
Showing posts from February, 2014

java - Produce an output report that contains the player name, FGM, FGA, and the field goal percentage i.e. FGP -

I've got my code to compile, but it's saying with a runtime error: java.util.InputMismatchException : Null ( Here is my following code: import *; Import java.util.Scanner; Public Class Castetabol {Public Static Zero Main (String [] AGR) File Notepad Exception, IOException {Scanner Infile = New Scanner (New File ("Data 1.txt")); Int count = 1; Int fgm [] = new int [100]; Int fga [] = new int [100]; Double FGP = 0; Int reading, maxFGP, min FGP; Read = readArray (fgm, fga, count, inFile); MaxFGP = maxFGP (FGM, FGA, count); Min FGP = MinFGP (FGM, FGA, Count); System.out.print ("player FGM FGA FGP% \ n"); System.out.printf ("% 15d% 3d% 3d% 2.1f", count, fgm, fga, fgp); System.out.printf ("The player with the highest regional profit:% 3d", fgp); System.out.printf ("The player with the lowest regional goal:% 3d", fgp); InFile.close (); } Static Integratere (Ant.) FGM, Ent [] FGA, Int Count, Scanne...

Can you run an expect script from inside an expect script? -

I via SSH N BASH script to log in to various servers remotely I am trying to write, which will automatically require a hopeful script (or, more likely, using pyexpect in Python). Once on the server, a seller will open / open the CLI, which will be required to re-expect the charge. So, can it be done? Can you expect multiple layers to run at a time?

emulation - Cannot Start Windows Phone Emulator After Update 1 on Visual Studio 2013 -

I updated VS 2013 with Update 1, now there is a problem ... when I call the emulator on Epicoding debug Want to do (including new test projects), VS Toolbar does not show the buttons to deploy the device or debug on the emulator. When I select the Debug Selection app from the drop-down menu, I finally informs:. Exception results 0x80131500 In addition to this, a dialogue about hyper-V is not enabled (this is - in BIOS and Windows) Any thoughts? I am also seeing this problem when upgrading from 2012 to 2013: Uninstall Update 1, but there is still no happiness. Convert Hyper-V settings to BIOS and Windows Control Panel, then back again. no change. 2013 versus firmly believe I am not running emulator Edit:. Download from CoreInfo.exe: Copy to C: \ coreInfo went into command prompt (Administration) (Windows key - X) coreinfo.exe -v Result: v3.21 Coreinfo - System dump information about CPU and memory topologyCopyright (C) 2008-2013 Mark Rusynovich Sysinternals - www.s...

matlab - inaccurate reading of data by sscanf -

In the numerical representation in a double array, the conversion of string representation of numbers in cell array strobe double Or combination of str2num and cellphone . Although using a combination of str2mat and sscanf to get a faster conversion, this approach is failing for some data sets, such as the following: x = {'98.78743 '; '99.339717 '; '99.997878 '; '100.40125'; '100.79166'; '101.10525'; '101.34,037'; '101.4 9, 553'; '101.56, 939'; '101.56,072'; '101.4685'; '101.2 9, 184'; '101.03,002'; '100.68,249'; '100.24,887'; '99 .72,897'; '99.2274'; '9 8.43,036'; '97 0.65215 '; '9 6.78,864'; '9 5.84,054'}; Y = sscanf (str2mat (x) ','% f '.); [Str2double (x) -y] ans = 98.7874 99.3 9 72 99.9358 99.9358 0 100.4013 100.4013 -0.0000 100.7917 0.7917 100.0000 101.1052 0.1053 101.0000 101.3404 0.340...

java - JButton removing all the others jcomponent from a jpanel -

I have this functionality list added to a button: // home Executioner button activator for Home Executionist = new Editor () {Public Zero ActionPerfed (Action Event E) {removeAll (); Home Home = New Home (); (Home) add; }}; This is the code for Genpel and Zbutton: // Creating Jenapel which will create button JPNL Button Panel = New JPNL (); ButtonPanel.setLayout (zero); ButtonPanel.setBounds (0,0,600,100); ButtonPanel.setBackground (Color.GRAY); Add (buttonPanel); // To send the user the home page Pocketton Home = New Pocket ("Home") to create a Jebton; Home.setBounds (25,25,100,50); ButtonPanel.add (home); How can I make it so that it can leave all GenPL components and leave the buttonplan that Genpel? A possible solution would be to create a central panel that holds all the other components and instead Use removeAll on the container. Careful calling on removeAll , on JFrame , this will remove the root panel which is not really what's for you. A...

java - JSP include directive, jsp:include action, relative vs. absolute paths -

I am doing some basic template in my JSP based webpap. For example, I have to keep a standard header and footer (basic HTML) that I pull into my JSP. My content is on JSP /WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp , and I have / WEB-INF / jsp / template / The template is JSPs, such as /WEB-INF/jsp/template/Body-Footer.jsp . So now, within home.jsp , I want to draw in my template files. First of all, I have jsp: include verb: & lt; Jsp: include page = "template / body-footer.jsp" & gt; & Lt; / Jsp: include & gt; This error generates the javax.servlet.ServletException: File & amp; Quot; /template/Body-Footer.jsp& Quot; Not found I am strange, eclipse believes that path is valid. OK, so I switch to the included command: add the & lt;% @ file = "template / body-footer.jsp"% & gt; ; It just works fine, drages my footer into HTML. but why do not work? After some experimentation, I feel that putting it in the full path gives i...

Can't get correct regex pattern to parse song info? -

मेरे पास प्रक्रिया करने के लिए निम्न पंक्ति है: ... प्लेलिस्ट अनुक्रमणिका: 109 आईडी : 38522 शीर्षक: स्वर्ग में क्रिसमस कलाकार: बीबी राजा एल्बम: आशा की एक क्रिसमस उत्सव प्लेलिस्ट सूचकांक: 110 आईडी: 38523 शीर्षक: मैं क्रिसमस कलाकार के लिए होम हो जाएगा: बी.बी. राजा एल्बम: आशा क्रिसमस का जश्न प्लेलिस्ट सूचकांक: 111 आईडी: 38524 शीर्षक: किसी से कि मैं प्यार कलाकार: बी.बी. राजा एल्बम: आशा की एक क्रिसमस उत्सव प्लेलिस्ट सूचकांक: 112 आईडी: 38525 शीर्षक: क्रिसमस समारोह कलाकार: बी.बी. राजा एल्बम: आशा क्रिसमस का जश्न प्लेलिस्ट सूचकांक: 113 आईडी: 38526 शीर्षक: मेरी क्रिसमस, बेबी कलाकार: बी.बी. राजा एल्बम: आशा का एक क्रिसमस उत्सव मैं अब तक का सर्वोत्तम पैटर्न है: प्लेलिस्ट सूचकांक: (? & Lt; इंडेक्स & gt; \ d +) आईडी: (? & Lt; id & gt; \ d +) शीर्षक: (? & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; [\ w \ s ',] +) कलाकार: (? & Lt; कलाकार & gt; [\ w \ s'।] +) एल्बम :( प्लेलिस्ट ( प्लेलिस्ट सूचकांक के / Code>) पिछले एल्बम नाम का हिस्सा माना जाता है। सरलतम प्लेल...

c - using nested printf statements giving strange output -

I recently came to this code and I am unable to understand how it works is included in #lt; stdio.h & gt; Integer main () {printf ("line 1 \ n", printf ("line 2 \ n", printf ("line 3 \ n", printf ("row 4 \ n", 0)))); Return 0; } This is giving the following output: line 4 line 3 line 2 line 1 is used to print the formatted line. For example, to print an integer, you call: printf ("% d", 1); What you did, the argument to call the return value of Nest print is that it needs to first be nested call evaluation, which means that Is in. Your call is the same: int temp; Temp = printf ("line 4 \ n", 0); Temp = printf ("line 3 \ n", floating); Temp = printf ("line 2 \ n", floating); Temp = printf ("line 1 \ n", floating); Also, note that since you have a format specifier in the format string, then there is no meaning for the second argument, and if your compiler is quite g...

How to tell if credit balance is debt in Yodlee? -

Yodlee का चालू संतुलन पैरामीटर हमेशा वर्तमान संतुलन है, या पिछले कथन संतुलन। क्या यह बताने के लिए कोई तरीका है कि क्या व्यक्ति शेष राशि का भुगतान नहीं कर रहा है और ब्याज के खर्चों में खर्च कर रहा है? रनिंगबीलेंस हमेशा वर्तमान संतुलन है क्रेडिट कार्ड के लिए, Yodlee बयान प्रदान करते हैं जिसमें बयान की शेष राशि (राशि देय) के बारे में जानकारी होती है। Yodlee भी अंतिम भुगतान राशि को समाप्त करता है इसका उपयोग तब किया जा सकता है जब व्यक्ति ने एक राशि में कुल राशि का भुगतान किया हो। लेकिन अगर व्यक्ति ने भुगतान का भुगतान किया है तो लेन-देन का उपयोग यह निर्धारित करने के लिए किया जा सकता है कि क्या व्यक्ति ने पूरी रकम का भुगतान किया है या पूरी राशि का भुगतान नहीं करने के लिए कुछ ब्याज शुल्क वसूल किया है। कृपया डेटा मॉडल की जांच करें पन्नों जो स्क्रैप किए गए डेटा तत्वों का सिंहावलोकन देते हैं - मणि पेज - कार्ड स्टेटमेंट - कार्ड खाता - कार्ड लेन-देन -

java - Can't call UI classes with netbeans GUI builder -

Working on learning the GUI builder for Netbeen, and I am very confused I write a basic LoginUI class with the GUI Builder If I run the class on a standalone basis, then the window pops up like what I expect, though it does not happen if I try to make a new example of it. My flow of control is as follows: public static zero main (string [] args) {log inkal theLoginCntl = new LoginCntl (); } Public class LoginCntl {public LoginCntl} (login UI the loginUI = new login UI}} } public login UI () {initComponents (); System.out.println ("Are we here?"); // It prints, so I know that the program goes here. The problem is that the window does not appear here) Java.awt .EventQueue.invokeLater (New Runnabal) (Public Running Zero () (New Login UI) Set Usable (True);}}); I'm not really sure that I why alone I can get the window and then, when I make it a new example then the window is not visible. I feel that I am missing something very basic, any kind of help will be we...

javascript - Submit Captcha correctly and close my floating popup -

I have a flying popup that loads when the page loads and closes when I hit "off" So I want to add a form on it to populate the captcha correctly and stop my floating popup popup I found "hide popup ();" Inside javascript as the closing ceremony. And I tried the following, but every time I submit my form, the page reloads and popup appears. I think the popup just stops when I "submit" without reloading my code Pressed & lt; Form & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Noscript & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "" height = "300" width = "500" frameborder = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Textarea nam...

php - Another Error parsing data org.json.JSONException: Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject -

I'm pulling my hair on it, I can write in a database with the same code (hopefully this INSERT INTO command) but it does not work. PHP: $ Id = $ _POST ['id']; // $ id = '000000000002'; $ Yuri = $ _POST ['Yuri']; // $ uri = 'sdfgdsfg'; {$ Stmt = $ conn- & gt; Try ("Users set photo PHOTO =? WHERE ID =?"); $ Stmt- & gt; Execute (array ($ uri, $ id)); $ Response ["success"] = 1; } Hold (PDOException $ e) {echo 'error:' $ E & gt; GetMessage (); $ Response ["success"] = 0; } Echo json_encode ($ response); Java: Try {paramsC = new array list & lt; NameValuePair & gt; (); ParamsC.add (New BasicNameValuePair ("id", userid)); ParamsC.add (new binary namewallpayer ("Yuri", "Hello")); JSONParser jsonParser; JsonParser = new JSONParser (); JSONObject json = jsonParser.makeHttpRequest (set_profile_photo_uri, "post", params c); Try {int success = jso...

jquery - Resize wrapper with CSS on Responsive Plugin -

When I resize my browser, I have to find a way to expand my wrapper, cutting my text Are there. Link to: Here They look great here: But as I change its shape, it starts to bite my text and images: And even more: I harassed my mind in every wayAnd are unable to think this problem outside the box. If you want to maximize the box then you use a minimum-height instead of setting a specific height It can also cause other problems for the text box, because the height of the box will vary with the quantity of the content. Another option would be to set box heights by using media queries for each breakpoint.

java - Trying to sort string given with respective order, cannot use collection -

I'm having trouble sorting the string in my linked link, numbers can be easily compared to each other and They descend ascending order or descending. Public square nodes {Private size size; Private node nextNode; Private node PreviousNode; Private Boolean Front = Wrong; Node () {this.shape = null; This.nextNode = Null; This.previousNode = null; } Public node (size size, node active) {this.shape = shape; This.nextNode = Null; This.previousNode = null; } Public node addNode (size size) getShape (set size) getNextNode () setNextNode (node ​​nextNode) getPreviousNode () setPreviousNode (node ​​previousNode) Public Boolean front () Public Zero setFront (Boolean front)} / Pre> This should be like (square, rectangle, circle, oval, line) public class linkedlist {node front node end public linkedlist () {this. SetFront (zero); This.end = null; } Public Zero addFront (size size) Public Zero addNewNode (size size) Public Boolean AscendingOrder (node ​​current) {node compareNex...

javascript - How to create a function with brackets that accepts parameters (jquery) -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: 1 उत्तर कहो कि मैं बनाना चाहता था इस तरह jQuery में फ़ंक्शन: DisplayRandomNumber ({न्यूनतम: 0, अधिकतम: 100, डिस्प्लेः 'someID'}); यह न्यूनतम और अधिकतम के बीच एक यादृच्छिक संख्या पैदा करेगा, और इसे displayAt । यह कैसे किया जाता है? क्षमा करें अगर यह हास्यास्पद रूप से सरल है, तो मुझे अभी नहीं पता है कि यह अभी तक कैसे किया गया है। शायद कहीं और पाया जाता है, लेकिन स्टैक ओव्हरफ्लो खोज पर दिखाई नहीं दे रहा है। बिना JQuery: फ़ंक्शन DisplayRandomNumber (विकल्प) {var rand = options.min + Math.random () * (options.max + 1 - options.min); Document.getElementById (options.displayAt) .innerHTML (मठ। फ्लोर (रैंड)); }

javascript - How to use the code plugin with popcornjs -

I'm making my first move with popcornes and I'm trying to use it, but to make sure Not to do this I gave an example, and found the video to play, but I can not use the plugin index.html: & lt; Script src = "bower_components / popcornjs / popcorn.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "bower_components / popcornjs / wrappers / common / popcorn.mediaElementProto.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "bower_components / popcornjs / wrappers / youtube / popcorn.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "bower_components / popcornjs / plugins / code / popcorn.code.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; Media.js $ scope.player = popcorn.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement ("#media-player"); $ Scope.player src = ""; // The following lines failed // $ scope.player.c...

osx - How do I change Google Chrome's change tab shortcut to be like Unix? -

I've tried to shortcut manager extensions without any profit. I recently discovered about adding an app. The shortcut keyboard with the keyboard asks me to provide that app, for which I am providing a shortcut, the name of the menu command that I I want to create shortcuts, and shortcuts. The menu header reads: Add the exact name of the desired menu command to add for. Looking forward to this, Apple Support says: "It would be OK to type the command as it appears in the Applications menu, which includes Elips and other punctuation marks." How do I get an application menu for Chrome? I tried to switch to Ctrl + tab or "switch to the next tab" in the menu title field and changed its preferred method to switch tabs (like Unix Shell) Cameroon menu title Just wrote this menu (you can not tell the exact, my english is not) to find the name of the menu, open the chrome => menu window and it should be something like next Select the tab to ...

WPF Image source relative path -

I'm trying to successfully get the relative path to working for a WPF application. public string displayed objects {get {return "/ AppName; images / ImageName.jpg"; }} The above code gives me the IOException: 'System.IO.IOException: Resource can not be detected' / AppName; Images / Image No Jpg 'in the output window. The code that works: displayed the public string {get {return Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (.) Location), "Images / ImageName.jpg"); }} I'm wondering if / why does AppName route fail any insights? Images are not known at compile time. This is a database application and the images are stored in folders in the folder in the local directory.

ios - Adding an activity indicator to the nav bar -

मेरे पास एक दृश्य नियंत्रक है जो एक async नेटवर्क अनुरोध को प्रारंभ करता है जब उपयोगकर्ता एक बटन को नल जाता है, तो अनुरोध पूर्ण होने के बाद एक और नियंत्रक को धक्का देता है । उस बीच के समय में, मैं नेविगेशन बार एक गतिविधि सूचक को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए चाहता हूं, इसलिए उपयोगकर्ता जानता है कि यह डेटा ला रहा है। मुझे बटन के लिए IBAction में यह कोड है: self.activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite]; // मैंने ग्रे, व्हाइट, और व्हाईट लेल्ज की कोशिश की है [स्व। सक्रियता इंडिकेटर शुरूआतीकरण]; Self.activityIndicator.hidden = NO; UIBarButtonItem * spinner = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView: self.activityIndicator]; Self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = स्पिनर; संकेतक दिखाई नहीं देता है, लेकिन यह कोड कॉल हो रहा है। मैंने विषय पर अन्य पदों पर देखा है, और वे ऐसा करने के लिए कहते हैं कॉल के दौरान यूआई धागा अवरुद्ध नहीं होता है (मैं अन्य बटन टैप कर सकता हूं और प्रतीक्षा करते समय एक अलग पथ को नेविगेट क...

xml - Remove a node using xpath -

मेरे पास एक XML संरचना है, इस प्रकार है: & lt; a & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & LT; foo & gt; अशक्त & lt; / foo & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & LT; foo & gt; एबीसी & lt; / foo & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & LT; foo & gt; EFG & lt; / foo & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; मैं नोड्स को अपडेट करने के लिए org.w3c.dom.Document का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। जब & lt; foo & gt; में कोई मान है null , मैं निकालना चाहता हूं & lt; b & gt; & LT; foo & gt; अशक्त & lt; / foo & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; क्या यह संभव है? मुझे पता है कि मैं removeChild (childElement) को कॉल कर सकता हूं, लेकिन निश्चित नहीं कि मैं कैसे ऊपर विशिष्ट नेस्टेड तत्व को निकालने के लिए निर्दिष्ट कर सकता हूं। अपडेट: नीचे दिए गए उत्तर, मैंने कोशिश की: स्ट्रिंग क्वेरी = "/ a / b [foo [text () = 'null']]"; वस्तु परिणाम = (xpath.compile (newQuery...

Gradle: custom message on task failure? -

I want to hook into the compileJava target and impose an additional custom message on the failure. We have a really common case setup case, which many people ignore and it would be helpful, only to fail, to be able to do this: compileJava.onFailure {println "Did you configure your wampfrankle to talk to the slaker?" } My Google skills have not responded yet. The error is a dependency error and Reine explains that after the execution of the build, After evaluation has not been done. Here I have added a call to add, which has ended with a failure that has been a failure and prints an error message. project.gradle.buildFinished {buildResult -> If (buildResult.getFailure ()! = Null) {println "Did you configure your wampfrankle to talk to the slaker?" }} To force this test, I force a dependency motion failure with this fake dependency: dependency {compile 'foo: bar : Baz '}

java - JFrame using one component on two different panels makes it dissapear -

Actually I have two panels and a label. I want to show this label in precise position on both panels (I Card layout). But when I use the same component, it does not appear on any panel, but does it that it is being used only on a panel, do anyone know why? Thank you. No you can not do this The swing component can only have one parent. But you can be able to create 2 JLAB objects, and give them the same model, so they always show / keep the same data.

Debugger break location with F# exception handling -

I came in this situation and wanted to check whether I had a misconception about F # exceptions. I am using Visual Studio 2012. Looking at the following F # code: main RGB = run (system.exeilation expression ("Foo")) increase printfn "here" (system.exeilation expression ("FU")) printfn With "do not go here here". : System.FormatException - & gt; Printfn "should not be here" this will increase and AccessViolationException should not be made with because with only handles the system is. Format exception I hope the debugger is the first exception to raise , but it is actually with : The problem is now that I do not know where the exception was raised, I can also do exceptions I do not see any information about Stacktrays, I do not think I want to change exception settings for personal exceptions because I Mr. I also want to know the location of unused exceptions (such as C # or VB.NET ). ) When not thrown. If t...

sql server - Generating XML with T-SQL -

I am starting to use XML in my TSQL queries. Will generate the SQL following. & lt; SampleXML & gt; & Lt; Color & gt; & Lt; Color name = "white" /> & Lt; Color name = "blue" /> & Lt; / Color & gt; & Lt; Fruit & gt; & Lt; Fruit name = "apple" /> & Lt; Name of fruit = "pineapple" /> & Lt; / Fruit & gt; & Lt; / SampleXML & gt; After You are probably looking for "XML for T-SQL" / P> Returns results as a search query rows By alternatively specifying the XML clause in the query, you optionally retrieve the formal results of the SQL query as XML You can. Can be used in top-level questions and sub queries for XML section. The top level for the XML clause can only be used in the selection statement. In sub queries, XML can be used for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. It can also be used in the assignment statement. Take a look at this sit...

MongoDB Schema: Array with multiple fields? -

I am trying to make users schema to store my favorite shoes. Right now, I have the following schema: Local: {email: string, password: string,} How do I add an array of shoes like When the user clicks on a button, will the database add shoe brand and size to user object? Something like this: Favorite_short: {Brand: xxxx Size: xxxx, Brand: xxxxx Size: xxxxxx} How do I do this for each user / what does schema look like? Your schema will look like this: {usernam: string , Email: string, password: string, favorite_shorts: [{brand: string, size: int}, {brand: string, size: int}]} you do not have to do this before Preferred_Shore field .users.update ({usernam: "user name"}, {$ addToSet: {favorite_shoes: {brand: "adidas", size: 12}}});

internet explorer 9 - blueimp jquery file uploader - done event on ie9 is not working -

I'm having a problem on IE 9 issue (when the file has been uploaded) has not been removed . / P> IE's response is such that it was a downloading file, but Jason must be in response and I have also specified the application as Jason. Chrome, FF, IA10 and IA11 are not working properly on 9 ie Events. I saw it and tried the solution without success. Does anyone have this problem? Thanks

r - How can I do this with dplyr package -

मेरे पास df है, जिसमें 12 कॉलम हैं: df & lt ; -read.table (हेडर = टी, पाठ = "V1 से V2 V3 V4 वी 5 वी 6 V7 वी 8 V9 V10 V11 V12 A01 10,378,809 10,379,882 Contig1401 | m.3412 101 - 10378809 10379882 255,0,0 1 1073 0 A01 10,469,105 10,469,293 Contig1755 | M.4465 48 + 10469105 10469293 255,0,0 2 188 A01 10469429 10469630 Contig1755 | m.4465 5 + 10469429 10469630 255,0,0 NA 201 0 ") पहले मैं उन्हें contig द्वारा समूह बनाना चाहते हैं और फिर 12 वीं कॉलम के लिए निम्नलिखित मान उत्पन्न करें। मुझे यह पता चल गया कि यह कैसे dplyr से करना है लेकिन मेरे पास कुछ त्रुटियां हैं। (df%।% Group_by (v4)%।% संक्षेप (V12 = लागू करें (डीएफ [2], 2, फ़ंक्शन (x) xx [1]))) त्रुटि: सारांश में सारांश (.डेटा, नामित_डेट्स (...), पर्यावरण ()): शून्य-लंबाई वाले चर नाम का उपयोग करने का प्रयास । प्रत्येक समूह के लिए मैं 1 मान से दूसरे मूल्य को घटाना चाहता हूं 2 कॉलम से मैं इसे आसानी से कर सकता हूँ अगर केवल 2 पंक्तियां हैं (अधिकतम-मिनट), लेकिन अगर 2 से ज्यादा हो तो मुझे बी...

java - Urlrewriting using Servlet -

I am new to programming and I have written two pieces of code to know the URLting in the servlet: My HTML Form is: & lt; Form action = "loginhidden" method = "get" & gt; Login ID: & lt; Input name = "login" & gt; & Lt; Br> Password: & lt; Input name = "pass" type = "password" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "submit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; My web The Xml file is: & lt; Web-App & gt; & Lt; Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; Loginhidden & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; Servlet category & gt; Loginhidden & lt; / Servlet category & gt; & Lt; / Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-mapping & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; Loginhidden & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; / Loginhidden & lt; / URL pattern & gt; & Lt; / Servlet-mapping & gt; & Lt; Servle...

python - cx_freeze & pygobject in a subdirectory -

I have a small program that uses py27 & amp; PyGTK. I can stop it with Cx_Freeze very gladly. I'm trying to "port" it and it's py33 & amp; Pygobject It has been completed successfully and I am not trying to adopt our cx_freeze script to "freeze" my setup now. I can freeze a test application, but when I try to use the Tweaked version I get an ImportError. Whatever I have done, I have made all the binary data in a subdirectory (bin) The root has tried to keep the bit uncluttered. As it has been mentioned that py27 & amp; Pygtk. I have compressed it into a simple pipe and setup to display it: ###### ################################################## ############### Import OS Import System If Gateter (System, 'Frozen', Falls): # crop friction script wrapping sys.path.append (os.path.join (Os) .path.dirname (sys.executable), 'bin') sys.path.append (os.path.join (os.path.dirname (sys.executable), 'b...

swing - Java: when calling repaint() on a JPanel, the components in the same JFrame redraw themselves in the top left corner -

I have a graph class that increases the JPanel, it gets republished on mouseMoved when this happens, Basically any other component was added to layout (whether it is the same JPN or different JFrame) will be pain in the top left corner. I have a screen shot to go with the following code if you are close to the top left See, a small Texter is visible. It will be with any component. The expansion of the public class GUI JFrame (Private JTextArea txtPoints = New JTextArea (20, 40); GUI () {setSize (800, 1000); Set Layout (New Migrateout); Addition (New graphs), "wrap"); add (TxtPoints); setVisible (true);}} Wonderful of broken paint series Welcome to the world. Without further evidence, you have overridden some code PaintXX method and supe R.paintXxx failed to call which means that the first ever graphics was featured for reference ... For more information See more

ios - Paged UIScrollView constantly calling scrollViewDidScroll with weird offsets -

I have some old gallery code that uses UIScrollView in a paged mode. We are trying to port the code on iOS 7 but when we are behaving strangely, in iOS7 we are constantly receiving scroll viewcodes, which have weird offset negatives or some large offsets that are huge exponents. Is there a known change in paged scrollwheel in iOS7? The code is simple Image content size is hard coded at 20 pages. The reality is coming and moving on its dynamic images. if (_imageScroller == zero) {CGRect scollViewRect = self.bounds; ScollViewRed.size.width + = IMAGE_PADDING; _imageScroller = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: scollViewRect]; CGSize contentSize = _imageScroller.bounds.size; ContentSize.width * = 20; _imageScroller.contentSize = contentSize; _imageScroller.pagingEnabled = YES; _imageScroller.delegate = self; _imageScroller.clipsToBounds = Yes; _imageScroller.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = No; _imageScroller.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = No; _imageScroller.backgroundColor = [UIC...

git - Can I orphan an existing branch? -

I have made some branches in the repo, and too late (after making various changes) that I want them Orphans have made it possible after the fact it is possible to orphan? I'm sure this is possible. There may be a more efficient way, but it seems that it will work: Find the first job in your old branch, and call it on first . git checkout - orphan new-branch $ FIRST git checkout old-branch GIT Leak - FONTRIE New-branch $ FIRST You now have the original branch on old-branch and A new, orphan binding new branch . If you want, you can either remove old-branch or rename, and new-branch to old-branch Can change the name of

c++ - Is there a way to read in data after a specified word is encountered in a file? -

The program I am creating will be read in the data from a text file, which contains a complete group of addresses and zip codes My question is: whenever the file reads in "zip:" (if (text == "zip:") , the program should print that token which after It comes in (specifications ask for token oriented input) , meaning zip code numbers. Is there any such work Which will print only the zip code and any other lesson that comes after this? For long term please want to give as much detail as possible to the program. Please tell me if there is any other information then please join me. I am not looking for anyone to fulfill me. The program is just something that guidance on specific problem would be greatly appreciated. # include & lt; iostream & gt; # evening L'or & lt; fstream & gt; # include & lt; String & gt; The name used for std; int main () (String text; Ifstream inFile; ("zips"); While (! ()) ...

javascript - Ajax inconsistent timeout behaviour -

I have a web app that added a simple AJAX call to give me a network connection status. It works as expected with a good connection, the problem occurs when it fails. I am using OSX Network Link Conditioner (nlc) to simulate a poor connection. I expected that as I increased the delay in NLL that the AJAX request would take up to 30 seconds, when it should be time-out. Sometimes I see that this is the time of the expected time, for the second time it fails first (for example 18 seconds, but I still hope it will go 30 seconds). Error messages are not of any help, it just says "error". The behavior is incompatible so what is happening is happening, it is hosted on an Apache server, I have changed the timeout for 60 seconds, so that there is a lot to be done. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Ping Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; A hr...

c++ - fwprintf is printing out garbage -

I have a program that receives a list of directories (selected by the user) and list the related directories and files While printing the file in that directory, it is always a '?' Then prints a random character after that. I am working on WinAPi, Visual C ++ 2010 Express I am using Unicode (hence I am using extensive characters). I am guessing my problem that it is in the phf printf function that I am using because it adds the directory / files in my std :: list which is right to me. This is my current task: list for std :: list & lt; Std :: wstring & gt; LDirectories; Zero Cleanup Contents (Constwchar_t * sDir) {List Directory Content (SDIR) // function that adds each file and directory to the std :: list wchar_t dir [MAX_PATH * 10]; Wsprintf (DIR, L "% s \\ listoff files and", SDIR); FILE * pFile; Errno_t err = _wfopen_s (and Pfile, DIR, L "W"); While (! LDirectories.empty ()) {fwprintf (Pfile, L "% s", lDirector...

ruby on rails - Gitorious - how can I restore repository indexes? -

I'm working with Gitorious (Rails on Ruby + Ubuntu 12.04) Because I was not able to log in through the web lately, I cleared some cache using some rack commands. I am sorry for what command I do not remember. After that, I could not go from my local to the remote repository. It seems that every repository does not work. The error is like: root @ gitclient: ~ / test # git clone git @ gitserver: foo / foo_web.git In cloning 'Foo_web' ... = = Geetanjan: =============================================== =========== Access denied or inaccurate access to path ================================ ======================================== The web app is working fine for Gippers and in Gearswar, there are sources of source code. I think that happened with some repository indexes. Can someone give me a debug or tip to fix it? Updated: SSH access with public key functions root @ gitclient: ~ # Ssh git @ gitserver on PTY allocation request channel Failed 0 Welcome, ...

How to populate Spinner from Database Android? -

I want to populate the spinner dropdown to show the list by calling the background thread. My code is not working. ArrayAdapter & lt; Charsequence & gt; Adapter = new array adapter & lt; Foursmain & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_spinary_item); Adapter.setDropDownViewResource (android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); Adapter.add (nameOfMethod (), item); Find ItemsPin = (Spinner) VibiBiID (RIDEtempin); Itemspin.setAdapter (adapter); Can anyone tell me what I am doing? Find VVBID (RID spinner); // Database Handler Database Scandaler DB = new database identifier (getApplicationContext ()); // Spinner drop-down list of elements & lt; String & gt; Lables = db.getAllLabels (); // Create Adapter for Spinner Array Adapter & lt; String & gt; DataAdapter = New Array Adapter & lt; String & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, lables); // Drop Down Layout Style - List view with the radio button data adapter .setDropDownViewReso...

c++ - Behavior of reintepret_cast of CUDA pointers? -

निम्न होस्ट फ़ंक्शन को ध्यान में रखते हुए: uint64_t * SomeDevPtr = ... / * जहां SomeDevPtr एक पॉइंटर है जिसे cudaMalloc () द्वारा आवंटित कुछ डिवाइस मेमोरी एड्रेस पर इंगित किया गया है; * / Uint32_t * SomeDevIntPtr = reintepret_cast & lt; uint32_t * & gt; (SomeDevPtr); फ़ंक्शन के कारण, cudaMalloc स्वचालित रूप से कुछ अलगाव आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करेगा (मुझे लगता है कि यह कुछ 128 बाइट मेमोरी सीमा के साथ गठबंधन है), इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि दोनों और SomeDevPtr सटीक भौतिक स्मृति पते पर शुरू होना चाहिए, क्या मैं इस पर सही हूं? मैं बस इसके बारे में सुनिश्चित करना चाहता हूं कि जब मैंने लिखा कुछ फ़ंक्शंस इस पर निर्भर हैं। ए reinterpret_cast एक सूचक को सूचक में (अर्थात् नहीं) एक सूचक की अंतर्निहित संख्यात्मक मान (बिट पैटर्न प्रस्तुति) को बदलना चाहिए। इसलिए जो भी संरेखण परिस्थितियों का अस्तित्व इस तरह के कलाकारों से प्रभावित नहीं होगा। यह निश्चित रूप से संभव है, एक प्रकार के अनुरूप निर्देशित सूचक को एक प्रकार के रूप में डालना, जो अब उचित संरेखण नहीं है। उदाहरण के...

java - How do I make JFileChooser open in the current directory the user is in? -

I do not want to specify a directory. I want it to automatically open "Address" and in the directory that the user is working on. How do i do this This example is the default for user.dir on first showing. After this, as suggested by Madprogrammers, automatically maintains the example of those who choose to track past loads or save space. Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import javax.swing *; Import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; Import * *; JPanel GUI = new JPanel (new border layout ()) seen by the public class ChooserInCurrentDir {/ / GUI (without the frame); Choose JFileChooser File; Private JTextArea output = new JTextArea (10, 40); Choser Incident Dior () {initComponents (); } Public final zero initComponents () {gui.setBorder (new blank border (2, 3, 2, 3)); String userradial cation = system.jetproperty ("user directory"); File userDir = new file (userDirLocation); // default in user directory file = new jefilcl...

regex - Pattern match in javascript -

I can not find the right result in the code given below How can I match pattern in javascript? function getPathValue (url, input) {console.log ("This is the path:" + input); Url = url.replace (/% 7C / g, '|'); Var input = input. Split ("|"); If (InputRLTT1) input = '\\ b' + Inputer [0] + '\ n |' + Input [1] + '\\ b'; And input = '\\ b' + input + '\' b '; Var field = (input); Var slash 1 = url.indexOf ("/", field); Var slash2 = url.indexOf ("/", slash 1 + 1); If (slash2 == -1) slash2 = url.exex ("?"); If (slash 2 == -1) slash2 = url Laugh; Console.log ("This path is the absolute value:" + url.substring (slash1 + 1, slash2)); Return url.substring (slash 1 + 1, slash 2); } GetPathValue ("http: // localhost / responsepath / mountainwithpassid | accesscode / 100 / mountainwithpassid | passid / 1", "mountainwithpassid | passid") I am getting...

R : Parsing XML to a desired mapping table -

I have XML with sample format, and need to prepare a mapping table. & lt; Parameter & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Suffix = "1" & gt; A & lt; / Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Suffix = "2" & gt; B & lt; / Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Suffix = "3" & gt; C & lt; / Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Suffix = "4" & gt; D & lt; / Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Suffix = "5" & gt; E & lt; / Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Parameter & gt; Desire is production: Ultimate value (A, B, C ...) is mapped to a composite ultimate & amp; Suffix (A_1, B_2, C_3 ...) A -> A_1b - & gt; B2C - & gt; C_3 D - & gt; D_4 E - & gt; E_5 Any kind of formatting will be done, as long as I can get the parmList ["A"] like A_1 Proceed. Something like this: Library (xml) xmltest & lt; - "& lt; parameter> gt; & lt; parm suffix = \...

javascript - Programmatically edit CodeMirror contents without access to object -

I am using Selenium to run an automated test on a page that has a CodeMirror Editor. I do not have access to the object, but I have jQuery available. How can I edit the contents of the editor in such a way that the codemaker accepts change? wrapping div DOM element (Class CodeMirror ) Will be a property CodeMirror which refers to the editor instance object you can call it on setValue .

ios - Child view controller elements not visible in delegate call back method -

This is my scenario, I have a child view controller to see the controller b and B , I am creating an NSURL session call and send the asynchronous response to the main thread on the response dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^ {// call call back delegation method [self Delegate cllBackMethod];} In view controller B. I am setting the representative as myself and this call back Method defining method - (zero) callBackMethod {NSLog (@ "% @", self header label); self.headerLabel.hidden = YES;} If i b as a child's view controller a , its logging (null) and i can not access b elements, but If I make it from the B to A as a child view controller, I am capable of reaching these elements and amending it Why is this happening? And how can I fix it?

ios - How to stop AVCaptureSession properly -

I am applying an iOS which requires verification on the QR code with hierarchy like this: see --- see the scan --- see the image - cardbieg --- inside view When the view is loading, the scan view is hidden is. When the user clicks the button to scan, the scene and image view in it is hidden, reveal the scan view. After the success of the scanning return, the image inside and the image is visible again. The problem is in step 3. When I stop AVCaptureSession is also like an asynchronous dispatch, it takes 8-10 seconds to refresh to see dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {if ([_ captureSession isRunning]) [_ captureSession stopRunning]; AVCaptureInput * input = [_captureSession.inputs objectAtIndex: 0]; [_captureSession removeInput: input]; AVCaptureVideoDataOutput * output = (AVCaptureVide Odataotput *) [_ capture Senshnautauts Objektaetindaks: 0]; [_capture session Extraction output: output];}); [Self. BgImageView sethe...

java - future proofing your code against changes in third party libraries -

How do we rely on our code against changes in third party libraries? Maintaining unit tests seems a way to go about it. 1) Configuration management to find out what versions of your libraries are required to build your build There are very few slopes to identify some distribution versions, so you might want to invest in a good version extractor, as well as compare the reports over time so that you can identify what has changed in your libraries. . 2) The phrase "unit test" is misused in the unit testing and integration test community. You need to check the spectrum of behavior in your configuration. 3) Managing interaction effects One of the most difficult issues for management is just upgrading one item. Often, the point of releases of libraries depend on the other point releases of other libraries. You can not take only one. 4) Planning for systematic upgrades. Make your project in schedule, work to test new releases so that you can guess the effects of upgra...

java - Inner Hashtable Overwriting -

I'm working on hashtable. In which I want to make a hashtable but my values ​​of the outer hashtable are being replaced. hashtable1 [key, hashtable [key, value]] I am able to get the external vertical key without overwritten, but the internal hashtable values ​​are being replaced Import *; Import java.util. *; Import com.sridhar.util *; Public class MyTokenizerDemo {Public Static Zero Main (string [] Argos throws IOException {Hashtable ht = new Hashtable (); Hashtable HT1 = New HashTable (); Hashtable HT2 = new hashtable (); File f = new file ("E: / rum / format.txt"); FileReader fr = New FileReader (f); Buffett reader BR = new buffed reader (FR); String s; While ((s = br.readline ()) = null {ArrayList aList = (ArrayList) StringUtils.myTokenizer (s, "~! ~"); For (int i = 0; i & lt; aList.size ( ); I ++) {Aare list aList1 = (ArrayList) StringUtils.myTokenizer (string) aList.get (i), "$ # $"); //System.out.println("==>...

ruby on rails - NoMethodError - undefined method `reset_password_token' for User:Class: -

In my rail application, I have a form of admin to create a normal user. In create verb {/ code>}, I am generating a reset password token, and sending a welcome mail to a user with a link to reset their password. This is my code. @user = User New Param [[user] @ user.reset_password_token = user.reset_password_token @ user.reset_password_sent_at = Smaykanuktk if @ user mailer .welcome_email (@user) .deliver .. This works fine, but I have an app with the same code, but it uses it for 3.2.2 I get this error. NoMethodError - undefined method 'reset_password_token' User Class: I know that the method has been removed. How can I generate a reset password token and send it to a user? Note: I default reset passwords do not send e-mail devise after digging into the source code, I got to work with it crude, encoding = Devise.token_generator.generate (user ,: reset_password_token) @ user.reset_password_token = enc @ user.reset_password_sent_...

Meteor reactivity with postgreSQL instead of MongoDB -

Is there any way to implement responsiveness in other databases such as postgresqual? We need live updates with databases other than MongoDB. Currently (, meteorite is the only supported database Mongode which is connected to the minimongo name , Which is a customer-side implementation that imitates mongodb api and is the basic component that allows magic behind the reaction of the meteorite. It is being said that the other (SQL) databases are actually on the meteor roadmap, which you can follow on the tray board and but at present, some Third party initiatives are on the atmosphere like those which open up opportunities before developing SQL against SQL The full response you need to handle, though. Since it has been implemented to utilize meteorite APIs for publication / subscription / inspection and actually does not care much about the underlying data structure, the monogram is just for general convenience, but you can just about your reactant data source Anyt...

javascript - How do I work with the Bluebird error handler? -

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this question is, finally, to solve a problem that I developed in Bluebird However, I am also using the opportunity to clarify some things, so there will be side-questions. Question As far as I understand, for the efforts of Bluebird, I also apologize in advance for the feelings of any emotion or have to face boredom Could. According to the following strategy, catch the ignorance of the ignorant wishes: The second approach, which is bluebird by default, is to call a registered handler, if the other was rejected from the beginning Turn it up - Now the first side-question is: What is the start of "second turn"? If you attach to some promises, then hanging around the promise. After some time you will see annoying messages. In that situation you can indicate that any hanging exception should be thrown. - Li> function which will provide me the promise, in which I have a . Catch () : lib.loadUrls () .cat...

jquery - Bullet navigation in image slider -

When I click on any bullet in the code below, it will start with that bullet ID and then start After the implies the image is from the beginning, can you update that code in such a way if I click on the second bullet , then starting with loop 3, it means clicking After next Here's my I have seen going through your Bela that your variable 'id' is a String is stored and in your show slide function you are attempting to insert a string with integer and integer: sliderNext = id + 1; The value you assign to the Global Variable Slider means to be next 21 or 31 or 41. So when you start the call, then this argument will always evaluate the truth: if (slider next> count) {sliderNext = 1; // Slides list slider ents = 1; // Set the integer number back to 1} Basically resetting the value every time you can use something like PerceInt on the 'id' variable and then it's okay Should work.

perl program to handle return of batch file -

I am trying to run a barrel file with a Perl script but I was able to handle the return of a batch file I'm not. Below is my code perl script: // Call a batch file My $ output = system ('D: \\ WORKSPACE \\ CC_Triggers \\ batch_file.bat "); // Check the status of the batch file based on the output ($ output == 0) {print" Success in the trigger "***** ***** ";} and {print" FAILURE ********** ";} Batch File: set "java_output =" Settle Lock enabled delimited expense // This will call a Java program and get the return value For R. / f "delims =" %% ("java-cp" PMDFileRed.Jar; jxl.jar "PMD FileRed ') (set" java_output =! Java_output! %% J ") for Endlocal & amp; Set Java_output =% java_output% // and check Java's output and work accordingly IF% java_output% == 1 (echo fails to exit (1);) else (resonance is successful) Originally I am trying to validate an XLS file and return...

ios - Get streaming URL from any YouTube video -

I know how to play videos in a device. But here I want to know that Is it possible to stream the URL from any YouTube video? So how can I do it, I tried to search on Google but I can not find my solution. Normally I do not want to play stream directly from the video, in fact I (stream) this buffer memory or anything temporary The special URL stream is played when the user clicks the file and whenever a particular button is clicked on. Al met me first but I'm not sure whether this is helpful in my case or not? If anybody works on this API then please give me a suggestion, otherwise how can I get the streaming URL. Your suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Is it possible to get the streaming URL from any YouTube video? - No, this is not possible due to YouTube's service conditions without any problems. Google has created YouTube's business model around YouTube, in-video banners and video ads, and they want your users to see their ads. Thi...

javascript - How to add element inside the div -

मैं निम्नलिखित के रूप में एक तत्व बनाया है: var elem = document createElement ( "पी"); और मेरे पास एक div # parent तत्व है मैं elem को div # parent के अंदर कैसे डाल सकता / सकती हूं? क्या jQuery ? के बिना करना संभव है आप अपेंड चाइल्ड विधि का उपयोग करना है एक बच्चे को जोड़ने / जोड़ने के लिए। document.getElementById ('अभिभावक')। अनुलग्नक (दस्तावेज़.createElement ("p")); अधिक जानकारी:

PHP How to create array value using for loop? -

PHP कैसे लूप के लिए एआरएआर का उपयोग करें? $ my_array = array (के लिए ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 10; $ i ++) {$ i,}); गूंज '& lt; पूर्व & gt;'; print_r ($ my_array); गूंज '& lt; पूर्व / & gt;'; $ my_array = array (); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 10; $ i ++) के लिए {$ my_array [] = $ i; }

google maps - I want to create a Donut with Javascript API V3(Empty space inside like a hole) -

I want to make a hole in my Javascript Google APP V3, so I'm starting Google Map API V3 . But the code is presenting the whole area. Here's my javascript code. (function () {window.onload = function () {// a map var option = {zoom: 6, center: create new google.maps.LatLng} (36.5, -79.8 ), Type the map: create an array with digits for google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}; var map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ('map'), option); External polygon var PolyOutter = [new google.maps.LatLng (37.303, -81.256), new google.maps.LatLng (37.303, -78.333), new google.maps.LatLng (35.392, -78.333), new google.maps LatLng (35.392, -81.256); // Internal polygon var polynner = [Creating an array with new google.maps.LatLng (36.705, -80.459), new google.maps.LatLng (36.705, -79), new google .maps.LatLn G (35.9, -79), new google.maps.LatLng (35.9, -80.459)] var points ts = [polyouter, polyiner]; // polygon var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon ({path: points, Map: Map, St...

ios - [__NSCFNumber length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance UITableView -

I am facing an error [__ncfnumber length]: unfamiliar For example the selector was sent for example 0x15580c90 2014-02-18 15:10 10:49 49.490 CIB [1706: 60b] * Canceling ATI due to exception exceptions' NSInvalidArgumentException ', reason:' - [___ NSCFNM Length ]: 0x15580c90 '* sent to unrecognized selector for example First Throw Call Stack: (0x2da18e83 0x37d756c7 0x2da1c7b7 0x2da1b0af 0x2d969dc8 0x2e33b695 0x2e33b169 0x301ab2fd 0x1603ad 0x302cf315 0x302776cd 0x3027 6ef1 0x3019d353 0x2fe23943 0x2fe1f167 0x2fe1eff9 0x2fe1ea0d 0x2fe1e81f 0x2fe1854d 0x2d9e3f69 0x2d9e18f7 0x2d9e1c43 0x2d94c471 0x2d94c253 0x326862eb 0x30201845 0x113de1 0x3826eab7) libc ++ abi.dylib: thus ending with neither came exception of NSE Akspshn Here I The loop is from I Json in my model agenda so NSMutableArray is stored on _tasklist NSArray * taskJson = [Jason ObjectForki: @ "Fotasque Listsmodel Wss"]; (NSDriveration * Dasix in Task Jason) {NSLog (@ "Tuskist:% @"...

How to deserialize json string in c#? -

मेरे पास एक जेसन स्ट्रिंग है: [{"Id": [1], "मूल्य": "मायटेक्स्ट"}, {"आईडी": [20, 31], "मूल्य": "अन्य टेक्स्ट"}, {"आईडी": [2, 3, 4, 5], "मान": "MyText मैं इसे पार्स करना चाहता हूं (मेरी जेसन स्टिंग पहले से ही बाइट [] सरणी में है): निजी वर्ग MyClass {public int [] Id { प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग मान {get; सेट; }} Var स्ट्रीम = नया मेमोरीस्ट्रीम (जेसनएसटीआर); Var ser = नया DataContractJsonSerializer (टाइपफ (MyClass)); Var परिणाम = (MyClass) ser.ReadObject (स्ट्रीम); लेकिन मुझे एक्सपेट्शन मिलता है: संदेश 'प्रकार' मायनेमस्पेस.Test + MyClass '' सीरियलाइज़ नहीं किया जा सकता है। इसे डेटा कंटेंट अटैक विशेषता के साथ चिह्नित करने पर विचार करें, और अंकन अपने सभी सदस्यों को आप DataMemberAttribute विशेषता के साथ क्रमबद्ध करना चाहते हैं। यदि यह एक संग्रह है, तो उसे CollectionDataContractAttribute के साथ चिह्नित करने पर विचार करें। अन्य समर्थित प्रकारों के लिए Microsoft .NET Fra...