javascript - Traverse a table using jQuery, XML, JSON, JS -
Sorry for the misleading title, but I'm sure how to write it.
I have the table below ...
I want to create a simple calculator that compares all the data in a row with 2 parameters.
I will ask my users to select a country before, and then select a value in that column, after doing this, you can submit the form and output the right values from that line
I promised to try and show what I mean ...
What is the best way to do this ? The only way I know is that if a bigger / other statement is done by those who will write to me forever.
$ ('country'). ('Change', function () {// if the US goes slow, then ($ (this) .val () == 'USA') {$ ('hidden grade'). Hide (); $ ('.inValusa'). Show ();} and if ($ (this) .val () == 'GB') {$ ('hidden'). Hide (); $ ('.inValgb' ). Show ();} and {$ ('hidden grade'). Hidden (); $ ('.inivalfr'). Show ();}}); $ ('Input [type = "submit"]'). ('Click', function (e) {e.preventDefault (); $ ('p'). Text ('value here output');});
If you select French
and 5a +
then you will see 5.8 and V-Diff
Output will receive ...
There are definitely different ways to do this, but I suppose Is that it comes down to the data structure. I personally go with a data structure, which has an array of countries with grades. Grades will actually be in pairs (display value / actual value) in account for intervals in the data. The trick here is that we do not want to display empty display values in the selection, but we need the data to convert (in the real value). After that, the content of jQuery is very simple.
Data like this:
var countrygrades = [country: "France", Grade: ["" 4 "" 5b "," 5A " ], "[5 b", "5 b"], ["5b +", "4"], ["5" 5b "", [" 5 "," 5c "], [" 5C + "," 5C + "], [" 6A "," 6A "], [" 6A + "," 6A + "], ["6b" 6b "]]}, {Country:" USA ", Grade: [[" 5.6 "," 5.6 "], [" "," 5.6 "], [" 5.7 "," 5.7 "], ["5.8", "5.8"], ["5.8", "5.8"], ["5.8"], ["5.9", "5.9"], ["5.10a", "5.10a"], ["510b", "5.10b"], ["5.10c", "5.10c"], ["5.10d", "5.10d"]]}, {Country: "UK", Grade: [[" "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", " ], ["4b" "4b"], ["4B VS", "4B VS"], ["4C HVS", "4C HVS"], ["5A E1 "," 5 AE1 "], [" "," "], [" "," "]]}];
event handling, etc. By the way:
function loadgrad (countrygrades index) {var grade selection = $ ("# grade"); GradeSelect.empty (); $ .each Grade, Function (Index, Grade) {if (Grade [0]! = "") {Grade Selection.Append ($ ("<" & lt; option & gt; & lt; / Option & gt; "). Attr (" value ", index) .text (grade [0]));}}); ATR ("value", index) .text ("value", index) .text ("value", index) .text ("value", index) .text ("value", index) countrygrad. Country));}); $ ("#include"). ("Change", function () {loadgrads ($ ("# country"). Val ());}); LoadGrades (0); $ ("#convert"). Val (); var grade conference = ""; $ .EEC (countrygrand, function (countrygrades index) {grade conversion [======================================================================================================= { Countrygrad [countrygrad index] country + ":" + countrygrades [countryread indies] grade [grade index] [1] + "
";}); $ ("#conversion"). Html Grade conversion);});
See one JSFDial here:
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