java - Adding soap header authentication to wsdl2java generated code -
I am in the process of creating a Java Web Service client with a wsdl I use Acceptance Dynamic Web Project and the new Web Services Client Use Apache to create code with wysdl2java with Axis 1.4. To work with the service I need to add SOAP authentication to this code. I could not find a place to do that in generated code. After abundant research I found this, which I have used as my spinal cord for my code so far.
Before I was getting something "error while processing security for error message" or with those lines now I'm getting I have tried many things to get this exception, this is the code that I have come to. < / P> This code is located in my Binding_ServiceStub class (in its' createCall method). We created this wsdl both in C # and VB, and there is an easy extension of the proxy class which is easy by changing the client credentials variable. I was hoping for something like this. Here also there is the security policy with wsdl code. And if anyone knows a way in which to add the SOAP header certification, I'll take that wsdl2java code just that it needs to work and you would think that something like this would be a bit more straightforward or less Less than there will be more examples. Update - confirmed that SOAPUI works properly using the same header? I have created a custom handler to process the SOAP message but did not help whether there is Axis 1.4 and JX-RPC problem? (I know they are old but still ...) Cool I just got Apache CXF Decided to use it as your profile and using it, it is as easy as Wow is very good Axis 1.4 Lesson learn lessons.
javax.xml.namespace.QName header name = new javax.xml.namespace.QName ("http: // / wss / 2004/01 / oasis-200401- Wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd "," secure "); Org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement header = New org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement (header name); header.setActor (zero); header.setMustUnderstand (true); // ws-security header javax Add userNameTool element to .xml.soap.SOAPElement utElem = header.addChildElement ("UserNameToken"); UtElem.setAttribute ("ID", "uuid-3453f017-d595-4a5b-bc16-da53e5831cd1-1"); Javax.xml Soap.SoAPElement userNameElem = utElem.addChildElement ("user name"); userNameEset.Value ("username"); Javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement passwordElem = utElem.addChildElement ("password"); PasswordElem.setAttribute ("Type", ""); PasswordElem.setValue ("password"); Header.setProcessed (true); Finally, add headers to binding. Set Header (Header)
& lt; Wsp: policy & gt; & Lt; Sp: UsernameTok: Include token = "" & gt; & Lt; WSP: Policy & gt; & Lt; SP: WssUsernameToken10 / & gt; & Lt; / WSP: Policy & gt; & Lt; / SP: UsernameToken & gt; & Lt; / WSP: Policy & gt; Do anyone know what I can do here? Why is this an exception? I have tried sets and set procedures for several prefixes and set the values (and based on their research of this exception). bp = ( port ; Bp.getRequestContext (). Put ("ws-security.username", user name); Bp.getRequestContext (). Put ("ws-security.password", password);
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