
Showing posts from April, 2015

html - Javascript Slideshow center? -

How do I center the slideshow in my code? Jessfield: Is it possible to do something with it: #slideshow {height: 330px; Width: 400px; Swim left; } # Slides {height: 300px; Status: Relative; } .slide {height: 300px; Width: 400px; Hidden flurry; Status: Completed; Background: # 000; Color: #fff} # slide-control {width: 60px; Background color: #fff; Height: 20px; Margin-left: auto; Margin-Correct: Auto; Padding: 5px; } #Slide-Control {margin: 5px; Width: 8px; Height: 8px; Border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -o-border-radius: 4px; Background: # F60; Limit: 1 px solid #fff; Text Indent: -9000px; Display area; Hidden flurry; Swim left; } # Slide-control one: hover {background: # F30; } # Slides-control a.highlight {background: #fff; Border: 1 px solid # f30; } on line 130 float: left; Margins: 0 Auto; (under #slideshow selector)

regex - How to rename multiple files at once by removing a varying part in the file name on Windows? -

I have a folder that contains 500+ files, which are with filenames ending in a string. Example: 1X 203.bmp 2x203.bmp 1086 203. BMP 25G203.bmp How can I change the name in all the files, is it extracting the "203" string from the file names? Files should be in such a way after renaming .. 1X.bmp 2X.bmp 1086.bmp 25G.bmp Since you are running on Windows, you can take advantage of PowerShell: dir | Rename-item-newname {$ _. Name -ireplace '(. +?) 203 \ .bmp $', '$ 1.bmp'} Description Dior => List of contents of the current directory = & gt; Change each next element to the next command - item = & gt; Send. Rename an element in a Windows PowerShell provider - namespaceject -newname = & gt; Specify the name of the named file {$ _ = & gt; Indicates an object representing the actual file .name = & gt; Automatic Variable-Property named after Nasthat = & gt; Replace an Insensitive '(. +?) 203 \ .bmp $' ...

mysql - Sum of all durations in a datatable in c# -

I have a problem calculating the amount of total hours from the datatable I have this HHHH: MM: SS Calculate and display as a text box? Do I need to change the query string to other data types? It stores milliseconds in the database. Talk_Time, SUM (cost / 100000) as the form of Total_Calls, SEC_TO_TIME (SUM (cldp_talk_time / 1000)) as the SELECT Select_Name, Extn, COUNT (*) In 'Total_Cost this is in Datat. Talk_Time 16:46:11 03:56:20 03:26:55 00:50:09 00:46:48 00:17:18 00:09:55 00:00: 19 The issue I am currently in is that this DD is being displayed in HH: MM: SS and then hits the limit of 99 23:59:59 and Then it crashes. I have tried to change the datetime, but it does not matter. minsclltxt.Text = callrecdt.Compute ("Summon (Talk_Time)", "") .ostring (); minsclltxt currently shows as "6.13: 25: 33" "157: 25: 33" Hope this is clear convert to the time span, calculate the sum of the ticks, then create a ne...

javascript - DOMParser.parseFromString fails with XML5619: Incorrect document syntax -

I have this javascript function that gets an XML file from the Web site: GetCCDfromHV () {var xmlhttp; If (window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest (); // IE 7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and XML HPP = new ActiveX object ("Microsoft. XMLHttp"); // code IE6, IE5 xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4); & Amp; Xmlhttp.status == 200) {var xml = xmlhttp.responseText; Document.getElementById ("uploadResponse") innerHTML = xml XmlDom = createXmlDOM (xml); }} ("GET", "../ HVRawConnectorPHP / demo_app / GetCCDfromHV.php", true); Xmlhttp.send (); } The XML has been recovered properly because I dump it. Can I see WinnerHTML But the parsefost string of XmlDOM with "XML5619: incorrect document syntax" fails, as shown below: create a function XMLml (xml) {console.log ('createXmlDOM: first 255 Character = '+ xml.substring (0255)); If (window. DOMParser) {var parser =...

ruby - How do I override a class method through an instance_eval? -

I have a square Foo with a method bar. How can I override the bar of FE with Foo.instance_eval? Def short #do some different end end What to override: Module ORM square foo def bar # some end and end instance_eval , works with class_eval overrides but do not have context Assume that you want to change the module so that whenever it is included, your new bar () will be used, you were very close: Module ORM Square Foo Def Bar "Old Bar" and End and Larm :: FuClash_Avalde Bar is included in "New Bar" and Class. Lorem # = & gt; "New bar" end

cygwin - What's the difference between MinGW, GNU and Cywin makefiles? -

Is there anyone? I want to handle all messaging targets in a messphile platform. Minig W and GNU are the same. Use both GNU Make (figure!). There are options for Sigwin, which includes GNU Make, Semicom and possibly others. If you go with the same, you have a starting point for portable makefiles though ... Devices available under a specific OS may vary. The path is always a bit of a challenge. Sigwin and Minzid provide every environment that attempts to mimic UNIX and makes it easy to resolve issues related to it.

html - Writing to a file while file is open in a browser using JavaScript -

I was wondering if Javascript has the ability to write a file that is open in the browser. Developing a page of links I use (for fun, not required). Currently I'm trying to develop something where the user can type a link and a name in the text box, and the link can be saved in the HTML file itself, with a javascript link and a clear form to add a name to the page. Easier than, but explicitly once the session is over, the session will not be added, when the page will be reused. I want to do it this way because I do not have to find and load the file every time I want to add a new link. It will be very easy to use PHP and MySQL, but this file is not running on any server So, in a nutshell, it is possible to save the file when it is modified from the current session? My code is below: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Add function (link, name) {htmlstring = ...

sql - Kaminari is slow with COUNT(*) on a huge table in Postgres -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 उत्तर मैं कबीनारी का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मणि एक बड़ी तालिका (~ 1.5 एमएम पंक्तियों) पर क्वेरी को पृष्ठांकित करने के लिए। वास्तविक परिणाम पृष्ठों को लेकर बहुत जल्दी (~ 20 मि।), कैमिनरी का जोड़ा SELECT COUNT (*) कहां है .... बेहद धीमी है, और निष्पादन समय के लिए कई अतिरिक्त सेकंड जोड़ता है। क्या इसके बजाय परिणामों की संख्या का अनुमान लगाने का कोई तरीका है? पूरी तालिका के लिए त्वरित अनुमान संपूर्ण तालिका के लिए बहुत तेज़ अनुमान के लिए : आपका उदाहरण पते पर संकेत देता है कहें कि हमारे पास एडीआर स्कीमा सार्वजनिक में एक मेज है: का चयन करें reltuples से pg_class जहां ओआईडी = 'public.adr' :: regclass; इस संबंधित उत्तर में अधिक विवरण: स्थिति के साथ गिनती शर्त के साथ गिनती के लिए, पोस्टग्रेज़ इसे तेज़ बनाने के लिए अनुक्रमणिका का उपयोग करें यह पोस्टग्रेस 9.2 में "कवर इंडेक्स" के साथ सुधार हुआ है, लेकिन उस से लाभ के लिए कुछ आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करना होगा। शहर और राज्य पर स्थितियों के लिए पूछताछ के लिए,...

.net - How do I create or mimic SQL Server Management Studio query results report -

In the SQL Server Management Studio, you can generate a query result for the grid (default setting) , Query results appear directly below it Alternatively, you can output query results to a file, which you want to get the RPT file anywhere. Report file looks something like this (When opened in Notepad); My question is, how do I How do I create the same type of file (same file format, transfer and all) in NET? I am using VBNET.) It has been with me using the Enterprise Library so far, but it gives a dataset, out of which I withdraw a dataview. I can convert the data file to a text file, but this text file does not look like this report file, from which I do not even know how it has been decided to format it. `dmcmandrfrapeer dbcmand wadper as dbCommandWrapper = GlobalDatabase.objDatabase.GetStoredProcCommandWrapper (" My_StoredProcedure_Report ") return to IsNothing (objGlobalDatabase.objTransaction) then return to GlobalDatabase.objDatabase.ExecuteDataSet ( ...

scripting - Joomla remove scripts and css loaded by extensions -

Using Joomla 2.5 and I have a double example of jquery running on one of my pages, which I can get rid of Would like to I tried to experiment, $ document-> GetHeadData (); There is no need to set JS files in the array without any use. So what's my best choice to find and unload the JS file? It seems that the page is loading later in the rendering process and then the head data is being recapitalized. I'm using a yoo theme template with some other loaded loads If possible, I would like to avoid template coding for template / extension files because it will unload it on every page and I want to unload it for just one page. Try it out, or & lt ;? Php unset ($ this- & gt; _scripts ['/ media / system / js / mootools-core.js']); ? & Gt; Then just add new js files to $ document-> Use ascript () . Hope works for it ..

html - Converting paragraphs with breaks to columns using jQuery -

I need to process the HTML of the email messages and replace the HTML of the message in a simple table with rows and columns. Below is a scenario in which I can not find any answer: & Lt; P class = "product description" & gt; Products: Brocade Pepple Pencil Dress & lt; Br / & gt; Quantity: 1 & lt; Br / & gt; Size: Size 12 & lt; Br / & gt; Color: Black & lt; Br / & gt; Price: GBP 50.00 & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; I need to convert it to the following format: & lt; Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Products: Brocade Pepple Pencil Dress & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Quantity: 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Size: Size 12 & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Color: Black & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Price: GBP 50.00 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TD & gt; I will get rid of using opening inside the column, but I & lt; Br> / C...

java - In Android emulator, Android app installed successfully and shown under Setting -> Apps, but not shown on Apps home screen -

I installed the app and I get the following message ----- - ------------------------ [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Android launch! [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] ADB is running normally [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] No launcher activity found! [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Launch will sync the app package only on device! [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Sync [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Automatic Target mode: current emulator 'emulator -5554' compatible ADD 'Stealth 1' running [2014 -02-l7 13:02:42 - stealth 1] to upload Stealth1.apk Tools 'emulator-5554' [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - stealth 1] Stealth1.apk installed ... [2014-02-17 13:02:49 - Stealth 1] Success! [2014-02-17 13:02:50 - Stealth 1] / Celeste 1 / Bin / Satellite 21. Installed on the device [2014-02-17 13:02:50 - Stealth 1] Done! The app was installed under the Settings -> Apps in the emulator. But I must run to the application I've tried to run it assumed even though...

c# - An object is not in a list after being added to a list -

I am developing an MVC 4 internet application in C # and having trouble adding one object to a list . This is my book class: public class book {public book () {comments = new collection & lt; Comment & gt; (); } [Key] Public ID {Receive; Set; } Public string title {get; Set; } Public String Writer {get; Set; } Public String Username {get; Set; } Public identification & lt; Comment & gt; Comments {get; Set; }} Here is my comment class: public class comment {[key] public ID (get); Set; } Receive public string comment text { Set; } Public String Username {get; Set; }} Here's my method: [authorize] [http post] [legitimate antifreeze token] create public action ranges (int id, comment) Comment) {if (ModelState.IsValid) {comment.username = us.GetCurrentlyLoggedInUserName (); Db.books.Where (b => BID == ID). FirstOver Default (). Comments.Add (comment); Db.SaveChanges (); Return Redirect Action ("Index", new {ID}); } View return (comment); ...

c# - Cannot get Controller to build model form query and parameter passed in - multiple models to get data -

I have 4 simple models in a larger model. I am using here and doing a complex query with the result set. I am works great. I have a parameter that has been passed to complete the update in a new table comprised of all the parts. Then, in the controller, the required antial (passed parameter) comes from the expected action on the expected final visual data query. I have created other functions with a model, No problem. I have tried to create a new model and then get a blank reference error on the particular by adding the model and I assume the model: (object tap reference error) code is not currently there Is: var model = new AddCompToEventClass (); Model Compediter. Compisitoriid = compadrate; I can not understand how to get everything in the model to go to the next scene. Controller code: compeditorId commented. The expected computitid parameter passes for the controller. Public Functionality AddCompToEventClass (Int Compatritized) {// ?? Model Compediter. Compisi...

ruby on rails - Gandi and Heroku set up issue -

I have a domain from, I am trying to point it out to my Hiakoku app. I have followed a lot of tutorials and steps, I have done almost this, but I have this being denied by bamboo http endpoint this is my zone file: @ 10800 IN A @ 10800 @ 10800 at www 10800 CNAME and I already added the domain using Hiroko CLI is. and also Any ideas? Gandhi does not support ALIAS / ANAME how to point to both www subdomain and bare domain in its heroocap @ 10800 to a # This is the IP address of the messy, which is your name - Set up a web forwarding. ( to redirect 301 permanent redirects from useless domain). For Gandhi, web forwarding is not adjusted in zone files, this is a separate page that you access from the domain page in the box in the upper right (where you email).

javascript - Get php variable from server to client -

I am in the process of writing an app with phonegap and one aspect is to include my app to read The ability to create variables from a PHP file on my server, which are created by reading PHP from a SQLite3 database, I have received PPH and SQLT3 to work together. However, how can I use JQuery / Ajax / Javascript to display the value of serverside PHP variables on the ClientIndexXM file? I have tried some code: Clientside HTML & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ .ajax ({url: "", datatype: "Jason", // Return type data is jsonn success: function (data) {// Server SidePyP & lt; Php $ test = array (); $ Test ['test1'] = '1'; $ Test ['test2'] = '2'; $ Test ['test3'] = '3';...

jboss7.x - Deploying maven liferay project to remote Jboss based Liferay portal -

I am new to Liferay portal here my configuration is - posted on Jbis AS 7.1.1 Liferay 6.1 7.1.1 Ultimate - Man 3.1.1 I can easily deploy my portable (Maven Project) in the local Liferay instance, but I try to deploy this portlet in a remote instance. Here's a part of my pom.xml & Lt; Version & gt; $ {Lifer.version} & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; AutoDeployDir & gt; $ {} & lt; / AutoDeployDir & gt; & Lt; AppServerDeployDir & gt; $ {} & lt; / AppServerDeployDir & gt; & Lt; AppServerLibGlobalDir & gt; $ {} & lt; / AppServerLibGlobalDir & gt; & Lt; AppServerPortalDir & gt; $ {} & lt; / AppServerPortalDir & gt; & Lt; LiferayVersion & gt; $ {Lifer.version} & lt; / LiferayVersion & gt; & Lt; PluginType & gt; Portlet & lt; / Pl...

quickbooks - What does Trans # refer to in Custom Transaction Detail Report -

When I run a custom transaction extension report in QuickBooks, I can include a column called TRANSSP. I'm not sure what that means. How is it different from reference number and transaction ID? Trans # and transaction ID are both internal unique IDs that are automatically transferred by QuickBooks None of them is generated which you can edit or see if you have the transaction open on your own. I'm not sure why QuickBooks is both, apart from this, I do not think you can view the transaction ID through GUI. Reference number is a user-defined ID for transaction (check number, "entry number" on journal entries, etc.). It can be edited after the fact and it is not necessary to be unique Hope you wanted this.

jquery - Javascript scroll function slow, lots of "Timer Fired: onloadwff.js:310" weasel events in Chrome -

I'm trying to debug a page that seems to be working slowly in Chrome, That this may be an issue with the following javascript code: $ (document) .ready (function () {function navScroll (distance) {$ (window) .scroll (function ( ) {Var scrollTop; if (distance) {scrollTop = () (= (; ($ ('(# $ $ $');) and {scrollTop = 150}; if ($ (window) .scrollTop ()> gt ; = ScrollTop) {if (! ($ ('$ MainNav') HCl ('ShowNew') {$ ('#NannNen') AddClass ('showNav');}} and (if ($ ('Main' Donation '). Haclus (' showyave ')) {$ (' # ' RemoveClass ('showNav');}}}}} If ($ ('.header-image-base'). Length) {var windowHeight = $ (window) .height (); $ ('.header -image-base '). CSS (' height ', window-height); naviscroll (windowsite);} and {navScroll ();}}); When I use Chrome's console' Timeline 'panel, and press the record, this is what I see: Any idea what's going on here? I can ...

angularjs - Angular.js reading External JSON Address -

O people, I am trying to use an EPA API which provides daily UV index information in the USN. I am trying to read this link at this time: Enviro / efservice / getEnvirofactsUVHOURLY / ZIP / 33126 / JSON? Callback = callBackFn If you open that link it shows valid JSON, but when I do it in my Angular.js code I do not read it, and my variable remains in the form of an unknown. My code is: var tanApp = angular.module ('tanApp'). Controller ('MainCtrl', ['$ scope', '$ http', function ($ radius, $ http)) {$ Scope.awesomeThings = ['HTML5 boilerplate', 'angels', 'karma']; $ Scopedata = 'unknown'; $ Http.get (' Success (work (data) {$ = data;}); tanApp.config ([' $ httpProvider ', function ($ httpProvider ) {$ HttpProvider} / $ / HTTP / .defaults.useXDomain = true; $ httpProvider.defaults.headers.common ['x-requested-with'];}])...

multithreading - Android View - Alternatives to finalized() and onDetachFromWindow() for knowing when to terminate threads -

I am expanding the view - especially an image view - and for multi- Many flavors of threaded code. These operations will be long-running, maybe scheduled and are done by the excursor. I think this view should be available for display in any layout, anywhere in my app - BasAdapter Deployment Ideally this view will be entirely responsible for terminating threads when it is no longer necessary Will be left Someone has the suggestion of how to eliminate these threads? OnDetachFromWindow () seems suspicious to use if the view is final () fixed condition being displayed through an adapter but it is the most expensive place in terms of execution time. It seems that, if I want to use the use in a list / gridview, then I will need to "reset" one view to prevent threads and new as new data To provide a public method to look at the data to face ... Maybe I should think of using this scene within the adapter ...

Locking theads in phpbb3 but keeping them visible in the thread list -

Is there any way that I can lock the thread, or make it private in PPBB3 for a particular usergroup so that Users can still view threads / forums in the list, but know that they are prohibited from reaching them until they 'upgrade' at a higher user level. I know that you can thread 'hidden' from a user group, but I still should know that to help build value in the forum, what is the thread as a Guest And encourage the guest to consider upgrading. Thank you for your help A request for a standard phpBB3 installation It is unlikely, though it is possible to change some lines of code. Open viewforum.php and change the following lines: if ($ auth-> acl_get ('f_read', $ ($ Auth-> acl_gets ('f_list', 'f_read', $ forum_id)) from > and (! $ Auth-> acl_get ('f_read', $ forum_id)) to if the following lines are changed (! $ Auth- & gt; acl_gets ('f_list', 'f_read', $ forum_id)) Al...

python - Convert .py with pygame to exe -

I have used py2exe to convert a program that finds multiples of a number - the form of a test - and it works fine, but when I try to do this for a program that uses pygame, when I run the exe that is received; What? EDIT: I added 2 DLL (libogg-0.dll and SDL_ttf.dll) in the Distributed folder, and the window was open for a second or so long before the crash with the same message .

android - Socket.close() never returns causing TimeoutException on the OS -

I am using the HTTPClient library and I am getting a weird problem where Socket.close () calls never returned Returns a timeout exception that occurs once in a while and I can reproduce it about 10% of the time. I am looking at this issue on Android 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. Here's a bug ticket I made for Android: Any idea why socket.close will hang forever? How can I avoid this? Thanks! 02-17 20: 48: 31.800: E / Android Random (12871): Fatal Exceptions: Philalizer Watchdog Damon 02-17 20: 48: 31.800: E / Androindertime (12871): Process : Com.vblast.sample, PID: 12871 02-17 20: 48: 31.800: E / Android Random (12871): java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.finalize () Time-out after 10 seconds 02-17 20: 48: 31.800: E / Android time (12871): at (Basic method) 02-17 20: 48: 31.800: E / Android time (12871) : On Libor Io.BlockGuardOs.close ( 02-17 20: 48: 31.800: E / Android R...

jquery - Using a PHP variable passed via AJAX -

I am searching for an answer but in fact I do not have any requirements. Everything is working fine, variables are being sent through AJAX to my PHP file, but now I have to know how to actually use it (the WHERE field of a mysql query for). First, the user clicks on something and calls this AJAX: $ Ajax ({type: 'post', url: 'include / hash.php', data: {d: $ (s) .attr ('id')}, success: function (data) {console.log (data) ;}}); then defines the PHP variable from the hash.php AJAX post: & lt ?? Php if (($! _POST ['d'])) $ $ hash = $ _POST ['D']; }? & Gt; And I want to display it in home.php in the following HTML: & Lt ;? Php echo $ hash; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; Updated: Sorry to be ambiguous, I click on a link to the relevant HTML embedded user, and I eventually get the WHERE of a query based on the ID of that link. / Code> want to generate fields So I'm...

javascript - Decide on route-basis what outlet to render into -

So I have two different outlets in my handlabs markup. I name an outlet {{outlet}} and its name is {{outlet mode}} (I've implemented it like a model) One requirement for the app is that I am doing that model Things to show in should be linkable. For example, the resource 'car' should be shown there, how can I create a link from / car / 52 and present it in that outlet, but how can I make a route rule like that ? How can you render a route (like / cars /: car_id ) in a specific outlet? Be careful, when you start to present for different shops You need to ensure that the outlet is also being provided (that is, it is a parent of the current route, such as the app). App.CarsRoute = App.Route.extend ({renderTemplate: function () Template to present in this.render ('cars', {//: 'application', / To present in the route / outlet: 'Model', // Name of the outlet in the template controller of the route: the controller that uses the ...

c# - Is this design using dynamic okay? -

In order to process my application, I got a list of different jobs. I am working with a design that uses different types to represent different types of jobs - it is natural because they have different qualities and so on. For processing, I was thinking of using dynamic keywords in C # according to the following code: abstract class animal {} class category: animal {} class dog: animal {} class Animalprocessor {public zero process (cat cat) {System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (""); } Public Zero Process (Dog Dog) {System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("Dog Dog"); } Public Zero Process (Animal Animals) {New NotSupportedException (String.Format ("'{0}' is type '{1}' that is not supported.", Animals, Animals. GetType ())); }} Internal class program {Private Static Zero Main (string [] Args) {List & gt; Animals & gt; Animals = new list & amp; Animal; Animals & gt; {New cat (), new cat (), new dog (), new cat ()}; Animal Pro...

.net - Problems with WPF Demo Zxing 'BarcodeWriter' does not exist -

When I try to run the project, I receive an error: the type or name space name 'barcoder' is not present in the namespace. 'ZXing.Presentation' (are you missing an assembly reference?) And the type or namespace name 'barcode worker jititi' is not present in the namespace 'ZXing.Presentation' (are you missing an assembly reference?) I The NuGet package was installed but I think the context Issues only one class under zxing.Presentation at> Barcode Reader Barcode I do not see Wartr class. What am I missing? You have merged the current source of the demo with the current release version of the repository. The source is new in the repository and uses a few sections that are available with the next version of ZXing.Net. Please use the full source from the repository (library and demo) or use the sources of the demo from Download section on Codeplex

Remove duplicates conditionally from array in Ruby -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: तो मेरे पास यह सरणी है: / p> ['वन', 'दो', 'वन', 'वन', 'थ्री', 'थ्री', 'वन'] मुझे यह परिणाम प्राप्त करना है: ['वन', 'दो', 'वन', 'तीन', 'वन'] मैं उन आइटम को हटाना चाहता हूं जो कि पिछले आइटम के समान है रूबी में ऐसा कैसे करें उपयोग करें ary = [ 'वन', 'दो', 'वन', 'वन', 'थ्री', 'थ्री', 'वन'] ary.chunk {| x | X} .मॅप (और: पहले) # = & gt; ["वन", "टू", "वन", "थ्री", "वन"] संख्यात्मक # चक वस्तुओं पर बराबरी करता है, वापसी के आधार पर उन्हें एक साथ चिनिंग करता है ब्लॉक का मूल्य लगातार तत्व जो एक ही ब्लॉक मान वापस लौटाते हैं उन्हें एक साथ गिना जाता है। ary.chunk {| x | X} .to_a = & gt; ["एक", "एक"], ["दो", ["दो"]], ["एक", "एक", "वन"], ["तीन...

How can I exclude any location returned by maps API that is not a town, city, region or country? -

I was going through google () via the Geocoding and reverse geo encoding API but it is a little confused. When my user searches for a place on my page connected to Google Maps API - if the user does not choose any village, city, region, country - I want to throw a proper message. For example, if the user completes Google for Taj Mahal, "Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India", then I will send a message to "I only select Village, City, Region, Country I can. " Do you want to select Agra? then The user should be allowed to choose no at the street level eg 23, Park Lane, London The user should be allowed to choose only from a village / city / city level, or something similar. It is being said that where I am working on National Park Is there a feature where I can keep an address and check that Google Maps ap What does E give as its values ​​- e.g., short name, administrative_area_level_1 etc It is required that you want to hold and propose as...

jquery - manipulate css border with javascript to custom -

I'm thinking that CSS is a way to tease the border: Border type with javascript or jquery? By making a little bit for example; Seeing edge edges for the specified range without background, jagged, stroller or tear; ? Curious if something like this is possible in the attempt to load, for speed and performance, fewer pictures. Note: // I am aware of the CSS border property and know what the capabilities are, thinks what is the ability to manipulate no option CSS then why use jquery? (Yet) Just do something like this: border-image: url (imageofedge.png); You can read more

windows phone - What does DeviceNetworkInformation.IsNetworkAvailable Do? -

I do not find that actually does DeviceNetworkInformation.IsNetworkAvailable ? Is it at the same time to check phone service and data service? I was hoping to see a property that you can call, it seems that everything is over. As the Daily Dermanski said, if you are able to make calls etc., then you are not particularly , But in addition to DeviceNetworkInformation you can use all the network interfaces connected to the phone, and in such a way that it has got a GSM or CDMA cellular connection. An example that shows all the interfaces, which is currently connected to the phone: NetworkInterfest Network Interface = New Network Interfer List (); Agarwal (Network InterfaceInfo Network Interface Information) {If (info.InterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.MobileBroadbandCdma) Debug. Wrightite ("On CDMA Network"); And if (info.InterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.MobileBroadbandGsm) debugs. Writite ("on GSM network"); And if (info.InterfaceType == Netwo...

delphi - getting incompatible error while trying to assign a function to on click event -

When I click on the button I have a button, the type of caption will change. Type TForm1 = Class (TForm) Button 1: Tibbon; Functional Form (Sender: Tubect); Process set caption (sender: tubback); Private {Private Announcement} public {public declaration} end; Var Form 1: Teform 1; Implementation {$ R *. Dfm} {TForm1} Process TForm1.setcaption (Sender: Toubys); Start (the sender as tbutton). Parents as Tform Caption: = 'Successful ...'; End; Process TForm1.FormShow (Sender: TObject); Start button 1 Click: = Set Caption (Sender); End; [Error] Unit 1. (38): Incompatible type: 'TNotifyEvent' and 'Process, inherent indicator or unexpected parameter' Error getting / Code> Please correct my mistake, I'm new to this concept ... You have to use the following: button. Click on 1: = setcaption; Please check the types on the left and right sides in your assignment statement. On the left is the type of type TNotifyEvent . This means that you...

How to block aceess to a HTTPS site using python-iptables -

I want to implement a simple firewall by using python which will block access to the given list of sites. To do this, I want to know how to block a specific site using Ajhen-IPTable. For example how to block access to Try it out, it works right, uses subprocesses and blocks say. Or you can also use iptables as well iptables -A output- d -j DROP

Changing header for PHP website -

I am trying to create a website in PHP (I have no experience in it) what I did was an existing The website was used by someone who made it for me and just went about changing things in .php files. I was in header.php: & lt; Base href = ""; / & Gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = ISO-885 9-1" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "css / default.css? V = 4" /> & Lt; Link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "favicon.ico" /> I changed 'old-domain' to 'new-domain'. Now, my home page of 'new domain' looks okay. But all other pages, such as- or give me a 404. On the other hand, when I return the 'new domain' to 'old-domain', it displays my old website properly, so I think this code is OK. What am I doing wrong? D...

jquery - Looping DIV block after it has been filled with 3 items with PHP -

मेरे पास निम्न कच्चे HTML कोड है: & lt; section class = "cols services -modern "& gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कंटेनर" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति-द्रव" & gt; & Lt; div class = "span4" & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "सामग्री" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & LT; h3 & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ब्ला ..... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "span4" & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "सामग्री" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & LT; h3 & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ब्ला ..... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "span4" & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "सामग्री" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & LT; h3 & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ब्ला ..... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; ...

android - Phonegap Media API trying to access audio locally -

I am currently working on an app that has to play audio from an external source in .AMR file format but can give it the URL and log cat trying to reach the logging of seeing I know it must have: FAILED Rename / storage / SD card 0 / Temprekording 3 GP / Storage /sdcard0/http://URL/audio.amr Here is my player code function play (source) {var me Dia = new media (source, played, unsuccessful); (); Document.getElementById ('Status'). InnerHTML = "game"; } A URL has been given to a function with the function connected to it and a URL. I'm testing it on Android Thanks! No matter, it was an issue with the formats, MAR is an incompatible format, so it works Does not

html - Parallelogram Textbox -

How do I create a parallel type of text box where the text will be raised vertically. To add slant to my text box, I'm using CSS below: #parallelogram {margin: 0 20px; Webkit-conversion: skew (30 degrees); -MOZ-TRANSM: SQUAU (30 degrees); -O-Convert: Skew (30 degrees); } Textbox alignment was also affected, I just want to align the text box vertically. (See screenshot below) You can try changing the text of the parent of the text box and removing the text box (and the outline), so the text That your type has proper vertical alignment. #parallelogram {border: 1px solid black; Display: inline-block; Margin: 02020 px; Padding: 0 3px 0 3px; Webkit-conversion: skew (30 degrees); -MOZ-TRANSM: SQUAU (30 degrees); -O-Convert: Skew (30 degrees); } #parallelogram Input {Outline: None; Border: None; Webkit-conversion: oblique (-30 degrees); // Set the nest slant angle to 0-noise-transform: skew (-30 degrees); -o-results: slanting (-30 degrees); } ( parallelogram is t...

javascript - Hiding address bar in all browsers -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर मुझे पते को छिपाने की आवश्यकता है मेरे जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड के माध्यम से सभी ब्राउज़रों की बार। यह करना संभव है? यहाँ मेरा कोड है: ("displayPdf.php? Mnth =" + mnth + "& amp; year =" + year + "& val =" + newVal); Dom.disable_window_open_feature.location dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable dom.disable_window_open_feature.status यह है सुरक्षा प्रतिबंधों के कारण आधुनिक ब्राउज़रों में अब संभव नहीं है। आधिकारिक (-आश) स्रोत: फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में 3, dom.disable_window_open_feature.location अब डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से सही है, आईई 7 में बहुत पसंद स्थान बार की उपस्थिति को मजबूर कर रहा है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए बग 337344 देखें। इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर 6 में, पता निर्दिष्ट करता है कि क्या पता बार प्रदर्शित करना है या नहीं। क्रोम। आप यह भी देखेंगे कि आधुनिक ब्राउज़र्स इसे सुरक्षा / विरोधी फ़िशिंग उपायों के रूप में छिपाए जाने की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं यह भी देखें

sql - MySQL: Does dropping primary key removes unique constraint and/or index? -

I have column 1 as the primary key, I believe that is why it has a unique barrier and index . Now I want to present column 2 as a new primary key, but I want to place Column 1 as a secondary key on it and with the index as a secondary key. The question is if I will execute my_table drop primary key to replace the table; Is this MySQL (InnoDB)? Yes it will skip the current primary key in column 1 Try it as below drop table if existing test_index; The query is ok, affect the 0 rows (0.04 seconds) Test test_index (id INT, primary key (id)); Queries are OK, affected by 0 rows (0.25 seconds) Optional table test_index column email CHAR (50) No zero; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.33 seconds) Records: 0 Duplicate: 0 Warning: 0 Add ALTER table test_index primary key, add unique key (id), add primary key (email); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.48 seconds) Records: 0 Duplicate: 0 Warning: 0 Show table making test_index \ g ***********************************************************...

android - Sort and Show push notification in list -

I am implementing push notification in Android and following this process to receive notification in the current date Along with the information entry and time in the database along with it. Now I want to show a list of all the notifications but the list should be shown in the SORTED manner, as the last information should be shown in the first time. I am trying to sort, but SQLite does not support the date type, but I saved it in string as dd-mm-yyy format. How can I organize notifications based on dates? Please help If you store dates in the correct format (always 2 digits hour / minute / second Use / day / month, 4 digit year, from the largest time to the smallest unit) You can simply base the sort of wiring on the basis.

java - NoClassDefException, starting activity from another package -

This is my first time using Eclipse ADT and I'm having trouble starting a new activity from a different package . I am trying to start with com.furgus.swipe.LobbyActivity , but I have a NoClassDefFoundError Continue from being unsuccessful, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and I'm in need of guidance to properly link my camera activity. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated thanks. AndroidManifest.xml & lt; Manifest xmlns: android = " apk / res / android" package = "com.furgus" Android: versionCode = "1" Android: versionName = "1.0" & gt; & Lt; Use-sdk android: minSdkVersion = "14" Android: targetSdkVersion = "17" /> Android: Android: Recyclable = "True" Android: SmallSewins = "True" Android: Common Activation = "True" Android: Large Scan = "True" Android: anyDensity = ...

php - codeignitor function load two pages of same function calls in different ways -

I am using two methods for user login in codeigniter: URL is typed as if the local host / mySite is calling the function when I am following Step 2, then this localhost / msiteite / login Other popup dialog appears i use AJAX request Both times I'm calling the same function. But when the function calls using Ajax, an additional header is loaded. I used the following code for the calling function. if ($ this-> Input-> Is_ajax_request ()) {echo json_encode (array ('condition' => 'success', 'url' = & gt; ; 'Auth / enable_account')); Go out(); } Else {redirect ("auth / enable_account", 'refresh'); } My jquery code jQuery ('# signin_form'). Submit (function (event) {var email = jQuery ('# email') (': check'); jQuery.ajax ({url: baseurl + 'auth / log in', type: 'post', data: {'Email': email, 'password': password, 'remember': remember}, data...

javascript - Newbie Jquery questions - versions and linking to source -

I have 2 questions about these jquery contexts with which I am working on a website. I do not have so much with php, css, html and isssl, but javascript and jquf With this being said ..... Suppose I have a jquery file located here: Min.js Question 1: The jquery file should have it src reference on 3 different methods in different ways. Is one of those methods better / faster / more efficient than others? 1. Src = "http: //www.mysite/js/jquery-1.3.2 .min.js" 2. Src = "js / jquery-1.3.2.min.js" 3. Src = "/home/hostingaccountname/public_html/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" Question 2: Some pages /js/jquery-1.3.2 Refer to min.js and others (later to be made) / js / jquery- 1.8.3.min.js . Is it safe to believe that 1.8.3 is upgraded to 1.3.2 and that I can replace all the 1.3.2 references with 1.8.3? Does this work like this or am I making a bad / dangerous assumption? Sorry, I know that these are probably dumb questi...

c# - how to delete the downloaded file from server -

I have created an MDB file, and that file has been zipped using and after this I zip I'm downloading the file. After downloading the file, do I want to remove the file from the directory using C #? I tried it now but the button is being downloaded after the click but I want to download it, and after downloading it has been removed from the directory. is an example: protected virtual zero downloadNDelete (string sFilePath , String sContentType) {string FileName = Path. GetFileName (sFilePath); Response.Clear (); Response.AddHeader ("content-dispute", "attachment; file name =" + filename); reaction. Contact Type = sContentType; Response.WriteFile (sFilePath); Response.Flush (); This.DeleteFile (sFilePath); Response.End (); }

wpf - How to access control in viewmodel -

My app is in WPF, VS 2010 Prism and Unity. At the time of initializing the constructor for Adoller, I want to use visual dockpanel control in View Module. Any help would be appreciated. The simple way is that you can see IUnityContainer and resolve You can use the control such as: Read Only IUnityContainer_container; Public Constructor (IUnityContainer Container) {_container = Container; Var resolved = _container.Resolve & lt; IEmployeeView & gt; (); // See your solution thoughts as Var consider = your solution as UVFMA; // Get more control Var control = view. YOURDOCPANELNAME; }

c# - The directory name <Path> is invalid | Impersonation | Windows Service -

I have a window service that is meant to track a file path and take some actions on files created later . The place to monitor is a network location, which I am impersonating, has full access to it. LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE = 3; LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0; String watchpath = @ "\\ servername \ folder \"; (New impersonator ("user name", "domain", "password")) ({PermissionSet (SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")) FSWatcher = New FileSystemWatcher (); FSWatcher.Path = Watchpath; \\ FSWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName; FSWatcher.Filter = "* .xls"; FSWatcher.Created + = New FileSystemEventHandler (On-Chandled); FSWatcher enabled RaisingEvents = true; FSWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false; } I am saying an error - "The name of the directory is invalid ..." I have no indication what is happening to this e...

javascript - using multiple clauses in if in jquery template -

I want to use a variable if the console log in that section is in the jquery template: Unwanted syntax error: Unexpected token { Here's my code: var isactive = true; Var isPasive = false; Var isGuest = false; Var tmp = '& lt; Script & gt; ' + '{{Every strong}}' + '& lt; A href = "#" class = "patient" data-name = "$ {$ value.M_Adi soy}}" data-tt = "$ {$ value.M_TcKimlikNo}" data-tahlilgunu = "$ {$ value.M_TahlilGunu} "& Gt; $ {M_Adi Soyadi} '+' {{if $ value.M_HastaBulunmaDurumu == "1" & amp; Amp; $ {IsActive}}} '+' & lt; Img id = "imgMember _ $ {$ value.M_TcKimlikNo}" src = "picture / greenmember.png" title = "istina clinic and dioob kytellariala irtusiveur." Style = "width: 15px; height: 15px;" /> '+' {{Else $ value.M_HastaBulunmaDurumu == "2"}} '+' & lt; Img id = "imgMember...

Folder permissions getting changed when folder is deployed through FTP in cloud 9 IDE -

I am trying to implement a folder using the option 'deployed on the FTP server' in the Cloud 9 IDE. The folder has been properly deployed at the remote location but when I tried to access the files in the files, I got an error 403 Forbidden You are not allowed to access this document . When checked through the console, the permissions have changed It is not possible to change folder permissions every time What should I do? Any help would be highly appreciated.

android - OpenGL ES 2: 2D water effect -

I started working with OpenGL 2.0 on Android some days ago. I have figured how to add simple 2D rectagles, triangles, lines, texture etc. to draw. But I'm trying to make a 2D water effect using the accelerometer of my device. I am able to get the exact value of accelerometer for my renderer, but this is not a problem. I should make something like an iBeer app, it is a drink with foam on top, how can I ensure that where the water on the edge touches the foam with the effect of water, small With 'waves'. Do I Need A Pure Shaker Or Shredder?

PersistenceProvider org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence not found -

I get the following exception when deploying my EJB ER in the server JBoss7.1 P> By: javax.preistence.PersistenceException: JBAS011466: PersistenceProvider 'org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence' not found join me with me The following jars are EJB (this also lives inside my jboss module jboss_home / modules / org / hibernate / main ): Hibernate-commons-annotation 4.0. jar Hibernate-Unit Manager-4.0.1. Finish Hibernate-Infinisan-4.0.1.funal.jpg How I added my hierarch provider on my persistence.xml file: & lt; Persistence xmlns = "" xmlns: Xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "http: / / / ns / persistence / persis tence_2_0.xsd "version =" 2.0 "& gt; & Lt; Persistence unit name = "hbPU" transaction-type = "RESOURCE_LOCAL"...

How do I convert this c++ function to c#? -

I tried to use online converter but it did not work. The C ++ function is as follows, I think it is equal to C #. //! File to save zero (Surf filename, vector & lt; Ipoint & gt; and ipts) {offstream outfile (filename); // output descriptor length outfile & lt; & Lt; "64 \ n"; Outfile & lt; & Lt; Ipts.size () & lt; & Lt; "\ N"; // To create the output line: scale x y for des (unsigned int i = 0; i I think the stream is serial or may be filestream Use the class. Using (Create StreamWriter writer = filetext ("file.txt")) {writer.WriteLine ("64"); // etc} or async: using (StreamWriter author = File.CreateText ("file.txt")) {author's Wait. WrititeLineAsync ("64"); // etc}

java - ProgressBar is not stopped after Completing Background Execution in Android -

itemprop = "text"> I am working in Android technology. In my application, I am bringing data from the web service. Service. It is true that there is a wrong data on the toast or the right but my progress bar continues to run, when the background work is completed its execution, then I dismissed the method in the transmitted piecetext (). But it failed to dismiss the progress bar. Can you tell me what I did wrong in my code. Please solve my problem .. I am attaching source code here async work public class MyTask AsyncTask and lt; String, zero, string & gt; {@Override protected void onPostExecute (string result) {// TODO automatically generated method stub super.onPostExecute (results); Pd.dismiss (); Toast. Make text (getApplicationContext (), "" + result, toast.lNGTH_LONG) .show (); } @ Override Protected Zero on PreExecute () {// TODO Automatically generated method stub super.onPreExecute (); PD = new progress DIOL Ogh (main activity.); Pd.setMe...

visual studio 2012 - Cannot start windows phone 8 emulator & run my project -

Tomorrow, when I tried to debug & amp; To run your Windows Phone 8 project in a simulator, it did not start. (Without a problem, working on the project for the last 6 months, Windows 8 Enterprise X64, 8.1 update is not installed, I tried the solution mentioned by Rob Mile, but I have a Windows Phone Is not the option, only x86 , ARM ADN no CPU ) This is my output: 1> gt; ------ Deployment Start: Project: xxxxx, Configuration: Debug any CPU ------ 1 & gt; C: \ zakazka \ xxxxx \ xxxxx \ bin \ debug \ xxxxx_Debug_AnyCPU.xap ... 1 & gt; Connecting emulator to WVGA 512MB ... 1 & gt; The application is already installed on the device if an incremental deployment is possible ... 1 & gt; Incremental deployment ... 1 & gt; Updating information about modified files ... 1 & gt; Deployment of C: \ zakazka \ xxxxx \ xxxxx \ bin \ debug \ xxxxx_Debug_AnyCPU.xap succeeded. ========= Posted: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 left ========== debugging last not l...

javascript - Compiling text in AngularJS -

मेरे पास टेम्प्लेट है: & lt; h1 class = "text-center" एनजी -bind-एचटीएमएल = "row.text" & gt; & lt; / h1 & gt; यदि मेरे row.text की सामग्री एक स्ट्रिंग है: हाय आपका नाम {{name}} है यह प्रदर्शित होगा: नमस्कार आपका नाम {{name}} के बजाय वास्तविक {{name}} बाध्यकारी है। क्या मुझे इस पंक्ति को छद्म या संकलित करने की आवश्यकता है? टेक्स्ट अभिव्यक्ति? आपका $ स्कोर कहें: {"> और आपकी स्ट्रिंग अभिव्यक्ति चर में है v: var v = "नमस्ते, {{name}}" var exp = $ interpolate (v); Var परिणाम = एक्सप ($ गुंजाइश); आपको तब परिणाम स्ट्रिंग में निम्नलिखित स्ट्रिंग मिल जाएगी: नमस्ते, मेरा नाम तब मैं दायरे चर में जवाब इंजेक्षित करूंगा। हालांकि, एक बार यह किया जाता है, एक बार यह किया जाता है, नतीजा एक स्ट्रिंग है, और इसलिए दायरे में "नाम" चर में कोई भी बदलाव उस विशिष्ट मूल्यांकन की अभिव्यक्ति को प्रभावित नहीं करेगा। संदर्भ: 2: यदि डाटा बाध्यकारी अभी भी महत्वपूर्ण है, तो मैंने जो किया था उस तरह से indirect...

Sql Server Error - incorrect syntax near if condition -

मेरी क्वेरी नीचे दिखती है: घोषित करें @ टेस्ट varchar (500) SELECT @test = सम्मिलित (@ परीक्षण + ',' ',') tbl चयन के रूप में ( 'MV10310 + से कास्ट (varchar के रूप में RoleName) LU_BCOMS_usersroles से roles.RoleName चयन भीतरी roles.roleid = usrroles.Roles_roleid जहां Users_Userid = पर LU_BCOMS_roles भूमिकाओं में शामिल होने usrroles') Repfamily.ProductName श्रेणी के रूप में, repfamily.Family के रूप में SeqChange, repfamily.RepFamily DescOfChange, के रूप में। *, TaskCompVer = मामला जब req.UpdateByASPM रिक्त नहीं है तो 'पीएलक्यूएम इच्छा की सूची प्रदान करें' जब req.UpdateByASPM रिक्त है 'ASPM प्रदान करें इच्छा सूची के रूप में आंतरिक अनुरोध performa.TX_BCOMS_Request से ASPM इच्छा सूची 'अंत प्रदान करें' जब req.CreatedBy तो अशक्त नहीं है 'LU_BCOMS_RepFa में शामिल होने family.request_requestid = req.requestid भीतरी पर TX_BCOMS_Requestrepfamily परिवार में शामिल होने mily के रूप में repfamily family.RepFamily_repFamilyid = repfamily.repfamily...

selenium - Block a node with several executors from accepting more jobs until a given job is completed -

I'm running Selenium test suite on ec2 windows instances. These examples should be restarted once every few days in order to maintain the memory etc. to be maintained. The problem is that when I send a resignation order to Junkkins, it can not be certain that there are no jobs running by slave, because slave runs many executives. Is there a way to tell a node, as soon as the XX triggers, leave the number of preferences at 0? If not, there is a way of putting a slave offline (i.e.: "Complete all jobs, but do not accept any new jobs")? (jenkins_url) / secure RASTART - all running jobs Allows to complete The new task will be in line to run after the resume.

mule- serialization exception while making outbound call -

I have a simple stream in which there is an HTTP inbound endpoint I am trying to consume an HTTP outbound and the following Exceptions are received. I am able to consume the outbound directly from SOAP UI. But, unable to make calls through the fault flow. (org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationException) Response from the endpoint ... Internal Server Error, Code: 500 INFO 2014-02-17 07: 16: 41,234 [[Updater customer] .connector.http.mule.default.receiver.02] org.mule.api.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: Logger ... in main thread (org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationException) Hope this will help identify the raw XML problem. http: // localhost: 8080 / foo3 HTTP / 1.1 Approved-encoding: gzip, Deflate content-type: text / xml; Charset = UTF-8 Soap Action: "" Content-Length: 2044 Host: Localhost: 8080 Connection: Ativ Elevator User- Agent: Apache-HTTPPLATE / 4.1.1 (Java 1.5) Raw XML from SOA...

Issue in sending Auto Email in Android applicaiton -

Hello friends, I want to send an email from my Android appetire so that my code is public OnClickListener {session session = zero; on the implementation of class main activity activity; Progress Dioco pdialog = null; Reference reference = null; Edit text resident = empty; Edit text sub = null; EditText msg = null; String repipent = null; String subject = null; String text message = null; @ Override Protected Zero (InstanceStat saved from bundle) {// Todo auto-generated method stub super. Connet (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Context = this; Button Login = (button) Find VVBIID (RID mbtnsmit); Receipt = (EditText) findViewById (; Find sub = (edit text) VVBIID (RID.edittext_sub); Msg = (Editing Text) findViewById (; Login.setOnClickListener (this); } @ Override Public Zero (see V) {recpient = reciept.getText (). ToString (); Subject = sub.gettext (). ToString (); Textmessage = msg.getText (). ToString (); Propertie...