java - In Android emulator, Android app installed successfully and shown under Setting -> Apps, but not shown on Apps home screen -
I installed the app and I get the following message
----- - ------------------------ [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Android launch! [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] ADB is running normally [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] No launcher activity found! [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Launch will sync the app package only on device! [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Sync [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - Stealth 1] Automatic Target mode: current emulator 'emulator -5554' compatible ADD 'Stealth 1' running [2014 -02-l7 13:02:42 - stealth 1] to upload Stealth1.apk Tools 'emulator-5554' [2014-02-17 13:02:42 - stealth 1] Stealth1.apk installed ... [2014-02-17 13:02:49 - Stealth 1] Success! [2014-02-17 13:02:50 - Stealth 1] / Celeste 1 / Bin / Satellite 21. Installed on the device [2014-02-17 13:02:50 - Stealth 1] Done!
The app was installed under the Settings -> Apps in the emulator. But I must run to the application I've tried to run it assumed even though I can not play when I run from the command line I am
1 9 34 KB / s (288622 in 0.145s bytes) pkg: /data/local/tmp/Stealth1.apk failure [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS]
You need the launcher category for your main activity in your AndroidManifest.xml. Example:
& lt; Intro-filter android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt;
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