java - Searching Ebean @ManyToMany -
I am working on a program that receives Tweets from twitterstream, and stores them in db.
is a keyword model and a Chilean model
The keyword model has several tweets, e.g.
@ManyToMany list & lt; Tweets & gt; Tweets;
I want to search for tweets, and only return the keyword that has been assigned to the keyword. Similar to Vanilla SQL: Tweet with
, keyword K, keyword_ttt kt, where = kt.tweet_id and = kt.keyword_id
How to do any idea in this play! Using EBI?
Each tweet has an ID, each keyword has an ID, automatically run another table "keyword_tweet" for @ManyToMany Association.
you can do something like this:
public list & lt ; Tweets & gt; SearchTitts (Tweets t) {Return Tweets.find.where () .eq ("", .findList (); }
as mentioned
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