sharepoint - Calculated column won't display when workflow is run -

I have created a calculated column that draws text from another site column, so I can only show text. To achieve this goal I have created a SharePoint 2010 workflow that sets column A value with column A. I have a calculated column which will read from the column B and strip the unnecessary characters and what I want.

I have a workflow that eventually takes two calculated columns and changes the value inside it. The title column for the current item changes whenever a new item is created, then the workflow kicks is. When I create an item, that title will change, but the title will display error; # 256 - Error; # 256 If I then runs a workflow on the item then the correct value is entered. So I thought the workflow was not waiting, as long as the column was calculated before the title was set, so I modified my workflow below, but I still have this problem.

Laptop is sent to laptops, which is the only laptop that is the calculated column which uses the laptop's string to get the desired value.

Enter image details here

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

It was a while ago, but for someone else on this issue, I solved it with having a workflow

not .


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