python - Reduce space between first histogram bar and y-axis -
I have a histogram that I have created using the following:
import = Frakdist (list (industry)) x = np range (lane (fd) (x, fd. Value,), align = 'center', width = 0.15) as pylab pl fd. Xticks (x, fd.kiz), rotation = 90) pl.tick_params (labelsize = 8) ymax = max (fd.values ()) + 1 pl.ylim (0, ymax) pl.subplots_adjust (below = 0.3) pl.savefig ('internalDoorCount .jpg')
Although I have the y-axis and the histogram bar first There is a need to reduce the difference between the two. How do you prevent text from overlapping?
You can try to avoid overlapping text by using this function:
pl.gcf (). Autofmt_xdate (below = 0.3, rotation = -30, HA = "left")
It is designed to rotate the date mark label, but it should work well here. But you probably have to reduce the maximum font size, and / or increase the width of your shape.
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