firefox - Font-face not working from CDN - CORS already set -

I'm having problems with Firefox, where my cdn is not loading one of my fonts, I already have access- Control-Allow-Origin * is set to *.

The question is only WOFF and EOT files in the font (due to licensing), while other fonts that work, WOFF, EOT, TTF and SVG files.

I understand how WOFF is supported,

Is there something that I'm missing to do this work?

  @ font-face {font-family: 'proxy name'; Src: url ('../fonts/procaema_nova-regweb.eot'); Src: url format ('./fonts/ ProximaNova-RegWeb.eot # iefix') format ('embedded-opentype'), url ('../fonts/PooximaNova-RegWeb.woff') format ('woff'); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } @ Font-face {font-family: 'proxima novasbold'; Src: url ('../sources / proximity Nova-sobbed web.'); Src: url format ('./fonts/ ProximaNova-SboldWeb.eot # iefix') format ('embedded-opentype'), url ('../fonts/PooximaNova-SoldWeb.woff') format ('woff'); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; }  

I solved it by removing #iefix But does it seem like this ? Must be #Iefix I got more info here:


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