
Showing posts from August, 2010

c++ - What kind of of object does this function return? -

कल्पना करो कि आपके पास इस तरह की स्थिति है: वर्ग वर्गनाम {...} ClassName func () {className cl; ... वापसी सीएल; } Int main () {... func (); } फ़ंक्शन func () वापस जब आप इसे प्रोग्राम के शरीर में कहते हैं? ऑब्जेक्ट cl की एक अस्थायी प्रतिलिपि? मुझे यह समझ में नहीं आता है, क्योंकि फ़ंक्शन func () के निकाय में आप पता & amp; cl प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, लेकिन अगर आप कॉल करने का प्रयास करते हैं तो आपको एक त्रुटि मिलती है फ़ंक्शन के अंदर और (func ()) मुख्य () । फ़ंक्शन के अंदर आप किसी तथाकथित लार्वेल के साथ काम कर रहे हैं, जो किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ बात कर रहे हैं, क्योंकि पता निर्दिष्ट है क्योंकि वस्तु को स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित किया गया है। फ़ंक्शन का रिटर्न वैल्यू एक अस्थायी ऑब्जेक्ट है (यह एक तथाकथित रैवल्यू है) इसका पता ज्ञात नहीं है हम नहीं जानते कि कंपाइलर कहां ऑब्जेक्ट को परिभाषित करता है। इसलिए हम ऑपरेटर और amp; एक अस्थायी वस्तु के लिए। एक और समान उदाहरण struct A {int x; }; ए एफ () {रिटर्न ए (); } Int main () {f ()। X = 10; // यहां कम्पाइलर एक त्रुटि जारी कर...

java - Android buttonimage shake animation -

I'm new to Android and looking for a way to shake my button to click on the click. I've got it yet, but it crashes all the time or if you click it, then nothing works; I hope you guys can help me if I forget anything Say it. The code can be messy. I have found an anonymous folder. With Shakeanim.xml code: activity_main.xml & lt; Relative layout xmlns: android = " / apk / res / android" xmlns: tool = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height Android: paddingBottom = "@ Dimen / activity_vertical_margin" Android: paddingLeft = "@ Dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingRight = "@ Dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingTop = "@ Dimen / activity_vertical_margin" tool: reference = ". MainActivity "& gt; & Lt; ImageButton android: id = "@ + id / imageButton1" Android:...

c# - Process, appcmd and arguments format error. Why? -

I found this error: Failed to process input: starting with parameter 'C: \ test.xml' Should a / or - (HRESULT = 80070057) I am trying to export my IIS websites with APCMD, but I can not use this command in C #, but if I manually copy it to CMD Exe this work "list site / config / xml> c: \ test.xml", I also tried "list site / config / xml> c: / test. Xml" var pro2 = new process (); Pro2.StartInfo.FileName = "C: \ Windows \ System32 \ inetsrv \ appcmd.exe"; Pro2.StartInfo.Arguments = "list site / config / xml> C: /test.xml"; Pro2.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; Pro2.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Pro2.StartInfo.LoadUserProfile = True; Pro2.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True; Pro2.Start (); EventLog.WriteEntry (pro2.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ()); Pro2.WaitForExit (); Pro2.Close (); What do I do wrong? Save characters in C #, especially "\". Use a double backslash or @.

c# - output a query column value to a div -

I have a div: and I want to run a query in the database when the page load is loaded from the database to populate with a value. But do not believe how here is your query in codebehind:. public partial class print_request: System.Web.UI.Page {public static object getProjectByID (int id) using {(dbPSREntities11 myEntities = new dbPSREntities11 ()) {var thisProject = myEntities. TbProjects.Where (x => x.ProjectID == ID); Var column = thisProject.Select (x = & gt; new {x.ProjectContactFirstName, x.ProjectContactListName, x.refDepartmentID, x.refAuthSignerID, x.ProjectAccountNum, x.ProjectContactInfo, x.refBuildingID, x.ProjectRoomNum, x.ProjectWorkType, X Project Description, X. Project Manager ID, X. Management Account, X.StartDet, X Project ContactAmil}). Tooltest (); Return column; }} Secure Zero Page_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {string id = Request.QueryString ["id"]. ToString (); GetProjectByID (Convert.ToInt32 (ID)); TxtContactFirstPrint.InnerHtml =...

javascript - D3 choropleth map with legend -

The combined population is showing me that there is a small map of the total population. I want to add a legend to the map showing the quantitative values. I have seen other similar questions about this subject but for my specific case it may not seem to work. I know that I need to include color range or color domain but it is not certain that this is the right way. As of now, only one characteristic appears in the legend, can it be that the characteristics of all the legends are placed on top of each other, how can I definitely know and how can I fix it. // Define default alienation scheme var colorchemeselect = "greens"; Var colorScheme = colorbrewer [colorSchemeSelect]; // Defines the default number of definitions var volume = 5; // To define the data value in the colors of the colors of the characters, define a static scale color color = D3. Scale.cttill (.) Rangage (ColorSm [volume]); D3.csv (data, function (data) {color.domain ([d3.min (data, function (d) {return...

ios - How to remove everything from superview -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 14 उत्तरों व्यक्तिगत रूप से RemoveFromSubview हर चीज के लिए मैं निकालना चाहता हूं, मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि क्या ऐसा कुछ है जो सब कुछ को पर्यवेक्षण से निकालता है। मैं इस के लिए श्रेणी विधि का उपयोग कर रहा हूं @interface UIView (अतिरिक्त) - (शून्य) हटायें allSubviews @end @implementation UIView (अतिरिक्त ) - (शून्य) निकाले सभी SUBviews {के लिए (UIView * subviews में subviews) [subview removalFromSuperview]; } @end तो आप कॉल कर सकते हैं [self.superview removeAllSubviews]; पर्यवेक्षण से सब कुछ निकालना।

sql - MySQL Databases Corrupted -

We run a MySQL database 5.5 server on a Windows Server 2008 R2 KVM VPS, where our systems will automatically run for customers Set up new databases as needed. Tomorrow the entire space was completely separate / partition (there was no file from MySQL DB) but it appears that the MySQL database has been corrupted. In the review of the log files, I can see that InnoDB is corrupt but what is the problem or how to solve it can not create a head or tail, anybody can help understand the meaning of these errors So, can I be able to improve it? Thread Pointer: Trying 0x0 Backtrack You can use the following information to know where mysqld died from. If you do not see any messages after this, then something went wrong ... 00000001401198 BD mysqld.exe! My_osmaperr () 000000014011E79A mysqld.exe! My_osmaperr () 0000000140159697 mysqld.exe! My_osmaperr () 0000000140159F53 mysqld.exe! My_osmaperr () 00000001400F05AD mysqld exe! My_osmaperr () 00000001400F07C8 mysqld.exe! My_osmaperr () 0000...

ruby on rails - Remove paperclip images Active Admin -

I want to be able to delete images within my editing form using formtastic in Active_admin. There are many posts about this but I do not seem to fit it with my setup for some reason. I have a post model and a news images model that holds pictures for each post: Class posts & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is: Medium: News_imes, Dependent :: Approves to delete: _state_data_manufacturer: Newsmize, permission_decurity: true end class newsmase & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: post has_attached_file: photo end So whatever I have read in my flag, it can be added to our news image model, and before saving that method, Will remove the image. I envision it to look like this, but clicking on the checkbox is wont to delete the image. # / admin / post.rb f.has_many: news_images do | P | If p.object.new_record? P.input: Photo, as: file another p.input: photo, as :: file ,: hint = & gt; P.template.image_tag ( (thumbs)) p.input: remove_image, as :: bullion,...

javascript - backbone relational validate related field -

I am using spinal cord with the DEGENGO TISSPEE and I have a problem in the verification relationship. We say, I have an original model with valid method: MyModel = Backbone Relational model. Extension ({urlRoot: '/ api / v1 / sampleNameDel /', relation: [{type: backbone hace, key: 'box', related model: 'boxmodel', INCLUDED INJSON: 'id'}], validate: Function ( {console.log ('attry name verification failed'); Return "Sea Monster! Name is required!";} (! {console.log ('etr Box validation failed '); console.log (; return "no no! You forgot to set up the box!";}}}); In some scenarios, I am creating a new MyModel instance with the box as the resource of another object: var BoxUri = '/ API / V1 / box / 3' var pnmodel = new mimodel (); NewModel.set ('Box', BoxUri); NewModel.set ('name', 'new name for model'); And here's the meritum ... when I...

ruby - Gitlab unicorn webserver either does not listen or reply on 8080 -

GitLab can be started and can be shown as running. When running Curl, it fails with HTTP 503. There are no interesting entries in Unicorn.stider.log or Unicorn.Studout.log. Version: GitLab 6.5.1 Apache 2.4.6 Ubuntu 13.10 site-available / & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; The servername DocumentRoot / home / git / gitlab / public & lt; Directory / home / git / gitlab / public> Allow all options - Multi Views & lt; / Directory & gt; ProxyPS / Upload! ProxyPass / ProxyPrevers / at ProxyPreserveHost & lt; / VirtualHost & gt; config / unicorn.rb: worker_processes 2 listen "/ home / git / gitlab / tmp / Chairs / gitlab.socket ",: backlog = & gt; 64 "Listen to" ,: tcp_nopush = & gt; True Timeout 900 config / gitlab.yml: gitlab: ## host web server settings: git Port: 80 https: false ...

ios - Create a class with commonly-used methods -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक मैं कई बार इसका उपयोग करूँगा। हम जावास्क्रिप्ट में कहते हैं कि मैं एक "तरीके" फ़ाइल बनाना चाहता हूं, मैं एक फाइल बनाऊँगा जिसे functions.js कहा जाता है, और उस पर मेरे कार्यों को लिखना, जैसे निम्नलिखित functions.js: फ़ंक्शन myAlert (संदेश) {चेतावनी (संदेश); } अगर मैं इस फ़ाइल को मेरे एचटीएमएल सिर में शामिल करता हूँ, तो मैं mAlert () से कहीं भी कॉल कर सकता हूँ जब तक कि मैंने फ़ंक्शन शामिल किए हैं। Js क्या उद्देश्य-सी में ऐसा कोई भी काम करने का कोई तरीका है? उस फ़ाइल को बनाया जाना चाहिए, और जहां / उन्हें कैसे शामिल करना है, और कैसे तरीकों को कॉल करना है? आपके पास कुछ विकल्प हैं। कक्षाओं में कक्षा के तरीकों को शामिल किया जा सकता है, जो कक्षा द्वारा किया जाता है कक्षा के एक उदाहरण के बजाय स्वयं। आप शुरुआत में एक "+" के बजाय एक वर्ग विधि घोषित करते हैं: + (शून्य) aClassMethod; फिर आप इसे क्लास के नाम के आधार पर कहते हैं: [MyClass aClassMethod]; जब तक किसी दिए गए फ़ाइल में MyCl...

c# - Create wrapper to hide implementation details for data structures -

I have some integration (such as salesforce) that I would like to hide behind a product-an agnostic cover (rather than a CRMsige class) Salesforce service category). It seems quite easy that I can only create a CRmService class and use the SalesforceService class as an implementation description in the CRmService, however, there is a problem Salesforce service offers some exceptions and anomes Uses it would be strange if my CRMServa threw the Salesforce exception or you needed to use the Salesforce anman. How can I complete any thoughts that I want right? EDIT: Currently, I'm holding Salesforce and throwing my own custom for exceptions, I'm not sure what though I should do for enums though. I think I can map my own providers-Wikipedia staff, but I'm looking for a common solution that can be cleaner than doing this mapping. If this is my only option (to map them), then it is fine, just trying to get ideas. In short, the answer is that you are on the right tr...

soa - WSO2 good practice with many service calls in a sequence -

I am working on a fixed sequence which requires the following: If XML is available with XML data, call Getty Data Service to get GetNew data service, get ID and update it in property call with Statatus data service parameter ID and calling process processing process order, X MEL passes the data, if the return success call is the outer SetStatus service with SUCCESS, otherwise call the external SetStatus service as well as caller updatestatus data service again with no parameter ID and processing otherwise To do this, I have created the following sequence: Payload - To create GetNew request callout - To call GetNew data service property - To save the ID from the affected new message filter - Verify if ID property exists - Clone payload - SSING request callout to create an UpdateStatus PROCE - Call UpdateStatus xslt - Send GetNew to processor from XML - Processorder Endpoint Out Property - Save the response to the processor order response payloads - Setstatus Request Callout...

python - How to write a DownloadHandler for scrapy that makes requests through socksipy? -

I'm trying to use scraper on the tooth, I'm about to write a download handler for Skype connection I'm trying to get Scrapy's HTTP11DownloadHandler is here: Here's an example to create a custom download: Handler: Here's the code to create a Soxiphone connection class: class SocksiPyConnection (httplib.HTTPConnection): def __init __ (auto, proxy type, proxydir, proxyport = none, rdns = true, user name = none, password = none, * args, ** kwargs): self.proxyargs = (proxy type, proxydir, proxyport, rdns, username, password) httplib.HTTPConnection .__ init __ ( Auto, * args, ** kwargs) Def Connect (self): self.sock = socks.socksocket () self.sock.setproxy (* self.proxyargs) if isinstance (self.timeout, float): self.sock.settimeout (Self.timeout) self.sock .connect ((, self.port)) With the complexity of twisted reactors in the scanner code, I do not understand how Plug socksipy in it. Any ideas? Please do not reply with confidential options ...

php - CI Instances function -

I was looking for a post here that help me to learn the CI variables and examples for globalization. I could get this great post. The problem with this is that when I tried to do it in my own application, I got the following error. Fatal error: Call in undefined function CI () on line 6 ... / application / core / MY_Controller.php I'm not sure Is that why is it that someone can expand on that? & lt ?? Php if (define ('basepace')) exit ('no direct script entry is allowed'); Class MY_Controller CI_Controller {Public $ Module; Public function __ composition () {origin: __ creation (); CI () - & gt; Module = $ this- & gt; Module = $ this- & gt; Router- & gt; Fetch_module (); } Function ci () {static $ CI; Released ($ CI) || $ CI = CI_Controller :: get_instance (); Return $ CI; }} You are defining the function in your class, so referring to you As an example method, it must be $ this-> ci () -> gt; Module = $ this- ...

c - How can I free all mallocated keys and values? -

संपादित करें मैं इस तरह gtith बना देता हूं: gtree * T = g_tree_new_full ((GCompareDataFunc) g_ascii_strusecmp, NULL, free_data, free_data); मेरे पास मुफ्त कार्य है: शून्य मुक्त_डेटा (gpointer डेटा) {निशुल्क (डेटा); } मैं इस तरह से सामग्री डालें: इंट होल इनस्ट्रॉमेंटेललाइस्ट (GTree * पेड़) {printf ("HoleInstrumentenListe \ n"); FILE * fp = fopen ("cfg / InstrumentList_FULL.csv", "आरबी"); Char * line = NULL; Size_t len ​​= 0; Ssize_t पढ़ा; Int * pQotStatus; If (fp == NULL) {printf ("Konnte Instrumentenliste nicht laden \ n"); निकास (FAILLoadInstrumentList); } जबकि ((read = getline (& amp; line, & amp; len, fp)) = -1) {char * p1; Int * p2 = malloc (sizeof (इंट)); P1 = स्ट्रॉटोक (रेखा, "|"); * पी 2 = एटॉय (स्ट्रॉटोक (NULL, "|")); यदि ((pQotStatus = (int *) g_tree_lookup (पेड़, पी 1)) = = नल) {* p2 = (* pQotStatus | (1 & lt; (* p2-1)); } और {* p2 = (1 & lt; & lt; (* p2-1)); } G_tree_inert (व...

r - How to plot several curve segments on the same graph? -

seg1 & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (टी) 0.01000000 + 0.01021486 * t + 0.00915602 * t ^ 2-0.01485179 * t ^ 3 वक्र (सेग 1, 0, 2/12) सेग 2 और लेफ्टिनेंट- फ़ंक्शन (टी) 0.01145666 + 0.00758914 * टी + 0.01521279 * टी ^ 2 + 0.09378380 * टी ^ 3 वक्र (सीजी 2, 2/12, 5/12) सेग 3 & Lt; - फ़ंक्शन (टी) 0.00000000 + 0.02320514 * t + 0.00490835 * t ^ 2-0.08080547 * टी ^ 3 वक्र (सेग 3, 5/12, 11/12) सेग 4 & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (टी) 0.02215231-0.02425796 * t- 0.00962054 * t ^ 2 + 0.02154812 * t ^ 3 वक्र (सेग 4, 11/12, 15/12) एक ही ग्राफ़ के 4 खंडों को उसी पैमाने का उपयोग करके, 0 से अंतराल के साथ से 1.25 मेरा मूल इनपुट गलत है सही इनपुट का उपयोग करने के लिए मुझे एक चिकनी वक्र मिल गया सेग 1 & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (टी) 0.0100000000000000 + 0.01145665803921569 * t + 0.02215231058823505 * टी ^ 3 वक्र (सेग 1, 0, 2/12, एक्सलीम = C (0,1.25), ylim = c (- 1, 1)) सीजी 2 और लेफ्टिनेंट; - फ़ंक्शन (टी) 0.0102148623819898 + 0.00758913516339875 * टी +0,02320513725490168 * टी ^ 2 - 0.02425796392156832 * t ^ 3 वक्र (स...

javascript - using $(this) to find the forms submit button -

Using some validation and jQuery Q-tip to show errors. I want to show the error tip on the same page as variables on the same page and only under the existing type submit button. This structure is: & lt; Form action = 'process / reportcomment.php' method = 'post' class = 'reportcommentform' name = 'reportcommentform' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'hidden' value = '' name = 'commentID' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'hidden' value = '' name = 'comment' & gt; & Lt; Input class = 'reportcommentsubmit' name = 'submit-report' type = 'submit' value = 'report' & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; And then I need to find the submit-report button with jQuery. I have tried this in my Ajax response: if (response.cantReport === true) {errorMessage = 'Please wait 30 minutes'; ErrorField = $ (this) .find ('.reportcommentsubmit'); ShowErro...

encryption - SSL: Server key length and browser connection info. Base understanding -

I have to understand something. I generate the key with the exca, which is the UI Openssl. I created a CA, then generate a server certificate for https and use this CA to sign the generated certificate. Newly built seats are sub-sections of CA (as far as I can tell). I put it in the CN for the domain, generate a new private key of 4096bit , export the CRT and keypay with the private key, in this case nginx upload and configure. I am now accessing the site on https. I'm looking at clicking on the connection information in Firefox: Connection encrypted: High-level encryption (TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, 128 bit ) In Chromium : Your connection to domain.tld is encrypted with 128-bit encryption. & Lt; ...> Question / S: My private key is 4096 bits Why does it use 128 bit? Which of the 128 bit is used in 4096 bits? Why am I generating a 4090 bit key if its length is only 1/32 I should understand how this process works. 4096-bit RSA k...

google chrome - Is it possible to force multiple paint operations on a 2D canvas (software rendering)? -

I am working on a game that uses HTML5 canvas 2D reference graphs on a Chromecast device (in which Hardware acceleration is not). I have noticed that by dragging two objects in one frame, the whole area can be painted again. As "worst condition", imagine that I only want to change the color of the top-left and bottom-right pixels of a large canvas element. If I use two one pixel fill calls to do this, then it will trigger a very expensive paint operation (at least webkit / blink, complete canvas dirty mark), I believe it should be linked to the code that executes this argument in Chromium: Is the browser really a (mostly) big one? Or will it always be slow, despite the fact that it is quite low? I have tried to put elements on different canvas layers layered above each other, but the browser still seems to catch it and batch them together (at least as shown by the areas redistributed in distorts). As far as I know, you can not do better at present; One major draw...

bash - using sed how to put space after numbers in a big string -

This question was asked in an interview. I can not answer! So here is some help to understand logic. This is how the command is used to get the following result when looking at a string "1abc2abcd3efghi10z11jkl100pqrs" string - "1 abc 2 abcd 3 efghi 10 already Thank you. Here's another - - yet simple - the way to think about it: echo "1abc2abcd3efghi10z11jkl100pqrs" | \ Sed -r '/ / ([0- 9]) ([a-zA-Z]) / \ 1 \ 2 / g; / S ([a- ZA-Z]) ([0- 9]) / \ 1 \ 2 / g \ ' Add a white space between the numeric string; the letter-numeral string > (

javascript - Tutorial on isPointinPath not copying to my computer -

I found this useful tutorial I copied it in my text editor and when I opened it Nothing happens to this. I changed it by adding an announcement & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; ExampleMouseOver & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Window.onload = function (e) {var canvas = document.getElementById ('cvs'); Var reference = canvas.getContext ('2d'); // Rectangle referencing context.bigpath (); Context.rect (50,50,100,100); Context.fill (); Context.fillStyle = 'Red'; // Refer to the circle.Bigpath (); Context.arc (450,175, 50, 0,2 * Math. PI, False); Context.fill (); Context.fillStyle = 'green'; // Replace shape. Bbi (); Context.moveTo (250,100); Context.lineTo (350,175); Context.lineTo (325215); Context.lineTo (185,195); Context.fill (); Canvas.onmousemove = function (e) {var canvas =; Var referenc...

java - Guava MinMaxPriorityQueue instantiation -

I'm having trouble starting a MinMaxPriorityQueue from Guava (). I do not really understand what reference builder refers to. I am not good at interpreting Java. I have tried to do this: Minimum MaxPerfectCouple & lt; T-BOB = New Minmax PrietyQUUTTTC (Zero, Int); The error is the manufacturer MinMax PrioryorityQueue & lt; T & gt; (MinMaxPriorityQueue.Builder & lt; super e & gt; int) is not visible . I tried to: MinMaxPriorityQueue Throwing an error: MinMaxPriorityQueue . Can someone please explain the extension of MinMaxPriorityQueue with maximum size N and a comparator node communication? Thanks! The method used to relate to the method that says that this method gives an example There are several ways to configure and create a queue (maximum size, initial content, etc.) in this class, so you should just MinMaxPriorityQueue & lt; Node & gt; Bob = Minmax Preity Quia. Ordered By (Node Compass) Maximum size (1000) .create (...

jquery - JavaScript slide show only showing every OTHER image -

All, I'm having a weird problem I had a slideshow script on my page that is absolutely right Used to work ... ten minutes ago. And now this work is still working, but it's only showing every second image weird It only shows 01.jpg, 03.jpg, 05.jpg, and I do not know why code: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; // Run everything when the page is completely $ (window) loaded. Load (function () {var imgs = ['Pictures / slideshow / 02.jpg', 'Images / slideshow / 03.jpg', 'Images / slideshow /04.jpg', 'Images / Slideshow / 05 .jpg ',' Pictures / Slideshow / 06.jpg ',' Pictures / Slideshow / 01.jpg ']; var cnt = imgs.length; Function Slider ($ {$ (' # ImagesSlides'). Fadeaut (5000 , Function) ($ (this) .attr ('src', IMGS [(IMG. Lamp ++)% cnt.) Fadein (2000);})}} $ (function () {SetInterval (slider, 5000); });}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Again ... I have seen the strange thing...

c# - Moving two forms together without changing the positions (behind or front) of the two forms -

I'm quite new to C # Recently, I got stuck on a problem that I used to do with two different forms I want to take it together. In more detail, A large form (some as a basic window) popup small forms What do I want to do, both of these forms To move the original window at the same time is to move. And, now I am the "small" () "method of form" problem is that if I click on the form of a parent, then the form of a small form (i.e. Form). I know what this should be. However, I want to transfer these two forms by moving the small form and keeping the small form in front. I also considered using "Schodilog ()". But, it prevents me from transferring older parents. I can not touch the parent window. Set the owner property of the child as parent: this.childForm = new ChildFormClass (); children. Onner = this; ViewForm.ShowDialog (); // Instead of setting it to owner property it can be said: //viewForm.ShowDialog(this); Reference: In...

r - Listing explicitly defined methods only (Reference Classes) -

Is there a way to list only those methods of reference category, which clearly Was defined in class definition (such as "System Classes" such as refObjectGenerator or envRefClass ) unlike those methods obtained? example & lt; - SetRefClass (class = "example", fields = list), methods = list (testMethodA = function) ("test method A"}, testMethodB = function () {"test method B"})) You can currently obtain the $ methods () method by calling (see ? SetRefClass ): & Gt; Examples $ methods ("[1]" test "," test "," test "," test "," test "," test "," test " Trace "" using untrace "" methods " What I'm looking for: & gt; Example $ methods () [1] "testMethodA" "testMethodB" 1) Try it out: & gt; Dummy & lt; - setRefClass (class = "dummy") & gt; Setdif (example $ met...

c - It's possible to make typedef or define char pointer with malloc? -

What I want to do is like string256 act: four * s = (char *) malloc (256); string256s; / * Iam * / char * s = (char *) malloc (256); / * For this how it looks in real life * / and use it strncpy ("__test__", 9 ) Is [9] = 0x00; PS Typedef or defined or function code length does not matter only string 256S; I will not forget to use free or error checking; The full code will look like this: __Free_String_if_Flag_true __Zero_Memory __check_for_Errors __string_256 string256 and use it string256s; "itemprop =" text "> You can make a typedef of a four array: typing four char 256 [256]; Four 256s; S [255] = '\ 0'; When the variable will be closed out of the current area, but you can global it if you want it continuously.

REST API: How to name a derived resource? -

The relative interface is a gazillion of naming conventions, questions about esp. All singular versus plural resource names are some denominations around: retrieve / retrieve collection of user users / retrieve / user / {id} user's mail / user. Folder / User / {ID} User Delete / Update User {ID} User Delete However, the above work is not done when the resource is from the environment. The Utpnn value. My hypothetical application has the following end point: Get information about the source of the received / source query He answers: Referrer URL Remote IP Since source turns out from the environment There is no more than one source, so the resource is calling source or searching for the source / {foo} is not practical. How can the rest of the styles handle the naming of these institutions? Fielding Notes in Their Famous Section 6.2.1: .. Writers need an identifier, which closely matches the words that they intend with a hymurphedia reference,...

python - Storing data into namedtuples with empty fields to add other stuff -

['तिथि, खोलें, उच्च, निम्न, बंद, मात्रा, आदि बंद', '2014-02- 12,1189.00,1190.00,1181.38,1186.69,1724500,1186.69 ',' 2014-02-11,1180.17,1191.87,1172.21,1190.18,2050800,1190.18 ',' 2014-02-10,1171.80,1182.40,1169.02,1172.93, 1 945200,1172.93 ',' 2014-02-07,1167.63,1177.90,1160.56,1177.44,2636200,1177.44 ',' 2014-02-06,1151.13,1160.16,1147.55,1159.96,1946600,1159.96 ',' 2014-02- 05,1143.38,1150.77,1128.02,1143.20,2394500,1143.20 ',' 2014-02-04,1137.99,1155.00,1137.01,1138.16,2811900,1138.16 ',' 2014-02-03,1179.20,1181.72,1132.01,1133.43, 4569100,1133.43 '] मुझे लाइनों की इस सूची में प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए एक नामित टप्ल बनाने की आवश्यकता है, मूल रूप से फ़ील्ड पहली पंक्ति में' डेट, ओपन, हाई , कम, क्लोज़, वॉल्यूम, एडज क्लॉज ', मैं फिर कुछ गणना करूँगा और प्रत्येक नाम टुप्पल के अंत में 2 और फ़ील्ड जोड़ना होगा। किसी भी मदद से मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? किसी भी विशेष कारण से आप nametuples का उपयोग करना चाह...

social networking - Are there any wrapper to get Tumblr data? -

I'm a newbie in tumbler. Now, I have to get the tumbler data, such as the post, photo ... I found the official document here: This is okay, but I am surprised that these figures Is there any cover client to get? Like Facebook SDK for Facebook You can use official SDK from the Tumbler to develop the app. You can refer to:

javascript - Making JS "this" work in prototype function -

Being new to javascript, understanding of this is somewhat unstable. I have read some articles and many Posted something and learned a bit, but I'm having problems implementing some codes. I am using the KineticGS library to implement some canvas operations. I was working with one and was able to get an image to resize with mouse control, however, when I put the code into a prototype function, it was not working again. canvas.protipipip.edimg = function () {var self = this; Var image; Var imageObj = new image (); ImageObj.onload = function {image = new Kinetic.Image ({x: 200, Y: 50, image: imageObj, width: 106, height: 118, draggable: false}); Self.backgroundLayer.add (image); Self.stage.add (self.backgroundLayer); }; ImageObj.src = ''; Up CIRCLE1 = new Kinetic.Circle ({x: 150, Y: 150, radius: 10, fill: 'red', stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 4, dragable: false}); Circle1.isResizing = false; Circl...

java - Unknown mappedBy in ... referenced property unknown error -

I tried to create one-to-one mapping using hibernate and when I am implementing the DAO method, I am getting the following error: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: unknown is mapped: com.User.userData, referenced property unknown: com.UserData user java.lang.NullPointerException Why am I getting this error? My codes are as follows: For user unit code: @Entity @Table (name = "user") Public category User Serializable applies {@Id @GeneratedValue @Column (name = "userid") int userID; @OneToOne (fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mapped = "user", cascade = cascade type.Al) user data utility; ...} For the UserData unit code: @inti @Table (name = "UserData") public class UserData {@Id @GeneratedValue (Generator = "generator") @GenericGenerator (name = "generator", strategy = "foreign", parameter = @Parameter (name = "property", value = "user")) int userID; @OneToOne (fetch = FetchType.LAZY)...

node.js - Passport (local) is hanging on Authentication -

I have a passport local strategy that is established in the form of the following, although none of the cases of failure works fine , Where I authenticate the server, "d1" logs in and then hangs, with the remaining request in a "pending" condition: passport.use (new localetracy ({ UsernameField: 'email', password-field: 'password'}, function (email, password, done) {user.getUser (email, password). Then (funk Shun (user) {if (user and users.length == 1) {console return (blank, user [0]);} other {console.log ('d2') returned (empty, false, { Message: 'Incorrect credentials.'})}}} Function (e) {console.log ('d3') returned (empty, false, {message: 'wrong credential.'});});})); Passport.serializeUser (function (user, done) {console.log ('s1') done (zero, user);}); Passport.deserializeUser (function (user, done) {console.log ('s2') done (tap, user);}); (authPostRoute, passport.authenticate (...

sonarqube - Sonar 4.1.1 maven plugin can't be resolved -

I am using SonarQube 4.1.1 and my pom.xml file has the following configuration: & lt; Plugin management & gt; & Lt; Plugins & gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.codehaus.mojo & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Sonar-Maven-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 4.1.1 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt; & Lt; / Plugins & gt; & Lt; / PluginManagement & gt; When I try to run the sonar from the command line using the maven plugin: [error] plugin org.codehaus.mojo: sonar- Maven-plugin: None of 4.1.1 or its dependencies can be solved: failed to read the artifact descriptor for org.codehaus.mojo: sonar-meen-plugin: jar: 4.1.1: org.codehaus. Failure to find mojo: sonar-maven-plugin: palm: 4.1.1 was cached in local repository, as long as the center The update interval is not ended or updates are forced then to leak again:...

osx - How do I get Mac Toolbar Items that look like the standard toolbar buttons? -

I am working on some updates in my first Mac app and I try to see the toolbar buttons in my window But I've got toolbar buttons on every standard Mac app, however, for my life, I'm not getting a button type or a bar button type which I'm getting what I'm looking for. Am I missing something? Here are several Mac apps (previews, finders and safaris) with toolbars at the top, which is a slight slope on buttons with a very small round corner, etc. However, in me Xib I have got a toolbar and I have removed all kinds of buttons which I can find on this thing and do not see anything like the standard mac button. The first button looks very close Is it, but it is not clearly the same color, am I missing something? @Matt ball is correct - you can NSSegmentedControl s, even That even once for click button Just set the number of segments to 1, and set the mode for "none choose". Using this technique, see below: Update : There are some stand...

javascript - Why isn't simplecart.js not working for me? -

I do not understand why this simple car is not working for me Markup is OK and everything seems to be And it works on jsfiddle though, it is not in my editor (Apatanstadio 3), and that's what I'm using to make site cyclart. JS will be applicable. Is there any explanation for this? Or you know any other applications that are better suited. Note how this does not work here: That's why Because you forgot to include the simplecart script in your jsbin :

javascript - jquery tablesorter not sorting negative currency correctly -

The table will not correctly sort 1 column but the second will be it! I have tried some different custom parser but nobody works. See examples here Format: function (s) {// Format your data to normalize var value = replaceAll (',', '', S.toLowerCase ()); // value = replacement all ('-', '', values); // Return Perforate (value location ('$', '')); Return $ .tablesorter.formatFloat (value.replace (new RegExp (/ [^ 0-9 -.] / G), "")); }, You can see that call 1 is not resolved correctly, but call 2 makes me suspect that it has something to do with negative signal but that is odd that Col2 Works without any custom parser. About something like this: $ Tableorter.addParser ({// A unique ID id is set: 'money', is: function (s) {// return falls, so it is auto detectable;}, format: function (s) { Replace PerseInt (s.replace (/. $ /, ''). Replace (/ \, /, ''), 10);}, // set type, numeric...

ios - Difference between -all_load and -ObjC -

किस प्रकार -all_load से -ObjC से अलग है मेरी परियोजना में दोनों एक ही तरीके से व्यवहार करते हैं। -ऑब्जेक यह झंडा लिंकर को हर ऑब्जेक्ट फ़ाइल को लाइब्रेरी में लोड करता है जो उद्देश्य- C श्रेणी या श्रेणी को परिभाषित करता है। -all_load 64-बिट और आईफोन ओएस अनुप्रयोगों के लिए, एक लिंकर बग है जो ऑब्जेक्ट फाइलों को स्थिर लाइब्रेरी से लोड करने से ओबीजेसी को रोकता है, जिसमें केवल श्रेणियां होती हैं और कक्षा नहीं होती हैं समाधान को -all_load या -force_load झंडे का उपयोग करना है -all_load लिंकर को हर संग्रह से सभी ऑब्जेक्ट फाइलों को लोड करने के लिए बाध्य करता है, बिना किसी उद्देश्य-सी कोड संदर्भ

Android:setting priority to application -

I wrote an Android application. There is a service in it, service is running from the background. I need to set high priority in my application One way to set the Android application high priority You can do the setThreadPriority on the object Use the () function Additionally, you can set the priority of a personal thread with set Prioryity () : You can use it: android.os.Process .setThreadPriority (newPriority); or it threads. WrenchTrad () Set Priory (New Priority);

ios - checking Internet connection with Reachability is not working -

Hi, I am checking the Internet connection in my application. So I have already imported accessibility h file and m file in the project. I am having some problems about this now - (BOOL) accessible to Richability * Access = [Rebility Accessible Name: @ ""]; NetworkStats InternetStatus = [reaching current Reachability Stats]; If you do not have an internet connection to send the message "Representative: Self cancel buttonTitle: @" Cancel "and" Cancel " Other button titles: @ "OK", zero]; [Alerton Show]; [Warning issued]; } Yes return; } I have already used this project in my work in other projects, but here the warning message is showing when the Internet is not comparing it when it is not connected. .. This View Dedload Code ... [Super Viewedload]; [Self accessible]; pls can anyone tell me how to solve this ... thanks Try to code down rechargeability * access = [Reachability Possibili...

java - Error fetching entity by Entity Id from Google App Engine backend for Android app -

I am using Google App Engine as a backend for my Android app. I am able to incorporate entities into the datastore using the method (when I make a closing point for my note class) / ** * This app engine is a new unit If the unit is already present in the * datastore, an exception is inserted. * It uses the HTTP posting method Note the unit inserting the * * Ultimate. * @Returned Unit * / @APImath (Name = "Insert Note") Enter Public Note Note (note note) {EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager (); {Try (note (note)} {New EntityExistsException ("Object already exists"); } Mgr.persist (note); } Finally {mgr.close (); } Return note; } To do this using the method from my Android app and to insert one unit, I'll call it my AsyncTask class {Note Note = New Note (); String descrptn = descriptionTF.getText () ToString (); String Email = emailTF.getText (). ToString (); String note id = new date (). ToString (); Note.setDescription (descrptn); Note.setId (not...

jquery - Unexplained inline CSS added to div -

I am working to modify the pre-made HTML template by inserting my own markup / CSS. I was going to add a Jquery UI accordion menu and everything seemed good until I started to start things. I copied and pasted the following markup in my HTML file: HTML & lt; Div id = "accordion" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Section 1 & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Maurice Mauris ex, Blandit and, Ultras A, Sashipit Ezit, how to prepare for any type of job from perfection, either, or, either, to prepare for now, name is possible to name a name for you. Want to wait karateutu Narusuda Vetibulam A Multi Imu Scanner Vulgutat & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Section 2 & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; False EU Ligula Certibulam Seat Amit Shoes Vivas Handretti, Dialer on Alter Laureate, Maurice Touripis Portter Machine, Fossibus Intermediate Lawson and APOO, before an...

creating a file with current date as file name and checking for the file's existence with python -

I'm trying to do something like that. data = "test data" + '\ N' now = () now = str (now) f1 = str ((Now) .split ( "") [0] ) f2 = "Makdres" file_name = f1 + '_' + f2 fout = open 1: fout.write ( "data") the file has been successfully created with the current date because File name and data are written on file. But the problem I am facing if I check the existence of the file, it is showing that the file does not exist, even if the file exists. I has tried to force examined using (os.path.isfile (file_name)):

write a batch file to get a directory of text files/ search for a specific token and insert a line after that -

I need to read a bunch of text files from a folder. For each text file, a specific token like "Corolla" Find and insert a new line after the token. Suppose that the text file is the same: the first line second row the third line, the corolla, the third line the remaining INSERT the new line the rest of the file here I am very new in batch files And this is challenging for me. Partial Answer: I can use the following code, but this code only gets token if the whole line has a token. I need to find a token if it is even between some sentences (substrings)! @echo off set SrcFolder = C: \ input set for DstFolder = C: \% in output% ("% SrCFolder% \ * .txt") ((/ for / f "Usebackq delims =" in %% h ("%% a") (resonance. %% h if "%% h" equ "corolla" (echo new line)) "% dstFolder% \ %% ~ nxa") place of "%%" On the "Corolla" ( (which should generate an error anyway) put resonanc...

sap - SQL Row data to Column with another column name -

मेरे डेटा का पालन करें: & gt; Mydata महीने count1 count2 count3 1 201301 100 110 50 2 201302 150 160 60 3 201303 200 210 50 मेरा ऐसा अनुमानित डेटा: & gt; अंतिम डेटा count_all 201301 201302 201303 1 count1 100 150 200 2 count2 110 160 210 3 count3 50 60 50 मैं SQL का उपयोग कर परिणाम कैसे प्राप्त करूं? मुझे थोड़ा पता है PIVOT, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि मेरे प्रसंस्करण के दौरान स्तंभ नाम में कुछ समस्याएं हैं I मुझे इस समस्या को हल करने के लिए एक प्रभावी तरीके की आवश्यकता है और मैं इस तरह की एक क्वेरी निष्पादित करूँगा: चुनें * अंतिम_डेटा से जहां count_all = 'count1' । इसलिए यदि यह row-column परिवर्तन के साथ नहीं है, तो मुझे नहीं पता कि कैसे समान परिणाम प्राप्त करें।

css - Container of vertical writing mode elements uses their height to compute the container's width -

I am trying to achieve is a horizontally scrolling images with vertical writing mode captions. Mask looks like this: & lt; Number & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Figurecaption & gt; & Lt; P class = "vertical" & gt; This is the caption text. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Figurecaption & gt; & Lt; / Statistic & gt; When I try to create vertical writing mode to figure captions, use containers () still has the original width of the caption to calculate its width (height in vertical) Seem to be So there is a difference between the figures. I can specify a clear width of the container to end the interval. I'm wondering what better way is that the container can fit its width in its content. Here is Jesfild: Here is the minimum version: It seems that it did not like the 'Inline Block' display! This is my browser: p.vertical {-webkit-writing-mode: ver...

Jira - how to get Sprint information -

I'm exploring a way to get sprint information using Sprint API from GRA I did not get the information in the Jira documentation Does anyone know this? The document for Jirra-Python is here if any other language is using a specific board board Get sprint in / id = 441 print ("Greenhapar Board:% s (% s)"% (Board [0] .name, board_id): ) Sprints = gh.sprints (board_id)

javascript - On Inspect element records are visible -

I am using server side endorsement for my application. When the page loads for the first time, I do not see any records, I can only see the pagination bar. I have seen that the records are coming from right now ; Divi Data-ng-Controller = "Practice Ctrl" Data-ng-Init = "List Practice (1)" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-sm-3 card" data-ng-repeat = "practice in practices" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "cardHeader" & gt; {{}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "cardboard" & gt; {{Practice.practicename}} & lt; Br / & gt; {{Practice.createdon}} & lt; Br / & gt; {{Practice.status}} & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br style = "clear: both;" / & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "pagination-numeric text-left" & gt; & Lt; On page numbering page-page = "noof pages" current pa...

Delete category from Format List in SpreadsheetGear range explorer -

Can some format categories be removed in the default list given in the range explorer, such that I do not want to show the date format , How can I do this I am unable to access it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ..

How to fix “Headers already sent” error in PHP -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 जवाब मेरी स्क्रिप्ट चलते समय, मैं इस तरह से कई त्रुटियां हो रही हैं: चेतावनी: हेडर सूचना को संशोधित नहीं किया जा सकता है - हेडर पहले से ही प्रेषित (/some/file.php:12 पर आउटपुट) /some/file.php में लाइन पर 23 त्रुटि संदेशों में उल्लिखित लाइन में हैडर () और setcookie () कॉल हैं। इसका क्या कारण रह सकता है? और इसे कैसे ठीक करें? इस प्रकार की समस्या तब होती है जब आप हेडर आपके पृष्ठ में लिखने के बाद। मुझे लगता है कि आपको कोड जैसा दिख सकता है :: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / title & gt; ......... & lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; ..... और & lt;? Php हेडर () / कुछ शीर्षलेख जांचना? & Gt; ..... & lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; यदि ऐसा है, तो html से पहले हैडर () का उपयोग करें या किसी प्रकार की गूंज या लेखन कोड लेकिन यह सही समाधान नहीं है आप ob_start का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यह सबसे अच्छा समाधान है जांचे...

list - How do i make this transform in lisp? -

I need to create a function that changes the 2 list to lispie? could you help me please? (ABC) -> ((X) (BE) (CG)) This is an example The case you asked for: CL-USER & gt; (Mupiter # 'Opposition' (1 2 3) '(ABC)) ((1A) (2b) (3C.)) If you want to normalize: / P> cl-user & gt; In the functions: (defun foo (& amp; rest) (# # mapcar # 'Apply list)) which returns: CL-User & gt; (FO '(1 2 3)' (ABC) '(xy z)) ((1a x) (2b y) (3c z))

java - Unable to view href link with email templates -

Hello, I am trying to send a notification to the mail in my application. For this, I am using the freemakers template. Then, in the template file I & Lt; Title & gt; Notification & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; and I have to url & lt; A target = "_ blank" style = "color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none" Href = "** Added link here" & gt; Activate your account & lt; / A & gt; So, when I access it via Gmail, it's working fine. But if I send Yahoo Mail to this template then I do not see just the href and if I open it in Safari Browser href applewebdata: // has been added . So what's the problem when I am getting wrong?

Infragistic contentPane(Silverlight) should not move/dragged -

I need a feature when using the Infrastic content pane, which the user should not be able to either dock or control control. I have tried dubbing docking which works for docking & amp; For non-running I have tried IsFloating = False & amp; AllowDockingFloating = false. & lt; Ig: ContentPane x: Name = "WorkspacePan" IsFloating = "False" allowDocking Floating = "False" IsMaximized = "False" Allow = "False" Header = "Workspaces" location = "Left" height = "Auto" width = "Auto" minwyth = "250" ISActivanPan = "True" closebooten visibility = "collapsed" windowoposition menu visibility = "collapsed" & gt; Actually you want to enable and disable? WorkspacePan. ISHTtstVisible = true;

debugging - Javascript console window unavailable -

I can not use my Javascript console window on my Visual Studio 2012. I am able to see it during debugging under debug> Windows> Javascript console but it shows that it is unavailable. I am running Update 2 on my Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012 Edition 11.0.60315.01 64-bit PC. What is the problem here? : ( Perhaps you have set the debugger set type as "Native only" . Open > "Project property" -> Debugging and "debugger type" and "script only" / Code> To be able to debug JavaScript.

debug grails application in eclipse IDE -

I want to debug Grails application in Eclipse Kepler, I tried to eclipse the debug and added the break point but it Normally it runs in normal run mode, how do I do this? Thanks Burt's answer You can start a Grails app (the one that was assumed through Grails nature, i.e. STS or configured through the Convert to Grills project). As Debug Grails Command (Run-Ape) You can also create a debug configuration and attach it to any app that you start with "grails-debug run-app" from the command line. Visit the run. Select Debug Configuration and Remote Java Application Click the 'New' button or right-click on the remote Java application node and choose new one. Select the project that you are debugging and give the configuration a meaningful name (I usually call them "attached"). Change port to 8000 to 5005, and I always check the "Allow remote closing VM" checkbox so that I can kill the app from the IDE, but it is optional. Click on th...

C# ENCOG SVM classification with my own dataset -

I want to make a multiclass taxonomy application in C #. I decided to use Encog to do this. Now I'm stuck at a point. I got a XOR example, which I think. But when I'm going to use my dataset, the app is computing with one feature as an example. Here's my code: Namespace console application 1 {public static class load {public static double load} [] from file (string path) {var rows = new list & lt; Double [] & gt; (); Forward (Farn. ReedLine (Path) in the file (lines.add (line Sample (new)} Return lines .OARRA ();}} Public class program {Static Zero Main (string [] ARG) {// Loading my Your data string cestain = @ "E: \ vstup.txt"; double [] [] innput = load.FromFile (cestain); // training INPUTS string cestaout = @ "e: \ vystup.txt"; double [] [ ] Ooutput = load.from (cestaout); // desired output string cestatest = @ "E: \ te1.txt"; double [] [] teest = load.FromFile (cestatest); // test example // a nerve Make workplace svm = new...