java - Insertion sort debug -

I have tried sorting a set of data using an inclusion sort. But when I do not print print output, proper output happens:

  giant bird 1 mockingbird 2 vultures 3 redwoodpeckers 6 pigeons 7 crows 10 condos 12 Bluejays 15 dodos 15 baldeagles 25 cardinals 40 hummung birds 88  

  string [] BN = {"cardinals", "blues", "albatross", "vultures", "Crows", "Mockingbirds", "Conders", "BaldEagles", "Pigeons", "RedHeadWoodPecker", "Hummingbirds", "Dodos"}; Integer [] BQ = {40,15,1,3,10,2,12,25,7,6,88,15}; Public Static Zero SortingMedic Ordernert (String [] BN, Int [] BQF) {For (Int I = 1; I & Lt; Beak.Lamp; I ++) {Int next = BKA [i]; String y = bn [ii]; // Find all entry locations // move all big elements up int j = i; While (j & gt; 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; BK [J-1] & gt; Next) {BN [J] = BN [J-1]; BQ [J] = BQ [J-1]; J--; } // insert element beac [j] = next; Arab [J] y =; }  

Can someone please help

you need Add a loop to print the individual elements of the cross and array:

prefix for (string name: billions) {// for this loop after the end of its kind method included Should be println (name); }

Give advice; By passing Java value and not by reference, you will have to go back an array with modified values ​​if you intend on working with subsequent array array.

Just found that you need both the name and your value; For this, the extended use for the loop will not be used (; index & lt; bn.length; index ++ integer index = 0) {println (billion [index]

  Will need to go with something on the lines of + "" + beak [index]); }  

More information about loops and arrays can be found in Java tutorials and documents (Google only).


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