System.getProperty can't read jnlp - resources since java 7 - Could this be because of an unsigned JNLP-File -

I try to eliminate a Java Web Starter application, since the witch is broken by java 7. All jar files are signed

I try to get information about resource-tags from my jnlp-file

I use System.getProperty but this blank.

I searched for a while but I could not find any answer to the following questions:

  1. Do I have to sign the JNLP-file so that the resource tag?
  2. If I do, how can I do this? I have read that I have put it in the jar just like the initial class, but I do not get this good instruction.
  3. I have read, that JNLP should be named APPLICATION. Be nice in JNLP and JSLL-INF folders. Is it necessary? What's in this folder? Can he be anywhere?
  4. I've read what's new in Java version 7, from Java. I did not get a change in the system .getProperty and the security manager was used in this function. Am I right, that this change has not happened?

Here I find the important part of the code:

OK, it's a line that I try to get one of the resource tags:

  string strApiPath = System.getProperty ("uppath"); Println (strApiPath);  

> & lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; J2se version = "1.5+" initial-hap-size = "64m" max-hap-size = "512 m" /> & Lt; Jar href = "dist / pathtool-2.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jars / resources.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "Jar / Reporting-AP-Javakalant.jpg" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jar / commons-collection-3.2.jpg" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jars / colt.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jar / jdom.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jar / ptjung1.7.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jars / commons-configuration-1.2.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jars / commons-httpclient-3.1.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jars / commons-lang-2.1.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jar / commons-logging-1.1.jpg" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jar / commons-logging-api-1.1.jpg" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jars / commons-codec-1.3.jar" /> & Lt; Jar href = "jar / jnlp.jar" /> & Lt ;! - http or https - & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Protocol" Value = "http" / & gt; & Lt ;! - Domain name or IP - & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Host" Value = "Local Host" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Port" Value = "8080" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Proxy Active" = "False" /> & Lt; Property Name = "ProxyHost" value = "False" /> & Lt; Property name = "proxyport" value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Property name = "WebUser" value = "dummy" /> & Lt; Property Name = "WebPoded" Value = "Dummy" /> & Lt; Property name = "uppath" value = "../../ api_basic" /> & Lt; Property Name = "User" Value = "123" /> & Lt; Property Name = "psw" value = "123" /> & Lt; Property name = "data source" value = "eval" /> & Lt; / Resources & gt; There are new requirements for web start applications to get started in Java7 update51.

  • need to sign with the certificate of the jars the (self-signed with the certificate)
  • manifest file needs to be updated - see

some output warning but allow "tags required tag is.

What type of error are you getting?


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