c# - Filter out path strings beginning with strings -
d: \ shadow \ stuff
, d: shadow
). Is there a way to get rid of the stars, is there lesser way? Just like c: \ user \ cheese \
and D: \ shadow \ stuff
can make it fast and memory unseen? It is important that the wire can come in any order.
I will order the way down the road, and then when adding the collection of abandoned paths and in the results Sub-path at the time of adding:
string [] path = {@ "C: \ user", @ "C: \ user \ cheese", @ "D: \ shadow / stuff" @ "D: \ shadow"}; String currentPath = ""; & Lt; String & gt; Results = New list & lt; String & gt; (); Var comparer = string compiler. Invent Culture Ignore Cass; Aggression (path path in order. OrderBDDandanding (P => P, Lessanar)) (If current path (index, path, string comportion, Environmental Culture Ignore Sees) & gt; = 0) continues; result.Add ( Path); CurrentPath = path;}
["D: \\ shadow \\ content", "c: \\ user \ Cheese "]