java - Produce an output report that contains the player name, FGM, FGA, and the field goal percentage i.e. FGP -
I've got my code to compile, but it's saying with a runtime error: java.util.InputMismatchException : Null ( Here is my following code: import *; Import java.util.Scanner; Public Class Castetabol {Public Static Zero Main (String [] AGR) File Notepad Exception, IOException {Scanner Infile = New Scanner (New File ("Data 1.txt")); Int count = 1; Int fgm [] = new int [100]; Int fga [] = new int [100]; Double FGP = 0; Int reading, maxFGP, min FGP; Read = readArray (fgm, fga, count, inFile); MaxFGP = maxFGP (FGM, FGA, count); Min FGP = MinFGP (FGM, FGA, Count); System.out.print ("player FGM FGA FGP% \ n"); System.out.printf ("% 15d% 3d% 3d% 2.1f", count, fgm, fga, fgp); System.out.printf ("The player with the highest regional profit:% 3d", fgp); System.out.printf ("The player with the lowest regional goal:% 3d", fgp); InFile.close (); } Static Integratere (Ant.) FGM, Ent [] FGA, Int Count, Scanne...