
Showing posts from June, 2015

c++ - Class inheritance or nested class, which is better? -

I have a problem, those classes I have, that no longer works, because I have a specialty in public, but If I inherited it in private, or preserved and second class, then it will not work, how can I do it? template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class BinaryNode {public: T key; Binernode & lt; T & gt; * Left; Binernode & lt; T & gt; * Right; Binernode & lt; T & gt; * Guardian; Binarynode () {} ~ Binarineode () {}}; And this: template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class BinarySearchTree {Private: Binernode & lt; T & gt; * Route; Binernode & lt; T & gt; * NewNode (T key); BinaryNode & lt; T & gt; * Minimum (binary node & lt; T & gt; * node); Binernode & lt; T & gt; * Maximum (binary node & lt; T & gt; * node); BinaryNode & lt; T & gt; * Successor (Binarineod * node); Enter zero (binary node & lt; T & gt; ** node, t key); BinaryNode & lt; T & gt; * Search (Binernode & lt; T ...

bash - unix: for loop using strings -

मेरे पास लूप के लिए निम्न है: 3UTR 5UTR कोडिंग_जेनिक में जीनिक गैर-सिनामी रेग I के लिए 1 2 3 do qsub compute.job -v VAR1 = "$ i", VAR2 = "$ p" किया में एक के लिए है लूप के लिए दूसरे में एम्बेडेड लक्ष्य "qsub" कमांड (एक क्लस्टर कंप्यूटर पर कार्य जमा करना) को चलाने के लिए है, जहां "compute.job" में "VAR1" चर को 1, 2, या 3 के द्वारा बदल दिया जाता है, और "VAR2" चर के साथ प्रतिस्थापित किया जाता है पी द्वारा प्रस्तुत स्ट्रिंग में से एक। यह भाग केवल ठीक काम करता है: के लिए मैं 1 2 3 do qsub compute.job -v VAR1 = "$ i" में , VAR2 = "$ p" किया लेकिन लूप के लिए दूसरे को जोड़ने से ... क्या गलत हो सकता है पर कोई भी विचार नहीं है? (मुझे संदेह है कि इसमें स्ट्रिंग के साथ कुछ है ...) बहुत धन्यवाद! मुझे संदेह है कि अल्पविराम के बाद कोई स्थान नहीं होना चाहिए: qsub compute.job -v VAR1 =" $ i ", VAR2 =" $ p " वास्तविक पी और मैं चर पूरी तरह से सेट हैं, मैं एक गूंज के साथ की जा...

api - how to connect apigee proxy (Oauth verify) by using apigee android sdk? -

After text "itemprop =" text "> I want to use the apigee Android SDK in the Android app. Using the Android SDK, I want to connect to the APG Endpoint Proxy but the API Proxy has received O2.0 validation. How to use our proxy? // Create client entity string ORGNAME = "your-org"; String APPNAME = "Your App"; ApigeeClient apigeeClient = New ApigeeClient (ORGNAME, APPNAME); Dataclick Data Client = apigeeClient.getDataClient (); String type = "item"; // unit type can be retrieved map queryString = null; // We do not need any additional query parameters, to get started in this case // Asynchronous API phone dataClient.getCollectionAsync (getCollectionAsync phone type, query string, new ApiResponseCallback () {// getEntitiesAsync fails, error public @Override Catching Zero onException (Exception E) {// Error} // Then GetCollectionAsync is successful, Public Zero onResponse (ApiResponse Response) @Override Response Object Handle {try {if (...

c++ - How do I store multiple values into an array to be printed out later? -

OK, here I am going to insert the code of this program which is developing to help me with work is. I do not want to go into too much detail on how it is used but the lower line is that I am creating a program: the user takes two values, adds them, and then stores them in an array Now I can do this with a very simple linear program, but I have a hard time getting that when the program starts, the user will have two values To say the shoe, the program stores it, again as again, it will ask the user for two more values, then I want to store it again, depending on the statistics of the user's needs data So in the end, I want to print it all in the compromised values ​​in the end, I want to export it to a txt file, but it will come later, I just want to Can anybody help me with it Niadi want to go down? #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Set & gt; Double DCordinate (Double X) {Return X / 1000; } Zero store (int x, int y) {int anCoorValues ​​[] = {x, ...

MySQL and C# - Unknow column 'email' in 'field list' -

I have edited my code and for some reason I get this error. Anyway, this is my login code of my form: string command = "select e-mail, password from url, where email = @ email"; Try {// COMMAND Details MySqlCommand Email = New MySqlCommand (Order, Connection); // PARAMETERS email Parameter. AddWithValue ("@ Email", txtEmail.Text); // Reader Details MySqlDataReader dr; // check details dr = email.ExecuteReader (); If (! Dr.Read ()) {MessageBox.Show ("Invalid login details."); } String password c = dr.getString (1); String snacks page = security. HashSalt.SaltedHash (txtPassword.Text); Bull Match = Iespassword Match (Password C, Salted Grind); If (match == true) {connection.Close (); String email2 = txtEmail.Text; FrmZilent frm = new frmZilent (email2); Frm.Show (); This.Hide (); } Else {MessageBox.Show ("Invalid login details."); Connection.Close (); }} Hold (MySqlException pre) {messagebox. Show ("MySQL Error - Code AHx004:" + Ea...

c# - Adding Image to an Image List of a control -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 28 जवाब मैं एक एक बटन नियंत्रण की एक छवि सूची में छवि: बटन बीटीएन = नया बटन (); बीटीएन। इमेज लिस्ट। इमेज। जोड़ें ("इमेज 1", डीबी क्लास। इमेज 1 [0]); // त्रुटि btn.ImageList.Images.Add ("image2", dbClass.Image2 [0]); जहां dbClass.Image1 [0] एक छवि है, लेकिन कोड इस अपवाद को दिखाता है ऑब्जेक्ट संदर्भ किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के उदाहरण में सेट नहीं है। क्या मैं यहाँ गलत कर रहा हूं? वस्तु संदर्भ सेट नहीं है किसी ऑब्जेक्ट की एक उदाहरण के लिए एक रिक्त संदर्भ अपवाद है और मूल रूप से इसका मतलब है कि आपके एक मान अभी तक इन्स्टिटिशन नहीं किया गया है और यह रिक्त है मैं अनुमान लगा सकता हूं कि यह छवियाँलिस्ट ऑब्जेक्ट है जो शून्य है क्योंकि आपने एक बटन का एक नया इंस्टालेशन बनाया है, जो संभवतः डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से उस सूची को इन्स्तांत नहीं करता है, और इसलिए आप उस पर ऐड विधि को कॉल नहीं कर सकते। मैं पहली लाइन पर एक ब्रेकपॉइंट डालकर सलाह देता हूं और यह जांचने के लिए कोड को डीबग करना चाहता हूं कि अपवाद के पहले मूल्य क्या है। यदि यह छ...

java - JTextArea setText is not working -

I have a problem setting the text in JTextArea, I tried the settex (which I liked) and added I do not know where the problem is, I've got the customer-server app. I want to send the message that the server sends in JTextField, but I am unable to here my code: The client-side code that messages properly Receiving: try {socket socket = new socket ("localhost", port); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (; DataOutputStream Output = New DataOutputStream (socket.getOutputStream ()); BufferedReader Server Input = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (socket.getInputStream ())); Output.writeBytes (output string + "\ n"); Input sting = server input Rolledline (); // Private String InputString MyModel.SetextexAria (InputString); // It is not working System.out.println (inputstring); // This is working socket.close (); } Hold ... setTextArea method: Public Zero SetTextArea (string string) {MyPanel mypanel = new M... mvc - Reference bundles on requirejs -

I have an old web application that already uses ASP.NET MVC's bundling and minimization. Now I am starting using the requirejs and I have a problem! How can I reference bundled files with requirejs? I know there is one more question, but this does not answer my question! I hope that I understand your question correctly. If your bundle requires module module and you are loading it on the page, then by calling it to module , Code> feedback and a a library module. aLibrary that is defined in the bundle // Define custom modules ('aLibrary', [], function () {return {aFunction} : Function () {Console.log ('a function within a library');}}}); In your page, you can call that module and thus define third party libraries. & lt; Script & gt; // Define third party libraries ('jquery', [], function () {back jQuery;}); Define ('response', [], function () {return response;}); Use the Libs from // bundle (execute a ...

Can I use multiple case in MySQL? -

आवश्यकता: मूल तालिका: स्कोर + - ------ + ---------- + ----------- + | मठ | अंग्रेजी | रसायन विज्ञान | + -------- + ---------- + ----------- + | 69 | 82 | 95 | + -------- + ---------- + ----------- + क्रमबद्ध करें: - [0- 80] -> सी - [80-90] -> बी - [90-100] -> ए आउटपुट होना चाहिए + ------ - + ---------- + ----------- + | मठ | अंग्रेजी | रसायन विज्ञान | + -------- + ---------- + ----------- + | सी | बी | ए | + -------- + ---------- + ----------- + मुझे ओरेकल में परीक्षण करना चाहिए, लेकिन अब मैं सबसे पहले इसे MySQL पर कर रहा हूँ मेरा कोड निम्नानुसार है: बनाओ टेबल ग्रेड 1 (मठ वर्चार (10), अंग्रेजी varchar (10), रसायन विज्ञान varchar (10)) ग्रेड 1 (मठ, अंग्रेजी, रसायन विज्ञान) मूल्यों में सम्मिलित करें जब गणित और लेफ्टिनेंट; 80 तब 'सी' जब गणित और gt; 80 और मठ एलटी; 90 तो 'बी' जब मठ 'gtc; 90; और मठ और लेफ्टिनेंट; 100; तब' ए 'से स्कैन से' ए 'का चयन करें, जब अंग्रेजी का चयन करें & lt; 80 तब 'सी' जब इंग्लिश & gt...

coldfusion - Cfhttp result struct behaves as if null in CF8? -

I'm trying to do some hygiene on the results of the call on Facebook, but Coldfusion is telling me that the variable is zero : FILECONTENT null & lt; Br> Error occurred on page 66. The line that is causing this error is here: & lt; Cfif isDefined ("storeFeedJSON.fileContent") & gt; & Lt; Cfset storeFeedJSON.fileContent = process.CleanBadUnicode ("# storeFeedJSON.fileContent #") & gt; & Lt; / Cfif> This structure is not clearly zero, but as I have wrapped it in "fixed" and when I dump the store FEEDJSON I can see the file. Content "data": []} empty JSON, but still is not empty ... Edit: I forgot to place the call here: & lt; Cfset fbURL = " # & amp; # qToken.objectValue #" & gt; & Lt; Cfhttp result = "storeFeedJSON" url = "# fbURL #" method = ...

php - How do I add an ID to a label tag in Zend Framework 1.9? -

यह: $ promo_details = नया Zend_Form_Element_Textarea ('promo_details'); $ Promo_details- & gt; सेट लेबेल ('प्रोमो विवरण:') - & gt; सेटडिकोरेटर्स ($ element_decorators) - & gt; एड डिक्कोरेटर ('लेबल', सरणी ('टैग' = & gt; 'div')); आउटपुट: & lt; div id = "promo_details-label" & gt; & Lt; label = "promo_details" class = "वैकल्पिक" & gt; प्रोमो विवरण: & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; लेकिन मैं आउटपुट करना चाहता हूं: & lt; div id = "label_row" & gt; & Lt; - = # promo_details "class =" optional "& gt; प्रोमो विवरण: & lt; / label & gt; के लिए div # & lt; label को बदल दिया है। & Lt; / div & gt; मैं कैसे Zend को "addDecorator ('लेबल', सरणी ('टैग' => 'div')) के लिए जनरेट करता हुआ डिफ़ॉल्ट आईडी का उपयोग नहीं करने के लिए कहूं? अपना खुद को निर्दिष्ट करें? मुझे सही दि...

sql - Complex MySQL query from 4 tables -

So far, I have not been successful in my quest on the combination of 4 tables. I have 4 tables: Content content_id | Source_id | Content_title | Content_date ------------------------------------------------- ------- 1 | 1 | Factory | 189982398300 2 2 | Cold and cloudy | 189982398299 3 2 | Green tea | 189982398298 source source_id | Source_name ------------------- 1 | BBC2 | Reuters Settings settings_ id | Setting_name ------------------------------- 1 | BBC_Iplayer_string2 | Reuters_video_ id3 | Reuters_category content_join_settings content_id | Settings_id | Settings_data ------------------------------------------ 1 | 1 | Js88sdhjsd0gDS09 2 | 2 | Video_8AJK3ADJD8 2 | 3 | Weather 3 | 2 | Video_K7KD8N2ND9 3 | 3 | Food and Drink So as you've already considered every material record, its source is linked to its own source, and comes with additional settings depending on the source is. In BBC posts, there is a BBC_Iplayer_string , and in Reuters ...

c# - How to override back button for a page outside of it? -

I know how to override the back button inside a page: Secure Override Zero OnBackKeyPress (System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs E) {// Base your work here OnBackKeyPress (E); } But problem: I use the interactive advertising service when I enter InneractiveAd.DisplayAd () Then it shows a new page of itself that does not support the back button when it navigates on this page, its Yuri is like this: / inactive .ad. Component / Inactive Fullscipe Xml Question: Is it possible to override the back button on the page when the user is pressed back? In HandleBackKeyPress, you usually block the BackKeyPress event, so you can switch back to the standard can be set to e.Cancel = true . In order to emulate standard navigation, you do something like this: Zero HookupCappress (Phone app page page) {page.BackKeyPress + = HandleBackKeyPress; } Zero Handbill Keypress (Object Sender, RevokeAventErg E) {page.NavigationService.GoBack (); } The problem is to get the co...

jquery - Element clicked on from group with same class -

मेरे पास मेनू का पालन है & lt; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "बटन" & gt; एक & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "बटन" & gt; दो & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "बटन" & gt; तीन & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "बटन" & gt; चार & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "बटन" & gt; पांच & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; मुझे केवल बटन को छिपाने की आवश्यकता है, वर्तमान में मेरा कोड सभी बटनों को छुपा रहा है। $ ("। बटन")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन ( ) {$ ("। बटन")। छुपाने ("धीमी");}); $ ("। बटन")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () { $ (यह)। साइड ("धीमा");}); यह jQuery का चयनकर्ता उस तत्व का चयन करेगा जो फंक्शन कॉल भेजे, इस स्थिति में बटन क्लिक किया गया था।

ruby on rails - Background image not showing up, when i came back on page across menu -

When I'm displaying a page background image, but after returning to the page image that appears in Chrome (all in Safari - OK) Use a paperclip In my opinion (some code on HAML + rail): # list-projects - @ Projects.each do | Project | .project {: style = & gt; "Background: url ('# { (: preview_16x9)}') No-repeat;"} Obtain this html: & lt; Div id = "list-project" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "project" style = "background: url ('/ system / project / photo / 000/000/001 / preview_16x9 / franchisee. Jpg? 1392386916') no-repeat;" & Gt; & Lt; A href = "/ Projects / 1" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "description" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Shop Number Two & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Class - 305mu & lt; Sup> 2 & lt; / Sup>. & Lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ...

python - devpi :: AttributeError: 'FileUpload' object has no attribute 'value' :: when uploading -

अचानक से, पैकेज अपलोड त्रुटि के साथ devpi में विफल: AttributeError: 'FileUpload' ऑब्जेक्ट में कोई विशेषता 'मान' नहीं है यह एक प्रतिगमन या API परिवर्तन या जो कुछ भी यह बोतल में है आपको कभी परवाह नहीं करना चाहिए, क्योंकि devpi को इसके बारे में सभी लाइब्रेरीज़ों के सही संस्करणों को लगाए रखना चाहिए जिस पर निर्भर करता है। > वैसे भी, आप देवपा स्थापित करने से पहले bottle == 0.11.6 को स्थापित करने से परेशानी का सामना कर सकते हैं। $ pip स्थापना की बोतल == 0.11.6 $ pip स्थापित देवपी

data binding - Callback function to $apply() in angularjs? -

What I want to do is push an object into an array in which the angle is the angle binding, then a click function The newly created element code is such that $ scope.fruits = {"orange", "plum", "cherry"}; $ Scope.add = function () {$ scope.fruits.push ("apple"); // This will add an element to html, then I want to click on element $ ('# fruits'). Children.eq (-1) .click (); // Click on the last element (which has been created now)} is HTML: The problem is, when an object is pushed onto the model, then angular can do something like a $. $ Dynamically () applies to updates html if I click on the last element. children (). Eq (-1). Click (), it will not wait after the new element is created, which actually clicks "cherry" div. I tried to call $ claims. () Is implemented before clicking ($), it works, but I found this error message: $ is already in progress Which I believe is not a good practice, and $ applicab...

c - go to a line and change to uppercase -

I'm trying to do this work basically has a file with 10 lines ... using argv [ ] The user enters the file name in the location 1 and the row number is 2 in the array. Everything is working so far ... check the file ... count of line numbers and so on What would you guys suggest that I use the letters of that line To convert to upper I am losing with how to do this. We can just use lseek, open, write, read and stop order My argument was ... if the user entered the line to change the number 5 ... in the program, I count the line numbers .... when the counter hits 4.... After that there is a few lines 5 ... up to \ n each \ Increasing counters on n increases integer line; Int counter = 0; Four c; Do {line = read (FD, AND, 1); If (C == '\ n') {counter ++; } If (lnum == counter) {}} while (line! = 0); You're just going to change the line, keeping it in the same shape, You can overwrite it (no need to rewrite the file) since you have already received a wa...

How to reload/refresh a Google Maps tile layer? -

I have found a tile layer that I want to delete and replace from someone else in Google Maps. For example, I want to remove a county layer and replace it with the census path. When I try to do this then when I pan the map it simply loads the new layer. I think I need to remove old tiles from Google's cache (like That I close the browser caching, it still happens). I have tried the map "resize" event, but it is not working. Do I need to map the map and restart everything? Or can I reload my map tile layer? When I change the layer, the URL for the tile loading changes - so I guess that by adding fake parameters, I will not help. The code is too long (and it has additional content), but if you want to see it in this task, then you var jmapMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType Can go to (jmapTypeOptions); Map.overlayMapTypes.push (jmapMapType); I need to store jmapMapType in the global variable. Then I can delete it, and add it back, it reloads the...

python - Initializing MEDIA_ROOT before each Django Test -

I want to test my files to create and modify media files. So, like Django tests, a lot happens with the database, before each test, I want to set up a blank MEDIA_ROOT folder. I thought I would create a temporary folder and point it to MEDIA_ROOT However, I can not understand where the code is placed in which it does, created a special runner Runner Media sets the root and empties it. Unfortunately, test_station_impressions is called once before running the first test function, and every time a test is run. I tried to create a FileSystemTestCase class which sets the file system in its setup function, and it receives all my test cases it happens. Although this works, for this, every person needs to write a testcase, who remembers to call my setup method, because it is not automatically asked. Usually I would not have been bothered with this, but the cost of forgetting to call parents setup method can be very high - if a person forgets the call and the test is accid...

How do you generate a regular non-integer sequence in julia? -

जूलिया में नियमित, गैर-पूर्णांक अनुक्रम कैसे उत्पन्न होता है? मैं 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 MATLAB में, मैं 0.1: 0.1: 1 और आर सीईसी (0.1, 1, द्वारा = 0.1) लेकिन मुझे पूर्णांक दृश्यों को छोड़कर कुछ नहीं मिल सकता है जूलिया (जैसे, 1:10 )। डॉक्स में "अनुक्रम" की तलाश केवल मुझे इस बारे में जानकारी देती है कि स्ट्रिंग अनुक्रम कैसे हैं। मूल उत्तर अब बहिष्कृत किया गया है अनुक्रम उत्पन्न करने के लिए आपको संग्रह () का उपयोग करना चाहिए। ## जुलिया & gt; इकट्ठा (0: 1: 1) 10-तत्व अर्रे {Float64,1}: 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ## आर एंड में; सीक (0, 1, 1) [1] 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

html - Strange behavior of fixed element (100% height) and css3 transform / transition -

I am using Google Chrome 32 in a Windows Vista PC. I am currently creating an off-canvas menu using the status: fixed to set the layout and CSS transform to show / hide the menu. Working on it, I had to face the strange behavior of the layout. If I open a narrow window to check the mobile version with the off-canvas menu, it's all right, the menu is positioned correctly and 100% height , as if I wanted to But, if I change the size of the window, then the menu loses its 100% height, and the element gets the height of the parent (also using the position: fixed ) does anyone Have you faced this issue? If so, how can I avoid it? The markup for the menu is: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Header & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Span id = "logo" & gt; Logo & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" id = "mobile-nav" & gt; Menu & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; NAV & gt; & Lt;...

How to set user preferences from a view when using the rails-setting gem -

I have gone to the rail-settings () gem to work on the command line but do not know how to set one How do I go about this value through visualization? This answer is given here: Not working for me because I think it is for the old version of Rail / Gem version.

java - using and understanding the picoContainer -

I am trying to use Pico Container in my project. I know very little about it but want to give it a shot. As I understand, I have to make a Pico Container and Register Component with it. I did this Public Fixed Pico Container getPicoContainer () {Final MutablePicoContainer Pico = New DefaultPicoContainer (); Pico.registerComponentImplementation (X.class); Pico.registerComponentImplementation (A.class); Pico.registerComponentImplementation (C.class); Pico.registerComponentImplementation (V.class); Pico.registerComponentImplementation (T.class); Pico.registerComponentImplementation (D.class); Pico back; } Now my problem is that to get another component to another component, it should have a handle in the pico to access any component it needs to do a juicer = pico.getComponent (eclus); So, for each of them in constructor, I have to pass in the pico object? I can easily change it with a factory. Then what's the matter? I'm sure I'm missing something here to app...

LISP Do function behaviour? -

मेरे पास यह सूची कोड ब्लॉक है। (defun test (y) (करू ( (एल एनआईएल (सेटिक वाई (आराम वाई)))) ((नल वाई) 1) (सेटिक एल (ऐपेंड एल '(1 1))) (प्रिंट एल))) और आउटपुट नीचे चित्रित किया गया है। किसी कारण के लिए यह वाई की स्थापना कर रहा है और फिर 'appending' (1 1)। क्या कोई इस व्यवहार को समझा सकता है? एक do लूप की संरचना है: (करू ( (वैर इनिट-फॉर्म स्टेप-फॉर्म)) (समाप्ति-फार्म का नतीजा-फॉर्म) (बॉडी)) मुझे लगता है कि जो कुछ आप खो रहे हैं वह यह है कि step-form हर चलन पर निष्पादित होता है और इस फ़ॉर्म के परिणाम चर पर सेट होता है तो setq में स्टेप-फ़ॉर्म में एक झंडा है, जो शायद आप जो इरादा रखते हैं वह नहीं कर रहे हैं। इस प्रकार से लूप का क्रम (परीक्षण '(2 3 4)) है (प्रिंट छिपाना) - शून्य से प्रारंभ करने के लिए एल - चेक (शून्य y) जो y = (2 3 4) - (सेटिक एल (एपेंड एल '(1 1))) एल में अब मान है' (1 1) - चरण फॉर्म निष्पादित करें, यह सेट y = '(3 4) _and_ l =' (3 4) - (शून्य वाई) अभी भी गलत है - (सेटिक एल (एपेंड एल '(1 1))) सेट एल =...

firefox - Font-face not working from CDN - CORS already set -

I'm having problems with Firefox, where my cdn is not loading one of my fonts, I already have access- Control-Allow-Origin * is set to *. The question is only WOFF and EOT files in the font (due to licensing), while other fonts that work, WOFF, EOT, TTF and SVG files. I understand how WOFF is supported, Is there something that I'm missing to do this work? @ font-face {font-family: 'proxy name'; Src: url ('../fonts/procaema_nova-regweb.eot'); Src: url format ('./fonts/ ProximaNova-RegWeb.eot # iefix') format ('embedded-opentype'), url ('../fonts/PooximaNova-RegWeb.woff') format ('woff'); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } @ Font-face {font-family: 'proxima novasbold'; Src: url ('../sources / proximity Nova-sobbed web.'); Src: url format ('./fonts/ ProximaNova-SboldWeb.eot # iefix') format ('embedded-opentype'), url ('../fonts/PooximaNova-SoldWeb.woff') format ('woff...

performance - Proper way to create dynamic 1:M SQL table -

Simplified Example: Two tables - People and time goals every time a person walks through the door. A person could have between 0 and 50 entries in the table repeatedly What is the most effective and effective way to keep track of these records? Is it timetable ----------- person_id timestamp I worry that this table is better than one Million records may be extremely important at the time of inclusion and retrieval rather quickly Also: Clearly, non-generalized but doing this would be a better idea. Bar table - ---------- person_id serialized_timestamps_for_the_day Date For each individual timestamp for individual Need to reach, but only record the query on the date or person's ID. Since you need to access individual timestamps 1 , serialized_timestamps_for_the_day can not be considered and will violate 1 NF, due to which A. On that, you are starting a redundancy: Date can be estimated from the content of Serialized_timestamps_for_the_day , and you...

How to display a date field from an XPage in a pdf created with iText -

After watching iText - I tried to create a PDF of a form in one of my XPs. The form is basically a 2 column table with different data fields - name, address etc. All text fields are fully displayed but do not have date fields. This is an example where I am trying to display the date of person (Person_dob) in cell 7 of my table. var cell 7 = new com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell (new com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph (currdoc.getItemValueString ("Person_dob"))); This table displays blank in the cell, the date field does not have a value; I have tried to change the code and used getItemValueString instead of getItemValueDate and getItemValue but before that the PDF crashes, there is no doubt that I am making some clarity but I can not see it. Use GetItemValueDate () to get the object as the date and convert it to the string in the local level format: var date = currdoc.getItemValueDate (" Person_dob "); If (date! = Null) {var cell 7 = new com. Type. PDFPCL new. ...

javascript - Chrome Extension popup.html html injection from with background script -

Currently I'm using chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener so that the icon can be clicked and crap.js You can call each method from Set up the popup page. chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener (function (tab) {// removed when user click ICON chrome.tabs.executeScript (, {"file": "Js / Crap.js "}, function () {// execute your code console.log (" execute scripts .. "); // notification upon completion};) Chrome Browser Action. Setup ({popup:" Popup .html "});}); I have the following jquery code at integrated content.js in both scripts in popup.html and manifest.json $ ("p"). Attached ("hunter"); $ ("#sectionA") .html ("& lt; p> All New Content. & Lt; em & gt; You Can Bet! ; "); But it does not seem to work. I was wondering if it is possible to pass my values ​​to select.js in the background in content.js for popup.html. Besides this, I have seen that every t...

css - How do I make these HTML blocks of info stay the same size? -

I am trying to make these blocks of information equal, regardless of the words of each word. As seen in the example, when one block has less text than the other, then one becomes slightly smaller and the other remains a different shape. Now my question is, how can I get these blocks shaped regardless of their content or image? I am going to use another couple under them. Here the CSS code Is: / *********** All containers ******************************** Margin-left: 0%; Display: Inline box; } / ********** Small containers ************ Container {max-width: 30%; Maximum-height: 30%; Margin Top: 5%; Margin-down: 5%; Margin-left: 10%; Padding-left: 2%; Padding-right: 2%; Padding-down: 2%; Background color: # ecf0f1; Color: Gray; Display: Inline-block; / * Display: Inline-block; * / Boundary-radius: 5px; Border bottom: 2px solid brown color; } Here is the HTML code: & lt; Div class = "bottomContainers" role = "more info" & gt; & Lt ;! - I...

Questions about an array template in C++ -

I'm taking a course where we are being offered for some software patterns, one of them is the Iterter pattern , And we are being asked to apply it in C ++, our professor gave us some sample code a few weeks ago and I want to understand a little better than I do as well as I do. First of all, I will post the code: template & lt; Class T_, std :: size_t SIZE_ & gt; Class Carry {public: type-tof T_ value_type; Typedef std :: size_t size_type; Type-tof T_ & amp; Context; Type-Touf T_Const & amp; Const_reference; Typedef T_ * pointer; Type-aphed t_cont * cons_ pointer; Type-tof T_ * iterator; Type-tof T_ const * const_iterator; Typedef std :: ptrdiff_t inter_type; Typedef std :: reverse_iterator & lt; Iterator & gt; Reverse_iterator; Typedef std :: reverse_iterator & lt; Const_iterator & gt; Const_reverse_iterator; // data store cost_type data [SIZE_]; Size_type () const {returns SIZE_; } Context operator [] (size_type idx) {return data [idx]; } Co...

php - URL not found error in laravel4 -

I've added it to my routes Root :: find ('account / create ', Array (' as '=' gtc: 'account-creation', 'usage' = & gt; 'AccountController @ makeGet')); Then when I go to make public / account /, I did not find this server error while making a requested url / webprobe / public / account /. Then when I did it work on my /webproj/server.php You have some problems: 1) If you still have your URL If you need to use / public> , then the correct form is: http: // server / project / public / index.fp / account / create 2) You should not use / public> , so you must configure your webserver virtual host correctly to / public Point to your URL so that you 3) Can not access /webproj/server.php as http: // server / project / account / create And it should not be used, Laravel needs to run only php artisan serve

php - Is it possible to skip calling __set from class internal code -

I wrote __set to make sure something done before something setter public function __setter ($ name, $ value) {if ($ this-> requires, nothing is needed) {$ this- & gt; DoSomeThingNecessaryBeforeSetAnything ();} $ this- & gt; Need = wrong; $ This- & gt; $ Name = $ value; } However, the magic method influences performance. In the same class, I have another function private function loadData () {if ($ this-> requires) is nothing {$ this- & gt; DoSomeThingNecessaryBeforeSetAnything ();} foreach ($ data $ key = & gt; $ value) {$ this- & gt; $ Key = $ value; }} Since doSomeThingNecessaryBeforeSetAnything () is already called, I do not have to call __set, but she wants to set the property directly. This will help on mass performance. However, I can not remove __set, because there are many legacy codes outside the classroom, and I need to make the argument correct. Feel with PHP. Any ideas on the fly can not add or remove objects? Edit: The cau...

mysql - PHP - Before Searching the DB for a Match how to clean out the Common text and Characters? -

I am currently searching the search functionality for searching a string in several columns and want to know from several tables that P> Ideally I want to delete "/", "-", "%" ... etc before searching because I also use MySQL query '% KEYWORD%' like the Yet one thing New Search "Sales Officer" will not match the above string, remember I'm just a simple STR_REPLACE not looking for solution because it would be impossible to clean all such potential search options, Any other ideas?

ruby on rails - Device cannot login -

मेरे पास एक सरल उपयोगकर्ता मॉडल है वर्ग उपयोगकर्ता & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस # डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से मॉड्यूल को विकसित करना शामिल करें उपलब्ध अन्य हैं: #: token_authenticatable, #: lockable, टाइमआउट करने योग्य और: omniauthable devise: database_authenticatable,: registerable, वसूली योग्य, यादगार,: trackable, confirmable,: मान्ययोग्य शामिल BCrypt #attr_accessor: पासवर्ड,: पासवर्ड_confirmation has_many: deals Has_many: शुल्क में है: मेन्यू है_मैं: वाउचर है_ऑन: प्रमाणीकरण है_मैं: रेस्टोरेंट_टैग है_मैने: रेस्टोरेंट_होर्स # मान्य: लॉगिन, विशिष्टता: सही # मान्यताओं: लॉगिन, उपस्थिति: सही पुष्टि: पासवर्ड, उपस्थिति: {on:: create} मान्य: पासवर्ड, पुष्टिकरण: सच # स्वीकार्य: लॉगिन, प्रारूप: {with: /.A([^@\s]+)@( (?:: -जान- a- 0- 9] +++.))[az] {2,} ) \ Z / आई,: पर = & gt; : बनाने, संदेश: "मान्य ईमेल पता होना चाहिए।"} मान्य: भूमिका, समावेश: {in: ["admin", "client", "restaurant"]} #before_save: encrypt_password def encrypt_password अगर password.present?...

php - how can i run my code inside the ifstatement when i click the button -

Hello friends, I need help in this code, I want to log a user, which is my problem .txt When I click the button, see the example button, if the statement below is not working ... then do not know why .. Trying to call this code echo & lt; Form METHOD = "POST" action = "mydata2.php" & gt; & Lt; INPUT TYPE = "submit" name = "submit" value = "see" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; '; If (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) & amp; amp; ($ _POST ['submit'] == "see")) {$ date = date ("Wi-M-DH: I "); $ Updatefile = "userlogs.txt"; $ FH = FOPN ($ updatefile, 'a') or die ("can not open file"); $ StringData = "User: $ username"; FILIT ($ FAH, "$ stringdata" .PHP_EOL); $ StringData = "Date of Viewing Click Button"; FILIT ($ FAH, "$ stringdata" .PHP_EOL); Fclose ($ fh); } Sorry for the bad English .. When you click the ...

c# - Is there any way to access parameter or method of object with in Linklist that is for every object -

I am working on trees and I want to use the object parameter, linlinkilist-> Node-> Object-> object but could not do that. I'm trying to do what it takes in the object tree object, and the object of the search Object 2 types linked list of parent and child, and these objects To get another object created, I want to search and search for this collisionObject , but I can not access it. I try List.head. Use data but i could not succeed i I do not want to convert the list data parameter to the CollisionObject class because I want to use this linked list for each other object, generally I do the parameters that I want to make public I am receiving or receiving; Set; To add an object to a list inside another object. I can not access the parameters or methods in the data and can not even object in the data public square child {Private CollisonObject colobj; Public Child (CollisonObject c) {this.colobj = c; } Public Child (Ref Collision Object O) {this.refcolobj ...

android - How to allow the particular calls to ring and others to be silent? -

I want to make an Android app based on incoming calls. While calling important people I should get an incoming call, but if others call my phone then be silent. Since I am new to Android, this is very difficult for me. There may be four steps to achieve your requirement. Get an incoming number Compare it with your data (which can be stored in the database or in shared priority) Ring silent Receive incoming number: call you a broadcast receiver call call receiver Need to assign its action to code> manifest. & lt; Receiver Android: name = ". CallReceiver" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Receiver & gt; In that broadcast you need to add PhoneStateListener to your telephony manager, overriding the callstate switch () with the phone parameter on . this is. CallReceiver.Java Public Class...

How to access Customizable Text Fields From Prestashop Module? -

I am creating a new module for Prestashop where users can design their product from third party service when users later Adds the product to my car, so I would like to save the ID that I get from this third party service where the user designs their product. I think the best way to do this is to create a customization textfield in Prestashop named "DesignID." Now I want to know how I can save data in this area rather than manually data Instead of filling, save data from module development in Prestashop. So basically ... how do I add data from these customizable areas? Within the Prestashop module, when the user adds the product to their car? These customizable fields are used You are simple users and you are not designing a module . To save DesignID it will be just a hack. Since you are creating a new module, I would suggest that the third party ID should be placed in a newly created database table, which will match id_product, id_design, id_cart, id_order, etc...

android - Shared preference is taking wrong context -

Hello I am saving my data using shared priority . In my project 2 Activity activities are 1 I am saving data in asynctask >> doinBackground method inside shared priority . In Async work I am downloading many files from the server. When my first file download has started and I am now changing the activities, my activity in the background -1 and my activity in foreground -2 My file is downloading in the background My call to shared priority is also being made at this time SharedePreference returns an empty reference and this dual-pointer gives an exception. If activity -1 in the foreground is not getting a null pointer exception I 02-18 06:45: 55.503: W / system. Er (1242): If any other activity comes in front of the foreground, Java.lang.NullPointerException 02-18 06: 45: 55.503: W / Systems. Er (1242): On info.helper MyPreferences.savePreferences ( 02-18 06:45: 55.503: W / Systems. ARR (1242): info.activity.DownloadActivity $ DownloadFileF...

Monokai Theme for multiple IDE's -

Does anyone know a good source to find the topic for many IDEs, I specifically use one Looking for the good monoca version but those who have a deep background, I have an Android studio (which is based off the IntelIs), Visual Studio 2013, and for mobile development, as well as Xcode for other tasks Textwangler and I also use Navychat and would like to use all such subjects which are similar to each IDE. I have got a repost on Geethhub but I am trying to find other such topics or builders who can exclude the same theme that is used for the development of various IDEs. Someone has created a version of the theme for Android studios. Complete instructions for installing it

ios - Phonegap with InAppBrowser plugin to .ipa File -

फोनगाप 3.3.0 का उपयोग मैंने InAppBrowser को जोड़ा - सबकुछ XCode सिम्युलेटर पर काम करता है जब मैं पूरे फ़ोल्डर को ज़िपित करता हूं (www, प्लगिन, प्लेटफ़ॉर्म, मर्ज शामिल है), और इसे पर अपलोड किया है - मेरे iPhone पर QR कोड को पकड़ो ऐप डाउनलोड करें - InAppBrowser ने काम नहीं किया .. मैंने एक्सकोड में बंडल आईडी को डिफ़ॉल्ट "com.phonegap.helloworld" से अपनी खुद की आईडी में बदल दिया है। XCode सिम्युलेटर काम नहीं कर रहा था। अंततः ऐप स्टोर जमा करने के लिए XCode विश्वसनीयता से .ipa फ़ाइल कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं धन्यवाद! फोनगैप के लिए 3.3.0 बहुत नाजुक टर्मिनल में, फोनगैप बनाने के लिए ऐप-नाम --नाम "एप-नाम" फोनगैप प्लगइन add org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser फोनगैप बिल्ड आईओएस InAppBrowser के साथ, यह पहले से ही सेट होना चाहिए Config.xml में के लिए लेकिन आपको जोड़ना है: & lt; gap: प्लगिन नाम = "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" / & gt;

c# - How to split array in two arrays? -

I have an array and it has to be divided into two: Now: & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] New_1: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] new_2: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] Then take an element and leave the next element. Very easy but how can I do with C #? Thank you very much You can use linq, and those elements You can get the array with even and weird indexes. var new_1 = arr.Where ((c, i) => i% 2 == 0) .oir (); Var new_2 = arr.Where ((C, I) => I% 2! = 0) .Oir (); You can get the index of the element of the collection and bet to check how much or odd the index is and get the array accordingly. Countable. The method (IEnumerable, Func) filters the order of values ​​based on an estimate. The index of each element is used in the argument of the ceremony function. The first argument of the mastermind represents the element to test. The second argument shows the zero-based indicator of the element within the source,

WCF- Differences between proxy object, service object and normal class object -

WCF प्रॉक्सी ऑब्जेक्ट और सामान्य वर्ग ऑब्जेक्ट और सर्विस ऑब्जेक्ट (वास्तविक डब्ल्यूसीएफ सर्विस ऑब्जेक्ट) के बीच में अंतर क्या है? क्या कोई ऐसी कार्यक्षमता है जिसे क्लास ऑब्जेक्ट पर किया जा सकता है और जो डब्ल्यूसीएफ प्रॉक्सी पर बेहतर प्रदर्शन नहीं कर सकता आपका क्लाइंट प्रॉक्सी एक सामान्य एनएटी वर्ग है जो सेवा मॉडेल से है। क्लाइंटबेस कक्षा जब आप प्रॉक्सी बनाते हैं, तो एनईटी पर्यावरण सिर्फ आपकी सेवा पद्धतियों का उपभोग करने का तर्क जोड़ता है ताकि वे स्थानीय हो। प्रॉक्सी में आपकी सेवा विधियों और कुछ कन्स्ट्रक्टर के डिस्प्लेकेट होते हैं, जहां आप बाइंडिंग, समापन बिंदुओं आदि को परिभाषित कर सकते हैं। जब आप प्रॉक्सी में विधि कहते हैं - यह चैनल खोलता है, एक संदेश बनाता है और उसे सर्वर पर भेजता है यही प्रॉक्सी करता है यह आपके विधियों का तर्क नहीं करता है। आप सेवा वर्ग - भी एक सामान्य एनएटी वर्ग है, जो कुछ विशेष सेवा विशेषताओं के साथ चिह्नित है। जब आप अपनी सेवा शुरू करते हैं, तो ग्राहकों द्वारा भेजे गए संदेशों के लिए, एनआईटी पर्यावरण को सुनने के लिए शुरू होता है। और जब यह ऐसे संदेशों क...

xcode - Locked ViewControllers in storyboard -

I have a big storyboard that has many view controllers. But some of these views are locked in the controller. So I went to the identity inspector and found the "lock" parameter, but even if I select "nothing", then the View controller does not unlock. So I tried to change the storyboard source code, but already in my storyboard it is: propertyAccessControl = "none" then unlock it How should unlock storyboard? UPD: Solution! You should get inherited - (nothing) option.

System.getProperty can't read jnlp - resources since java 7 - Could this be because of an unsigned JNLP-File -

I try to eliminate a Java Web Starter application, since the witch is broken by java 7. All jar files are signed I try to get information about resource-tags from my jnlp-file I use System.getProperty but this blank. I searched for a while but I could not find any answer to the following questions: Do I have to sign the JNLP-file so that the resource tag? If I do, how can I do this? I have read that I have put it in the jar just like the initial class, but I do not get this good instruction. I have read, that JNLP should be named APPLICATION. Be nice in JNLP and JSLL-INF folders. Is it necessary? What's in this folder? Can he be anywhere? I've read what's new in Java version 7, from Java. I did not get a change in the system .getProperty and the security manager was used in this function. Am I right, that this change has not happened? Here I find the important part of the code: OK, it's a line that I try to get one of the resource tags: string...

php - Parse css and create key value array of class names and background images -

अगर मेरे पास ऐसा सीएसएस है: .featured .featured_1 {background-image: यूआरएल ( ""); मार्जिन टॉप: 20px; } फिर यह PHP फ़ंक्शन: फ़ंक्शन makeArrayOfBackroundImages ($ css) {if (! Preg_match_all ('/। ([Az \ d _] + ) \ S * \ {[{{{}} * url \ ("? ([^ ((^ (+) +)"? \)? / I ', $ css, $ arr) रिटर्न सरणी (); वापसी सरणी_कॉमबिन ($ arr [1], $ arr [2]); } कुंजी और पृष्ठभूमि छवि को यूआरएल के रूप में वर्ग नाम के एक सरणी बनाता है। सुविधा = & gt; Http:// मैं कैसे regex और इस फ़ंक्शन को संशोधित कर सकता हूँ ताकि वह वर्ग के नामों से मेल खाए। इस उदाहरण में दो वर्ग हैं, लेकिन कक्षाओं की संख्या चर होगी और एक या अधिक हो जाएगी इसलिए मुझे सभी वर्ग के नामों के मिलान की आवश्यकता होगी, इसके आधार पर कि कितने हैं। उदाहरण के लिए मैं इस तरह एक सरणी बनाना चाहूंगा ताकि दोनों वर्ग के नाम पृष्ठभूमि की छवि यूआरएल के रूप में कुंजी के रूप में सूचीबद्ध हों क्योंकि दोनों कुंजी के मान वर्गों में किसी भी अन्य सीएसएस गुणों को अनदेखा करना। ...

ios7 - What gamekit/engine should I use for 2d simple game in ios? -

I'm thinking of making my first iOS game, I'm new to iOS programming and I want your advice. 2D, think something like card game I suspect that I should use UIKit, spritekit, cocos2d ... what is recommended for 2D simple games with some animations? Thank you :) I would recommend cocos2d because it is widely used by many developers and This can also be used for the development of serious games, so when you feel that you have picked it up and become familiar with the API, then something like this will continue to be used after the first release You can. As you can see, there are many successful games and a good collection of features in it, so that it helps in making it so that you can always work in the first title and development training program, which you can get for the basics The best way to learn to get closer, this will allow you too. I do not believe UIKit to consider the platform at all. As for the spritekit, which can go the way of ether, I do not use it, but i...

join - Appending a text to a variable in Twig -

I am trying to insert a string using the ~ (tild) operator in the trigger. This is my case, I have many different things with: {% set class = 'original_text'%} {try first: the most obvious for me, the form of PHP God # {% Class ~ = 'some_other_text'%} {try for # seconds} {% class = class ~ 'some_other_text'%} {# third attempt #} {% class = [class, 'some_other_text'] | Join (''%} {# Fourth Attempt: Existing Variable has been changed #} {% set class = [class, 'some_other_text'] | In any of the above mentioned tasks Is not included. I need to add some text and every time some text is added. Something like this will work in this way: {% set class = 'Original_text'%} {% class ~ = 'first_append'%} {% class ~ = 'second' exception '%} {% class ~ =' third_append '%} and more {{class}} will result in: original_text first_ append second Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks! Edit: CS...

c - how to compute total free physical memory on hp-ux -

I want to do a shell script or C program that calculates the command as free in the same memory. P> P> Is there a CPI that allows the user to calculate all free memory? Or ultimately there is a way to determine all the physical memory available on the system, then use all the memory to be used and calculate free PHYS memory? I do this from this small program: # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / pstat.h & gt; Int main () {struct pst_static pst; Struct pst_dynamic psd; Memset (& amp; pst, 0, size (struct pst_static)); Pstat_getstatic (& amp; pst, sizeof (pst), (size_t) 1, 0); Memset (and psd, 0, size (struct pst_dynamic)); Pstat_getdynamic (and psd, sizeof (psd), (size_t) 1, 0); Printf ("Total Memory:% LDD \ n", pst.physical_memory * pst.page_size); Printf ("Free Memory:% LDD \ n", psd.psd_free * pst.page_size); } It...

regex - htaccess rewrite rule adding and removing parts plus 301 redirect -

I have just changed a phpNuke CMS to WordPress. After the conversion was done, I saw two urls for each post. This is my conversion: Unfortunately, this way Another URL is: Now I need a rewrite rule which is "modules.php Say it? 301 redirects at the same time by removing name = news and file = article and sid = "and" .htm " Now I use a quick and dirty solution like this: Redirectable / 8.htm News & amp; file = article & amp; sid = 8 It's quick and easy, but with 1600 posts, it's far from elegant and this page may be slow. Any help would be greatly appreciated! You can use regex in your rule and only one rule to handle all of these URLs Is: Redirect 301 ^ / ([0- 9] +). Html? $ /modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=$1

Sencha Touch App Displays Right in Safari but not in Chrome Any Longer -

I have a armchair touch app developed in the architect, which worked perfectly until November 2013. As it was busy with other things but recently removed, the top architects were accepted again and updated to update with the latest creation of Architect 3. After re-creating my app, I saw a few things: 1) When this desktop works perfectly on Chrome, then do not display some screen properly. No error or warning has been displayed. However, there are some warnings from the first (card layout) 2) When I create an Android (the platform you want for the app), everything is displayed correctly, but some events are displayed on the phone. Does not respond (especially to an area change); Because I can not find it on Chrome, where I can read the console log (due to problem 1, I can not analyze problem 2) 3) As a webpage, displays all on mobile safari and mobile chrome but In both cases, the On-Change Problem (Problem 2) remains 4) Display all displayed as a webapp on desktop safari and... web api - Excel Power-Pivot shows 404 when requesting OData endpoint -

After PowerPoint joins OData WebAPI on Excel 2010 and finds all the endpoints. However, when trying to retrieve the data, the power axis shows error 404. The API returns the XML in default in the browser and the Fiddler. When the Power-Pvt connects to the API and tries to retrieve the data, there is no entry in the Fideleller. Please suggest. Thanks a lot!

javascript - JQuery .show() is only working in first page of a table with JQuery datatable -

मेरे पास & lt; select & gt; एक इस तरह एक DataTable की: & lt; td & gt; & lt; चुनें class = "cambioEstado" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं;" मान = "14" वर्ग = "ऑप्शन 4" & gt; एल 4 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं;" मान = "15" वर्ग = "ऑप्शन 5" & gt; एल 5 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; जब मैं कोई बटन दबाता हूं, तो मैं .show () के साथ विकल्प प्रदर्शित करता हूं: $ ("। Btn4")। Live ("click पर क्लिक करें ", फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("। Opcion4 ")। शो ();}); लेकिन यह पहला पेज के लिए ठीक काम करता है, जब मैं दूसरा पेज जाता हूं, बटन को "ऑस्पियन 4" दिखाने के लिए फिर से दबाया जाना चाहिए। अंत में मैंने प्रत्येक विकल्प की स्थिति को बचाने के लिए एक सरणी का उपयोग करने की समस्या का समाधान किया, और fnDrawCallback फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके स्थिति क...

sed - Adding lines to file -

I need help about adding some lines in the file; For dimensional, I grep the parameters of text and save it in File 1: cellIdentity = "461" cellIdentity = "465" cellIdentity = "462" cellIdentity = "466" cellIdentity = "463" Selaidentiti = "467" and now I resembles that file, you need to create another file 2: cellIdentity = " 461 "cellIdentity =" 465 "Selaidentiti =" 468 "Selaidentiti =" 462 "Selaidentiti =" 466 "Selaidentiti =" 469 "Selaidentiti =" 463 "Selaidentiti =" 467 "Selaidentiti =" 460 " Three new lines are out Knowledge. So basically, I need to add these three lines, the last points of 8 9, 000 is always the same in all three rows, and I do not know the same in other lines of the first two digits of whether it is possible to . I was trying with sed command but no fate. I'm using the solaris / bin / csh U...