docker - Identical dockerfiles giving different behaviours -

I have been taken from the following docfile ():

from Ubuntu


RPN Deepikeji-divert - Local - Anaardiadi / sbin / Aiaitititiel

Aryuen LN-S / bean / true / SBI / Aiaititiel

Dave precise main universe "> / etc /apt/sources.list

RAN get updates exactly

Upgrade RUN-up-rate -y

Get -y install mysql -client mysql-server

Run sed -i -e "s / ^ bind-address \ s * = \ s * / b Add Ind-address = "/etc/mysql/my.cnf



< p> CMD [ "/ bin / bash", "/opt/"]

build on your local machine works with me errors when I Docker version 0.8

I am experimenting with trustworthy construction:

However on the Dockers server, I get an error in the second run command:

[91mln: Failed to create symbolic link `/ sbin / initctl ': file exists


Error: Construction: Command [/ bin / sh -c ln -s / bin / true / Sbin / initctl] returned a non-zero code: 1

I was under the impression that Dockfile should work equally in context freely? Maybe I'm pulling up the version of Ubuntu, is not it the same?


This version is possible that Ubuntu image differs full image ID to be highly accurate Which you want in FROM statement, eg

  # This is the current Ubuntu 13.10 image ID # Tag can later move to a different image. The 9f676bd 305a43a931a8d98b13e5840ffbebcd908370765373315926024c7c35e RPN Deepikeji-divert - Local --nanam --add / sbin / initctl ...  


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