Infragistic contentPane(Silverlight) should not move/dragged -

I need a feature when using the Infrastic content pane, which the user should not be able to either dock or control control. I have tried dubbing docking which works for docking & amp; For non-running I have tried IsFloating = False & amp; AllowDockingFloating = false.

  & lt; Ig: ContentPane x: Name = "WorkspacePan" IsFloating = "False" allowDocking Floating = "False" IsMaximized = "False" Allow = "False" Header = "Workspaces" location = "Left" height = "Auto" width = "Auto" minwyth = "250" ISActivanPan = "True" closebooten visibility = "collapsed" windowoposition menu visibility = "collapsed" & gt;  

Actually you want to enable and disable?

  WorkspacePan. ISHTtstVisible = true;  


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