php - SELECT QUERY to get the assistance of employees, in a range of hours -
I have a problem making QUERY
this way:
I have this table, mt_reporteradial :
I need to follow the result in SELECT QUERY
, for a few hours installation (for example: between 11h and 15h):
Idmtpersonalr 11 12 13 14 15 3 - - - - X - 5 - - - xx 7 - - - xx
Where indicador = 'S' < / Code> means
in the result 'X'
and ìndicador = 'N'
means '-'
Is it possible with MySQL?
Edit: I have the answer:
My updated table:
Separate selection (IDMTSNeller), Case (SELECT indicador WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and hora = '13 'and fecha =' 2014-02-10 'from MT_RepererDial) when' S 'X' IO 'N' THEN '- '13 In the end, the case (MT_RepererDial from WHERE idmtpersonalr SELECT indicador = m.idmtpersonalr and Hora = '14' and fecha = '2014-02-10') WHEN 's' Now' X 'WHEN' N 'THEN' - '14 As DH End, case (SELECT indicador = m.idmtpersonalr and hora = '15 'and fecha =' 2014-02-10 'from MT_RepererDial WHERE idmtpersonalr) WHEN' S 'NOW' X 'WHEN' N 'THEN' - '15'hr As the end, the case (Select from MT_Repired radial indicator WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and Hora = '16' and fecha = '2014-02-10') when 's' X' IO 'n' THEN '-' In the end 16_HR MT_edicial M
Something can work like this:
< Pre> choose separately (idmtpersonalr), case (mt_reporteradial WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and hora = '11') from the selection 'S' X 'IO' N 'again' - 'End Case as 11, Case (mt_reporteradial WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and Hora = '12' by selection indicator) when 'S' then 'X' WHEN 'N 'THEN' - 'case of end as 12_HR, case (SELECT indicador WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and Hora =' 13 'from MT_RepRADIAL) when' S '' X 'WHEN' N 'THEN' - 'END case 13_HR in the form, the case (mt_reporteradial WHERE idmtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and hora = '14 'from the select indicator) when the' S 'X' IO 'N' then '-' end case as 14d, case (selection indicator or Ever since MT_ORPORATEDEDIZED WHERE id Mtpersonalr = m.idmtpersonalr and hora = '15 ') when' s 'x' when 'n' THEN '' mt_reporteradial meter from 15_HR as the end WHERE fecha = '2014-02-10' / code>
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