java - Android game fixed timestep gitter -
About implementing a specific timestamp with the scheduled time here:
< P> I have implemented my own version of Algorithm in Java on Android, which has given me a lot of improvement, but I can sometimes get bitter.
In my game timer class, which is said to advance every frame, together with Kenstep () and step () methods, the following are:
Public Zero Tick () {long thisTime = System.nanoTime (); Frames = this time - the last time; FrameTimeMs = (Int) (FrameTime / Nano_ TO_MILLI); FrameCounter ++; Second quarter - frames =; If (secondquine & lt; = 0) {fps = frameCounter; FrameCounter = 0; Second copper + = NANO_TO_SECOND; } Last time = this time; Accumulator + = Math.Man (FramesTime, DeltaTime * 5); // framcopy & gt; 5 frame alpha = accumulator / delta time; } Public Boolean canStep () {Return Accurator & gt; = DeltaTime; } Public Zero Step () {Accumulator - DeltaTime; Alpha = accumulator / delta time; }
NB: Delta time holds 1000 F divided by desired updates (like 30) per second.
My main game loop runs this argument per frame in such a way:
gameTimer.tick (); While (gameTimer.canStep ()) {update (); GameTimer.step (); } Draw ();
To calculate the movement of a sports object, I do the following:
float time = game timer.gettalltime () / 1000f; // per speed per speed = speed * direction * how much time; // Simplified: Velocity, speed & amp; Directions VC3's previous position = position; // Simplified: values have been copied + = velocity;
The draw position of the object of a moving object is calculated on the draw time by using linear interpolation:
lerp (drawposition, previous position, Position, 1.0f + gameTimer getAlpha ());
The game is in the middle of 50 to 60 fps, experimenting with updates per second has not yielded any better results. In addition, increasing or decreasing the framescip does not remove the guitar. The object suddenly jumps every pixel every time and I am struggling to fight this issue for iron.
Can anyone see any obvious problem with the above code which I do not remember?
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
It may be a little late It's gone, but seeing this question empty is making me a little sad, others are thinking the same thing.
At first glance, nothing seems to be wrong in your code. I have successfully implemented the method described by in java. But the key to simplifying the movement is not only the right time frame or the interpolation in your time. I am not sure about the rest of the code, but are you sure that you should not allocate new objects to your code anytime? Calling "new" will allocate new objects to your heap, which can collect garbage when exiting references. Garbage collection will create stutter for a little longer or more time (when many objects).
A key to solving this is simply: In the initial process, assign all the objects you need, before you update. If you have to allocate new items, consider using an object pool that re-existing existing objects of the same class as described here:
Hopefully it's someone to read To avoid many headaches.
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