pascal - How to calculate with a number this big? -
I am learning Pascal on my own for a month and I have come to a problem that I can not solve . Basically I have 2 numbers, N and m , where N is less than 10 100 000 and M is less than 10 8 and both are greater than 0. I need to calculate N mod M I
I do not understand how to do it, even Not even with QWord
. I tried it with the string
but I do not know very well it is always very complicated for me because I use the function
function where I The final number is obtained from the string N and then subtracting M with the I two if
function (where n The last digit of the last or the last digit of the same is m , and this is less). Basically this simple problem makes me feel very complicated for that. There are packages running around some bignum, for example the open source MPArith package included
D: \ Xtools \ MPArith> T_calc.exe using T_CALC MPArith V1.26.05 (31/32 bit) [mp_calc] (c) W.Ehrhardt 2006-2013 Karatsuba cutoffs: mul / sqr = 16/32, Toom -3 cutoffs: mul / sqr = 32 / 64 Burnikel / Ziegler div cutoff = 32, MaxBit = 520,093,696, MaxFact = 22623931 type "? & Lt; enter & gt;" To get some information about the command, finish "q" or "finish" [d]: = & gt; 10 ^ 100000 Mod (10 ^ 8-1) Results = 1 [D]: = & gt; . Time = 20.128 ms [d]: = & gt; 10 ^ 100000; Result = [& gt; 0, 332,193 bits, chksum = $ CE01C341, time = 46.994 ms] but depending on your needs and examples, you can also get without your results If you want to calculate a ^ b mod n
, then do not count a ^ b
and then mod n Reduce
. In a second step, but you lower each product in the loop and you should use fast binary exponent, e.g. In the description and pseudo-code, order 10 ^ 8 of module n you need to reduce one product of two 31/32 bit integers and therefore you need int64
or so you have the products for the Pascal version (Which should not be a problem, for depositing in which QWord
is). I think this kind of program will be very fast with the MPArithe Bignam code with 20 milliseconds.
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