ios - Paged UIScrollView constantly calling scrollViewDidScroll with weird offsets -

I have some old gallery code that uses UIScrollView in a paged mode. We are trying to port the code on iOS 7 but when we are behaving strangely, in iOS7 we are constantly receiving scroll viewcodes, which have weird offset negatives or some large offsets that are huge exponents. Is there a known change in paged scrollwheel in iOS7? The code is simple Image content size is hard coded at 20 pages. The reality is coming and moving on its dynamic images.

  if (_imageScroller == zero) {CGRect scollViewRect = self.bounds; ScollViewRed.size.width + = IMAGE_PADDING; _imageScroller = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: scollViewRect]; CGSize contentSize = _imageScroller.bounds.size; ContentSize.width * = 20; _imageScroller.contentSize = contentSize; _imageScroller.pagingEnabled = YES; _imageScroller.delegate = self; _imageScroller.clipsToBounds = Yes; _imageScroller.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = No; _imageScroller.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = No; _imageScroller.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor]; [Self add sbewview: _imagescroller]; }  


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