python - Django, Mezzanine: Autodiscover error, referencing non-existent model -
I'm working on the Django project was installed by someone else, working for me earlier. There is also a mezzanine component that I am not familiar with; There is no need to use it. Suddenly, I have a mistake that I can not figure out how to decide ...
I have an app 'dashboards' which has started without any model - when model was empty, Without the default from django.db import model
. Today, I have added a model called banner
in it, and I've added the file (as I wanted to use the Django's admin module for it). I may have restarted the foreman but I ran any migration on the never model
After this, I decided to remove the definitions of the model, as well as admin. Py, because I decided to create a separate app to handle that special feature which I was working on. After restarting the foreman, Django throws an error:
More specifically, in:
. In & lt; / Module & gt; Admin.autodiscover () ... autodiscover django_autodiscover (* args, ** kwargs) in local wars / home / immigration /www/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mezzanine/boot/ .. ▶ Local Wars
I searched all my sources, of course I am not importing 'banner' anywhere. What is the correct way to clean it completely?
If you are not importing banners anywhere (e) searching through your codebase This should be confirmed), you can compile the python files, even then can refer to the old content.
I can not really reproduce it, but in such a way many times in the problems, especially cryptic appears in the import errors.
Find a good old -name "* .pyc" | As always, be careful with
commands - do not ever trust, triple checks you have written * .pc or backup / version control .
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