java - Exception during run ready code -

When I imported the written code using Eclipse and ran it as a Java application, One exception is found during

This error is ...

  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.setBolt ( Ljava / lang / String; Lbacketype / Hurricane / Topology / IbsicBolt; Lajwa / Lang / Integer;) Review Type / Hurricane / Topology / Bolt Declarator; The code is  

at TopologyMain.main (TopologyMain.java18)

  import spouts.WordReader; Import backtype.storm.config; Import backtype.storm.LocalCluster; Import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; Import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; Import bolt Import bolt Wardenomizer; Public class topology {Main Static Virus Main (string [] AGR throws interrupted exposure {// Topology Definition Topology Builder Builder = New Topology Builder (); Builder.setSpout ("word-reader", new WordReader ()); Builder. Setball ("word-generic", new verdermlizer ()). Shuffle Group ("word-reader"); Builder. Setball ("word-counter", new word counter), 1) .FilidShowing ("word-normal", new field ("word")); // configuration configuration conf = new configuration (); Conf.put ("wordfile", args [0]); Onf.setDebug (wrong); // topology conf conf.put (config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING, 1); LocalCluster cluster = new localcluster (); Cluster submitTopology ("start-top-blogie", conf, builder.createTopology ()); Thread.Sleep (1000); Cluster.shutdown (); }}  

Perhaps you modified your TopologyBuilder class Or a jar of that class because this type of error indicates that your collection-time and run-time versions of classes are not the same, that is, the class has been modified in some way after compiling your program. In particular, the program was compiled with the setBolt () method, and after that, the method was removed, its name was changed or altered within it. Class


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