessary characters and what I want. I have a workflow that eventually takes two calculated columns and changes the value inside it. The title column for the current item changes whenever a new item is created, then the workflow kicks is. When I create an item, that title will change, but the title will display error; # 256 - Error; # 256 If I then runs a workflow on the item then the correct value is entered. So I thought the workflow was not waiting, as long as the column was calculated before the title was set, so I modified my workflow below, but I still have this problem. Laptop is sent to laptops, which is the only laptop that is the calculated column which uses the laptop's string to get t...

c++ - How to sync SQLite database across platforms -- using Dropbox? Maybe Sky Drive? -

I really like Windows WinAPI / C ++, and both iOS and OS X Coco / Objective-C development To use. I was thinking that if my app was developed for iOS, OS X and Windows Desktop, it would be really good to be able to sync your SQLite database in those platforms. I know that Supports Dropbox which supports the Data Sync API, but there is no mention of SQLite ... Is anyone available, if any of the available cloud services Is it possible to sync SQLite database using? On the Windows Side - Using C, C ++ Using the iOS side - Objective-C

error with matching functions c++ -

मुझे यह त्रुटि मिल रही है: Lista.h: 'Lista & lt ; X & gt; :: सूची (कॉन्स्ट लिस्टा & lt; X & gt; & amp;) [एक्स के साथ = ArbolN & lt; int & gt;] ': main.cpp: 22: 20: यहां से आवश्यक Lista.h: 50: 5: त्रुटि: कोई मेल खाने वाला फ़ंक्शन कॉल करने के लिए 'एआरबीओएलएन एंड लेफ्टिनेंट; एट एंड जी; :: एआरबीओएलएन (एआरबीओएलएन एंड एलटी; एट एंड जी;)' एल = न्यू नोदो & एलटी; एक्स & gt; (List.l- & gt; getInfo (), NULL); ^ इस कोड के साथ: #include & lt; iostream & gt; #include "ArbolN.h" नामस्थान std का उपयोग कर; Int main () {Lista & lt; ArbolN & lt; int & gt; & Gt; एल; ArbolN & LT; पूर्णांक & gt; ए (1), बी (2); ArbolN & LT; पूर्णांक & gt; सी (3); एल। इन्स्टार (1, ए); एल। इंसर (2, बी); एल। इन्स्टार (3, सी); ArbolN & LT; पूर्णांक & gt; डी (5, एल); // यह है main.cpp: 22} // पहला पैरामीटर रूट का मान है, बेटों के साथ दूसरी सूची // कंस्ट्रक्टर टेम्पलेट & lt ; वर्ग X & gt; एआरब...

javascript - Tailing the Meteor Server Console -

After deploying a meteor application on a server, how can you tailor the console output to the meteor server? The app was deployed using the meteor-up running on meteorite 0.7. How about it? What is mentioned in the docs: mup log -f docs:

Open link in mobile browser(safari) instead of Facebook native browser (html base) -

I am developing a web site with the Facebook Share Link function. I think that Facebook Mobile App will open share links in their own browsers rather than Mobile Browser (IE Safari, Chrome and so on). Is there any control over whether we enable the Facebook Browser to open the link in the mobile browser? Not the only reliable solution is that if you use the web app with an iOS app, And all users install iOS app, you can send the user to your iOS app to complete the task which is not a great job. An easy but still optimal solution, to locate the Facebook Browser in the User-agent string, and display a message to signal the user to see the URL in the mobile browser. Will do

php - Push array into JSON but got unwanted result -

I used to suck on formatting, maybe I had a bad foundation. I have a Jason 'first_name' = & gt; 'Steve', 'msg' = & gt; 'Something Here', 'Profile_ID' = & gt; 1 And I want to push a new item into it, I wrote $ i = array ('first_name' = & gt; 'Steve ',' Msg '= & gt; some here', 'profile_id' => 1); $ LoginId = array ($ _ GET ['login_id']); Array_push ($ i, $ loginID); Echo json_encode ($ i); The result is strange to me: $ i = array ('first_name' = & gt; 'steve', 'msg' = & Gt; Here some ',' Profile_ID '=> 1); $ LoginId = $ _GET ['login_id']; $ I ['login_id'] = $ LoginID; Echo json_encode ($ i); The reason array_push is not working because you are treating $ i as an array of objects (collections), whereas this is just an important value list (map) ) is. If the array is like K1 => V1, K2 =...

python - How to "nicely" print out a tree without node information -

I am dealing with trees where there is no information in each node, but how many children can be present in this present, I To represent them, I am using lists in Python. For example: [] is a tree with a node [[] [] []] Tree where there are three children of the top node [[]] [] [[] []] is a tree where the top node has two children, and the child has two children, And the right child has two children. You can see that the last tree is very difficult to read. Is there a way to print these trees somehow easy to read? (I know that "easy" is subjective, so I appreciate any suggestions that you think can be "easy".)

c++ - Using 2d array in a class -

I'm having some problems 1) This is the announcement of 'matrix' as 2D The array border (** mPoint in the header file should be). Why? I want it to be dynamic, how can I fix it? 2) The second problem "mPoint" has not been announced in this scope, in the .cpp file (Squarebattics :: SetStrap). Finally, it says that the definition of the squirrels (Squarebatters :: ~ SquareMatrix) has been declared inherently. Anything in my C ++ book seems to answer my questions. // Header File #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Square Square_Matrix {Public: int ** mPoint; Int n Square_Matrix (); ~ Square_Matrix (); Zero set_Size (int new_size); }; //.cpp file # include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; #include "Square_Matrix.h" SquareMetrics :: SquareMatics () {mPoint = new int * [0]; MPoint [0] = new int [0]; N = 0; } Square_Matrix :: ~ Square_Matrix () // destructor {for (int i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) {delete} [re...

sql - Show data that is only from a specific quarter -

I need to show the data that is any quarter of any year only. Where I am trying to use to_date in the segment but it is giving me an error, not sure which mistake I am getting. (Use Oracle 10g) code: select product_name, include a_product p a_item i p.product_id = i.product_id a_sales_order so many I.order_id = so.order_id join a_customer C. so.customer_id = c.customer_id Where regexp_like (PRODUCT_NAME, 'transducer') and ORDER_DATE = TO_DATE (2, 'Q') And that part is where I'm having trouble, it is giving me a "format code date can not appear in the date format" ORDER_DATE is the table that I have to find out how to sell The use of what was done in the second quarter of the year was within the area. You have the debate behind. I think you want to be: and TO_CHAR (ORDER_DATE, 'Q') = '2' The function TO_CHAR () (in this context) takes a date and it is a string Formatted as What is the string? In it, a string with a ...

ios - My UIPageControl is not showing? -

I generates a UIPage control for a welcome view with a scroll view, but page control Not showing on screen, this is my code: - (zero) viewDidload {{Super Viewedload]; UIScrollView * scrollview = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.bounds]; Scrollview.delegate = self; UIPageControl * pagecontrol = [[UIPageControl alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (141, 511, 39, 37)]; Pagecontrol.numberOfPages = 3; Pagestank pageRenderTechnology = [UIColorGreen CMTSolar]; Pagecontrol.pageIndicatorTintColor = [UIColor grayColor]; [Self.navigationController.view addSubview: pagecontrol]; [Self. Navigation Controller See Adsview: Scrollview]; } I need help finding this problem, I have a scene inside ScrollView where I show different images. I think you should not add a view to the navigation controller. Because this subview will be followed by the navigation controller instead of the view that you want to add and in this case, you can not see the UIPagecontroller because the Crawlwy...

SQL simple Query where company_name != to 'value' -

कार्यों से employees_name चुनें जहां काम करता है। COMPANY_NAME! = ('बीपी') नीचे संदर्भ तालिका तालिका कार्य (कर्मचारी_नाम varchar (100), कंपनी_नाम varchar (100), वेतन पूर्णांक, विदेशी कुंजी (employee_name) संदर्भ कर्मचारी (employee_name) की आवश्यकता है ), विदेशी कुंजी (company_name) संदर्भ कंपनी (कंपनी_नाम), चेक (वेतन & gt; 0)) इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में अभी भी बीपी के लिए काम करने वाले कर्मचारी के परिणाम क्यों वापस आएंगे? मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूं? क्वेरी सफलतापूर्वक चलती है, लेकिन मेरे नमूना डेटाबेस में बीपी के लिए काम करने वाले लोगों के नामों को वापस लाती है। आपके पास varchar (100) का प्रयोग किया जाता है जो उसके बाद रिक्त स्थान का एक सेट लौटा सकता है ताकि आप एक हो सकते हैं या आपके पास sytax जो आपको कार्य करेगा कार्यों से कर्मचारी_नाव चुनें जहां rtrim (works.COMPANY_NAME) & lt; & gt; 'बीपी'

css - Bootstrap 3: How do I force columns to be same height and align buttons to bottom -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास दो कॉलम हैं जिनमें पाठ के बाद पाठ और एक बटन पाठ काफी लंबा या कम हो सकता है इसलिए कॉलम में एक अलग ऊंचाई होनी चाहिए। मैं कॉलमों को समान ऊंचाई के समान और नीचे के बटनों को संरेखित करना चाहूंगा यहां मेरा नमूना कैसा दिखता है इसका एक नमूना है: & lt; div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-sm-6 बाहरी" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति" & gt; & Lt; div class = "col-sm-6 आंतरिक" & gt; & Lt; img src = "" वर्ग = "आईएमजी-उत्तरदायी" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "col-sm-6" & gt; & Lt; h4 & gt; सामग्री सामग्री सामग्री सामग्री सामग्री & lt; / h4 & gt; & Lt; बटन वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन-डीफॉल्ट" & gt; टेक्स्ट & lt; / button & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div ...

docker - Identical dockerfiles giving different behaviours -

I have been taken from the following docfile (): from Ubuntu > RPN Deepikeji-divert - Local - Anaardiadi / sbin / Aiaitititiel Aryuen LN-S / bean / true / SBI / Aiaititiel Dave precise main universe "> / etc /apt/sources.list RAN get updates exactly Upgrade RUN-up-rate -y Get -y install mysql -client mysql-server Run sed -i -e "s / ^ bind-address \ s * = \ s * / b Add Ind-address = "/etc/mysql/my.cnf ./ EXPOSE 3305 CMD [ "/ bin / bash", "/opt/"] build on your local machine works with me errors when I Docker version 0.8 I am experimenting with trustworthy construction: However on the Dockers server, I get an error in the second run command: [91mln: Failed to create symbolic link `/ sbin / initctl ': file exists [0m Error: Construction: Command [/ bin / sh -c ln -s / bin / true / Sbin / initctl] returned a non-zero code: 1 I was under the impressi...

Geofencing not woking after long idle time (sleep mode) of the iPhone (iOS 6 and 7) -

Geofencing is working when the app is in the background but if I keep the device in sleep mode for a long time and the device's Geofencing is not working at all. And I also wanted to know all the network connections (3G, WiFi) when the device has been disconnected in sleep mode. Thank you in advance

mysql - PHP Mysqli - Inset Not Saving To Database -

I have a function that is considered to store the array in my mysql table, even in my database Nothing is showing, this is my first time using Mysqli as I used the MySQL function in a $ UniqueRef id is saved in the database, the job order array, $ coreSales is another array that is saved MYSQLI connection This Era code pre> function stores INDB ($ uniqueRef, $ wo, $ coreSales, $ mysqli) {$ accountStatus = 0; $ Requires meditation = 2; $ Stmt = $ mysqli- & gt; Ready ("` id`, `uniqueRef`,` rep`, `repemail`,` date`, `event`,` othernotes`, `repnotes`,` booking notes, `` ric install ' `Tripllepromo ',` fullname`, `address`,' contact number ',` account number`, `crid`,` custom email', `clppaj`,` clnotes`, `claexulation`, 'clfpromo', 'internet package' , 'Internet Exposa', 'InternetProMo', 'PhonePackage', 'PhoneProMo', 'Porting Number', 'Phonebook', 'Portoran', `Cellula...

Linked List error (Language: C) -

The program should create a graph and store its neighbors in the adjacent list. While parsing the list, I get a SEGFAULT This is very strange because when I try to use one from a list, it works fine. My code: int main (zero) {typedef struct linklist} {int vertice; Struct linkedList * Next; } Will; Type-Ff Structure Vertex {Int color; Int noOfNeighbs; LL * adj; } Top; Int E, V; Scanf ("% d% d", & amp; V, & E); // printf ("% d% d", E, V); Int i, j; // loop variables vertex erofhuratis [V]; For (i = 0; i next = arrOfVertices [First V-1] .adj; ArrOfVertices [firstV-1] .adj = Temporary; }} // print the catalog function this part segfaults oddly and why do not I know (j = 0; j & lt; v; j ++) {ll * parser = arrOfVertices [j] .adj; // printf ("% d: color:% d \ n", i + 1, arrOfVertices [i] .color); While (parser! = Null) {printf ("% d \ n", parser-> above); Parse = parsar> gt; next; }} Return 0; } In your code, it seems...

sql - How to order the query result by count() of field in postgresql without group by -

I have a simple database and I think my answer should be so simple, but I could not find the answer that DB It looks like: ----------------- name. IP ----------------- Nick | Zone | 19 Zone | Zone | 1920.168.13 Lucy. 1920.168.10.1 Lucy | 1920.168.10.2. I need a query that returns all the rows, but the sequence of results per IP (IP) and the result of the above list should be something similar: ------------------ Name | IP ------------------ Nick | Lucy | 1920.168.10.1 Lucy | Zone | Zone | Zone | 1920.168.1.3 Try this query: SELECT t1. * Join table 1 t1 INNER (SELECT Count (name) counter, name from name table1 GROUP by name) t2 ON = by ORDER counter;

Black screen apperas in graph created with cytoscape.js -

I am using cytoscape.js version 2.0.3 to create graphs. I've seen a problem that sometimes the entire canvas is pulled by cytoscape.js and after a few seconds, it gets cured. This problem occurs when certain events (e.g., 'null', 'cxttap') are special The form is for the larger graph. What should I do to avoid this? help please.

objective c - Creating Universal application from existing iPhone application -

I'm developing the iPhone application that was created on Xcode Was 4.6. Now I'm running the same application in Xcode 5.0 which works fine for me on iOS 7. Now I have to make a universal application from the current application. I have Google for this and get 2-3 solutions that talk about creating new code for the new xibs and change the goal for the universal application. I want to know what is the easiest way to achieve this. My app was created on Xcode 4.6 for xibs for iPhone . If you are building a universal app that is supported for both the iPhone and the iPad, then the most The best way is to use size sections. You can also customize your layout for a specific device (iPhone / iPad) using size sections.

c# - How to add a column to a List<> at run run time -

जबकि (sqlreader.Read ()) {missionIdList.Add (Convert.ToInt32 (sqlreader [0]। टॉस्ट्रिंग ())); } उपरोक्त कोड स्निपेट में, मिशन आईडी लिस्ट का प्रकार सूची & lt; लंबा & gt; है और 3 कॉलम के साथ पंक्तियों की संख्या sqlreader देता है। मैं एक चौथाई कॉलम (प्रकार के अद्वितीय पहचानकर्ता - .NET Guid) को कैसे जोड़ सकता हूँ जिसका मान सूची में किसी .NET चर से आ रहा है। मुझे sqlreader से 3 कॉलम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, चौथे जोड़ें प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए कॉलम वापस आया और मिशन आईडी लिस्ट सूची 4 के साथ समाप्त हो गया। यह भी ध्यान रखें कि सभी कॉलम sqlreader द्वारा दिए गए हैं integers लेकिन चौथे स्तंभ मैं जोड़ना चाहता हूँ एक .नेट गाइड है आपको अनाम रूपों का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है आपका कोड इस तरह दिखना चाहिए। var मिशन आईडी लिस्ट = नई सूची & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; (); जबकि (sqlreader.Read ()) {var obj = new {c1 = Convert.ToInt32 (sqlreader [0] .ओस्ट्रिंग ()), सी 2 = कन्वर्ट.ToInt32 (sqlreader [1] .ओस्ट्रिंग ()), c3 = कन्वर्ट ToInt32 (sqlreader [2] .ओस्ट्रिंग ())...

assigning a function to variable is not working in javascript firefox extension -

This is not working when I try this method in the Firefox Consensus Var x = function (y) {returns y * y; }; The MDN page in Firefox But this function works very neatly in Chrome extensions and this is my knowledge in the Javascript function. Thanks in advance There is a test extension I think you really want Instead of outputing the console's function definition, execute the function and pass the parameter to your test code. Change: console.log ("x:", x); to: console.log ("x:", x (2));

facebook - Logging out automatically when using Graph search api -

I have a list of customer numbers for which I need to use the Facebook User Data Graph Search API. I have generated a user access token from the developers. It has been used in / Tools / Explorer / and in my Java program that receives YouTube data using the Graph API for each number in my list. After some time my Facebook login is auto-logging and I'm unable to access the access tokens in http requests. Even when I use the graph API when I log in and create a new user access token, the Facebook logout is coming automatically. You are not being "logged out," but the entry token is likely to be outdated. Perhaps you are using a so-called Short Term Access Token, which is valid for up to two hours. Graph API Explorer generates such type of token. But alpha-alive people are likely to exchange with a graph api endpoint with so-called longevity people (valid for 60 days). Check out my answer here:

Silverstripe 2.4 default value textareafield CustomSiteConfig -

How can the default value for textareafield be set in CustomSiteConfig? This does not work: class extends CustomSiteConfig DataObjectDecorator {function additional statics () {return array ('db' = & gt; array ('MyText' = & gt; 'Text') , 'Default' = & gt; array ('MyText' => gt; blah blah), 'is_on' => array ('logo' => 'image')); } Public function update cmsfield (field set $ field) {$ fields- & gt; AddFieldToTab ("root. Main", new text array ("MyText", "My Text")); $ Fields- & gt; AddFieldToTab ("Root.Main", New ImageField ('Logo', 'Logo')); } If the stability does not work, then it is possible that it is untested (2.4 of the). Snippet can help far away: public function populate defaults () {parent: populate default (); $ This- & gt; Owner- & gt; MyText = 'Bla Bla'; }

java - Using spring to instantiate with static factory methods? -

I am using spring 3. I have classes package; Public Interface Transport {Public Zero GetTransport (); } car.zava package; Public category car transport {Public is zero getTransport () {System.out.println ("transport type car is"); }} Bus.Java package; Public Category Bus Transportation Transport {Public Zero GetTransport () {System.out.println ("Transport Type is Car"); } package; Public Spring Springs Service {Private Stable Spring Service Service = New SpringsWire (;); // static factory method public stable SpringService createService () {return service; } // Instant Factory's way of making public transport () (new car back); } Making public transportationBus Instance () {new bus (return); }}} config.xml & lt; Reference: component-scan base-package = "" /> & Lt; Bean id = "springSe...

mysql - How to show smallest of numeric value with same id in sql -

मैं इस तरह एक प्रश्न है का चयन करें parentOrder.uid, patient_name, CREATED_DATE, created_time , Order_test_discount_tbl.standard_rate AS test_rate, (SELECT parentOrder.grand_total - SUM (राशि_पैड) order_payment_tbl से आदेश & lt; = और order_payment_tbl.order_id = के रूप में आदेश_डेटा, के रूप में `नाम` से order_tbl के रूप में parentOrder सही पर = parentPayment.order_id parentPayment के रूप में order_payment_tbl शामिल हों वाम शामिल हों order_test_discount_tbl पर = order_test_discount_tbl.order_id बायाँ शामिल हों test_pkg_tbl पर order_test_discount_tbl.test_pkg_uid = test_pkg_tbl.uid बायाँ शामिल होने के referral_tbl पर parentOrder.referral_id = बायाँ शामिल हों blanket_order_tbl पर parentOrder.blanket_order_id = कहां & gt; = '2014-02-07' एक डी & lt; = '2014-02-08' और test_pkg_tb...

speech recognition - Which language model to use for dictation -

I intend to use Sphinx 4 in dictation mode but I have a question about language model. My application will have a very big vocabulary, that is, it can use all English words and I do not know which phrases will be asked. So what model language should I use? Is there a specific language model for these cases in Spinks 4? The US English generic language model available in the download should be used:

eclipse - how to download the applications from my cloudbees account to local directory for modification -

I am trying to create and deploy a grails application on cloud bees, I like cloud-bees SDK as well as both Trying to use the cloud bees as SDK, I am not much to use SDK, so I tried to use the eclipse SDK. Command is executing in eclipse SDK, but only one thing fails that it throws an error, now I want to create and deploy the application on the cloud. Can you please help me? You must use the CloudBees SDK to deploy the Grails app on the CloudBees platform. You can get the documentation. Actually, you can see on the doctor that in this case you do not need database binding: Make app for bees: Setting Grails Environment of Tomcat Server Bees Config: Set-A-My App-P-Gear. Niv = Production Deploy Your Application Bees App: Deployment - My App Target / My-App-0.1. Overall You can create a war file of your application using the command given below: grails war

c - How can I share existing memory with shm_open? -

In Linux, I want to share some of my memory content with other processes. One way of doing this is by using shm_open and mmap. As shown below. / * Create a new memory object * / fd = shm_open ("/ bolts", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777); If (FD == -1) {fprintf (stderr, "Open failed:% s \ n", serrerer (wrong)); Return EXIT_FAILURE; } / * Set the size of the memory object * / if (FTNcT (FD, Sizef (* Eder)) == -1) {FPrint F (Stader, "FTRCNCT:% S \ n", Strayer (wrong)); Return EXIT_FAILURE; } / * Memory object * / addr = mmap (0, sizeof (* addr), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); If (addr == MAP_FAILED) {fprintf (stderr, "mmap failed:% s \ n", strerror (errno)); Return EXIT_FAILURE; } However, in this way, I can not share "allocated memory" beforehand. My question is whether I can share the previous allotted memory contents without allocating again I am Thank you in advance. Your code shares the memory, but both of your pr...

javascript - Positioning an embedded YouTube player -

I am creating an interactive video site and this is the function: var tag = Document .createElement (such as script '); Tag src = ""; Var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; FirstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore (tag, firstScriptTag); Var done = false; Var player; Change function video (BTNID) {player = new YT.Player ('player', {height: '390', width: '640', player wars: {'autoplay': 0, 'control': 0, 'autohoid' : 2, 'disabled cab': 1, 'Modestbranding': 1, 'FS': 0}, Video: BTNID, Event: {'Onestate Change': OnplatformState Change}}); } But I can not find any way to change the position of the video player (it is loading on top left of browser) Is there a way to target CSS to the player who was called to use the function? It seems that you might miss the division for your player, that is, & Lt ;! - 1. & lt...

javascript - Script to pulled element class inner html for Google Tag Manager -

I am working on a script which means only to pull the paragraph's internal HTML, which is only shown on Blott has gone. I have spent hours on this and have not been able to successfully touch these internal HTML in our data layer. First of all, the data layer is custom (not the default data layer for GTM) - not sure if it makes a difference. Secondly, I'm using Javascript to try to get it. The onbroken listener shows a parahaffe (no element id, only with element class) when a user moves through the form (which is the first basic element with an ID, it has many parental elements from the class). Article passes a verification message (for example, enter a valid email) I am trying to pass the error message at the data level: & lt; Script & gt; Object.onblur = function () {var myForm = document.getElementById ('instantSearchForm'); If (myForm) {var myPara = myForm.getElementsByTagName ('error message'); If (myPara.length) {var para value = mip [0]...

calculate average paired difference in R -

मेरे पास 1 मिलियन + लाइनों की सूची है chr_position sick1 sick2 ... sick14 control1 control2 ... control14 पी-मान chr1_1231 87.8 100 96.1 89.5 एनए 93.8 95.7 95.5 92 एनए 100 90.9 एनए 100 एनए 94.3 90.6 एनए 92.5 100 86.7 एनए एनए 86.4 84.2 एनए 90 0.844 chr2_412 96.1 एनए 90.5 98 95.8 95.2 100 एनए 97.5 एनए 100 100 एनए 100 98.5 एनए 100 एनए 100 100 93.6 एनए 100 एनए 93.3 एनए 0.59 ... आदर्श रूप से, मैं Chr_position pair1diff pair2diff ... pair14diff count_of_valid_pairs paired_diff मुझे एहसास है कि यह एक आसान एक्सेल समस्या है, लेकिन बड़ी पंक्ति की गिनती के कारण, एक्सेल पर प्रदर्शन करना संभव नहीं है मैंने संक्षेप में खोज करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता कि कंघी लागू होगा। किसी भी सलाह के लिए धन्यवाद। यदि आपके कॉलम सुसंगत और आसन्न हैं, तो आप उन्हें सदिश के साथ घटा सकते हैं गणित। यहाँ एक उदाहरण है (मैंने केवल 1: 4 नहीं 1:14 के लिए डेटा को संश्लेषित किया है, लेकिन आपको यह विचार मिलता है) बस abs (df [, 2: 5] -df [, 6: 9]) को बदल दें बिट abs (df [, 1: 15] -df [, 16: 29])...

Unable to call python Function in Webkit report Openerp -

मेरी रिपोर्ट फ़ाइल में वर्ग AccountInvoice_Report (report_sxw.rml_parse): def __init __ (self , सीआर, यूआईडी, नाम, प्रसंग): सुपर (अकाउंट इन्वॉइस _ रिपोर्ट, स्व) .__ init __ (सीआर, यूआईडी, नाम, प्रसंग = संदर्भ) self.localcontext.update ({'time': time, 'cr': cr, 'uid ': Uid,' get_address ': self.get_address,}) और मैंने get_address फ़ंक्शन को लिखा है I जब मैं उस समारोह को मेरी मको फाइल में और lt;% get_address ()% & gt; फिर यह त्रुटि देता है फ़ाइल "स्मृति: 0xb23c67ccL", पंक्ति 208, render_body में & lt;% get_address ()% & gt; TypeError: 'अपरिभाषित' ऑब्जेक्ट कोने योग्य नहीं है क्या गलती मैं फ़ंक्शन को परिभाषित या कॉल कर रहा हूं। स्वयं, सीआर, यूआईडी, नाम, प्रसंग): सुपर (अकाउंट इन्वॉइस _ रिपोर्ट, स्व) .__ init __ (सीआर, यूआईडी, नाम, प्रसंग = संदर्भ) self.localcontext.update ({'समय': समय, 'सीआर': सीआर, यूआईडी, 'get_address': self.get_address,}) def get_address (स्वयं): # अपने कोड...

javascript - Is it possible to put two function in a one setInterval function? -

I know about set interval syntax: setInterval (function, millisecond) I want to call two functions at the same time instead of one for every 8 seconds. Is there any way to do this by setting the SetInvalue function? set interval (function1, function2, 8000) Yes, you can do this, type cover function for both functions. Try setInterval (function () {function1 (); function2 ();}, 8000)

ios - XMPPFramework - Auto Accept of Presence Subscription Requests -

I think the title is describing enough, but this is the story: I > XMPPFramework for iOS, and I want to set up my client to automatically receive any subscription request that receives it. That is why other customers can see the presence status of this customer, when they request it. According to developer annotations, in the XMPPRoster.h file, this method is said to be received during the membership request: / ** * When a membership membership request is received * That is, the other user has added you to your roster * and is requesting permission to receive the broadcast you send. * * The complete appearance packet has been provided for proper expansion. * You can use [presence] to receive the user's JID who sent the request. * * Accept the acceptance of the acceptance subscription from the vacancy: and reject the subscription amount: * Can be used to answer the request ** / - (zero) XMPPOaster: (XMPPROOSTER *) The sender did not accept the threshold for receipt ...

OpenCV: black image captured from usb camera -

I am trying to capture image frames using OpenCV from a USB camera. Although I am always getting a black frame, I have read many posts with this issue and tried all the suggestions but nothing worked for me. I started using the code discussed here: I followed the method 'cvWaitKey' (1000) after several 'important' sentences as you can see that the wait value is too much There is more (1000). I have also tried to save the image frame and, equally, this is a black image. I am using the following system: OpenCV 2.2.0 Windows 7, 32 bits Visual Studio 2010 (C ++) One board USB camera (which I do not know the manufacturer) The USB camera works well with AMCAP.EXE 1.00 is. Could this be due to the camera drivers used by Windows? Can I switch to other drivers who work better for OpenCV 2.2.0? Thanks OK. As I promised for your request in the comment, and you are sorry to wait, it is really busy. Of course this reply was also time to post but here...

javascript - I can't INSERT INTO after I send data from a js page -

यह वह कोड है जहाँ मैं प्रारंभ करता हूं। $ ('form')। ('सबमिट', फ़ंक्शन (e) {$ .post ('sql.php', $ (this) .serialize ()); $ .post ('small.php', फ़ंक्शन (प्रतिक्रिया) {document.write (प्रतिक्रिया );}); E.preventDefault ();}); मैं sql.php में डेटा डालें: & lt;? Php $ con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "root", "usbw" , "मंच"); $ Sql ​​= "INSERT जानकारी (नाम, अंतिम नाम, संख्या) मूल्य ('$ _POST [' नाम ']', '$ _POST [' अंतिम नाम ']', '$ _POST [' संख्या ']')"; यदि (! Mysqli_query ($ con, $ sql)) (मर ('त्रुटि:'। Mysqli_error ($ con)); } Mysqli_close ($ con); ? & Gt; मुझे नहीं पता कि मैंने क्या गलत किया है लेकिन यह पृष्ठ mysql में डेटा सम्मिलित नहीं करना चाहता है मैंने ध्यान दिया और लापता "," और $ _POST मूल्यों को समायोजित किया लेकिन समस्या बनी हुई है मैंने कंसोल लॉग की जांच की, लेकिन उसने कुछ भी नहीं कहा। आपको $ _ POST...

ruby on rails - Store paperclip files only on s3 -

Text after " Is it possible to store files only on S3? I only need to download and metadata store because the paperclip is required to upload the file directly to S3 EDIT: I already use S3 storage but this Prior to uploading to the S3 Store on file system before configuration paperclip. Partially solved by uploading the same file from the paperclip S3 / on the model, making the download file, check the content type and other default items. After the text "itemprop =" text "> has been mentioned from India, you can do this like this: # config / environment / production.rb Paperclip :: Attachment.default_options.merge ({storage !: S3, s3_host_name: '', s3_credentials: {access_key_id: ENV [ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID '], secret_access_key: ENV [' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ']}, BUCKET: ENV [' S3_BUCKET_NAME ']}) This requires your "default" settings to upload the required files in S3 Paperclip ...

php - creating product programatically in magento with table prefix -

I am trying to programmatically make the product in Magenta. This script works well with the default installation. However this shows below the error when I try to create a product in those Magnesto installation where I have given the table prefix. You can tell me what I need to change Integrity Handicap Violation: A foreign key fails in constraint ( databasename_magento : 1452 can not be added or one child update line. catalog_category_product_index , barrier FK_CAT_CTGR_PRD_IDX_CTGR_ID_CAT_CTGR_ENTT_ENTT_ID foreign key ( category_id ) rEFERENCES catalog_category_entity ( `unit _ ) $ product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product (); $ Products & gt; setSku ($ sku); $ Products & gt; setAttributeSetId (9); $ Products & Gt; se TTypeId ( 'simple'); $ product - & gt; Setnam ('55 '); $ Products & gt; Setgrekraideedis (array (7)); # Some cat ID, my 7 $ Products & gt; set Vebsaids ID (Array (1)); # Website ID, My H1 (default frontend) $ pro...

c++ - volatile member can not be accessed by member function -

निम्न कोड मेरे प्रोग्राम को क्रैश करता है: #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; #include & lt; vector & gt; क्लास टेस्ट {volatile std :: vector & lt; std :: string & gt; WTF; सार्वजनिक: परीक्षण () {} शून्य डोप () {wtf.clear (); }}; Int main () {(नया परीक्षण ()) - & gt; डोप (); वापसी 0; } और मुझे पता नहीं क्यों है जब मैं अस्थिरता निकालता हूं, यह फिर से काम करता है। तो क्यों अस्थिर एक समस्या है? std :: vector :: स्पष्ट () में अस्थिर योग्यता नहीं है। इसलिए इसे अस्थिर वेक्टर के साथ बेकार करना अवैध है। BTW, अस्थिर बहु-थ्रेडिंग के लिए एक जादू कीवर्ड नहीं है। आप अपने वेक्टर तक पहुंच की रक्षा के लिए mutex का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

Batch Script - Most recent folder and name containing -

I am trying to create a script that will check a directory for folders (latest folders have been created) And only a few words / characters I have to find the most recent folder within the directory (code below), although I do not know how to get the most recent folder, but Only a few words in it For example, I only The most recent folder in the directory, but in that folder should be the word "web" for example, even if there are recent folders in the directory with other file names Can anyone help me Please allow me to find the most recent folder on that directory which I currently have "Word" Remember the most recent folder in a directory: - / F " Tow Line = "" %% A ('DIRE' directory "/ AD / OD / B ') (set recently = %% A and Goto line): line Almost done if the folder should have a text, then filter the output of the dir command / Find or findstr for / F "delims =" %% A in / (DIR / AD / OD / B). Us...

php - MySQLi insert not working - Die error -

I am working on the domain shortening service called "SHTPP". This uses a MySQL database to store short URLs. I can not include them. This is my code: function db () {$ link = mysqli_connect ('sqlserver', 'user', 'pass', 'db') or die (Mysqli_error ()); $ Link returned; } $ Url = mysqli_real_escape_string (db (), $ _POST ['url']); $ Ip = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; Function checkexists ($ name) {// check if shttp is present $ q = mysqli_num_rows (mysqli_query (db (), "select name shttp with WHERE name = '$ name'")); If ($ q & gt; 0) {back true; } Other {return false; }} Generate function ($ length) {// string generated for placeholder name $ character = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDFGHIJJLMNOPQRSTUVX'; $ RandomString = ''; ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; $ length; $ i ++) {$ randomString. = $ Letters [rand (0, strollon ($ letters) - 1)]; } $ Random string; } If (Check Exist ($ na...

Issue With Excel Template Files -

I am using Microsoft Excel 2003 because it came out for the first time and only having a clear problem with it Am I have several .xlt files that are used throughout the company and have never had a problem with them. However, it has just come to light that there is a user who can change the template. Normally you open the template file (eg Template.xlt) and when you open it is called Template 1. When you press the Save icon, the file can be moved to SaveDream, with the default option to save the file as Template1.xls in MyDocuments (default location). In this case, the user opens the file as a template, and overwrites the original .xlt file upon pressing the Save icon. I have never seen it before and have been bombarded. Any thoughts please? How to open user templates? If a template is opened by double clicking on .xlt (or .xltx / .xltm) file in Windows Explorer, the template creates a new Excel file based on the template. If .xlt (or .xltx /.xltm) is right-clicked in ...

Websphere 6.1 server installation in RAD 7.5 -

I have installed RAD 7.5 in my system and during the installation I have selected the websphere 7.0 server alone. Now I want to use websphere 6.1 server. How can I now install the websphere 6.1 server? Do I need to install RAD software again from scratch? Thank you, Suspense You will be redirected to RAD . You can install WebSphere Application Server 6.1 and add it as an environment in RAD .

python - marking columns in sqlalchemy tables -

I want to add a custom attribute for the column "Searchable" to a sqlalchemy model. Its purpose is to only extract the data for these columns (using the ModelFoo.__ table __ column) and put the data in Solar. What is a way to mark some columns using custom attributes? Class ModelFoo (AppBase): __tablename__ = 'foo' id = column ("id", integer, primary_key = true, autoincrement = true =) OS = column (string, faucet = false , Searchable = true) platform = column (string, searchable = true) By default, I get the following error when I am above: Sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Unknown argument passed to column: ['searchable'] I'm just looking for a common way to add "Search" in columns Soller, these pins A: base with non-members. Table for table. Properties (): Keys = [key] in table.column for key [table (key) key .searchable] solr.add (session.query (* keys) .all ()) In the above code, I'm looking for some low resolution o...

string - How to Read and Mark(Highlight) a pdf file using C# -

I have a PDF file which I am reading from page as a string page. Now from page 4 in my PDF Billing information is included. For example, this is under the Billing Information section: - There is a local billing information and the other is STD billing information. If the user wishes to validate local billing information as per my requirement, my code should be read and validate all the local billing data, if any data (line) verification fails, then exposing it to the line of PDF file needed. Here my code is C # public static string ReadPdfFile (string fileName) {stringbilder text = new stringbiller (); If (file example (filename)) {pdf reader pdf reader = new pdf reader (filename); {ITextExtractionStrategy Strategy = New SimpleTextExtractionStrategy () for (int page = 2; page & lt; = pdfReader.NumberOfPages; page ++); String current text = pdfext extractor Gatetextfram (PDF reader, page, strategy); CurrentText = encoding.UTF8.GetString (ASCIIEncoding.Convert (encoding.defa...

facebook - Uploading a picture to a community page album -

I have a website that allows the user to take a picture with the webcam. I want users to publish their images in a specific album in the Facebook page of the website. I $ args = array ('message' = & gt; $ msjpost, "access_token" => $ token, "image" = & gt; $ File); {$ Data = $ facebook- & gt; Try the API ('/'. Album_id. '/ Photo', 'post', $ args); $ Success = 'true'; } Hold (exception $ upload_aire) {$ success = 'false'; } But nothing happens Do I need to give user specific permissions? Any help would be great. Cheers

typing - Google input tools integration in android application? -

I'm working on the Android application and I'm almost done, now I'm trying to add some extra To do this, like in some way I can add the features of Google Input Tools to my Android app. I mean, is there any library to use Google Input Tools in any Android app? I know that there is an app for Google Input Tools in the game store, and I do not want my users to first install Google Input Tools, but want to provide a feature so that Google input typing experience without installing this additional app Can get. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in advance!!!

python - Starting bluez-simple-agent giving an Exception Error: Already Exists -

I am using blues-simple agents on Ubuntu and starting with a blues-simple agent I am here. After that I get an exception: traceback (most recent call final): The file "/ usr / bin / bluez-simple-agent", line 133, & lt ; Module & gt; Adapter.RegisterAgent (path, capacity), file "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/", line 70 __call__ return (* args, ** keywords) file in the self._proxy_method "/ Usr / lib / python2.7 / dist-packages / dbus / ", line 145, __call__ ** in the keyword)" /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/ " Line 651, message, timeout) dbus.exceptions.DBusException in call_blocking: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists: Bluez-Simple-Agent A codenippet exists> former if __name__ == '__main__': dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop (set_as_default = true) bus = dbus.SystemBus () manager = dbus.Interface (bus.get_object ("org.bluez "" / ")," Org.bluez.Manag...

c# - Call SQL Server Reporting Services from MS CRM workflow activity -

It's my job to create a printable report within the MS CRM 2011 interface hosted CRM Have a suggestion to access the SQL Server Reporting service within the code? I do not want to connect directly, because it is necessary to pass the correct credentials to correct the URL - and this information differs from installation to installation. So I need to either create a setup table to save all the connection information or I should work hard and recompile it. Is there a general solution to this problem? Unfortunately, I've found the only way to use Reporting Services Endpoint and Credentials to access it. is. I wrote an article about this -

windows - Popen and python command -

मेरे पास p1 = subprocess.Popen ([python% args। सर्वर], शेल = ट्रू, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) अजगर "" एक आंतरिक या बाहरी कमांड, ऑपरेटिव प्रोग्राम या बैच फ़ाइल के रूप में पहचाना नहीं गया है मुझे लगता है कि popen, windows में अजगर आज्ञा निष्पादित करने की समस्या है; इस मामले में मुझे क्या करना चाहिए सुनिश्चित करें कि पायथन एक्जीक्यूटेबल की निर्देशिका PATH में मौजूद है पर्यावरण चर और आपके फ़ाइल की निर्देशिका PYTHONPATH वातावरण चर में मौजूद है।

c# - Filter out path strings beginning with strings -

, d: \ shadow \ stuff , d: shadow ). Is there a way to get rid of the stars, is there lesser way? Just like c: \ user \ cheese \ and D: \ shadow \ stuff can make it fast and memory unseen? It is important that the wire can come in any order. I will order the way down the road, and then when adding the collection of abandoned paths and in the results Sub-path at the time of adding: string [] path = {@ "C: \ user", @ "C: \ user \ cheese", @ "D: \ shadow / stuff" @ "D: \ shadow"}; String currentPath = ""; & Lt; String & gt; Results = New list & lt; String & gt; (); Var comparer = string compiler. Invent Culture Ignore Cass; Aggression (path path in order. OrderBDDandanding (P => P, Lessanar)) (If current path (index, path, string comportion, Environmental Culture Ignore Sees) & gt; = 0) continues; result.Add ( Path); CurrentPath = path;} Result: ["D: \\ shadow \\ content", "c: ...

java - Why MainActivity cannot be resolved or is not a field? -

I have a small project where I have to play with an Android device's battery. First, I wanted to be able to print the battery so I used it. Again, I have created a new Android project called "Trial" in Eclipse, and in the main activity. Java I have put this code: package com.example.testing; Import android App Import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; Import android.content.Context; Import android.content.Intent; Import android.content.IntentFilter; Android Import Battery Manager; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.util.log; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.TextView; Import android.widget.Toast; Android Import * r *; Public class increases main activity activity (text view mTextView; @ override protected void creatives (bundle saved instenstate) {super.Nocrat (savedinstenstate); setContentView (R.layout.MainActivity); // This is main activity In which error is mTextView = (TextView) findViewById (

Grails 2.3.4: test-app on new app fails with "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.grails.ide.eclipse.runtime.GrailsEclipseConsole" -

Text after " Command run under the test app with the errors given below ... I implemented Grails On the Windows platform, the following duplicated solutions (which I found ...) does not help. 1. Clean the greyle; grails .grails 2. Destroy has been that data --refresh dependency compilation directory Environment variables JAVA_PATH, GRAILS_PATH, path defined properly. Does anyone know this problem to fix? Grails Loading 2.3.4 | Configuring CellPath. Set to test the environment ................................... Running without daemon ... java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.grails.ide.eclipse.runtime.GrailsEclipseConsole ( $ 1 to $ (Native method on .run ( ( java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( ) At Sun.misc.Launcher at $ AppClassLoader. loadC...