write a batch file to get a directory of text files/ search for a specific token and insert a line after that -
I need to read a bunch of text files from a folder. For each text file, a specific token like "Corolla" Find and insert a new line after the token. Suppose that the text file is the same:
the first line second row the third line, the corolla, the third line the remaining INSERT the new line the rest of the file here
I am very new in batch files And this is challenging for me.
Partial Answer:
I can use the following code, but this code only gets token if the whole line has a token. I need to find a token if it is even between some sentences (substrings)!
@echo off set SrcFolder = C: \ input set for DstFolder = C: \% in output% ("% SrCFolder% \ * .txt") ((/ for / f "Usebackq delims =" in %% h ("%% a") (resonance. %% h if "%% h" equ "corolla" (echo new line)) "% dstFolder% \ %% ~ nxa")
place of "%%" On the "Corolla" (
(which should generate an error anyway)
resonance %% h | search "Corolla"> Null & If not otherwise error level 1 (
The literal "corolla" in each row Set to install error level
to 0
. if error level 0
because findstr
always If there is a positive integer error and
P> error level
test for error level
n or greater than n , then
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