
Showing posts from February, 2010

javascript - Scroll to top button -

I was thinking of myself how great Tumblr "scroll to top" button was. And then I was also thinking that Davisart does not have such a button. Now I know, I can easily scroll on top of the page by pressing the "Home" button on my keyboard. But what if I'm too busy scrolling? Or do not I just want to quarrel with my keyboard? Okay, I found out what I should do to do this. It was a scroll on top button for 4 chan but I optimized the manifest, instead of using devartart, there is a problem with code What do I want to do button, only then Is shown when users scroll more than 100 pixels on the screen I want to do some sort of animated scroll here, just like the Tumbler scroll, but this is not necessary. . But at the present, it shows a static button at the top right, click on the page, when I can click on the shortest time in the bottom of the page. The main here. JS code: / * * Scroll to top button for deviantart * * / Load function button () {button =...

android XML tag called eat-comment, what is its use? -

A tag is seen while looking for Android SDK: What is used for this? For example, here's a reference: & lt ; Commentary / & gt; is used to suppress the comment lines from the document output. With the example, you can read a bit about it: mvc - Column missing when I scaffold out views -

I have created a simple MVC application to run Siarud functions on a table. I have an existing SQL Server database, so I think this unit framework database will be first. For some reason, when I controller / view (when MVC 5 controller using sequences) Entity Framework ), the first column Index.cshtml, Edit.cshtml, Details Not added in .cshtml, and Delete.cshtml. but is has been added to Create.cshtml. Oh, I think that's why this is because it was the primary key field

list - Python for loop doesn't execute last iteration -

सूचीबद्ध सूची: ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e" "99", "बी", 99, "सी", 99, "एफ", "जी", "एच"] सूची की उम्मीद: 99, "एफ", 99, "जी", 99, "एच"] वास्तविक सूची: ["a", 99 , "बी", 99, "सी", 99, "डी", 99, "ई", "एफ", "जी", "एच"] पायथन कोड: m_o = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"] m = ["a" , 99, "बी", 99, "सी" 99, "बी", "सी", "डी", "ई", "एफ", "जी", "एच" "डी", 99, "ई", 99, "एफ", 99, "जी", 99, "एच"] num = 99 count = 0 m_l = range (len (m)) i के लिए m_l में: if i == (1 + गिनती): m.insert (i, संख्या) count = count + 2 m_l = range (len (m)) # प्र...

jquery - PrimeFaces ajax update of form inside p:dialog is not working -

I'm not able to update an ajax of hour: form inside p: dialog Here's how my XHTML has been designed. I do not have nested form. The men page The management is compatible with XHTML -> ManPage Bean. Searchwiki Similar management bean with XHTML -> SearchWebban MainPage.xhtml & lt; Ui: structure template = '/ template / layout.xHML' & gt; & Lt; Ui: Define name = 'content' & gt; & Lt; H: form prependId = 'false' id = 'dataForm' & gt; ... & lt; H: output text value = "# {home page .name}" /> & Lt; P: command button value = "search" onclick = "display content content; show ();" / & Gt; ... and & lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; P: Dialog ID = "Dialog search" view "Widget" = "Dialog search" model = "true" append teobody = "true" dynamic = "true" & gt; & Lt; Ui: Include src = "searchView.xh...

php - How do I combine select statements for all values in a many-to-many table -

I am working on the existing product database trying to clean things. I have the following tablets: Tables & lt; Products & gt; ID, title & lt; Keyword & gt; ID, title & lt; Product_has_keyword & gt; Product_id, keyword_id When I want to prepare a list of products, I use the code: from SELECT * products; And then for each product: Search by keywords k.title k, product_has_keyword phk WHERE = phk.keyword_id and =? How can I change this code in a single SELECT which also returns products like "ID, title, keyword" to keywords (apart from spaces)? Such as (1, "Hummer", "Equipment house hand"), (2, "blender", "kitchen house"), etc ... You can use it but it may be aware that its group has a character limit SELECT, p.title, GROUP_CONCAT (K.title SEPARATOR '') Products from 'keyword' P LEFT JOIN product_has_keyword phk ON (P.ID = phk.product_id) On lower ...

Ruby on rails foreach with bootstrap3 row class -

I will push the loop through the data and would like to display the usage of this data to the bootstrap grid system, Column, though I'll need it for several rows for the amount of data given below: & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; * Data goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; * Data goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; * Data goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; * Data goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; * Data goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; * Data goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class...

Python turtle, using colours from a list -

color = [turtle color ("red"), turtle colour ("blue"), turtle Color ("yellow"), turtle caller ("green")] fred = color [0], for turtles. (100), Turtle Left (90), color [1], for turtles. (100), Turtle (90), color [2], for turtles. (100), Turtle Left (90), color [3], for turtles. (100), Turtle Left (90) Returns the type (color [0]) square, from a list, trying to create a square with four different colors. Can i reach Your code: color = [turtle. The color ("red")] will run the function turtle.color ("red") , and store the return value It is like doing exactly : color = [none] If you have colors [0] you get the return value, not the function. Python does not know that none has expired via function call, or if you have handed it manually. You have just posted 2 lines of code, so I do not know enough that the context here is, but you may be want to do something like this: color = [lambda: turtl...

algorithm - Find all polygons in points using MATLAB -

I have a set of points in the plane and I want to search without any cones without convex polygons. For example, I would like to meet all the triangles, all four-shaped polygons, all four of five size polygons and so on unless it is possible to meet them without any point in them. In the image, the row corresponds to the polygon of the line one size 3. While the columns 1 and 2 show the correct example of what I want, column 3 shows a triangle in which it consists of two points, which I do not want. Show examples of polygons of sizes 4 and 5 of rows b and c . B3 Example of a non convex polygon I wonder if there is a function in MATLAB or any other language or if someone knows about algorithms who can do this. The algorithm may be obtained, to find the size of polygons, next to the point, it can possibly return the right polygon or empty if the polygon of that size is not there. I appreciate the help. Step 1: Make a delaunay-triangulation of points. St...

Custom script transform in ASP.NET MVC bundle ignored when debug is false and minified file exists -

I am working on an MVC 5.0 (.Net 4.5) application where I implement a custom javascript transform in my javascript Bundle files will be one of those files, which I am calling dummy.js for imaging purposes, has a minified file called dummy.min.js . I changed a custom script to replace the injection window.jQuery references with a different expression. When I run locally and in debug mode, everything works fine, but when the web If the debug mode is closed in the config file, the bundle returns the content of the dummy.min.js file, but my script does not apply to it, this applies only to javascript files which is not has an associated .min.js file. How can anyone know this? It almost looks like a bug in MVC. A solution is to remove a minified file, by suggesting that I remove the .min.js file from my status, because I think MVC delivers by default, But I'm looking for an alternative solution (if any). Thank you very much in advance. The above can be repro...

java - overriding drawing order scene2D's stage -

आपको एक जटिल Scene2D आलेख libgdx के साथ कई समूह का और अभिनेता का । आप चाहते हैं कि उपयोगकर्ता कुछ अभिनेता का चयन करें और अंत में उनको आकर्षित करें ताकि वे किसी भी अन्य अभिनेता के शीर्ष पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें मैं दोबारा स्टेज पर दोबारा करना चाहूंगा पहली बार यह चयन न किए गए अभिनेता को खींचता है, दूसरी बार यह चयनित कलाकारों को खींचता है। मैं इस व्यवहार को लागू करने के लिए कोई 'अच्छा' तरीका नहीं देखता हूं। मैं उन विकल्पों को पसंद करूँगा जो साफ हैं I क्या काम नहीं करता है: अभिनेता toFront () विधि केवल उसके भाइयों के लिए काम करती है स्टेज में अभिनेता के स्थान गमागमन: यह परिवर्तनों को अभिनेता है। परिदृश्य को संशोधित करता है के बारे में सोचें: आपके पास एक समूह जीए और समूह जीबी के साथ एक रूट है समूह जीए में दो छवियां हैं iA1 और iA2 । समूह जीबी में एक छवि iB है। यह देखते हुए कि समूह जीए पहले मंच पर जोड़ा गया है और उस छवि iA1 iB के साथ ओवरलैप करता है; अब आप iA1 का चयन करना चाहते हैं और इसे iB पर प्रकट करना चाहते ...

python - Reduce space between first histogram bar and y-axis -

I have a histogram that I have created using the following: import = Frakdist (list (industry)) x = np range (lane (fd) (x, fd. Value,), align = 'center', width = 0.15) as pylab pl fd. Xticks (x, fd.kiz), rotation = 90) pl.tick_params (labelsize = 8) ymax = max (fd.values ​​()) + 1 pl.ylim (0, ymax) pl.subplots_adjust (below = 0.3) pl.savefig ('internalDoorCount .jpg') Although I have the y-axis and the histogram bar first There is a need to reduce the difference between the two. How do you prevent text from overlapping? You can try to avoid overlapping text by using this function: pl.gcf (). Autofmt_xdate (below = 0.3, rotation = -30, HA = "left") It is designed to rotate the date mark label, but it should work well here. But you probably have to reduce the maximum font size, and / or increase the width of your shape.

objective c - EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL) crash after few days running an OS X app -

After a few days of using the exact log about my OS X application Otoriys corruption crash randomly, but I do not understand why: crashed Thread: 4 exception type: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL) exception code: 0x000000000000000l, 0x0000000000000000 application-specific information: objc [35716]: autorelease pool page 0x1009d2000 corrupt magic 0xa1a1a1a1 0x4f545541 0x454c4552 0x21455341 pthread 0x107b92000 and thread: Thread 4 Sl Crashed: 0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff9461575b _objc_trap () + 0 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff9461589b _objc_fatal + 195 2 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff946255d2 (anonymous namespace) :: AutoreleasePoolPage :: check (bool) + 134 3 libobjc .A.dylib 0x00007fff9461153c (anonymous namespace) :: AutoreleasePoolPage :: autoreleaseSlow (objc_object *) + 252 4 libobjc. A.dylib 0x00007fff94624781 _objc_rootAutorelease2 (objc_object *) + 75 5 com.mybiz.myapp 0x0000000100001f86 - [IPADDRESS to_dotted_char:] + 27 (IpAddress.m: 130) worried method is the following ...

How to calculate the Sum of all Values in a Ruby Array -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तर मेरे पास एक सरणी है : a = [1,2,5,8] मैं एक साथ जोड़ (या गुणा) सभी तत्वों के मूल्य की गणना करना चाहता हूँ। a.inject {| sum, x | राशि + x} या थोड़ा छोटा और तेज़: a.inject (: +) के लिए गुणन या जो कुछ भी, बस साइन इन करें: a.inject (: *)

javascript work out the size of an array -

I am creating a mobile app and want to store data on the device. I am downloading and using local storage to save data after populating ARLs. The total amount of data is 20 categories and each category has 50 rows and each row will have an HTML code of a page. So the characters with a 20 x 50 x average number on a page Do I have any way to get the total size of the reloaded array in the device then I can estimate how much I can store on a mobile phone. Is there a problem using large arrays on mobile? Shrirby looks like something on which normal computer But there is a lot of good for mobile devices, and I suggest you try a different approach, such as populating content such as asynchronous loading (via API-call) and static HTML-files Static HTML-Files are downloaded only once and preferred by the browser Are stored, so you do not need to waste as wire local storage with HTML- pages.

cordova - How can I build multiple android apps from the same project -

We are using teleed appbuilders that are built on the top of phonegap. We are using the same project code with different configurations to create 3 apps Actually the appbuilder project is the same, then we just change the CSS styles, images and some API connections and make it as 3 separate applications. We have a problem with Android when we manually install 1 app, other apps can not be installed. I do not have an error on "Application Android", after uninstalling it, the installation of another app is successful. I think that the id needs to be changed elsewhere. IOS works fine because I want it to have 3 different provision profiles I created the app by changing the name of the app for every app in the manifest file and also created a unique app id in Project Properties-> General. I also tried hard-coding "package" assets of the manifest tag in the manifest file to ensure that it is unique DB name is common for all apps, I wonder if it makes a difference? ...

svn - "Error Validating server certificate" error in post-commit hook on VisualSVN Server -

I am using post cut hook in visual svn I am trying to check out the files committed to the repository : When I file, I get the following error in the Post Commit Hook: D: \ Program Files \ VisualSVN Server> "D: \ Program Files \ VisualSVN server \ bin \ svn.exe "checkout https: //***.**.**/svn/Mobile/Node/trunk C: \ MyProject Error Server certificate is valid for 'https: certificate manual form Use fingerprint to validate from! Certificate information: - Host name: ALPHADEV.phipaper.dom - Valid: to Tue, 23 Feb 2010 21:36:08 GMT Fri, 21 Feb 2020 21:36:08 GMT - Issuer: ALPHADEV.phipaper.dom - Fingerprint: 8A: 33: 56: 00: 56: 44: 4F: 6D: D3: 80: C5: BA: 79: 1A: CD: 7A: F3: 27: 84 ( R) Eject, accept (T) or accept (permanently? How to fix this problem Use - -Church-server-certificate - non-interactive for checkout Empty options

user interface - Android: How to keep switch and label together -

I'm trying to put a switch and its label together. & lt; Switch Android: Id = "@ + id / switch" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: background = "#FFFFFF" Android: text = "this is a label" /> The problem I have is that the switch and its label differ from opposite sides of the screen. I know that I can change Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" but I'm trying to create a white background (#FFFFFF) which is the content height and screen width. I also know that I can put a switch in a relative layout with this background, but I think that this extra unnecessary view will have to be made. Is there any way to stop switch labels from switching from switch? Thanks in advance! I have written a precise problem and wrote about it. This will give you a component on the right with a switch (or check box based on the API version), and its label left. ...

javascript - Popcorn was not injected in your file -

While staging with grunt service I am doing: running "Install: app" (buy-install) job popcornes was not injected in your file. Please take a look at "app \ bower_components \ popcornjs", you include it manually in your file. I've added Popcorn.js to bower.json: {"name": "NAME", "version": "0.0.0 "," Dependency ": {" angular ":" 1.2.6 ",. "Popcorns": "~ 1.3.0". "Cooner-slugieff": "1.0.0"}, "Development": {"angular-socks": "1.2.6", "angular-landscape": "1.2.6"}} then as my index.html: & lt; S_cript src = "bower_components / popcornjs / popcorn.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; S_cript src = "bower_components / popcornjs / module / player / popcorn.player.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; S_cript src = "bower_components / p...

php - upload many images with they label -

I need to upload 5 images with the people on which I created it before uploading many images Given, but it works fine Take a look at my code. This is the HTML code & lt; Form action = "& lt ;? Php $ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF']? & Gt;" Method = "post" enctype = "multipart / form-data" & gt; & Lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ GET ['msg'])) {$ msg = $ _ get ['msg']; Echo $ msg;}? & Gt; & Lt; Span style = "font-weight: bold; color: # F00," & gt; * ملحوظة ki & lt; / Span & gt; الصورة الأولي التي سترفع ستكون صورة المشروع الأساسية نرجوا أختيارها بعناية & lt; P & gt; & Lt; = Label for "img1" & Gt; Travel 1 & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "img []" id = "fileField1" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "limage []" id = "Limage1" placeholder = "add label" & gt;...

java - How to find element of textfield with selenium WebDriver? -

I have an example with Google Please explain to me, what does that mean? .findElement ( ( "Q")); How WD understands this is a text field? WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver (); // and now use it to see Google driver. ("Http://"); // Find the text input element by its name WebElement element = driver.findElement ( ("q")); Selecting this one element with q Its name attribute does not know that the element is a input , it is simply specifying it on WebElement . If you want to determine that this is a input you can call and type through example WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver (); // and now use it to see Google driver. ("Http://"); // Find the text input element by its name WebElement element = driver.findElement ( ("q")); If (element.getTagName (.) Equally ignored cass ("input") and amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; element element.getAttribute (...

php - namespace autoloading with composer and PSR-0 -

I want to implement Nom place Auto loading with Musician and PSR-0, and I do not know why this does not work was done. My file structure is: src | App | World | World .php | User | User.php vendor test.php composer.json in World.php & lt ;? Php namespace world; Class world {public ceremony hello () {come back "hello world"; }}? & Gt; User.php & lt; Php namespace user ; Class user {public function hello () {return "hello user"; }}? & Gt; " " "" "Src / app"}}} and when I call it test.php Check in: & lt; Php is required 'vendor / autoload.php'; Class MyWorld {public function testhello () {$ w = New My Book: Echo $ w-> Hello (); $ U = new My user \ user (); Resonate $ u- & gt; Hello (); }} $ M = New Myworld (); $ M- & gt; Testhello (); ? & Gt; I get this error: Fatal error: Class 'my user' user 'did not get' Fatal error: Class 'My World Wo...

android - keep my phonegap application from closing while navigating to another application to copy some data -

I have created an application using an Android and IOS PhoneGap. I need a user to navigate to another application on the phone and copy a token (string) and return to my app and paste it This is completely on Android device Works fine, but on IOS (both devices on which I have tested Iphone 5 with IOS7) When the user moves away from my app and then returns, it is restarting my app. This is my application. Loads on the light page & amp; Of course reference & amp; They have gone as necessary to paste the string Is there any way to close the app for 30 seconds, while a user navigates to another app and then returns? (I have searched for information on this, but I can get information about making a service. I do not need to apply to run in the background to work. Is not required, while the user goes away to copy the wire from another app) By disabling debugging and hydrating, and using the "App PhoneGap Build" option of your app Resolve it by repair I think...

mysql - SQL Query breaking for some reason -

कृपया निम्न छवि पर विचार करें: जब मैंने निम्न प्रश्न coldfusion में चलाया: & lt; cfquery datasource =" mydb "नाम =" qCoulmnInsert "& gt; अनोखा ओपन --- & gt; अनन्य_वेब मेमेल_इन, अनूठा_टेबलटी_आईंट, अनूठा_अभियान, अद्वितीय_फोन_इन, अनूठा_डेस्कटॉप_ंट, & lt; --- तारीखों के लिए - सरल ओपेरा_उपलब्धताएं- open_desktop_int, open_other_int, open_phone_int, open_tablet_int, open_webmail_int, & lt;! - & gt; प्रारंभआती_dt, समाप्ति दिनांक, दिनांक_आइटी) मूल्यों & lt;! --- अपने सरणी के माध्यम से --- & gt; & Lt; cfloop = "1" से = "# सरणीलेन (cfData) #" सूचकांक = "आई" & gt; (& Lt; cfif structkeyeyxists (cfdata [i], "open") & gt; & lt; cfqueryparam cfsQLTYPE = "CF_SQL_INTEGER" मान = "# cfData [i] .open.Desktop #" & gt; & lt; cfelse & gt; NULL & lt; / cfif & gt ; & Lt; cfif structkeyeyxists (cfdata [i], "open") & gt; & lt; cfq...

iOS circles and lines in Sprite Kit -

I want to draw a circle from the circle center and a line which is also twice the circle radius My output is pulling a circle with its forward line - (zero) setupManball {main ball = [self makemenball]; MainBall.position = CP pointmake (auto size.width / 2, self size .ight / 2); MainBall.zPosition = 3; [Self linking child: main ball]; [Add Main Ball Child: [MacConan himself]]; } - (SKShapeNode *) makeMainBall {SKShapeNode * theMainBall = [[SKShapeNode alloc] init]; CGMutablePathRef myPath = CGPathCreateMutable (); CGPathAddArc (myPath, NULL, 0, 0, 10, 0, M_PI * 2, Yes); TheMainBall.fillColor = [SKColor blueColor]; TheMainBall.path = myPath; TheMainBall.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius: theMainBall.frame.size.width / 2]; Return manball; } - (SKSpriteNode *) Maconon {canon = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithColor: [SKColor blackColor] Size: CGSizeMake (3, 20)]; Canon.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize: canon.frame.size]; Return Canon; } Try:...

Excel 2013, Thisworkbook.Activate does not work when Application.ScreenUpdating = False -

कृपया शामिल प्रक्रिया टेस्ट () का परीक्षण करें उप परीक्षण () अनुप्रयोग। स्क्रीन अपडेटिंग = गलत कार्यपुस्तिकाएं। खोलें ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "\ Book2.xlsm" application.ScreenUpdating = TrueThisWorkbook.Activate End Sub इस कार्यपुस्तिका को प्रक्रिया के अंत में सक्रिय होना चाहिए, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। कोड की पहली पंक्ति को टिप्पणी करें और प्रक्रिया के अंत में ही कार्यपुस्तिका सक्रिय है जब मैं पहली बार समस्या का सामना कर रहा था, तो वास्तविक कोड मैं चला रहा था, अगर यह काम चालू नहीं हो रहा था तो रनटाइम त्रुटि का कारण होगा। यह बहुत भ्रमित है मैं अनुमान लगा रहा हूं कि एसडीआई एक्सेल 2013 के प्रयोग से ऐसा कुछ है। मैंने एप्लिकेशन को सेट करने की कोशिश की है। ScreenUpdatingThisWorkbook.activate से पहले और कोई प्रभावित नहीं करने के बाद। DoEvents से कोई मदद नहीं या या तो रुको। एक कार्य के रूप में मैं प्रक्रिया के अंत में एक MsgBox का उपयोग करता हूं, जो किसी कारण से इस वर्चुबुक को सक्रिय करता है जब Application.ScreenUpdating को झूठी पर सेट किया गया है क्या आप एक ही परिण...

c# - looping through gridview does not always work -

Not sure why I tried some suggestions that no one would help. I've sometimes debug my application several times and this problem never happens when everything is properly debug. But when I publish my application and allow people to use it, then the problem is and this is not for everyone, it only randomly decides that the checkbox is not checked And leaves the whole process even further at the end. Before checking a checkbox, button_click will fire, so I know that they have to check one. Gridview & lt; Div id = "divEventDetail" & gt; & Lt; Asp: GridView id = "grdEventDetail" runat = "server" autoogenerate column = "false" datakiname = "idid" width = "381px" annuitydatabase = "grdEventDetail_RowDataBound" gridline = "horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; Asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "EventID" visible = "false" & gt; & Lt; ItemTempl...

ios - REST API Request for Mobile App -

I use the (originally a phonegap type website that uses WYSIWYG) and IOS / Andriod Creating an App for Originally Become a Calendar for Upcoming TV Episodes Users will select the shows they want to see and the calendar / list in the app will be populated with upcoming episodes. For this, I am trying to use an API called However, I only have basic knowledge of the database and the API is also less with usage. Thetvdb has some documents to use for its API, however, to understand and translate into form which I am using to get the request. I need a key to use my API, which I already have. I'm not sure what to put in for the settings and the request field first I must know that the URL The URL under the first settings is. Settings: URL: Method: Data Type: Content Type: Request: Not even Sure To do which parameters to use? Documentation () The following is the video tutorial () You can use the AFNetworki...

jquery - data value of input button inside a form -

Shows two forms with the input button, how do I get the value of the input button? & lt; Link rel = 'stylesheet' href = 'css / nook.css' type = 'text / css' media = 'screen, projection' /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "js / jquery-1.10.2.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("post_comment") Submit (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var s = $ ("comment"). Data ('I'); alert (S);});}) & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;? For Php ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; 2; $ i ++) {resonant " "; Echo; & Lt; Div & gt; Input ";}? & Gt; You must search the input element Which is inside the submitted form $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (".post_comment"). Submit (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var S = $ (this) .find (". (". "); Data ('I'); Aler...

javascript - Importing data from multiple csv files in D3 -

I'm new to D3 and started working on just one project. My question is, I want to import data from 2 CSV files in D3 to use them for graph comparison. The problems I am facing are: 1. How do I import data from more than one CSV file? 2. Can I use an array for each CSV or does D3 only use a global data array? Is there any way to select a certain column to import from CSV files? Here is an example, I want to import "oldwart" from each old file and then work with the use of 2 arrays. Is it true in D3 and how? CSV1 Time, Old, New, Old T, New T180930,1 9 9 4,24,59 2,198039,159 94, 26.45 3,152581,194032,22,61 CSV2 Time, Old, New, Old, New T 1,184950,180435,27, 26 2,12059 9, 12 9 409,13,13 3,165222,182133,60,54 Again sorry for the dumb question, but I Have a slight reaction. Any help would be appreciated. You can simply call d3.csv multiple times: d3.csv ("csv1.csv", function (error1, data1) {d3.csv ("csv2.csv", function (error...

c++ - What is the syntax for using __bridge cast in conjunction with static_cast? -

I tried the following, but the compiler does not understand: / / id anObjOfTypeFoo; Foo * obj = (Foo *) anObjOfTypeFoo; // Error: __bridge Foo * obj = (__bridge Foo *) anObjOfTypeFoo; Should use; // OKA FU * OzZ = Static_Cast & lt; __ Bridge Foo * & gt; (AnObjOfTypeFoo); // error Foo * obj = __bridge (static_cast & lt; Foo * & gt; (anObjOfTypeFoo)); // error Since the purpose-C code is one. For the Mm compilation unit, C ++ is compiled effectively by the compiler, so there should not be a problem in pulling the C ++ keypad. Can anyone put light on it? Very bad static_cast comes from C ++, this does not understand the purpose-the classes you NSString to NSMutableString can not even be inserted.

Python Class Runtime-Error -

I have just started Python and created a program about 8 line code which only calculates the area of ​​triangle , But whenever I try to turn it on, in area length = self.num1 attribute error in 'Area (1212) line 3', I get this error file "", Line 1, 'triangle' object has no attribute 'num1' and here is my code class tr Piedagon: def region (self, num1, num2): length = self. Num1 width = self.num2 field = (length * width) / 2 field = int (field) print ("your area is:% s"% area) help would be appreciated As Message: Your object attribute num1 (and also an attribute num2 ) is not there. You need to set them somewhere in your class, that is, square triangle: def __init __ (self, number1, number 2): # length and width of triangle itself = length = num1 Self Width = num2 def area (self): # and all other stuff are here ... On the other hand, your method looks like you want to pass two values ​​ Num1 and num2 . In tha...

ios - UISearchDisplayController - can see content scrolling behind it -

I have a UISearchDisplayController that displays search results in UITTableView below which is correct. Works fine, I am able to populate the table view on the UISearchDisplayController, but when I scroll to Table Viewer, the content of the table view is scrolled behind the UISearchBar under the tool's status bar is done. Has anyone got any experience of how this is being shown? All my other view controllers I am setting up a navigation bar to keep a specific color, but this does not affect the search controller. This is a known problem if you are using UISopDisplayController in UIPopover I have the same problem and many solutions provided by others do not work. I'm really cool to bestow it now. It's about to hide the keyboard and notify to set the tableview content size of search results.

if statement - Bash- Parse a word if a symbol exists -

I am trying to parse a file in a specific string. I have to get the area from one part of a file, but this variable can be. Here is the file format: info INFO2 info3 number: number-NUM_1 | SFSDFDSFAWEAB-SDSSDF | SDFSD207; DSFDS140 INFO2 info3 number: number-number | SFSDFDCDVD-SDDFSDFF | SDFSD207; DSFDS140 INFO2 info3 number: number-NUM_2 | SFSDDSFD-ERSWSDFSDF | SDFSD207; DSFDS140 I am trying to get the number: number-NUM_1 to be just number: number-number but Every entry "_ #" has been successful so much: # / bin / bash, while doing the reading line, titletmp = $ (echo $ line | deduction -d '\ t' -f4 ) Roy = $ (echo $ titletmp | -d deduction '|' '-f1) done Which gets me as far as: number: num-num_1 But I can not understand how to do any of the next bit Jav? To remove the symbol below and use the suffix, delete: For example: $ roy = number: numeric value = $ roy = $ {roy% _ *} NUM_1 $ roy = $ {roi% _ *} $ echo $ roi num: num...

use 2 player views for streaming music in Android -

There is an original sample: the CynogenMod's Apollo Music app assume that I have to run a music file in a mini player view I want to adopt the idea and when I click on that mini player, a bigger and more expansive player will be shown. Thanks in advance. How can I manage a service that is running the stream?

c# - Connecting to myself using .NET sockets -

I am creating a server client application. I am able to connect to the application on the same network. For example, I can connect to and . I am now trying to connect to my external IP and I receive: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005) No connection can be made because the target machine has actively denied it. listen to = new socket (address.internetwork, socket type stream, protocol type. TCP); Write = new socket (Address Family.Inter Network, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); End = new ippointpoint (ipadress purse (ip), 3212); Write.Connect (end); Is this a problem with my code or my router settings? Or that you can not connect with yourself ... though it does not understand that I can connect to . This is a common loopback error, because you are routing Internet NAT redirection when your external IP Your modem / router has been assigned ... not your computer, remember that your router can manage traffic for more t...

osx - Uninstall Active TCL Mac -

I am trying to uninstall the active TCL on my Mac and the code provided from the website is not working. I'm getting errors saying no directory when I look at the file path that code gives me, I can find it manually but it does not work. Is there any other way to get rid of this? The code given below is: $ cd / library / framwork / TCL.framework / version / & ltversion & gt; Uninstall / Resources / Scripts / $ sudo. / Uninstall $ cd / library / framework / TCL Framework / version / 8.6 / processing / code / pseudo / Uninstall sudo: ./uninstall: command not found $ ls -al uninstall -rw-r - r-- 1 uninstall uninstall root administrator 6868 October 26 2013 uninstall Not worth it. Then a Tcl icon appeared in my dock, and when I clicked on it I , A dialog box asked: Confirm that you want to delete all Tcl 8.6 files?

java - Insertion sort debug -

I have tried sorting a set of data using an inclusion sort. But when I do not print print output, proper output happens: giant bird 1 mockingbird 2 vultures 3 redwoodpeckers 6 pigeons 7 crows 10 condos 12 Bluejays 15 dodos 15 baldeagles 25 cardinals 40 hummung birds 88 string [] BN = {"cardinals", "blues", "albatross", "vultures", "Crows", "Mockingbirds", "Conders", "BaldEagles", "Pigeons", "RedHeadWoodPecker", "Hummingbirds", "Dodos"}; Integer [] BQ = {40,15,1,3,10,2,12,25,7,6,88,15}; Public Static Zero SortingMedic Ordernert (String [] BN, Int [] BQF) {For (Int I = 1; I & Lt; Beak.Lamp; I ++) {Int next = BKA [i]; String y = bn [ii]; // Find all entry locations // move all big elements up int j = i; While (j & gt; 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; BK [J-1] & gt; Next) {BN [J] = BN [J-1]; BQ [J] = BQ [J-1]; J--; } // insert ...

mysql - Foreign key column not shown in vs Dataset DataTable -

I have created a process with the primary key constraint. It is working fine now I now have a dataset I will try to add the process -> Use the current stored procedure -> table adapter -> Finish This foreign key does not show the column How can I fix this error? If you use the fill method for the data source, this schema Does not add data to the dataset. From to To populate a dataset with the existing primary key constraint information from a data source, you can either call the FillSchema method to call data adapter, or fill Before you add the DataAdapter's MissingSchemaAction property to AddAffairs. How to add schema information to a dataset using FillSchema . DataSet custDataSet = new DataSet (); CustAdapter.FillSchema (custDataSet, Schema Type. Source, "Customer"); CustAdapter.Fill (custDataSet, "Customer"); DataSet custDataSet = new dataset (); CustAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchelection AddWithKey; CustAdapter...

android - entity.getContentLength() returns -1 -

The object of BufferedReader is empty, when I debug my code, I suppose that In the HttpEntity object also looks like blank. Here's my part of the code: // create HTTP request try {// defaultHttpClient DefaultHttpClient HttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient (); Http post http post = new HTTP post (url); HttpPost.setHeader ("content-type", "app / json"); HttpPost.setHeader ("Accept", "JSON"); HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute (httpPost); HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity (); Long LAN = httpEntity.getContentLength (); Is = httpEntity.getContent (); } Hold (unsupported encoding exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (unknownhostexception e) {eagmesses (); E.printStackTrace (); } Hold (Client Protocol E) e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } {BufferedReader Reader = Try New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader ("UTF-8"), 8); Stringbilder sb = new stringbiller ()...

html - the letters < and MP not accepted in ajax modal form -

I have an Ajax function to get a model form from a php file. Php file, this line is: (...) & lt; P class = 'form-control-static' id = 'cliente' & gt; "$ Line ['' (...) Where $ line ['temp_metal_com_vs'] is a text 424 | 324 & lt; MP & lt; = 385 ". But, when the model is interpreted, it is only" 424 ", this remaining text is missing ( & lt; MP & lt; = 385 ). With Chrome Inspector, I know that there is another color for the rest of the text () Even thoughts? Maybe text means some html tag? How can I get it? When I am making this post, if I 'put a letter' and 'MP' together (without space) In my example, '& lt;' And 'mp3' without space between them. Thanks

mysql - How to display rows from 2 different tables in sql? -

I have two separate tables. Test1: 1,2, With 3, row elements up to 4 as 10 Test 2: As the row elements with A, B, C, D, j I want to display results through a single query where the number of each alphabet from the table precedes And are omitted after strange numbers and other characters. Like, for this case, the result will be: 2a, 4c, 6e, 8g, 10i and 1,3,5,7,9 and B, D, F, H, J will not be displayed. I need to do this with a large table that does not have numbers or letters. This can be useful for you, in SQL Server, change it to mysql Enter the table #alpha (alpha varchar (25)) #alpha value ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F') table number # numeral (numbers) # numeral numbers (1), (2), ( 3), (4), (5), (6) Selection Cast (varchar (25) as number dygits + + '+ alphabets.lafa your ridge FDR (number of digits greater than RAH_NUMBER) (number of digits as ID based on ID number)) Number of points Join INNER (sele...

sugarcrm - Display popup in Suagrcrm -

When creating a contact, I check with Javascript if that contact already exists if I'm displaying a text that is "Alre is present", I have displayed an information icon in addition to the message. I want to receive the following: On the hover of that icon it should display the already available contact ID and when it opens the particular click, expand it in detail.

xcode5 - Moved Xcode folder to new computer, now TONS of files are missing -

You can only imagine how frustrated I am trying to go through my old computer where all Have resources and put them new Please tell me how can I prevent it from happening next time. When I copy the file into Xcode, I really want to empt them do not use the file space only. When adding files to a project you will be asked whether Xcodes them. If you allow it, they are copied or else consider using a version control system, which allows you to clone your project on another computer.

How to remove substring between \n from a string in java -

I want to remove the string from the string between \ n if it contains the "wrong " keyword. main string =" Hi my name is John \ nI am an architect ... \ nHello is a bad day \ n " I want to remove "\ nHello fails \ n" I tried string.replace but no success .. The strings between each "\ n" can be divided as follows string [] line = message.split ("\ n"); // considering that the message variable contains string string msg = ""; ("FALSE") {msg = = [CNET] + "\ n" ({CNT = C; ; }} System.out.println (msg);

get - trouble using preg_match and directory names with $_GET using PHP -

मेरे पास एक स्क्रिप्ट है जो $ _GET का उपयोग निर्देशिका नामों को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए करता है और एक फ़ोल्डर में फ़ाइलों को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए URL में जोड़ देता है webroot। यहां मेरा वर्तमान कोड है: & lt; php $ getdir = $ _GET ['dir']; $ Getdoctype = $ _GET ['doctype']; $ Dir = "/ var / www / अपलोड / $ getdir / $ getdoctype"; $ Subdir1 = स्कैंडर ($ dir); / * यह समारोह डायर्स / / $ सूची = array_diff ($ subdir1, सरणी ("।", "..", "index.php")); गूंज "& lt; ol & gt;"; विदेशी मुद्रा ($ फाइल के रूप में $ की सूची) {यदि (! आईएसआईडी ($ फ़ाइल)) गूंजती है "लियू; ली & gt; & lt; a href = 'https: // = $ getdir और amp; doctype = $ getdoctype & amp; फ़ाइल नाम = $ फ़ाइल '& gt; $ फ़ाइल & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; \ n "; } गूंज "& lt; / ol & gt;"; ? & Gt; मैं समझता हूं कि $ _GET का उपयोग इस स...

.net - Why do native C++ projects have a TargetFrameworkVersion? -

It is possible to specify the version of the .NET framework in Visual Studio (v100, v110), which is a project target by using TargetFrameworkVersion. The element in the project file (if there is no TargetFrameworkVersion element, IDE only uses its default .NET version. The above is true for both CLRs and Basic C ++ projects. I find it really weird and misleading. If Visual Studio is a project, then it's original, so why does it target what TargetFrameworkVersion is? OK, in fact you have to ask the responsible developers to create the script, because in principle it In fact it is not necessary, nor is it used. And they know it for themselves, for the standard C ++ project file, these are the lines, so to set up the property (Microsoft Common Targets):

callcc - scheme: how to use call/cc for backtracking -

In the last few days I am playing with continuity in the plan (especially cheating) and I am a little disappointed. The result is that there are some functions and were wondering if someone could explain what is happening here. For example, if the next 3 tokens "A", "If you have a token in (get-token) is a function that will retrieve the next, "A" is called back for the first time, "B", and "C", calling (torque-token) for the first time, the second time is called "B", and for the third time it is called "c". What do I want to do / function (Peak-token) which calls (get-token) , return the token, and Then return to a state before calling the (get-token) function. I have tried many different ways to achieve this result, and currently I have one: ;; Writing things a bit easier (define - syntax tie / CC (syntax-rule () ((dam / CC var. Body) (call / CC (lambda (var).))))) ;; The next token to the function and...

html - How to use Toggle button jQuery in <div main..> -

I'm trying to hide / show the toggle using jQuery. But when I clicked, there was no incident. & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("button"). Click (function () {var main = this.value; $ ("#" + main) .slideToggle ();})}} ; & Lt; / Script & gt; A div : & lt; Div id = "main" & gt; @RenderBody () & lt; Button & gt; Toggle & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Can anyone tell me what happened to these lines of code? Your button has no value attribute, such as you want: $ {Document} .ready (function () {$ ("button") Click (function () {$ ("# main"). Slide toggle ();});});

trace - How to add tracing to Java server application -

Suppose I have a Java server application, which I can not understand. I want to know the complete execution sequence of request processing (see examples given below) Customer received HTTPRarchcast 12345 (...) header (...) and body (...) Enter WebUserController with HttpRequest 12345 with HttpRequest 12345 Enter UserProcessor.process1 with UserProcessor.process2 createUserRequest (userName = ..., userEmail = ..., ...) with the user enter userDAO.createUser (UserName = ..., userEmail = ... .., ...) the database against the SQL statement (...) With & lt; Host> :: & lt; Exit> exit userDAO.createUser results (...) with UserProcessor.process2 (...) Exit WebUserController with UserProcessor.process1 (...) ... HttpResponse 7890 client ( ...) with header (...) and body (...) ... I have only one way to get it: Application code manually to add a trace call. Now I am surprised that there is an automated way to add those trace calls to the code I am thinking of byte inst...

installer - Error 2203 while extracting msi -

I am getting a 2203 error, while the MSI is removed with the following command. msiexec / a "C: \ Test \ Installer.msi" / QB targetDIR = "C: \ Test \ Eval" / LV * "C: \ Test \ INST_Logfile.log" Please consider the following points: Answer: Log in users and system account% TEMP%, C: \ Windows \ Installer complete Have access. Checked the Windows Installer service and it is working fine. Tried Restarting System MSI (s) (88 : A4) [14: 09: 27: 551]: Execution Op: DatabaseCopy (DatabasePath = C: \ Test \ Installer.msi, CabinetStreams =, AdminDestFolder = C: \ Test \,) MSI (S) ( 88: A4) [14: 09: 27: 551]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C: \ Test \ Installer.msi 3: -2147287008 Debuts: Error 2203: Database: C: \ Test \ Installer.mmi. Can not open database file System Error -2147287008 MSI (88: A4) [14: 09: 34: 634]: Product: Installer - The installer has encountered an unexpected error in setting up this package. This may indic...

iphone - iOS : Unit test SpriteKit -

I need help in making a unit test for a simple word game that I'm developing on the sprite kit. I need to check the status of ARMS, while SKNs are increasing, it also includes UI testing. Any reference to any blog post or any help is welcome. Thank you.

ubuntu - PostgreSQL on remote database: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached)? -

I am trying to insert a huge data in PostgreSQL (for PostGIS extension). About 100 views, 12 bands of each visual raster image are included. Each image is about 100 MB - What do I do: for each view in the scenes (in the scene each For the band (open connection to postgios db band) SET PGPASSWORD = password psql -h 5432 -U user-D-specific_db -f alliance_bands.clcl) It was good to view # 46, this is an error no buffer space available (Maximum connection is reached) I run the script on Windows 7, my remote server is at Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Update: Connect to remote server and turn sql file on. This message: No buffer space available (max. Access to the connection?) comes from a Java exception, not a postgresqual server If the connection was rejected by PostgreSQL, the message would be: FATAL: connection limit non-superusers However, this program may exceed the maximum number of open sockets without switching off from PostgreSQL. Your script ...

ios - UIlabel shows extra space before text -

I have used UILB in my app, it is working properly in portrait mode, but when I use my landscape in landscape mode If I open the app then it shows content in the center of UILabel. I've tried the size, but it is not working. As soon as I increase the width of the womb, the more I begin to come to Urabel. My code: self.contentLabel.text = labeltext; [Self content label setNumberOffline: 0]; [Self. Content label size tofitt]; I doubt your UILB and the text inside it is actually wrong form on rotation Is not aligned with. Make sure the label stays at the top of the view. Try: self.contentLabel.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHighight; or self-latin Labeling Mask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin; Edit: Another thought. If the automatic layout is enabled and you are calling size tofitt in viewDidLoad , the size of the view is changing after the automatic layou...

c# - syntax error when trying to do an Eval -

After I am trying to do this: A repeater itemTemplate but it is giving me a syntax error incorrect expression inside: and syntax error: Expected near ? What I see and understand, try it, you should do it: (.! DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem, "serial") toString () = "") & lt% if {%> & Lt; A href = "javascript: void (0)" id = "desc_lb" runat = "server" view = "true" & gt; Diskettes & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Telerik: RadToolTip ID = "Description" runat = "Server" TargetControlID = "Desc_lb" text = 'Reference Order Serial: & lt;% # Eval ("serial")% & gt; & Gt; & Lt; / Telerik: RAD tooltip & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; Using a short circuit is a problem

jsp - jstl <c:foreach error "attribute items does not accept any expressions" -

नीचे mentiond मेरा jsp पृष्ठ jstl sql क्वेरी है: & Lt; sql: क्वेरी sql = "postname चुनें, root.posts से टिप्पणियां" var = "rs" डेटा स्रोत = "$ {ds}" / & gt; & Lt; c: forEach var = "पंक्ति" आइटम = "$ {rs.rows}" & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td align = "center" & gt; & lt; c: out value = "$ {row.postname}" & gt; & lt; / c: आउट & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td align = "center" & gt; & lt; c: out value = "$ {row.comments}" & gt; & lt; / c: आउट & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / c: foreach & gt; Jsp मेरी त्रुटि निष्पादित करने के बाद: विशेषता आइटम कोई अभिव्यक्ति नहीं स्वीकार करता है और त्रुटि कॉर्डिएट शो (28,3) जो कि - & lt पर है ; C: foreach var = "पंक्ति" आइटम = "$ {rs.rows}" .. मेरा context.xml फ़ाइल है: & lt; प्रसंग & gt; & Lt; स...

php .net data exchange -

We have 2 web applications which are running in a php / apache and the second one is .net / IIS How can I exchange data between these two web applications? Actually the process we exchange data from / our PHP web application and the net web application using the REST API. How can we do this in PHP ...? I never had any experience that was handling net-web applications and communicating with them. Any suggestions and ideas are really appreciated Thanks! Do you need exchange on web pages? Either one or both of the web services are there? Either way, the best way to transfer data is using JSON () - it does not have a structure or overhead, it can be repeated through XML and .NET, PHP, and javascript data. I hope this helps.

mysql - python write output to different fifo pipe file? -

I am trying to split a large text file into two parts, and two parts are separated into two separate mysql I am dumping in the table. I do this in Python, inspect the text line by line and classify each line by category code. Now after dividing the text, how do I pipe them into two separate FIFO files, so that I can use these pipes for mysql client tool? I think you can import two separate, and apparently simultaneous MySQL Looking to create pipes are the same Python script? Although it is not impossible to do this, through shell redirection, it will be painful. Your Python script is somehow to pass file files in your pipe to a shell, so your shell script can redirect those file descriptors to MySQL commands. This is a very easy solution to do in python modules. I do not know the tools and syntax that you expect to use to bulk load; What you said is that if you want to "pipe" it, then I just assume that this is the mysqlimport command mentioned in the ans...

python - Best option to store data for printing in certain format -

So I need some CSV data from this data, there are two fields, so I calculate something by using value from close There are two more fields and print those four areas in a certain format. I was thinking of making designated designs with two fields, and after that, I count it two times to add the values ​​of the other two areas. Will this format be the best option to designate, is it another option better, such as dictus or lists? If the named package is used correctly, then I could add the data and the two fields that add value, I was able to create named topless, but all using SplitLines () on the data With the field and then the designated toplus was making. I will use the list of dictionaries "named tube" is a straight Like the class, in this way, you should do that, when you prepare a named token, besides what qualities are there, because the tupale is not static on the name of this special structure Does not make flexible for What are you going to do when...

JAVA- how to convert letters in a string to specified number? -

Please help me write Java function to convert string to numerical value Accept 1 = AIJQY 1 = P> 2 = 5 = EHNX 6 = oz 8 = FP string For "stack overflow" is the numeric value = 3 4 1 3 2 7 6 5 2 8 3 7 6 " For example : - Input: - string str = "stack overflow"; .... spaces Return array = {3,4,1,3,2,7,6,5,2,8,3,7, 6}; I will add your numeric values ​​to a Hasharma {A = Gt; 1, I = & gt; 1, J = & gt; 1, Q = & gt; 1, Y = & gt; 1, B = & gt; 2, K = & Gt; 2, ...} You iterate the string, and to see each value in the map, and add it to the list You may want to overlap your character for lookup Are there. for (in input four C) {Integer n = lookup (c); If (found) {result.add (n); }} and finally convert your list to a complete array