
Showing posts from June, 2010

python - Median across multiple axes -

मेरे पास डेटाफ्रेम है: cid 1 1 2 2 3 3 स्लॉट 87 26.45 नाएन 12.54 ना एन एन ना एन एन ना 88 ना एनएन ना एन 8.1 8.1 एनएन ना एन एन ना 108 9 72 एनएएन ने ना ना ना ना 9 9 6.6 एनएएन 110.42 58.95 15.17 32.9 एनएएन मैं मध्य की गणना करना चाहता हूं इंडेक्स और कॉलम दोनों में समरूप रूप से नामांकित कॉलम, आदर्श रूप से एक श्रृंखला प्राप्त हो रही है: 1 26.45 2 15.17 3 32.90 नाम: cid, dtype: float64 इन आयामों में से एक में मध्य औसत छोटा है, लेकिन मैं इसे दोनों में नहीं मिल सकता (और एक करना और फिर एक ही बात नहीं है)। मैंने पिघल और सूचकांक Shenanigans, लेकिन मैं हमेशा लंबे समय तक सिर्फ एक अक्ष के साथ समाप्त करने के लिए लगता है। मुझे यकीन है कि समाधान दर्द स्पष्ट है, लेकिन मैं सोमवार सुबह की धुंध के माध्यम से देखने के लिए प्रतीत नहीं कर सकते। कोई सुझाव? कैसे के बारे में कुछ ऐसा: & gt; & gt ; & gt; Pd.melt (df) .groupby ("cid") ["value"]। Median () cid 1 26.45 2 15.17 3 32.90 नाम: मान, dtype: float64

sql - Table in Mysql with unique fields -

मेरे पास निम्न फ़ील्ड के साथ MySQL में एक टेबल है: बनाएँ तालिका तालिका_1 (camp_1 बुलियन, वृक्ष varchar (50), नाम varchar (50), सर्व varchar (50), संख्या varchar (50), प्राथमिक कुंजी (camp_1, पेड़, नाम)); तो मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ हो सकता है: चुनें table_1 aa, bb, cc, null, 123dd, ee, ff, null, 512 समस्या यह है कि मुझे जब सब रिक्त है, तो मेरी प्राथमिक कुंजी (या मुझे तीन विशिष्ट मानों की आवश्यकता होगी) की आवश्यकता है: camp_1, tree, name और यदि सभी शून्य नहीं है तो मुझे किसी चीज़ को सम्मिलित करना पड़ सकता है: चुनें table_1 aa, bb, cc, ddd, 123 aa, bb, सीसी, एर्ट, 123 डीडी, ईई, एफएफ, रिक्त, 512 इस तरह से अगर सब नल नहीं है तो मुझे शिविर, पेड़, दो या अधिक बार (एए, बीबी, सीसी 2 बार अलग-अलग मानों के साथ प्रदर्शित होता है, लेकिन यदि सर्व शून्य नहीं है तो मुझे 1 से अधिक मूल्य के साथ शिविर, पेड़, नाम (डीडी, ईई, एफएफ केवल 1 बार) नहीं हो सकता। एक सूचकांक है, लेकिन यह नहीं मिला क्योंकि मैं अपनी प्राथमिक कुंजी में नल सम्मिलित नहीं कर सकता। कुछ मेरी मदद कर सकता है?

Animate CO2 motor in MATLAB -

I'm trying to recreate this engine in Matlab:. I am looking to use Hend Graphics to animate all moving parts. I have all the fixed parts already programmed, now I am working to move the ball up and down, but I do not know how it works. I do not understand how the work is done and what I have to do to move the ball. Any insights will be greatly appreciated. Here is an example for a large circle for a small circle: % # Large-board coordinates T = 0: pi / 100: 2 * pi; Xc = Kos (T); Yc = sin (t); % # Create small-board coordinates xs = 0.1 * cos (t); Ys = 0.1 * sin (t); % # Plot big circle shape, plot (xc, yc, 'r'); % # Small circle at the first place of plot and capture small caricol = plot (xs + xc (1), ys + yasi (1), 'b'); % # Loop to update small circle handle for tidx = 1: Length of small circle set (t)% # Update status (small chorale H, 'xData', xs + xc (tidx), 'yData', ys + Yc (tIdx)); To appreciate the Beauty Break (0.1)% # Wait a bit;...

system.exit - Killing Android app 2 from app 1 -

I have 3 Android apps if a user has an app1 open, should check to see if The app 2 is running, and / or the AP3, and if so, then kill it Here is what I have tried here. A broadcast receiver () was applied to each app. mFinishReceiver = New Broadcast Receiver () {@Override Public Reconnaissance on Nil (Reference Reference, Intent of Intent) {Log. V ("intent", "Got kill intent, I am" + pn); If (killAction.equals (intent.getAction ())) {killmePlease (pn, killAction); }}}; Register receiver (amphinish receiver, intent filter); And then, by using this, I try to kill the app. Please do private zombie marmala (string pn) {intent _quila = New Intent (this, MainActivity.class); StartActivity (_killme); Try {log. V ("intent", "finishing" + pn); SetResult (RESULT_OK); MainActivity.this.finish (); System.exit (0); Logs. V ("intent", "expired"); Return; } Hold (exception before) {log. V ("intent", "error kil...

java - Adding soap header authentication to wsdl2java generated code -

I am in the process of creating a Java Web Service client with a wsdl I use Acceptance Dynamic Web Project and the new Web Services Client Use Apache to create code with wysdl2java with Axis 1.4. To work with the service I need to add SOAP authentication to this code. I could not find a place to do that in generated code. After abundant research I found this, which I have used as my spinal cord for my code so far. Before I was getting something "error while processing security for error message" or with those lines now I'm getting I have tried many things to get this exception, this is the code that I have come to. javax.xml.namespace.QName header name = new javax.xml.namespace.QName ("http: // / wss / 2004/01 / oasis-200401- Wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd "," secure "); Org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement header = New org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement (header name); header.setActor (zero); header.setMust...

storage class not specified in C -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; इंट एआरआर [5]; आगमन [0] = 1; Arr [1] = 2; Int main () {printf ("\ n% d \ n", एआरआर [0]); वापसी 0; } फ़ंक्शन के बाहर सरणी इनिशियलाइज़ेशन कैंट क्यों नहीं किया जा सकता? arr [0] = 1; Arr [1] = 2; यह प्रारंभ नहीं है, लेकिन अभिव्यक्ति कथन है। वक्तव्य फ़ाइल दायरे में प्रकट नहीं हो सकते। अपने सरणी को इनिशियलाइज़ करने के लिए: int array [5] = {1, 2};

Python my Class throws TypeError -

Here is my code import file input, exit system import class crazy8 ( Object) as import sys from the OS import system randomly: Question = raw_input ("Please do not enter any yes or any question \ n") DRF luck (auto, file X, current): current = R "./ "Fate = List (File Input. (File x)) System (" CD ", Present) Print Random. The keys (fate) Crazy 8 (0) When I run the program, I enter a question (I know that the program is ignored ). I think I did something wrong in class. I know that there is no class when it works fine: statement, but I need class there (after my work, I will use it as a module). After the question, do me (I'm not adding any error checks yet I try and try to add / catch / file if the file exists ./crazy8 Also, I have a file that is automatically sys ("touch .crazy8") (on Mac / Linux) and, after the method of creating a file on Windows, I will add it. . You need to create a class (similar thing) and require ...

.net - Entity Framework 6 error: Unable to update the EntitySet 'table1' -

पूर्ण त्रुटि है: EntitySet 'table1' को अपडेट करने में असमर्थ क्योंकि इसकी एक परिभाषित करने वाला और कोई भी & lt; InsertFunction & gt; तत्व & lt; संशोधनफ़ंक्शन मैपिंग & gt; में मौजूद है मौजूदा ऑपरेशन का समर्थन करने के लिए तत्व आस-पास देखकर ऐसा लगता है कि यह त्रुटि table1 पर प्राथमिक कुंजी की कमी के कारण होती है। मैंने अपनी .edmx फ़ाइल और SQL सर्वर में तालिका की जाँच की है और दोनों दिखाते हैं कि प्राथमिक कुंजी निर्दिष्ट है। यदि आप एडीएमएक्स का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं तो परिभाषित करने वाले डेटाबेस को डेटाबेस के विचारों के लिए परिभाषित किया जाएगा। और ईएफ केवल एक-भाग के रूप में दृश्य से बनाए गए EntitySet का इलाज करेगा। यदि आप अपने डेटा में हेरफेर करने में सक्षम होना चाहते हैं, तो आपको संग्रहीत प्रक्रियाओं को मैप करने की आवश्यकता होगी, जिसका उपयोग सीयूडी (बनाएँ / अपडेट / हटाएं) संचालन के लिए किया जाएगा।

Java - Trying to print an index in a String Array Using get method -

Then I have a string ARA personal string [] transmission = {"drive "," Park "," reverse "}; This is my set method, I am practicing my switch statement because I do not use it often. Public Zero Set Transmission (string [] transmission) {System.out.println ("To change transmission, enter D for drive, P for park or R for reverse") ; Switch (input.nextLine ()) {case "D": case "d": System.out.println ("The car is currently in the drive."); Transmission [0] = this Transmission [0]; break; Case "P": Case "P": System.out.printLN ("The car is currently in the park."); Transmission [1] = This Transmission [1]; break; Case "R": Case "R": System.out.printLN ("The car is currently in reverse"); Transmission [2] = This Transmission [2]; break; } The actual problem here is in my getMethod it prints the first index in the array only: public string getTra...

javascript - THREE.PointerLockControls() returning "undefined is not a function" -

I am trying to implement a moving camera in three ways: Function initThree () {view = new three. Sen (); Camera = new three. Perspectamera (75, window winner / window winner, 0.1,1000); Renderer = New three. Cantilever Raiders (); Renderer.setSize (window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); Document.body.appendChild (renderer.domElement); Geometry = new three Cub Gymetry (1,1,1); Content = new three. Messaging content ({Color: 0x00ff00}); Cube = new three Mesh (geometry, content); Scene.add (cube); Camera.position.z = 5; Control = new three. Pointer lock control (camera); // failed on this line) On the marked line, I get the following error: Uncheck type error: there is no undefined function However, this is an example on the page? I am currently using a local copy of the three builds. Any help would be great! You are receiving this error because it is not part of it if you want to use controls If you are, you probably need to include them separately.

php - Exclude Wordpress Category from get_the_category_list -

I have some code that lists the category of post that you currently like ... & lt ;? Php $ categories_list = get_the_category_list (__ (',', 'sitename')); If ($ categories_list & amp; sitename_categorized_blog ()):? & Gt; & Lt; Span class = "cat-links" & gt; & Lt ;? Php printf (__ ('All news for'% 1 $ s', 'sitename'), $ categories_list); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt ;? Php endif; // end if categories? & Gt; It works great, but I added a new CTG named 'Featured-Post'. How can I remove this particular post category (by name or id) from appearing in the menu created by the above code? So instead the result ... News for all news: Category name, Featured post I got it ... All news for: Category name explanation Hello, instead Use the wp_list_categories function and use the 'Excluded' argument. See for more explanation. Example is a place where you can p...

javascript - Traverse a table using jQuery, XML, JSON, JS -

Sorry for the misleading title, but I'm sure how to write it. I have the table below ... I want to create a simple calculator that compares all the data in a row with 2 parameters. I will ask my users to select a country before, and then select a value in that column, after doing this, you can submit the form and output the right values ​​from that line I promised to try and show what I mean ... What is the best way to do this ? The only way I know is that if a bigger / other statement is done by those who will write to me forever. $ ('country'). ('Change', function () {// if the US goes slow, then ($ (this) .val () == 'USA') {$ ('hidden grade'). Hide (); $ ('.inValusa'). Show ();} and if ($ (this) .val () == 'GB') {$ ('hidden'). Hide (); $ ('.inValgb' ). Show ();} and {$ ('hidden grade'). Hidden (); $ ('.inivalfr'). Show ();}}); $ ('Input [type = "submit"]'). (...

python - Dictionary with lists as values - find longest list -

I have a dictionary where there are a price list after removing a duplicate, I need to know which key The long list is in the form of value if I find the longest list then it will not work because there can be many duplicates in it. I have tried many things, but nothing is far away from not being right. d = your dictionary of max_key = max (d, key = lambda x: lane) (Set (d [x])) # Here is the short version I explain .... Maximum (# function which grabs the greatest value D, # is the dictionary, it repeats and catches through every key Is ... key = # this overlays the default behavior of maximum lambda x: Definition of lambda to handle new behavior for maximum lane (# Of the length ... set (containing # set (no duplicate) d [x] # key defined by the keyword `x`)) code After the maximum , the dictionary goes through the keys (which happens through a dictionary, by for x in dict: print x each key is Dict ) This key will return that it finds it to achieve the highest result...

java - Android game fixed timestep gitter -

About implementing a specific timestamp with the scheduled time here: I have implemented my own version of Algorithm in Java on Android, which has given me a lot of improvement, but I can sometimes get bitter. In my game timer class, which is said to advance every frame, together with Kenstep () and step () methods, the following are: Public Zero Tick () {long thisTime = System.nanoTime (); Frames = this time - the last time; FrameTimeMs = (Int) (FrameTime / Nano_ TO_MILLI); FrameCounter ++; Second quarter - frames =; If (secondquine & lt; = 0) {fps = frameCounter; FrameCounter = 0; Second copper + = NANO_TO_SECOND; } Last time = this time; Accumulator + = Math.Man (FramesTime, DeltaTime * 5); // framcopy & gt; 5 frame alpha = accumulator / delta time; } Public Boolean canStep () {Return Accurator & gt; = DeltaTime; } Public Zero Step () {Accumulator - DeltaTime; Alpha = accumulator / delta time; } NB: Delta time holds 1000 F divided by desired updates (like... mvc - How can I implement a theme from bootswatch or wrapbootstrap in an MVC 5 project? -

I'm about to create a new ASP.Net MVC5 web application. I would like to use the theme from the boots watch or wordbootstrap in the application, but can not find a set of instructions on how to do it. The steps to implement a theme are quite simple to really understand how to do everything together Works, you will need to understand how is making available from the MVC 5 template box and how you can customize it for your needs. Note: If you have a basic understanding of the MVC 5 template work, scroll down the theme. ASP.NET MVC 5 Template: How it works It moves through walking how a MVC 5 project What is happening and under the hood? See all the features of the MVC 5 template Select Web > ASP.NET Web Application under the Create a new project templates. Enter a name for your project and click on OK . On the next wizard, select MVC and OK . This will apply to the MVC 5 template. MVC 5 template creates an MVC application that uses ...

ios - How to Switch Between View Controllers -

So, right now, in my main.storyboard, I have a visual controller that we call "SB View Controller" . I added another view controller, which is called "view controller" how do I create it, when a user clicks a button, will the controller see the SB view controller? Or, is not it that I am going to do something like that? Sorry if you can not understand it; Just tell me if you thanks in advance. I usually do this. Set a button in a view controller and then control-drag it creates a blue flexible arrow and leaves it when I want to click. then shows a small pop up menu and selection of the model Please. Then I will create another button in the second view, which will return to the original scene. For example, the "finished" will dismiss the latter scene. Here's the code to dismiss: - (IBAction) done: (ID) sender {[self-rejecting ViewControllerAnimated: Yes complete: zero]; } Then which scene will dismiss, second view. Do you ...

vba - Using a for-Loop to raise the row- index in Excel -

I want to copy one column of data from one worksheet to another place until the next. I want to give Excel the value given in "I3", then copy the data from "AA3 to AA 72" in Table 1, paste it into Table 2 in "D4" and remove the value given in "I3" . Then the macro should be given the value given in table I of "I4" and paste the data into "D5" in "AA3 to AA 72" on Table 2. And there is nothing like that. The code looks like this: sub firstTry () x = 1 y = 1 value = worksheet ("Table 1"). = 1 to 69 worksheet ("Table 2") for range ("C1"). Room (9 2 + x) = Value Worksheet ("Table 2"). Range ("AA3: AA 72") Copy Worksheet ("Table 1"). (4,3 + y) .x1Paste Special Transje: = True Worksheet ("Table 2"). Cells (9 2 + x) = 0x = x + 1 y = y + 1 Next S & Sub The main problem is that Excel does not increase the row-index, it is " I3 "and...

Powershell Scripting Error -

पीएस सी: \ wINDOWS \ system32 & gt; पुश-स्थान PS C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt; सेट-स्थान सी: \ पीएस सी: \ & gt; सेट-स्थान HKLM: \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ Jet \ 4.0 \ Engines \ Excel PS HKLM: \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ Jet \ 4.0 \ Engines \ Excel & gt; सेट-आइटमप्रापर्टी TypeGuessRows "0" PS HKLM: \ सॉफ्टवेयर \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ jet \ 4.0 \ Engines \ Excel & gt; ऊपर मेरा कोड है। यह मैन्युअल रूप से कार्य करता है। लेकिन सर्वर पर उपरोक्त स्क्रिप्ट कैसे चलाना है जब मेरी स्क्रिप्ट को myscript.ps1 में सहेजते हैं और त्रुटि के नीचे आने का प्रयास करते हैं पीएस सी: \ & gt; । \ Myscript.ps1 प्राप्त करें-प्रक्रिया: एक स्थितीय पैरामीटर नहीं पाया जा सकता है कि स्वीकार तर्क 'पुश-स्थान'। सी में: \ myscript.ps1: 1 वर्ण: 3 + पीएस & lt; & lt; & lt; & lt; सी: \ WINDOWS \ system32> पुश स्थान + CategoryInfo: InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-प्रक्रिया], ParameterBindingException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Positio...

android - I was wondering if anyone knew what the 3 axis on an accelerometer are? -

I am trying to create an algorithm to record data from the accelerometer, I was thinking that any X, Was the value of the Y and Z axis exactly? If you have a look at the following: In the matrix force Acceleration measures the force - which is applied to all three physical axes (X, Y, and Z) on a device with the force of gravity.

Build C++ files: .h and .cpp -

We are trying to find out how to create a C ++ file with .h and .cpp files. We are getting the same error: Error LNK2019: Unsolved exotic symbol is referred to in WinMain @ 16 function _ _tmainCRTStartup, and we do not know what we're doing wrong code from our 3 files here Has been: // First CPP file #include "stdafx.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Included "chayaGradeBook.h.h" name std; // Constructor Gradebook :: Gradebook (name of string) {setCourseName (name); } Zero gradebook :: setcarsname (string name) {if (name.size () 25) {courseName = name.substr (0, 25); Serie Lieutenant; & Lt; "Name \" " // chayaGradeBook.h.h #include & lt; String & gt; // Grade Book Category Definition Class Gradebook {Public: Clear Gradebook (std :: string); Zero set job name (standard :: string); Std :: string getCourseName () console; Zero display message (); CONST; Private: std :: string courseName; }; Main.cpp file: #i...

ServiceStack Development Tooling? -

Not sure if this is the most effective place to ask this question or not. I am currently making some tooling in Visual Studio 2013 (using NuPattern), which implements the standard REST service using the ServiceStacks Framework. That is, tooling helps you apply the comfort services, which meet the design rules and guidelines (in this case advocated by the API guidelines) for good comfort service design. Service developers based on a few simple configurations, for each resource they want to expose as the other end point, with any number of named actions (type: GET, PUT, POST or DELETE) Tooling builds the following code files with the traditional name and folder structure in the project, with its own solution in Visual Studio (all at C # at this point): Service class, and each Named Action Service service interface Both requests DTO Each request validates the DTO field. A manager class (and interface) that handles real calls with unwanted data from DTO. Integration test...

android - Why does the Facebook ApplicationId need a space in front of the number in AndroidManifest.xml? -

When an Android app uses Facebook, the app ID Android Manifest Is included in XML (edit: it has been found that it is not recommended), the value should be in the form of its first letter, thus escaping from a backslash: & Lt; Meta-data android: name = "com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" Android: value = "\ 00000" /> My question is, instead of leaving behind the backslash Why is it necessary? Is this an obstacle, from which you can think that what you are doing is a price there? Is it to make sure that some parser considers it a string rather than a decimal number? I will actually add an answer so that it can be accepted Then, in your manifest: & lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" Android: value = "@ string / APP_ID" />

c - Don't understand how tsearch return pointers work -

I am trying to figure out how the library works and I have reached a point where I I'm stumped by the way. Here is my code: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Getopt.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / types.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / stat.h & gt; # Include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Errno.h & gt; # Include & lt; Time.h> # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Dirent.h & gt; # Include & lt; Utime.h> # Include & lt; Sys / wait.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / msg.h> # Include & lt; Signal.h & gt; # Include & lt; Ctype.h & gt; # Include & lt; Search.h & gt; Compare Int (Constant Worth * A, Cost Blank * B); Zero action (constant view * nodep, visit value, int level); Structure word {four words [100]; Integer; }; Int main (zero) {zero * root = zero; Four * words [] = {... - Load values from database using SQL and repeater control -

I have a database file with the "Champions League" group, with information the table looks like this for example: "The team Team: Arsenal London, Group: A; Team: FC Barcelona, ​​Group B; Team: Manchester City, Group: Real Madrid, Group: A, Team: Manchester UTV, Group: A; Team: Chelsea London, B: Team: Atletico Madrid, Group: B; Team: Juventus, Group: B; " OleDbConnection Thief = New OleDbConnection: etc. At this time, Day To render HTML tables for Tabs I'am groups using 8 repeaters (each one for each group), and to get the value from the code (); Con.ConnectionString = "provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source = D: /VisualWebSitesProject/EURO-PILKA/bazyDanych/ligi.mdb"; Con.Open (); Dataset ds = new dataset (); OleDbDataAdapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter (); Da = new OleDbDataAdapter (like "an order based on DESC points from selectively * ChampionsLeague WHERE group", Kon); Da.Fill (DS); GroupA.DataSource = DS; GroupA.DataBind ()...

algorithm - Recursion Trees and Asymptotic Complexity: T(n) = T(n/3) + T(n/2) + n -

I am trying to use recursive trees to find the acetic acid complexity of this function: T (n) = t (n / 3) + t (n / 2) + n if n> 5 ; Otherwise, T (n) = 1 I made a recursive tree and determined that each level's _ (5/6) ^ of * n_ complexity Level Here, I'm not sure how to move forward. I know that I have to understand the complexity of depth, but it is not really sure how to do it. As an indicator, use the formula for the sum of a geometric series: 1 + (5/6) + (5/6) 2 + (5/6) 3 + ... = 1 / ( 1 - 5/6) = 6 Hope it helps!

c# - WebAPI passed post parameters is null -

I'm testing with WebAPI 2 and I've created the following control method. // Post API / value public string post ([CBD] string value) {string returnValue = "Return:" + value; Return return value; } When I am posting the following message with Fiddler, the return method parameter returns. POST http: // localhost: 50814 / api / value / http / 1.1 host: localhost: 50814 Content-Type: Application / Jason Content-Length: 14 {value: "new"} I have already done my code as much as before but it still remains empty. I think I am looking very simple but I am out of ideas Can someone help me? If you use a simpler string than your controller's post method, only Try sending it to: POST http: // localhost: 50814 / API / Value / HTTP / 1.1 Host: Localhost: 50814 Content-Type: Application / Jason Content-Length: 10 " MyStrin "

eclipse - Subclipse: Change file state from Incoming Change to Outgoing Change -

I have a project in Eclipse which has been used for the Esqual repository. In that project, I want to make an old revision of a file and make it a new modification, but when I right click it and Team -> Synchronize with Repository Subclass shows me the file if there are changes in it (because the file is bound to the old revision and is new to the repository). How can I tell subclic that I want to override and commit the current version of the file? You can not do that by using the method you have adopted SVN brings "very smart" here You can not send the file until the local version is in the HEAD modification. The way you apparently found this to SVN in an old revision of the file. So SVN is not allowing you to do that file without updating it in the head. What you want to do, instead of the old amendment, the file's "content" old amendment itself is here to do it: 1) Go ahead and file modification Update back in It will get rid of th...

vba - Error handling when opening a file -

I have the following code: sub-patch () Long as RK, tall as J, long as long as in the month, as long as year, year as year long = 2014 months = 2 to 2 Phase 1 day = 12 to 1 phase-1 next group workbooks. ("G: \ Manu + PVA + pomomalTrogram \ 10-Process and Tool \ 00 Paste Gestain Day Transformation \ 03 AMÉLIORER \ 20 Base Day Denise \ 00 Mproduct \ 19-Suivi \ Suivi du Cseries \ rapport quotidien \ Suivi Cseries_" and the day And "_" and the month and "_" and the year and ".xlsm") go to the error 0 '# # Content Workbook ("Suvi Series" and "Day" and "_" (Month and "_" And year and ".xlsm"). Close (false) Next day: next 'day next' mont and all When no file can be found I just cofe next file Of Gath wants to continue, so I kept "an error GoTo the next day" but it does not work. I still do not get the pop up file and debug pop up also appears. Use this pattern: ...

angularjs - AngularUI separate files for modal controllers -

There are several models in my angular application, and I have AngularUI to provide a modular directive. So far I have several main controllers, and all these apps The path in the JS file is in the form of. $ routeProvider.when '/ dashboard', templateUrl: '/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html', Controller: 'DashboardController' $ routeProvider.when '/ dataset /: panel_id', templateUrl "/templates/dataset/datasetkhtml ', controller' DatasetController '$ RouteProviderkwhen' / batches /: panel_id ', templateUrl:' /templates/design/design.html ', controller'. PanelController ' This works fine an example of Then I call a function that a model created, and ConfigureModalCtrl Is the controller. I was initially in the lower part of the Calling Controller file, and it worked fine. $ scope.invokeConfigureModal = (assay_id) - & gt; $ Scope.assay_id = assay_id $ scope.primer3 = $ scope.getPrimer (assay...

Bootstrap 3 form using input-group-addon wrapping error labels with Jquery Validate -

Bootstrap 3 is used with form-horizontal form group and with input-group tag with Jquery-validate. When Jquery.Validate runs for errors, it adds a label error control inside the input-group. The problem is that the input group-addon forms the next row under the form field, when the label is added by the error control Jquery valid. See: How can I get a label error to be subject to form control and not Yes, I am about to solve this solution by wrapping Input-group-adon in the next line I know - works great, but still does not bring the error label for the form-horizontal: Another way to resolve it: After moving the label out of the input group, after doing this, expected behavior: left label, field to right and error below field:

Opening a word template, in Word VBA, from a private sub, using a DropDown menu -

I just add-doing in trying to make words, which shall select from the drop down menu templates my client They usually use it. The use of the ribbon designer is add-in functional, but do not open the template. When changing the drop-down menu within the switch statement, I have code: document. Open (filename = "C: \ Mayfail \ Maidok Daok" Reedonli = false) This gives me the error: Non-shared requires an object reference to members would be greatly appreciate any help. . Cheers private sub DropDown1_SelectionChanged (ByVal as the System.Object, ByVal e Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs as) TemplatesDropDown.SelectionChanged dim strTemplatePath handle string strTemplatePath = "C As: Choose \ Users \ Aythan \ Documents \ DocSys \ Templates \ test.doxc "Case TemplatesDeepdown. Select item index case 0 msbx ("0") Episode 1 msbbox ("1") document. Open (Strait Maple Leaf) '& lt; & Lt; Error case on li...

android - Show indeterminate horizontal progressBar on the actionBar, like on PullToRefresh libraries -

background I want to show an indefinable progress bar which will not interrupt the user. I want to avoid progress, DLOG, a progress bar in the middle of the screen or a progress bar in the action item of the action item. For this, I want to show a horizontal progress bar as shown (and it is also present on the Google Plus app) as shown on libraries, but I do not have to do library and refresh There is no ability to scroll. Problem Where to find the revert code in third-party libraries is very difficult. What I have tried Since I use, I have tried the next code: @Create on Public Zero Override (Last Bundle Saved Instantstate) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); RequestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); ... getSherlock (). SetprogressBarInderminateVisibility (true); SetSupportProgressBarVisibility (true); SetSupportProgressBarIndeterminate (true); This works, but it shows an indeterminate progress once an action bar is in the form of an object....

bash variable expansion: ${!1}, ${1#/} & usage of export and typeset without any argument -

I am trying to read through the bash script for rvm installation, but I have difficulty understanding the following lines . Export do without any argument? line 241: type _account _domain _pattern _repo _sources _values ​​_version Question: What does typeet do without any argument? line 242: _sources = ($ {! 1}) Question: How to interpret such variable detail I have already referred to the bush reference Is checked (), yet it does not get much. line 510: branch = $ {1 /} line 514: if [["$ {1% /}" -including a vignette]] & amp; Amp; [["$ {1% /}" -a MPPs]] Question: These two variable extensions can not understand, either. Thanks for any help! export lists all export variables and their definitions without any argument Note that there are many arguments in your line on export . typeset was replaced by declare . Again, without logic, it lists everything that was declared, but your example argues in the command. $ {! ...

java - Eclipse Error ClassNotFoundException error on every project -

I'm new to Eclipse, Java and Android development. I used to see the source code for the most popular apps in the last week. APK has worked with many compilations. When I try to run the program with emulator in Eclipse, then I get the following error on every project. I had a book for a new project in some thought thinking a tutorial was corrupted when de-compilation and the same problem persists Has started following ... java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to illustrate activity ComponentInfo {com .linearlayout / com.linearlayout.MainActivity}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: on the path The class "com.linearlayout.MainActivity" was not found: De XPathList [[Zip file "/data/app/com.linearlayout-1.apk"], nativeLibraryDirectories = [/data/app-lib/com.linearlayout-1, / system / lib]] I looked at every single hit on Google search and each recommended to do no good to fix Pre> Cleaning and reconstruction of projects and adjust settings in 'Java Buil...

assembly - Memory address wont load -

I'm trying to move the value 0 into an address stored in the ax (assuming it's still writable is). MOV AX, 0EC7; Writing Write BYTE [ax], 0 But, nasm is giving me this error: Error: Invalid Effective Address Any ideas? The 16-bit addressing mode is quite limited. You can create an (optional) offset (a simple number), plus an (optional) base register ( bx or bp ), plus one (optional) index register ( C or di ). Bus. In 32-bit addressing mode, a register can be a base register and a register but esp can be an index register 32-bit addressing by multiplying by the index register Introduces one (optional) scale (1, 2, 4, or 8) for. [eax] will work - even the assembler in the 16-bit code generates "Address Size Override Prefix" byte (0x67). If the value in the eax is greater than the volume limit (usually 64k), an exception is generated (not handled in the actual dos - it is still hanging), so be careful with it.

debugging - Reverse/"Time Traveling" Debuggers for Javascript -

There are several reverse debuggers for Java, .NET, C, and C ++ unless you use GDB with Javascript I do not count scattered references, so I can not find any practical implementation. Is there any reason why I can not hook up with javascript in eclipse or intelli? Time-traffic debugger within Microsoft Experimental next-generation Microsoft Age Web Browser (May 2015 Excerpt from John Vilekar: (This is one) A new approach called Disputed Virtualization whose primary goal is Efficiently capture application-level words to reduce VM snapshot and event log size is. By increasing intangible levels of VMM for application of interest, inquiries VM can safely ignore large parts of the architecture phase in OS and hardware. As a solid demonstration, we present JavaScript virtual machines ... In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the VMI of the inquiry, Make, which is client- toward the web applications in physical machines, and ReJS, the time-trip debugger for the browse...

wordpress - PHP: Add html icons to a script -

I have to add the same icon for each li class which automatically generates the PHP script , Which I am using in a customized widget in a WordPress site. This script is using which to display some child pages in any WordPress widget. & lt; ? Php $ ancestor_id = 24; $ Genealogy = get_pages (array ('child_of' = & gt; $ ancestry_id)); $ Incl = ""; Foreign currency ($ $ descendent as page $) {if (($ page- & gt; post_perrent == $ ancestors_ID}) ($ page-> post_perrent == $ post- & gt; post_perrent) || ($ Page- & gt; post_perrent == $ post- & gt; ID)) {$ incl. = $ Page- & gt; Id ""; }}? & Gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; = "Gtc:" menu_order "));?> The code for the icon (already specified in a class) which I use Required to be done. How do I generate I can add a single icon? Use CSS, you need the rules list-style-type and list-style-icon

jquery - How to read JSON data -

This can be a silly question, but I really hope someone can help me here. M is currently using serializeJson () , to generate a JSON dataset in ColdFusion 10, so that I can process data within a jquery table plugin Can I SerializeJson () generates the following JSON data: {-COLUMNS: ["AMOUNT" "AMOUNTPAID" "ENTITY" "ENTITY_NAME" "Formulas" "Interlined" "Trand" "TrainID" " Type "" TYPE_INTERNALID "] -Data: [... My plugin only handles a very basic JSON. "$ 103 M", "Gross": "$ 373m", " "Weekly": "$ 29.7m", "Gross": "$ 29.7m", "Week": 1, "Week", "Week": 1, "Week", "Heading": "Dark Shadows (2012)", "Week" }, "Week", "$ 5.82m", "Gross": "$ 81.4m", "Week": 4}, {"Rank": 3, "Tit...

How to generate PDF with different DPI using wkhtmltopdf? -

I need to create two versions of PDF documents: 300 dpi and width with 150 dpi. Do I need to use different elements, font sizes, and images with different width and height? Or should I make PDF documents with different DPIs? You can create PDFs with different DPIs. I'm not sure about the command line arguments. If you are using php, you can try KnpSnappy bundle. In this, good APIs and different options can be configured.

mysql - Comparing variable value with result of a query in PHP -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 33 उत्तर मैं खींचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ सभी "totalsDate" मूल्यों को एक टेबल "योग" से और फिर या तो INSERT को एक नया रिकॉर्ड या एक मौजूदा $ तारीख के आधार पर अद्यतन करें। // योग से सभी दिनांक प्राप्त करना तालिका और पंक्ति $ sqlDate = "असाइन करें" कुल योग से चुनें "; $ Query = mysqli_query ($ dbCon, $ sqlDate); // $ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ क्वेरी); जबकि ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ query)) {$ rowDate = $ पंक्ति ['totalsDate']; // यदि स्टेटमेंट को या तो कुल तालिका का अद्यतन करने या एक नया रिकार्ड बनाते हैं ($ rowDate = $ date) {$ sqlThree = "अपडेट करें कुल योग एसटी सेट ख़ारिज करें = '$ lodgementsAfter' कहां branch_name = '$ branchTest' और totalsDate = '$ date ' "; $ Query = mysqli_query ($ dbCon, $ sqlThree); } और {$ sqlFour = "कुल मूल्यों में सम्मिलित करें (शून्य, '$ branchTest', 0, '$ राशि', 0, '$ date')"; $ Query = mysqli...

Rails 4 errors on simple migration on Postgres -

The first rail 4 migration bug Postgrejh I have found that it is really a bug. I do not understand that it will not be very simple migration why it works: class AddAdminToUsers & lt; Administrators :: Users: ActiveRecord :: Migration Def Add_column Changes Boolean, {Default: false, null: false} end-end I have tried it with and without curly braces. Here's the error: == AddAdminToUsers: Migrating ================================= ======================= - add_column (: user ,: administrator ,: boolean, {: default => false ,: null => false}) rack Rejected! An error has occurred, this and all subsequent migration canceled: Wrong number of arguments (for 2 1) /Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0. 0-p353 @ myapp /gems/rails_best_practices-1.15.0/lib/rails_best_practices/core_ext/object.rb:7:in 'try' /Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353@myapp/ Gems / activerecord-4.0 .2 / lib / active_record / connection_adapters / postgresql_adapter.rb: 723: `in translate_excep...

search - Exclude folders from eclipse - Open resources -

These two are related, but they are not: How can I do this Exiting the target folder (of all projects) while searching for resources using Ctrl + Shift + R I'm packaging using Maven and my target folder has been remade all the time. It is very difficult to mark folders that every single build is generated after and I have about 30 sub / projects I am on the planet's planer You can use this autocarave plugin to get this notation of target folders:

javascript - Parse: push notification to specific device -

I want to send a parse notification via the object ID to a specific device. The API call is from PHP: & lt ;? Php $ url = ''; $ AppId = // app id $ left pays = // rest of $ target_device = 'TARGET_INSTALLATION_OBJECT_ID_HERE'; // Target Objective ID using the ID $ Push_payload = json_encode (array ("where" => array ("objectId" = & gt; $ target_device,), "data" = & gt; array ("warning" = & Gt; "This is the alert text."))); // curl exec ... How can I get TARGET_INSTALLATION_OBJECT_ID_HERE by Javascript (because I'm using PhoneGrap)? Thanks For Android you can use this Phonegap plugin: I can not help you for iOS, because I am not currently working with it

Crystal reports - read from a table and perform calculations -

Using Oracle - I'm looking for a way to add records for multiple rows and multiple tables SELECT D.REC, D.CODE, (SET SUM (AMT) Tablet T2 WHERE T2.DELETED = 0 AND D. REC = T 2. RID and T 2.TYPE = 65 and T 2. RES,> 10 and much = 6) Tables DD WHERE D from AS T2 Total DELETED = 0 Group D. Code, REC order there are more sub-selections and calculations, in which I am no longer reading from 2 tables, but 4 more selected records now There is no connection and I was thinking that there is no way for me to write it in crystal, I any thoughts / assistance is greatly appreciated. In my opinion, the best way to create a scene for such scenarios is to add whatever you want to see And then use the view in your report.

django - send_mail not using the correct "From" value -

When the user submits the "request" form, my application sends an email with the content of the request form and in the e-mail They input the email address as "From:" For some reasons it seems that EMAIL_HOST_USER is being used instead of "From:". def beta_request (request): If request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get ("email") name = Request.POST.get ("name") message = request.POST.get ("message") send_mail ('subject', 'message', str (email), ['']) EMAIL_USE_TLS = true EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'pass' SERVER_EMAIL = EMAIL_HOST_USER request.html form action = "/ beta / request /" method = "post" accept-charset = "UTF-8 "& Gt; & Lt; Input id = "name" type = "text" name = ...

video.js - Hide Mobile Video Play Button -

Is there a way to hide the default play button in iOS / Android mobile devices for HTML videos? I am using video.js with the following HTML & lt; Video id = "battery_video" class = "video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls preload = "auto" width = "720" height = "480" poster = "/ video library / data / Thumbnail / Battery.JPG "Data-Setup = '{" example_op "" true}'> Things appear as I want on a desktop browser but iOS / Android are leaving a play button. At this time it does not seem that there is a way to hide the play button. / P>

javascript - Using Jquery to adjust text size -

I want to select the desired font size of the user, and it only increases the font size of # text. Now I tried some different things but nothing seemed to work. I just want to click the up or down arrows and whenever they click, they make it bigger than 1px. However, only a category of 10-80 would otherwise give an error. I will post the code below for html and js. Thanks HTML / JS Code> ** & Lt; Id = "font" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Font size & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "font" value = "15" id = "font" /> Px & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Span id = "size warning" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; ** $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# buttonup'). Click (function () {curcize = parseInt ($ ('# text') .css ('font-size' ('font - $ ('font-size')); $ ('font-shape'); $ ('function...

jQuery - standard code yet doesn't seem to be working? [$ selector returning Null] -

I want to pass data to AJAX by looking for a perfect HTML class, then executing a jQuery action on its elements The class on completion is It is that I have simplified, so far: & lt; Span class = "data_type_1" & gt; Here are some data & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "data_type_2" & gt; Here are some data & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "data_type_1" & gt; Here are some data & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; A href = "javascript: deleted (57);" & Gt; To delete all data with id = 57, click & lt; / A & gt; Function deleted (id_to_remove) {var url = "/my.php"; // Calling with 'id = 57' class_to_remove = 'data_type_1' jQuery.ajax (url, {type: 'post', data type: 'json', data: {id: id_to_remove,}, complete: remove_callback} ); } Function remove_callback (transport) {var response = jQuery.parseJSON (transport.responseText); Var class_to_r...

c++ - GUI To Display Scene Graph -

I have an implementation question before I get started, I'm using QT4 Creator with OpenGL. So I have this node class, defined like class node {private: std :: vector & lt; Node *> Leaves; Node * guardian; GMTrix 3T; Polygon * p; Public: node () Zero addLeaf (node ​​* n); Zero removal (); // and other} I have a class view that is defined like this ~ private: node * route; Public: view (); Node * getRoot (); }; The creator of the scene creates a tree of node objects, each of which is a change matrix, an indicator for a polygon, an indicator for its parent node, and a vector of pointer to children. . Finally, I have a Draw function which repeatedly enters the tree and asks OpenGL to draw the view. So now, I want to create a GUI that the user has the ability to explicitly add nodes to the graph as a child of any other node, and to remove any leaf node in the structure. I am familiar with Qt tree tree, but I have never used it before and it is difficult to f...

javascript - i am using datetime picker and want that my start and end date must have difference of 24 hours -

Start time is: - 02/18/2014 11:00 Expiration Time is: -0/2/27/2014 09:33 I want to calculate the difference between 2 dates using jquery so that I can add verification that the user must keep the difference of 24 hours (1 day) when selecting a date. this is jquery var start = new date ("2014- 02-18 "); Var end = new date (); Var diff = new date (end-start); Var days = diff / 1000/60/60/24 // warning (day); If (day & lt; = 1) {warnings ("less then 1 day"); } And {warnings ("and 1 day"); } This is jsfiddle for it

actionscript 3 - AS3 Avoider game tutorial document class -

Everyone! I am trying to find an answer to a problem with Michael James Williams's AS3 AVID Game Tutorial. More specifically, I'm stuck on the part where you have to set "Playcreek" in a different document class. I right-click the symbol in the library, select "Properties" and get a pop-up screen that sets class, base class, linking ... but nothing about "document class". It does not look like screenshots. So what do I do, here ?? How do I get a document class? It seems that you should declare as your document class, origin As per the 'Making an Emmy' tutorial, in the first part of the tutorial is instructions. This instruction also tells you to how to declare a document class. Now, in Section 3, you are instructed to create a new category which will become a document square instead of AvoiderGame. It just happens that you were asked in the name of this class '' but you make it your docu...

multithreading - How to run two python scripts in parallel on Windows -

I currently have two dragon scripts, one is to write the data in the file and the second is to read from the data one Just file in the timeline and plotting I would like to create a third script that can automatically run these two scripts at the same time (in fact, a little ahead of each other because the need to create a file for the second script Is it For Hne). Here is my code: import serial import cis import import line import threading import import numpy as mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import import * import matplotlib.pyplot plt import nppy as np form Import import time from matplotlib import into import timer as import timing import matplotlib.animation AngleText = Open ("data2.txt", "w") # Open file A to write data A = 1B = 1C = 1 for range in range (020): count = 0 sleep (0.5) angle text. AngleText.writelines (str (c) + '\ n') count = count +1 a = a + 1b (str (a) + ',') AngleText.writelines (str (b) + ',') = B + 2 c = ...

android - App Launcher Icon Disappears from screen -

I was trying to set an intent filter for a simple app to handle URLs. I applied basic tags for "intent-filter" such as "action", "category" Here I used 2 "intent-filter" tags. & lt; Activity Android: name = ". MyBrowserActivity" android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.VIEW" /> & Lt; Data Android: scheme = "http" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; But I...

PayPal solution for SaaS subscriptions? -

My web app needs subscriptions. I'm looking into payment solutions that work best with mother-in-law scenarios. I think PayPal has three options: Standard, Advanced, and Pro. I want PayPal to make an API call to check the status of my app. Which of these solutions is best for saas membership? Thank you, Sam I have always given priority to payment pro. You get full freedom to make your app how you want it. You will be able to integrate the credit card directly, so that you want to create that UI and then for Express Checkout API paypal payment, which provides more facilities than the payment standard is.

How to install cordova(3.0) manually -

I downloaded Apache Cordova 3.3.0. It has a Cordova-Android sub folder, I've unzipped it. How do I copy it into my Android project? I can not find jar file and xml And how to manually add this project to the plugin? I do not want a command line approach because my company does not allow it to be downloaded. Any help about this will be appreciated. I'm not sure that using Cordova without CLI would be very easy and maybe you could create phonegap (Nothing to download on your computer) Anyway, we see what we can do ... You do not say which platforms you are targeting, So I will try to explain what I know. Android First of all, set up java jdk (and java_homem env var) Android SDK manager (like Cordova 3.3.0 , API 1) Install the latest platform tool Install the eclipse ADT plugin (or eclipse included in the Android SDK install) Check the full list. then install Cordoba then you load your cordova source zip and remove it from anywhere in your hard...