C# ENCOG SVM classification with my own dataset -

I want to make a multiclass taxonomy application in C #. I decided to use Encog to do this. Now I'm stuck at a point. I got a XOR example, which I think. But when I'm going to use my dataset, the app is computing with one feature as an example. Here's my code:

  Namespace console application 1 {public static class load {public static double load} [] from file (string path) {var rows = new list & lt; Double [] & gt; (); Forward (Farn. ReedLine (Path) in the file (lines.add (line Sample (new)} Return lines .OARRA ();}} Public class program {Static Zero Main (string [] ARG) {// Loading my Your data string cestain = @ "E: \ vstup.txt"; double [] [] innput = load.FromFile (cestain); // training INPUTS string cestaout = @ "e: \ vystup.txt"; double [] [ ] Ooutput = load.from (cestaout); // desired output string cestatest = @ "E: \ te1.txt"; double [] [] teest = load.FromFile (cestatest); // test example // a nerve Make workplace svm = new supportmaker Machin (10, false); // inputting incorrect / training data for categorization; IMLDataSet trainingSet = new BasicMLDataSet (innput, ooutput); // Train Neural Networks IMLTrain Train = New SVMS Stretrain (SVM, TrainingSat); Int Eg = 1; To do {train.Iteration (); Console.WrightLine (@ "Epoch #" + Epoch + @ "Error:" + train.Error); Eug ++;} While (Train.Error & gt; 0.01); // Test the Nervous Network Console WrightLine (@ "SVM results:"); Foreign exchange (IMLDataPair pair for training) {IMLData output = svm.Compute (pair.Input); Console.lightline (pair.input [0] + @ ", actual =" + output [0] + @ ", ideal =" + pair. command [0]); } Console.light line ("finished"); Console.ReadKey (); }}}  

INPUTS looks like this (this is just a sample):

166 163 180 228

165 162 160 226 < /

166 163 180 228

166 164 180 228

Defined object looks like this (this is just a sample):





Examination example looks like this:

152 151 98 21 9

When I run my app, it is computing the error, but it only shows values ​​from the first column of my INPUTS (so I'm not sure that this whole example is equivalent to -4 values. Computing). I am also not sure how to pass my test example in the SYM instead of that pair. Input.

Or is there a more efficient way to do this than the ANCog? Thank you

If you are doing and are executing operator, you only need a pair of digits ... but in your sample input, you have four, which I do not understand.

I do not know how to use SupportVectorMachine so that I can use it:

  Basic Network Network = New BasicNetwork (); Networks Adler (new basic layer (2)); // Input Layer Network Adler (new basic layer (2)); // Hidden layer network Adler (new basic layer (1)); // output back network Structure Finilization (); Network.Reset ();  

This helps me.


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