
Showing posts from September, 2015

mongodb - How to write Mongo DB query that compares embedded documents? -

Consider an order document with several line items embedded documents and single specially embedded documents. With any type of linearity to find the order, it works: find ({'lineItems.type': 'food'}) How to find an order At least one LineItem type is not similar to the type of the speciallifetime? In addition, some orders have no lineites. For example, find this document: lineItems: {type: food}, {type: wood} speciallinks: {type: food} but No: line items: {type: food} specialElement: {type: food} or line items: [ ] SpecialElement: {type: food}

smtp - Emails not sending, PHP and SwiftMailer -

Text after " I have my code & lt ;? Php namespace Spika \ controller; Use the Silke \ Application; Use the Syllux \ Controller ProVirus interface; Use Symfony \ Component \ HttpFoundation \ Request; Use Symfony \ Component \ HttpFoundation \ ParameterBag; Class SendPasswordController SpikaBaseController {Public Function Connect (App $ App) {$ controller = $ app ['controllers_factory']; $ Self = $ this; // $$$ = $ request- & gt; Receive ('email'); $ User = $ application ['spikadb'] - & gt; FindUserByEmail ($ email); If (isset ($ user ['_ id'])) {$ user = $ application ['spikadb'] - & gt; FindUserById ($ user ['_ id'], false); $ ResetCode = $ application ['spikadb'] - & gt; AddPassworResetRequest ($ user ['. _ Id']); $ ResetPasswordUrl = ROOT_URL "/ page / resetPassword /" $ resetCode; $ Body = "reset here password {resetpasswordUrl}" here; Try {if (SEND_EMAIL_METHOD == EMA...

javascript - How to mute a looped background video -

I am using a video loop in the background of a div. The idea is to have a video loop in the background of a div on the hover, on the hover, the video will sound. I could not find documents or methods of silence. any idea? I tried to mute adding the lines after the plug-in started - $ ("video"). Prop ('muted', true); $ ("Video"). Ether ('mute', 'mute'); I did not see the volume reference in the document's video. However, in HTML compatible browsers, it can be easily muted by focusing on silence property setting property 0 You can do this on the video elements or on the jQuery cover. $ ('prop (' volume ', 0) $ (' video ') .prop (' mute ', true) In the video elements plugin created by wallpaper, you should set the volume or mute property after which the DOM has been added. It should not be necessary, but the problems In the case you can try setting an event handler for wallpap...

visual c++ - How to output binary stream from c++ console app? -

Is it possible to return the console app to the binary stream instead of text? #include "stdafx.h" int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {return 0; } How to change this code so that it returns a stream? You can set up binary mode like this, for example. Full results; // set is "binary mode" in stdout: result = _setmode (_fileno (stdout), _O_BINARY); If (result == -1) ("binary mode can not be set for stdout"); Else printf ("stdout mode is now binary");

php - continuation of of Error parsing data org.json.JsonException: Value <!DOCTYPE -

I posted many answers here and on Google and still confused why I am getting this error I made JSN step I have not been allowed to read. I changed permissions to allow everyone and it did not solve the error. I also played my IP address using my computer's IP address 196 ... and online examples of When I use my IP, I get an error. When I used 127.0 then I failed to join the error, which I feel because IP address is not anywhere. I checked my PHP code and this input data in MySQL db. So I know that my problem is in my Java code. I am posting my code below and trying to post the minimum code, so I dump the code. If you want to post more code to me, please tell me try {// check the request method to check if (method.equals ("POST")) {// request method POST / / Default is the HTTP client default HTT Client httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient (); Http post http post = new HTTP post (url); HttpPost.setEntity (new UrlEncodedFormEntity (params)); HttpResponse http...

php - Call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback (Event handler system) -

I'm trying to create a system that handles the supply went data and Adhandlr (). Code: class test {public $ arrHandlers = array (); Public function addHandler ($ action, $ function) {$ this- & gt; ArrHandlers [$ action] = $ function; } Public function handle data ($ data) {$ data = explosion ("/", $ data); $ Action = array_shift ($ data); If (isset ($ this-> arrHandlers [$ action])) {call_user_func_array ($ this-> orientation [$ verb], array ($ data)); }}} Function testFunc () {echo fonts ("", fenc_gate_arg ()); } $ Obj = New Test (); $ Data = "egg / me / liked / cheese"; $ Obj- & gt; Edhandler ("eggs", "testfunk"); $ Obj- & gt; HandleData ($ data); What this output is: Warning: call_user_func_array () expects parameter is valid callback 1, an array of on line 13 Is not a string I want it to output: I like cheese working code: class test {public $ arrHandlers = array (); Public functio...

nhibernate - What false/true really mean for IPreInsertEventListeners? -

मुझे हाल ही में पता चला है कि IPreDeleteEventListener , IPreInsertEventListener और IPreUpdateEventListener में NHibernate.Event नामस्थान। हालांकि, यह अभी भी मुझे भ्रमित करता है कि इन घटनाओं को सफल या असफल फाइनल पर या तो क्या लौटाएगा। उदाहरण के लिए, यहां आइएंडे के ब्लॉग आलेख पर एक नज़र डालें: उसके उदाहरण के बाद, कोई भी निम्न के रूप में इंटरफेस: सार्वजनिक वर्ग ऑडिटएव्हेंट लिस्टनर: आईपीआरआईएनएसएटीएस्टएलस्टनर {सार्वजनिक बूल ऑनप्रेइन्सर्ट (ऑनप्रेइन्सर्ट @ एव्हेंट) {var ऑडिट = @ इवेंट। एंटीटी IHaveAuditInformation; अगर (ऑडिट == शून्य) वापसी झूठी; Var समय = दिनांकटाइम.अब; Var नाम = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent ()। नाम; सेट करें (@ ईवेंट.परसिस्टर, @ इवेंट। स्थान, "बनाया गया", समय); सेट करें (@ ईवेंट.परिस्टर, @ ईवेंट। स्थान, "बनाया गया", नाम); Audit.CreatedAt = समय; Audit.Created By = name; विवरण झूठा है; }} वास्तव में क्या या तो true या false वापस मूल्य के रूप में लौटने का मतलब है, क्योंकि मेरे पास एक और उदाहरण है जहां जो वापस जाने लगता ह...

c# - Underline wrong words in a richtextbox -

I have a lot of trouble on my project and I looked for a solution on every side, but I did not find anything Can help, or at least I'm so Noah that I do not know how to apply the code in my case (I just started learning C #) here is a part of my code: Private Zero sottolinea_errori_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {string line; String [] line = line = textbox_stampa_contenuto.lines; If (text box -stamp_kanto.text! = "") {Foreach (string in line) {string [] parole = k.Split (new four [] {'', ',', '.', ':' , '' T '}); Foreach (stroke in parole) {reggax rgx = new reggae (@ "\ d"); If (! Rgx.IsMatch (s)) {if (s.Trim ()! = "") {S.Trimim (); String path = @ "280000 text .txt"; Bool esito = true; Streamer file = new streamrider (path); While ((line = file. Readline ()) = null & amp; aceto == true) if (string. Compare (line, s) == 0) esito = false; File.Close (); If (aceto) {// underline}}}}} ...

php - SELECT QUERY to get the assistance of employees, in a range of hours -

I have a problem making QUERY this way: I have this table, mt_reporteradial : I need to follow the result in SELECT QUERY , for a few hours installation (for example: between 11h and 15h): Idmtpersonalr 11 12 13 14 15 3 - - - - X - 5 - - - xx 7 - - - xx Where indicador = 'S' means in the result 'X' and ìndicador = 'N' means '-' Is it possible with MySQL? Edit: I have the answer: My updated table: QUERY : Separate selection (IDMTSNeller), Case (SELECT indicador WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and hora = '13 'and fecha =' 2014-02-10 'from MT_RepererDial) when' S 'X' IO 'N' THEN '- '13 In the end, the case (MT_RepererDial from WHERE idmtpersonalr SELECT indicador = m.idmtpersonalr and Hora = '14' and fecha = '2014-02-10') WHEN 's' Now' X 'WHEN' N 'THEN' - '14 As DH End, case (SELECT indicador = m.idmtpersonalr and h...

sql - Moving sum over date range -

itemprop = "text"> I have this table with detailed dates and with the same value for each one of those dates, the one shown below Examples. Date values ​​6/01/2013 8 6/02/2013 4 6/03/2013 1 6/04/2013 7 6/05/2013 1 6/06/2013 1 6 / 07/2013 3 6/08/2013 8 6/09/2013 4 6/10/2013 2 6/11/2013 10/6/2013 4 6/13/2013 7 6/14/2013 3 6/15 / 2013 2 6/16/2013 1 6/17/2013 7 6/18/2013 5 6/19/2013 1 6/20/2013 4 What are I trying to do I create a query that will create a new column that will display the value column for a specified date range. For example below, the sum column contains the amount of the same date of returning a full week. So the value of the date 6/9/2013 will be the sum of the values ​​from 6/03/2013 to 6/09/2013. Date amount 6/01/2013 8 6 / 02/2013 12 6/03/2013 13 6/04/2013 20 6/05/2013 21 6/06/2013 22 6 / 07/2013 25 6/08/2013 25/06/2013 25 6/10 / 2013 26 6/11/2013 29 6/12/2013 32 6/13/2013 38 6/14/2013 38 6/15 / 2013 32 6/16/2013 29 6/17/2013 34 6/18/2013 29 6...

android - SQLite initialization on Fragment -

I just read because of getting a reference to initialize a database. The answer to the 2 most votes where to get the piece # getActivity () to get the reference or piece # onAttach (activity) Callback method is doing inside. This is to maintain a well-documented code, I want to avoid working in the "alternative" way, but the way it should have been done. There is life-cycle found here: onAttach () looks like onCreate , which means getActivity () At this point empty should not be questions will be: This means that onAttach Is to start a database inside () ? It is possible to go back to null for getActivity () when call is made inside onCreate () Only the onAttach () has already been called? It looks like you want to make better setup at the right time. Easily allow DB to reach from anywhere through the resolver.

windows - Problems running python program with srvany.exe -

I should present it with a complete disclaimer that I am very quick in my Python development days I have created a simple dragon program that waits for a socket connection with a local IP address on port 20000. When it receives a connection, it pops up message alerts using win32api. # import import socket import system win32api ip = socket.gethostbyname (socket.gethostname ()) #socket creation sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #binding server_resress = (IP, 20000) sock.bind (Server_address) print server_address #Listen sock.listen (1) While correct: # wait for connection connection, client_address = sock.accept () win32api.MessageBox (0, 'message Text ',' Titeltex ', 0x00001000) # Close the connection connection .coz () I have a mail client program that only connects to the socket that script Trying to which team takes the case to reach you (DNS name or IP address) # import socket import syste...

How to setup Paypal on a website to accept varying amounts for user to use their credit card? -

I am very confused with PayPal's site. Can people be guided to know the following information? I need to be able to invoice users and use a credit card until the time of checkout the value will be unknown. With PayPal, they want to see some post variables to know who you are, how much Charging is being done, if tax is ... In the past, I wrote some javascript functions to adjust before assigning them. For example, here is the PayPal document. The value of the javascript function to change the value is ======================================================================== To know more about how this value is created, it will determine how the Javascript (or JQuery) function looks.

api - Backbone fetch not working with single model -

यहां मेरा रीढ़ कोड है var UserModel = Backbone.Model.extend ({url : 'Http://'}); Var उपयोगकर्ता = नया UserModel (); user.set ({आईडी: 1}); user.fetch (); console.log (user.get ( 'screenname')); यह 1 के आईडी के साथ उपयोगकर्ता के पूरे संग्रह को देता है। जब मैं यूआरएल को url को बदलता हूं: 'http: // ' मैं उस उपयोगकर्ता को वापस ले जाऊँ जो मुझे चाहिए। जब मैं user.set ({id: 1}); नोट - मेरी एपीआई एक अलग डोमेन है, यही वजह है कि मेरे पास 'यूआरएल' संपत्ति में पूरे यूआरएल है। कृपया मदद करें, मैं बैकबोन पर देने के लिए तैयार हूं। आपको आईडी को अपने मॉडल यूआरएल तो ऐसा है। url: फ़ंक्शन () {if ( {वापसी '' +; } वापसी ''; } और फिर जब आप उपयोगकर्ता मॉडल को इन्स्तांत करते हैं तो आप इसे इस तरह से एक आईडी पास कर सकते हैं। var उपयोगकर्ता = नया UserModel ({id: 1} ); तब जब आप user.fetch () करते हैं, तो यह 'http://a...

php - Fuelphp redirect to file -

Redirects the phulff file. In the FPF folder in the public folder, I have a folder called files (public / files). There are some PDFs and JPEG files that I want to hyperlink to these files, so when I reach the hyperlink, I will take it to that file and see it in the browser, like when you have a direct file on the server in Epache Kses when I made this hyperlink: myhost / index.php / files / myfile.pdf but I have something set in what it does not know how to access it I routes? Or is there another way? Thank you. myhost / files / myfile.pdf if your server public / .htaccess (mod_rewrite) . can understand,

html - Vertical Align top two divs not working -

itemprop = "text"> Can someone help me align my two devices? what did I do wrong? As my devices I have two inline blocks and I am trying to align them on one side of the element at the highest point. & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "navbar" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Skill" & gt; Skills & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#work" & gt; Work & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# contact" & gt; Contact & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Div id = "intro" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hello & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: #navbar {display: inline-block; Margin-left: 25%; List-style-type: none; Vertical-align: top; Width: 12%; } #intro {display: inline-block; Width: 40%; Vertical-align: ...

mysql - rank users and join tables -

How can I rank users based on numbers and that user may include references to any other table Is involved in? I can not find the correct ranking with the code given below: select *, (@rank: = @ rank + 1) tblb as the rank of UV tblC c uv.sno = Join joining c.refno (join rank: = 0) where ranks UVSO (2, 4, 5); I really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. If not present, TBB (id int (11) null auto_interpretation, snow varchar (255), name varchar (255), primary key (id)); If the table is not present, then TBL (ID int (11) faucet auto_increment, data communication (255), rick varna (255), number int (255), primary key (id)) is not present; Enter the TBB (Snow, Name) value ('1', 'A'), ('2', 'BB'), ('3', 'CC'), ('4', 'DD') ('5', 'E'), ('6', 'FF'), ('7', 'gg'), ('8', 'hh'); INSERT ('Data 1', '1', '101'), ('Data2', '2...

ruby on rails - Edit multiple saved records -

I'm trying to develop a simple practice log app, and I'm stuck (again). A user selects a category and a specific workout, and I return a list of exercises related to that exercise. An attempt is a user-specific example of a practice. Class Exercises & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: endeavor end-of-end efforts & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: Expiration Expiration I am retrieving the list of exercises in the Attempt Administrator Class Attempts Controller & lt; ApplicationController def log_workout @exercises = Exercise.where ("category_id =? And workout_id =?", Parameter [: exercise] [: category_id], param [: exercise] [: workout_id]) @Effort = end end The user logs his work using the following tasks & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Exercise & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Set & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Representative & lt; / Th & gt; ...

Script only runs partially when run as cron -

I wrote a script that uses a program to create a CSV from an iCOBOL flat file. Unfortunately, the program only adds to the end of the file and does not overwrite it. So I added a line in script to delete the first file. When I run it manually, everything works fine when I run a cron, so it seems that just delete the file and then stop, did I forget something? Please see your code below. #! / Bin / bash cd / home / directory rm -f file.csv icreorg- o flatfile file.csv is an ICROO program that is generating CSV. Thank you!

javascript - How to create 2 websql TABLES when the page opens -

I have no problem in creating 1 table, but how can I create 2 in a WebSQL database when the page opens ? // Create a tab curutio.webdb.createTable = function () {var db = curatio.webdb.db; Var db2 = curatio.webdb.db; Db.transaction (function (tx) {tx.executeSql ("do not login if AE does not enter AE (ID primary primary ASC, TODO TEXT, added dite, reminder text, name text, email text, blood group lesson, dub Text, icoe text, work text, mobile text, address text, allergic lesson, relevant text, medication text) ", []); db2.transaction (function (tx) {tx.executeSQL (" Create table if personalization is not ( ID integer primary key ASC, name text, added, DATETIME, note text, note text, gender text, emergency Lean contact text, emergency contact number text, ppsn text, mcn text, mse text, text here, hin text, text here, allergy text, relevant text, medication text, mobile, TEXT) ", []);});} Your code is not telling what happens in Curatiio.webdb.db But if yo...

Django Celery - running scheduled tasks -

After several hours on this without the result, I really need help I'm able to run Django-Celery with my Django app and I scheduled tasks on it: dragon celeryd -E -B -l INFO Now it is time to produce and here it is that my pain begins. I have configured the cellarid as the daemon, it works, but scheduled tasks will not work. So I added -b to CELERYD_OPTS . My tasks are now run as scheduled, but these are the boring lines on my logs: [2014-02-17 22: 37: 30,738: debuts / main process] Beat: 5.00 Waking in seconds I just want to delete that line from my logs! I did not even understand what it meant. So I had configured the Selerbeat daemon, thinking it would be a cleaner and suggest a solution to the production environment. Unfortunately, when I stop the celerybeat daemon, it creates a log and a PID file but scheduled tasks do not work. Info / main process] green: ... [2014-02-17 19: 15: 41,921: information / main process] write entries. .. [...

Qt/Qml for two different displays on QNX platform -

I'm trying to create QT application rendering to display two. QNX2 is already configured for display. We created two windows, but how do we render the QT window in the second display? Here is my code snippet QGuiApplication app (argc, argv); QtQuick2ApplicationViewer Viewer1; QtQuick2ApplicationViewer Viewer2; in this(); Viewer1.setMainQmlFile (QStringLiteral ("qml / VisionBuck / main.qml")); Viewer1.showExpanded (); Viewer2.setMainQmlFile (QStringLiteral ("qml / VisionBuck / display2.qml")); Viewer2.showExpanded (); In the output I can display 2 windows which displays QML. But they are being sung on the same display. How do I add windows to different screens? QtQuick2ApplicationViewer gets from QQuickView And in this way from QWindow You can set the screen for each viewer: viewer1.setScreen (app.screens (). First ()); Viewer2.setScreen (app.screens ()) last ().);

prototype - JavaScript Why manipulating __proto__ is slow? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब इस धागा से संबंधित:, I सोच रहा था कि उदाहरणों में परिवर्तन करने के लिए ' __ प्रोटो __ एक धीमी गति से हेरफेर है। मुझे पता है कि यह नापसंद है, मैं इसे अक्सर वेब पर पढ़ता हूं लेकिन मुझे कभी नहीं मिला क्यों है क्यों यह सचमुच नापसंद है, और यह धीमा क्यों है क्या सेटप्रोटोटाइपऑफ़ () प्रदर्शन के लिए बेहतर समाधान होगा? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> मैं सोच रहा था कि उदाहरणों को बदलने के कारण ' प्रोटो एक धीमी गति से हेरफेर है। जो लोग आपके ब्राउजर में जावास्क्रिप्ट भाषा को लागू करते हैं वे एक व्यापारिक बंद कर देते हैं: वे इस "गूढ़" सुविधा का समर्थन करना चाहते थे, लेकिन इस हेरफेर को धीमा करके बाकी भाषा को तेजी से बनाया। आप अपने कार्यक्रम को लिखने के बाद आपको केवल __ प्रोटो __ की गति के बारे में चिंता करनी चाहिए। कई उपयोग मामलों के लिए, अतिरिक्त "धीमी गति से" केवल समग्र कार्यक्रम में कुछ मिलिसेकेंड अंतर होंगे, और कोई भी परवाह नहीं करेगा।

forms - Is post data persistent through php header redirect? -

If I submit a form to a php page using the post, should I include those post values ​​on that page Can I use the header ('location: ... php') to be redirected to redirect? Example: & lt; Form action = "welcome.php" method = "post" & gt; Name: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "name" & gt; & Lt; Br> E-mail: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "email" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "submit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; At welcome.php, if I do the header ("location: welcomback.php") still do I $ _ POST ['name '] Can I use? and $ _ POST ['e-mail'] ... ( welcomeback.php )? not , you can not redirect to another page being redirected to another page Means and no $ _ POST value will not be available in the $ _ POST array. On the other hand you can still throw links to prices and are available in other pages. For...

javascript - scheduling a background job via REST api -

Using, I'm trying to run a background job with a cloud code. I managed to do this via a Parse.Cloud.httpRequest call from the cloud code via REP API This is actually a background job Runs instantly but I need to schedule it. I'm assuming that there is data to set in "payload", like some {"start: {" __ type ":" date "," iso ":" 2014-02-17T23: 28: 28.943Z "}} But this does not work. Any help appreciated.

javascript - Unable to get html links with cURL -

I am trying to get a link from a website. When I try to connect through the terminal, I get this message, you have to turn on javascript and cookies support in the browser to visit this site. I've tried stack overflow and all the different codes around Google that no one is doing the job as I would love it. None of them is receiving any data from this website, which I try to get data. Other sites work & lt ;? Php function get_url ($ url, $ javascript_loop = 0, $ timeout = 5) {$ url = str_replace ("&", "& amp;", urldecode trim ($ url)); $ Cookie = tempnam ("/ tmp", "karlokuui"); $ Ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; RV: 1.7.3) Gecko / 20041001 Firefox / 0.10.1"); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ url); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $ cookie); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); ...

php - Reducing multidimensional array to linear -

I have asked a question like this but have not replied. Im guessing because it was too long that I was not fully able to clarify it for the state or the general public. Array ([0] => array ([ID] => name) [1] => array ([ID] => is to reduce the array as name)) The above Price came from. $ query = $ this- & gt; Db - & gt; Select ('id, name') - & gt; From ('Employee') - & gt; Received () - & gt; Result_are (); results given above, array ([0] => array ([ID] => 1 [name] => john) / P> Because I wanted to get all the rows without overwriting the previous lines. I added this alga. foreach ($ query as line $) {$ Employee_list [] = Array ($ line ['id'] = & gt; $ row ['name']);} Now the results are not overwritten, if I print_r ($ employee_list); I would like to echo out, assuming that my employee is talc There are 2 rows. ([1] => Array ([1] => zone) [2] => Array ([2] = 1)> Peter) ...

java - Android: Limit drag & drop of object -

I have an activity I have a relative layout on this activity. On this layout I have placed several custom objects from a class Which extend the relational layout. It looks like a chess (it's not, but so you know what I'm talking about). Now I want to touch any one of this object and drag it into one of the 4 adjacent fields, swip it against it. I thought Android Drag & amp; Drop I used the setOnTouchListener and setOnDragListener for every object, so every object can be touched and dragged on to another object. I used the tutorial, so you just have to read it compared to code, but here should be easy: @Override Public Boolean onTouch (see v, MotionEvent e) {If (e.getAction () == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {DragShadowBuilder shadowBuilder = New View.DragShadowBuilder (v); V.startDrag (faucet, shadowbilder, v, 0); Back true; } Other {return false; }} @Override Public Boolean OnDrag (v View DragEvent E) {if (e.getAction () == DragEvent.ACTION_DROP) {View View = (see...

java - Not accepting words like whats up -

My program is trying to accept words that are things, but this is not everything, It's like hello words, hello, but there is no thing to leave something as something as someone is doing wrong. There is no mistake in my code, just trying to accept the words to get it, how do you * to change this license header, the license properties in the project properties Select. * To change this template file, select the tool. Templates * and open the template in the editor. * / Package bot; Import java.util. *; / ** * * @ Solar Kesha * / Public Category tst {Public Fixed Zero Main (string [] Args) {scanner input = new scanner (; Hashmap & lt; String, Arlist & lt; String & gt; & Gt; Map = new hashmap & lt; String, Arlist & lt; String & gt; & Gt; (); // Arrayist changes your Hashet's ArrayList & LT; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; String & gt; List1 = New Arrestist & lt; Stri...

oracle - populate placeholders for a column with values dynamically -

I have the following table structure, which holds the error code and related error messages: ERR_CODE ERR_MESSAGE CN001 Invalid user name: USERNM CN002 Invalid password: PWD In my PLSQL code, I want to change values ​​dynamically for username and password. I think that the replacement can be replaced by the clause but in that case the query should be stable. I am looking for a taste to execute immediately in which it can: select ERR_MESSAGE from ERROR_MESSAGES where ERR_CODE = ' CN001 '}' I_LL_RMS_USG is using; Or maybe I can break it in 2 steps: Select ERR_MESSAGE from ERROR_MESSAGES to err_msg_var where ERR_CODE = 'CN001'; Use l_err_msg in EXECUTE_IMMDIATE err_msg_var l_curr_user; Actually, I'm trying to reduce the number of steps involved or maybe get a better performance query or approach. Thanks in advance! No, in this situation, there will be no help in the statement execute immediately . Apart from this, there is no need...

sql server - What is the best SQL field type to use for a Sqlite numeric -

I am loading data from SQL Database in SQL database. The field type is numeric in SQLite. What is the best field type to use, so that I can not do any detail? What is the representation of the underlying data? In SQLite, numeric is a technically a column relationship and not a storage type. There is no concept of "column relationship" in other databases, which has been explained. In SQL Server, types indicate how the data is being stored The intent of a numerical column relationship is probably a fixed point numeric value. In that case, the decimal / numeric will be the correct type in the SQL Server. Note that you can also implement numeric for the date, date time and boolean values ​​in the SQL Server in the corresponding data types (probably date , datetime , or bit ).

Undefined variables in Perl subroutines -

I'm new to Perl and would like some help in understanding subroutine. In sub-routine, is it the case that some variables will always remain undefined? Is it because the variables in subroutines are private? And so if I wanted to define then, then the undetermined variable was said, how would I do this? Thanks in advance. Variants are not private in Perl, but they can have a limited scope such as when they My is declared inside a subroutine The arguments of the subroutine are stored in the variable @_ . do_stuff ($ foo, $ bar); Sub-do_stuff {my ($ first, $ sec) = @_; # Direct Assignment Print "First: $ First, Second: $ sec \ n"; } {...} , which means That they are protected, and when they leave the removal block, then they go out of the scope. Arguments of sub-routine can also be accessed from the sourcing function shift and pop , which is commonly seen in the Perl code: sub-do_stuff {my $ first = shift; My $ sec) = shift; It does the same th...

Maxima CAS : summation with symbolic upper limit n not simplifying when the upper limit is specified later with ev() -

The following two pieces of the Maxima code should be the same: sum (x [i] , I, 1, 2); Ev (%, x [1] = 5, x [2] = 3); and: sum (x [i], i, 1, n); Ev (%, n = 2, x [1] = 5, x [2] = 3); In the first case, Maxima has to evaluate the expression on 8. In the second case, it is not simple and leaves me with the symbolic sum of X [i] I = 1 to 2. Why is it that unable to recognize second expression from Maxima as it is like before? How can I get the maximum, in which a conference with fully indexed variables is evaluated whilst evaluating an indexed value, where the upper limit is specified later goes? is in the amount (see a leading% in lisp expression) (% I76) expr: amount (x [i], i, 1, n); N ==== \ (% o76) & gt; X / I ==== I = 1 (% i77): Lisp $ XPR ((% SUM SIMP) (($ X SIMP ARRAY) $ I) $ I 1 $ N) You need to evaluate nouns (% i77) ev (xp, n = 2, x [1] = 5, x [2] = 3, nouns); (% O77) x + x 2 1 and request an additional post-rating (% i78) ev (xp, n = 2 , ...

php - INSERT NULL Values not working instead i get 0.000 -

I am trying to input a form into a database that uses numeric values ​​(mainly decimal) This form updates and inserts, but I want to NULL to enter the field in the database. If I leave a field blank, in code> 0.000 database I have a set database on NULL = YES Can I use it for all 14 text boxes to do this? This is my code: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) {$ date2 = date ("ymd"); // date of date of tank $ time 2 = date ("h: i: s", time () - 3600); // extra time for the tank extra $ test1 = $ _POST ['test1']; $ Test2 = $ _POST ['test2']; $ Test3 = $ _POST ['test3']; $ Test4 = $ _POST [' Test4 ']; $ test5 = $ _POST [' test5 ']; $ Test6 = $ _POST [' test6 ']; $ Test7 = $ _POST [' test7 ']; $ Test8 = $ _POST [' test8 ']; $ Test9 $ $ _POST ['test9']; $ test10 = $ _POST ['test10']; $ Test11 = $ _POST ['test11']; $ Test12 = $ _POST ['te...

ios - iAd interfering with my SKScene class -

Sorry, the title of this question is somewhat unclear I have a spritekit game that is a The view is launched through the controller. I also have an iAd that is displayed through the same view controller when the game is stopped, IAD is displayed, and when the game is not paused, I send the NS encryption to the View Controller to hide the IAD . My problem comes when a user presses the iAd if IAD is blocked when the game is stopped, and the game can be un-imposed by tapping on the screen screen. Therefore, when the user clicks on iAd (when the game is paused), the IAD opens on full screen, while the game pauses itself I need a way in which I have my own view controller I can tell that when iAd is displayed, no touch in any particular CGMCact (frame where IAD is displayed) should not be received by SKN. How can I do this? If your view is the AdBannerViewDelegate protocol representing the view banner, Code> BOOL ivar can apply to _bannerIsActive in the view. Then:...

mysql - mysql_query() not taking php variables -

I am passing a variable in a mysql query, $ name is a variable that is receiving a decrypted string. It has been passed from the search query later in the name of the name $ (which I have seen through an echo). The search query does not take this variable only if I get a quotation of the string that exists in the SQL table, I get an output (counts as 1). I can not see where the problem is, because the same code is working in another file (its query in its query with an HTML entry), and its embarrassing! $ decrypted_text1 = mcrypt_ecb (MCRYPT_DES, $ key_view, $ encrypted_text1, MCREEDPDRWPT); $ Name = $ decrypted_text1; $ Username = "root"; $ Password = "speaker 1"; Hostname = "localhost"; $ Dbhandle = mysql_connect ($ hostname, $ user name, $ password) or die ("Can not connect to database"); $ Selected = mysql_selectdb ("Login", $ dbhandle); $ Query = "Select * From Users Where Username = '$ name'"; $ Result =...

ios - NSInvalidArgumentException with stringByAppendingPathComponent -

I have a bundle setting with a string: version My bundle settings version = 2.9 1 In my project, if I use this code, then everything is good: NSString * path = [documentsDirectory stringBeeAppendingPathComponent: @ "ma / V_2 .9.1 / gm / stability_lays/ifocus.xml "]; If I use this code: NSString * path = [documentsDirectory stringBeeAppendingPathComponent: (@ "MA / V _% @ / GMA / Fixtures_lays / iFocus Xml ", version)]; I have this error: * Canceling the ATI 'NSINIDAErgement exception' due to the exception exception, reason: '- [UITextField length]: 0x9753190 ' sent to unknown selector, for example, because you already have your own There is no use to use multiple / stringbapping path companions in the string, so you can also use it: NSString * path = [document Rectori Stringbafing Format: @ "ma / V_%@/gma2/fixture_layers/ifocus.xml", version]; Another option, which gives you the advantage of a stringbappin...

regex - bash: String Operator with regular expression -

I want to list all the files in my home folder, and # in the file name. For example: # emacs # to .emacs This is my code should be printed as $ {ls ~} in dir # trim trailing trailing filename = "$ {dir # \ #}" echo $ {filename} done but it Even though # was still managing the regular expression $ {dir # \ #} in the terminal Can you tell me that my code Where's the smell? Remove # should be the filename, filename = "$ {dir //}" filename = "$ {dir // \ # /}" The rest are fine for both Saigwin and Solaris. If you need to delete all content before # then filename = "$ {dir ## * #}" If you need to remove all content after the # filename = "$ {dir %% # *}" , here The full explanation is that I am copying and pasting bash substring replacement $ {string / substring / replacement} and $ substring $ substation with $ substring first match Replace. $ {String // Substring / Repla...

delphi - How to draw part of a image? -

I have a normal bitmap that is populated with a PNGI image The following code shows the whole picture; But for example I have to show the sample below which I am looking for. I basically want to reduce virtual "space" where it will be featured. Note that I can not change the shape of the paintbox for reasons only because if someone asks what he can do, I think that I have to use Rects or some copy function, but I did not understand myself, did anyone understand Know how to do that? Process TForm1.PaintBox1Paint (Sender: Tubect); Start Paintbox 1. Canvas. Brush. Color: clubback; Paint box 1 Brush. Style: = Bisolid; PaintBox1.Canvas.FillRect (GameWindow.Screen.ClientRect); Paint box 1 Katvana Dr. Draw (0, 0, FBIMAP, FOPCity); End; In a way, modify the canvas clipping area of ​​your paintbox: ... IntersectClipRect (Paint box 1. canvas. Circle, 20, 20, paint box 1. wide - 20, paint box 1. hi-20); Paint box 1 Katvana Dr. Draw (0, 0, FBIMAP, FOPCity); Of course, ...

php - Update clause in codeigniter -

I am Giovanni, and I'm a new programmer on Codeigner. Here I want to ask about the Update Clause in CodeIgniter, the results of my code are unaffected by the database, can you correct your code? Here my code is on my model: news_model.php function automatic updates ($ id) {$ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Set ('seen', 'seen' +1 ', wrong); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('id', $ id); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Update ('news'); } and on my controllers: news.php $ this-> News_model- & gt; Autopets ($ -> -; -; section (4)); and link to my thoughts: news_view.php When I try to fill the value of the 'id' with an ID, the code works, but when I use it variable ($ id) it's default If I change it returns an empty value, so I can not update a field. Can you tell me where is my fault? Thanks Change your function call statement $ this- & gt; News_model- & gt; Autopets ($ -> -...

Passing values from silverlight application to in c# -

I have a silverlight control embedded in asp x pages .... I have a button in an asp x page when If I click on that button, it should get value from silver-light application method which gives the value of the id in the drop-down, I got the price made in silver lightweight app But I do not know how anyone can get help with ASP X pages read this article

regex - how to get the array of strings that are inside curly braces in the source string in java -

"string" = string = "text"> This is {one} sample {string} in which {included} {substrings} {braces} inside the horoscope; I want a string of string with its contents: {is}, {string}, {contains}, {substrings} {braces} "{is} a sample {string} in which {corporat} {substrings} are inside I curly (braces)" From it, it is taking all the characters that are in the middle of the first open curly braces and the last closing Kurli braces. string string = "This is {a} flat {string} that contains {substrings} inside {brackets {braces}; // values ​​between curly braces Regular expression to get (a mistake, I think) string regex = "\\ {(. *) \\}"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile (regex) .Missher (source string); while (matcher. Find ()) {System.out.println ( (0))}} got a little bit of googling solution, which gave me ideas for the pattern some time The libraries and functionality I spent with will need to provide thi...

using jquery read values from a json file -

Using jquery, I am trying to read values ​​from json file and populate in dropdown. I do the following but what is wrong in my code in undefined price dropdown? Json File {"VMs": [{"ID": "VM-Wine 7-64", "OS": "Windows 7", "Flavor": "VM-IE8 -001-subjective "," adapter ":" win 9 "}]," path ": {" VM-win 7-64 ":" C: \\ Virtual Mics \\ Win7_X64_VM-001 \\ Win7_X64_VM-001.vmx "}} code function getOsNames () {$ .getJSON ('/ json / data.json', function (data) {var html = ''; $ .each (data, function (val, i) {alert (val); html + = '& lt; option value =' '+ val.OS +' "> '+ val.OS + '& Lt; / option & gt;';}); $ ('# op'). Html (html);}); } Looping you through data.VMs This OS property is going to be function getOsNames () {$ .getJSON ('/ json / data.json', function) {var htm...

config - Read Minecraft Forge configuration file from Bukkit plugin? -

I'm trying to read one's contents with my bukkit plugin. I can successfully get the file, though I can not read the values ​​of buckikits (as far as I know). Here is an example forge cgg file : # configuration file ##################### Player 1 #################### Player 1 {I: player2 = 1 I: player3 = 1} ############## ############ Player 2 ########### Player 2 } Is it possible to read these values? Bukkit uses a different format than forge, therefore the methods will not be compatible. You have to write a manual parser, copy whatever uses it, or use it with MCPC + (as you wish, no MCPC + server (a spigot server mixed with forge (a type of buket )).

math - Subscripted assginment dimenstion mismatch - Error in Matlab -

I have an array of multiple rows and 5 columns (fixed), dynamically (in loop) values ​​to save I need this thing I give this error for 1 to na aa (i, :) = [var1 var2 var3 var4 var5] end_for Anyone who knows the solution, please help me. Your code example is not Matlab The error you got is that the size of A (counter, :) (the variable in which you try to provide new values) [var1 var2 Var3 var4 var5] . Use the debug mode, put a breakpoint on the problem line and check that the size (A (counter, :)) and is the size ([var1 var2 Var3 var4 var5 var5]) then fix your code so that these two sizes will actually match. Good luck! PS, this is the best.

javascript - Tab key is not working in firefox at key press event -

key for this code The tab key in the press event is not working in Firefox $ ('Number'). Keypress (function) {if (! / \ D / .test (string.lightcode code (event.)) {$ ('# Error'). Attr ('class', 'errorMessage' '$ (' # Error '). Text ("Enter numbers only") Return return;} and {$ (' # error '). At (' square ',' display: none ';); $ (' #error ') The text (""); return true;}}); $ ('Number.') Keydown (function) {var keycode = event.which; if (! / [\ D \ t \ b] /. Test (string.framecorder.which)} event .shiftKey) {$ ('# error'). Attr ('' class ',' error message ''; $ ('# Error'). Text ("Enter only numbers"); Return back;} and {$ ('# error'). Attr ('class',' display: none; ''); $ ('# Error'). Text (""); True Truth;}});

Java rock, paper, scissors program with file input -

I am facing a problem with my line .charAt (0) and line.charAt (2) Error getting: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: outside string index range: java.lang.String.charAt at 0 ( RockPaperScissors1 On Main ( I do not understand why I am getting this. My file looks like this: 3 RPSR 3PPRSSR1P Here's my program: Import java.util *. Import java.lang *; Import * *; Public Square RockPaperScissors1 {Public Static Zero Main (string [] Args throws IOException {file file = new file ("a.txt"); Scanner fin = new scanner (file); Int cases = fin.nextInt (); String line = fin.nxtain (); Int round = fin.xit (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; cases; i ++) {int tie = 0; Int p1win = 0; Int p2win = 0; For (int j = 0; j & lt; round; j ++) {char p1 = line.charAt (0); Four p2 = line.chart (2); If (p1 == p2) tie = tie + 1; And if (p1 == 'r') {if (p2 == 's') p1win = p1...

How to Hide app from launcher in Android -

This question is already an answer here Is: 3 answers I am developing a Android app I want to hide the app icon from the launcher. Then show it again if some specific number is typed from the dialer. Is it possible to Try this code:? PackageManager P = getPackageManager (); P.setComponentEnabledSetting (getComponentName (), PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); & amp; Check link Note that the icon can not run until next reboot OR Try it: PackageManager Pm = this.getPackageManager (); Pm.setComponentEnabledSetting (New ComponentName ("", ""), PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); Hope this help

ios - Need to change size and location of CALayer class objects -

I am attempting to copy all the functionality of this example app provided by EpimPM: The only thing with which I'm having trouble is changing the size and position of a UIView object. The problem is that I am using apple sample code and it just does not make sense to me. Apple offers this sample vice president whom I have called the Media Capture Reviewview. Here is the header file code: #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Class AVCapture session; @ Interface MediaCaptureViews: UIVU @ Property (Nonomatic) A Wikipedia Session * session; @end Here it is the main file code: #import "MediaCapturePreviewView.h" #import & lt; AVFoundation / AVFoundation.h & gt; @implementation MediaCapturePreviewView - (zero) drawRect: (cgartext) {// drawing code} * / + (class) layer class {returns [a vectaptive display layer class]; } - (AVCaptureSession *) session {return [(AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *) [self level] session]; } - (zero) set session: (AVCapt...

javascript - JS autofill incremented score, edit previous fill in -

OK I wrote JS that input is filled automatically with digits incremented when adding score . Works fine how do I get this fact that if someone goes back to edit the previous input, it first decreases the value and then increases the correct number and adds it to the score. How do I check ... Is it any editing on the input or just an input? is below: var score = 0; Function Checkfield (Val, ECSR) {Score = + + + + + VAL; Document.getElementById ('incr' + inscr) .value = score; } You can add scores of each field to each change with JQuery ( Not tested)): & lt; Input name = "ex1" class = "inputline1" /> & Lt; Input name = "ex2" class = "inputline1" /> & Lt; Input name = "ex3" class = "inputline1" /> & Lt; Input name = "result-1" id = "result-1" /> and in your JS: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (".inputline 1"). Changes (function ( Val ...

c++ - Windows Shell Extension doesn't give exact file paths -

I am currently writing a shell extension because the file does not correspond to my needs in a regular way to expand the context menu , Though I have to face the same problem here. If I right-click on the right shortcut (* .lnk file), then I get a way to its target, if I select multiple files and right-click on the shortcut then only me Finds a file - shortcuts target file. My shell extension is not yet finished, but the part of the code that counts the files is: HRESULT CFileContextMenuExt :: Initialize (PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidlFolder, IDataObject * pdtobj, HKEY hkeyProgID) {HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; If (navel == pdtobj) {return hr; } FORMATETC fe = {CF_HDROP, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; STGMEDIUM STM = {}; // pDataObj has been worked on objects in this example, // we get an HDROP handle to enumerate the selected files. If (SUCCEEDED (pdtobj- & gt; GetData (& amp; FAC & amp; amp; STM)) // Get an HDROP handle HDROPHDRP = Static_Cast & lt; HDORP...

java - Using set() in ArrayList doesn't get it updated -

मेरे पास एक क्लास MathMatrix से यह सदस्य कार्य है, जो ArrayList और lt; अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; डबल>>। सार्वजनिक शून्य LUFactPivoting (MathMatrix l, MathMatrix u) LUException फेंकता है, CloneNotSupportedException {double [] Parray = {1,2,3,4}; पी = नया मथविक्टर (पैरा); MathMatrix temp = नया मैथमैट्रिक्स (यह); Int n = ncols; डबल बहु; के लिए (int k = 0; k & lt; n; k ++) {System.out.println ("ताम:" + u.toString ()); यह। द्वितीयक प्रश्नोत्तर चरण (एल, अस्थायी, कश्मीर); के लिए (int i = k + 1; i & lt; n; i ++) {if (temp.getElem (कश्मीर) == 0) System.out.println ("ZERO"); Mult = temp.getElem (i, k) / temp.getElem (k, k); एल.से.एलेम (आई, कश्मीर, बहु); के लिए (इंट जे = कश्मीर; जे एंड एलटी; एन; जे ++) {डबल न्यूवल = टेम्पी.गेट एलेम (आई, जे) - मल्टी * टेम्पी.एस्टएलेम (कश्मीर, जे); Temp.setElem (i, जे, न्यूवल); }}} के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) {l.setElem (i, i, 1.0); } के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) {for (int j = i; j & lt; n; j ++) {u.set... web api - Web API action cache -

I am implementing a cache mechanism for some WebAPI tasks I found that the following options are useful, but I'm not sure That's the best way: I'm going to use the context. [Cache ["[I will set the results from the database] [] [here] [name of action here and the value of all the parameters passed for the action filter]"] = [here] Find the string in the name and the parameter in context. Cash Collections If present, instead of performing the original action, the data will return. Is this the best way? BTW, I do not have any third party libraries

jsf - Multiple error messages for one input field -

I am creating a form using facelets, an input field looks like this: & lt; P: Input Text id = "initials" value = "# {dilution.initials}" /> dilution One unit is bean and two verification barriers are set in the initial area, one size barrier and one regex pattern barrier. My problem is getting an error message for both the bar to display next to the input field & lt; H: message & gt; Use only to display only one message and & lt; H: messages & gt; Pre> & lt; h: form id = "adfirm"> & Lt; p: panelGrid & gt; Fac: Aspect Name = "Header" & gt; & lt; p: Line & gt; & lt; p: Column Colspan = "3" & gt; New Spanding Factor & Lt; / p: column & gt; & lt; / p: line & gt; & lt; / f: aspect & gt; & lt; p: line & gt; & lt; p: column colspan = "1" Gt; & lt; p: = "sampT"> gt; Output Label for Output Lab...

javascript - json_decode won't work without stripslashes (magic_quotes in Wordpress) -

On the client side I am working with an array of JavaScript objects. I need to send it in PHP with the form on submission and need to manipulate further data on the server side. So when creating or changing objects toward JavaScript, I am saving it in hidden input. It passes as expected, but the problem is that json_decode returns NULL if I do not do strips-slash before decoding it. Magic quotes are off because I give PHP> 5.5 and get_magic_quotes_gpc () always FALSE Can someone explain to me why I need stripsitis in this case, and will it be the case with magic quotes on any production server? PS Currently, I am still working on the Dev Environment on Windows and EGPP local servers. Update: Looks like the posted data on the server side ( var_dump ): UPDATE2: / Strong> I am using Wordpress as the container of my application. string (5045) "[[\" address_components \ ": [{\" long_name \ ": \" fluffenstress \ ", \...

c# - Sign file using .NET OpenSSL wrapper -

मैं इस लाइन को कॉपी करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं openssl smime -sign -signer & lt; chain_crt_file & gt ; -न & lt; infile & gt; आउट एंड एलटी; आउटफ़ाइल & gt; -किनी & lt; निजी कुंजी & gt; -उत्फोर्म डर सी # में हालांकि यह मैंने सोचा था जितना आसान नहीं हो सके। अब तक मैं केवल इस बिंदु आया OpenSSL.Core.BIO crtBio = OpenSSL.Core.BIO.File ("C: /asl/chain.crt", "r"); OpenSSL.Core.BIO कुंजीबाय = ओपनएसएसएल.कोर.बीआईओफ़ाइल ("सी: / एएसएल / कुंजीडएक्ट।", "आर"); ओपनएसएसएल.एक्स 509.एक्स 50 9 चेन सीआरटी = नया ओपनएसएसएल.एक्स 50 9.एक्स 50 9 चेन (सीआरटीबीओ); OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA कुंजी = OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA.FromPrivateKey (keyBio); स्ट्रिंग str = "test"; बाइट [] बाइट्स = नया बाइट [str.Length * sizeof (char)]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy (str.ToCharArray (), 0, बाइट्स, 0, बाइट्स। लैंग); कहां (उम्मीद है कि) मैं चेन प्रमाण पत्र आयात कर रहा हूं और निजी कुंजी को डीकोड कर रहा हूं। अब यह बात है कि एक फाइल पर हस्ताक्षर कैसे करें और नि...

java - The hierarchy of the type MyInBound is inconsistent when extending MessageInbound -

WebSocketServlet is being expanded to transmit messages from the server, writing class inside Message Extension resulting in time error in eclipse (hierarchy type incompatible) The public class extends the MyWebSocketTest WebSocketServlet {Public class MyInBound MessageInbound {}} Pre> I suggested to put a tomcat-coyote jar because the tokkat's Indirect dependency on WsOutbound is currently the same error.