ios - [__NSCFNumber length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance UITableView -
I am facing an error
[__ncfnumber length]: unfamiliar For example the selector was sent for example 0x15580c90 2014-02-18 15:10 10:49 49.490 CIB [1706: 60b] * Canceling ATI due to exception exceptions' NSInvalidArgumentException ', reason:' - [___ NSCFNM Length ]: 0x15580c90 '* sent to unrecognized selector for example First Throw Call Stack: (0x2da18e83 0x37d756c7 0x2da1c7b7 0x2da1b0af 0x2d969dc8 0x2e33b695 0x2e33b169 0x301ab2fd 0x1603ad 0x302cf315 0x302776cd 0x3027 6ef1 0x3019d353 0x2fe23943 0x2fe1f167 0x2fe1eff9 0x2fe1ea0d 0x2fe1e81f 0x2fe1854d 0x2d9e3f69 0x2d9e18f7 0x2d9e1c43 0x2d94c471 0x2d94c253 0x326862eb 0x30201845 0x113de1 0x3826eab7) libc ++ abi.dylib: thus ending with neither came exception of NSE Akspshn
Here I The loop is from I Json in my model agenda so NSMutableArray is stored on _tasklist
NSArray * taskJson = [Jason ObjectForki: @ "Fotasque Listsmodel Wss"]; (NSDriveration * Dasix in Task Jason) {NSLog (@ "Tuskist:% @", [Dixieq Object Foreiki: @ "Folk Task List Modelles"]); NSDictionary * datadic = [dictCQ object firq: @ "FO Task List MODELWIDE"]; Too many tasks * [= Tasklist light] init]; [Job Settalk Count: Dataidak [@ "Count"]]; [Work SetfansDD: Dataidak [@ "MonkCDD"]]; [Work Setfunk CDDSCP: Dataidak [@ "Func CDDSCP"]]; [WorkstationStats: Detadic [@ "Request Stats"]]; [Work Setrol: datadic [@ "role"]]; [_taskList addObject: work]; }
Then here my code is in cellForRowAtRowPathIndex
- (UITableViewCell *) Table view: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath { Static NSString * simpleTableIdentifier = @ "MenuTouch Viewer"; MenuTableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: simpleTableIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {NSArray * nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: @ "MuneToVe Watchzell" owner: self choice: zero]; Cell = [nib object at index: 0]; } To do list * txn = [_taskList object import index: indexPath.row]; Cell.titleLabel.text = txn.funcCdDscp; Cell.totalCountLabel.text = txn.taskCount; Return cell;}
cell.titleLabel.text = txn.funcCdDscp; Cell.totalCountLabel.text = txn.taskCount;
One of these (not sure, but my guess would be taskCount
) is an NSNumber. Text takes an NSString.
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