user interface - Android: How to keep switch and label together -
I'm trying to put a switch and its label together.
& lt; Switch Android: Id = "@ + id / switch" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: background = "#FFFFFF" Android: text = "this is a label" />
The problem I have is that the switch and its label differ from opposite sides of the screen. I know that I can change Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" but I'm trying to create a white background (#FFFFFF) which is the content height and screen width. I also know that I can put a switch in a relative layout with this background, but I think that this extra unnecessary view will have to be made. Is there any way to stop switch labels from switching from switch?
Thanks in advance!
I have written a precise problem and wrote about it.
This will give you a component on the right with a switch (or check box based on the API version), and its label left. Just like the Preferences screen The status of a touch switch will change on the label and surrounding layout.
If you want to get the view you want, you can modify and rearrange the switch.
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