
Showing posts from July, 2012

Getting noClassFoundError libcore while runing the android project -

I am very new to Android. I am developing my first application, simple Hello World to print. The project is running while I'm having the following exception exception in the formula "AsyncQueryWorker" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:. libcore / when / on Libcore android.os.Process.myTid ( java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Java ( android.os.HandlerThread 670 due to ( due to .run. On net.URLClassLoader $ ( on (Native Method) ( on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (classloader .java: 323) on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( ... 3 more Please help me. If you Eclipse are: Properties Right click on Java Build Path > Orders and Export and make sure that All external libraries ...

php - Create a query on multiple tables yii -

Yii में समकक्ष कोड क्या है? जबकि ($ row = mysql_fetch_assoc) {गूंज $ पंक्ति ['आईडी']। "" .getSkillById ($ पंक्ति ['skillId']); } फ़ंक्शन getSkillById ($ आईडी) {$ sql = mysql_query ("चुनें` कौशल से 'WHERE id =' $ id '"); $ Res = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ sql); वापसी $ res ['skill_label']; } कुछ कैसे yii में कार्यान्वित किया जा सकता है? क्या यह मानक प्रक्रिया है? एक्टिवरकॉर्ड अनुमोदन: सबसे पहले, GII का उपयोग करके अपना मॉडल बनाएं। उदाहरण के लिए आपका मॉडल नाम है: कौशल । अब: $ कौशल = कौशल :: खोज (सभी); यदि (! है_अन्य ($ कौशल)) {विदेशी कौशल (डॉलर कौशल के रूप में $ स्कील) {echo $ skill- & gt; आईडी; }} आईडी द्वारा एक कौशल प्राप्त करने के लिए: $ कौशल = कौशल :: findByPk ($ id); $ कुशलता-& gt; आईडी; // कौशल आईडी हो जाता है, क्या आपको ये पता नहीं है कि Yii का एआर समर्थन संबंध ? मान लें कि आपके पास एक उपयोगकर्ता तालिका है जो प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता के पास एक कौशल आईडी है तो आपको उपयोगकर्ता मॉडल बनाना होग...

scala - World.QueryAABB giving incorrect results in libgdx -

I am trying to implement mouse selection for my game when I type QueryAABB It seems that it actually treats a lot more things than objects. What's going on in the image Blue box is an actor in which there is a body that I want to choose Setting the blue box on the blue box Box2DDebugRenderer The mouse selects a region (white box) on the screen, it is completely graphical AABB is converted to meters and QueryAABB Callback was called blue balk And it turned red. The green outline is a separate body left, to see if my conversion was correct or not, it was used for the actual selection process. Strong> no This is related to my meter size, big, results are wrong and more wrong. It works perfectly at 1 meter = 1 pixel. meter conversion val MetersToPixels = 160f val PixelsToMeters = 1 / MetersToPixels def toMeters (n: float) = N * pixelsToMeters def pixels (n: float ) = N * MetersToPixels In the image I am using MetersToPixels = 160f so that t...

Can I combine align layouts in Delphi? -

I have would like to create a label that all the spaces, and centered text at the same time. // firemonkey code, // cause compile-time error "E2010 Incompatible types: 'TAlignLayout' and 'set'" greed. Alliance: = [TAlignLayout.alClient, TAlignLayout.alCenter]; I have also seen for a suitable stability, but with no result. Perhaps someone knows how I can make a label written? It seems that you are very close to just the TAlignLayout.alClient align . Then set TextAlign to TTextAlign.taCenter . Align section of the TControl property and comes in a control with a visual aspect to play it at any time. TextAlign only property TTextControl involved control coming down, like TLabel . (In addition: descends from TTextControl TControl ).

eclipse plugin - Run java code error: Workspace is closed -

To create an automated project, I created a plug-in project with the following dependencies: Org.eclipse.core.resources org.eclipse.equinox.registry org.eclipse.core.runtime and the following The Java class is located in the src folder: Package Examiner; Import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; Import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; Import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; Import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; Import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; Import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; Public class tes {public static zero main (string [] args) {// TODO auto generated method stub IProgressMonitor progress monitor = new NullProgressMonitor (); IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace (). GetRoot (); Ipoject project = root.jetproject ("desired projectname"); Try {Project.create (progress monitor); (progressMonitor); } Grip (CoreException E) {// TODO Auto generated blocking block e....

How I combine dll files for c# project? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास 4 dll फ़ाइलें हैं मेरे सी # प्रोजेक्ट मैं 4 डीएलएल को 1 डीएलएल में जोड़ना चाहता हूं। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? क्या आपने कोशिश की :? ILMerge एक ऐसी सुविधा है जिसे एकाधिक असेंबली को एक एकल असेंबली में मर्ज करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

VBScript LDAP query into Array -

I need to send a query to LDAP as a wildcard. I have the following code: Setting SearchLDAP (strUsrName) const ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE = 2 set objConnection = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") set objCommand = CreateObject ("ADODB.Command") objConnection.Provider = "ADOOdubject" objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider" ObjCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection objCommand.Properties ("Page Size") = 1000 OBC Commands. Properties ("SearchScope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE objCommand.CommandText = _ "SEND SEN FROM" LDAP: // DC = SYSTEL, DC = Local 'WHERE' _ & amp; "ObjectCategory = 'User and CN =' & amp; StrUsrName & amp; "* '" set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute objRecordSet.MoveFirst Do objRecordSet.EOF' Wscript.Echo objRecordSet.Fields ("cn") value dim strReturnUser:. StrReturnUser = objRecordSet.Fields ("cn"). Price objRecordSet.MoveNext Loop ...

android - Layout dont fit Screensize -

I have a device with 540 pix screen sizes (width). I try this layout: endline: Android: Orientation = "horizontal" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" Android: layout_width = "540dp" & gt; But the linear layout is larger than the screen. It's out of the screen. I read the screen through the screen: DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new display metrics (); . GetWindowManager () getDefaultDisplay () getMetrics (displaymetrics). Int width = displaymetrics.widthPixels; More tools, so the screen is definitely 540 pix width. What's wrong? The actual unit is 'PX', whereas the unit you use in your layout file is 'DP'. - The difference between the two is that the values ​​given in 'DP' are scaled by the device. Setting your value in 540 px should solve your problem.

android - Reading XML File with DOM parser crashes after first entry -

I found very useful entries about XML parsing in this forum and then read my XML file with an SD-card Written this code for my Android app unfortunately it is only returning the first value and then crashing. My XML-file here: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" & gt; & Lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; String-array name = "testset" & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / String array & gt; & Lt; String-array name = "testetic" & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / String array & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt; And this is the parsing part of my code: public static list & lt; Testet & gt; Parse (inputstrea...

PHP how to show all decimal places? -

This may be a stupid question but I have searched repeatedly without searching for any results. So, what I want, without knowing how many decimal places it will be, that is to show all decimal places without any number. View this short code: $ arrayTest = array (0.123456789, 0.0123456789); Forex Currency ($ array $ as output) {$ newNumber = $ Output / 1000; Echo $ newNumber; Echo "& lt; br & gt;"; } This gives this output: 0.000123456789 1.23456789 E-5 Now, I have 'number_format' Tried to use ', but I do not think it is a good solution, it determines the exact amount of decimal places, and I do not know the quantity of decimal place for every number. Look at the code given below: $ arrayTest = array (0.123456789, 0.0123456789); Forex Currency ($ array $ as output) {$ newNumber = $ Output / 1000; Resonance number_format ($ new number, 13); Echo "& lt; br & gt;"; } This output returns: 0.000023456789 Now, as yo...

How to create fade in and fade out effects for TLabel in Delphi -

When a user clicks on the label, it changes its color for some milliseconds and then returns to its previous color is. How to emulate this effect in Delphi set font color on one side When you click on the item then start TTimer : Label.Font.Color: = & lt; Enter your highlight color; Timer Effects. Enabled: = true; Timer fire does something like this: Timer effects. Enabled: = false; Label.Font.Color: = clBLack; // Color you want to set the label back to

Get nationality of person using DBPedia and SPARQL -

मेरे पास निम्न SPARQL क्वेरी है: SELECT? राष्ट्रीयता लेबल कहाँ है {dbpedia: Henrik_Ibsen dbpedia -उवेल: राष्ट्रीयता? राष्ट्रीयता राष्ट्रीयता rdfs: लेबल? राष्ट्रीयता लेबल } मैंने जांच की है कि हेनरिक इबेसेन मौजूद है और उसके पास राष्ट्रीयता की वाद्यविज्ञान / संपत्ति है: और यह एक ओनटोलॉजी है: यहां सूचीबद्ध इस से संबंधित एक बहुत ही समान प्रश्न: मेरे पास समस्या यह है कि क्वेरी कोई परिणाम नहीं लौटती है। अगर मैं इसे सुलझाने में मदद कर सकता हूं संक्षेप में समाधान: दोनों जवाब दोनों के लिए इतने महान थे, लेकिन अंत में यहोशू पर उतरे क्योंकि डीबीपीडीआउल के बारे में जानकारी साफ थी मेरी राय में इष्टतम समाधान: जन्म के स्थान के लिए डीबीपीडीआ-उल्ल के साथ सबसे पहले जांचें: select? Label {dbpedia: Henrik_Ibsen dbpedia-owl: जन्मस्थान [एक डीबीपीडीए- उल्लू: देश; Rdfs: label? Label] फिल्टर langMatches (lang (? लेबल), "एन")} यदि मिल गया तो demonym प्राप्त करें: चुनें? लेबल {dbpedia: नॉर्वे dbpedia-owl: demonym? लेबल फिल्टर लँगमैट्स (लैंग (? लेबल), "एन")} ...

php - Customizing JSON output in CakePHP -

In KPPHP 2.4, to optimize the correct syntax for foreach through my data What is the structure of JSON output from the content and my controller? I currently have the following method, which is Generates JSN which directly reflects the internal array of cake from all of my posts: public function digits () {$ this-> Autorander = False; // We do not render this view in this example $ -This-> Post- & gt; Recursive = -1; // To not return the content, return us json_encode ($ this-> Post- & gt; search ('all' is not required); } This creates JSON which looks like this, with the data of each post, children of their own post object (pre-determined with the carriage return so that you can read it): "Code": [{"id": "1", "user_id": "1", "organism_id": "0", "title": "title text", "latitude": "44.54401744186992" , "LNG": "- 68.26070404...

Creating a co-clustering for the edge node triangle adjancy matrix in R/Python -

I have the following edges (rows) node (coles) triangle adjoint matrix in which we have one entry in each side is a triangle I want to co-clustering on this matrix (but as you see it is not a traditional and matrix). Anyone else have already some cocklesting functions in R? I know that the Colecler Function was included in the code in the BlockCluster but a well-presented example was not available to work with it. Python / R code / package should work for me. Here is the graph Library (igraph) set.seed (1) g ** callcluster function does not work on this matrix, even after this I made it a standard matrix. So I'm not sure whether I can do either on the edge-node triangle adjacency matrix or not just on the matlocks or on the standard flatness matrix. Please ask questions before deciding to vote or stop this question, and I will try to expand as much as possible. Know the R section of your question

haskell - Where's the functor in the natural transformation? -

As long as I have an older category of Edward Cemet - Xtra package: - | A natural change type between fertility and fertility f: ~ & gt; G = Everyone's an FA - & gt; Ga But after reading Stephen Dahl's blog post, I find this: A natural change in our context is associated with two Haskell Multifunction function is with Factor Instaners F and G Type Signature (Factor F, FencerG) => Fold AAF -> GA which can be written with the following types of options. type nat f g = forall a F.A - & gt; For one who had a slap in the face of the attitude of "I am ignoring this" attitude of the person: why is the fact that the deficiency of the factor suddenly falls to a sudden fall is? A barrier to a type of option is not allowed in Haskell and for datatype, Disliked in 2010. Instead, the obstacles should be kept on tasks that work on these types of values.

actionscript 3 - AS3 collision with an eventual object -

I still can not understand what to do in such situations ... I Trying to develop a simple maze game where you can not touch the walls or you will lose I have created a player class and in a main square, stage.addChild ( Player) to add a child to it. I also come under the graph on a wall platform ... When I play a game, it says that walls are an undefined property then class player - " This.hitTestObject (XXX) ? You can check the collision in your main square Various wall: Array; Function Check Collision (): Zero {For each wall: your valle in the walls} {// Here is the Hit Test Object The easiest wall to check is that you can customize it (player.hitTestObject (wall) {}}} or you can reference the walls in your player category Therefore, when you make a plane example with the walls defined in the main category. public square player {Private wall wall: Array; Public function player ($ walls: array) {walls = $ Walls;}} - Microsoft chart controls 3.5 compatibility issues with .net 4.0+ -

I have made a pure application using VB with a target frame of 3.5. I also use Microsoft's chart control for .NET 3.5. The problem is that the chart controls have compatibility issues with version 4.0 and above. Microsoft has fixed it on its website, but when I try to launch the application, I get an error due to their "OK" Here's the Microsoft's default link on their website: And Here's the error I'm trying to launch the application after deciding: an unrestricted exception of 'System.InvalidOperationException' type occurred in test.exe Additional information: During the formation of a form See exception for Uti has details. Error: The file or the assembly could not be loaded 'system. Windows .form. A clear definition of data visualization, version =, culture = neutral, public key token = 31bf3856ad364e35 'or its dependency, does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) I think this assembly ...

arrays - c++ checking to see if data is equal or not -

I am writing a program and check whether the character described by the user is equal to one of the characters in an array . If it is not equal to anyone then it should be displayed "invalid ...." It is not working for me, someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. I am getting an illegal character every time I have a four array data [5]; Which stores 5 letters cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter a character to delete:"; CIN & gt; & Gt; Dell; The court's & lt; & Lt; Dell; For (int x = 0; x & lt; 4; x ++) {if (del! = Data [x]) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Invalid, character is not entered. \ N"; break; }} for (int x = 0; x & lt; 5; x ++) {If (del == data [x]) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Found on the character" & lt; & Lt; X & LT; & Lt; Endl; break; }} If (x == 5) cott & Lt; "Character not found" & lt; & Lt; Endl;

javascript - Unable to print success message using Jquery Ajax -

I am using junky Ajax to post a form data and display success message. Everything is fine, but I am not able to display success message. The code below is: Javascript & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('form'). Submit (function (event) {// Submit to Trigger Form $ ('# stage'). Empty (); var postForm = {// Val (), "element_4_2": $ ("# element_4_2"). Val (), "data": $ ("#name"). "Element_4_3": $ ("# element_4_3" ) Val (), "email": $ ("# email"). Val (), "input4": $ ("# input4"). Val (),}; $ .ajax ({// $ .ajax Process the form using the () type: 'POST', // method type URL: 'contact.php', // Your form processing file URL data: Type the postform, // form name data: 'Jason' , Success: Work (data) {console.log ("Success" 3 "inside), warning (data); $ (" # step ") .html (data); if (! Data.succe...

c++ - std::sort comparing elements to null -

Text after " I sort the following sorting algorithm, which sorts a std :: vector unique to Armor_set Some properties of my sorting algorithm by pointers, it is chokes and undefined behavior which is a valid LHS for RHS which is a nullptr The comparison runs in the ends>. Despite the algorithm running several times, I am unable to understand the problem. I feel as if I'm missing out on some simple rules, how should I comply with the work of this std :: sort algorithm? Any help would be appreciated. std :: vector & lt; Armor_set * & gt; Armor_sets; // Here the unique armor set entry std :: type (armor_sets.begin (), armor_sets.end (), [] (armor_set * LHS, armor_set * RHS) {automatic lhs_collectible_count = collectible_mgr :: mill () count. (LHS -> required_collectible); auto rhs_collectible_count = collectible_mgr :: mill () count (rhs-> needed_collectible); if (lhs_collectible_count> 0 & amp; amp; amp; rhs_collectible_count == 0) {...

cocoa - NSOutlineView and Object Persistence Odd Behavior -

I'm having a hard time with this getting me a very strange behavior when it's a visual-based NSOutlineView Comes to the purpose of perseverance. I currently have an object in which there is an array of object 1 that contains an array of object 3 in which there is an array of object 3, etc. ... Each of each class (object) has an Excel: method and one Excel Object: Method. I've revised them repeatedly, they work fine. Now when I expand an item, this default plugin is saved and I have checked it, the number of saved items is correct. But what happens when I open my document again; Sometimes all the lines are stretched exactly like I left them, sometimes there is no extension of the rows and sometimes the NSOUTline view extends some lines, but others do not. Note that I am not using NSTreeController I am using NSOutlineView DataSource and Representative The following methods are implemented in this way. Also the AutoShare Name is set for Outline View. - (ID) View P...

windows - trying to run a .bat that runs an .exe from a mapped drive or share and have file not found -

I'm not sure what I'm doing. I have a file share that is fileser01 . I placed my exe which is \\ fileser01 \\ software in hp.exe. I can map the drive to this command: net usage f: \\ fileser01 \\ software / user: domain \ myaccount drive therefore As the show f: . In the .bat file I have start "f: \" hp.exe but it says that this file. What am I doing wrong? I also try to run a VBS and it says that I can not find the file. I tried "f:" I found it in another folder of software in the media Tried to put in "f: \ media" and still the same problem. Your question includes your batch files: start No, it will not work: "window title" "f: \ hp. Exe "Start or it: Start f: \ hp.exe between quotation marks Any additional space should not include the entire file name and in this case you can also leave the quotation marks because the file There is no empty space in the name and path, in this case...

Process Javascript Array of Arrays with Recursion -

I am creating a real-time chat app that allows you to reply to other people data is stored, Where each new message has an array to answer it, an array may look like the first message --- Answer the first message --- Reply to the sub-message Give - Talk to the first message - Answer to send message - Answer to send message I am currently using the following code: function process (obje, throw) {throw (over); If (obj.child) {obj.child.forEach (function (child) {procedure (children, fun);}); }} and I tell it ( data is the array of all messages): for (i = 0; I & lt; data; lang; i ++) {procedure (data [i] ['answers'], function (obje) {}); } It only begins to get the first answer of every message, and just leaves the rest. Any ideas for a recurring event that will stop it? I'm really stuck here. Thanks for any help! No problem! I got it. I need to make another loop call inside the process function, such as: ], function (obj) {for (c = 0; c> obj....

bash - Can you help me understand these TAR, SPLIT commands? -

इन कमांड लाइनों का क्या मतलब है? tar cvzf - ./android_4.0.4_origen_final_full/ | Split -b 2048m - android_4.0.4_origen_final_full.tar.gz बिल्ली औरroid_4.0.4_origen_final_full.tar.gz * | Tar -zxvpf - -C / work मैं Googling "आदमी टार", "आदमी विभाजन" और "आदमी बिल्ली" विकल्प के विवरण के लिए और ऐसे सुझाव देंगे। टार एक प्रोग्राम है ( tar split एक फ़ाइल लेगा और इसे किसी दिए गए आकार के खंड में तोड़ दें। tar cvzf - ./android_4.0.4_origen_final_full/ | Split-b 2048m - android_4.0.4_origen_final_full.tar.gz यह कमांड ./ औरroid_4.0.4_origen_final_full / के तहत सभी फ़ाइलों का एक संग्रह बना देगा और , एक एकल संग्रह फ़ाइल बनाने के बजाय, कई 2,048 एमबी (2 जीबी) फ़ाइलों में परिणाम को समाप्त कर देता है ( split के माध्यम से) विशेष रूप से, c पर विकल्प tar का अर्थ है "बना", v का अर्थ "वर्बोस" (आप प्रत्येक फाइल के लिए एक आउटपुट लाइन प्राप्त करेंगे ), z का अर्थ है कि इसे संकुचित किया जाएगा ( gzip के साथ), और f...

javascript - Why mocha tests don't run on Travis, but local? -

I have this - - setup where local bus runs fine ( 4 pass ). But none of the Running ( 0 passing ) is posted on Travis CIS. See, ,,, Can anyone put a brief look at this? // Local currency "Motcha: Test" (Mocha) Trial: Test / index html & gt; & Gt; 4 pass! (0.00 S) Without errors // Travis CI Running "Mocha: Test" (Mocha) work & gt; & Gt; 0 passed! (0.00 S) It looks like your Gruntfile .js reference test test is the directory, strong > Travis CI is case-sensitive (Mac file system is not by default), so either rename the directory or replace Gruntfile.js You should help run your tests on Travis CI.

RegEx: Capture only the interior of the capture group -

In the following string, I only match 10.00 test (+ $ 15.00) Want to (DSFA) (+ $ 10.00) I have now: \ ([\ + | \ -] \ $ (?: [0 - 9 +.] +?) \ $$ But this is capture (+ $ 10.00), I want to be the only internal of the capture group. Edit Do: I'm using JS The problem is that you did not define your capturing group Pattern, you have only virtual brackets that are completely different, it will give you results in capturing group 1 . That is defined with simple brackets (...) : \ ([+ -] \ $ ([0-9. ] +) \) $ (Note that many letters are not required to be avoided, especially all special characters are seen in a character class as literal .) In the preview pattern, I want to use a capturing group that I want to get from the whole result. (? & Lt ; = \ ([+ -] \ $) [0] It is possible to see that you Want to see results as a whole result (with regex engine) -9.] + (? = \) $)

How do I create an html embeddable widget using Clojure / ClojureScript? -

I want to create a web widget, it should use the remote closure data structure and request by the display element widget parameter has gone. The visual style will be fixed from a distance. Edit: This is in YouTube: & lt; Iframe width = "560" height = "315" src = "//" frameborder = "0" allowed screen & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Google Maps has it: & lt; Iframe width = "425" height = "350" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" margin-height = "0" margin width = "0" src = " Corp & amp; ie = UTF8 & amp; amp; hq = & amp; amp; hnear = & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Ll = 37.417223, -122.025112 & amp; amp; amp; spn = 0.006295,0.006295 & amp; t = h & iwloc = A & amp; Output = Embed "& gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Sm...

memory - Understanding Hauffman Compression? -

I am trying to understand the Huffman compression algorithm. This allows the word to be taken: According to the Houghman tree, we will meet: S: 4 times -> Code: 0 Y: one time -> code: 01 e: one time -> code: 00 Eventually it will be created: 01 00 0 So far everything is clear. Now my problem is the place between binary words. How can memory be stored in? In other words? How will the computer know: The first letter is two bits Two bits of the second letter The fourth one Only one bit in the letter Because 01 00 0 0 01 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 does not mean: YESSSS 01 00 00 00 : YEEE Any thoughts please? The encoder has to ensure that any long sequence of bits is in the form of a combination of small bits Can not be misinterpreted. For example, in your compressed example, 00 can not be separated with e as 00 as SS is. If you see the example bit string chart here, then you will notice that there are two bit strings in th...

css - Ruby Rails veiw trying to display title (h1) on same line as links -

I have a show view that shows the name of the model (post) in H1, as well as the "edit" and " Delete "button to post. I want to display the title (H1) on the same line as the Edit and Delete buttons. I am listed below which I have and then & lt; H1 & gt; Click on & lt;% = @ post.title% & Gt; & Lt; / H1> & Lt;% If so? : Edit, @ post% & gt; & Lt;% = link_to 'edit', edit_post_path (@ post), category: "btn-alert"%> & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt;% If so? : Destroyed, @ post% & gt; & Lt;% = link_to 'Delete', @ Post, Method :: Delete, Data: {Confirm: 'Are You Sure?' }, Category: "BTN-alert"%> & Lt;% end% & gt; I have tried (1) To add the left float for the above example and to see it along with some CSS Css .article-face-img {float: left; Padding: .8em; } The scene is created & Lt;% If so? : Edit, @ post% & gt; & Lt;% = link_to ...

c# - Displaying image in reportviewer -

I am trying to display the images in the report viewer control in the C # Widnows application. The image data source is set to externally if I have a full path in the table field then it is working fine, but if I have the file name in the table field then I can not find the image. Only File name: deef2d72-e75a-41d4- 8acd-086f7fe6aa89.bmp full path: file: /// C: \ MyApp Docs \ deef2d72-e75a-41d4-8acd-086f7fe6aa89.bmp I am trying to code follwoing but not working with file name only & lt; Code & gt; String st = Application.StartupPath + @ "\\ docs \"; Cmd = new SQL Command ( "Select" + + + [[filename] in the name of the file documents where id = id ", CN); is to be covered by a single quote file path because it is a text in the SQL syntax, so should your code: string st = System.IO.Path.Combine (application.StartupPath, "Docs"); St = @ "file: ///" + St; cmd = new SQL Command ( "select" "+ + + + +...

php - How to add fields to the X-Cart checkout? -

So basically I've heard "how about us?" Fields for checkout with just basic options like "Google", "Newspaper", "Website" etc. Is it capable of all already, if so? Go to General Settings -> User Profile and then select your question Add / Update Add and check the box "Customer at checkout" "under" Add new area "with box option.

ios - Device not getting disconnected -

I have integrated the functionality of Chrome casting in my iPhone app. The problem I am facing is that when casting Does not start and sometimes when the molding goes on, I press the disconnected device button but nothing happens. My code for disconnecting is: - (zero) disconnect device {{self.deviceManager stopApplication]; [Self.deviceManager removeChannel: self.mediaControlChannel]; [Self. Disconnect Device Manager]; Self.mediaControlChannel = Zero; Self.deviceManager = Zero; Self.selectedDevice = Zero; } What am I doing? Is your receiver handling the disconnect state? The template code looks like this: window.castReceiverManager = cast.receiver.CastReceiverManager.getInstance (); CastReceiverManager.onSenderDisconnected = function (event) {console.log ('received sender disconnected event:' +; If (window.castReceiverManager.getSenders (). Length == 0) {window.close (); }};

How to copy the complete folder structure (including the parent folder) through cmd in Windows? -

After trying hard, I'm not able to copy the whole folder structure (including the original folder and all the contents of the folder structure In). The folder structure says \ path \ l1 \ l2 \ sample.txt I need to copy Copy \ path \ L1 \ path \ destination > What I get at the destination is not the complete folder structure In fact, let me get to the destination L2 \ Sample.txt is available. I want the L1 \ L2 \ sample.txt at the destination xcopy / e \ path \ l1 \ path \ destination View xcopy /? From the hints to more options.

Making a phone call from within Web2Py? -

Maybe I'm pushing the boundaries here, but I wonder: if we have an address book application, then the phone Most numbers and numbers from today (including web 2p) run very well in the browser (not the original app but as HTML), then users can click on the number and call "smart" phone calls? Like the original app? I know that the WPP can send email and SMS - but what about calling the web 2p's? Thank you Derek (from the Web2Py Google User Group)! You're right - to make a phone call from Web2Py - it's as easy as you mentioned. Just tried to do it as a regular HTML link and it's a mobile Works like a charm from a device (like a native app!) And it will also work from a desktop - if you install a third party dialer (and use a phone line or VoIP service) It does not matter that i I'm going to quote on the overflow. Tuesday, 18 February 2014 4:33:16 PM UTC-5, Derek wrote: & lt; A href = "tele: 555-555-5555" & gt; 555-555-...

javascript - Angular model doesn't update with space -

When an angular model is bound to any input, angular connects the space, does not update the value. Even if the model is seen, the value still does not update. I created one to display this issue. Type a string, and notice the value in the bound spans update. However, add a location at the end of the string and the price is not updated. Is there a way to see the applet in the empty space? The specific code is: View & lt; Div ng-controller = "MyCtrl" & gt; & Lt; Input data-ng-model = "input value" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; This value is: ---- & lt; Span data-ng-bind = "inputValue" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; ---- & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Controller function myCtrl ($ scope) {$ scope.inputValue = 'Superhero'; }); You have to set ngTrim to the wrong. By default the angle is set to true, which trim the white space in the input boxes: Ingredient: Docs:

sql - Query to update records from two different tables -

"itemprop =" text "> I have a question that updates the table record. update #TEMP set [fld_LastName] = CustomerProfile.fld_ListName, fld_FirstName = CustomerProfile.fland_first_name, fld_BirthDate = CustomerProfile.fold_birthDate FROM [DB_1]. [Dbo]. Customer profile as [Tbl_Customer] - C WHERE Customer Profile. Floor_CustomNo = # TEMP.fld_CustomerNo I want to update the record when the customer is not present. [DB_1] [dbo] [tbl_Customer] I will want to look up to: ..? [DB_2] [dbo] [tbl_Customer] How can I do an SQL query that thanks a lot This should work for you. update b set [fld_LastName] = CustomerProfile.fld_LastName, fld_FirstName = CustomerProfile.fld_FirstName, fld_BirthDate = CustomerProfile.fld_BirthDate [DB_1]. [Dbo]. [Tbl_Customer] Custome as RProfile INNER JOIN #TEMP Customer on profile.fland_CustomerNo is not a buffalo customer where B [fld_ListName] is IS Null or BFL_FRIST name or B.Field_BirthDate IS NULL

c# - Pulling an item from listview -

I am trying to pull a value from a listview and display it in a label. If I wanted to draw "Data three" from the first item, then I was trying the following: Private zeros frmNotifications_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs) {Settings.Items.Clear (); ListViewItem Item = New ListViewItem ("First item"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data One"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data Two"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data Three"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data Four"); Settings.Items.Add (item); ListViewItem Item = New ListViewItem ("Second Item"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data One"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data Two"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data Three"); Item.SubItems.Add ("Data Four"); Settings.Items.Add (item); LblData.text = Settings.GetItemAt (1, 4). Text; } My last row is not set back for an object reference object Actually get the value of the "text" information for the item, what you want to do, ...

Android emulator can't be started -

I have created some Android emulator devices, and try to execute it. I have the following errors: 02-18 05: 46: 39.070 99-99 /? E / surfing: Error: Failed to open framebuffer (no such file or directory), 02-18 05: 46: 39.070 99-99 /? A / libc: Deadly signal 6 (SIGABRT) 0x00000063 (code = -6), thread 99 (Surface effect) 02-18 05: 46: 43.430 137-137 /? E / Cittels: / data / layout_version failed to read: no such file or directory is 02-18 05: 46: 43.430 137-137 /? E / installd: Could not create directory; Exit 02-18 05: 46: 43.710 138-138 /? E / Keystore: chdir: / data / misc / keystore: No such file or directory is 02-18 05: 46: 44.160 134-134 /? E / SurfaceFlancer: HWComposer module was not found 02-18 05: 46: 44.160 134-134 /? E / SurfaceFlanger: Error: Failed to open framebuffer (no such file or directory), 02-18 05: 46: 44.170 134-134 /? A / libc: Fatal Signal 6 (SIGABRT) 0x00000086 (code = -6), thread 134 (Surface effect) 02-18 05: 46: 48.530 150-150 /? E / Cittels: / data /...

Adding delay to java code -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं कई REST API बना रहा हूँ जावा से एक तीसरे पक्ष के ऐप को कॉल करने का अनुरोध किया गया है और मैं किसी निश्चित समय में अनुरोधों की संख्या के थ्रेशोल्ड मान नहीं जानता हूं और मुझे 42 9 बहुत सारे अनुरोध रनटाइम अपवाद फेंका गया है, मुझे इन API कॉलों के बीच देरी जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है कोई भी इष्टतम तरीका सुझाता है (ऐप में उपयोग किए जाने वाले कोई धागे नहीं हैं) आप हेन्डलर.postDelayed () विधि: नया हैंडलर ()। PostDelayed (नया रननाबल) {@Override public void run () {// ऐसा कुछ करना जो कि देरी}}, देरी मिलिज़) ; जहां विलंब मिल्लिस देरी समय मिलीसेकंड में मापा जाता है।

c# - Playing a video file in server through WPF -

I have a video file on my server and the way it looks like " / Modesh / New (actually a video file but the extension is in .dat ) I have already created a WPF application that will allow my users to The above server permits access to the URL and then allows them to download it and then run it. But my It is estimated that they do not need to wait until the entire file is downloaded; just check the files on the fly I have googled on video streaming But a solid content could not be found to go forward together. [Sorry, if the question is naive or modification is required, then I would be happy to do or go to the relevant forum. .] There is no indication on how to do it very much Edit. EDIT: The WCF service and WPF application talks about the question but, I do not use the 'Do not use the WCF service' video file to be streamed from the server. First try to run your file. There are also several advance streaming and trans-coding option...

c++ - Search many strings over a very large text -

I have 2 million strings and I have to find each of them on 1 TB text data. Finding them all is not the best solution, so I was thinking of a better way to create data structures like TRAI for all strings. In other words, a trie in which each node is a word. I wanted to ask, is there a good algorithm, data structure or library (C ++) for this purpose? Let me be more descriptive in friends with this question, for example For example, I have these strings: s1- "I love you" s2- " How are you "s3-" what happened friend " And I have a lot of text data: T1-" Hi, my name is Omid and I love computers. How are you guys? " 2- "Your every wish will be fulfilled, they tell me ..." T3T4 . T10000 Then I want to consider each scripture and I want to search for each of their strings. For this example I would say only this: T1 in S1 and nothing else. I am looking for an efficient way to search for stars, but not every time with stupidity al...

html - GWT: How to group related fields in a UIBinder form? -

What is the approach of group related areas in the large UIBinder form in GWT? The field group has a title and it should allow alternate selection / disappearance or enable / disable the entire group. Update: The disclosure panel looks ok, but it does not exactly match custom CSS layouts and I do not want to use other widgets. What are you looking for?

android - eclipse doesn't show an active device in the Run Configurations window -

I want to download an application from an active SDK to an active device. The device communicates with Eclipse I can see it in the DDS window, but the device run does not appear in the configuration window. When I click the reset ADB in the DDS window, I get the following error message: [Device Monitor] ADB connection error: An existing connection forced forcibly closed Was sent by remote host [2014-02-18 08:50:58 - Device Monitor] Sending tracking request! [2014-02-18 08:50:58 - Device Monitor] ADB connection error: An existing connection by remote host was forcibly [2014-02-18 08:51:00 - Device Monitor] Connection effort: 1 I have successfully tried to reset the server from the command line with no ADB kill-server and ADB start-server. I changed the USB port and the additional active device receives the same error message. Android Developer Tool Build: v22.3.0-887826 Eclipse Platform Version: 4.2.1.v20130118-173121-9MF7GHYdG0B5kx4E_SkfZV-1mNjVATf67ZAb7 Create ID: M2013...

c# - How can I get if checkbox is checked -

I am trying to get the checked attribute of the checkbox I am trying to use GeckoHtmlElement 's GetAttribute () function but it always returns zero value for the checked attribute . I try this: Gecko .GeckoElementCollection z = Browser.Document.GetElementsByName ("product box []"); Forchha (in GechoGeekoNADZ) {if (o. nodotype == nodetype.alment) {GECOHotelElementAds = (GokohatlAlment) o; String aa = asd.GetAttribute ("check"); If (aa! = Null & amp; aa == "true") liaa.Add (o); }} Checkbox HTML: & lt; Input name = "productbox []" value = "10914" class = "noborder" type = "checkbox" & gt; I try it but still does not work. This gives a null Gačko node: string aa = asd.Attributes ["checked"]; Update: I have completed my work, but my method is uggly, dirty and less usable. DomMouseUp Event in the browser: GeckoElement Active = (GeckoElement) Browser. Document. ...

ffmpeg display only video in Android -

I'm writing a video player in Android. So far I could be able to capture the frame with the help of av_read_frame and avcodec_decode_video2, and updating SDL2.0. I have followed Dragon Tutorial 02. c. The pseudo code is: while (1) {1. Read the packet 2. Check the video frame; If not, then go to step 3. 2.1 With the video frame, update with SDL_UpdateYUVTexture, 3. Handle the SDL event. 4. Clean the renderer 5. Current renderer} I wonder, do I need to take care of the video, DTS / PT count synchronization, while I only need to display the video is? This scenario works well in Samsung, but not in other mobile. What is your advice? It depends if you are right with the fact that as your video A Drive faster because the device can decode it and b) Play on different devices at different speeds and on the same device, then you need to synchronize, and as soon as they are decoded , Then you can remove the frame. Otherwise you still need to synchronize video output to...

sql - ClosedXML and digits as text -

I am using ClosedXML to export data from SQL data tables in Excel. This is part of the export: (DT is a datalet with data from SQL server) using (XL workbook wb = new XLverBook ()) {wb .Worksheets.Add (dt); Response.Clear (); reaction. Buffer = true; Response. Charset = ""; Response.ContentType = "app / vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; Response.ContentType = "app /"; Response.AddHeader ("content-type", "attachment; file name = report.xlsx"); (Using the memory stream MyMemoryStream = new memorystream ()) {wb.SaveAs (MyMemoryStream); MyMemoryStream.WriteTo (Response.OutputStream); Response.Flush (); Response.End (); }} There are problems: After exporting all the digits There is a dot in the decimal point, but it must be a comma. Please help me, what can help me to format my export in Excel ? may help map the data with datatype Private Datatable GetTable () {DataTable T...

ios - What happens when Apple revokes a certificate? -

Regarding the fact that in the iOS delivery model, each app has a certificate issued by Apple (either Developer License, Enterprise License , Appstore, etc.), I wonder what happens when Apple certifies this certificate (due to legal issue) Signed applications work as a certificate Is it stopped? Does the signed application stop working when connected to the Internet? Does the signed application continue to work, but can not be updated? What ... ??? Any thoughts? The signed app stays signed and continues to work but you have to sign the new application Will not be able to use the letter.

javascript - How i set a default value using switch input type in node js -

I have the switch input type method for the user to choose a Lang field, either male or female. But now I want to set the default value to be 'female' how can I set this scenario. My code is "Create field" on the side: {ID: "gender", name: "gender", "switch input" on the side: "speak", iitip: "Switch_", Required: False, Ops: ["Male", "Female"]} getValue: function () {return. Sw.value; }, SetValue: function (value) {this.sw.value = value; }, I'm new to this. Please make your suggestions about your code.

Capturing return codes from Sybase stored procedure in korn shell script -

I am facing a problem in capturing the return code of a stored procedure. I am calling a Sibas memory processing in my kernel shell script which is used below as an IQL statement. isql -U $ {APPLID} -S {SERVER} & gt; $ {SqlMsg} & lt; & Lt; Use EOF $ $ {DATABASE} to exec exec_procedure go EOF returncode = $? If an error occurs within the stored procedure, then I am not able to follow the method below. If I tried to print [$ returncode-0] then "failed" fi I have stored functions like return (1) Tried to use the return statement inside but this does not give me the results of the hope when I resonate the return code, it counts as 0, even so Even after returning the position 1. 1 was seen in the SQL log in the return position. To capture the error within your SQL statement, you get the @@ error returncode = 'isql -U will need to be seen $ {APPLID} -S {SERVER} & gt; $ {SqlMsg} & lt; & Lt; Use EOF $ {DATABASE} to exec exec_p...

How to read data from XML that is stored as image type in SQL? -

I have an XML stored in the image type in SQL. What I am trying to accomplish and actually accomplish it is to get data from that archived XML. The problem is that the data is stored as Unicode, but the data that is getting is an integral type of data. I have tried a lot but it can not work DECLARE @ xml XML; Set @ xml = convert (xml, (convert (max (max), @dta))); 'Name' as 'SELECT Tcquery' ('data (node1 / id)') as 'id', Tcvalue ('node1 [1] / name [1]', 'nvarchar (100)'), as 'name' @ xml. Nodes ('Test 1 / Test 2') T (C) I am converting data into varchar (max) because when I call it nerve (max), if i Change the code set @xml = convert (xml, (CONVERT (nvarchar (max), @data); I see any data Thanks for the help. on the fly in XML To change Try Cast (@data as xml)

android - Universal Image Loader: Share Intent Null Pointer -

I have implemented a Share button in my but this is not a null pointer when the image is attached I try to share, the image is not attached Please help. ishare = (button) findViewById (; Ishare.setOnClickListener (New View. OnClickListener) {@Override Public Zero onClick (Final View View) {... // Image Intent Intent = New Intent (to send intent.ACTION_SEND) Create new intent; // Set Intent Type Create the URI of the .setType ("image / png"); // image link integer index = pager.getCurrentItem (); imageUrls thrust = null;; Uri uri = Uri.parse (imageUrls [index]); // excess Image link with set URI intent.putExtra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri) made from;}}); // Share startActivity (Intent.createChooser (intent) to share with "Share Image") Start new activities,

wordpress - Removing social networking links from profile fields -

I've seen some fields to be removed and to add contact area (via hook) online. But no one seems to get rid of the social network in the WordPress profile sections. Here is the code, the social network Have a hook to delete the field? I am using a plugin called WP User Frontend and it is dragging these fields. function modify_contact_methods ($ profile_fields) {// Add new field $ profile_fields ['twitter'] = 'Twitter username'; $ Profile_fields ['facebook'] = 'Facebook URL'; $ Profile_fields ['gplus'] = 'Google+ URL'; // Delete unset ($ profile_fields ['google']) to old areas; Return $ $ profile_fields; } Add_filter ('user_contactmethods', 'modify_contact_methods'); Create a very simple plugin that will wait for other plugins to load , Then use the function which is to remove the hook that is added by another plugin. & lt ;? Php / ** * Plugin Name: (SO) WP User Frontend Contact Methods *...

jquery - Ajax PUT request executed as GET -

मैं एक एजेक्स क्रॉस-मूल PUT अनुरोध करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: $। एजेक्स ({url: url, डेटा: json डेटा, प्रकार: 'PUT', डेटाप्रकार: 'jsonp', ...}); लेकिन इसे GET के रूप में भेजा गया है और "गलत अनुरोध प्रकार के साथ विफल हो सकता है। PUT होना चाहिए।" कोई भी मदद? जोड़ने का प्रयास करें contentType: 'application / Json '

php - How can I allow user create a powerpoint presentation on my site? -

I want to allow users to create a site to create a PowerPoint presentation through my site. I need to be able to edit them and download them. I want to do this on a site for reasons of version control. I have tried and implemented a lot of Google Drive, can it be integrated with a php site? Thanks This third-party libraries can be used for you Googling Through these libraries can know about. A library that claims to work.

tiff - Why dicom image displayed are inverse colour and lossy for output. (Matlab) -

Why are the colors inverted when I read a DICOM file? Also, when I try to stretch and adjust the image output, the export file is damaged (TIFF): origImg = dicomread (uigetfile ('~ / matlab /*.*) ',' Select Decom file ')); Jammu = Imadjol (genesis, Strechimum (genesis), [0 1]); Cexpo = Adaptive (J, 'distribution', 'exponential', 'alpha', 3); Imwrite (CExpo, 'finish.tif', 'resolution', 100); Compare resources and files: Matlab's Tiff Class In Wits UIT 8 Image Value When PhotometricInterpretation is 'different' Tiff specification specifically prohibits this, but Matlab does this for any reason unknown to me. Probably the answer is why your images are inverted Generally, TIFF images are not lossy formats, so if you feel that loyalty is lost, then I do not understand how this is happening. (Nor do I know what a DICOM image is).

linux - Bind MySQL to IP when installing -

When I use mySQL apt-get, it is linked to a local host. I have to manually change the bind address. Is there any way I can set bound information during installation? No, you have to change that code after my.cnf and After that, restart MySQL server .

WPF DataGrid loses focus on ContextMenu -

There is a context menu specified in my datagram, which contains commands to do something with the selected rows. Works. The problem is, every time the context menu opens (either through the right mouse button or menu key), the datagrid loses its focus and changes its background color to blue in the selected row Gray It is such a big contrast that the user gets the impression that selection has been cleared and it is not certain that the context menu opens to the right row. This color change is absolutely fine, a non-centered item should not have focus color but should not trigger it by opening a context menu. Here are some XML code: & lt; DataGrid HeadersVisibility = "Column" HorizontalGridLinesBrush = "# cccccc" VerticalGridLinesBrush = "#cccccc" BorderBrush = "# cccccc" Background = "{x: Null}" CanUserReorderColumns = "False" IsReadOnly = "True" ItemsSource = "{MyItems Binding, NotifyOnTarget...

How to re-structure (select) data in SAS -

I have a dataset like this: is data; INPUT _USUBJID $ VISITNUM $ VISIT $; Leaves; 01/01 Visits 1 Screening 01/01 Visits 1 Screening 01/01 Visits 1 Screening 01/01 Visits 1 Rate 01/01 Visits 1 Rated 01/01 Visits 3 Baseline 2 01/01 Visits 3 Baseline 01/01 Visits 3 Rated 01 / 01 Visit 3 Rated 01/02 Visit 1 Screening 01/02 Visit 1 Screening 01/02 VISIT3 BASELINE2 01/02 VISIT3 BASELINE2; Run; I need to reconfigure it: want data; INPUT _USUBJID $ VISITNUM $ VISIT $; Leaves; 01/01 Visit 1 Rate 01/01 Visits 1 Rated 01/01 Visits 3 Rated 01/01 Visits 3 Rated 01/02 Visit 1 Screening 01/02 Visit 1 Screening 01/02 Visit 3 Baseline 2 01/02 Visit 3 Baseline 2 ; Run; If there are both screening and rate values ​​in a topic, then I need to remove the RETEST value for that topic. If there is no RETEST value in any topic, then I only need this visit (i.e., screening in this example, or Baseline 2). I will do it in three steps: retest on a dataset _usubjid, add visualization and gr...

c++ - CMFCToolBar & CMFCMenuBar don't show dynamic items by default -

I have created an MFC application that uses CMFCToolBar and CMFCMenuBar it saves the status of items for the first time, when I I change or add any moving objects, even then I first see the state that deleted items remain there, where extra items are not shown, then I came to know that all the items are sorted in the registry and every time Loads, in the application In our all applications to load dynamic menu items or toolbar buttons from the module, in fact I could not work except the following solution class CToolBarEx: public CMFCToolBar {public: CToolBarEx () { } Virtual Bull LoadState (LPCTTR / * Lps Profile Name * / = Null, Int / * NIDEX * / = -1, UINT / * UID * / = (UINT) -1) {Return Incorrect; } Virtual BOOL SaveState (LPCTSTR / * lpszProfileName * / = NULL, int / * nIndex * / = -1, UINT / * uiID * / = (UINT) -1) {return incorrect; }}; Class CMenuBarEx: Public CMFC Menubar {Public: CToolBarEx {} Virtual BOOL LoadState (LPCTSTR / * lpszProfileName * / = NULL, int / * nIn...

SQL Server Scalar variable in Inline table valued function -

I have a multi-statement table value which I would like to change in a / customization Inline table value for the purposes of value (I really do not know that this would be an optimization, but I want to try anyway). My problem is that I have a scalar variable which I do not know how to write my with statement. Code example: Start as ] [function] () Returns @ Return table (ID INT, Value NVARCHAR (500) Convertible BIGINT INSTER @tmp_table [... insert code ...] SET @variable = (Select @tmp_table from MAX (ID)) @ turn_table Select ID, value @ Tmp_table WHERE id = @Rariable Return This code is an example, the actual function is more complex, but the problem is the same I Easily with a single with like this Than: Construction work [dbo]. [Function] Returns as returns (as returns (as tmp_table ([selection code ....]) SELECT id, value from tmp_table WHERE id = [variable]); Geo My problem is in [variable] which I do not know how to put in the query In addition, ...

Do added files become staged in git? -

I am reading the Pro Song book, and in the shape that confuses me is this. This indicates that the added file is not unmodified , staged it is tracked files are files that were in the previous snapshot. So I did the image that when I modified but did not modify the modified file, there would be no need to complete that change, because there is no saved version of this file in the tile cache. But I was wrong. Does this mean that the "add file" arrow should be taken from stepped state to Untrcade state? This picture is a bit confusing, but yes. Adding an untracked file is also committed for it. The addition command is considered best to add index to the workspace, and then the change in the index is used to create the next snapshot / commit. Then git add & lt; Untracked file & gt; adds the file to the index (i.e. this step), git add & lt; Modified file & gt; adds a converted file to the index, by adding git to Deletes a deleted file (i....

javascript - How to set a datetime variable as mindate and maxdate in datepicker -

This date is retrieved 06/03/2014 12:00:00 AM and end date 31/03/2015 Is 12: 00:00 am but my jquery warning message is showing this way in / 9413044200000 / I do not know what a problem is, I need to decide the date and maximum date datepicker pls help me any one . My JsonResult Public JsonResult GroupName (string tournam, string match type) {var sdate = entity.TblTournaments.FirstOrDefault (x => x.Turname == Tourname & amp; amp; amp; x.Recordstatus == 1). TorrentDatabase; Var edate = entity.TblTournaments.FirstOrDefault (x => x.Turname == Tournam & amp; X. Recordsstate == 1). Tour Ended; Var data = new {sdate, edate}; Returns Jason (Data, Jason Aref Behavior AloGuget); } and my jquery $ .post ("/ BindInventory / GroupName", {tourname: tname, MatchType: MatchType}, function (result ) {Var startdate = result.sdate; var enddate = result.edate; alert (result.sdate); $ ('# date') Datepicker ('option', 'minValue', new date (star...