
Showing posts from June, 2014

java - Processing messages from IBM MQ one at a time in JMS -

There are two threads in my application - is the one who reads the message from the MQ queue and processing them unit and a second which processing unit receives information from and puts messages about the queue problem is that the last message output threads have retrieved the message before it expires and processing can send the unit and not from the application point of view Land. Since the messages can be found at any time in the queue to process, so messages are not desirable to read synchronously. I know that I can present another queue to keep the message till I get ready to process, but any MQ setup related solutions that I can use instead? It seems like a very simple setup to me. Thanks in advance for advice / assistance. This essentially is a synchronization problem I need to install a signaling system where the message listener processing unit MQ Receives the received message and waits at an event. After sending the message to the output thread, the event indic...

Reactive Cocoa - View visibility based on scrollview content offset -

Based on the current offset off value of ScrollView, I am trying to change the visibility of a view using reactive cocoa . My idea was to create a supervisor on an NSNumber property that would be converted into scrollviewdisk of the ScrollviewView. Here is the code that I added to ViewDidLoad: RAC (see title itself, hidden) = [RACObserve (self, offset) subscribeNext: ^ (NSNumber * value) {return @ ([ Value integer value]> 0); }]; Setting a breakpoint on the return statement, I think it's called once, but never again. The solution that you describe, executes a method that calls - SendNext: On a topic, is so common that this is a way for you: -rac_signalForSelector: . In the case of the representative, you can call the representative at -rac_signalForSelector: , like: RAC (self.headerView, hidden) = [[(ID) ScrollView.delegate rac_signalForSelector: @selector (scrollViewDidScroll :)) Minimize: ^ (UIScrollView * scrollView) {return @ (scrollView.contentOffset....

java - Is there any way to configure hibernate Transactions with only annotations from the Jersey API -

मैं org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional के समान कुछ का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं जो कि एक लेन-देन। लेकिन मैं केवल जर्सी एपीआई का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मुझे निम्न कोड जैसा दिखना है: @ रिसोर्स निजी सत्र फ़ैक्टरी कारखाना; निजी कक्षा & lt; E & gt; इकाई; निजी स्ट्रिंग टेबलनाम; सार्वजनिक डेटाप्रदाता (कक्षा ई) {this.entity = e; This.tableName = entity.getAnnotation (तालिका। वर्ग) .name (); } @ ट्रान्सैक्शनल (केवल पढ़ने के लिए = सच) सार्वजनिक ई मिलें (अंतिम लांग आईडी) {रिटर्न (ई) फ़ैक्टरी। GetCurrentSession ()। प्राप्त करें (इकाई, आईडी); } @ लेनदेन (केवल पढ़ने योग्य = सत्य) सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; E & gt; GetAll () {सत्र s = कारखाना .getCurrent सत्र (); वापसी s.createQuery ("FROM" + tableName) .list (); } क्या यह संभव है?

python - compressing data with HDFStore -

I'm a newbie for pietsables and have a question about storing compressed panda dataframe. My current code is: import pandas # HDF5 File name H5name = "C: \\ MyDir \\ MyHDF.h5" # Make HDF5 file store # (H5name) # myDF.to_hdf (H5name, "myDFname" writes a Panda DataFrame to the created HDF5 file, attached = true) # Panda DataFrame HDF5 file from myDF1 = (H5name, "myDFname created from Read back ") # Close the file store. Close () When I checked the size of HDF 5, the size (212 KB) was much larger than the original CSV file (58kb) HDFStore (H5name, complevel = 1) and the file size was not changed. I tried to do all completions from 1 to 9 and the size still remained the same. I tried to create # HDF 5 file store - (H5name, complevel = 1, complib = "zlib") But there was no change in compression. What could be the problem? In addition,...

pyqt - Drag and drop a point on the canvas -

Can I use drag and drop technology at a point in a quadrant? I can not really find a slot on the canvas to connect with a mouse click. class canvas (QtGui.QWidget): def __init __ (self, parent): super (canvas, self). __init __ (parent) self.setGeometry (0,0,200,200) paintEvent (self, e) def: QP = QtGui.QPainter (qp.begin) self.drawPoints (QP) qp.end () DEF drawPoints (self, QP): Qp.setPen ( Size = self.size () #test x = 0 y = 0 for category (0,150,2): qp.drawpoint (x, y) x + = 5 Y + = 5 # Click the coordinate def mousePressEvent (Self, QMouseEvent): Print QMouseEvent.pos () Drag a drop technique is more or less like this: On click: Identify the dragging object On the trick: Draw the drawing object again On release: Update last state You can also update canvas on AP2. This is an example of the technique I use samples to manage points (hope you do not bother). QtGui imported from PyQt4 import, QtCore NP class canvas (QtGui.QWidget) imports the egg: DE...

vhdl - Division on the last outputs -

Count the number of input samples count then counter output (N) and I want to check if there is a number of samples, Then n_of_samples = (n * n) and if weird is made ((n * n) -1) something like this would be : integer range 0 to 255: = 0; Hint n: Integer range 0 to 255: = 0; If n mod 2 = 1 then n_of samples & lt; = ((N * n) -1); Other n_of_samples & lt; = N * n; end if; Norm_dis & lt; = Dis / n_of_samples; as the value of two signals (1,6, 9, 8, ..... 100) and (0, 8, 9, 9, 00) ..... .., 200) and I want to bring two final outputs and split 100/200 with two signals (100,200). I can write it in vhdl and divide it with zero error. Just make sure you do not divide by zero! If n_of_samples / = 0 then norm_dis & lt; = Dis / n_of_samples; end if;

pascal - How to calculate with a number this big? -

I am learning Pascal on my own for a month and I have come to a problem that I can not solve . Basically I have 2 numbers, N and m , where N is less than 10 100 000 and M is less than 10 8 and both are greater than 0. I need to calculate N mod M I I do not understand how to do it, even Not even with QWord . I tried it with the string but I do not know very well it is always very complicated for me because I use the function function where I The final number is obtained from the string N and then subtracting M with the I two if function (where n The last digit of the last or the last digit of the same is m , and this is less). Basically this simple problem makes me feel very complicated for that. There are packages running around some bignum, for example the open source MPArith package included With the Demo calculator, you can easily beat your time range: D: \ Xtools \ MPArith> T_calc.exe using T_CALC MPArith V1.26.05 (31/32 bit) [mp_cal...

c# - Error -"Could not drop constraint" when execute .AsQueryable(); -

I am using EF codes first to generate many for many relationships. As the following: Public class user {public user} (categories = new archive & lt; grade & gt; ();} public int UserId {get; set;} public string LastName {Get; set;} Public iconging & lt; Categories & gt; Categories {get; set;}} and public seal category category {Public category} (user = new archive & lt; user & gt; ();} public string name {get} set;} public entry Public Receipt & lt; User & gt; Users {Received; Set;}} My DB Reference Looks: Public DBSet & lt; User & gt; Users {Received; Set;} Public DbSet & lt; Category & gt; Categories {Get; Set;} Safe Override Zero OnModelCreating {DbModelBuilder Modlbilder} {modelBuilder.Entity & lt; User (H)> HasMany (b = & gt; b categories). Many (a => a.Users) .map (m = & gt; m.MapLeftKey ("user id") MapRightKey ("id "). Base.OnModelCreating (modelBuilder); } The strange issu...

objective c - Cannot add CCNode to Scene -

I have introdiscine, and I want to add a node, but it does not seem to work. There are two different ways that I tried to do this, and both failed. The first path, unsuccessful: in heart 2.h #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation.h & gt; #import "cocos2d.h" @ Interface Heart 2: CCNode {} @end In 2 M #import "Hearts2.h" @implementation IntroLayer.m in Hearts2 @end - ( Id) init {// Apple Supers Return value self Specified with self-recommendation • [Super Init]; If (! Self) return (zero); Heart 2 * heart; [Self added baby: heart z: 2]; // Full refund self; } I did not expect that to work (actually I was disappointed and tried to see it in another way, just to see that it would work). I tried to do the actual effort, and also failed: in heart 1.h #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; #import "cocos2d.h" @ Interface Heart 1: CCNode + (Heart 1 *) node; - (id) Init; - (zero) selfAnimate; Given in @end I #...

javascript - Backbone group results under figure_cat heading -

I present output results in a list, but I would like to change it and results_cat will show results under the headings of the grouping. I know the spinal cord uses underscores and I like the function by such a group, but I can not know where it should go. My code is: window.WineListView = Backbone.View.extend ({initialize: function () {this.render ();}, Event: {" Change #filter_options ":" filterList "}, render: function () {var wines = this.model.models; var len = wines.length; var startPos = ( - 1) * 8; var endos = Math.Man (Start PO + 8, Lane); // $ ('(Air and Air links, this.L) .append (' & lt; li class = "add-menus"> figures gt; & lt; a href = "# points / add" class = "upvote track" data-action = "Exit protocol" data-from = "repip" data-method = "post" data-remote = "true" rel = "nofollow"> gt; & lt; span class = "glyphicon ...

ruby on rails - How to assert HTTP request is made with correct URI when using VCR and WebMock? -

I am checking Ruby on Rail projects using WebMock and VCR. I want to claim that the request is requested for the right host, but I can not find an example of doing this. Here are some foxy codes I'm trying to do: VCR.use_cassette (' request') than subject.domain = '' {subject.get ('/ some')} For make_a_get_request_ ('') termination

sql - update with subselect/how to select time greater than 24 hours -

Please see the image below. I'm new to SQL syntax and I have the following update statement with a sub-style. I'm not sure this is the right way to do this, but I have it. Check out what I have to do LastRestartTime and if this is more than 24 hours RestartInterval , update the restart time for the current time. I have an exe that will check the table for the LastRestartTime and if is active = 1 and RestartInterval & gt; = 24 , it will kill and restart (or just stop the process if it was stopped) Process Then I will use LastRestarttime in that current time Want a program to update I'm not sure how to do this. Update any _table.dbo.this database LastRestartTime = GetDate () in ProcessName (choose the name of the process from any_table.dbo. This database where LastRestartTime> 24); It does not appear that you need a subquery, try: any _table Dbo.thisDatabase SET LastStarttime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Where Last Lastime & lt; = DATEADD ...

Firefox reacting to JQuery setTimeout that doesn't apply -

& lt; - Only note the first image. I think some jquery is not working in Firefox, where there seems to be a problem ... but there is IE (I know, I know) var hover = $ ('# par1'), box = $ ('.sq1'); Hover.hover (function () {box.toggleClass ('index2');}); and var linkloc = $ ('# par1'), link = $ ('# frnt1'); Linkloc.on ('mouseenter', function () {function linkadd () {link.html ("& lt; a target = _blank href = http: //> & lt; img src = small1 .JPG / & gt; & lt; / a & gt; ");} Set Timeout (linkAD, 1500)}); Linkloc.on ('mouseleave', function () {link.html ("& lt; img src = small1.JPG />");}); I appreciate that the code can be a bit messy, but I'm still learning as I go. The problem now is that the top slice of the code is reacting down to the setout. (It revolves around time with setTimeout repeatedly) even though the name of the function is c...

Meteor OAuth is taking a long time over LTE / 4g / 3g -

I recently released LinkedIn Oath on my meteor mobile. I am running LTE / 4G / 3G for long time in 12-20 second log time. Login to WiFi takes place around 1 second. Some users are reporting that logging in spinner spins for 10 seconds and then closes, but I can not repeat it on my phone Do anyone have any problem before this? How can you publish it fast for future reference? render: // servers Meteor.publish ("loginConfig ", Function () {return Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.find ();}); // Client root this.route ('home', {path: '/', fastreender: true, waitOn: function ()} Return Meteor.subscribe ('loginConfig');}});

php - Wordpress Widget: display child pages from specific page -

I've downloaded some plugins in advance, but nobody satisfies what I want: to show me A widget requires a child page of a specific parent page (and for each 'li' and a certain background-color, to include an icon on the borders, to customize it via CSS.). I have also downloaded a plugin that enables me to add categories to each page, thinking that I can use a widget that shows a specific page title from the fixed category (and thus solving the problem). Does, but I have not got anybody to do this Should I edit the default page widget (which in fact I have a page ID, page title and page Lets you sort through Rdr is), it also enables you to sort the pages of a Specific category? I do not know much PHP to do this. Although I use the default page widget and leave every page ID, but the ones I want to show to me, but then when someone else creates a new page, this widget displays It should be done, and it should not be because only the original subject of a specific pa...

php - ImageMagick has issues with some PDFs -

I have a problem with some PDFs when I convert them to 'jpg'; It happens only with some of them when I execute the code with exec () . I am using PHP, but when I execute the same code directly on the server it works great. This is an error that throws me: [0] => Error: In / invalidaccess -. Execform1 - [1] => Operax Stack: [2] => --dict: 8/17 (L) - - 1 10 4 15 6 18 C2_2 10 - Look: 6/6 (L) - - Appear: 6/6 (L) - Frutger LTS & Roman - Didt: 11/12 (RO) (G) - - - Nostrinvival - CIDFont Object - Dec: 7/7 (L) - - Duct: 7/7 (L) - 725745 - Dect: 7/7 (L) - - Nostrinval - FrutigerLTStd-Roman [3] => Execution Stack: [4] =>% interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- -nostringval-- -nostringval-- 2% stop_push --nostringval-- -nostringval-- -nostringval-- false 1% paused - push 1846 1 3% oparray_pop 1845 1 3% oparray_pop 1829 1 3% oparray_pop --nostringval-- -nostringval- - 2 1 1 - -nostringval -% for_pos_int_continue --nostringval-- -nostringval- ...

excel - How to Exclude a Specific Row from a Find Last Column Function -

I've created a spreadsheet that creates a list list, writing a macro, my intranets search page opens, the list in the row Enters the number (not shown in the image). And Excel gives information to the sheet as it enters the place (RIG), it creates a header in line 2. I made a second macro that removes inactive locations after this filter, I am leaving with a cleaner list, but I want to remove the header in line 2, which does not have any information at this time (such as column AH, AI, AJ and so on). I know that I can find the last used column of the worksheet, but whatever I want is the clear formatting, boundary and line 2 content, whenever the row 3 is empty till the end. Is there a way to adjust this to exclude line 2 from the search? Set the final integer like LastColumn LastColumn = Cells.Find (What: = "*", after: = [A1], _ SearchOrder: = xlByColumns, _SearchDirection: = Xl Pre). Column chamber (2, last column). Select ActiveCell.Offset (0,1) if not ActiveC...

c# - Updated Castle to 3.2.1 from 3.0.0 now I cant use FirstNonGenericCoreInterface -

After I upgraded to 3.2.1 Castle I think I can not find the right replacement for the FirstNonGenericCoreInterface My code container.Register (AllTypes .FromAssemblyNamed ("MySolution.Tasks") .Innamespace ("MySolution.Tasks") .WithService.FirstNonGenericCoreInterface ("MySolution.Domain" )); This method is not obsolete and which method I can not use it Does anybody know what I should use instead? If I'm not mistaken, FirstNonGenericCoreInterface is an intense architecture extension method. WithService.DefaultInterfaces () does that, then what should you do with your implementation class name interface? More information is available at Castle Windsor Wiki

Grails and Spring Security CAS plugin -

I currently have a problem where I try to start my app. I get an error: error context.GrailsContextLoader - Error initializing the application: Zero + execution can not be executed Message: Zero + Removable can not be executed This Only when I put the program in the spring security CAS. It is only getting started when I stopped forcing, because it was making it difficult to set up a JnDi. Is there a way to fix this problem without returning to the foreing? It turns out that the reason was not working because I did not finish configuring it . It does not matter to me much, seeing that I was not able to run the app, without first configuring it was already seeing properly that I never used that plug-in inside the implementation, it just downloaded it was done.

ruby on rails - simple_form undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class -

I am learning to train, and I would like to use simple_form I am making a simple app (my first time) And I want to create a signup form. I used tracks G Scaffold User Username: String Password: String to make my model and Controller I am also using Foundation Ratna, if this is the case, and I establish simple_form with the right command for the foundation. I am looking for two hours' answers, I tried many things, I do not know what is wrong in my code. ##app / views / home / index.html.erb ## And for lieutenant;% = simple _ form_ user u | F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.input: Username% & gt; & Lt;% = f.input: Password% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; ## App / Model / UserRb ## Class User & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base End ## App / Controller / User_Controller RB Class User Controller & lt; ApplicationController before_action: set_user, only: [: show,: edit, update: deleted] #GET / user # GET /users.json DNF index @ user = user.All end #GET / user / 1 # GIT / u...

internet explorer - DLL load time in Chrome vs IE -

is different for reasons, I have a DLL with 27k objects, this is the closest load in Chrome, but in IE Takes 10 seconds. Does anyone know why? I am using MVC. HTML.SelectExtensions.dll Without knowing your system, I suspect that you have virus scans . I have seen> Java script heavy HTML (on my client's timeline) This thing was that McAfee changes the JavaScript script host with its own version for security checks. (This page suggests other suggestions that other AV programs have the same mechanisms) that disabled [ 1] Corrected the display I think that these mechanisms should be a way to exclude certain sites (such as intranets). Do not remember that they got it. [1] If you know what you are doing (according to both technical and security) you can do Google for many places that tell you That's how to run regsvr32 jscript.dll on the original Microsoft script engine.

sql server - Write a batch to check and return values from SQL and then run scripts determined by the return -

Is it possible to write a batch file that will check and return a value from SQL and run a specific set script For example, If it returns a version 5 value: sqlcmd -U *** -P * ** -S127.0.0 .1 -Q "checkversion.sql" Run version 5 scripts, but ignore 1, 2, 3 and 4. But if it returns a version 6 value: sqlcmd -U *** -P *** -S127.0.0.1 -Q "checkversion.sql Run the version 5 and version 6 scripts, but ignore 1, 2, 3 and 4. " Do this in all TSQL because you can perform Nest store processes

javascript - AngularJS global Date timezone offset -

I'm looking at users to show dates relative to their timezone. I hope that the Connection is filtered by Date to configure it globally - doing so manually on a case-by-case basis It seems wrong to do My timestamps are already wrapped in a timestamp () function (just to multiply by 1000), but I do not want to modify that function if I does not Edit: I am doing this, and it works, but as above, I want to set it up if If possible, a level high $ scope.timestamp = function (unix_time) {var epoch = (unix_time * 1000); Var Date = New Date (); Var localoffice = (-1) * date.getTimezoneOffset () * 60000; Var stamp = Math.round (new date (era + local offset) .gettime ()); Return stamp; }; So, thanks for the change in angular 1.4.x it's now trivial to handle it The right way to make a decorator will be that before it turns into a filter created when making the run. It is very easy, and there will be no effect on the performance. This is one I use if no timez...

architecture - In Rails, where do I put code responsible for periodically saving data from an external source? -

Get the data I'm developing and save some data from a third-party REST API every few minutes Databases are required I'm not sure where my MVC architecture will fit in my model, but it seems that I combine responsibilities. Any suggestions? Using and using a general approach. Even one is good, though it is a bit old.

r - install homebrew forumula from someone else's branch -

I want to establish an R-Forum from a person's home branch branch I Follow Homebrew FAQ, but the following errors were found. Install Fluffy ################################################## ###### 100.0% Error: / Library / Cash / Homebro / Formula / RRB: 6: Syntax Error, Unexpected '& lt;' & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; ^ / Library / Cash / Homebrew / Formula / RRb: 7: Syntax Error, Unexpected '& lt;' & Lt; Html & gt; ^ / Library / Cash / Homebro / Formula / RRb: 9: Syntax Error, Unexpected '& lt;' & Lt; Meta charset = 'UTF-8' & gt; ^ / Library / Cash / Homebro / Formula / RRb10: Syntax Error, Unexpected '& lt;' & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = Edge" & gt; ^ / Library / Cat / Homebrew / Formula / RR 10: Syntax error, unexpected TDITIe...

javascript - Filtering Sigma.Js graph from external events -

I have an example of sigma. Js 1.0.0 Rend the graph in my canvas element (code is below, but you can scroll on the bus. As you can see from that code when the node is clicked, Then click the node event, which then applies filtering to the graph, showing only the clicked node and its surroundings and others to reduce it. This is quite clear. However, What will I do the same from the outside? Suppose I have Slowly the article is and I have the tag cloud and I want to click on #hashtag only then that node is shown in the graph and the rest are dimmed. How do I do this? > Thanks! mvc - How to disable or reprioritize IIS DirectoryListingModule under MVC module? -

I use an MVC folder structure where the URL matches the directory names, such as: & lt; Proj & gt; The URL needs to be accessible by the \ My \ Cool \ Thing \ ThingController.cs http: //blahblah / my / cool / Thing I have MVC routing work, but unfortunately when the default depends on {action} & amp; {ID}, IIS Express routing requests instead of DirectoryListingModule, because it directly matches a folder name. Directory listing is objected so that instead of me: The web server is configured not to list the contents of this directory. Module DirectoryListingModule Notification ExecuteRequestHandler Handler StaticFile I have already tried to fix this: 1. RunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests = true & lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Run the moduleAll managed modules FOR ALLRequests = "true" & gt; // No matter 2. module & lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Run the moduleAll managed modules FOR ALLRequests = "true...

php not returning data to query ajax function -

In my page I have an AJAX function to load data from php and its only posting is that the data Do not get back from the PHP page. Please see and tell me if I have a mistake in the code or not. Any help very well appreciated Apart from this, all this is going to be refreshed without it. $ ('# filterByPrice button', '#filterByPrice button'). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var form = $ (This) .closest ('form'); $ .ajax ({url: 'filter-data.php', type: 'post', Data: form.serialize (), success: function (data) {$ ('. Container'). Html (""); $ ('container'). Html (data);}});}); And the PHP file is: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['filter'])) {$ searchStr = $ _SESSION ['search string']; $ Filter = $ _POST ['filter']; If (! Is_array ($ filter)) {require_once ('Connection / conn.php'); $ Stmt = $ conn- & gt; Prepare ("Choose from * Happy Where (Like City: Like K...

symfony - Calling function from another controller -

मेरे पास दो नियंत्रक हैं DefaultController वर्ग DefaultController नियंत्रक का विस्तार करता है {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन इंडेक्स एक्शन () { एपीआईकंट्रोलर वर्ग एपीआई नियंत्रक फैलता है नियंत्रक {सार्वजनिक समारोह getCategoryAction () { अब मैं अपने डिफ़ॉल्ट कंट्रोलर से getCategoryAction को कॉल करना चाहता हूं। क्या यह असंभव है या मैं इसे कैसे कर सकता / सकती हूं? आप एक नियंत्रक को एक सेवा के रूप में कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं और फिर $ this-> forward ('') - & gt; methodOnTheController ()

html - Inherit parent's height without height specified -

I have the following: The problem is that the blue line is running in between the divs only The parent should have the height of ( .bux ), but this is not possible because there is no fixed height for .box because the heights can vary. How can I fix this? HTML: & lt; Div class = "box" & gt; sample text. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box" & gt; Some more lessons & Lt; Br / & gt; Different height & lt; / Div & gt; CSS: .box {padding: 50px 0; Text align: center; Limit: 1px solid black; Margin-down: 20px; } .box: after {content: ""; Height: 100%; Width: 5px; Background: blue; Display area; Status: Completed; Top: 0; Left: 50%; Margin-left: -2.5px; Z-index: -1; } Just add the status: relative box Div Bela here:

c# - Unity3d Connection functions order (different scenes) -

I found the menu view and level 1 view, in the scene of Level 1, there are some RPC functions and the on-connected sofware function Spoiler players are objects. The menu connects the connect button to the View Network. Connect script and on-connected teio server function which loads level 1 view. Is there any way that the onconnected server from the menu view will be executed with the off-connected tocerer from level 1 view and before the RPC function from Level 1 - How to do textChanged event in datagridview? -

I am correcting the text change event for my datagrid view but I was not able to get that result, Whom i wanted. Whenever DataGridView1 should filter content Detagreed View2 I change the text on your cell / S I It can filter the contents of my Detagreed View2, but before me outside Detagris cursor Click here / press Tab Here is my code: Private sub-DataGridView1_CellEndEdit (ByVal handles DataGridView1.CellEndEdit as the object, byVal e System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs). Con1 form OleDbConnection = thief con1.Open () as DT A. New DataTable Dim OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand as _command dim () _command.Connection = con1 _command.CommandText = & amp "TABLE_NAME choose where *"; Such as content end; "" Dt.Load (_command.ExecuteReader) Me.dgv.DataSource = DT con1.Close () End Sub "likecontent" is where I store text on my dataGridView1. Will my dataGridView2 be updated just by textChanged like the event from my dataGridView1? ...

cordova - JAVA HOME PATH correctly set in Environment but wrong when compiling via Node.js -

I have received this IU: is not on square path. OpsJava_Home does not talk with JDK It is currently set to "C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre7" However, my Java home is set to: C: \ program files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_51 with PATH c: \ program files \ java \ jdk1 .7.0_51 Any recommendations? When node.js generate a fork environment, then copy it to your user's environment variable You will need to do it manually You will need to get JAVA_HOME from process.env and set it to your exec () call. Something like this should be done: var config = {env: process.env}; Exec ('javacmd', config, function () {console.log (logic);}); Or if you want to become more clear, you can only remove the required variable ( JAVA_HOME , etc.) from process.env For more information see:

Is there an equivalent of aspectj-maven-plugin for gradle that works in android? -

Working with Maven and a pure Java project, I was able to use the Codehaus' Essays-Maven-Plugin to weave (time compilation)) aspects in my annotated classes (from a library I have created). I want to do this with an Android project (Gradell Build), but can not get much documentation. I have found the Android-APT project, but how to use it with knit accessories it can not wrap my head. Any help appreciated. I have found this project: what you need to help I still get setup for my project I am trying, though. Jl =)

android - How can I see changes in Genymotion made in Eclipse? -

I am trying to use genomomon virtual machine in Eclipse. I have installed several virtual machines, but when I want to see the changes made on my app then I'm having trouble. Every time I add something new to my app, it is not being displayed on the emulator. Does anyone know how Genymotion Emulator "Refresh" so that I can show changes made in the app? Thank you If your problem is coming from XML resources then this is the reason I could have had this problem very long ago by a refresh that has not been done on Eclipse side. You can try different tampering, one of them should solve your problem: First of all, check that your new APK device Correctly transferred and installed. For this, see the console output Or, change your letter and save on a bar file before creating your app, Clear your project even before you run your app And finally, uninstall your app before installing it

json - ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Very Slow -

I have a webapp web service, I'm returning a Jason string returning controller, methodology, but I also do JsonRequest does not affect this result. Here is the relevant code (keeping in mind that Action Prototype now gives ActionResult: debug.statformat ("{0} - Get Campaign Data: {1 } ", DateTime.Now.ToString (" hh: mm: ss.fff "), 1)); // Here is the data that we need for current user var = Context.Users.Where (n = & gt; n.UserID == userId). Single (); Var location = Where (n = & gt; n.CampaignID == Campaign CampaignID & amp; amp; N. disabled == incorrect); Var question = reference questions. Where (n = & gt; n.CampaignID == Campaign CampaignID & amp; amp; nactive = = false). (N = & gt; n.QuestionType). (). Orderbase (q = & gt; q.SortOrder); Var nature = reference Display Where (n = & gt; n.CampaignID == Campaign.CampaignAd) .Oolist (). Orderbie (D => D.); Var Answer = Reference. answer. Where (a => a...

windows, Putty, pscp combined in to a single batch file, is it possible? -

I am having trouble finding the answer to my question, in Lemons' words perhaps there is a lack of knowledge on this topic, That's why I got rubbed down the question. I have a Windows machine that I run the Putty Tool and connect to a Linux box. I run "killall /bob/bin/myfile.out", then close the confirmation, then type in a CMD prompt pscp.exe myfilet.out.2.3.4 root@ / bob / bin / myfile Can anyone show me how to combine them into a single Windows batch file? Thank you You can use the free command line tool to run commands on external servers through SSH can do. @echo off plink root@ "killall /bob/bin/myfile.out" pscp.exe myfilet.out.2.3.4 Route @ / Bob / bin / Myfile .out || An error occurred while copying the file After the = on the second line, the command will run only when an error level is determined at the previous level.

c++ - Program Not Outputting Correctly Depending on Standard Input -

I am trying to complete the following: Token stream from standard input Reads (using token oriented input) Choosing a zipcode, which is assumed to be 5 characters before the token "zip:". The program prints the top 10 most frequently zipcode and their frequency in descending order of frequency My code is being compiled correctly when my standard input looks: zip: 22333 zip: 23423 zip: 22333 etc. However, we were given some sample code that should have worked for city: Sherwood park zip: T8C 1C3 $ 20.00 When ordering frequency using frequency code instead of zip in order of frequency, instead of using the sample code, 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (for some reason there is a sign of counting 3 and then no other calculation). I know that there is an inconsistency between directions and file zip code, meaning files are stored like zip: 39450 with a white space between zip and number. How can I modify it inside of the account (! ()) for it and count pincode a w...

adt - Contents of "androidmanifest.xml" gets errased when importing MyFirstApp -

See Win 8.1 Java-ADT 22.3 Previously with the update to get the required files for the Android SDK Manager Jellybean last week Installed I followed the instructions to create MyFirstApp. It works fine until I "turn it off" then "delete" the project from "Explorer" when importing from the current code-root directory-project or the new-project-Android project "AndroidManFapst.exml" and If the contents of the "project" files are completely erased, then using the MyFirstApp, this large manifests loads of bugs in the workspace once again and again. MyFirstApp is reloaded. I have only one workspace folder for projects and tried to make versions like MySecondApp, MyThirdApp and many more. All appear. Xml content has been erased. I am unable to reload a project in JavaWid-ADT and without this AndroidManfest. XML and. This is my first attempt at Java-ADT. I tried "clean" "project" before closing the original prese...

windows - Why Microsoft OneNote can show a link to the contents are copied from? -

When I copied some good information online and pasted them on Microsoft One Notes, it could tell that pasted from [website_address] I have searched something, but it's hard to figure out how they did it. How to add this feature to the software? According to , an optional sourceURL property in the description section of the HTML clipboard data . You can also remove it from the BASE element in the HTML section.

ios - How to add UIBarButtonItem to replace UINavigationBar title -

मैं स्टोरीबोर्ड के माध्यम से UINavigationController पर UIButton पर शीर्षक बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा था । लेकिन मैं UIButton को UINavigationBar के केंद्र में खींच नहीं सकता। मैंने UIButton प्रोग्राम को बनाने की कोशिश की और फिर उसे असाइन किया शीर्षक संपत्ति के लिए, लेकिन यह एक चेतावनी दिखाती है: "UIButton *" से "NSString *" से निर्दिष्ट असंगत सूचक प्रकार क्या इसका समाधान करने के लिए कोई समाधान है? मैं अपने बुरे अंग्रेजी के लिए खेद है, मैं मूल नहीं हूँ। आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। आपको अपनी नेविगेशन आइटम में शीर्षक दृश्य जोड़ना होगा, फिर आप अपने बटन सहित किसी भी सबव्यूज़ को जोड़ सकते हैं। तो बस एक यूआईवीयूवीयू को नेविगेशन आइटम में पहले खींचें, फिर आपका बटन।

sprockets - Rails, won't allow stylesheets with custom extension in pipeline handled through local gem -

How can I pre-process CSS files via a gem with a custom extension? I have searched for hours to find this, but have not come close to the solution. I have seen less, SASS, coffee script, amber gems to get better ideas, but their way of dealing with them neither works for me. Mani rail code extension for custom styling sheets to ignore any setting, using the gem to handle custom stylesheets, and simply stylesheet.css .custom tag to stylesheet.css.custom.css returns a 404 error. I have tried a lot, but I hope this code tells me what I am doing: # lib / custom-rails .rb Config.app_generators.stylesheet_engine =: custom #lib / custom-rail Rb config.before_initialize do App | Spochet :: Engine autoloading #Sprockets.register_engine '.custom', Custom Template End # BB / custom / custom_timpler RB ActiveSupport.on_load (: Action_View) ActionView: Template.register_template_handler :: Custom, Custom :: Rail :: Customized Plate End I am using Rail 4.0.1. Any ideas ...

ios - Why do all the async image loading (SDWebImage, AFNetworking) libraries use UIImageView instead of UIImage? -

Am I missing something? It will not be allowed to be used with UIImage, is just more versatile than UIImageView? You can put hands around UIImage and use it for different things, where a UIImageView can actually be added only in the scene. My initial idea was to keep it in another category and UIImage has been loaded so far, it will get zero and nothing new will be passed but if you If you pass UIImageView, will it apply? FA networking You are right, Implementation of Air Force Category (UIImageView + AFNetworking) is bare bones. But you are missing out, which validate and decode images and provide some options to handle them. (In the old 1.x version of AFNetworking, this functionality is in.) SDWebImage Similarly, you are looking at only a very basic implementation of SDWebImage. There are so many options here, so I recommend that you review some other sections, but at the most basic level, you can get a UIImage like this: SDWebImageManager * manager = [SDWebIm...

jquery - fetch results as we type in a text area, in an asynchronous, rate-limited manner -

I enter text in the text field, the page gets results from a remote source. And its rate-limited, it waits for 250 milliseconds, even if we type fast. And user input should not be blocked while typing it. I'll remember a jazz plugin that can change the size of the keypops and the screen and wait for the delay / again in the case of size, it has just mentioned 10 events Threw the 100th. It seems like using a debans function to control what kind of behavior you are using - search for your debugging functions as your search. You can tie the onkeyup event of the text box. Pseudocode: Var listener = _.debounce (Search Listener, 250); $ Control.keyup (listener);

php - Junction tables in MySQL -

Hi, I am learning how to work with junction tables in MySQL. I (Sorry, my english is very good And I do not have the impression of doing nothing. I know the basics of MySQL but I have never worked with "JOIN" In this test project, I have a given category app I would like to show on page (you click on "games", only "games" Apps appearing on the line will be the same on the page) I would like to know how the SQL request should look. The second question, we say that an app can fit into 2 different sections, how can I give my APP2 different category_id in my database? At this time my database looks like this: Table name: APPS + ---------- - + ------------------- + | App_ID (PK) | App_Name | + ------------ + ------------------- + | 1 | Weather Network | | 2 | Is this sunny 2.0? | 3 | Weather app | | 4 | Zelda | | 5 | Megaman | 6 | Doom 3 + ------------ + ------------------- + Table name: CATEGORY + ----------------- + ----------------- + | ...

mongodb - Mongo authentication issues -

Hello, I have a new AWS server with a bitmani MEAN stack. I am the root user, and I started the call on the command line. When I try to do anything like "show dbs" (except "use test", or "use admin"),> I get the following error: show dbs list database fails: {"OK": 0, "errmsg": Src / mongo / shell / mongo On js: 46 I know that I am doing something wrong with permissions, I do not know what this is. / P> When I'm in Songdog Everything looks okay, but I think: # on / off the security current by default #noauth = true auth = true In addition to this, is probably relevant, when I try to run a Mongoode, I get errors about "/ data / db", " text "> You do not need to run again mongod if it is already running And it's likely that this Is already there. You are not even saying how you are trying to connect, which is likely to be your problem. I recommend reading what the de...

how to load and apply json vizmap (exported from Cy3) to cytoscape.js? -

Cy3- To load the exported network, it works great: cy.add (network.elements); // Where 'Network' is exported to the GSN object by SI3 What loads the command and applies to the exported vizmap? This command was completed, but the visual style of the network does not give us any similarity in the appearance of the SI3. cystyle () FromJson (vizmap) .update () // Where 'Vizmap' is a JSON vizmap object from C3 Advice, any? Maybe a small example? Thank you! Paul after this init Instead of loading, instead you have tried to use the init option instead where the style is specified. cytoscape ({style:, element: // ...}); Edit: It seems that the cytoscape desktop generates JSON in this way [{"title": "hallmarksOfCancer", "style" 1.0, "font-size": 20, "size": "oval", "border-width": ["background-color": "RGB... - Using the Unity IOC to inject dbcontext into my controllers and service layer? -

How can I inject my dbcontext with the Unity IOC in the service level, specifically I want to make sure that I only have one DBnettext and I want to make sure that it has been destroyed at the right time, even though I am using async. My application uses EF6 and a generic repository, there are so many codes and I have decided that I would like to remove the generic repository, EF6 as my repositories as my UOE and DBSet Use the context. This will be seen by highly experienced developers here as suggested by the SEO. Keep in mind that I do not want to change my ORM database There are less than 20 tables in the application and I have several ways that I can test it without using any other repository. I'm not sure what you mean by injecting your DB reference into your "service level" But suppose that you mean ASP.NET MVC website based on tags, you want to set up your container with the global dependency reseller class and make sure that your references Ready to r...

c# - Windows Phone: RemoveBackEntry after navigate failing -

I have an intermediate "Loading" page for my game: I send them there and "load" Is happening ... "text which shows that the thick game page loads: Private Zero Onloaded (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {Dispatcher.BeginInvoke (() = & Gt; {try NavigationService.Navigate (New Uri ("/ gamepage.xml", UricKind.Relative), Navigation Service.Rivblock Entry ();} Catch (Invalid Operation Expression) {}})} Then when you press the back button you go to the main page instead of going back to the loading screen, there is no other logic on the page. However, I just got a store submission: Samsung Focus and The navigation entry for the apparently loading page on the Odyssey was not removed, and on the loading page sent back to the user when they press the back button instead of returning to the main menu, I click RemoveBackEntry. Knowledge I am engaged. It looks like it should work, I error again can not occur and no focus or Odyssey to work with...

How to use bluetooth discover device with my application UUID in Android? -

I am working on an application, to transfer files using Bluetooth. I have a question about Bluetooth search Which other devices have I already installed during the search of bluetooth? I knew that I had to use UUID, and I also knew that Bluetooth device can give me UUID from other devices. However, I do not know how to add a UUID of my application to the SDP for searching Bluetooth. Thank you! On the client side, listen to call startDiscovery () and the discovered devices. For each device, get the Bluetooth device and call getUUIDs to receive the UUID () so that the remote device can be used. Check a match with UUID.equals ().

sql - MySQL batch queries with limit -

I have to change the ownership of many properties in my MySQL table. The things that I am going to do is that there are many similar things and I do not want to change them all. Now, I am doing this with questions: UPDATE property SET citizen_id = 1 where citizen_id = 2 and good_id = 8 LIMIT 1 update property SET citizen_id = 2 where citizen_id = 4 and good_id = 2 LIMIT 1 update property SET citizen_id = 4 where citizen_id = 3 and good_id = 5 LIMIT 2 There are some time, many of them and they All are so similar that I think there should be a way to submit them to the batch. Illustrations I can see that show batch updates do not allow individual updates to be set as individual updates like each update. Do you know in any way that I can do this process faster? The following method depends on the fact that the primary key in the property table And citizen_id is not part of it. This idea is: Keep all the parameters of the update (to filter on citizen_id and go...

Curl cant build with zlib using cmake for visual studio 11 -

I'm trying to create curls with zlib for Visual Studio using Simcoe (GUI version) .. . ZLIB_PATH with zlib, from with_DEVEL set with zlib directories and so on, but always get the message zLIB could not be found (missing: ZLIB_LIBRARY ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR) I downloaded the zlib distribution here (version 1.2.8, zipfile format) and CR distribution here ( Anyone can tell me Education is how to do it or to provide step by step instructions ...?

java - Multiple image change on mouse hover over an image -

I have to get the solution for a Java program. As soon as the mouse cursor is over the box, I want to change the image in a rectangular box. After changing images in the box (at least 5 different images), the mouse is not on the images and the change stops because the cursor moves out of the box. I can only use the g I want to set up pictures Please help me understand this problem because I am stuck. This code will help you with some help Could! Import java.awt.Color; Import java.awt.Dimension; Import java.awt.Graphics; Import java.awt.Image; Import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; Import java.awt.event.ActionListener; Import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; Import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; Import javax.imageio.ImageIO; Import javax.swing.BorderFactory; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Import javax.swing.JPanel; Import javax.swing.Timer; Public square response {/ ** * * / Private static last long serial VisserionUID = 1 L; Public reply () {JFrame frame = new JFrame (); Frame.getCon...

Fecthing unit test cases in python automatically -

I like that I am using solidarity Python simple code: suite = unittest.TestSuite () Suite.addTest (unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase (module1)) suite.addTest (unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase (module2)) I want my test suite Finds all the modules and all the unit test cases files that we have written? E.g. There are 5 files, 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). We do not know what file test file file is in. I need a way through which each file will be parsed and given the name of module for unit test cases only Note: - I am using Python 2.6.6 so that it can not actually be used () Consider using the tool, it is completely The unit-trial life varies, only you run it in the source folder root such as: & gt; Nosetests Then it automatically finds all test cases. If you want to run all the instructions, then use it: & gt; ; If you only want to find a list of the progra...

c# - Default for delegate dictionary pattern -

इस कोड पर विचार करें: स्विच (संख्या) {मामला 1: संख्या = (int ) SmsStatusEnum.Sent; टूटना; मामला 2: संख्या = (इंट) एसएमएसस्टैटुसएन्नम। डिलीव्हर्ड; टूटना; मामले 3: संख्या = (इंट) SmsStatusEnum.Failed; टूटना; डिफ़ॉल्ट: संख्या = (पूर्णांक) SmsStatusEnum.Failed; टूटना; } वापसी संख्या; मेरे पास एक स्विच केस है जो डिफ़ॉल्ट है। इसलिए यदि संख्या नहीं है तो 1,2 या 3 परिणाम विफल । इसलिए मैं कोड को डेलिगेट करने के लिए कोड को रूपांतरित करता हूं: var स्थिति = नया शब्दकोश & lt; int, फ़ंक्स & lt; SmsStatusEnum & gt; & gt; {{1, () = & gt; SmsStatusEnum.Sent}, {2, () = & gt; SmsStatusEnum.Delivered}, {3, () = & gt; SmsStatusEnum.Failed},}; प्रतिनिधि प्रतिनिधि पैटर्न के लिए मैं कैसे डिफ़ॉल्ट सेट कर सकता हूं? डिफ़ॉल्ट सेट करने के लिए आप फ़ंक्शन में डिक्शनरी लपेटते हैं SmsStatusEnum GetStatus (int मान) {Func & lt; SmsStatusEnum & gt; समारोह; यदि (! स्थितियों। ट्रिगेट वैल्यू (मान, बाहर फ़ंक्शन)) {// डिफ़ॉल्ट मान वापसी SmsStatusEnum.Failed; }...

c# - Removing items in List using LINQ -

This question is already an answer here 14 replies I type one List is some unit list public class command line {public string productCode; Quantity in public quantities; } Items removed from the above list are required if productCode is equivalent to some products. list & lt; String & gt; ProductsToBeExcluded = New List & lt; String & gt; () {"1234", "1237"}; Yes, from to list & lt; Order Line & gt; I need to remove the products which are equal to 1234 and 1237 I have tried Create from the list; String & gt; from the list & lt; Order Line & gt; Using from the list & lt; Order Line & gt; Orderline = gateorder line (); Choose o.ProductCode from order ol = from Orderline; 2. list & lt; String & gt; ProductsToBeExcluded = New List & lt; String & gt; () {"1234", "1237"}; Var filtered = orderline. Skip (Product BackAxWorld); I thanks ...

php - Make a scroll bar in my search javascript -

There is a problem in my search bar in my JavaScript because I have 2k + names stored in my table, called tb_applicants Is ... .if I type F or something like this I will give a very long list of names that I write ... I want to do this, a scroll bar is applied so that it is like a blanket for a long time . Current code: gt; pre & lt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "search" id = "query" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# query"). Autocomplete ({source: 'search.php', select: function (event, ui) {$ ("# query"). Html (ui .item value); } }); }); & Lt; / Script & gt; search.php code: & lt ;? Php $ q = $ _GET ['word']; Mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", ""); Mysql_select_db ("Clayton"); $ Query = mysql_query ("tb_applicants where...