
Showing posts from June, 2012

eclipse - Security warning on noticed while deploying Android apps -

क्या किसी ने इसे पहले देखा है? ActivityManager: चेतावनी: लिंकर: पाठ पुनर्स्थापना है। यह स्मृति बर्बाद कर रहा है और एक सुरक्षा जोखिम है। कृपया ठीक करें। ऐसा इसलिए होता है क्योंकि मैं अपने डिवाइस पर ऐप को नियोजित करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। Google इस बिंदु पर मदद नहीं करता है। क्या यह आपकी अपनी जेनी लाइब्रेरी या मूल निष्पादन योग्य थे समाधान को ndk r8c या बाद में अद्यतन करने के लिए होगा: के लिए तय करने के लिए हालांकि हालांकि यह एक में प्रतीत होता है आपके द्वारा बनाई गई चीज़ की बजाय प्लेटफ़ॉर्म लायब्रेरी (विशेष रूप से डलविक वीएम खुद), आप कुछ भी नहीं कर सकते आप प्रत्येक गतिविधि प्रक्रिया (या कम से कम रनटाइम) स्टार्टअप पर इसे देख सकते हैं, जब तक कि आपका डिवाइस निर्माता अद्यतन न करे। यह केवल एक चेतावनी है।

php - SQLState error when binding parameters -

Today I received an unusual response when trying to do some inquiries, here is the error output. [17-Feb-2014 12:37:24 America / Denver] PPO WARNING: PDOSTATMENT :: EXPAND (): SQLSTATE [42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; To use the near 'key =' AH3D 'in line 1 on the file is the manual for the correct syntax that checks the code you are using. In this way I have always done this. get public function ($ key = null) {$ get = $ this- & gt; Conn- & gt; ("SELECT url FROM url WHERE key =: get"); $ Get-> Execute (array (': get' = & gt; $ key)); Return $ get- & gt; Bring (); } How do I call a function. echo per dollar-> ($ _ GET ['key']); key is a mysql reserved keyword that you use Want back-tex your column name key $ get = $ this- & gt; Conn- & gt; Prepare ("URL Select URL From URL" =: Received ");

ruby - Command for running a rails task -

What if I want to run a directory under test.rb in the following directory: lib / tasks / lib / data / test.rb To add a rack function you need to create a .rake file instead of the .rb file in the lib / functions directory. lib / tasks / sample_task.rake or in your case lib / tasks / lib / data / test.rake using rack function namespace Example: Test.rake file # namespace declaration name location: sample # Task Details Details "sample work" # sample_task is the work name here Sample_task :: Environment # Do your work 5.times Do | T | "Hello World" & End Now run your work with the rake sample: sample_task where sample name is the declaration of the name and sample_task is the name of the work If you If you are using Rail 2 then you can use the runner to run your tasks like script / runner sample_task

javascript - Replacing a relative URL with an absolute URL without using HTML -

मेरे पास निम्न सापेक्ष यूआरएल है (मेरी वेबसाइट है)। & lt; a href = "/ 28518 / वेरोना-टोरिनो" लक्ष्य = "पेडीडोस" & gt; राय! & Lt; / a & gt; मुझे यहां एक और यूआरएल ( नहीं की आवश्यकता है, या तो जावास्क्रिप्ट, पीएचपी या .htaccess से। कोड निम्नानुसार होना चाहिए: & lt; a href = "" target = "partidos" & gt; राय! & Lt; / a & gt; HTML को मैन्युअल रूप से संपादित करना एक विकल्प नहीं है। सभी PHP फ़ाइलों के शीर्ष & lt; php define ('URL', ''); ? & Gt; HTML में आप यह कर सकते हैं & lt; a href = "& lt;? Php echo URL;? & Gt ; 28518 / वीरोना-टोरिनो "लक्ष्य =" पेडीडोस "& gt; राय! & Lt; / a & gt;

sql - android sqlite CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS -

Getting a little problem in creating new tables when I use the CREATE TABLE command should my new table form But when I get out of the activity the app crashes and I have a tablet already in the log-in. If I use the table, then it is not that the new table has not been formed, But just the new row of data in my previous table Adds it and it does not crash. what's wrong with that? I would like to add the table without being present already and I would like to add it without adding the rows in a separate table. SqliteHelper Class: public class MySQLiteHelper SQLiteOpenHelper {public static final String TABLE_NAME = MainActivity.NameName; Public static final string COLUMN_ID = "_id"; Public static final string COLUMN_COMMENT = "comment"; Public static final string COLUMN_LAT = "lat"; Public static final string COLUMN_LONG = "tall"; Public static final string COLUMN_RADI = "radi"; Personal Static Last String DATABASE_NAME = ...

c - When is a local static variable stored in memory? -

At what point does the compiler need to store the local static variable in memory? Is this time in compiling? Or at runtime, when the function contains the local static variable? int * GetMyVariable () {static int A = 50; Return and A; } I want to use memory only for 'A' if GetMyVariable () is called if the static does not work this way, then what is a dynamic allocation mine Is the only option? Thanks for your time. When a local static variable is stored in memory This is done before the execution of the program. (C99, 6.2.4p3) "An object whose identifier has been declared with an external or internal relationship, or the storage class specification is the static storage period of the static. Its lifetime is fully executed with the program And its stored value is only started once, before program startup. "

php - Module Views and Themes -

I am putting several different modules for use in my Codeigniter application. There are many different themes included in this application. What I would like to do is to know that if I have it, instead of continuing similar forms, there is a logging structure on all topics and only visible is clearly different . I want to know what I can do so that I only have to create a view of a login form within the user module folder and they should know the current theme how to handle it. To explain further, suppose that forms have the same text field, but there are probably some topics that are not included in other topics such as the following. In this example this one is one of my topics where a class or something that can be added to a div or that there is no div in the other surrounding input tags in another theme. & lt; Form id = "login_form" action = "" role = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group relative-w" & gt; &...

Non working negated boolean in knockout.js -

The markup below fails, but I can not understand that as a positive version (without an exclamation point) Works. Very silly but I had to ask.): & lt; Div data-bind = "visible:! $ Root.showMe" & gt; Where (see in modal): self. ShowMe = Ko.Osabel (wrong); Ah, classic! $ Root.showMe is a function that refuses to deny a function, thus it does not work. However, de-referencing the work with its value functions. Valid markup is: & lt; Div data-bind = "visible:! $ Root.showMe ()" & gt;

c# - I thought await continued on the same thread as the caller, but it seems not to -

I thought there was a point / wait about the asyn that when the work is done, the same reference Continuity is on Debug. WrightLine ("2: Thread ID:" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); Wait fs.ReadAsync (data, 0, (int) fs.Length); Debug. WrightLine ("3: Thread ID:" + Thread. Current ReFread.ManageTrad ID); I did not expect this: 2: thread ID: 10 3: thread ID: 11 what gives? Why is thread ID different from UI threads? According to [k] I have to call the configured Wipe to change the behavior of continuity! when you wait , by default wait operator will use the current "capture context" and the async method to start over again. This "reference" is SynchronizationContext.Current as long as it's null , in which case it Task Scheduler Current is . (If there is no currently running work, TaskScheduler.Current similarly TaskScheduler.Default , is th...

awk - counting the occurrences of a field on a individual line -

I am trying to take a file that has several 1000 lines, and for each line I would like to count the incidents If there are areas, then the example of some lines of file looks like this: 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0 0 My code is: cat file | Awk 'BEGIN {a = 0; C = 0; G = 0;} {a + = gsub ("0/0", ""); C + = gsub ("0/1", ""); G + = gsub ("1/1", "")} END {print a, c, g} ' The output I get: 18 4 2 I think the output is: line # 1- 9 2 1 line # 2- 9 2 1 I awk '{print "line #" , Nr, "-", gsub ("0/0", ""), gsub ("0/1", ""), gsub ("1/1", "")} 'file Pre>

android - Can I use MvxImageView with view model bitmaps? -

I have PNG images stored in the image field type in a remote SQL Server database. I have them in the local SQL Lite database I aim to download and store as Blob Type. The app sometimes runs in a connected way so that it can not capture images through the URL. The image will eventually be the property of a visual model, how do I divide it from my MvxImageView? Look at MVVCross N + 1N = 14 by using Stuart MvxInmemoryImageValueConverter Bind to MvxImageView in a byte array Shows how to do

Calculated Control in Access -

मेरे पास एक साधारण तालिका है अनुबंध # ग्राहक # aaa111 123 bbb222 453 ccc333 232 ddd444 23X जब मैं इसे एक रिपोर्ट के रूप में लाता हूं, मुझे शीर्ष लेख में कुछ गणना वाली फ़िरर्ड्स लेना है, जो ग्राहकों की संख्या और संविदाओं की संख्या की गणना करेगा। लेकिन जब मैं एक रिपोर्ट और टाइप = गणना ([ग्राहक #]) और = गणना (अनुबंध #)) को एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स के नियंत्रण स्रोत में बनाऊँ तो मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है रिपोर्ट व्यू में यह एक वाक्य रचना एक प्रपत्र पर काम करता है, लेकिन रिपोर्ट नहीं है यह एक रिपोर्ट में क्यों काम नहीं करेगा? धन्यवाद।

playframework 2.0 - Play Framework - Authentication for Assets -

I'm developing an app where I want to limit access to properties. I have created an additional folder secret / which holds the data and the controller media / media / secret / * file controller. Media. File (File) Expands Public Class Media Controller {@Profile the public results file (string file) {string path = / home / afu / secret path / filef = new file (Path, file); If (! F.exists ()) {return notound (); } The return is OK (f, true); } This type of work, the only problem is that there is no etag or cache control to check the assets. Scala implementation () Everything has already been developed here. My question is Should I write additional code to implement Etag and CashControl? if so, how? I can not read Scala If there is any way to use the property class, how should it work? Returning action @ will not trigger @ so that I can validate whether it is ok or not. You can use the action structure, see: (1) New verb def only unauthenticated ...

keyboard - C# Topics On Pasting To A Remote Window -

I am writing an application that should be able to send text to a RDP window and send text through a citrix Must be enabled (literally) hosted apps Currently I have had success using the SendInput function from a DLL bind with it. Although there are some problems during the trial, for the first time it causes some editing controls to promote a "ding" sound [it is fixed] . The second big issue is in Citrix, it will sometimes skip the letters. I am searching for a better version and have tried to command all kinds of windows, sending messages, sending post messages, sending clipsboards and sending keys pipeline. It all works very well when the target window The machine is local, but when the handle of the window is buried behind RDP or Citrix then I do not seem to do some work and can eliminate all my thoughts. If anyone did this in RDP or Citrix, I was curious that they can edit control in any remote windows from their C # text box in any way? I will note that I can...

javascript - Catching Errors in Meteor Iron-Router Route waitOn Function -

I have a meteor published work, and I'm throwing that function in an error to be caught by the customer. I am using an iron-router, and I am subscribing to the publication in the 'wait-on' function. For some reason, my error function is not being called when I remove the error from the publication, and I'm not sure why this.route ( 'AssignmentsList', {path: '/ groups /: groupId', waitOn: function () {error on error, error, result} {console.log (called "onrrofunction"); If (error) {console .log ("Error!"); Warning (error.reason);}}; Return [Meteor.subscribe ('AssignmentBridgeGroup', this .pursum groupId, onErrorfunction), Meteor.subscribe ("Groups Iaiaidi ", this.params.groupId)]}}, data: function () {return {GroupId: ThiskparamskgroupId}}}); And here's my publication: Meteor.publish ("Assignment Biz Group", Function (Group ID) {try {if (_ .findOne ({_ Id: groupId}) member, this....

Match Not working Excel: Error 1004 Unable to get the Match Property -

उप विक्रय_समरी_माक्र्रो () कम strMake, strmodel, strCount के रूप में स्ट्रिंग दी मेकलोक, मॉडल लॉक, countLoc के रूप में पूर्णांक strMake = application इनपुट बॉक्स ("बनाओ") strModel = Application.InputBox ("मॉडल") strCount = Application.InputBox ("गणना") अगर strMake & lt; & gt; झूठी तो डीबग.प्रंट स्ट्रैंक डीबग.प्रंट स्ट्रमोडेल डीबग.प्रिंट स्ट्रैकाउंट मेकलोक = वर्कशीट फंक्शन। मैच (स्ट्रैमकेज़, रेंज ("ए 1: ए 10"), 0) डीबग करें। प्रिंट करेंलोक समाप्ति यदि एंड सब मैं बस उपयोगकर्ता के स्ट्रिंग इनपुट को तीन अलग-अलग चर पर लेना चाहता हूं और प्रत्येक चर वाले कॉलम को ढूंढना चाहता हूं। मैंने आवेदन की कोशिश की है। मैच () और मैच () अकेले और न ही काम करने लगते हैं। UPD: क्या यह है संभव है कि इसे सी 1 जैसे सेल संदर्भ वापस करने के लिए और फिर उस कक्ष का संदर्भ अन्य फ़ंक्शन में उपयोग करें उप sales_Summary_Macro () के रूप में स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रिंग, strmodel स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रिंग, strcount as String डिम मेकलोक, मॉडल लॉक इंटिजर के रूप में, गणना लॉ...

Rails - return empty json when serializing 'distinct' on single AR column -

मेरी कार मॉडल JSON धारावाहिक है (वर्ग CarSerializer & lt; ActiveModel :: Serializer) हालांकि, नीचे नियंत्रक विधि के लिए, मुझे केवल आरक्षित_आईड्स की एक अलग सूची की आवश्यकता है, और यदि कोई नहीं है, तो एआर को रिक्त JSON स्ट्रिंग / एरे वापस करना चाहिए। मैंने @ cars.blank के साथ परीक्षण करने की कोशिश की? ब्लॉंक? कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ क्योंकि शून्य / रिक्त एरे वापस नहीं आ रहा है। एआर ऑब्जेक्ट के निरीक्षण के लिए नीचे देखें। def get_reserve_ids # @ cars.inspect == & gt; # & Lt; ActiveRecord :: संबंध [# & lt; कार आईडी: शून्य, car_reserve_id: शून्य & gt;] & gt; @ कार = कार.सहेक्ट (: कार_सारण_आईडी)। जहां (क्लाइंट_आईड: चालू_युसर.क्लिएन्ट_आईडी)। डिस्टिंक # @ कार.इन्सपेक्ट == & gt; [शून्य] # @ कैर्स = कार। चयन (: कार_सारण_आईडी) #। जहां (क्लाइंट_आईडी: चालू_यूसर। क्लाइंट_आईडी) .मैप (और: कार_सारण_आईडी) .युनीक लॉगर। डीबग @ कार। इंसाइक्टर सौंपनेवाला जेसन: @कर, केवल: [ : Car_reserve_id] आपको @ cars.compact - यह सरणी से सभी नल हटा देगा, ताकि आप एक खाली सरणी वापस कर...

Spring 2.5.6 with Java Transaction rollback on Database outage -

I found an application that has a non-transactional code. Currently Java 6 and Spring 2.5.6 (use ibatis-sqlmap-2.3.0). The requirement is that when an enterprise service bean processing processing, if the database is outage, then the transaction should be rolled back and the message will be reverted back to the queue. What changes should I need, can you give me an indicator? You can use two face commits to integrate Spring with Jms and a database We use atoms as a transaction manager. See. You should consider upgrading your Spring Project. Spring 3.2.x is the least supported version.

java - Reading serialized object from a file? -

I want to write and read a serialable class from an object file. I can write this object in a file, but I can not read the object again and write in the console. None of these options work. I just want to read the object as it was written on the object file. Trying the code: Public Zero readBinary1 () throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {ObjectInputStream input = New ObjectInputStream (New FileInputStream ("G: \\ testobject.tmp")); Input.readObject (); System.out.println (new myClass ()); } Public Zero readBinary1 () throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {ObjectInputStream input = New ObjectInputStream (New FileInputStream ("G: \\ testobject.tmp")); System.out.println (new myClass (input.readObject ())); } class: class myClass indexes serializable {myClass () {} myClass (myClass b) {this.a = b.a; This.b = bb; } Private Static Last Long Serial VERSIONUID = 1 L; Private int A = 0; Private int B = 100; Personal transient int c = 50; } Code...

c# - Creating a JSON array -

मैं JSON पर नया हूँ मैं सी #: श्रृंखला: {name: "series1", डेटा: [[0,2], [1,3], [2,1] का उपयोग करते हुए JSON स्वरूप को बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। , [3,4]]} मैं डेटा भाग से संघर्ष कर रहा हूं I उपरोक्त प्रारूप को प्राप्त करने के लिए मेरा क्या होना चाहिए? सूची & lt; int [] & gt; Arr = नई सूची & lt; int [] & gt; () {नया [] {0,2}, नया [] {1,3}, नया [] {2,1}, नया [] {3,4},} ; Var obj = नया {डेटा = arr}; स्ट्रिंग json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (obj); {"डेटा": [[0,2], [1,3], [2,1], [3, 4]]} या इन वर्गों को घोषित करें (देखें) सार्वजनिक वर्ग के रूट ऑब्जेक्ट {सार्वजनिक श्रृंखला श्रृंखला {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग श्रृंखला {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; सूची & lt; int & gt; & gt; डेटा {प्राप्त; सेट; }} RootObject का एक उदाहरण बनाओ, गुणों को भरें और इसे सीरियल करें।

objective c - UIPageControl with Images in Xcode 5/iOS7 -

I am now searching for one hour and can not detect that the utility of UIPageControl How to use between images (such as the application of weather, but with images instead of pages) I have 7 images and I use them to create an instruction manual to develop the game Want to do I am new to bear so much with me Can anyone provide me the link to the tutorial which will show me this, or show me the code below in the comment? Thank you. In the tutorial, check Paging with UIScrollView section P> You can use UIPageViwController to do something like this, there is a tutorial for this.

c# - Cannot start debugging visual studio 2013 -

So whenever I try to debug my code, I'm getting this error message no matter The project I have opened is the same error message, what have I done in this way? Debug Target 'C: \ User \ xxxxx \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Heganbaby 1.001 Because Visual Studio can not start debugging \ Bin \ Debug \ HängaGubbe1.001.exe' Is unavailable. Please create the project to point to the correct location for target creation and try again, or set the output path and assembly properties appropriately. I'm not sure if I had your error, but in my case, in my computer I have two separate Visual Studio The versions were installed, so I upgraded my existing service pack 1 (the solution that actually worked by a user on the StockHowflow). Or you can set the output location on your desktop. Occasionally the saving work of the place changes and sorry that if my answer does not help, I am new here and also in learning.

How to allow only one space in JavaScript real time filtering -

I am using this custom function below to break unwanted characters from the text field, this is done in real time The problem is that it allows spaces and users can enter as many spaces as they want, but I only allow one place. Is this possible? function mask8 (x) {var string = document getElementById (x) var regex = / [^ A-Za-z] / gi; $ ("#" + X) .removeClass ("Error"); If ( (regex)> gt; -1) {string.value = string.value.replace (regex, ""); $ ("#" + X) .addClass ("Error"); }} If you reduce several places automatically for a single place By creating an error status, you can: function mask (x) {var obj = document.getElementById (x); Var val = obj.value; Var illegalities = / [^ azza-jade] / g; $ ("#" + X) .removeClass ("Error"); // Automatically drop many places below one place, // do not make the status of an error val = val.replace (/ \ s + / g, ""); If ( (i...

c - Read an integer from a .txt file opened from command line -

I need to read an integer from a .txt file open from the command line, such as: myprogram & lt; Input.txt I can not use scanf because it does not read anything, nor FSACN because I'm not opening the file in this program. Works for string lines in the file, but there is no such thing as "getint" to read the integer line. This is what looks like my file: 5 // The number of the following words word 1 word 2 word 3 word 4 word 5 & lt; Redirect means that the content of input.txt will be redirected to your program's standard input. This means that you should be able to use the scanf () to read the file content (or any other function that is read from standard input).

sql - Combing multiple rows into one row -

मेरे पास निम्न तालिका है अनुक्रमणिका BookNumber 2 51 2 52 2 53 1 41 1 42 1 43 मैं निम्नलिखित आउटपुट के साथ आने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं सूचकांक BookNumber1 Booknumber2 Booknumber3 ------------ ---------------------------------- 1 41 42 43 2 51 52 53 मैं निम्नलिखित प्रश्न के साथ आया था, हालांकि आउटपुट अप्रत्याशित है का चयन करें अंतर सूचकांक, मामला जब सूचकांक = 1 तब Booknumber END के रूप में BookNumber1, मामला जब सूचकांक = 2 ​​तब Booknumber END के रूप में BookNumber2, मामला जब सूचकांक = 3 तो BookNumber3 BookNumber3 से मेराtable; मुझे निम्न आउटपुट मिलता है सूचकांक BN1 BN2 BN3 --------------------- --------- 1 41 नल नल 1 नल 42 नल 1 रिक्त नल 43 2 51 नल रिक्त 2 नल 52 नल 2 रिक्त अशक्त 53 क्या कोई सेकेंड है यह केवल 2 पंक्तियों में है? मुझे पूरा यकीन नहीं है कि कैसे index आपकी क्वेरी में आपके डेटा में अनुक्रमणिका कॉलम से मेल खाता है लेकिन जो क्वेरी आप चाहते हैं वह है: चुनें सूचकांक, अधिकतम (मामला जब सूचकांक = 1 तब बुकनंबर ईडीडी) जैसा BookNumber1, अधिकतम (मामला...

git bash - On GitBash (on Windows 8) how do you open files? -

I am working on a one-month rail and it says that type in "Git Bash" is open. " To open the file, but it is not working for me (although other commands are PWD cd). Is he using Mac and I'm on Windows? Can you open a folder on the Mac (using the Terminal App)? using: open Windows / PC (using the GitBash app) will be in the same order: get started.

jquery - reloading the masonry container after showing new items doesn't work? -

Here's a bit of a problem. When the site loads for the first time, I should have a bunch of hidden items, and after clicking on only one button it appears on top of my doctor. I have this: $ ('# showall'). Hide (); That successfully hides those cards that I have hidden (obviously). So I tried to hide them and reload the masonry container but it does not work. var container = document.query selector ('comparison-card'); Var msnry = new masonry (container, {// option item selector: 'card', gutter: 20, hectuff: true}); $ ('.button'). Click (function () {$ ('# showall'). Show (); msnry.reloadItems ();}); Is there any reason, will not it work? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to do this? For clarification, the cards I have hidden have belong to the same category as I have initially shown a different ID to the card shown. Thanks for any help! : -) I am able to resolve it by combining jquery show () and hide (...

javascript - Why isn't lodash installed through Bower chaining calls to sortBy? -

In my opinion, if I have the following code with a comma object (2.4.1), for example [] : _ ([]) should be generated. SortBy (). SortBy (). Value () I have verified that this works, but when I install Lodhash (2.4.1) through the bower, then the above code is wrapped in the object ( _ ([]) ) does not support method channing How will turquoise churning the lodash method installed? The reason is that, one of the files installed by Bower, is automatically included in my app This landband version treats like underscores, in which it does not automatically chain.

android - How to put different string resource for different activities with same layout ? -

In my Android project I want to use a layout which I have created many times. The problem is that there is 1 image view and 2 text views in it and I want to create 15 different pages (activities) but I want to use the same layout, but I do not know how string source and image view sources change Please. Is it possible to do this or should I have to make different layouts for all the activities? android: text = "@ string / dlect1" How to change it android: text = "string / Dlect2 " You can use string arrays in resources and drawable arrays, Number and it takes that index from the array & lt; String-array name = "texts" & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; 1 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; 2 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; 3 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; 4 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; 5 & ​​lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; 6 ...

SuperCSV with null delimiter -

I am creating a file which is not actually a CSV file, but SuperSeesview helps me in creating this The easy file file structure uses different lengths for each line, after a layout, which does not separate individual information. Therefore, to know what information is in a line, you first need to see 2 characters (the name of the register), calculate the characters and remove it from the shape. I have configured SuperCasavi to clear the delimiter, however, the file being created is using a place where it should not be anything. Public class TarefaGerarArquivoRegistrosFiscais implements ITarefa {Personal Static Final CsvPreference FORMATO_ANEXO_IV = Creating new CsvPreference.Builder ('' ',' \ 0 ',' \ r \ n "). Public void processar (try {author} = new CsvListWriter (getFileWriter (), FORMATO_ANEXO_IV); writer.write (geradorRegistroU1.gerar ());} Finally {if (author! = Null) Writer. } What is the correct code for 'zero'? It probably is not...

perl - Match all uppercase words only if there's a lowercase in the string, with one regex -

I stumbled upon this seemingly insignificant question, and I'm stuck on it. I have a string in which I want to match one reggae to all uppercase words only if there is at least one lowercase letter in the string somewhere. Actually, I want each of these lines (we can assume that I will apply different regex in each line in each line, some multi-line handling is not required): ab captures ABC // matches or ABC ABC 12 CDs / matches or captures ABC, captures CD ABC Day matches or captures Nothing (no lowercase) ABC 23 Day EFG // matches or AB I have been using PCE as a ragex flavor (I know that some other flavors can be used for Variable Letter Look-back is allowed). Updates after comments Obviously, there are a lot of easy solutions if I'm using several regex or programmable languages ​​that I use to regex I'm using to call (like validate the string first, by searching for a lowercase letter, match all two uppercase words with different regex). My goal is...

java - Searching Ebean @ManyToMany -

I am working on a program that receives Tweets from twitterstream, and stores them in db. is a keyword model and a Chilean model The keyword model has several tweets, e.g. @ManyToMany list & lt; Tweets & gt; Tweets; I want to search for tweets, and only return the keyword that has been assigned to the keyword. Similar to Vanilla SQL: Tweet with , keyword K, keyword_ttt kt, where = kt.tweet_id and = kt.keyword_id How to do any idea in this play! Using EBI? Each tweet has an ID, each keyword has an ID, automatically run another table "keyword_tweet" for @ManyToMany Association. you can do something like this: public list & lt ; Tweets & gt; SearchTitts (Tweets t) {Return Tweets.find.where () .eq ("", .findList (); } as mentioned

python - Django, Mezzanine: Autodiscover error, referencing non-existent model -

I'm working on the Django project was installed by someone else, working for me earlier. There is also a mezzanine component that I am not familiar with; There is no need to use it. Suddenly, I have a mistake that I can not figure out how to decide ... I have an app 'dashboards' which has started without any model - when model was empty, Without the default from django.db import model . Today, I have added a model called banner in it, and I've added the file (as I wanted to use the Django's admin module for it). I may have restarted the foreman but I ran any migration on the never model After this, I decided to remove the definitions of the model, as well as admin. Py, because I decided to create a separate app to handle that special feature which I was working on. After restarting the foreman, Django throws an error: on the banner on the module name / import a module. Model Request Method: Get Request URL: Django Vers...

How would I select records in a database and insert them into another in MySQL? -

I am trying to copy the records from one database to another and shorten them by type. That is, all records of type "holiday" will be copied. Even when I run this statement, I still get an error. MySQL statement: In nfb_events.nfb_events INSERT (`id`,` name`, `type`,` host`, `location`,` date`, 'Start Time', 'Endime', `Description ') * Select Eagle_Events with Email. Eagle events where `type '=" vacation "; Error: Error code: 1265. Data is minimized for column 'type' in line 1 I do not understand; "Type" records are only 10 characters long. I am using MySQL workspace. I explicitly call select * : `nfb_events.nfb_events (` ID`, `name`,` type`, `host`,` location`, `date`,' start time ', endatame,` description'] , `Name`,` type`, `host ',` place`, `date`,' start time ',' end time ',' description 'eagle_sites.agles_vents' type` = 'leave'; One possib...

java - Exception during run ready code -

When I imported the written code using Eclipse and ran it as a Java application, One exception is found during This error is ... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.setBolt ( Ljava / lang / String; Lbacketype / Hurricane / Topology / IbsicBolt; Lajwa / Lang / Integer;) Review Type / Hurricane / Topology / Bolt Declarator; The code is at TopologyMain.main (TopologyMain.java18) import spouts.WordReader; Import backtype.storm.config; Import backtype.storm.LocalCluster; Import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; Import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; Import bolt Import bolt Wardenomizer; Public class topology {Main Static Virus Main (string [] AGR throws interrupted exposure {// Topology Definition Topology Builder Builder = New Topology Builder (); Builder.setSpout ("word-reader", new WordReader ()); Builder. Setball ("word-generic", new verdermlizer ()). Shuffle Group ("word-re...

prolog - How to check the type of an element in a list -

My list (which in turn is in lists) contains many different types of elements (obj1 ( ), Obj2 ( ), obj3 ..). I want to use each element in this list and only if I am currently using the element that is obj2 (_). listObj = [[obj1 (_), obj2 (_), Obj1 (_)], [obj3, obj3, obj2 (_), obj1 (_)]], foreach (( X, list oz.), %% x x oz 2 (_) - & gt; Using the value of DoSomething X, %%, otherwise leave this element). The use of lists of lists usually indicates a false representation of several systems lists But provide a flatten / 2 library that may be useful, however, if you can not escape from this representation assuming that the list of lists in your example is flattened, you To run on the list, a simple recurrence can undoubtedly be written and your They can process each criterion that satisfies your criteria. Something like this: process ([]). Process ([element | elements]): - (Element = Obj.J. 2 (ARG) -> Dow_summing (ARG); true), process (element). The description, h...

c - Bridge mac learning ageing time -

"/ sys / class / net / br0 / bridge / ageing_time" को अधिकतम मान में बदलकर बुढ़ापे का समय निर्धारित करें। # brctl showstp br0 br0 पुल आईडी 8000.001018000000 नामित रूट 8000.001018000000 .... उम्र बढ़ने का समय 4294314.45 .... लेकिन सीखा तालिका बासी होगी एक ही समय में। कोड की जांच करें, मैंने br_fdb.c में कुछ अतिप्रवाह देखा है स्थिर इनलाइन ईएफ़ एक्सचेंज (const struct net_bridge * br, const struct net_bridge_fdb_entry * fdb ) {वापसी! Fdb- & gt; is_static & amp; amp; (Time_before_eq (fdb- & gt; अपडेट किया गया + hold_time (br), jiffies)); } fdb-> अपडेट किया गया + hold_time (br) अतिप्रवाह हो जाएगा, फिर सीखा तालिका को टाइम-आउट के रूप में माना जाएगा। यह एक बग है? मुझे ऐसा लगता है लेकिन एक बग नहीं होना चाहिए, केवल एक अनुपयुक्त स्थान। यदि आप चाहते हैं कि आपके गैर-स्थिर एफडीबी प्रविष्टि की समय सीमा समाप्त न हो, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि इस अतिप्रवाह का कारण होगा- 32-बिट मशीन पर, आम तौर पर हर 50 दिन के आसपास जिंग होता है। इससे भी कुछ परेशानी का कार...

java - How to print Integer in quotes -

मुझे system.out.println () से मुद्रित करने की आवश्यकता है; आउटपुट को दिखना चाहिए "12345", "उदाहरण", "12345_simple" उदाहरण एक निरंतर शब्द है, इसलिए मैंने इसे समझ लिया लेकिन संख्या 12345 को लूप के लिए के अंदर बनाया गया है ... के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) println (i); मैं इसके चारों ओर उद्धरणों के साथ इस निर्मित संख्या को कैसे आउटपुट कर सकता हूं? इसके चारों ओर उद्धरण चिह्नों को प्रिंट करें? System.out.println ("\" "+ i +" \ "");

c - Weird seg faults on consecutive calls to the same array -

I've really worked hard to find a solution on this but I can not think enough keywords. Currently I'm having trouble with the concept behind makinggings and it is used with triple pointers (I do not know whether *** Afu means it is easy as a concept Is not ** foo or * foo). So I created my own: const char ** makeargv (char * string, int * numargs) {string = string + strspn (string, delims); Four * copy = maulok (string (string) + 1); Int i; Strcpy (copy, string); Int notebooks; If (strtok (copy, delims)! = NULL) {for (numtokens = 1; strtok (NULL, delims)! = NULL; numtokens ++} {}} strcpy (copy, string); Const char * Results [numtokens + 1]; Results [0] = Stroke (copy, Dalmis); For (i = 1; i This is where it breaks: void parse_file (char * filename) {char * line = malloc (160 * sizeof () Char)); File * fp = file_open (filename); Int i = 0; Int digit = 0; Int * Notifier = & amp; Numargs; While ((line = file_gateline (line, fp)) = null) {if (strangle (line) == 1...

ios - How would I be able to save an integer when an app is terminated and then load it again once the app is reopened? -

I'm working on an app where I need to save an int until the player decides to play the game again does not. It would be greatly appreciated if any person has guided me to save this integer using NISUER defaults, whenever the app ends, and then as soon as the application loads it is able to reload it. If there is any other information that is necessary to help you with me, then tell me! thank you in advanced! You can not save the int You will not need to save it to NSNumber : Use NSNumber * number = @ (myInt); Then you can save it (when the app ends in the application of your app deli :) :): [[NSUserDefaults standard User default] set object: number forKey: @ "number"]; [[NSUserDefaults Standard User Defaults] Synchronize]; To retrieve the value usage: NSNumber * number = [[NSUserDefaults standard standard default] stringForKey: @ "number"];

javascript - d3 - Change text label when data updates -

Using D3, I've created a bar that displays the text value of each bar on it. I'm toggling between two different data sets on one button through a click event. The data set changes successfully on the museum, i.e. the bar graph should be changed to size, but I am unable to change the text labels on the bars. My RedText function does nothing, and my Duty is calling the text function again, again only the data is highlighted at the top of the previous label (as it would be one). I am looking for a way to remove the old label and replicate the label showing the new data within your deleted text function. Here is my Draw Text function, which is initially called 'Dataschoo' variable to create a label that is selected to graph the proper data set. function draw text (dataschow) {new_svg.selectAll ("text.dataChoose"). Data (select data) ent ("text"). Text (function (d) {return d;}) / * some transax code * / .attr ("fill", "white"...

joomla3.0 - How to add custom validation code after validate.js -

I want to add a custom verification handler for Joomla's default client side verification class, e.g. window.addEvent ('domready', function () {document.formvalidator.setHandler ('birth', function (value) {regex = / ^ \ d {4} - \ d { 2} - \ d {2} $ /; Recharge regex.test (value);});}); I want it in JS file for component. The problem I am facing is that the custom handler should be defined after the recognition class, so it needs to be shown later: & lt; Script src = "/ media / system / js / validate js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; I com_mycomponent / site / mycomponent.php $ document-> but the announcement will appear before valid.js. Thanks $ document- & gt; ascript ( ...) The scripts added with the document object will appear here. then it should be the top of the page at the top If you are adding window addEvent through the adspip, The formvalidator runs...

Confidence Interval for Mu in a Log normal Distributions in R -

Suppose that our parameters are a random sample of size n = 8 with an unusual distribution with mu and sigma, suppose Since this is a small sample, I am using confidence interval from a non-general population. I ran a simulation to determine the true (simulated) CI in a 90% T-CI in which Mu = 1 and sigma = 1.5 My problem is that my code follows normal distribution below And it needs to be an abnormal distribution. I know that the Ranomum has to be transformer so that random variables can come from log distribution. But I need to change mu and sigma. In normal distribution, mu and sigma are not equal in log delivery. Log in delivery = exp (μ + 1/2 σ ^ 2) in mu. And sigma XP (2 (μ + sigma ^ 2)) - Exp 2 (μ + sigma ^ 2) I'm just confused by how I incorporated these two equations into my code Can i BTW- If you do not anticipate already, then I am very new to R. Any help would be appreciated! MC Edit: So I tried to replace Mu and SD with my related sources ... (mu = ...

sql server - Access 2010 upsize to Azure -

I am trying to make an exception to the Access 2010 Backend database for Ezur by using the Access Upsize Wizard. I have no problem locating this for my SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Express locally. I get an error for the first time when I try to update Azer ... stored The functionality xp_msver could not be found Then there is an error ... The Upsizing Wizard does not work with the version of Microsoft SQL Server in which your access project is connected. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads. I think this last error is entirely due to the first error. Is it not possible to upset Azur? UPDATE: I tried to export SQL Server Management Studio Export / Import Wizard to export Azure from my local SQL Server 2008 R2. For the first time thought that this could work, but then there is an error on a table "Tables without table packages are not supported in this version of SQL Server." I possibly can modify the initial tables, bu...

Linux has No C Man Pages -

It is weird that I recently installed a system called "Samplice" Linux, an operating system and is based on Debian and crunchbank ( Lightweight and openbox-oriented) are very similar. On one side, I can not execute any command for man printf or for that matter. But, I can run man echo and man cat and other Linux commands, but no command. I already have it running: mandb no profit. Note: I did not have to install C (build-required or libc6 or anything) manually.

java - How do you print out the division calculated for each pair of variables on the same line? -

updated I am trying to create a grid that shows the variable numOne and num2 two Aliquot or not together. Basically, I want to see the result like this 1 2 3 4 .... 1 tresult tResult tResult tResult .... 2 tRsult tResult tResult tResult .... 3 tRsult TResult tResult TResult .... 4 tRsult tResult tResult tResult .... 5 tResult tResult tResult tResult ..... tResult (x% y) or (1% 1) ( 2% 1) and so on. And also, the grid input can be bigger or smaller than the user writing for numOne and num2. I am trying to figure out how the layout of this grid has been started using System.out.print () for each count, except for the first time, X amount of TRS ults After initializing numOne to print one. This is probably not the best way from there, but since I'm starting, the only thing I can do is print out stuff. Besides, the problem I am facing is that I am not getting the result which I want. I have the code: int x = 1; Int y = 1; Int numOne; Int numTwo; Scanner input = new j...

excel vba - run-time error 13 with code - Clearing Contents of cells -

I currently have a spreadsheet that tells me whether an associate is chosen for the journey when I I clean the material on the cell so I am fine, but if I clean more than one cell at a time, I get a run-time error 13. Is there any way to remove this error? The sub-worksheet's flag (Voltage target as the range) is not variable as dim res, if there is no difference (target, range ("A5: A550")) then anything Not res = application.CountIfs (range ("A5: A550"), target, _ range ("M5: M550"), "Associate") If not then ether (RAC) again if register & gt; 0 then MsgBox "You have chosen an ally for this trip!" End end if ending sub unchecked: Sub-worksheet tags (Volt targets in the form of range) dim res such as variant, Sea Range, range range, I have long set RNG = app Insases (target, m range ("A5: A550")) If RNG is nothing then I = 0 in each c. Rng.cells res = Application.CountIfs (range ("A5: A550"),...

newrelic - Configure hostname for Windows Server agent -

We are monitoring several Windows machines with the same hostname, which is using the New Runt Server Monitoring Agent. It seems that there is no way to dispute between these two machines. Only a new residual appears in the dashboard. Only one appears. Is there a way to configure this scenario in an agent or elsewhere? Like to give a nickname or something to a server? While we do not recommend it because the relationship between the hostnames you reported in the UI, you It can change through a registry key To correct the problem, an optional hostname can be assigned to one or more hosts in the New Rick through the registry. Here's how: Open Registry Editor. Browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ New Relic \ Server Monitor \ . Add or update Host with a new value. Restart New Relic Windows Server Monitor Service .

python - Not getting a response from wait_read_frame() -

I can not get Python-XB library to get feedback from my remote router. Local Xbee is a coordinator API, they are connected, the remote is a router AT. This is not a connection problem because I can use XCTU to send and receive remote packets without any problem. I am using Series 2 xbs. I added a class to help parse serial responses. It prints fine for local 'A' orders, but all 'remote_at' commands are suspended; no response has been printed. I can issue a remote_it command (without waiting for the response) and it has been processed properly by remote XBI Removing the remote command hanging on wait_read_frame (). I have tried to wait a few minutes, but it is stuck now. I can copy the D1 input pin and return its position (High \ x05 , Low \ x04 or \ x00 ) Here is the code that I am using to debug. I wrong? Serial import serial port = '/ dev / ttyAMA0' myRouter = 'a big long hex string ...' xbee import xbeee import-time at DEF message_rec...

sql - Play Framework: JPA one-to-many relationship between three entities? -

I am creating a web application using the play framework and I have problems creating database models using this schema I'm running in ** Client ** - (many many) - ** events ** / / (many from one) (multiple to one) \ / ** Comments ** I am able to create and add relationships event event = new event ("party"); Client Client = New Client ("", "fname", "lname", "street", "phononam"); Comment Comment = New Comment ("Comment!"); // Relationships add client.addEvent (event); Event.addClient (customer); Event.add Comment (comment); Comment.addEvent (event); Event.addClient (customer); Client.add Comment (comment); But when I try to continue with the data (); (); (); I get an error [error] test commentModelTest.Test ClientAventment failed: javax.preistence.PersistenceException: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unique index or primary key violation: ...

search - Searching in only one subarray of 3d array in Processing -

I have an int value of the 3D array and I want to search only for one particular value with only one eyebrows. While I can loop my way through every possible combination of the following code. array [numerical] [1-255 [1-255]; It seems like overkill I have come across the foreach type and thought that my search might be the answer, but either it is not or I want to work it well Does it not understand why someone can suggest how it should be done? This foreach and for for loop will have almost identical processing time for an array of that size though it It may seem that it is not overkill, then you will need to triple nested for the loop, after that you will need to see a statement that the number you want.

PHP json encoding with traditional/simplified Chinese character -

I had a problem with PHP / traditional / simplified Chinese character encoding. I did some research but mysql_set_charset ('utf8'); Header ("content-type: text / html; charset = UTF8"); did not work for me Top of the page: Header ('content-type: text / html; charset = UTF-8');

c# - Push Notification for windows phone 7 -

I am creating an application for Windows Phone 7 where I need to add push notifications in some time, Whenever some new data has been added to the application, can anyone suggest me how to do this from the backend? I googled it but did not get much help. Please tell me the procedure to do this. ASP.NET can send notifications to the browser. For this, a sample can be found here in the Windows Phone Dev Center sample. Alternatively, you can use PHP to send push notifications too. The overall steps for getting this type will be as follows: Under the app, enter the code to implement push notifications A new push notification channel Create and subscribe to the device on that channel. On successful subscription, use a unique push notification URI Push Notification URR in the ASP.NET sample page and some dummy Send content. Or alternatively use the following code for PHP: $ uri = " your push notification URI " $ notif = new WindowsPhoneNotification ($ ...

objective c - ios how to retrieve the email addresses from contacts,mail? -

I want to recover the user's email ID in the contact and mail app in the device. This is the only search field to display results in the search text to search the user's email ID and the corrupted table. And the need to search in the contact and mail of the user email id. Nobody can help me. You can not take any information from on iDevice apple sandbox rules of this type With contacts - it is possible you should read the address structure There are Apple Documents on this:

security - ajax login procedure - is using salt and hash is really neccessary? -

I am sending a password which informs the user without any ambiguity. I have read the following suggestions before sending the data. : Ask the server for a seed value (a salt) using an AJAX request password + seed using sha 1 amount Do these steps actually implement security in any way? The salt is not going to be unique, so everyone can get it. Salting algorithm is available to everyone because it applies to a customer, Sha1 Amount Algorithm is also available so that no one can use it to use the password. So what's the benefit? As far as I know these steps () salt is unique to every session, therefore Every login attempt will get its own, separate salt. Please consult your sources if this is the case, even then. The customer sends the hash of the password after reading the salt for the current logging process and sends the server to the server which compares it to the password is muted + salt

Calling an XPage through ajax call -

परिदृश्य एक बटन के साथ लोटस डोमिनोज़ फार्म जो कि अजाक्स कॉल करता है एक एक्सपेन के लिए, जो कुछ सामान करते हैं (एक गुण फ़ाइल पढ़ते हैं)। फ़्रेमवर्क: प्रोटोटाइप.जेएस बटन कोड: var अब = नया दिनांक () var n = $ H ({........ अब: now.getTime ()}); Var url = "/" + $ F ("पथ") + "/myxpages.xsp"; Var myAjax = नया Ajax.Request (url, {method: 'post', पैरामीटर: n.toQueryString (), onComplete: फ़ंक्शन (प्रतिक्रिया) {ajaxResult = response.responseText;}}); Xpage myxpages.xsp इस SSJS कोड को afterPageLoad ईवेंट पर है var अनुरोध = facesContext.getExternalContext ()। GetRequest (); Var प्रतिक्रिया = चेहरों Context.getExternalContext ()। GetResponse (); Response.setHeader ("समाप्ति", -1); Response.setHeader ("कैश-नियंत्रण", "नो-कैश"); (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया); MyGetProperties वर्ग यह वर्ग WebContent / WEB-INF / classes में तैनात है सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyGetPropertie...

cross compiling - how to call a matlab function with arguments and capture output in java? -

I want to know how to call and execute a matlab function with parameters like Java and capture the output in Java. I see different options. Create a jar with your code, use builder ja , which is a third party automation server: MatlabControl Use java, which allows matlab jre to run matlab code from java. While Builder JA is expensive and option 2 and 3 can be found in Trouble with future Mac versions, then there is another possibility of using Matlab which probably does not cause any maintenance. For parameters and return, I will use a file The main disadvantage is a new matab session that starts for each call, which requires some time.

quickbooks - XSL for generating QBXML -

I am generating qbxml using domain parser. I believe qbxml should be in such a sequence. Is there any XLL available for generating QBXil using XML parser? Thanks in advance. XSD files are available in the Validator directory included in the SDK. C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Intuit \ IDN \ General \ Tools \ Validator

debian based - Installing VMware Workstation issue (Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module") -

All! Just trying to install VMware workstation 10 in Black Linux and get the following error: GTK-message: Failed to load the "Canberra-GTK-module" module: libcanberra-gtk-module .so: Can not share object file: no such file or directory where troubleshooting should be started? to again for GTK errors: Canberra-gtk -Module, they are forbidden. You can ignore them I get the same GTK-message, but installation is still going on.

android - How to implement the gmail notification? -

I have a scenario in which a similar effect should be applied to the Gmail App Notification. At the time of closing the notification, if you are looking at screenshots, the archive and the reply view are overlapped by the email text view. Please suggest any suggestion thanks After updating the notifications you can create them. See for more information.

c# - Excel worksheet get item -

I have problems with Excel worksheet I am trying to create an Excel file with C #. This code works and runs properly on my computer, but there is an error in the last line in other computers: Excel application xlApp; Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook; Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheetInvoice; Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheetInvoiceLine; Object Mist Value = System. reflection. missing. Value; XlApp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application (); XlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add (MySQL); XlWorkSheetInvoice = (Excel Worksheet) xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item (1); XlWorkSheetInvoiceLine = (Excel Worksheet) xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item (2); System. Runtime Interp Services COMException (0x8002000B): Exception from Invalid Index (Office in Microsoft: 0x8002000b (DIP_obaidxx)) Office.interop.excel Sheets.Tet IITM (object index) This post adds a new Excel Your situation can help to create:

Batch parse devcon.exe -

Currently I have a script that is perfect on Windows 7, using pnputil. This script is looking for specific drivers, and deletes it. /p "token = *" %% for B ( "%% a") (If "%% B" similar "Fteediai" (eco delete .....! line 1 Preeri !! Wainder% \ Sisinetiv \ pnputil - F -d! Line1prior!) other ( set "line1prior = %% b")) to add I support Win XP do so DevCon is the perfect job but I still parsing the output of devcon.exe There is a problem ... the output is different. Each row for PnPutul is delimited with " : ", but "* devcon.exe dp_name *" looks different ... can anyone help me? I used devcon.exe from here: Try it out: @echo offlocal enable the extension / f "tokens = 1 delims = made []:" %% a in ( 'devcon dp_enum ^ | Find / N "FTDI"') ( set / a "line 1 Overseas = %% a-2" for / f "tokens = 1 delims = *" %% b ( 'devcon dp_enum ^ | more +! Line1prior...

sql server - SSRS report with AS/400 data source keep running while in design preview is OK -

I have developed the SSR report on SQL Server 2008 R2 BI , The report receives purchase order data from our ERP server, which is on the AS / 400 platform . I used ODBC to connect to the AS / 400 database when I was designing the report with the correct result 'preview' Can be displayed in the mode. But when I published the report on SSRS server and I tried both the shared data source and the embedded data source, the results were the same. I also clicked 'Test Connection' in the data source, there was no response. I think the problem is on the ASR / 400 on the SSRs connection, but I do not know why 'preview' works by looking at the error message, I think the preview mode In SSIS, a OK, you can increase the time limit on SSIS. But the right way to fix things will either improve the performance of the query with additional indexes and / or modify the query to obtain fewer rows. Do you have any idea how many lines you...

php - How to start list of names from name "image100" and set limit 100 next names? -

मेरे पास एक स्क्रिप्ट है: foreach (ग्लोब ('/ res / images / * .jpg ') के रूप में $ filename) {$ filename = basename ($ filename, ".jpg"); $ Items = "$ filename & lt; br & gt;"; } $ आइटम लौटें; आउटपुट एक फ़ाइल नाम है: image1 image2 ... छवि 16354327 प्रश्न : नाम image100 से नामों की सूची कैसे आरंभ करें और 100 नए नाम सेट करें? कोशिश करें: foreach (array_slice (glob ('/ res / images / image100 * .jpg '), 0, 100) $ फ़ाइल नाम) {$ filename = basename ($ filename, ".jpg"); $ Items = "$ filename & lt; br & gt;"; }

Add Column If Not Exists in Postgresql -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: है postgresql ( 9.3.2 ) एक नया स्तंभ जोड़ने से पहले एक स्तंभ के अस्तित्व को जांच सकते हैं? मैं अस्तित्व की जांच करने के लिए सिर्फ एक फ़ंक्शन नहीं बनाना चाहता हूं। बस इस तरह से: वैकल्पिक तालिका में मौजूद नहीं है तो तालिका का नाम कॉलम कॉलम_नाम डेटा_प्रकार; आपको अपने स्वयं की संग्रहीत कार्यविधि को plpgsql में लिखना होगा ताकि यह जांच सके कि तालिका क्या है इस कॉलम में है इसके लिए आपको तालिकाओं PG_ATTRIBUTE और PG_CLASS की आवश्यकता होगी जहां Postgres स्कीमा मेटाडेटा को संग्रहीत करता है और विशेष रूप से कॉलम और तालिकाओं के बारे में जानकारी क्रमशः। क्वेरी जिसका परिणाम आपको अपनी संग्रहीत कार्यविधि में जांचना होगा जैसे शामिल हों: SELECT A.ATTNAME से PG_ATTRIBUTE A, PG_CLASS C जहां एटट्र्रेडिट = सीओआईडी और एएटीटीएन = 'column_name_check_if_exists' और crelname = 'table_name';

Difference between Selenium RC and Selenium Webdriver? -

selenium rc: Selenium commands are sent to the proxy server Proxy server converts selenium command to javascript And it will inject the browser. Selenium WebDriver: Selenium Commands is done by Selenium API and will pass the Selenium API command for Browser Native API and it will be executed. I'm right if this is wrong. Selenium WebDr is the successor to Selenium Remote Control (RC), which is officially disliked @

html - Merge borders among DIV -

यहां आप जाएं: & lt; div id = "weapons_main" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कॉल 1" & gt;। & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कॉल 1" & gt;। & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "स्पष्ट" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; 1 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; 2 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस: #weapons_main {-moz-box-sizing: सीमा-बॉक्स; पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: #FFFFFF; सीमा: पतली ठोस # 869 बीबीएफ; सीमा-पतन: पतन; मार्जिन: 0 ऑटो; चौड़ाई: 80%; } #weapons_main div {background-color: # EFF0FB; सीमा: ठोस 5px लाल; -वेबकिट-बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; / * सफ़ारी / क्रोम, अन्य वेबकिट * / -मोज़-बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; / * फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स, अन्य गीको * / बॉक्स आकार: सीमा-बक्सा; / * ओपेरा / आईई 8 + * / सीमा-पतन: पतन; } #weapons_main .col1 {चौड़ाई: 50%; बाईंओर तैरना; -वेबकिट-बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; / * सफ़ारी / क्रोम, अन्य वेबकिट * / -मोज़-बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; / * ...